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Chapter 12: Surprises

Everyone yelled "Surprise Congratulations" Sheridan and Luis starred at everyone who had attended there surprise party. Theresa who was beaming with joy turned to Luis and said "Hey guys congratulations, I guess your my new sister in law." "Wait a minute you guys thought...ha..ha.." Sheridan cracked up and Luis startled to giggle. Everyone looked puzzled as Sheridan and Luis continued to laugh.

Finally, Luis said "We didn't get married, yet. Mama stopped us and she gave us some advice. We are still getting married, but it is going to be here in Harmony in front of all our friends and family." "That's great Luis" Miguel said "We are all really happy for the two of you." Charity said. "When are you gonna get married?" Sam asked. Sheridan looked at Luis they hadn't set a date yet. "Well we haven't really thought about it. How about next week." "One week to get a wedding organized this is going to take a lot of work." Ivy said.

As the week came to a close all the preparations for were in order. They had booked the church and Father Lungan was thrilled. Luis has asked Miguel to be his best man and Sheridan had chosen Gwen to be her maid of honour. Ethan would give Sheridan and away at the wedding and Theresa, Charity were the bridesmaids while Sam and T.C. were ushers. Sheridan arrived at the church and was getting ready with the help of Theresa, Gwen and Ivy. "How does my hair look? Do you like this dress? I can't believe I am getting married in less than 20 minutes. I can still remember the first day we meet.


"Your sorry ass is going to rot in jail." "My ass is anything but sorry and you can't arrest me" "You just broke ten laws in the past ten minutes, give me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you." "Cause my name is Crane." "Sheridan you look so beautiful" Gwen said. "You look so happy I am sure you are going to have a wonderful honeymoon." Ivy said. "I hope you're right Ivy, I have dreamed of this day for so long." Meanwhile, in the other room of the church Luis, Sam and Ethan were helping Luis get ready. "I can't believe I am marrying Sheridan. Me and a Crane wow! I still remember the first time we kissed."


Sheridan and Luis had just finished looking for clues in the Crane Mansion. Suddenly, Sheridan pulled Luis into a kiss. He kissed her back and put his hands on her waist. The kiss lasted for a few minutes. When they had finished kissing, Luis turned to Sheridan and said "Ms. Crane were you hitting on me?" "Why yes Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald I was." The wedding march began to play. Sam and Ivy walked down the aisle followed by Miguel and Charity and then Theresa walked down the aisle.

Gwen who was the maid of honor followed. Then the bridal march began to play. Everyone in the church stood up and they focused on Sheridan. Ethan led Sheridan down the aisle and everyone admired Sheridan's beautiful white beaded gown. Luis looked at Sheridan and everyone else in the room disappeared. He smiled at Sheridan and admired her radiant beauty.

Father Longan said, "Who gives the women away" Ethan responded "I do" Sheridan finally took Luis' arm and they faced Father Longan, who began to speak "We are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony. Luis and Sheridan have written there own vows and would like to share them will all of you." Luis started

"Sheridan the first time I met you I know we were meant for each other. I have loved you since the experience we shared in Santa Fe. When I am with you, it feels like the whole world has vanished and it is just you and me. When you said yes to my proposal you made me the happiest man in the world. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. I promise to love you, cherish you and be the father of your children. I promise to stand by you, and be beside you all the days of our lives."

Sheridan eyes welled up and tears ran down her cheeks. She turned to Luis and said her vows.

"Luis I have never experienced true love. When I am with you, you make me bwhole and complete. You’re my soul mate the man of my dreams. You fill my life with a never-ending joy and my love for you grows stronger with each passing day. I promise to love you, stand beside you through the good times and bad for all the days of our lives."

Father Longan said "Is there anyway in this room who objects to this man and woman joining together in holy matrimony. Speak now or forever hold your peace." Suddenly Alistair Crane walked in and said, "I do"

To Be Continued...

Preview for Chapter 13: Will Luis and Sheridan be man and wife? What will Alistair do? Find out in Chapter 13: Broken vows