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I Can See Clearly Now

I Can See Clearly Now
By: Nicole Jacoby
This is the first crossover shuis fanfic
where Sheridan and Luis find themselves
in the city of Metropolis at the Daily
Planet! Read what happens when these
two couples meet!
E-mail Nicole at:

Before this takes place Tabitha has gotten herself into another sticky situation, and has been turned into a horse with the head of herself. Timmy's trying to turn her back to human form. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1:
Timmy is walking around Tabitha's house chanting the incantation to turn his princess back into human form. Because he doesn't have the spell bag or a piece of her hair, he figures that no harm can be done. Little did he know, he was changing two peoples lives forever. The incantation by itself states "The two people so in love, that are thinking about each other will meet the couple that symbolizes true love tothem." It was 9:00 Sunday morning, and Sheridan Crane was sitting in front of her television. It had become routine to get up on Sunday mornings to watch "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman." She'd become hooked, mainly because they were so in love and she wanted to find her soul mate, just as lois had. As she was watching, her mind wanders to Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, "Is he my soul mate? I hope so." At the Lopez-Fitzgerald residence, Luis was doing the same thing. He too had become hooked. The wanted to find true love just as Clark had, and he was beginning to think that maybe the love of his life was from another world too. His mind wanders to Sheridan. "God she's so beautiful, and so unlike the rest of of the Cranes. It's amazing she's related to them. Ihope she's my soul mate." Sheridan comes back to reality and watches the show. She becomes so wrapped up in the show that she forgets her surroundings. Little does she know, her life willbe changed forever. Luis too is involved with the show and forgets about everything else. His life too will be changed. Timmy's chanting of the incantation takes affect. While watching the show, Sheridan and Luis are zapped to a parellel universe. One that has a Metropolis, a Daily Planet, and a Lois and Clark. "What the..." Luis yells. He looks around. The surroundings were vaguely famillar, but he can't put his finger on it. He turns around, and there is Sheridan Crane, right there with him."Where are we?" she asks. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out>" So what do you think? I know it's nothing big yet, but more exciting things are coming. If you don't like it, I'll stop writing now though.

Chapter 2:
"Luis, where are you going?" Sheridan yells afterhim. "I'm going to find out where we are" "And leave me behind? I don't think so. I'm comingwith you" she says. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just leave you. I guess I'm just a little shocked" he says as he walks backto her. "That's okay. I'm shocked too." They wander around the city together, trying to find something familar about the place, and wondering howthey got there. They stop at a newsstand, figuring that would give them the name of the city. They looked at each other when they saw the name of one newspaper, "The DailyPlanet." "This has to be a coincidence" Sheridan says."I don't think so. Look." She looked where he was pointing. It said "Metropolis Police, With the Help of Superman, is Trying to Capture Three Fugitives: Lex Luthor, Bill Church, andthe Man Known as Tempus." Sheridan fainted. Luis caught her before she hit the ground. He shook her lightly until she woke up. "Luis! Superman isn't real, and Metropolis doesn'texist. This can't be." "I know. Sheridan, did you ever see the episode where Lois was taken to a parelell universe.""Yeah." "I think that's what happened to us.""Luis, what are we going to do?" "I say we try to find Superman, and see if he can helpus get back to Harmony." "Okay."They head off in search of the Daily Planet.

Chapter 3:
Part III DisclaimerI do not own any of the characters. They are either the wonderful creation of James E. Reilly, or Warner Brothers.

Ethan called over to Sheridan’s cottage to see if she wanted to go out to lunch later. He knew she hated to be interrupted when she watched "Lois and Clark", but he had something important to talk to her about. It was about his future with Gwen, and his feelings towards Theresa. Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind? He knew Sheridan would understand. The phone rang, and rang, but there was no answer. He figured she just got wrapped up in the show and didn’t hear it. He decided to go over there. He didn’t bother knocking when he got there. He walked in and heard the television. He called Sheridan’s name, but got no answer. "This must be a really good episode" he thought. He immediately knew something was wrong when he entered the living room. The television was on, but no Sheridan. At the Lopez-Fitzgerald residence, Theresa was calling to Luis. She was going to tell him that her and Whitney were going to the movies later. There was only one problem, she got no answer. "Oh well" she thought. "He probably didn’t hear me." She went into the living room, knowing Luis never missed "Lois and Clark." What she found was an empty room. She knew something wasn’t right. She called the Crane mansion to let Pilar know that Luis was missing. The phone rang once, and a male voice answered the phone. "Hello, Crane residence." She would recognize that voice anywhere. It was Ethan. She also knew something was bothering him."Hi Ethan. It’s Theresa." "Oh hey Theresa. Do you want to talk to Pilar?""Yeah, but first, what’s wrong?" "I could ask you the same thing. How did you knowsomething was wrong?" "By the way you spoke. Luis is missing. He never, ever misses "Lois and Clark", and when I went to tell him something, he was not there.""Oh no""What?" "Sheridan’s missing too. She never misses "Lois and Clark" either. I went to ask her something, and shewasn’t there." "I’m coming over. We need to talk about this.""I know. I’ll wait here."

Chapter 4:
Part III DisclaimerI do not own any of the characters. They are either the wonderful creation of James E. Reilly, or WarnerBrothers.

Ethan called over to Sheridan’s cottage to see if she wanted to go out to lunch later. He knew she hated to be interrupted when she watched "Lois and Clark", but he had something important to talk to her about. It was about his future with Gwen, and his feelings towards Theresa. Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind? He knew Sheridan would understand. The phone rang, and rang, but there was no answer. He figured she just got wrapped up in the show and didn’t hear it. He decided to go over there. He didn’t bother knocking when he got there. He walked in and heard the television. He called Sheridan’s name, but got no answer. "This must be a really good episode" he thought. He immediately knew something was wrong when he entered the living room. The television was on, but no Sheridan. At the Lopez-Fitzgerald residence, Theresa was calling to Luis. She was going to tell him that her and Whitney were going to the movies later. There was only one problem, she got no answer. "Oh well" she thought. "He probably didn’t hear me." She went into the living room, knowing Luis never missed "Lois and Clark." What she found was an empty room. She knew something wasn’t right. She called the Crane mansion to let Pilar know that Luis was missing. The phone rang once, and a male voice answered the phone. "Hello, Crane residence." She would recognize that voice anywhere. It was Ethan. She also knew something was bothering him."Hi Ethan. It’s Theresa." "Oh hey Theresa. Do you want to talk to Pilar?""Yeah, but first, what’s wrong?" "I could ask you the same thing. How did you knowsomething was wrong?" "By the way you spoke. Luis is missing. He never, ever misses "Lois and Clark", and when I went to tell him something, he was not there.""Oh no""What?" "Sheridan’s missing too. She never misses "Lois and Clark" either. I went to ask her something, and shewasn’t there." "I’m coming over. We need to talk about this.""I know. I’ll wait here."

Chapter 5:
In Harmony: Theresa got to the Crane Mansion as quickly as she could. "What could have happened to them" she thought." "I hope we find them soon." Ethan answered the door. "Hi Theresa. I filledeveryone in on the news." "How’s my mom.""She’s quite shaken up." Theresa rushes into see her. They sit on the couch and cry together. Ethan keeps his distance for awhile, but he can’t stand to see Theresa upset. "I have to stop doing this. I’m going to marry Gwen" he thought. He goes over and comforts Theresa and Pilar.In Metropolis Sheridan and Luis had just entered the Daily Planet. Luis asked where they could find Lois and Clark. After a few minutes of arguing, and convincing the guard that they were going to do no harm, they weretold where to go. The elevator doors opened, and they entered the room. Sheridan had to cling to Luis’ arm to stay steady. "This is unbelievable" she thought. Luis looked over at Sheridan and realized how close they were. He felt a shock go through his body when she grabbed his arm. "This feels so right" he thought as he reached over and squeezed her hand. They both felt the electricity. It was undeniable. Neither of them had felt anything like it before. They turned and looked at each other. They leaned towards each other, so close that there was virtually no room between them. They got closer until they heard some one clear their throat. They looked up and realized that they were standing in front of some one’s office. They turned in the direction of the noise. They held on to each other tightly when they realized who it was. Lois and Clark were standing in front of them. Only their closenesskept them on their feet. "Who are you?" asked Lois. "I’ve never seen you before" she said obviously upset about what she just saw. "Who are these people standing in front of mydesk she thought?" "You-you’re Lois Lane and you, you’re Clark Kent" Sheridan said in disbelieve. If Luis weren’t soclose, she would have fainted. "Yes, we know that" said Clark a little disturbed,"but who are you." "Hello. I’m Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, and my friend here is Sheridan Crane" he said as he offered his hand. As they shook hands with each other, Luis thought "Did wealmost kiss there?" "We need your help" said Sheridan who was almost overher shock. "What can we do for you" said Lois who was confused by their reaction. "I guess they’re just big fans" she thought as she looked over at Clark. He had the same expression as she did. He just shrugged hisshoulders. "We need to get home" said Luis. "Okay, but I don’t understand how we can help you"said Clark. "We live in Harmony" Sheridan said."I’ve never heard of it" Lois replied. "That’s because it’s not in this universe" Luis said.

Chapter 6:
"What do you mean you’re not from this universe" said Lois and Clark in unison. "We were at our houses watching television, when we were "zapped" here" said Luis. While searching the Daily Planet, they had discussed what happened before they got to Metropolis. They also decided it was best not to tell Lois and Clark that they had been watchingthem on television. Knowing what strange things have happened to them, Lois and Clark decided they needed to know what they had been watching. They asked. Sheridan and Luis looked at each other. They didn’t know what to do. They finally decided that in order to get Lois and Clark to trust them, they had to tell the truth. Luis decided to speak. "I know you’re going to think this is weird, and believe me, when we ended up here, we thought the same thing. Where we live, there is a television show called "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman." Lois and Clark just looked at each other, not knowing what to think. Who are these people, and what do they want. "We’ll prove it to you. Is there any place we can talk without distractions?" Sheridan asked. "We can go in the conference room" said Lois. Sheridan and Luis followed Lois and Clark into the conference room. Sheridan whispered to Luis "They’re either going to believe us, or think we’re stalkers." Luis nodded in agreement, and held her hand. They entered the conference room, shut the door, and closed the shades. With Superman here, they can do no harm, if that’s what they are after, Lois and Clark decided. But as far fetched as the story sounded, something in their voices made Lois and Clark believe they were telling the truth. Since Luis was supposed to have been at the station at 10:30, he had his wallet on him. Both Lois and Clarklooked at it. "Okay, they are from Harmony, but how much do they know" Clark wondered. "You said you watch us on television. What do youknow about us?" Lois asked. They told Lois and Clark all they knew, including what they knew about Superman. Clark gave Lois a look when they mentioned Superman. The look told Lois that he knew they weren’t lying. They knew details of their lives that no one knew, including Perry, Jimmy, and Clark’s parents. "I know how we can help you get home, but first, weneed your help" said Lois. "We’ll do anything" Sheridan and Luis said together.

Chapter 7:
In Harmony: Ethan, Theresa, and Pilar decided to set up a search party. They called everyone they knew, all of whom were willing to help. They set up four groups. One group had Ethan, Theresa, and Gwen, one was Miguel, Kay, and Charity, one was Sam, Ivy, and Grace, and the other was Hank, Beth, and Chad. Pilar decided to wait by the phone in case either of them called. The Russells were out of town, and Julian and Alistair were delighted that their "problems" were gone. They went to search the town. In Metropolis: "In order to get you home, we have to find H. G. Wells" Lois said. "The problem is, he’s being held by Lex, Bill, and Tempus. We have no idea where they are hiding him. We hope that you will be able to help us, maybe by seeing something we’ve overlooked." Lois had noticed that Luis had a badge, so she assumed he was a cop. "How can we help you do that?" Sheridan asked. "Well, I noticed he had a badge, so I figured he was a cop" Lois replied. "I am" Luis said. "This is my test to see if I really am good enough to be a detective" he thought. It’s settled then. Luis why don’t you come with me so I can catch you up on what you know. Sheridan, you can go with Lois, and she’ll tell you what you can do" Clark said. Luis gave Sheridan’s hand a squeeze, and a look that told her they had a lot to talk about. Like how they got here, what they were going to do, but mainly about what was going on between them. "Am I in love with her?" he thought. He left Sheridan and Lois, and followed Clark. Clark filled Luis in on everything they knew, which wasn’t much. After they finished that, Clark asked Luis some questions about him. He felt connected to him somehow, and wanted to get to know him better. After all they would be working together. Plus it was only fair since Luis seemed to know just about everything about him. Luis told him about his family, friends, job, the youth center, and even his feelings towards the Crane family. He couldn’t believe he was telling Clark all this, but he felt so at ease around him. It was like they had been friends forever. He was telling Clark things he hadn’t told anyone. Clark felt the same way. The way Luis had opened up to him, told him that Sheridan and Luis were for real. Any doubts of their story disappeared. The one thing Luis hadn’t mentioned, though was Sheridan. He told of no feelings toward her either way. But it was clear to Clark how he felt. He noticed right away how they felt towards each other, even if they hadn’t admitted it to themselves yet. They were in love. It was obvious to everyone around them. Clark could see the love they felt for each other in their eyes. It was a special love, like the one he shared with Lois. Meanwhile, Lois and Sheridan were talking. Lois too, had felt a connection to Sheridan and Luis, and wantedto get to know her better. Sheridan was amazed at how easy it was to talk to Lois. She felt like she had known her forever. She told her things that no one knew, with exception of "that night." But the one thing she didn’t mentionwas Luis. Lois knew she had feelings for Luis. It was obvious to anyone who saw them. It was in their eyes. But their love was different. It was a love that she had only known two other people to have she and Clark. A love that would conquer all. She, never being one to leaving any questions unanswered, asked Sheridan about Luis. Sheridan fidgeted. She didn’t know what to say. He she was standing in front of Lois Lane, who was one half of her vision of true love, and she didn’t know what to say. "Am I in love with Luis?" she thought. "Do you love him?" Lois asked."I..."

Chapter 8:
While Sheridan and Luis were gone, Lois and Clark filled Perry and Jimmy in on what was going on. They agreed to do whatever they could to help. They couldn’t wait to meet these two people who were so highly spoken of by Lois and Clark. Sheridan and Luis walked through the elevator doors at exactly 5:00. They were greeted by Lois and Clark, and introduced to Perry and Jimmy. They looked ateach other in disbelieve. They all hung around the Daily Planet for awhile, just chatting. It felt like old times, with old friends, even though they had just met a few hours ago. They left feeling great to find new friends. Sheridan and Luis followed Lois and Clark to their new, temporary home. They walked down the street, hand in hand, without even realizing it. It felt likea natural thing. Lois nudged Clark, who turned and looked behind him. He turned back to Lois with a smile on his face, and held her closer. They were happy to see their two new friends as happy as they were. Sheridan looked over at Luis. He just smiled at her. From that moment on, they knew they felt more thanfriendship for each other. Luis let go of Sheridan’s hand, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She put her head in the welcoming spot. They walked the rest of that way to their new home like that, never feeling safer thenthey had that moment.

Chapter 9:
Just then, Clark and Luis walked in. "You always have perfect timing Luis" Sheridan thought, relieved she didn't have to answer Lois. She walked over to him. "We have to get back to work, or else Perry will have our hides" Clark said. "We'll talk to you later.Where are you staying?" Sheridan and Luis looked at each other, then at Lois and Clark. The blank look they gave, told Lois andClark they had no idea. "Why don't you stay with us?" Lois asked. She didn't know why, but she trusted them."We couldn't do that" said Sheridan. "We insist" Clark said. "We won't take no for ananswer.""Okay" Luis replied. After Lois and Clark left, they decided to familiarize themselves with Metropolis since this would be theirhome for a while. They wandered around for a few hours. They had agreed to meet Lois and Clark back at the Daily Planet at 5:00. It was 3:30, so they decided to go get somefood. They stopped, and bought a couple of hotdogs from a vendor. That's when Luis realized the only money they had, was the money in his wallet."What are we going to do?" asked Sheridan. "I don't know" said Luis. He looked at the time and realized they better leave now, or else they'd be latemeeting Lois and Clark.

Chapter 10:
Ethan, Theresa, and Gwen searched the beach. They had been up and down it a few times, hoping each time something would come up. They couldn't find a thing. Except Ethan that is. He found himself unable to take his eyes off from Theresa, no matter how hard he tried. He had completely ignored Gwen, and felt bad because he didn't want to hurt her. But it was undeniable to him now. He was in love with Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. He had been since he found out she was the "stalker", he just never admitted it. "How am I going to break it to Gwen?" he thought as theywalked on.In Metropolis Sheridan gasped when she entered the house. She had been there many times in her head, but to be in there physically was unreal. She fell back into Luis' arms. Luis just stood their in amazement. "I don't believe I'm actually in this house" he thought. He held Sheridan tight when she fell into him. He neverwanted to let go of her. Lois and Clark shared a look, remembering what it was like when they had fought their feelings for each other. It felt so natural to be in each others arms, they couldn't believe they had fought it. They sawthis in their friends. "Uh-oh" Lois said."What?" they all replied."We only have one guest room." Sheridan and Luis looked at each other. "Is that abad thing" they thought. "I'll sleep on the floor" Luis said. "We're both adults, we can just share the bed"Sheridan said. Luis just looked at her, unable to speak. "What didshe just say?" he thought. "You can sleep on top of the sheet, and I'll sleepunder it" Sheridan said. "Okay" Luis replied hesitantly. "How am I going to share a bed with the most beautiful women in the world and without allowing anything to happen. You're strong, you can do this" he thought. "Sorry to be bad hosts, but it has been a long day, and it's late. See you in the morning. Good night."said Lois and Clark. "Goodnight" said Sheridan and Luis, as they walked into their room. It had been a long day for them too, but neither could sleep. They had a lot to talk about, starting with their feelings for each other.

Chapter 11:
In HarmonySam, Grace, and Ivy searched the park, but they found no clues. Not a single thing seemed out of place. After a few more hours of searching, they decided tostop for the night. The whole time they were searching, Ivy was trying to get her hands on Sam, and each time, he pushed her away and moved closer to Grace. All this wentunnoticed by her. Sam knew he had to do something. He decided it was time to tell Grace about his past. "As soon as we are alone, I’m going to tell her. I hope she forgives me"he thought.In Metropolis Lois and Clark were asleep, but Sheridan and Luis were wide awake. They had so much to talk about, butneither wanted to start. They sat at opposite sides of the bed, just staring at each other. Neither had the courage to tell the other how they felt. They were scared about they reactionthey would get. Luis thinking "God she’s the most beautiful woman in the world. I knew that from the minute I laid eyes on her. If only I hadn’t let the fact that she’s a Crane get in the way. It was so stupid." He imagines what it would be like if it were their wedding day, and his what his wedding vows to her would be. "Sheridan, falling in love with you was so easy. I don’t know why I fought it for so long. I love your humor, your passion, and your need to dive right in, even when you shouldn’t. Because you refuse to just watch the world. You demand that it be a better place, and, because of you, it is. And, today, I give you as much of the world as I can. So, I give you my heart, my soul, our future." (All of that was Clark’s vows to Lois except "Falling in love with you was so easy. I don’t know why I fought it for so long", which waspart of Lois’ vows to Clark.) At the same time, Sheridan is thinking "I knew that there was more to him than what there appeared to be when I first met him. Deep down, I knew I loved him and I still do. Only now, I love him more." Imagining what her vows to Luis would be if they were to get married. "Luis, you’re my best friend. Until I met you I never had a best friend. I have loved you from the moment I saw you. You have such gentle grace and such quiet strength and mostly such incrediable kindness. I’ve never known anyone with as pure a heart, and, so, today, I give you my love, and my honor, and our live together." (All of this was Lois’ vows to Clark except "I have loved you from the moment I saw you", which was part of Clark’s vows to Lois.) They turn and look at each other."I..." they both say.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 12:
In HarmonyHank, Beth, and Chad are searching the airport, trying to find out if Sheridan and Luis had been there. They described what the looked like, and asked everyone they could, but no one had seen them. Chad left to go to the hospital to check on Orville. That left Hank and Beth alone. They each had suspected Sheridan and Luis of having feelings for each other, but neither Beth nor Hank were willing to give up on their "love". They decided to form a team to help break up Sheridan and Luis. Little did they know, they were in for the shock oftheir lives. At the Crane MansionJulian was talking to Alistair about all their good fortune. "No one can pin this on us, and for once we did nothing wrong" Julian said. "I know. And for once, I didn't have to step in and fix your mistakes" said Alistair. "It's amazing>" Julian just went on drinking his brandy.Somewhere in Metropolis Lex Luthor, Bill Church, and Tempus are entertaining a possible new member for their "club", Janna Leighton. She is a very wealthy women, who, after her father died, inherited the local football team. A few years before, Clark was hired to keep an eye on here. There were terrorist threats, and he went undercover to get the inside scoop. The problem was was that Janna had fallen in love with him. Now she was going to stop at nothing until she got him back. The three men found her to be absolutely perfect, and she was allowed to join them. Because she and Clark were still good friends, she was hired to find out all that Superman knew about their whereabouts. "This is perfect" she thought. "Anything to get me closer to Clark."

To Be Continued...

Chapter 13:
In HarmonyKay, Miguel, and Charity were searching all the local hangouts, but no one had seen Sheridan or Luis. Miguel worried, and both Kay and Charity were trying to comfort him. Miguel thought "I'm so lucky to have the girl I love, and my best friend here." He turned towards Charity, leaving Kay behind him. Kay was furious. "What's so special about her. Come on Miguel, the girl of your dreams is right in frontof you, me" she thought. She couldn't take it anymore, and left. Neither Miguel or Charity noticed. They were too wrapped upin each other.In Metropolis "I.." Sheridan and Luis said."You go first" said both of them. They laughed. Luis looked up when he had finished laughing, only to see Sheridan looking at him. The moment comsumed them, and they both grew serious, knowing what the look in each other's eyes meant. They leaned in towards each other, until there were only millimeters between them, but they didn't stop there. Their lips met, and they shared the most passionate, love-filled kiss either of them had everhad. They would have kiss forever had they not been interrupted. Music suddenly came from nowhere. Lois and Clark's cat must have accidently turned it on. The song that was playing was Shoop Shoop Song, "It's In His Kiss" by Betty Everett.Does he love me, I wannna know How can I tell if he loves me so(is it in his eyes) Oh no, you'll be deceived (is it in his eyes) Oh no, he'll make believe If you wanna know if he loves you so It's in his kiss (that's where it is, oh yeah) (or is it in his face) Oh no, it's just his charm (in his warm embrace) Oh no, that's just his arm If you wanna know if he loves you soIt's in his kiss (that's where it is) Oh oh, it's in his kiss (that's where it is) Oh oh oh, kiss him and squeeze him tightAnd find out what you want to know If it's love, if it really isIt's there in his kiss (how 'bout the way he acts) Oh no, that's not the way And you're not listenin' to all I sayIf you wanna know if he loves you so It's in his kiss (that's where it is) Oh yeah, it's in his kiss (that's where it is) Whoa oh oh, kiss him and squeeze him tightAnd find out what you want to know If it's love, if it really isIt's there in his kiss (how 'bout the way he acts) Oh no, that's not the way And you're not listenin' to all I sayIf you wanna know if he loves you so It's in his kiss (that's where it is) Oh yeah, it's in his kiss (that's where it is) Oh oh, it's in his kiss (that's where it is) Sheridan looked at Luis. "If this song is true, then he loves me because that was some kiss." Feeling brave, she decided to let Luis know how she feels. "Luis I have to tell you something." "Me too" he said. "I know that song is talking about a guy, but it has to be for a girl too" he thought. "I love you." they both said.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 14:

In HarmonyThey groups met back at the Lopez-Fitzgeralds, since that's where Pilar was, to discuss what they found. It was a very short meeting, because nothing turnedup. Hank and Beth were the first to leave, than Ivy and Gwen. The Bennetts hung around for a little while, asdid Ethan. Sam and Grace were talking to Pilar, and Charity was with Miguel. Ethan and Theresa were in the den. Sam, Grace, and Pilar all agreed that it was good that Miguel have Charity there to help him get through it. She would help take him mind off from things. Sam and Grace agreed that they would do everything they could to help Pilar cope. "If you need anything, or just want to talk, call us" they told Pilar. "I will. I'm lucky to have such great friends." "Come on Charity. We have to get up early tomorrow.Good night Pilar.""Night." "Good night Miguel.""Night."Meanwhile in the den "It's okay Theresa, I'm here" Ethan said. "You've kept all your feelings bottled up inside all day. It's okay to cry" he said as he noticed a tear fall from her eye. He wiped it away."Oh Ethan, I'm so scared.""Me too." "I'm sorry, I been so worried about Luis, that I almost forgot Sheridan is missing too. You must feel the same way I do. I know how close you and Sheridanare." "Yeah, we are close. Theresa, I'm really scared." They sat there, just holding and comforting each other, until they fell asleep. It had been a long dayand they were exhausted. Pilar came in, shocked at what she saw. She noticed their tear-stained eyes, and realized what must have happened. She went and got a blanket to cover them.In Metropolis "I love you" both of them said.Sheridan thinking "So I didn't imagine everything that's happened since I got here. I prayed I didn't just see those things, and it wasn't only because I was the only thing familiar to him. He really lovesme." Luis was thinking the same thing. "I'm so happy. I was scared she didn't love me. That's why I never said anything. She really loves me." "Sheridan Crane, you've just made me the happiest person alive. I love you so much, and you love me too. It feels so good to be able to say that." "I don't agree with you." said Sheridan.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 15:

"Sheridan Crane, you’ve just made me the happiest person alive. I love you so much, and now I know youlove me too" Luis said. "I disagree.""What?!" Luis said. "Oh no, I’ve said too much and scared her away" he thought. "Or maybe she didn’t actually say it, and my mind was just playing trickson me." Sheridan, seeing Luis’ confused look said "Luis I do love you, more than I’ve ever loved anyone.""Then why did you say that?" "Because, I’m the happiest person alive." Luis laughed. "How about we call it a truce? Deal?""Okay." "I want to tell the world how much I love you,Sheridan Crane." "Me too, but we’ll have to wait until the morning, so we don’t wake up Lois and Clark." Luis yawned. "Sounds like a plan. It’s been a long day, and it’s late." Sheridan and Luis both looked up at the clock. It was 2 a.m."I’m going to bed." said Luis. "Me too, but first I want something.""What?" "A good night kiss. What do you say?" She didn’t have to ask twice. Luis was more thanwilling to fulfill her request. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 16:
In HarmonyEthan woke up, surprised to find Theresa on top of him. "What’s going on?" he thought. He recalled of the events that had happened yesterday. He remembered sitting on the couch with Theresa, crying. "We must have fell asleep" he thought. He smiled when he looked up at her. "She looks so peaceful, and so beautiful" he thought as he wiped apiece of hair from her face. Theresa woke up, only to find herself on top of Ethan Crane. He was staring at her. "It’s fate" she thought. "Why else would I wake up in Ethan’s arms?" Theresa sat up, so Ethan could get up. But he didn’t let Theresa get too far away. He didn’t know what came over him. He pulled her into a passionate kiss. The kiss ended as soon as it started. "I’m so sorry Theresa" Ethan said. "I have to go."In Metropolis Lois and Clark woke up at 9:30 the next morning. Perry had given them the day off, so they could become more acquainted with their guests. The night before, they had agreed to take their guests out to breakfast. They got up quickly, showered, and went to wake up their guests. Lois knocked lightly on the door, but got no answer. She decided to open the door and peek in. What she found surprised her, but it shouldn’t have. Sheridan and Luis were asleep in each other’s arms. She nudged Clark, and he looked in. He pulled her inclose to him. "Let’s let them sleep a little bit longer. They lookso peaceful" Clark said. Lois nodded in agreement. They went downstairs towork on their story.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 17:
In Harmony"Wait" yelled Theresa as she ran after him. She grabbed his arm, and wouldn’t let go until he stopped. "We have to talk." "I don’t know what came over me. I’m so sorry." "Ethan, I have something to tell you. You can’t leaveuntil I say this.""Okay." "Gwen was right.""About what?""I love you, and I was in love with you the whole time. Please don’t hate me" she said as tears startedto form in her eyes. "Theresa, I don’t hate you. I love you, and I have for a long time. I just didn’t want to admit it to myself. But the more I see you, the more my lovegrows." Theresa’s tears turned to cheers of joy. "You don’t know how long, and how much I’ve wanted you to saythat. But what about Gwen?" "I don’t love her, and I haven’t seen I meet you. I just have to find a way to break it to Gwen without completely hurting her. Until then, let’s not tellanyone about us.""Okay." "I have to got home and change, or else some one might get suspicious. But before I leave, I need to dosomething." And with that he kissed her. This one lasted longerthan the last one. "See you in an hour" said Theresa. "Okay, bye" said Ethan. He started to leave, but then stopped. "One more thing.""What?""I love you.""I love you too." He left, but he would have given anything to staythere with her.In Metropolis Sheridan woke up and looked around. "It wasn’t a dream" she thought. "I’m really in Metropolis." She turned around, and found Luis asleep beside her. "I didn’t imagine that either, thank goodness" shethought as she smiled. She brushed her lips across his cheek. Luis woke up. "Good morning sleepyhead" she said. "You’re right. It is a good morning. No wait, I take that back. It’s a great morning" he said. He moved closer to her, and gave her a kiss. "And getting better every minute. Promise me something.""What?" "That I won’t have to wake up another morning withoutyou in my arms." "I promise." She kissed him again. They looked at the time, and realized it was 10:30. "Oh no. Lois and Clark were nice enough to let us stay here. And how do we repay them, by sleeping in"Sheridan said. They went downstairs to find Lois and Clark, hopingthey’d be forgiven.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 18:
In Harmony Gwen arrived at the Crane Mansion around 10:30 the next morning. She had agreed to meet Ethan there, and then they were going to pick up Theresa."Ivy, have you seen Ethan?" Gwen asked. "I think he’s upstairs.""Thanks." Gwen went upstairs. She heard the shower running. She yelled to Ethan, "I’m here." "What I wouldn’t give to be in there" she thought."I’ll be right out" he replied. He quickly got dressed and met Gwen downstairs. She gave him a kiss, but he didn’t respond the way heusually did. "What’s wrong?" she asked."We have to talk later" he said. "She’s going to hate me" he thought."About what?" she asked. She began to worry. Something wasn’t right. She could tell by the tone ofhis voice. "I can’t tell you now."They went to get Theresa.In Metropolis "Well there you two are" said Clark. "We went to get you, but you were still sleeping. We knew you had a long day, so we just let you be.""Thank you. Thank you so much" said Sheridan. "We didn’t realize that sleeping in meant that much toyou" said Lois. "It doesn’t" said Luis."Then why are you thanking us?" Clark asked. "For being a great inspiration" Sheridan said. "We have something to tell you." She turned to Luis, andthey shared a smile. "You know that we’ve grown accustomed to watching you on television, as strange as that may sound" saidLuis. "Nothing is strange to us anymore" Lois said. "The two of you have inspired us to fight for what webelieve in" Sheridan said. "And because of you, we’ve discovered that true love can come from anywhere, and that it can overcome all obstacles" Luis said. He looked at Sheridan. "Even though we just met you yesterday, it feels like we’ve known you forever" said Sheridan."We feel the same way" Lois said. "We wanted you to be the first to know, mainly because you’re the only people we know here, that we’re done fighting our feelings, and we’re together" Luis said. "We’ve wasted too much time getting to this point." "I’m not exactly sure how we got to your world, but I think I know why. The two of you have shown us what true love really is, and I think we were sent here to wake up. Both of us have known for a long time now that we were meant to be together, we just couldn’t admit it to ourselves. Seeing the love you two share up close has made us realize that it was time to admit our feelings. And finally we have" said Sheridan. Lois was crying. She was so happy their new friends were finally together. Also, even after all the awards, and praises she had been given throughout her career, she had never heard anything so touching. "But we didn’t do anything" she said. "The love you two share, is a rare love. It can overcome any obstacle. A love only soul mates share, although you already knew that. The two of you embodytrue love." Now Clark had tears in his eyes. Superman was an inspiration to many people, but that never had this affect on him. It was much more personal than theSuperman thing. "We knew you two would end up together. We could see the long in your eyes" said Lois. "We saw a lot of ourselves in the two of you from the minute we saw you. The way you looked at each other, the way you comforted each other, the way youprotected each other" Clark said. "We are very happy for you two" said Lois. She went over, and gave Sheridan a hug. She remembered what it felt like when she finally gave into her feelings. She felt whole, and now their friends wereexperiencing the same thing. "Okay everyone. I don’t know about you, but I’m starved. Let’s go get some breakfast" Luis said.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 19:
In HarmonySam, Grace, Kay, and Charity were on their way to the Lopez-Fitzgeralds’. The had decided the night beforeto meet there. Charity was worried about Miguel. She knew how close he and Luis were. "If only I could do something" shethought. Kay was worried about Miguel too, but she also saw this as a way to get him. "The only person who will be able to help him get through this is his best friend. The more time we spend together, the more he’ll realize that we were meant to be together" shethought. Grace was worried about Pilar. They had been good friends since Kay and Miguel were little, and she wanted to do something to help. "What can I possibledo?" she thought. Sam was thinking about Ivy. "She was my first love, and I will also care about her. She needs to realize that things are over between us though. I love Grace, and I have since I rescued her. Nothing will change that. I really need to tell Grace the truth" hethought. They finally arrived at the Lopez-Fitzgerald's’.In Metropolis Lois, Clark, Sheridan, and Luis arrived at a nearby restaurant at 11:15. They had made it just in time for breakfast. They ordered, and then Lois andSheridan went to the restroom. Clark and Luis started talking about sports. They agreed on some points and disagreed on others. "No way. It was not a goal, his foot was in thecrease." "I don’t think so, it was a goal.""You’re wrong." Their conversation turned to something more personal,the women in their lives. :So how did you and Sheridan meet?" asked Clark. "It’s actually pretty funny. She was speeding, andcrashed into my police car." "She wrecked your car?""Yep, but that wasn’t the only time. She crashed into my new one too."Clark laughed. "So I’m guessing it wasn’t love atfirst sight." "Definitely not. I knew she was very beautiful, but she was a Crane, and I HATE the Crane family. Iarrested her." "You what? Man, you must really hate her family." "I do, but she also violated ten traffic laws, and tried to use her name to get out of it.""I see." "She was sentenced to a hundred hours at the youthcenter I run." "Did you two get closer there?""Actually no. We fought constantly over little things, but they were always passionate arguments." "I know what you mean. So when did your feelingschange?" "When we went to New Mexico to search for my father. I saw a side of her that was impossible not to fall in love with. Somewhere deep, deep, deep down, I always knew she was the only one for me. It just took a long time for those feelings to surface, and even longer for me to admit them. Way too long. All I know now is that I’m hooked for life."

To Be Continued...

Chapter 20:
In HarmonyKay and Charity went over to see how Miguel was. He appeared to be doing better than yesterday, but not much. They just sat there, and did the best theycould to comfort him. Grace was with Pilar. She was trying to find out if there was anything she could possible do. Pilar said "You being here, and being a good friend helps a lot." Grace went over to give her a hug as she started tocry. Sam went to get donuts and coffee for everyone. By the time he came bact, Ivy was there. He tried to avoid eye contact with her, but she spotted him. "Oh great" he thought as she walked over.In Metropolis While Sheridan and Lois were n the restroom, Lois turned pale. She ran to the nearest stall. "Lois, are you okay?" Sheridan yelled. She was worried about her. "Maybe we should go home" shesaid. "I'm fine, really" Lois said."You didn't just sound find when you were in there doing a little praying to the porcelain god.""Trust me Sheridan, I'm fine." "Okay" Sheridan said hesitantly. She and Luis were their guests, and she didn't want to get into anargument with Lois. They went back to join Clark and Luis.

Chapter 21:
In HarmonySam pretended not to see Ivy walk towards him. He set the coffee and donuts down, and started in the hedirection of Grace. Ivy caught up to him. She grabbed his arm and draggedhim outside. "What do you think you're doing Ivy?" he asked. "Shh. Don't talk" she said as she placed her fingerson his lips. He didn't make a sound. He was confused and a little scared. "What is she up to?" he thought. She kissed him, and he just stood there not knowing what to do. By the time he realized what was going on, and pulled away, it was too late. He looked up just in time to see Grace standing in the window crying and then running back in the other direction. "Oh God, please help me explain this" hethought.In Harmony Sheridan and Luis came back to find Luis sitting atthe table, but no Clark. "Where did Clark go?" asked Lois, hoping he didn't have to fly off somewhere in the middle of breakfast. "He was paged by the Planet, and went to use thephone" said Luis. "I'm going to go find him" said Lois. She headed inthe direction of the phone. "Hi gorgeous" said Luis as Sheridan sat down. "Hi handsome" Sheridan said. She leaned in and gavehim a kiss. "Have I told you how much I love you today." "Yes, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again."I love you Sheridan Crane." "I love you Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald."They kissed again. Meanwhile, Lois found Clark. He had just finished onthe phone. "Hi honey" said Lois."Hi. That was the Planet. We have a press conference at 2:00. It's about the Luthor story." "Okay. We'll just have to cut breakfast short with Sheridan and Luis." They went bad to the table. "Are we interrupting something?" Lois asked. Sheridan and Luis broke off their kiss and looked upembarrassed. "We were, um" said Luis.Lois and Clark just laughed. They told Sheridan and Luis about the press conference and apologized aboutcutting breakfast short. "That's okay, I'm sure we can find something to do" said Sheridan as she looked at Luis. Lois and Clark said their goodbyes, and left Sheridan and Luis.

Chapter 22:

In Harmony
Charity got up to go get some donuts for herself, Miguel, and Kay. That left Kay and Miguel bythemselves. "Where did you go yesterday?" Miguel asked. "I was just really tired, and decided to go home."she lied. "What's wrong Kay? You've been acting strange for awhile now. You seem so distant." "I'm distant!!!!!!" she shouted and got defensive. "Miguel, ever since Charity came to town, we never hang out. I miss that. All you do is pay attention to her. It's like I don't even exist." With that, she went outside. She was out there all by herself. She started to cry. "Why can't he just look at me the way he looks at Charity? I'm the one who's been there through good and bad times with him forever. Why can't he see thatI love him? Why?" Meanwhile, Miguel was thinking about what Kay said. "I never realized it, but Kay is absolutely right."He got up and left. Outside, Kay feels a hand on her shoulder. She turns around and gasps. "How much of that did you her?"she asked.In Metropolis "So, what should we do?" asked Sheridan after theyfinished their breakfast. "I was thinking that maybe we could take a walk" saidLuis. "Sounds like a plan." They got up and left. They walked down the streets of Metropolis hand-in-hand, just in awe of their surroundings. Every once and a while, they would see something in the window they liked, and would stop to look at it. They walked on to the park. After walking around there for awhile, the decided to go sit on a bench. "Luis, this has been one of the best days of my life"Sheridan said. "Mine too. Any day with you is special" Luis replied."You're so sweet." "I try" he joked.She punched him in the arm playfully, then took offrunning. "I'm going to get you for that Crane" he said as heran after her. After a few moments, he caught up to her. She had stopped running, and once he reached the spot, herealized why. "Wow" he said as he walked up beside Sheridan. "I know" she said. "It's absolutely beautiful." They had come to a pond in the park that was surrounded by the most beautiful flowers. It was likea scene out of a movie. They walked over closer to the pond. Sheridan was standing up against Luis, with her back to him. Luis was holding her tightly against him. "This place is special. Let's make an pact to come here as often as we can while we're here inMetropolis." "Sounds like a plan to me" he said. HE turned her around, and kissed her with all the passion inside of him. She responded in same way.The kiss was broken off when Sheridan's stomach growled. She looked at Luis' watch, and realized itwas after 6. They had lost all track. They agreed to meet Lois andClark at "home" at 6. "We better get going" Luis said."I know. I don't want to worry Lois and Clark" Sheridan said.They headed "home".

Chapter 23:

"I think you and your friend, Beth, should go search elsewhere for Sheridan and Luis. If either of them show up, kill them. I don't want to have to worry about them again. They could bring down the Crane Empire. I know I can count on you to take care of it. If not, you and your friend will have consequences to deal with. Do you understand?" said Alistair. "Loud and clear" said Hank. He called Beth and told her they were leaving town right away. Hank met Beth at the airport. They boarded the planeto their destination. In MetropolisLex, Bill, Tempus, and Janna sat in front of the television. They were watching the press conference. From what they heard, the police still had no solid leads, but some possibilities. They decided that they had better be prepared to move their next plan intoaction soon.Back in Harmony Ethan and Gwen arrived at the Lopez-Fitzgerald. Gwen went over to check and see how Pilar was. Ethan headed in the direction of Theresa. "How are you doing?" he asked when he reached Theresa. "I've been better" she said. "You?" "Me too, but I can say that one good thing came out ofthis." "What's that?" she asked, although she had a feeling she knew what it was. If she was right, she felt thesame way. "I finally woke up, and now, I've got you." He was about to kiss her, but then remembered that there were people around them. He grabbed her arm, and took heroutside. Once they were outside, and at a place no one could see them, he kissed her. "I can't believe how stupidI was" he thought. After they broke off the kiss, they decided to go for a walk. They had a lot to talk about. "I think we need to tell Gwen right away. She has aright to know" Theresa said. "I know, but I don't want her to hate me" Ethan said. "We'll just have to break it to her gently." "Theresa, this is something I have to tell her by myself. You understand, don't you?" "Yes Ethan, but from now on, you and I are a team. Ifyou need me, I'm here." "I know, and I couldn't be happier."With that, they walked back to the house. When the got back, Ethan went to find Gwen. When he found he, he took her outside. "Gwen, we have to talk. I know this seems sudden, butit's not." "What is it Ethan?" she asked. She was worried, but she had a feeling she knew what was coming. She had sensed it for awhile, but never wanted to really seeit. "Gwen, you're a wonderful person, the best anyone could ask for. Any man would be lucky to have you, and for awhile, I did. What I'm trying to say is that our relationship is over. I don't want to hurt you, and this must hurt bad. I hope that when the hurt wears off, we can be friends. I'll understand if you never want to see me again, though." He looked over at Gwen, expecting a smack across the face orsomething, but got nothing. "You're right, Ethan. This hurts, but not as much as you think. I've suspected for awhile now, that things weren't right between us. Actually, I'm not all that mad. I've loved you for along time, but deep, deep, deep down, I knew this would never work. Actually, there's this other guy. I haven't said anything to him, but I hope you're not mad.""I'm very happy for you. I want you to know one thing. I will always love you, and cherish thememories we have.' "And I'll always love you." With that, she huggedhim. "So what are you going to do?" "I think I'm going to go find this guy, and tell him how I feel. How about you? Is there a new women inyour life?" "Yes there is. I'm sorry.""Don't be. Who is she?" "Please don't be mad when I tell you this. It'sTheresa." "Ethan, I'm not mad, and really, I'm not shocked. I got over my jealousy a long time ago, but I knew there were feelings there that were more than friendship.I'm happy for you." "You're the best.""I know. So, I guess this is so long.""I guess so." They hugged again, then Gwen left. Ethan found Theresa, and told her everything was alright. They walked hand-in-hand into the house, ready to tell everyone else the news.

Chapter 24:

In Harmony: Kay couldn't believe it. She thought she had been alone, but she wasn't. She was standing in front of Grace. Kay knew something was wrong with her."Mom, what's wrong?" Kay asked. "First of all, we're going to talk about you. How come you never told me about Miguel?" Grace asked. "Like it really matters. You don't care. All youcare about is Charity." "That's not true. I love you, Kay. You're mydaughter." "Not since Charity came to town. I'm just some one who lives in the house." Kay knew she had hurt her,but it was true. "Kay, why didn't you tell me you felt like this.: "You would've just said that I was jealous." Grace thought about what Kay had just told her. "Great, I'm losing my daughter, and I've already lostmy husband" she whispered. Kay over heard her. "What about Dad?" Grace started to cry again. She tried to explain whathad happened. "I was looking for your father. Some one said they had seen him go outside. I got to the window, and looked to see if he was out there. He was, and he waskissing Ivy Crane." "I'm so sorry Mom" Kay said. "How could he do this to her?" she thought. Although they weren't close, she loved her, and didn't want to see her mother hurt. Just then, Sam walked out. "Kay, I need to speak to your Mom" he said. Kay went inside."Grace.""I don't want to hear it Sam." "You have to let me explain.""There's nothing that needs explaining. I saw you kissing Ivy Crane. I just can't believe I was sostupid." "You're not stupid, Grace. Yes, you did see Ivy kissing me, but I didn't want her to. She's delusional. Are you going to listen to me now?""Okay" "Before I rescued you, Ivy and I were together. Then, out of nowhere, she married Julian. I was crushed. Then, one event changed my life. The night I rescued you, was the night I forgot about Ivy. Since I rescued you, it's only been you. Do you understand what I'm saying? Ivy wants me back, and she's nottaking no for an answer." "So what I saw, wasn't really what I saw? Why didn'tyou tell me this before?" "At first, I didn't want to hurt you. But for awhile now, I've been trying to tell you. I just keep getting interrupted. Will you forgive me?" "You're forgiven, but if you have anymore secrets, I want to know now." "As far as I know, there's nothing else. I love YOUGrace." "I love you too. I have to go find Kay now. I'll seeyou later." With that, she went inside.In Metropolis Sheridan and Luis made it home by 6:30. They ran back, and by the time they arrived, they were quite winded. "Well, there you two are" said Lois. "We (huh) were (huh) in (huh) the (huh) park (huh), and (huh), lost (huh) track (huh) of (huh) time (huh)" Sheridan said between breaths. "When we realized (huh) what time it was (huh), we hurried back here." "We can tell" said Clark. "Anyways, dinner's ready whenever you are." "We're definitely ready" said Luis as his stomach growled. They all sat around the table and talked. Lois and Clark filled Sheridan and Luis in on what was said atthe press conference. After that, talk turned to work, or in the case of Sheridan and Luis, lack of work. Clark promised to do what he could at the police station, and he and Lois were sure that Sheridan could help out at the Planetif the need arised. They all agreed that this would have to do, since no one knew how long Sheridan and Luis would be in Metropolis.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 25:

In Harmony: Grace went inside and found Kay. They went backoutside to talk. "So are you and Dad okay?" asked Kay. "Yes, but I have more important things to talk about with you. I thought about what you said, and you're right. Kay, I'm so sorry. I guess that with all the excitement about finding a relative, I forgot about you. I don't think I can forgive myself." "Mom, I was mad at first, but then I got over it. I forgive you. I know you never meant to forget aboutme." "Oh Kay" Grace said as she hugged her. "Now, about Miguel? Do you really love him?" "More than anything, but all he's sees is Charity." "Does he know how you feel?" "No. Right now he's too busy with Charity to know Iexist." "Kay, if you really feel that strongly about Miguel, and if you know that there's a possibility that he loves you too, then you have to fight for him. Let him know how you feel." "You're okay with this? You're supporting this, even though Charity could end up hurt?" "Kay, if you love him as much as you say you do, tell him. If Charity and Miguel aren't meant to be together, then she's going to get hurt anyways." "You want me to tell him how I feel?" "That's what I'm saying." "I can't just tell him. He's too wrapped up in Charity, and he'll think I'm nuts.""Then show him." "I've tried, but it doesn't work.""Try harder then." "I can't believe you're actually saying this. Are you sure you're my mom?" "I'm more sure then I ever was." Kay hugged her. "Now, I'm going to go find your father. I'll leave you out here to think about what I said." She left. Kay sat there, by herself, for a few minutes, letting this all sink in. She wasn't alone, though. Therewas some one else there. He made his presence known, when he walked through the gate. He had been standing there, waiting for Grace and Kay to finish talking. He didn't mean to overhear, but he did. He needed to talk to Kay about what he heard. "Miguel. Please don't tell me you heard any of that." Kay turned as white as a ghost. "I heard every word. I didn't mean to, but I didn't want to interrupt you. I heard you say you love me. The minute you said it, I didn't know what to feel." "So, what do you feel?" "The more I don't think, but just feel, the more I realize that signs were there. I was just too blind to see them." "So you don't feel the same way. It's okay, I'll deal with it. I hope you understand that I won't be able to be around you and Charity anymore. It will just hurt too much, know that you know." Tears filled her eyes. She got up, and started walking away. "Wait Kay. I never said anything about not feeling anything for you." Kay stopped. "I'm not sure what I feel. Finding out about the way you feel about me has opened up feelings buried deep inside, though." "So, there might be a chance for us." "Yes." "You don't know how happy that makes me." "Can I make a confession? You were the first girl I ever had a crush on. I never knew you felt the same way. After you said all that, all those feelings came flooding back. Kay, do you really, truly love me?" "I love you more than I love anything, Miguel." "Well, prove it" he said as he walked over to her. He pulled her into a kiss so electrifying, that neither could pull away. When it finally ended, all either of them could saywas "Wow." "So, about Charity?" Kay asked. "Charity who?" Miguel said with a smile. "Seriously though, no other woman has made me feel the way you do. I just can't believe I didn't realize it before. I don't want this to end yet. I'm going to have to talk to Charity." "Okay, but before you leave..." "What?" "This." She kissed him again. He went off to talk to Charity. Awhile later hereturned."How did she take it?" "Not so good. She's pretty upset. I told her if she had me, it was okay." "She's going to hate me too, but I think together, wecan get through this." "We have gotten through everything together so far, and I know that we will keep doing that. I love you Kay." "I love you too Miguel. "They walked back inside, ready to face the world together. In Metropolis: They all just sat around the table, and talked for awhile. They only had one interruption when Clark got called away on Superman duty. Sheridan and Luis were in complete awe when he spun into the suit. They decided they better get used to it. Lois saw the looks on their faces. "It still gets me" she said. A few minutes later, Clark returned. They started to talk again, about many different things. Lois had told Clark about the bathroom incident during breakfast. She told him how worried Sheridan was when she heard her praying to the porcelain god. They decided to tell Sheridan and Luis what caused it, so they wouldn't worry. "We have something to tell you" Lois said. "What is it?" asked Sheridan. "First of all, I want to apologize if I snapped at you this morning. I didn't mean to.'"That's okay." "I really was fine." "I could tell." "But, you have nothing to worry about. I've been praying to the porcelain god a lot lately." "How can you be fine, if you've done that a lot lately?" asked Luis. "Because, it's morning sickness" Clark said. He looked at Lois. "You mean..." Sheridan said."Yes, we're going to have a baby" said a Lois. "But I thought you couldn't, because you weren't compatible" said Luis. He noticed the look in their eyes, and realized it was a touchy subject. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." "It's okay. Sometimes it's just a little hard to handle sometimes." "But we beat the odds, and now we're going to have this little miracle" said Clark who was beaming. He squeezed Lois' hand. "I'm so happy for you two" said Sheridan. "Me too" said Luis. "Thank you. I just wish the two of you could be here to see he or she" said Lois. "We do too" said Sheridan. "So when are you due?" "In six months."They sat around and talked until 10:30, then they decided to turn in. They said their goodnights, then went to bed.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 26:

Sheridan and Luis had been missing for three months now. The residents of Harmony had lost almost all hope of them ever returning. No one had seen them anywhere. It was like they had disappeared off the face of the earth. No bodies resembling Sheridan or Luis had been found, so there was a little hope, butnot much.

In Harmony
Theresa and Ethan had fallen even deeper in love. They had only been able to keep from going in sane because they had each other. They had spent all the time they possibly could together. Ethan had actually moved into the Lopez-Fitzgerald house, (Not just because of Theresa. There were other reasons, having mainly to do with his father and grand father.) They told each other everything. Sometimes they would just cry together. They knew the chances of ever seeing Sheridan and Luis again were virtually non-existent. They just hoped that wherever they were, they were together. They had also spent a lot of time with Pilar. She was taking it he hardest. She had lost her son, and Sheridan, whom she considered to be one of her own. Some one stayed with her at all times. She completely lost everything.

Sam and Grace were there whenever Theresa and Ethan weren’t. Their marriage had survived Ivy’s attempts at undoing it, and they came to realize how valuable love really is. It them cherish the time they had spent together so fan, and not take each other for granted. Ivy had given up on Sam for the time being. As soon as Grace had seen Ivy after the incident at the Lopez-Fitzgerald’s, she realized Grace wasn’t going to give Sam up. She had seen a side of Grace that was the complete opposite of the oblivious side she had been used to. Grace had let Ivy know that she wasn’t going to get away with what she had done, and that if it happened again, she would pay. Ivy got the message loud and clear and backed off. She wasn’t done yet, but she was backing off for awhile. Miguel had Kay to help him through it. She was there for him whenever he needed her, whether he wanted to talk, or just be comforted. They had spent a lot of time together, trying to make up for the time that they had been apart because of Charity. Tabitha was still trying to lure Charity over to the dark side. Charity had decided that she couldn’t stand being around Kay, and moved our. Tabitha thought this was perfect, and offered to let Charity stay with her. Charity agreed and moved in. Timmy was overjoyed by this, but had to be extra careful now that some one who didn’t know who he was had moved in. The good thing about it though, was that Charity had somehow softened Fluffy, and the cat no longer attacked Timmy. Every night, while Charity was asleep, Timmy would go in and give Charity a kiss on the forehead, and tell her that he would protect her. The Russell’s got back to Harmony a couple weeks after Sheridan and Luis had disappeared. They were surprised at the amount of things that had changed while they were gone. Whitney was shocked to find out that Theresa and Ethan were together. She was very happy for her friend, but it was still a shock. She needed to see it, to believe it. Simone was just as shocked when she found out that Kay and Miguel were together. She never would have believed it, if she hadn’t seen it. During this time though, things had changed within the Russell family. T. C. was growing suspicious of Eve. He had a felling she had a secret that she was keeping from him, a secret that could destroy their marriage if he ever found out. Eve found out there was a chance that she and Julian had a child together. She and Julian had been spending a lot of time together lately. This gave Julian hope of reconciliation, but so far, Eve hadn’t given in. Whitney and Simone had grown further apart. Simone had failed at getting Chad, and he no longer paid any attention to her. All he did was talk to Whitney, and because of this, she and Whitney didn’t speak. Whitney finally gave in to her feelings, and told Chad she liked him. They were getting closer with every moment they spent together. Julian and Alistair were overjoyed that their “weak link” was gone and they were assured that their secrets would stay secrets. Their only problem was that Ethan had left. After he saw that they showed no emotion when Sheridan and Luis disappeared, he no longer considered himself a Crane. Julian and Alistair were trying to come up with some one who could take over the Crane Empire. They were having no luck.

Elsewhere in the World
Gwen left Harmony shortly after she and Ethan broke up. She went to find this man that she had taken interest in. She and Ethan were still good friends, and kept in touch. She called him once a week to find out if there was any news on Sheridan and Luis. She talked to Theresa a lot too. They would talk about Sheridan and Luis, and she would reassure Theresa that she didn’t hate her for taking Ethan. Hank and Beth decided to stay away from Harmony for as long as possible. They were scared of Alistair and didn’t want to have to see him again. They had given up all hope of finding Sheridan and Luis. One night, they both got drunk to the point where they had no idea what they were doing. They woke up the next morning in bed together. They had made the mistake and now, they had to deal with it. Beth was pregnant. Because of this, they grew closer. They had always been attracted to each other, but pushed those feelings aside when Luis walked into their lives. Those feelings came back when they found out they were going to have a baby.

In Metropolis
Sheridan and Luis spend every waking moment that they weren’t at work, together. They had also gone to that place in the park that they considered to be their own, at least once a week. They would go there to get away from the rest of the world and just be alone together. This was only the place where they felt they could truly be alone. Sometimes they would go there to see a beautiful sunset, and sometimes they would go to cry. They both missed Harmony so much, but mostly they missed their friends and family. Lois and Clark and most of Metropolis for that matter were great, but they couldn’t take the place of home. They were losing hope of ever seeing it again. Luis started out doing desk work at the Metropolis Police Department, but was quickly doing the work he had done in Harmony. He wasn’t making a lot of money, but enough to live off from while they were in Metropolis. Sheridan’s income wasn’t as much as Luis’, but it helped. Her job wasn’t all that interesting, but it was giving her and Luis more money. Perry had her running errands for him and filing stuff. She didn’t enjoy it too much, but she wasn’t going to complain since Perry had been nice enough to hire her. Sheridan and Luis were falling deeper in love, more than either had imagined they could. They discovered something new about each other that completely amazed them. They never stopped learning new things about each other, and they never wanted to. Neither could imagine their lives without out the other, and vowed never to let the other one experience it. They were together, now and forever.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 27:

In Metropolis
Sheridan and Luis went shopping, so Clark and Luis were left home by themselves. They were watching a football game. They would argue with the officials or with each other about calls that were or weren’t made. After the game was over, Luis asked Clark “Can I talkto you about something?” “Sure.’“How long after you and Lois admitted your feelings for each other, did you ask her to marry you?” “A few months. I knew the minute I laid eyes on her that she was the only woman that I would truly love. It just took her a little while to realize it. I didn’t want to waste a lot time to make it official that she was mine, but I didn’t want to push hereither.” “Can I ask you to do a favor for me then?”“What is it?” “Will you help me set up the perfect weekend? I want it to be just Sheridan and me. You and Lois have been so great to us, but we haven’t spent a lot of time alone. I think we need a little time to ourselves.Don’t be mad.” “That’s no problem Luis. Of course I will help you.”

“Great. It’s going to be perfect. We’ll go out to dinner, and then we’ll go to our spot in the park and watch the sunset. I’ll ask her to make me the happiest man alive, and be my wife.” “Sounds perfect, but I want you to know one thing.”“What?” “If she turns you down, which I know she won’t, but if she does, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. She just may not be ready for it. Lois turned me down thefirst time.” “I have no intention of giving up. Well I’m going to starting getting things set up. I’ll see you later.”

To Be Continued...

Chapter 28:

In Metropolis
Everything was ready. He had went and found the most beautiful ring there was. It was expensive, but Luis knew it was worth it. It was going to be a perfect weekend. He just knew it, and Sheridan was going to say yes. She just had to. He met Sheridan at home when he finished work. She was getting ready to go to dinner. He showered anddid the same thing. They met in the bedroom. Luis was taken aback by how beautiful she looked. She was always beautiful, buttonight, more than ever. "You look absolutely gorgeous" he said. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." He was wearing a tight black shirt under a sports jacket. He definitely looked better than "not sobad". "Thank you" he said as he walked towards her. They met half way. Neither could believe how greatthe other looked. They kissed. It was a short, sweet kiss, but it still took bout their breaths away."Shall we?" asked Luis as he reached for her hand. "We shall."Once they got into the cab, Sheridan's curiosity took over. She knew that they were going to dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town, but she felt there was more.

"So, what are we doing after dinner?" she asked with apleading look in her eyes. "I don't know what you’re talking about. I never said anything about doing anything after dinner." "Come on Luis. I know you've got something elseplanned." "Well, I thought that we might go for a walk afterdinner, but that's it." "Okay" she said. She gave up, because she knew she wasn't going to get anymore information out of him. She had a feeling he had something else planned, but she couldn't figure out what it was. Luis had called the owner of the restaurant and asked if he could do him a favor. The owner said yes and that he would do anything for the man who saved hisrestaurant. A couple of months ago, some one had been embezzling thousands of dollars from the restaurant. Luis had cracked the case, and the owner had insisted onhelping him out anyway he could. He asked the owner if there was anytime that he could set up a romantic evening for him and Sheridan. The owner found one night with no reservations, and Luissaid he'd take it. "Hello, earth to Luis" Sheridan said.Luis snapped out of his daze. "What?" "I asked you what this is for. I’m not forgettinganything, am I?” "No, you're not. Do you have a problem with me taking the love of my life out to dinner just to show her howmuch I love her?" "No, as long as I'm the only love of your life." "You always have been and you always will be. I love you more than anything, and I will continue to love you until the end of time. Nothing will ever change that. I love you Sheridan Crane."

"I love you too Luis, more than all other things. Nothing will change the way I feel about you either, and nothing will tear us apart. You're stuck with meforever." "Good, because I want to be stuck with you forever." Just then, the cab pulled up to the restaurant. They paid the cabbie and went inside. Sheridan gasped when they got inside. She couldn't believe it. It was absolutely beautiful. There was just one table, and the room was lit with candles. There was soft music playing and a dozen roses on thetable. Luis took Sheridan's hand and guided her to the table. He had already ordered for them, so all he had to dowas get the waiter. The waiter came over carrying a bottle of champagne and two plates of lobster. He poured the champagneand left. Luis looked over at Sheridan. She was crying."What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing. This is just so wonderful. How can weafford this?" "It's on the house. This was the owner's way of thanking me. I couldn't turn him down." They ate their lobsters and just talked, enjoying each other's company. They hadn't been alone like this inawhile. Savage Garden's "I Knew I Loved You" started playing. "May I have this dance?" asked Luis. Sheridan reached for his hand, and they went out on the floor. They both listened to the words, amazed at how much they fit the way both of them felt. When the song ended, they went back to the table.

"Excuse me for a minute" said Luis. He got up and went to find the waiter. He wanted to set his next surprise in motion. He found the waiter, told him he was ready, and went back to the table. As soon as the song playing stopped, Luis took Sheridan's hand and led her onto the floor."What are you doing?" "You'll see. Just wait a minute." Just then, the song started. It was the same song they had tangoed to at the youth center. They tangoed just as they had then, but this time, with morepassion. The waiter was cleaning off their table while they were tangoing. He watched for a moment, amazed at what he saw. The passion and intensity made the room glow. He had never seen any two people with as much passion for one another, as he saw with Sheridan and Luis. He went back to clearing off the table. After the tango ended, Luis pulled Sheridan into the most passionate his either of them had experienced. When they finally parted, all either of them could do was just stare at each other. Both were so happy they had finally found the love they had been searchingtheir whole lives for. Finally, they went back to the table to get their coats. They walked around the city for awhile and stopped at an ice cream stand. Luis bought two, one for him and one for Sheridan. Sheridan's had colored sprinkles and Luis' was chocolate. They ate their cones as they walked to the park, hand-in-hand. Luis led the way to their spot. He reached into his pocket to make the ring was there. It was. He sighed in relief and stood there with Sheridan, watching the sunset in awe. It was the most beautiful thing eitherhad seen. Luis quietly stepped away from Sheridan. By the time she turned around, Luis was on one knee. Tears filled her eyes as she looked down at him. "I love you Sheridan Crane with every ounce of my being. The minute I saw you, I knew you were the only woman I could ever truly love. It just took me awhile to admit it. Waking up next to you every morning is a dream come true, and seeing a smile on your face always brightens my day. When I look in your eyes, it's like I'm looking into heaven. You are the smartest, kindness, most wonderful, caring, loving, beautiful woman I have ever met. Would you do me the honors of making me the happiest man in any universe, and be my wife? Will you Sheridan? Will you marryme?" "Luis..."

To Be Continued...

Chapter 29:

In Metropolis
They were starting to worry. They had been close to being caught a couple of times. The Metropolis Police were keeping a close eye on them. They were running out of places to keep H. G. Wells at. They were starting to sweat. Their only positive point was Janna. If it weren't for her, the would have beencaught long ago. Lex was never one to worry, but he was sure worrying now. He had to watch his back at all times. He never went anywhere in public, and if he needed something, he found other ways of getting it. Bill was a strong leader, and one who rarely caved. He was weakening though, and didn't have the capability of putting all plans in motion.

Tempus, who comes from the future, had always thought he knew more that everyone else. He does, but he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. He would always screw up somewhere in the middle and gothimself in trouble. They all agreed that if they kept their cool, things would be okay. They also knew that they needed tofind another place and soon.

In Harmony
They only things that kept Pilar sane, were her children. She was happy that her daughter had finally gotten what she had always wanted, Ethan. She thought they looked so great together. Having Ethan there to help her and Theresa was great. And Miguel, she had never seen Miguel as happy as he was with Kay. They had known each other forever, and because of that, a beautiful love was created. All that love was keeping Pilar going. Seeing the smiles on their faces helpeddistract her some. When she was alone, she would break down and cry herself to sleep. Ever since Sheridan and Luis disappeared, part of her felt empty. She missed everything about both of them. Wherever they were,she hoped they were together.

Back In Metropolis

Lois and Clark were alone for the first time since Sheridan and Luis arrived They loved having them stay in the house, but they hadn't had anytime to themselves. They decided to make the most of the weekend, and just spend time together. They ordered a pizza and rented a movie. They just sat there in each others arms, watching the movie. Amazingly, there were no Superman interruptions. Clark looked over at Lois. She was looking more pregnant everyday, but with each day, she grew morebeautiful. Both of them were happy that they had beaten the odds, and soon they would have their own little buddle of joy. It was the most amazing thing either of them had experienced. They knew now that their love couldconquer all obstacles.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 30:

In Metropolis
“Sheridan, will you make me the happiest man alive,and marry me?” Luis asked. “Luis” she said as her eyes filled with tears. “Yes. Yes I will marry you.” She pulled him off the ground, and kissed him. He kissed her back. All their passion, love and desire was put into the kiss. Neither wanted it to end. They had waited their whole lives for this moment, and finally, it was happening. When they parted, Luis slipped the ring on her finger. Tears came flooding down both their faces. No other person in any universe was as happy as they were. Luis picked her up, and started spinning around in circles. He couldn’t believe it. She was going tomarry him. He was so happy. He set her down, and kissed her again. The kiss grew very intense. Sheridan broke it off when she realized they were still in the park.“What?” Luis asked when Sheridan pulled away. He looked around and realized why she did it. He wanted her though, and he had a feeling she wanted him too.He could see it in her eyes. She knew what he was thinking and she felt the same way, but it wasn’t going to happen. They were staying at Lois and Clark’s. She thought that it would just be wrong. She told Luis what she was thinking. “I have another surprise” he said. “We’re not going home. I planned a whole weekend for us. We’restaying in a hotel.”

Sheridan smiled at that. “A whole weekend to ourselves” she thought. She was about to kiss him, but didn’t. If she had, she wouldn’t have been ableto stop. They walked out of the park and got into the first cab they could. Their want and need was building quickly. It seemed to take forever to get to the hotel. They almost didn’t make it into the room before all their passion, intensity, desire, need, and want took over. As soon as the door was shut, their want foreach other consumed them. Their lips met in a hungry kiss. Neither had wanted anyone as much as they wanted each other. It was like fate (sorry, I couldn’t resist) had brought them tothis moment. Luis started with his hands cupped around Sheridan’s face, then they moved to her waist. As the kiss intensified, they were all over, exploring her body. Sheridan’s arms started around his neck, but soon, her hands were running through his hair. They were exploring his body as the kiss became more passionate. They kiss grew more passionate. Luis picked up Sheridan and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down, and came down on top of her.

They broke off the kiss and gazed into each other’s eyes. Both knew what the other wanted, each of them was happy to fulfill it. All their hopes and dreamswere going to come true. They made love that night for the first time. It was unlike anything they had ever experienced, and they had ever hoped for. All their fears were gone, and they had become almost one. Like they knew theyshould be. They feel asleep in each other’s arms, ready for whatever the world was going to do to them next, knowing that nothing could stop them from being together now.

To Be Continued...