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The Meaning Of Songs

The Meaning Of Songs
By: Smilee Ara
This is yet another amazing fanfic
by Smilee. She incorporates the power
of music into the lives of Sheridan and
Luis. This story will leave you
breathless.. So read it NOW!
E-mail Smilee at:

**note: this story is mostly filled with some words from songs that I really like. song lyrics are indicate with an astrix (*). the lyrics also sort of tell the story, so make sure you read them. I hope you like it though. so your questions, comments, concerns, quotes, replies would be greatly appreciated.

Sheridan sat in her cottage all alone. She only had a couple of hours left and told Luis she'd finish them tomorrow before the party. She decided to go out for a walk to keep her mind off Luis. It seems that he's been on her mind lately and she doesn't know why. "A walk would really do me good." she told herself.

When she got there, she only felt worse. She saw that there were couples everywhere. "Hey, Sheridan, what are you doing here?" "Miguel! Charity! Hey, how are you two doing?" she asked as she hugged them. "Oh, we're fine. How are you?" Charity asked. "I'm fine. I just came here to think." she said. "Hey, is it true? Theresa said that you're leaving for Paris after your community service is over. Why?" Miguel asked. "Oh, that's just one of my plans, I don't know if I'm going to pursue it." Sheridan said. "Well, I hope you don't Sheridan. We'll all miss you." Charity said hugging Sheridan. "Well, Charity, we better go if we're going to catch that movie. See ya, Sheridan." "Bye, take care you two." Sheridan called off. "They are so cute together." she thought.

She then sat on a nearby bench in the middle of the park. And she looked around, there were a lot of couples and she wished she was one of them.

*watchin' lovers walking
hand in hand as they pass me by
wish i was one of them
wish i had somebody wakin' up beside me
looking into my eyes at night
i want a love to call my own
i want someone that i can hold
want someone wanting me
wanna feel how it feels to be*

*somebody's somebody
someone's someone
some sweet lover's lover
i wanna be that one
someone faithful to someone faithful
someone kind to someone kind to me
somebody to somebody who loves me *

She then got up and decided to talk a walk somewhere else that wouldn't have couples. She longed to be loved like them. What she wouldn't do or give. She didn't know where to go, since mostly everywhere in Harmony had couples. She then decided to just walk and see where she ends up. While she walked she couldn't stop thinking about Luis. The way his hazel brown eyes look and his smile. Everytime she sees that smile of his, she feels something that she never felt before. Even just the slightest touch of his skin affects her.

"Argh! What is wrong with me? I'm suppose to be taking this walk to forget about him. Why does my mind keep wandering off to him? Sheridan, get over yourself." she scolded herself. She just kept walking and walking and walking. Soon she was shocked to find herself standing in front of the Youth Center. She didn't see Luis' jeep, so she decided to check out why the lights are on. She heard someone in the gym, so she headed that way. "Hmm, must be one of the kids." she thought. When she opened the door a little to peek in, she saw Luis. He was shooting some hoops. She didn't want to bother him. It looked like he had something on his mind. Sheridan just stood there unnoticed by Luis.

*soft heavenly eyes gazed into me
transcending space and time
and i was rendered still
there were no words for me to find at all
as i stood there beside myself
i could see you and no one else*

*when i saw you, when i saw you
i could not breathe
i fell so deep
when i saw you, when i saw you
i'd never be, i'd never be the same*

*only once in a life time love rushes in
changing you with the tide and dawn's ribbon of light
bursts through the dark
wakening you inside
and i thought it was all untrue
until there, all at once, i knew*

Luis was shooting some hoops thinking to himself. "Okay, this is it. If I make this in, Sheridan likes me." He was standing on the free throw line waiting to make the right move. He closed his eyes and then opened them and "shoo". The ball went inside. "Yeah." he yelled out. "Okay, now if I make this one in, she'll love me." he told himself. He took his position again and aimed the ball into the hoop and of course it went in. "Man, am I good or what?" he said pleasing himself. "Okay, Lopez-Fitzgerald, you make this one in, you and Sheridan will live happily ever after with a perfect loving family." He took another shot and it went in again. "Oh, this is just perfect. Not only does Sheridan fall in love with you, she gets to be your wife." once again he told himself. He then smiled at himself and said out loudly. . . "Okay, if you make this one in, you tell her how you feel about her. . . and tomorrow night at the party. No, make that tonight."

Sheridan heard this and she wondered who 'she' was. "Well, now I know that Luis can never feel the way I feel. And I'm glad I found out now. I just saved myself from embarrassment if I told him how I feel. He'd probably laugh in my face.

Luis took his shot and it didn't go in! "What?!" he yelled out. "This can't be! Well, I guess my feelings have to wait 'till tomorrow at the party." he said as he looked at the ball on the ground. He picked it up and when he turned around, he saw Sheridan heading out the door. "Sheridan? What are you doing here?" he said with a really big smile on his face. "Um, hey Luis. I was just taking a walk and I sorta walked myself this way and I just came in to check who was still here at this hour. I'm sorry."

"Sorry? About what?" he walked closer to her. "Um, about bothering you in your game." she said uneasingly when he came closer to her. "No, I was just about done." There was a long pause of silence in the room. "Listen Sheridan, since you're here, why don't I challenge you in a game of one on one? It'll take your problems out of your head. For awhile." "Problems?" she tried to hide.

"Sheridan, I've known you for a couple of months now, I think I can tell if you have something heavy on your mind. So, come on, what do you say? It'll be fun." Luis said this time pleading. "Okay. Just let me go get my shoes in the locker room." "Yeah, well, you better 'cause I wouldn't want to win to someone who was wearing heals, it just wouldn't be fair." he joked.

"Ugh! Whatever!" she said laughing as she walked toward the locker room. Luis just laughed at her when she left. He then sat down on the bench to catch his breath from his lay ups earlier. He then couldn't stop thinking about Sheridan. He wondered if she had heard him earlier with his little "game". He hoped that she hadn't, but then again, he hoped she did so she would know what he feels.

*all day long i think of you
i can't even think of things to do
wishin' all of my daydreams come true
oh baby what am i to do*

"Argh! Sheridan, why didn't you tell him you had to go home or something. Now he wants to play with you. He's going to be so close to you. He's not even wearing a shirt and you know how he touches you with that soft skin and. . . Sheridan! Stop it! You know you better get going before he comes in here to check up on me." with that she left the locker room and headed to the gym to start her game with Luis.

"Hey, are you ready? To lose?" Luis asked jokingly. "Ha. . . ha. . . ha. . . very funny!" she said sarcastically. "Well, come on." he said standing up and walking toward her and he grabbed the ball from her and said, "Check!" "You're on!" she said grabbing the ball from him.

"Oh, that's it, you're going down Crane!" he said running to her. "I don't think so. . ." she said running to the hoop and sinking the ball in. "Yeah! A swish. In your face, officer!" she said laughing. "'In your face', huh? Well, I'll show you 'in your face'." he walked toward Sheridan with a devilish grin. "Luis? Luis, what are you smiling like that for? Luis? Luis stop it." she tried to back away, but it was too late. Luis caught her by the waist and spinned her around. They ended up on the ground with Luis tickling her. "Luis! Ha! Stop, please." she went on laughing.

"No way, Crane. Not until you apologize for that 'in your face' thing." "What? No way!" she said still laughing. "Fine, if that's the way you want it." he kept tickling her. "Okay, okay. Fine. I- I," she couldn't complete her sentence 'cause Luis couldn't stop. "Luis! Okay, I'm sorry!" she yelled out! "Now, that's better!" he said as he stopped. But he didn't bother to get up. He had a perfect view of Sheridan and her lovely, sparkling eyes. They just lay there with Luis on top of Sheridan just staring into each other's eyes, both wanting the same thing.

*Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
lead me out on the moonlit floor
lift your open hand
strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
silver moon's sparkling
so, kiss me*

Luis was about to lean in and kiss Sheridan, but it was too late, she pulled his head down to her face and kissed him like she's never kissed before. She didn't know what came over her, but she knew that she had to do it. They didn't want to stop, but the had to get some air. They stared into each other's eyes like they were having a conversation or something. Sheridan couldn't take it anymore. She badly wanted to feel his lips again. And sooner or later, they were at it again. Luis was untucking her shirt and started to unbutton them. Sheridan had an easy job. She didn't have to do anything. Luis already had his shirt off. Luis was about to take her shirt completely off when they heard someone say:

"Gasp! Oh,. . . my. . . Lord!" startled Ivy. "In mama's words 'dios mio!'" Theresa said with a big, huge grin on her face. "Alright, Luis!" Miguel yelled as Theresa slapped him on the arm. "Ouch!" "Uh, we're sorry for interrupting this." Ivy said trying to walk out the door. "No! Ivy, you weren't interrupting anything. Nothing's going on." Sheridan said trying to get up.

"That's right Mrs. Crane. Uh, Sheridan and I were playing some basketball and she tripped and I tried to catch her, but I fell with her." Luis said as he helped Sheridan up. "Yeah, sure Luis, and Sheridan's shirt just decided to unbutton itself during the process." "MIGUEL!" Theresa yelled. "What!?" "Ivy, what are you doing here anyway?" Sheridan asked as her cheeks turned a very crimson color.

"Theresa left her portfolio here that I need for a business meeting this evening and I came in with her to get it." Ivy responded smiling. "Yeah, and Miguel just came in to shoot some hoops." "But, I guess that won't be happening since the gym is already occupied!" Miguel laughed and Theresa and Ivy couldn't help but laugh either. "You know what? I think I'm going to see Charity tonight, since I can't play some ball. See ya guys later, Mrs. Crane." said Miguel. "Goodbye, Miguel." Ivy replied. "Well, Theresa, why don't we get that portfolio and I'll be on my way." Ivy and Theresa were about to walk out of the gym when Luis stopped them.

"Wait a sec. Mrs. Crane, how do you know my sister, and why do you want her portfolio?" Luis asked. "Well, uh," Ivy didn't know what to say. "What Mrs. Crane is saying is. . . uh," Theresa started to get nervous. "I know Theresa from your mother of course. And I've seen one of her drawings and I've asked your mother if Theresa can sketch up somethings for me so I can send them to my personal designers. I love your sister's sense of style." Ivy said. "Oh," "Yeah, well, we better get going before you're late for that dinner Mrs. Crane."

"Yes, you're right, Theresa. Let's leave these two love birds to what they were doing." They left with a smile on their faces. There was a long silence in the room. "Luis?" "Sheridan?" They said in unison. And they laughed at it. "You know, I'm really tired. I'm going to freshen up and head home." "Um, okay, Sheridan. I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah. I'll see you." She headed for the locker room and found a towel to wipe herself with. After she was done she headed out the door and forgot that she walked from her cottage. "Sheridan? Hey, I remembered that you walked over. Do you want me to give you a ride or something?" Luis asked.

"You know what? I think I'll just walk. I need some fresh air." "I don't want you to be out here all alone. Either I walk you home, or I drive you home. Your choice." After a long pause, "Fine." Sheridan hopped in the passenger's seat as Luis opened the door for her. All the way to her cottage, the two were quiet not saying anything, just remembering the hot, passionate kiss they shared a little while ago. Luis couldn't stand the quietness (if there's such a word) so he decided to turn on the radio.

*if you only knew what i've been going through
waiting and wanting you
could this be love
how, tell me how will i know
will my heart make believe it's so
or can i trust the way i feel
if you could read my mind you see how hard i've tried
still i can't decide*

*if you only knew what i've been going through
waiting and wanting you
could this be love
oh, tell me could this be love*

They finally reached Sheridan's cottage. And when Luis stopped his car, there was still a long pause. "I guess this is it?" Luis asked. "Yeah, I guess so." she didn't even move. Her seat belt was still buckled on. "Luis." "Sheridan." they said in unison, again. And started to laugh. "Luis, do you want to come in for some coffee or something?" "Sure." He unbuckled his seat belt in a hurry and they walked toward the door of the cottage. And walked in.

"Make yourself at home, while I go and get the coffee." "You don't need any help?" Luis asked as Sheridan walked into the kitchen. "No," she yelled from the kitchen. Luis started to make a fire and sooner Sheridan walked in with a tray of coffee and chocolate cake with whipped cream and a strawberry placed neatly on top. "Cake? What's the occasion?" Luis asked as he stood up and took the tray from Sheridan and placed it on the table.

"A celebration." she said as she seated herself on the couch. "A celebration? Of what?" Luis asked as he sat next to Sheridan. "My victory." she said smiling handing him a plate of the cake. "You-your victory? Sheridan, we didn't even finish the game." he said taking the plate. "Yeah, but from where we stand, I'm one and you're. . . well, you're. . . still zero!" "Still zero, huh? Well, I'll show you 'still zero'. . ." before Sheridan could ask what he was talking about, she felt a cold, slimy thing on her cheek. Luis took the whipped cream and placed it on her face.

"Luis! You little. . . " Luis couldn't help but laugh, "You look like frosty the snow man!" he kept on laughing. "I'll show you frosty the snow man!" she took a piece of the cake and smeared it on Luis' face. "Hahaha, you look like swamp thing!" Sheridan laughed. "Hey, that wasn't nice." Luis said acting like a little kid. "Yeah? Well, what you did wasn't nice either." she said sounding like a kid too. They couldn't help but laugh at each other.

"Here, let me help you." Luis took a napkin and wiped the cream off of her face. And Sheridan did the same thing. As they wiped each other off, they couldn't stop looking in each other. The next thing they realized was that Sheridan was on top of Luis on the couch and they were kissing like in the Youth Center. They weren't going to stop, but then all of a sudden, Sheridan's phone rang. She just let it ring, but it didn't stop, so she got off Luis and picked up the phone. It was Ethan.

Luis got up and off the couch and started walking around the living room. While he was looking around, he didn't realize that Sheridan had hanged up the phone already. "Luis?" Sheridan called out. "Yeah?" he said still looking at the corner. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." he finally turned around to face her. "Do you mind if I put on some music?"

"No, go ahead and help yourself." Sheridan said as she sat back down on the couch. 'damn that phone.' she thought. "You care to dance Ms. Crane?" Luis asked as he stood in front of Sheridan with is hand out. "I'd love to." Sheridan took his hand and they walked to the middle and they danced. After looking at each other for a while, Sheridan leaned in and placed her head on Luis' chest.

*i know you've heard these words a hundred other times before
and you've been hurt and so your heart has chose to
Close the door
love broke your heart and brought you lies
look in my eyes
you'll see a love that's deep and true
tender and strong and all for you
you can trust this love
honest, that's the honest truth*

Luis look at Sheridan who was staring at him too and he thought. . . "god she's so beautiful" and then she placed her head on his chest again and thought, "this feels so right to be here."

*from the heart i'm giving you evrything,
from the heart i promise you that i'll be there
i'll be there to love you
from the soul i'm showing you all i fell,
all i feel is from the heart*

Sheridan felt that it was so right. She was where she belonged. And she didn't plan on leaving anytime soon. Then out of nowhere, she backs away from Luis and sits on the couch. This really confused Luis. He went to her and kneeled down realizing that she's crying. "Sheridan? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he hated to see pain in those lovely eyes of hers. "Sheridan, please. Please tell me what's wrong. I want to help you." "Luis," she said still in tears. "Luis, will you stay here with me?"

"What?" he was stunned. "I'm just scared that if you leave, I'm going to wake up and realize that this is all a dream and that it never came true." tears started falling down fast. "Shh, Sheridan, it's going to be alright, trust me. I'm not going to leave, and this is real, very real." he said as he took her into his arms and cradled her. He held her all through the night as she fell asleep in his arms. Luis couldn't sleep. He couldn't believe that the woman that he loves is sleeping in his arms. But the question is, does Sheridan love him. He only asked himself that question once. He couldn't believe how Sheridan makes him feel. She's a Crane, but so what? All he cared about was that Sheridan was there, with him.

*from my youngest years
till this moment here
i've never seen such a lovely queen
from the skies above
to the deepest love
i've never felt crazy like this before*

*paint my love
you should paint my love
it's the picture of a thousand sunsets
it's the freedom of a thousand doves
baby you should pain my love*

Luis then finally fell asleep with Sheridan on his mind and arms. The next morning, Sheridan woke up with a wonderful feeling. She felt someone's arms around her and she realized that it wasn't a dream. Luis was with her last night and he stayed after she'd ask him to. She felt so loved. He was still asleep. She just lay there on top of Luis looking at him who had a smile on his face. Sheridan thought that it was cute. And she smiled at it. He looked so peaceful and tranquil.

"I don't know how to tell you this Luis," she said to no one in particular as she played with his hand, "but I'm falling in love with you." "I've already fallen in love with you, Sheridan." Luis said while he still had his eyes shut. "Luis!" she was startled. "Hey, morning." Luis said with a smile and his eyes open this time. "You, you heard what I said?" she asked. "Yeah, and you know what?" Luis asked. "What?" "I love you." he said with a sparkle in his eyes. "Really?" "What do you think?" Luis leaned in a forward and gave her a kiss. "Hmm, I love you, too Luis." "I love you, Sheridan Crane." he said giving her a passionate kiss.

*one look in your eyes
i knew we two would always be together
and there are three little words that say it all
I love you*

*never believed in love at first sight
but i believe what i'm feeling tonight
'cause when i saw you across the room
i felt my heart go boom, boom, boom*

*i looked, i fell so hard
girl i know you can tell that i'm hooked on you
oh, girl you know i'm falling for you because*

*one look in your eyes
i knew we two would always be together
and there are three little words that say it all
I love you
girl i realize that i wanna be with you forever
so say those three little words i wanna hear
I love you*

Luis was at the Youth Center getting ready for Sheridan's party for finishing up her community service. Everyone was there helping out. Luis was in one corner talking to Chad about some music, when he heard Theresa yell out that their guest of honor arrived and everyone clapped. Luis was heading toward Sheridan but he saw Hank giving Sheridan a kiss and he caught Sheridan's glance and she gave him a don't-worry-i-still-love-you look accompanied by a smile. Hank wondered what Sheridan was looking at and he found that she was looking at Luis and giving him a kind of look that scared him. The music started playing and the people started dancing. Luis walked up to Sheridan and Hank.

"Hey, buddy." Hank greeted. "Hey, Hank. Um, Sheridan, would you like to dance?" Luis said not taking his eyes away from her. "Sure Luis. I'd love to." she said smiling leaving Hank behind clueless. She and Luis walked to the middle of the dance floor and suddenly the fast music turned slow. . .

*look into my eyes
you will see, what you mean to me
search your heart, search your soul
and when you find me there, you'll search no more
don't tell me it's not worth trying for
you can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
you know it's true
everything i do, i do it for you*

*look into my heart, you will find
there's nothing there to hide
take me as i am, take my life
i would give it all, i would sacrifice*

*don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
i can't help it, there's nothing i want more
ya you know it's true
everything i do, i do it for you*

^^^^^^^^^^^^^*six weeks later*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Luis and Sheridan were in the cottage eating dinner. They have been together and no one could stop the two of them from being together. It was their destiny. "Luis?" Sheridan asked as she chewed on her food. "Yeah?" "You said that you have a surprise for me?" "Nuh-uh, I'm not telling." "Argh! Come on, Luis, please?" she asked giving Luis puppy dog eyes and sticking her lower lip out like a little kid.

"No way. That's not going to work." Sheridan then went over to Luis and sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well, what if I give you a kiss? Will you tell me your surprise?" "Hmm, maybe." Sheridan gave him a kiss and a very passionate one, too. "So, what's the surprise?" she asked as she pulled away. "Sorry, not telling."

"Argh! You are so impossible!" she said throwing him her napkin and she walked into the living room. Luis just smiled at himself and brought the dishes to the sink. After he was done clearing the table, he walked into the living room and found Sheridan on the couch hugging her legs and staring into the fire. It was the most beautiful thing he ever saw, yet. He walked up to her and sat next to her and stared at the fire too. "So, what about dessert?" Luis asked jokingly. "Dessert? No dessert for you 'cause you've been a bad boy." she said facing Luis trying to hide her laughter. But instead of her laughing, it was Luis who was laughing. "What? What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's just that, I can finally imagine you saying that to one of our kids." "One of. . . kids? As in children?" she asked confused. "Yeah." Luis stopped laughing and looked at her. "Luis, what are you trying to say?" "What I'm trying to say is. . . that I want to have children with you. I want you to be the mother of my children. I want you to be my wife." he pulled out a black velvet box with a diamond in the center of a silver band. Sheridan's eyes started to water as she realized what Luis' surprise was. "So, will you Sheridan? Will you be my wife?" "Oh, Luis, of course, of course I will. I love you so much." "I love you, too." (and you know this leads to, use your imagination!)

"Oh, my god. I can't believe this is happening." Sheridan said. "Father, thank you so much for accepting Luis as my husband." "Well, as long as you keep your end of the bargain. That husband of yours doesn't go snooping around this family." Sheridan then gave out a disappointed sigh. "Don't worry, we will." "Hey, Darling, this is suppose to be your day. You're not suppose to be sad. Look, I'm sorry, but you know how I am about the family name."

"Yes, father, I know." "I'm just glad I can be here to give my only daughter away to the man that really loves her." Sheridan then gave her father a small smile. "Your mother would've been proud." "Thank you, father." she said smiling and giving Alistair a hug. "Okay, let's get this wedding started, are the father and bride ready?" Theresa asked. "Yeah, we are." Sheridan replied.

The groom's men Miguel, Ethan, and Chad walked in, followed by the bride's maids Charity, Theresa, and Whitney and Gwen as the maid of honor. Then the ring bearer and then the flower girls. Luis was at the end of the altar with Hank waiting for his bride. Then, it was the bride's turn to walk in. Sheridan and Luis couldn't keep their eyes off of each other. Both their dreams were coming true. They loved each other and that's all that mattered. They said their vows, exchanged wedding bands, and were pronounced husband and wife.

* it's not the flowers wrapped in fancy paper
it's not the ring i wear around my finger
it's nothing at all the world than me
i have you here beside me, here beside me*

*so you could give me wings to fly
catch me if i fall
and pull the stars down from the sky
so i can wish on them all
but i couldn't ask for more
'coz you love is the greatest gift of all*

*in your arms i found the strength inside me
and in your eyes there's a light to guide me
i would be lost without you
and all that my heart could ever want has come true*

*so you could give me wings to fly
and catch me if i fall
and pull the stars down from the sky so i could wish
on them all
but i couldn't ask for more
'coz your love is the greatest gift of all*

THE END. . .
but not for the happy couple. . .

~~~>the songs that were used are from the artists: Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Another Level, Jennifer Lopez, Tatyanna Ali, Six Spence Non the Richer, Bryan Adams, Michael Learns to Rock, Nu Flavor, and Michelle Wright & Jim Brickman.<~~~