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Welcome! This site is, basically, a repository for all the GH fanfiction I’ve written or am in the process of writing. Several are finished (including all short stories); others are currently being updated. If you’d like to be informed when current stories are updated, please join my mailing list here: Elizabeth's FF Notification List

A wise, wise person (who was also a fanfiction writer, LOL) once said that replies are a fanfic writer's paycheck; it's very true. I'd love to hear any thoughts you'd care to share on any of my stories. You can contact me by clicking on my email below or dropping a note in my guestbook. Every reply is cherished/adored/responded to! I look forward to hearing from you:) Thanks for reading! --Elizabeth

Mortal Stakes: A Luke/Alexis vignette. Luke/Alexis is one of my favorite fantasy couples. This short, rather bitter-sweet, stark vignette explores what could have been on a dark, not-so-stormy night...

Rain: This story was written in reponse to a fan-fiction challenge posted by Aimstark on PCO. She assigned characters and a song; the rest was up to us. My characters were Luke, Alexis, Sonny and Carly; the song was "I Won't Dance; You Can't Make Me" by the incomparable Ella Fitzgerald. One of the couples finds romance, one doesn't. But, both are changed by the events of this night...

In The End, There's You: This is one of my only non-GH fanfics; it's also my very first fanfiction! It stars my favorite couple from OLTL and possibly from all soaps, Todd/Blair. Set a few years back, around the Georgie Phillips murder. Todd/Blair are locked in Asa's wine cellar o' love...

Night On The Terrace: a short, haunting Carly/AJ vignette. A rather different version of Carly pulling a gun on AJ at the Nurses' Ball.

White Knights: my farewell to Jason/Carly. Rest in peace you guys; I loved you once.

Awful Grace: A Journey: a Carly/AJ journey of the soul set in the not-so-distant future. It's not a romance, guys. It's -- well, it's just what it says. Both literally and figuratively. It's a journey.

Forever: Carly/Sonny/Jason. And so it ends. Sappy alert. Non-happy ending alert. Yikes.

Full Circle: (complete) When I began this, I called it an unabashed love story between Sonny/Carly. Eventually, other characters came to play, but it ended as it began -- the love story of S/C. *Note* Full Circle is posted at the fabulous Caren's wonderful-beyond-words Wicked Games site. Thanks Caren!*

Strange Bedfellows: (on hiatus) A spy story with a twist. Sonny, Carly and V are all working for the WSB in this one; they're assigned together, and complications, especially of the heart, quickly ensue. *Note* Posted at the ever-patient Toukie's fanfiction site and unfortunately, on what may be a permanent hiatus.*

After The Fall: (complete) This one's what happens when my brain hits on a strange idea and goes...interesting... Carly/Taggert, Sonny/Alexis, Lucky/Emily are the main players; some other GH and PC folks keep popping their noses in, too!

Little Earthquakes: (complete) This one involves Carly, Jerry Jacks, Sonny, Alexis, Scott, Luke, Blair Daimler (OLTL) and a slew of other folks. Life gets...complicated when Jerry Jacks and Sonny Corinthos both come back to PC after some time away. As Toukie said, these are little earthquakes, LOL?

Burning Down Love: (in progress) Jason/Gia/Nik/Emily. Jax/Hannah/AJ. Carly as a mother, a business woman, scarred by both love and death. Chris Ramsey. Alexis Davis. Stir. Bake at 350 degrees. THIS is what you get.

A Very Special Todd Manning Section

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