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I Can See Clearly Now

Chapter 31:

In Metropolis
Sheridan woke up and looked around. “Good, it wasn’t a dream” she thought. She looked down at her hand. Tears filled her eyes when she saw the ring. It was so beautiful. She couldn’t believe she was going to marry Luis. He was the man of her dreams. “He’s so kind, loving, caring, smart, and he has the biggest heart. To top it off, he has a nice body, make that a great body.” She rolled over so she was facing him, and traced circles on his cheek. He moved a bit, but didn’t open his eyes. She started kissing him all over his face and neck. This woke him up.

She felt him stir, and looked up. He pulled her into a long, sweet kiss. It was the perfect way to start the day. “Good morning handsome.” “And how is my beautiful fiancee doing today?” “Wonderful, and you know what?” “What?” “I love that word.” “What word?” “Fiance, but not nearly as much as I love you.” “And I love you Sheridan.” They kissed again. “So what are we doing today?” she asked. “I was thinking we could spend the day like this.” “You’re getting no arguments form me, but I do want to do one thing.” “What’s that?” “Take a shower.” “But I don’t want to let you go.” “Then don’t.” “But you’re...” His eyes lit up at what she was suggesting. “Okay.” They got up and headed for the shower.

After they got out of the shower, they ordered breakfast. They spent breakfast feeding each other and remembered the old times. They remembered how they met, and their trip to New Mexico. With these memories came sorrow. Both missed Harmony and their family and friends. Tears started rolling down Sheridan’s cheeks. Luis held her and wiped her tears away. It was hard for both of them, but it was especially hard for her. She had finally been able to call Harmony home, and now this. “Sheridan, we have to talk about this.” She nodded. “We knew there was a possibility that we might not get him.”

“I know, but with each day, our chances of returning are getting slimmer. I just miss it so much.” “I know. I do too, but we can’t lose hope. And, I promise you one thing.” “What?” “You’re never going to lose me.” He leaned in and kissed her on her forehead. “Let’s think about the good times we’ve had with them.” Sheridan nodded in agreement. They just sat there and recalled the times they spent with their friends and families.

Sheridan remembered Ethan and Gwen, and wondered if they had gotten married yet. She knew there were things going on between Ethan and Theresa, but she wasn’t sure exactly what it was. Luis remembered Theresa and all the arguments they had about getting involved with the Cranes. He couldn’t believe how stupid he had been and finally understood how Theresa felt. From the Sheridan talked about Ethan, Luis figured he couldn’t be that bad either.

After Luis saw Sheridan’s spirits lift a little, he asked “So what do you want to do now?” “I was thinking, maybe we should watch a movie.” “Sounds good. What movie?” “I don’t know. Let’s see what’s on.” They were lying on the bed, channel surfing, when Sheridan stopped. “I love this movie.” It was Notting Hill. “There is no way I’m watching a chick-flick” Luis said. “You did ask me what I wanted to do. Besides, we can do something we’ll both enjoy after it” she said with a seductive smile. He knew what she was hinting at, and he agreed to watch it. He just couldn’t say no to her no matter how hard he tried. They watched the movie in each other’s arms.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 32:

In Harmony
The residents of Harmony were at the Lopez-Fitzgerald’s house. It was Pilar’s birthday, and they were having a party. They all knew that she was taking it the hardest and they thought the party would take her mind off from it for awhile. Ivy pulled Theresa, Ethan, Sam, Kay, and Grace aside. She had finally come to realize that she wasn’t going to get Sam back. She now felt that if he was happy, and he obviously was with Grace, then she was happy. She also knew it was time for the truth to come out.

“First of all, I want to apologize for everything I’ve done. Sam, you were my first love, and I hated the fact that I couldn’t have you. Now I see how happy you are with your family, and I know nothing I do will ever get you to come back to me. I just want you to be happy. Grace, I’m so sorry for all I’ve done. I know that’s not enough, but I know how much you love Sam, and he loves you. I know the two of you belong together. I hope someday, you’ll be able to trust me again.”

By now, everyone knew what Ivy had done, so the news wasn’t a surprise. Ethan and Theresa had made her realize that she wasn’t going to get Sam. They had forgiven her for all that she had done, and they would love her no matter what. Ethan and Ivy were still close, and Theresa was like a daughter to her. Theresa no longer worked for Ivy, but they would still come over and have lunch with her sometimes.

“I have so more news that will probably make you hate me, but you have to realize that I did it for Ethan. I wanted Ethan to have a bright, promising future and to be able to have anything he wanted. I’ve kept this a secret for too many years, and it’s going to affect all of you. I just want you to understand why I did it. If you never want to speak to me, or even see me for that matter, I’ll understand, but you need to know” said Ivy. All eyes were on Ivy now. No one was expecting what she was going to say next.

“I know this is going to come out at an inopportune time, with the disappearance of Sheridan and Luis, but I finally have the courage to say it, so I’m going to. Ethan, the reason you and Julian are so different it because he’s not your father. Sam is” Ivy said. No one spoke. They were all too shocked from what they had just heard. “How could you Ivy?” Sam asked. He was so angry with her for not telling him.

“I told you that I thought it was best for Ethan. As I said, I’ll understand if you don’t want anything to do with again. You all have a lot to let sink in, so I’ll leave you alone.” With that, she left. Theresa told Ethan that she was going to leave him alone with Sam, but she would be in the other room if he needed her. He nodded in agreement and she left. Sam and Ethan were left alone after the other Bennetts left. There was an awkward silence. Neither knew what to say or do. Ivy was right when she said that it would have a huge impact on their lives. They just looked at each other, trying to make sense of what they had just been told.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 33:

In Metropolis
Sheridan and Luis spent the rest of the day, just enjoying each other’s company. That night, they went out dancing and karoaking. They had a great time. Luis grabbed Sheridan’s hand and pulled her up on stage. “What are you doing?” she asked. “It’s our turn, silly.” They had decided they were going to sing too. Sheridan didn’t realize they were already up. “Okay everyone, we’re going to slow it down a bit. Sheridan and I are going to sing, “Could I Have This Kiss Forever” by Enrique Iglesias and Whitney Houston” Luis said.’’ The music started and the people n the crowd went to find a partner.

Over and over I look in your eyes
You are all I desire
You have captured me
I want to hold you
I want to be close to you
I never want to let go
I wish that this night would never end
I need to know

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I, could I have this kiss forever
End lyrics for now

Throughout the crowd, people were dancing, but neither Sheridan nor Luis noticed. The only thing they could see was each other. The music had taken them somewhere else. A place where they were alone. A place where no one else had ever been. A place where no one else would ever go. The place they went whenever they looked deep into each other’s eyes.

More Lyrics
Over and over I’ve dreamed of this night
Now you’re here by my side
You are next to me
I want to hold you and touch you and taste you
And make you want no one but me
I waist that this kiss could never end
Oh baby please

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I, could I have this kiss forever
End lyrics for now

By this time, no one was dancing. They had stopped, because they were amazed at Sheridan and Luis. They could see the love they had for each other and each secretly hoped they would find a love like that one day.

More Lyrics
I don’t want any night to go by
Without you by my side
I just want all my days
Spent being next to you
Lived for just loving you
And baby, oh by the way

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I, could I have this kiss forever
End lyrics for now

By the end of the song, everyone in the place was in awe. It was as though they had seen the best love story grow right in front of their eyes. Some were even crying. With all this happening, Sheridan and Luis snapped back into reality. They were amazed at the appreciation they had received when the crowd started clapping uncontrollably. They had completely forgotten everyone else.

Luis grabbed Sheridan’s hand and pulled her off the stage and outside. Both were wined from the energy that was created inside. “That was amazing” Luis said. “I know, but once the music started, I only saw you.” “Me too. You are the only one I felt there” he said as he walked towards her. “You are the only one I want near me.” Their lips met in a short, passionate kiss. When they pulled away, they decided that they should go back inside.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 34:

In Harmony
“So?” said Ethan. “So?” Sam asked. No one said anything. It just felt weird. “I guess I’d better get back to the party” Ethan said. “Me too.” Ethan walked back to Theresa. “So?” she asked as Ethan reached her. “I don’t know. This is all so strange. It’s like my whole world has been turned upside down. Nothing I ever believed in is true. I mean, ever after the way my fath..., Julian has acted about the disappearance of Sheridan and Luis, he is the only father I’ve known.”

“Us. Ethan, you have to believe in us, and my love for you. I’m always going to be here. You have to believe me Ethan. When I tell you that I love you, I do. I always have and I always will.” It tore Theresa up having to see Ethan this way. “I love you too Theresa. You are the one truth in my life right now” he said as he pulled her in close. They just sat there and held each other.

In Metropolis
Sheridan and Luis went back inside, and were having a blast. They decided that they should do it more often. Before the night was over, each had a surprise for the other. Luis told Sheridan that he was going to get them so punch. He left, but instead of going for the punch, he went up on stage. He grabbed the mic and spoke. “Would my lovely fiancée, the beautiful Sheridan Crane, please come up on the stage? I would like to dedicate this song to her (music starts), because she truly does amaze me.”

Tears came to Sheridan’s eyes. This was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her. Everything he did was sweet. She ran onto the stage as Luis started to sing. She couldn’t believe he was serenading her.

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you
End Lyrics

When she reached the stage, Luis smiled and pulled here close to him. She smiled back, tears streaming down her face. He did his best to wipe them away, but they just kept coming.

More lyrics
The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me, baby you surround me
You touch everyplace in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spent the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you
End lyrics

Luis went on singing to her. He was happy to see her smiling. God how he loved that smile. He hoped that it would never disappear from her face.

More lyrics
The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me, baby you surround me
You touch everyplace in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spent the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Oh, every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you
End song

The crowd cheered and Luis pulled Sheridan into a kiss. She kissed him back just as much. When the kiss broke off, Luis started to get off the stage. Sheridan let go of his hand and stood still. “What?” he asked. “I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?” he thought. “It’s my turn, so stay right where you are.”

To Be Continued...

Chapter 35:

In Metropolis
Luis gave Sheridan a look, asking if she was serious. She nodded yes. She grabbed the mic and spoke. “Okay everyone, you’ve heard my fiance, Luis, now it’s my turn. This one’s for you Luis.” The music started and Sheridan reached for Luis’s hand. She pulled him back up on the stage.

What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy and sets you free
What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms

I wanna thank you for giving me time to breathe
Like a rock, you waited so patiently
While I got it together, while I figured it out
I only looked, but I never touched
'Cause in my heart was a picture of us
Holding hands, making plans
And it's lucky for me, you understand
End lyrics

He couldn’t believe she was doing this. He added one more thing to the long list of things that she did that amazed him. “Amazed” was the perfect song to describe the way he felt.

More lyrics
What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy and sets you free
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly
What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms
And I'm thanking you for being there for me

A weaker man might have walked away
But you had faith strong enough
To move over and understand while I got it together
While I figured it out
They say, "If you love something, let it go
If it comes back, it's yours; that's how you know."
It's for keeps, yeah, it's for sure
And you're ready and willing to give me more
End lyrics

She saw him just staring at her, all his love for her showing in his eyes. Those eyes she loved looking deep into. They were dark and mysterious, yet calm and kind. They made her feel so safe.

More lyrics
What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy and sets you free
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly
What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms
And I'm thanking you for being there for me

A girl needs somebody
Somebody sensitive and tough
Somebody there when the going gets rough
Every night he'll be giving his love
To just one girl, one girl, one
Somebody cool but real tender too
Somebody, baby, just like you
Can keep me hanging around with
The one who always knew
And I'm thanking you
For being there for me

What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy and sets you free
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly
What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms
And I'm thanking you for being there for me

What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever makes me happy and sets you free
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly
What a girl wants, what a girl needs
Whatever keeps me in your arms
And I'm thanking you for being there for me
And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly...
And I'm thanking you for being there for me...

End song

When the song was finished, Luis picked Sheridan up and carried her off the stage. He set her down and kissed her. “I love you too Luis, with all my heart. I can’t believe you did that. It was the kindest, sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Everything you do is kind and sweet. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” “I’m the lucky one.” “We’re both lucky.” “Yes we are. What you think we should do now?” “I’m thinking, maybe we should go back to the hotel and then think of something there” she said with a seductive look in her eyes. “I think, wait, I know I love the way you think.” With that, they went outside, got a cab, and went back to the hotel.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 36:

In Harmony
Pilar’s party was almost over. Everyone was leaving. Ivy left not long after she exposed her secret. She told Pilar what she had done, and Pilar was proud of her. The Bennett’s left, still in shock about what they had been told. They hoped a good night’s rest would help them make some sense of it. The Russell’s were next to leave, but not together. T. C. and Eve left with Simone, but none of them looked happy. Whitney hung around for awhile with Chad, but not long.

Pilar went to bed soon after everyone left. Theresa and Ethan were left to clean up. They cleaned up as much as they could before they became completely exhausted, then went to bed. At the Bennett’s, Sam couldn’t sleep. He was so angry and confused, but mainly, he was hurt. “How could Ivy have kept that secret from me for so long?” he thought. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He didn’t know if he could ever forgive Ivy. He just didn’t know anything anymore.

In Metropolis
Luis woke up when he heard Sheridan start to cry. “Sheridan, what is it? What’s wrong?” She didn’t say anything. How could she be having the nightmare again? What brought it on? She hadn’t had it in so long. How was she going to tell Luis? He was going to marry her, so he had the right to know. “Come on, Sheridan. Tell me what’s wrong so I can help you.” “I have to tell him, but I don’t want to lose him. He means everything to me” she thought. “Please God, don’t let him hate me. Right now, he’s all I’ve got.”

Luis knew something wasn’t right. He needed her to talk to him. Seeing her cry was the thing for him. He couldn’t bear it. Sheridan took a deep breath. This was going be the hardest thing she was ever going to do. “Luis, I have to tell you something. You must know. You have the right to know. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you before. It’s been eating away at me forever.

Since I met you and fell in love you, it’s been even harder. You deserve to know this, and I’m going to tell you even though I might lose you because of it. It’s going to come out someday. I’ll understand if you hate me and never want to see me. I’ll lose my whole reason to live if I’m not with you, but at least you will know the truth.” “Sheridan, nothing you could do would ever make me hate you. I love you more than life itself. Whatever you have to tell me can’t be that bad.”

Sheridan started telling Luis about “that night”. She told him every detail she could remember. She would start to cry and have to stop. Luis did everything he could to soothe her in the beginning, but it didn’t help. He decided he had better let her tell him the best she could with no interference. “Luis, I think I killed your father.”

To Be Continued...

Chapter 37:

In Metropolis
“Say something. Don’t just look at me like that. Please talk to me” Sheridan said. Luis just looked at her, trying to process what he was just told. He just stared at her. The room was silent for a few minutes. It was very awkward. “Luis, talk to me. Tell me what you’re thinking and feeling. Hate me, be angry with me, but whatever you do, tell me something.” “I could never hate you, I just can’t believe it. I couldn’t possibly believe it. I’m mad and hurt, that’s what I am.” Tears started to roll down her face. She was relieved that it was off her chest, but she hated seeing him upset. She hated him being angry at her even more. “I’m so sorry Luis. I hate it when you’re mad, especially at me. I understand though.”

“Sheridan, I’m not mad at you. I’m hurt you didn’t tell me, yes, but I’m not mad at you. The Sheridan Crane I know and love, the one here with me now, could never do something like that. I don’t think you’re a murderer now or that you ever had been. Something is definitely fishy, but I think I have an idea of who could be behind it, and you’re not going to like it, Julian and Alistair.” She just looked at him, shocked that he wasn’t mad at her. She thought about what he said. The Cranes had many secrets, that’s for sure. She trusted his instinct and nodded hesitantly in agreement. He pulled her in close to him. He knew this had been eating away at her. She had finally been able to tell him what he knew had been so hard for her to keep secret.”

“I have something to tell you too” he said. “What?” “It’s important, so listen carefully. I love you, and I always have and always will. Nothing you do could ever change that. No matter what happens, you’ll have my heart. Understood?” She answered him with a kiss. “How did I get to be so lucky? I’ve found the man who loves me for me” she thought. They held each other for the rest of the night.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 38:

In Harmony
The residents of Harmony had given up hope of Sheridan and Luis ever returning. It had been six months since they disappeared and nothing had turned up. They had started to try to move on with their lives. Ethan and Theresa have taken the next step in their relationship, and are now engaged. Pilar had started putting her life back together. Kay and Miguel have become inseparatable. Sam, Grace, Ethan, and Theresa have come to terms with the fact that Ethan is a Bennett, and have moved on with their lives.

T. C. discovered the truth of Eve’s past and divorced. Eve has gone back to her old ways because she lost everyone’s respect. After Julian discovered the truth about Ethan and Sam and Ivy’s past, he divorced her, and convinced Eve to come back to him. Simone and Whitney have lost all contact with each other, Simone lives with Eve and Julian and Whitney lives with her Dad. Chad and Whitney have fallen deeper in love, and Chad has moved in with Whitney and T. C.

Hank and Beth arrived back in Harmony and shocked everyone with the news of their pregnancy. They avoided questions about their whereabouts. They were going to stay together, but if Sheridan and Luis did ever come back, they were to come between them because of Alistair.

In Metropolis
Sheridan and Luis have lost all hope of ever returning to Harmony and were making their new life and home in Metropolis. They were searching for a place of their own and making plans for their wedding. They wanted to get married as soon as possible, and with the help of they’re Metropolis friends, that appeared to be possible. Because of Luis’s good work, he’s on his way to making detective. His promotion is in the works at the time. Sheridan has moved up in the ranks at the Daily Planet and has her own column in the paper. In college, she took and elective in journalism, which helped her a lot.

Lois’s has given birth hers and Clark’s children. They kept the fact that they were having twins a secret along with the babies’ names. They named their son Blair Luis and their daughter Daphne Sheridan, in honor of their new friends. Now, they are doing everything they can to help Sheridan and Luis make Metropolis home. Lex, Tempus, Bill, and Janna have kept H. G. Wells hidden for two months now with no police interference. They were surprised and happy, but they knew that they were still wanted. They are all on the top of the most wanted list. They have learned of Sheridan and Luis and because of their nastiness, they formed a pact and vowed never to give in.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 39:

In Metropolis

Sheridan and Luis were out house shopping like they had been for the past few weeks. They had found a couple houses that they were considering, but nothing definite. Until today. They had just seen their dream house and it was even in their price range. They couldn’t believe it. “This house is absolutely perfect” both thought. It was located in the suburbs, right outside of Metropolis. It was a two-story log cabin type house. It had a little flower garden started in front of the house, with a good-sized backyard for being right outside of a big city.

“This is it” Luis said. He looked over at Sheridan, and was confused by her reaction. “Great, I’ve disappointed her. How could I be so stupid as to think that this would be her dream house? She is used to those mansions or anything else that she could want” he thought to himself. “What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked. “I know this isn’t what you’re used to. I guess my dream house, and yours just aren’t the same.”

“It’s not that. This house is absolutely perfect. Anyplace that I’m with you is where I want to be. I love this house Luis. Honest, I do” Sheridan said. “Then what’s wrong? I know something’s bothering you.” “It’s just that this makes it a reality. This is definitely the house that I, we’re looking for. It’s just that it’s not at home, in Harmony. Buying this house means that there is no possible chance of us returning home” she said as tears filled her eyes.

Luis went over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He knew how she felt. They stayed up most nights comforting each other, but Luis had accepted the fact, and started to move on. Sheridan still hadn’t, and because of it, this was much harder on her. He knew there was nothing he could do, or say to make her feel better, so he just stood there and held her.

She stopped crying, and looked up at him. He wiped away the few tears that remained on her face. He hated so much to see her cry. It was one of the worst things imaginable. It usually brought tears to his eyes, and this time was no exception. She wiped away his tears as she always did. “Come on Sheridan. Let’s go home” Luis said. She nodded and they went home.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 40:

IMPORTANT: A little note for those of you who remember the names of Lois and Clark’s children, I’ve changed them slightly. The boy is Blair Luis, the same as before, but the girl’s name is now Kellene Sheridan.

In Harmony It was the day of Sheridan and Luis’ memorial service. The citizens of Harmony had finally lost hop of them ever returning, and had come to terms with it. They believed that Sheridan and Luis deserved the respect of the service. Theresa and Ethan were each going to give eulogies, even though they were the only ones who had some hope of a return. They were going to begin investigating on their own. Right now though, their main concern was making it through the service with hope left. “And now, Luis’ sister, Theresa, would like to say a few words” Father Loganin said.

She stepped forward, tears threatening to come. She made a solemn vow never to lose hope, but the memorial service got to her. “My brother, Luis, was one of the greatest men I know. He was so caring, loving, understanding, and supportive. Although we didn’t see eye to eye on all subjects, I always respected, and admired him. He gave up all his hopes and dreams to stay at home, and support his family. Because of that, I believe he is a true hero. He put his life on the line everyday to protect the citizens of Harmony, not only because he felt obligated to, but because he wanted to. Whenever you needed help, he would be there to lend a hand. If you were upset, there was always a shoulder to cry. All he wanted out of life was love and a family.

He finally found the love of his life in Sheridan Crane, even if he wasn’t able to admit it to anyone yet. I would sometimes hear him late at night, talking about her, and what she made him feel. Their lives were taken too soon. They were never able to experience all its joys, and the true love I believe they found in each other. I know that never will there be a time when I will forget them, and the love they brought everyday to the people around them. By the end of eulogy, Theresa was crying so hard, it was difficult to make out her words, but it touched everyone’s hearts. They all felt newfound sympathy and sadness from what was said.

“Ethan would like to say some words about Sheridan” said Father Loganin. He walked to the front, tears flowing freely. Theresa’s words had touched him so deeply. He knew Theresa loved and respected Luis, but he never realized how much. He reached the front, took a deep breath, and began. “First off, I would like to thank everyone for showing these two the respect they deserve by coming here. It shows just how loved Sheridan and Luis’ really were.”

“Sheridan was born in Harmony and basically grew up unloved. Her mother died shortly after she was born. After traumatizing events, her father sent her to Paris to a psychiatrist. She was schooled in Paris boarding schools, and was rarely allowed to return home. She went through many tough relationships, giving her heart to men, who in return, were just using her. No one cared to see what a wonderful person she was on the inside. She was one of the most caring, beautiful, on the inside and out, loving, sensitive woman I’ve ever known.

All she wanted out of life was for some one to love her for her, and not her money and her name. I truly believe Luis was that person. Although he hated the Cranes with all his being, he had a soft spot for Sheridan, and she for him. He made her happy and he made her feel loved. She didn’t want to admit her feelings for him in fear that he would break her heart. She wouldn’t be able to deal with that kind of pain again. She never got the chance to feel true love, and to see all her hopes and dreams fulfilled.

He life, along with Luis’s, was too short. Sheridan and I were as close as brother and sister. Even now, since I’ve discovered that I’m not a Crane, I love her as dearly. I will miss her greatly and all she had to offer to the world. I just hope that she and Luis are together.” Ethan walked back to his seat next to Theresa. The held on to each other tightly throughout the rest of the service. Something inside of them was still telling them not to lose hope, and that Sheridan and Luis were still alive somewhere out there. They refused to give up hope, even as the memorial service came to an end.

In Metropolis Lois and Clark had been so busy lately that they had no time for themselves. Blair and Kellene had been taking up all their time. Not that they minded, but they deserved some time to go out and be alone. Sheridan and Luis offered to baby-sit so they could do just that. “Are you sure?” asked Lois. “It’s no problem. Honest” Sheridan answered. “We wouldn’t want to impose” Clark said. “Really, go out and have a good time. You deserve it” Luis said.

“Okay” both Lois and Clark said hesitantly. It’s not that they didn’t trust them with their children, because they did. Sheridan and Luis were part of the family now. It’s just that they hadn’t been away from Blair and Kellene for more than a few minutes. Lois and Clark headed upstairs after looks from Sheridan and Luis saying “We’re serious, go have a good time.” Lois and Clark come back downstairs, gave Sheridan and Luis a list of things even thought they didn’t need them, and were hurried out the door by Sheridan and Luis.

“I didn’t think they were ever going to leave” both Sheridan and Luis said. They laughed and walked back into the living room. For the rest of the evening, Sheridan and Luis either sat on the couch watching television, or checked on Blair and Kellene. Lois called a few times, checking to see if things were okay. After repeated assurance from both Sheridan and Luis, she would hang up.

Sheridan and Luis were snuggled up together on the couch after feeding and putting the children to sleep. They were perfectly content sitting there, just being with each other. Nothing was more perfect. “I was thinking” Sheridan said. “How about July 15?” “For what?” asked Luis. “Our wedding date.” “Sounds perfect. I’ve been thinking about a summertime wedding. Why that date?” “That day has just always been special to me.” “It sounds fine with me. Okay, July 15 it is.” Sheridan and Luis continued to make more plans for their wedding, taking occasional breaks to make sure Blair and Kellene were alright.

“Aren’t they the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen?” Sheridan asked. “Next to you, yes, they are” replied Luis. “You always say the sweetest things, and make me feel so special.” “I’m just telling you the truth. You’re the most important thing in the world to me.” “And you to me.” Sheridan turned around so she could kiss Luis. It was a short love-filled kiss that was interrupted by the phone. Luis broke off the kiss and answered the phone. Sheridan remained in the nursery, watching Blair and Kellene sleep. She became lost in the thought of her and Luis’s children. The ones she one day hoped to have.

She could imagine little ones running around the house chasing each other and having fun. The little girl had blond hair like her mother, while the little boy looked just like his father. “They’re my perfect little angels” she thought. “What did you say?” Luis asked. She had been so caught up in her dream that she didn’t hear him come in. She didn’t even realize that she’d spoken out loud. “I was just thinking about our future and the children I hope we have.”

“I want nothing more than to have a family with you” he said as he pulled her into his arms. “Who was that on the phone?” Sheridan asked. “Guess?” Sheridan gave him a look that said she knew. She hoped that when she had children, she would never be worried about them when they were in proper care. They stood there, watching Blair and Kellene sleep for a few more minutes. The only thing that could be more perfect was is they were their own children. The snuggled back up on the couch where they feel asleep. They stayed that way until Lois and Clark returned home.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 41:

The next morning, Sheridan awoke only to find Luis still sleeping. She had had the most incredible dream about their wedding, and wanted to tell Luis about it. In her dream, she and Luis were married at their special place in the park. It was a small, simple wedding with only their few Metropolis friends. It was still beautiful though. Lois was the Maid of Honor, and Clark was the Best Man. Perry is a certified minister, and he performed the ceremony. Jimmy was there as the witness. Both Sheridan and Luis had written their own vows. The whole thing was just amazing. She looked back down at Luis as she finished recalling the dream. She found him smiling up at her. “Morning gorgeous” Luis said.

“Good morning handsome” Sheridan said back. “I just had the most incredible dream.” “About what?” “Our wedding.” “Well I only hope I can make your dreams come true.” “You already have. You loving me is all that I’ve dreamed of and more.” She leaned down to kiss him and he met her halfway. When the kiss broke off, Luis asked, “Why don’t we go make this official?” “Make what official?” “Our wedding date.” “Sounds like a plan to me.” They got up, showered, and went downstairs. Lois greeted them. “So how was your night last night?” asked Luis. “Wonderful. Thank you for watching Blair and Kellene” answered Lois. “It was no problem” Sheridan said. Clark came into the living room from the kitchen. “Morning guys” he said. “Would you like some breakfast? I’m making pancakes.”

“Definitely” Sheridan and Luis said. Clark was and excellent cook and everyone agreed that no one could make pancakes like he could. The four of them sat around eating breakfast and just chatting with each other. “We’ve got something to tell you” Sheridan said, her face glowing. “What is it?” Clark asked. “We’ve set a wedding date” said Luis. “When is it?” asked Lois. “July 15” Sheridan said. “That’s only a month away” said Clark. “We know, but it’s the perfect date for us. We’re having a small simple wedding. Nothing fancy. It shouldn’t be too big of a problem” Luis said. “Well, we’re happy for you” Lois said. Clark nodded in agreement. “We’ll be happy to help you with anything.”

“Thank you” both Sheridan and Luis said. After breakfast was over, Clark and Luis cleared the table, while Lois and Sheridan checked on the kids. “I have a questing to ask you” Sheridan said. “What is it?” asked Lois. “Would you be my Maid of Honor?” “I’d be honored to. Thank you for asking me.” “Great. Thank you for saying yes. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my Maid of Honor.” What Sheridan had said had touched Lois and she had tears in her eyes. “I know how much you miss Harmony and the people there, but I’m glad you ended up here. I feel like I found my best friend.”

Sheridan was crying now. She went over to give Lois a hug. “I feel the same way. You’re like the sister I never had.” They stood there for a few moments longer. “Okay. We have a wedding to finish planning” Lois said. “Yes we do” said Sheridan. With that, they went to find Clark and Luis. Meanwhile Clark and Luis were discussing the wedding. “Can I ask you a question?” asked Luis. “Sure” Clark replied. “Would you be my Best Man?” “It would be my pleasure.” “Thank you. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my best man.” He paused and looked relieved. “Okay, one thing down, many to go.” Clark chuckled. He remembered what a nervous wreck he was planning his wedding. Luis looked the same way. “Good, let’s go find the girls.” They went to find Lois and Sheridan.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 42:

One Month Later July 15 had finally arrives. It was harder than anyone expected to have everything ready, but they did it. They all knew the payoff was going to make it well with it. The wedding ceremony was held in Sheridan and Luis’ special spot in the park. It was even more beautiful than usual. It held even more value to Sheridan and Luis then they ever expected it would. This was the place they would become husband and wife.” The only people in attendance of the wedding were Lois, Clark, Perry, Blair, Kellene, Jimmy, Clark’s parent’s Jonathan and Martha, and Lois’ parents Sam and Ellen. Sheridan and Luis had grown close to Clark’s parents and Jonathan was giving her away.

The music started and Lois walked down the aisle. She was followed by Jonathon and Sheridan. Luis was in awe. Sheridan was wearing a simple dress, but she made it look worth a million dollars. She was breathtaking. Sheridan reached the altar, and the ceremony began. “We are gathered here today to unite these two souls. They have had to overcome many obstacles to get to where they are. It has only made their love stronger. They have written their own vows. Sheridan would like to say hers now” Perry said.

She began. “Luis, from the minute I first crashed into your life, I knew you were special. I didn’t realize just how special until later. I know one thing for sure now, you are the only man for me. I denied those feelings because I didn’t want to have my heart broken again. The more I got to know you, the more I was assured you wouldn’t. So today, I give you my heart, my love, and our lives together forever.”

As she slipped the ring on Luis’ finger, she began to cry. She noticed tears in Luis’ eyes also. The moment was very beautiful. “And now Luis would like to say his vows” Perry said.

He began. “Sheridan, you are the love of my life. When you crashed into my life, I had no idea that one day I would marry you. Upon hearing your name, I couldn’t even imagine being in the same town as you. But as soon as I saw past that and got to know the real you, I saw the person I knew I would spend the rest of my life with. It has been the easiest thing to love you, and today I stand here and promise to give my undying faith, devotion, and an eternity together.”

With that, he slipped on her ring. Tears were flowing for the both of them. It was the greatest moment either had experienced up until that point. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride” Perry said. Luis leaned in and gave Sheridan an earth-shattering kiss. It was broken off by the clapping of their guests. “For the first time I want to present Mr. and Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald.”

To Be Continued...

Chapter 43:

Sheridan and Luis walked back down the aisle for the first time as husband and wife. They were congratulated by everyone before leaving in a horse-drawn carriage for the reception. The reception was held at the restaurant where Sheridan and Luis ate the night he proposed. The owner was happy to hear they were geeing married and insisted that the reception be held at his restaurant. Sheridan and Luis couldn’t refuse. The food was served first, with the main course being lobster. It had very quickly became the food of chose for them. They took turns feeding each other and savoring the moment. Soon after the happy couple shared their first dance as husband and wife.

The song was “My Everything” by 98 Degrees.

The loneliness of nights so long
The search for strength to carry on
My every hope had seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things I couldn’t see
Are now so clear to me

You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

Throughout the song they just gazed into each other’s eyes. The song completely described the way they felt. It was something they know would always be true.

Now all my hopes and all my dreams
Are suddenly reality
You’ve opened up my heart to feel
The kind of love that’s truly real
A guiding light that’ll never fade
There’s not a thing in life that I would ever trade
For the love you give
And won’t let go I hope you’ll always know

You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything.

Sheridan moved closer to Luis and laid her head on his shoulder. They stayed that way as the song continued. To them, they were the only people there. Everything else seemed to disappear whenever they were in each other’s arms.

You’re the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free
And you have my soul complete
For all time
For all time

You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything
You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray down on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything Oh, my everything.

When the song ended, Luis pulled Sheridan into a short, sweet kiss. “Sheridan Lopez-Fitzgerald, you are my everything.” “And you are my everything, Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald.” The reception went on, and everyone was having a great time. The music was great, the food was great. Everyone in the room seemed to feel the love emitted from Sheridan and Luis. It was contagious. After a break from dancing, Clark went to grab the mic. The started his toast. “I haven’t known the two of you for very long, but from the moment I met you, one thing was clear. The two of you were meant to be together. I don’t know why or how you got here, but I do know that I brought you closer together.

I’m so glad you came into our lives. For the time I’ve found a friend that I can trust everything with. Now you two have each, and I know that you will do the same. I know the two of you will live happily ever after. You are proof that true love can overcome any obstacle. Everyone toasted, then the music began again. Sheridan and Luis danced along with everyone else. Both agreed that nothing could make the day any better. A few hours later, the reception came to a close. Sheridan and Luis said goodbye to their guests and left for their honeymoon. All they wanted was a week to themselves, and the perfect place to do that was Smallville. Sure their honeymoon wasn’t anyplace extra special, but it was perfect for getting away to be alone.

Chapter 44:

Sheridan and Luis spent the first two days of their honeymoon making love and talking about how complete their lives were now. Neither thought that they could ever be as happy as they were. They spent their time showing each other how they were feeling. On the third day they decided to walk around town. They stopped and looked in the windows of all the little shops, walking into the one’s they liked. Before long, they wandered into the park. They walked around for awhile before finding an unoccupied bench.

They sat there looking at the people and scenery around them. They saw one couple arguing and gave each other a knowing glance. The each remembered what that was like Luis turned to her and spoke. “Do you remember those days, Sheridan? I do. Sometimes you made me so mad. Now I realize that it wasn’t an angry anger that I was feeling, but a passionate anger. You got to me so easily that I couldn’t stand it. I never felt anything like it before, and I didn’t know how to react. I realize that I’ve loved you from the beginning. I love you Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald.” “And I love you Mr. Lopez-Fitzgerald.

Who would have thought that one day we would get married? Now that we have, my life is complete. I can’t imagine my life without you in it” Sheridan said “Well you don’t have to worry about that, because I’m not going anywhere” Luis said as he leaned in to kiss her. “I love you more and more every time I see your beautiful face. How did I get so lucky? I thank God for you everyday.” “I’m the lucky one. I found the man who is close to perfect as you can get.” “You mean I’m not perfect?” he said looking a little hurt. He tried to dodge the playful smack that Sheridan gave him.

“Well, I was going to say that you’re perfect, but since you pointed out that no was perfect...” he said with a playful grin. Sheridan swatted at him again. “How about we get out of here, and I show you what perfection is?” Luis said with at seductive look. “You don’t have to ask twice” Sheridan replied. They got up to leave, but little did they know that trouble would interrupt their plans. Part XLV Somewhere in Smallville Lex, Bill, Tempus, and Janna heard about the marriage. The followed the newlyweds to Smallville where they planned the capture them. They decided that Sheridan and Luis would be the best bait to get the plans to H. G. Wells Time Machine.

They hadn’t gotten it out of him yet, but they figured if Sheridan and Luis’ lives were on the line, then he might give. Today was the day their plan would be put into action. Their men had been following Sheridan and Luis and were ordered to make their hit. “Okay Lex, they’re alone. You want it done now?” one man asked. “Of course, and hurry up” Lex replied. Sheridan and Luis walked by a little flower shop and stopped. Luis told Sheridan to wait outside while he went in to get something. While Luis was inside, one of the men came up behind Sheridan and grabbed her. He put his hand over her mouth to muffle her scream. “Tell the boss we got her” he ordered another one. Luis walked out a few minutes later and couldn’t find Sheridan.

He looked around, but in his gut he knew something was wrong. He knew she wouldn’t just disappear. He called out her name a few times, but no one answered. The next thing he knew, everything went black. Two Hours Later Luis woke up with a throbbing headache and no clue where he was. Wherever he was, it was very dark. The last thing he remembered was standing outside the flower shop looking for Sheridan. “Oh God Sheridan, where are you? Are you all right? I have to find her” he thought.

He stood up, surprised that he wasn’t restrained. He looked himself over, and other than the headache, was fine. He started to walk toward the door when he heard a faint cry. “Sheridan. Sheridan, where are you?” he said. He followed the sound to a corner in the opposite side to the room. He could barely make out the figure, but in his heard he knew it was Sheridan. “I swear if anything has happened to you there’s going to be hell to pay” he said to himself. “Sheridan” he said softly. “Sheridan, honey, I’m here” he said.

“Luis is that you?” she whispered. She had seen them hit him over the head and drag him off, but then everything went dark. “Yes it’s me” he said as he got closer. She appeared to be unrestrained also. “Move honey” he said just to check. She got up and flew into his arms. “Are you all right? They didn’t hurt you did they?” “I’m fine. I just thought that...” “Thought what?” “I just thought that you were dead. I saw them knock you out and drag you off somewhere. I didn’t know what happened.” “Sheridan, nobody is going to take me away from you that easily. I love you too much to let that happen.” “I love you too. Don’t ever leave me again.” “Nothing could take me away from you. I’ll never leave again. I promise. Now let’s try to get out of here.”

The room only contained a door, and it was locked. They tried everything, but it wouldn’t budge. Two doors away, Lex and the gang were discussing the next part of their plan. “What are we going to do if H. G. Wells doesn’t cave in?” asked Janna. “We threaten to kill Sheridan and Luis. We’ll hold them at gunpoint until he agrees to our wishes” Bill said. “All right Janna, you get H. G.. Tempus, Bill, go get Sheridan and Luis, and make sure noting goes wrong” Lex said. “If they don’t cooperate, shoot at them, scare them. Just make sure you don’t hit them.” With that, they went to fulfill their orders. “This better work” Lex thought “or else.”

To Be Continued…

Chapter 46:

Sheridan and Luis were taken to Lex. They had no idea of what was going to happen. They didn’t ask any questions, just followed orders. Neither had been more frightened in their lives. “Come in and sit down” Lex told them. They cautiously sat in two of the unoccupied chairs. “I know that you must be wondering what’s going on.” Sheridan and Luis nodded. “You’ll find out soon enough. In the meantime, sit back and relax. Nothing will happen to you as long as you and Mr. Wells do as we say.” As soon as he was through speaking, they door opened. H. G. walked in, followed by Janna. He gave Sheridan and Luis a half-hearted smile. He knew of the two, their pasts, their present, and what was supposed to be their future. Their souls were entwined, just as Lois and Clark’s were. The four of them were rare creatures.

He also knew what was coming. He would be forced to give Lex and his gang the instructions to construct a time machine. If he didn’t, Sheridan and Luis would die. It was either save these two incredible souls and leave the rest of any universe on the brink of disaster, or let them die (and risk changing the future) and save the world. If his plan worked, neither would happen. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. “Well Mr. Wells, do you have them?” Bill asked. “They’re right here” H. G. replied. “I will give them to you as soon as you promise that no harm will come to them.” He pointed to Sheridan and Luis. “Nothing will happen as long as you do what we wish. Now give them to me.” H. G. handed them over. Bill and Lex looked over the papers. “Can we do this?” Bill asked.

“We better be able to, or all of them are dead” Lex said pointing to Sheridan, Luis, and H. G. “Please, Mr. Wells, go sit with our other guests. Carry on a conversation if you’d like. Just don’t try anything funny. Remember, I can hear you.” With that, he and Bill started giving out orders. “Hello Mr. Well” Luis said nervously. He and Sheridan had been in Metropolis long enough to know that nothing was normal. “Please call me H. G.” H. G. said. “How are you holding up?” “As good as can be expected” Sheridan said. She was clinging to Luis, but what else was she supposed to do. “How about you?” “I’ve been stuck here for almost a year now, so nothing really bothers me.”

“I can’t believe you gave away you plans for the Time Machine to save us” Luis said. “You don’t even know us.” “You’re wrong there. You see, I’ve spent my life studying humans and their souls. I’ve discovered some incredible souls over time, and those are the ones that I pay follow closely. Your souls are one’s that I’ve been following for quite some time. They are rare and completely entwined. It’s something that has only been spotted in one other instance.” He went on telling them about their past lives, and how they found each other.

All the while, he was giving away little hints about his plan. They were all masked and he wasn’t sure if Sheridan and Luis had picked up on them. He did know that he had their attention and soon they would catch on. He had explained that in every one of their lives, they had many obstacles to overcome. Something always happened whenever they became close. Eventually they found their way back together, but it was the fight of their lives. He hoped the information he gave them would help them out of the situation they were in.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 47:

Sheridan and Luis were attentive throughout H. G.’s stories. They were intrigued by what happened during their past lives. They learned a lot about themselves and their “loved” one’s/ Throughout all the their other lives, they had come from different social classes. Sometimes their roles were the same, sometimes they were reversed. They always found a way to be together though. Things came between them, but they only felt true happiness and love when they were together. He told them that the people they thought they knew the most turned out to be the one’s they didn’t know at all. Friends betrayed them, plotted against them, and kept secrets from them. Best friends stabbed them in the back for selfish reasons and with no remorse. They knew when, if, they got home, they would have to take a good look at the people they thought they know.

H. G. had told them of people who turned their backs on them, but he couldn’t be specific. He said they had to figure those details out on their own. Sheridan and Luis learned many important lessons from their past mistakes and even had a good laugh at some of the things they’d done. From what they heard, they did some pretty amazing things. The only lives that were left untold were future lives. H. G. explained that if they knew the future, they could try to change it. Even the slightest change would cause a domino effect in the end. After pleading and begging, he hinted at one life.

He knew neither would believe it. If he hadn’t witnessed it himself, he never would have. This was the only life that strayed from the norm. He figured that since they would think he was just trying to throw them off, there was no harm. Sheridan and Luis couldn’t believe what they heard. There was no way what had just been said would ever happen. First of all, he gave them their names, which was specific and that was too much detail. (He decided that was a guaranteed way to make them disbelieve what they heard.) Secondly, the idea was just crazy. He told them that in one of their lives they would be stars in a soap opera. He told Sheridan her name would be McKenzie Westmore and Luis that his name would be Galen Gering. Their characters would have the kind of relation that Sheridan and Luis had, love-hate.

He said the show was based on the secrets of four families and one friendly neighbor who, in reality, was a witch. He failed to mention that this was the only life where they didn’t have a romantic relationship. The reason their souls remained entwined was because the love the characters they portrayed was so real. Before Lex and Bill came back over to them, he told them that they always seemed to end up in a situation similar to the one they were in. He told them how they managed to get out. He hoped that would put the final touches on his plan. At that moment, Lex and Bill walked over. Time would tell if his plan worked.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 47:

In Metropolis Lois and Clark were worried about their friends. They had heard that Lex and the gang had been spotted near Smallville. Neither could shake the feeling that something was wrong. The phone rang, and broke them out of their thoughts. Clark went to answer it. “Hello” he said. “Clark, something’s wrong. Sheridan and Luis stopped by earlier, and we invited them for dinner. They said they’d be here you six. It’s seven thirty now” Martha said. “Mom, they are on their honeymoon. They’re probably busy doing other things” Clark said slightly embarrassed.

“I know, but there was a report on the news that has bothered me. Some one saw a couple men knock out a man and a woman. They said they saw the two being dragged off somewhere. The witness didn’t recognize the victims. Clark, you know how little Smallville is. Everybody knows everybody. Also the description of the two victims fits Sheridan and Luis’s descriptions. I would have called sooner, but I thought that maybe they were otherwise occupied.” “I’ll be right down Mom” Clark said as he hung up the phone. This was serious. If the two victims were Sheridan and Luis and Lex had them, there was going to be big trouble.

He quickly filled Lois in on what he knew. Both agreed that he’d better go. He spun into the Superman suit, kissed Lois good-bye, and flew out the window. In Smallville Sheridan and Luis were doing everything they could to put H. G’s plan into motion. Both of them had picked up his subtle hints, and even thought they weren’t exactly sure how it would work, they were doing everything possible. Luckily for them, Superman arrived in the nick of time. He was able to prevent all hell from breaking loose. Unfortunately though, Lex’s men had some kryptonite. Everyone was contained before it took effect, but it was great enough to completely knock Superman out.

Sheridan and Luis searched everyone for the kryptonite, and finally found it in the last man’s pocket. They prayed to God that its effect wasn’t fatal. They quickly got rid off it, but its effect on Superman was severe. No one knew what to do. Sheridan and Luis did CPR, and after what seemed like forever, he finally came to. “H. G., call the police, then go hide. We’ll stay here until they arrive and explain everything to them. Hopefully by then, Superman will have completely recovered. If not Sheridan and I will take him to the Kent's. Wait here until we get back” Luis said. H. G. nodded, then went to call the police. He told Sheridan and Luis that they were on the way, then went into the next room. The police come and took Lex and the gang into custody. By then, Superman was back to normal. H. G. came out with some bad news.

“While the police were here, I checked the Time Machine over. It seems that Lex and Bill did some tweaking with it. They must have figured that if their plan didn’t work, they could at least make it difficult on the rest of us” he said. “How long is it going to take to fix it?” Sheridan asked. “Anywhere between tomorrow and the end of the week. I’m not exactly sure what all needs to be fixed. I suggest the two of you go back to Metropolis and I’ll be in touch as soon as everything’s ready.” Everyone agreed that that was best. They trusted H. G. and knew he would keep his word. “You two up to flying?” Superman asked. Sheridan and Luis nodded. Superman flew them back to Metropolis.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 48:

A week later, H. G. called and said that everything was ready. He would be in Metropolis the next day. He knew the good-byes would be difficult and wanted to give them time. It was an emotional day in the Lane-Kent household. It was one of the most difficult things that they had experienced. It wasn’t like saying a usual good-bye. This good-bye was permanent. It was like saying good-bye to some one who had just died. There was no coming back. Sheridan and Luis were ecstatic that they would finally be going home. Neither realized how difficult it would be to leave Metropolis though. It had become home to them. They were going to miss everyone. Perry and Jimmy had become close friends of theirs. Jonathon and Martha had become second parents. They were going to miss all those amazing people.

But mostly, they would miss Lois, Clark, Blair, and Kellene. This family was the most wonderful family. These people had allowed them into their house without a second thought. Even though Sheridan and Luis were complete strangers when they arrived in Metropolis, Lois and Clark didn’t hesitate to help them out. Lois and Clark were the best friends anyone could ask for. Lois, Clark, Sheridan, and Luis spent the day looking through pictures. They each took some to remind them of their time together. Each picture held special meaning, and no one would forget what happened in that moment. They exchanged memories of the pictures, both laughing and crying about what had happened.

That night, they stayed up just talking. They realized that they had taken the time they had together for granted. They spent the night learning everything they didn’t already know about each other until they were completely exhausted. They said good night to each other for the last time, and went to bed. No one was able to sleep though. Tomorrow was going to be harder than anyone expected. “I’m so happy for them, Clark. They finally are going to be able to go home to their loved one’s” Lois said. Tears were flowing and she wasn’t even going to try to hold them back. “Part of me hates this though. They’ve become part of the family. This house isn’t going to be the same without them. I know they were going to move out, but then we would still have seen them around. After tomorrow, we’re never going to see them again.”

“I know honey” Clark said trying to comfort her. This hard on him too, and he wasn’t much help. He just held her, and they cried together. “I love you.” “I love you too. So much.” “We’ll get through this together.” Soon after the tears stopped flowing, Lois and Clark fell asleep in each other’s arms. Sheridan and Luis spent the night talking and crying. They cried tears of joy and tears of sorrow. They had prayed to God every night to let them go home, but neither believed it would happen. “I’m going to miss it here more than I imagined I could” Sheridan said. “Lois and Clark have become family to me. God knows they treated me better than my own family did. I’m never going to forget them and all they’ve done for us.”

“I know Sheridan. This place has become home to me too. We’re going to be leaving a lot behind, but we’ll always have our memories. We’ll always have each other. I love you” Luis said as he tried to comfort his wife. “I love you too.” “Just think, by this time tomorrow we will be back in Harmony. I never thought that that would be possible.” “Me either. I would how much has changed?” “I don’t know, but we’ll soon find out.” “Luis, I’m nervous about returning. How is everyone going to react? What is my family going to say about us?” “I don’t know, and I don’t care what your family thinks. I’m not going to let anyone or anything come between us. Nothing is going to take me away from you. I promise” he said as he gave her a loving kiss. “Try and get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.” Sheridan nodded and snuggled in closer to him. Not long after, they were asleep.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 49:

In Harmony (what has happened since I stopped writing the story from here) Ethan and Theresa are getting married today. Chad and Whitney are engaged. Julian and Eve are living together, and because of this Julian has been disinherited. Simone has run away and no one has heard from her in quite some time. Sam and Grace have renewed their vows. Ivy has left town. Tabitha has gotten Charity to partially come over to the dark side. Timmy has won her over, and that’s the only thing that’s kept her good. Kay and Miguel have become even closer. Jessica and Reese have started dating. Hank and Beth are still awaiting the birth of their child. Pilar has finally put pieces of her life back together.

In Metropolis H. G. met Sheridan and Luis at Lois and Clark’s house early the next afternoon. It was one of the most emotional good-bye’s he had ever witnessed. Even he had tears in his eyes. “Good-bye Sheridan. I’m so honored to have known you. You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I’m going to miss you terribly, and I will never forget you” Lois said through tears. “I’m going to miss you too. You have been so gracious. I want to thank you again for everything you’ve done. I’ll remember you always” Sheridan said through tears of her own. She pulled Lois in for a hug.

“Luis, it’s not going to be the same around here without you. You’re a great friend and I’m going to miss that friendship. I’m going to miss you” Clark said. “Me too. Thanks for everything you’ve done for us. I’m never going to forget all those things. I’m going to miss you buddy” Luis said. He reached out and shook Clark’s hand. At that moment, Sheridan and Lois walked over. “Good-bye Sheridan” Clark said. “Take care.” “You too” she replied. “Thanks for everything.” “It was no problem” he said has hugged her. She kissed his cheek, then went over to Luis. “Luis, I’m going to miss you” Lois said. “Good-bye.” “I’m going to miss you too. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us” he said. “It was our pleasure” she said as she returned the hug Luis was giving. She kissed his cheek, as Clark came over.

“Are you ready to go home?” H. G. asked. Sheridan and Luis nodded and stepped into the Time Machine. They waved good-bye as they started to disappear. They last thing they remember was Lois and Clark waving back. “Good-bye Metropolis” Sheridan and Luis whispered. A few seconds later they were back in Harmony. It took a few minutes for everything to sink in. Once it did, Sheridan and Luis started crying tears of joy. They stood in front of the Book Cafe and held on to each other. Neither could believe they were finally home. “We made it” Luis said to Sheridan.

“Yes we did” she said back. She reached up and gave him the most earth-shattering kiss he’d ever felt. “I love you Sheridan. I love you so much.” “I love you too Luis.” “How about we go see everyone?” “Okay” she replied nervously. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I’m just scared, that’s all.” “Everything’s going to be all right. I’m right here, and I’m going to stay by your side forever.” He gave her a soft kiss. “Let’s go” she said. The first place they went was back to Luis’ house. No one was home. “I wonder where everyone is?” he said. He looked down and saw the newspaper on the step. He and Sheridan sat down on the steps to look at it.

They were shocked at the headlines: Former Crane Heir To Marry. They read the article and couldn't believe it. Ethan Bennett was marrying Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald. "Ethan Bennett?" they both said. "I guess we'd better head over to the church" Luis said. With that they left for the church. They walked into the church just as Father Loganin said "For the first time I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Bennett." Theresa and Ethan made it halfway back down the aisle before Theresa fainted. Ethan barely caught her. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It couldn't be possible, could it?

Soon everyone turned to see what Ethan was staring at, and what caused Theresa to faint. No one could believe their eyes. There was no way that Sheridan and Luis could be standing in the church. Nobody knew what to do. Sheridan and Luis cautiously stepped forward. "I guess we've missed a lot while we were gone" Luis said breaking the silence. After hearing Luis' voice, Pilar ran up to him. She hugged him like there was no tomorrow, afraid that he would disappear if she let go. "Luis, I've missed you so much" she said. "I missed you too Mama. I'm so happy to be home. I love you" Luis said.

Everyone came up to make sure that what they were witnessing was real. They were so relieved when they discovered it was. They didn't know how it was possible that they were there, but there was no way that they were going to complain about it. Sheridan and Luis spent the rest of the day filling everyone in on what had happened to them. Of course no one believed a word they said about being in Metropolis. Sheridan and Luis didn't expect them to. They wouldn't have believed it themselves if it hadn't actually happened to them.

The only way to prove that what they were saying was true was to produce evidence. They pulled out the pictures that they had brought back with them. No one could believe what they were seeing. It was even more amazing then Sheridan and Luis returning. The last thing Sheridan and Luis told their loved one's about was their relationship. They promised everyone that once things settled down, they would remarry in Harmony with everyone invited. Sheridan and Luis were filled in on everything that had happened while they were gone. Neither could believe that Ethan was Sam's son, or that he and Theresa were just married. Everything they were told shocked them. They realized at that moment that it was going to be a long time before things were back to normal.

Four Months Later Everyone was gathered at the church for Sheridan and Luis' wedding. Sheridan's bridesmaids were Whitney, Grace, and Kay. Her Maid of Honor was Theresa. Luis' best man was Miguel, and the Ushers were Ethan, Sam, and Chad. T. C. was giving Sheridan away. Sheridan and Luis chose to say their own vows again. Sheridan said hers first. "This is our second time doing this, and it's just as special as the first time. I love you Luis, with all of my heart. I love you more every day, which amazes me. I never thought I could love some one as much as I love you. Having you by my side everyday is the greatest reward for me. Today I give you my heart, my soul, and our lives together."

Luis started his. "Sheridan, you are the love of my life, always and forever. I can't imagine it without you. I love you more than I've ever loved anything and my love for you grows stronger everyday. You are the most incredible woman I've ever met. Everything you do amazes me. Today I give you my love, my undying friendship, and our future together forever." "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride" Father Loganin said. Luis leaned in and gave her a loving kiss. "I would like to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald." Everyone clapped as Sheridan and Luis walked back down the aisle. For them, being married in front of everyone they loved made it one of the most special moments of their lives.

At the Reception Sheridan and Luis were dancing to the song they shared their first dance to, My Everything, by 98 Degrees.

The loneliness of nights so long
The search for strength to carry on
My every hope had seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things I couldn’t see
Are now so clear to me

You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

"Luis, I have a surprise for you" Sheridan said. "And what would that be?" he asked.

Now all my hopes and all my dreams
Are suddenly reality
You’ve opened up my heart to feel
The kind of love that’s truly real
A guiding light that’ll never fade
There’s not a thing in life that I would ever trade
For the love you give and won’t let go
I hope you’ll always know

You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

"How would you like another addition to our family?" she asked. "Do you mean?" he asked. She nodded. "I can't believe this. I'm so happy. I love you so much." "I love you too."

You’re the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free
And you have my soul complete
For all time
For all time

You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

You are my everything
Nothing your love won’t bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I’ve ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray down on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything
Oh, my everything

When the song ended, he pulled Sheridan into the most romantic kiss she'd ever had. "I want to share the good news" he said as he pulled her back to the table. "Everyone, we have something to tell you" Luis started. "How does everyone feel about another Lopez-Fitzgerald in this world?" Everyone went up to congratulate the happy couple. They were all happy, but none of them were prouder than Luis. He was completely ecstatic. He loved this woman next to him more and more. The fact that she was carrying his child made him happier than he could ever imagine.

The last dance of the night was The Way You Do, by 98 Degrees

You've heard this a thousand times before
I'm in love with you.
You'll hear it at least a million more
Baby that's the truth
It's the small things that endear me
every time that you are near me

The way you laugh at what I say
The way you look at each new day
The way your tears fall right on cue
That's what I love about you
Nobody else knows me by heart
Takes me where I can reach the stars
Makes me believe in love
The way you do

Luis danced the last dance with his wife. He never felt more content then he was at that moment. Life was absolutely perfect.

You see in me the man that I can be
And I'm thanking you
You've given me all I ever need
All I wanted, too
I know how blessed I am
Girl, you are my best friend

The way you laugh at what I say
The way you look at each new day
The way your tears fall right on cue
That's what I love about you
Nobody else knows me by heart
Takes me where I can reach the stars
Makes me believe in love
The way you do

Sheridan gazed up at her husband lovingly. She could tell by the look on his face that he felt the same way she did.

The way you do
You gotta listen, baby
The way you laugh at what I say
The way you look at each new day
The way your tears fall right on cue
That's what I love about you
Nobody else knows me by heart
Takes me where I can reach the stars
Makes me believe in love
The way you do

The song ended and Sheridan reached up to give Luis a kiss. "Let's go home, Daddy" she said smiling. He smiled back at her. He liked the sound of that "Daddy". "Good idea, Mommy." They went home never feeling more complete then they'd ever felt. Both had all they ever wanted out of life. Everything was perfect, and nothing would ever change that.

Sheridan and Luis had thought about what H. G. had said to them. They discovered who their true friends were. Among those people who were back stabbers were Hank (he reminded them of Bill) and Beth (she reminded them of Janna). They also realized that Alistair was a lot like Lex, and Julian was like Tempus. Sheridan and Luis were finally able to see clearly. In Metropolis Lois was channel-surfing one day when she came across something that shocked her. "Clark, come in here." "What is it honey?" he asked. "You're not going to believe what I'm seeing." Clark walked into the living room. "What are you watching?" he asked, shocked at what he saw. "I'm not sure. I think it's called Passions, or something. Doesn't she look like exactly like Sheridan and doesn't he looks exactly like Luis." "It can't be possible."

From the Television Luis: "You try anything else and I’m using your tires for target practice. {He starts to walk towards the car} Well, I hope you had a good time, buster, because you're about to say good-bye to life as you know it. There's no way your sorry behind isn't doing jail time after those moves." Sheridan: "My name isn't Buster, my behind is anything but sorry, and you can't arrest me." Luis: "You've broken at least 10 laws in the last minutes. Give me one good reason I shouldn't arrest you." Sheridan: "Because my last name is Crane." Luis: "What kind of name is Sheridan?" Sheridan - "The kind of name you'll never forget!" Lois and Clark just stared at the television not knowing what the future was going to bring because of this.