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Awards My Site Has Won

This page is where you can see
what awards my site has won!
In the future I hope to win more awards.
Thanks for stopping by and please
visit my shuis site soon! As the months
pass more awards will be added.
So check out these awesome awards!
E-mail me at:

This award given to me by Gizmo from Passions Soar Above and Beyond

This award given to me by Michelle from Passionate 4 Passions

This award given to me by Tristel from Tristel's Passions Page

This award given to me by Nikki from Sheridan's Palace

This award given to me by Aimee from LMAO @ Passions

This award given to me by Missy from Missy's Passions Page

This award given to me by Jasmine from Days & Passions Lovers

This award given to me by Chasity from Ethan &

This award given to me by Ellen from Sheridan & Luis Together Forever

This award given to me by Kristine from Destined to Shuis

This award given to me by Nikki from Nicole's Shuis Site

This award given to me by Linda from Miguel & Kay Romance

This award also given to me by Linda from Miguel & Kay Romance

This award was given to me by Daisy from Daisy's Passions Page

This award was given to me by Veronica from Passions Photo Gallery & More

This award was given to me by Ellen from Sheridan & Luis: Together Forever, for the site of the month award!

This award was given to me by Jen & Jill from Jen 'n' Jill's Passions Page

Jen's Passions Page
Timmy's Palace thinks you deserve an
award too!!

This award was given to me by Gianna from Sheridan & Luis: Unlock My Heart
For the site of the month for February 2001

This award was given to me by Lisa from Shuis Central1

This award was given to me by Gin from Gin's Passions Page

This award was given to me by Nicole from Passions Boulevard

This award was given to me from Kay & Miguel Central

This award was given to me by Parker from Miguel & Charity - First Loves

This award was given to me by Nikki from McKenzie Westmore Online

This award was given to me by Amber from Eva Tamargo Lemus Online

This award was given to me by Lacy from Harmony Humour

This award was given to me by Wanda from Ethan Loves Theresa

This award was also given to me by Wanda from Ethan Loves Theresa for Site of the Week!

This award was also given to me by Laura from All Passions All The Time

This award was also given to me by Jess from Jess' Passions Page

This award was given to me by Marianne

To get any of these awards for your site click on the award you want to go to the site that gave me the awards!