Chapter 2: The Dream
Luis looked at Sheridan lying unconscious in the hospital bed. He squeezed her hand and he said "Sheridan you're gonna be ok, I promise I will take care of you." He quickly left the room and went to call the Cranes and his family. He picked up the phone and dialed his mother, Pillar.
"Hello Lopez-Fitzgerald residence" "Hi Theresa, where's mama?" "Luis, what's wrong?" "Sheridan has been in car accident, I need you to call mama at the Crane Mansion and inform Julian and the rest of the family"
"Oh my god, is she ok?" "I can't talk right now, just phone mama right away, bye" Luis quickly rushed into Sheridan's room and looked at Sheridan. Eve Russell the doctor on call walked into the room. Luis looked up at Eve and said "Eve
how is she?" "Luis she suffered some major injuries, lost a lot of blood. Her head injuries are quite damaging, because the blow to her head was severe." "But she is going to make it right Dr. Russell." "I can't say Luis, but we will be monitoring her around the clock. The next 24 hours are crucial and we will know more by then."
"Thanks Dr. Russell. I have already informed mama, and the Cranes." Dr. Russell left Luis alone with Sheridan and suddenly, Ethan, Gwen, Ivy and Pillar walked in. Ethan said, "What the hell happened to my aunt" Luis answered "It was raining heavily and I didn't see her car coming, she
swerved off the road and hit a tree." "You did this to her, if she doesn't make it I am holding you responsible"
Suddenly, Julian walked in and said, "What happened here?"
Ethan said "Sheridan was in a car accident and she is in critical condition."
Doctor Jenkins walked into the room and said "Sir, we have your fiancée’s CAT SCAN results" Everyone starts at Luis and he responds "Thank you doctor, what is the diagnosis?"
"Right now, Sheridan is experiencing what we call a traumatic coma. There is no telling how long she will be in the coma. However she has not suffered any permanent brain damage. We are quite hopeful that Sheridan will awaken soon." "Thank you Dr. Jenkins" Dr. Jenkins exits Sheridan's room and everyone looks at Luis. Ethan says "Why are they calling you Sheridan's fiancée. What's going on?"
"Listen Crane, I don't have time for this now, we can discuss this later." A nurse walks in an says that visiting hours are over and only one family member can stay with Sheridan. Ethan attempts to speak but Luis cuts him off and says to the nurse "I am her fiancée, I will stay the night." Meanwhile, Sheridan is in a coma like state. She is walking towards a bright light.
She sees her mother and she begins to move closer towards her. Her mother says Sheridan it is not your time now. Go back, they need you." "I want to be with you mother" "No, Sheridan Luis needs you, he loves you." Suddenly, Sheridan can hear Luis' voice and he says "Sheridan it's me, I am so sorry, please don't leave me. I need you, please Sheridan, I love you."
To Be Continued...
Preview for Chapter 3: Will Luis bring Sheridan back? Will true love prevail? Find out in Chapter 3: Walking into the Light