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Daily Recaps



It's back to school, and Jan is awaiting Chloe's revenge. Jan and Mimi are walking in the halls, and Mimi is paranoid about her hair. Jan tells Mimi not to worry, because "Ghoul Girl" is going to pay for torturing them. Jason finds the girls, and starts teasing Jan with a fake rat. Jan is annoyed, and the other guys stop by to see what's going on. Philip tells them to forget about it, then him and Shawn head into the classroom. Class is about to begin, and everyone piles into class, while Jan and Mimi are still talking. Jan tells Mimi that Mrs.Wesley must be a witch, since her daughter is and Mimi defends her. Jan can't get over how a woman like her is married to such a cutie like "Mr. Wesley", and tells Mimi she'd play hide the "stethoscope" with him any day (I still CAN'T stop laughing over this line, the girl cracks me up!!). Jan again tells Mimi that Mrs. Wesley must be a witch, and starts chanting "witch" over and over, as Mimi reluctantly follows. They keep chanting this until they are standing outside of the classroom, then everyone tells them to shut up. Jan and Mimi are finally in class, while Chloe and Belle are daydreaming. The teacher calls on Chloe, and she realizes she wasn't paying attention. Jan whispers something to Jason, and the teacher calls on her. We find out that her last name is "Spears" (it's nice to know she has a last name). Jan laughs and assumes it's a trick question, then Chloe asks for a second chance. The teacher calls on her, and she obviously gets it right. Chloe turns around, looks at Jan, and swings her hair to rub it in. Jan leans over and tells Mimi, that "pretty soon she'll be looking for a place to hide". The bell rings, and Jan and Mimi walk out of class. They do some more talking and Jan says that everyone will be looking at her real soon, in her naked glory on thousands of computer screens. Jan and Mimi run to check on the camera. Mimi starts to hesitate and she tells Jan, it's not too late to call it off. Jan tells her to stop being such a baby!!


Jan and Mimi break into school with the equipment for the camera. Mimi tries to back out a few times, but Jan doesn't let her. Mimi tells Jan, that the camera better not catch her naked and Jan assures her that she has the "Ghoul's" schedule and it's not going to get anyone but her naked. Jan gets on top of Mimi's shoulders in order to install the camera through vent. Jan tells Mimi that "Vampira" was always wanting to be a star, and that she's lucky to have such good friends like them. When Jan's finished, the girls pack up and take off. They can't wait to see the result!!


Mimi is at the Wesley house packing her way out, and saying goodbye to Nancy. Jan calls and tells Mimi to meet her at Salem Place in 5 mins. Mimi says she can't because it's moving day, and Jan tells her it's about Chloe's revenge. They eventually meet up but Mimi doesn't really want to start anymore trouble. Jan and Jason remind her of the "glue" and how she'll be the laughingstock of Salem High. They soon persuade her into getting even, and the girls make Jason go away. Jan goes over the plan with Mimi, and we hear words like "cameras" "naked girls" and internet. (I guess you can imagine what they're up to : ) )



Jan and Jason are standing around, until Jan sees Chloe and wants to leave. Jason teases Jan about being afraid of Chloe, and tells her she looks like the cat who swallowed the rat. Jan gives Jason mean eyes, and tells him she doesn't want it getting around school. They soon spot Mimi and Chloe arguing and decide to see what's going on. They see Mimi's hair has super glue in it, and she tells them it's because of Chloe. Everyone leaves, while Jan and Mimi plot Chloe's revenge.


Jan races up to Philip, Shawn and Belle, and tells Philip to dump Chloe ASAP. Mimi joins them and tells Philip about the rat incident, then Chloe approaches, and it scares the girls away. (For some reason I think Chloe is a witch)



Jan wakes up in shock over the rat incident.  Mimi helps her up and can't believe Chloe did such a disgusting thing. Jan makes Mimi move the dead rat, and fears she might get rabies. Jan wants revenge, and she tells Mimi she has the perfect plan, and when she's through Philip will never want to look at her again. Jan spots Shawn and Belle, and tells Mimi that's one guy she'll never get.



At school, they replay the scene of the previous day. Again, we see Chloe open her locker at the sight of the dead rat ("Ghoul Girl why did you kill me"? ).  Jan and Mimi are still laughing, when Chloe walks away. Chloe stands back and overhears them laughing. Outside, Jan and Mimi are walking and talk about what a "freak" Ghoul Girl is, and ironically run into her. Chloe looks all excited and tells them, the three of them have to have a little talk, and Jan tells her they don't want to talk to her.  Jan and Mimi start to walk away, as Chloe grabs Jan's arm. Jan tries to pull away, and tells Chloe to let go. Chloe doesn't let go, and eventually straddles Jan into the snow, and tortures her with the dead rat. Jan is screaming and Chloe tells Jan, Mimi won't be able to help her. Chloe rubs the rat all around Jan's face and tells her Mimi is next.  ( poor Jan )



We're still at the school scene, and we see Jan and Mimi staring at Chloe and Bell. Jan comments how close Belle and Chloe are getting, and it makes Mimi jealous. Jan tells Mimi she should get revenge on Chloe for stealing Belle away, and Jan has a paper bag. She asks Mimi for "Ghoul Girl's locker combination and they decide to put a dead rat in her locker. Chloe finds the rat and gets upset, while Jan and Mimi stand back laughing.



Everyone is in school, and Belle gives a speech about her brother. Jan and Jason make remarks about how Brady tried to kill Belle, and Belle defends him. Then, Jan and Jason tease Mimi and tell her if she wants to hang with them, then she'll have to be the "butt" of their jokes.



Philip arrives at the scene and Jan, Mimi and Jason spice things up to make it look worse.  Philip peers in the window and sees for himself that Chloe and Shawn look cozy.  Inside, Chloe puts her hands up against Shawn's while Jan and Mimi observe.  They tell Philip it's called the "Prelude to Love" hand shake ( from a movie) and Jan says it's the "date movie" of the year.  They look in the window again and Mimi tells Philip that they look hot and heavy. Now obviously this turns into a fight, as Philip enters DotCom and pushes Shawn into the table.  You see Jan, Mimi and Jason watching closely in the background as the guys fight.  Mimi spots Shawn getting hurt and tries to stop it, but Jan and Jason pull her outside and blast her about trying to act innocent after causing trouble.  Jason tells Mimi that no guy will ever want her, and Jan reminds her about being homeless and always the third wheel with Belle.  Jan and Jason strut off, annoyed, leaving an upset Mimi (poor Mimi).



Jan and Jason enter DotCom and spot Shawn and Chloe looking cozy together. Jason tells Jan to stand back so they can watch. Outside, Jan and Jason run into Mimi who followed Chloe to meet Shawn. They all make their minds up that Chloe and Shawn are messing around and Jason decides to call Philip.  Jason tells Philip that his best friend is messing around with his girl, while Jan and Mimi laugh in the background. 


It's still Halloween and Mimi and Jan are still sitting at the bar.  They get up and start to taunt Philip about liking Chloe.



It's Halloween and Mimi, Shawn, Phillip and Chloe are standing outside the Brady Pub talking about Belle's accident.  Jan comes strolling over in a (cute) Hawaiian costume ranting about Mimi always feeling sorry for herself.  Jan gives Shawn a difficult time about liking Belle and tells him to kiss her.  The group heads inside and Jan apologizes to Shawn and accuses Belle of doing it for attention.  Later, Jan and Mimi sit off by themselves and talk about how Chloe has to ruin everything.  At the end, Jan comes up with a plan to bring the wicked witch (Chloe) down a few notches. 



Jan is standing next to Chloe at Salem place as they replay the scene where Chloe shatters her prom picture.  Jan tells Chloe that if she doesn't believe it then she can go over and ask Philip, who is standing with his real friends (Belle and Shawn).  As Chloe leaves in tears, Jan picks up the shattered picture and goes over to rub it in Philip's face.  Jan exchanges comments and told Philip that a group of girls told Chloe about the bet, and then pretended like she was concerned for Chloe's feelings.  Mimi came by to spread the news that Chloe herd about the bet, to Jan's happiness.  Later,  Mimi decides to go with Belle, Shawn and Philip to the Wesley's to figure out what's going on with Chloe.



Jan is in the classroom, when Philip goes over and asks where Chloe is.  Jan tells Philip that "Vampira" doesn't check in with her and that she's probably off studying somewhere and by now probably found out about the bet.  Philip asks how she would know and implies that her and Jason told when Jan says that her and Jason wouldn't want to make the "K man" angry.  Jan gets close to Philip and tells him he's no fun anymore.  Philip pushes her away and tells her that she actually thinks hurting Chloe is fun.  Philip turns away and says he has to tell Chloe about the bet before anyone else does, as Jan overhears with doubt and starts laughing with the other girls in the class.  Jan watches from the bushes as her friends mock and taunt Chloe about the bet.  Jan comes out and asks Chloe if she is really that dense and tells her about the tournament.  Chloe then thinks about it and realizes that it has to be true as she shatters her prom picture.



Philip, Jan, Jason and Mimi are watching Philip and Chloe while they make comments about Chloe's reaction to the truth. Philip confronts them about keeping their mouths shut and tells Jan to stop calling Chloe "Vampira".  Jan accuses Philip of being in love, as her and Jason exchange their smirks and promise nobody will hear the truth from them.  



School is back in session at Salem High and Jan and Jason can't wait to hear the secret exposed.  Jan and Jason are in the corridors as they watch Philip and Chloe cuddle.  A group of students join them and they all laugh as the secret is out.



Jan and Jason irritate Philip, and he chooses to leave them.  They finally make up their minds to tell Chloe the truth about the bet.


Jan, Jason, Philip and Mimi are still at DotCom.  When Philip decides to leave, Jan and Jason tell Mimi about the video game tournament.  



The teens are at DotCom and Jan and Jason are giving Philip a difficult time about witch woman (Chloe).  Jan and Jason think the easiest way to dispel Chloe is to have Philip tell her about the bet.  Philip obviously doesn't like this idea and makes them promise to never tell.  At the end the mysterious can starts moving alone, and the teens all watch in surprise.  Jan puts on her best freaked out expression as she grabs onto Jason in total shock (great expression on Heather's part, as Jan looked the most terrified).



Jan and Jason go to the Brady Pub and notice Mimi peering in the window, as she stares at Chloe flirting with Shawn and Philip.  Jan and Jason decide to head in and take matters upon themselves.  Jan starts to taunt Chloe and accuses her of having a "thing" for Craig.  Chloe becomes defensive and Shawn and Philip tell Jan to shut her mouth.  Jan and Chloe almost fight until Philip gets in the middle.  Jan then decides to head for the bathroom and pushes Chloe out of the way. She returns to find Shawn and Philip explaining to Jason that the langue of the can is in Sanskrit (according to Chloe).  Jason then calls Chloe a witch and throws the can towards her. Chloe moves out of the way (almost as if it were planned) and Jan catches it instead.  Jan makes an unfamiliar sound which concerns Jason as he goes over, but she assures him that everything is fine.  Jan lifts the can off of her hands only to see blood splattered all over.  Jan screams and accuses Chloe of being a witch, as Chloe gives Jan a promising look. (Heather was hilarious)

  Dazzling Heather Lauren Olson