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Trowa Barton

Age: 16 1/2

Ethnic origin: Latino

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 44 kg

Eye color: Dark green

Hair color: Brown

Allience: Gundam Pilots (rebels)

Gundams/MS: Gundam Heavyarms, Serpent, and he Vayate

Trowa is the calm and collective one in the group, he is also one of the most mysterious of the five young pilots. He is also the oldest. His most recognizable feature is his hair, which for some reason stick out about a mile and a half... He also works for a circus alongside his "sister" Cathrine Bloom. Trowa lost his memory halfway through the series, as a result of Quatre going insane while piloting the Wing Zero, he feared battlefields, until the day he started feeling comfortable around them, and went back to battle...


"I assure you, the army will like it."

"Move away, Catherine. I have to kill myself."

"I guess I'll start my self-destruct show."

"Those who have laid eyes on a Gundam shall not live to tell about it"

"I have no name, but if you must call me something, call me Trowa... Trowa Barton"

"If you were me, and a girl cried for you, you would still kill yourself. I admire your strength."

"What he does is always perfect."

"We have to face facts, this age has no wish for fighters like us."

"Heero, don't pick on Quatre too much."

"Don't worry, this will be the best preformance you have ever seen."

"This will be my final preformance..."

"I wouldn't mind if you want to kill me, but I might struggle a bit."

"I don't have a name. Call me No Name if you like."

"I didn't get to use the self-destruct mechanism, just as usual ..."

"I have no name, but if you must call me something, call me No-Name"