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This is really just a small snippet of a scene, not even the entire thing. But, it moved me, it moved me a great deal. Todd had come to Blair, after she told Bo the truth about his whereabouts when Barbara Graham had been raped, and he asked her to tell him why she had told Blair the truth. Todd went to Blair expecting a scheme, and what he got instead was -- a moment. There is a place here where Todd touches Blair's cheek and despite being in the midst of Tea/Todd hell and well on our way to Max/Blair hell, I caught my breath. Because whatever magic Todd and Blair had was still there, for that moment, in that moment. It moved me.

"Why Did You Tell Bo The Truth?"

Todd is sitting in a chair at Dorian's living room, looking at Blair standing in front of him.

Todd: (looking at Blair intently) But you never forget anything.

Blair: No, (her face hardens) I don't forget. (a pause) But then the miracle happened. We made Starr. And I wasn't alone anymore. I think that I told Bo the truth as much for Starr as for you.

Todd: (Todd looks at Blair as if unable to grasp what she's saying) I don't understand.

Blair: I want Starr to have a mother she can be proud of. And I think doing the right thing maybe pushed me in that direction.

Todd: You never know (his tone is disbelieving).

Blair: Do you remember how we were in the beginning,Todd? (her smile is bitter-edged) The most pathetic, Llanview's losers, the town outcasts alone together?

Todd: Yeah I remember (Todd's voice is wary, but there is an hint of wistfulness there).

Blair: Well I don't want to be that sad, hard woman anymore. I want to be soft and gentle. (Blair has tears in her eyes at this point) I want to be a real mommy to my little girl. I want to deserve - her. I have a long way to go. (Blair looks down at the paper in her hand, with Ian's estate lawyer's number written on it, and crumples it angrily). I do, I'll admit that. But I want it. G-d, (she is in tears) I really want it.

Todd: (stands up and walks over to Blair. He brushes the hair back from her cheek, touching it lightly) Hey. It was a good answer. Thank you. (Todd walks out and Blair is left with a confused, teary expression on her face)