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                    Jan is one of the popular girls at Salem High.  She went to the Fall Dace in 1999 with Jason Welles, who is now her current boyfriend.   She is one of the cheerleaders and is always trying to find ways to get the latest gossip and rumors on everyone.    
During the fall of 2000 the mysterious Chloe Lane joined Salem High.  She became the target of laughter to many- in particular Jan, Jason and Philip Kiriakis (who is Jan & Jason's friend) due to her lack of normalcy.
            Jan & Jason are usually connected with any unyielding tricks that happen around Salem.  Jan took part in a relentless scheme where her and Jason convinced Philip to knock on Chloe's door- so they could borrow her Chemistry notes.  Unfortunately, Chloe scolded them and never showed her notes.  Consequently, Jan and Jason returned later that night to leave a headless chicken on her doorstep for revenge.  Sadly, Philip took the blame & no longer wanted any part their games.
            Later in the school year came the Last Blast Dance.  Jan & Jason were in the middle of a bet between Shawn Brady (another highschool friend) and Philip Kiriakis.  Whoever lost the bet had to ask Gohul A.K.A. Chloe to the dance.  Unlucky, Philip lost the bet and had to ask Gohul Girl to the dance.  She eventually accepted and became his date.  Before the Dance, Jan and Jason devised a plan where Chloe would become queen.  They set up a course where blood would come dripping down, for when her name was announced.  She ended up becoming queen but Jan & Jason's plan backfired since blood went pouring on Philip instead.  

            Also, Mimi  Lockhart (who is Jan's friend but was poor at the moment) attended the Last Blast.  She ended up slapping Jan due to a comment made about her not taking a shower.  Jan made sure that Chloe found out about the bet.

Thanks to Dyzlo for some of this information.

Official Biography

Jan is a self-centered, trouble making and obnoxious Salem High School student on Days of our Lives.  Along with her partner in crime, Jason, she encouraged Shawn and Philip to participate in the infamous video game tournament. Whoever lost the tournament would have to ask Chloe Lane (a.k.a. the “Ghoul Girl”) to the Last Blast Dance.  The tournament ended and the lucky winner was Philip, who in all reality should thank the conniving Jan because he fell head over heals for the foxy Chloe Lane.  Too bad for Philip and Chloe that Jan doesn't believe in happy endings.

Taken from

Facts about Jan

~ A sophmore at Salem High School ~

~  Makes fun of and pulls mean tricks on Chloe Lane ~

~  Believes Chloe is a witch-due to an incident where a can made her hands bleed because of a suspicious look ~ 

~ Loves to gossip and spread rumors ~

~  Her friends are: Mimi Lockhart, Philip Kiriakis, Belle Black and Shawn Brady ~

~  Normally hangs out with: Jason Welles (her boyfriend) and Philip Kiriakis ~

~  Shes a cheerleader ~

~  One of the popular girls in school ~

~  She attended Shawn Brady's birthday party and was astonished to see that Chloe had singing talent ~

~  She sometimes seems jealous of Chloe ~

~ Attended the Fall Dance in 1999 ~

~  Attended the Last Blast Dance in 2000 ~

~  Her along with Jason put a headless chicken on Chloe's doorstep ~

~  Was part of the trick where blood would come pouring down on Chloe during the Last Blast Dance ~

~  Made fun of Mimi during her rough living arrangements ~

~  She was slapped by Mimi at the Last Blast because of a comment she mad ~

~  Her and Jason didn't help build Mimi's house ~

~  She went into the boys bathroom after the Last Blast- to see what was going on between Jason and Philip ~

~ Jan made sure to help Jason ruin Chloe and Philip's relationship, when she made sure her highschool friends told Chloe about the bet ~


Dazzling Heather Lauren Olson