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Chapter 14: To Be Or Not To Be

"Sheridan never killed me father and why are you trying to destroy our happiness Mr. Crane?" Luis asked. "Sheridan killed your father over twenty years ago and we buried the evidence. I just thought you would like to know, Mr. Lopez Fitzgerald." Everyone in the church was chatting about what Alistair had just told Luis. Sheridan was panicking and she knew that Luis would not want to marry her after what her father said.

Suddenly, Sheridan ran down the aisle. She pushed open the church doors and stepped outside into the cold air. Luis will never love me now she thought. Meanwhile back in the church, Luis had pushed Alistair aside and ran after Sheridan. "Sheridan don't go" Luis yelled. He ran to the church doors and opened them. He stepped outside and noticed Sheridan crying on a park bench. He ran over to her and said. "Why are you crying Sheridan?" "' me any..more" She sobbbed.

"Of course I love you with all my heart." "No you don't, not after what my father told you." "Sheridan you already told me about those nightmares. You didn't lie to me and deep down inside I know that you did not kill anyone." "But what about what my father said to you." "He is just trying to ruin our happiness. I want you to be my wife. So what do you say will you marry me?" "Oh Luis of course I will." She grabbbed Luis and pulled him in for a long kiss. "I love you so much Luis."

"I love you too, Sheridan." "What a minute Sheridan." "What is it Luis" Sheridan said in between kisses. "I am not supposed to kiss the bride yet because we aren't man and wife." "Okay Luis no more kisses until we get married." She played hit him on the arm. "Well, we can make up our own wedding rules, can't we?" Luis asked waiting for Sheridan's response. "I suppose we could, but I have always stuck with traditions. Now come on, we have to get married now." Sheridan said grabbing Luis by the arm and pulling him off the bench. They ran back into the church.

Everyone starred at Sheridan and Luis as they walked up the aisle. "Father either you accept this marriage and stay or you leave. It's you choice, but whatever you decide won't matter to me because I am going to marry Luis." "Then I am leaving." With that Alistair Crane walked out of the church and Sheridan and Luis turned to Father Longan. "Father Longan, please continue with the ceremony. We are both ready." Sheridan said.

"Very well. Do you Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald take this woman Sheridan Crane to be your lawful wedded wife? To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live." Luis looked at Sheridan she was crying, but this time they were cheers of joy. He smiled and said, "I do, with all my heart." Pillar and Ivy started to cry and even some of the other guests were in tears.

"Sheridan Crane do you take Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald do be your lawful wedded husband. To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live." Sheridan turned to Luis and said, "I do." "May we have the rings" Father Longan said. Luis took his ring for Sheridan from Miguel and Sheridan took her ring for Luis from Gwen. "Now Luis you may place the ring on Sheridan's finger and repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed." Luis gently placed a beautiful solid gold band with one solitaire on Sheridan's ring finger and said, "With this ring I thee wed."

"Now Sheridan you may place the ring on Luis' finger and repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed." Sheridan took the solid gold band she had bought for Luis and placed it on his ring finger and said, "With this ring I thee wed." "Now in the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Luis pulled back Sheridan's veil and cupped her face. He pulled her in and they kissed for a few moments. Everyone in the cheer clapped and cheered.

Once they broke of the kiss Luis said to Sheridan "I love you Ms. Lopez-Fitzgerald" "I love you too, Luis" Sheridan replied. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald" Everyone clapped and few of the guests cried as Luis and Sheridan, who were now man and wife walked down the aisle hand in hand. What the newlyweds did not notice was a person hiding at the back of the church who was watching there every move. The person whispered "I will get you Sheridan if it's the last thing I do"

To Be Continued...

Preview for chapter 15: Will Luis and Sheridan have a nice reception? Who is the mysterious person, seeking revenge? Find out in Chapter 15: Last Dance