JustTV Fall Coverage:  ABC Friday

Fall TV Coverage 2002


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That Was Then (ABC, Friday 9pm. Premieres September 27th)

What It's About: Travis Glass is a big loser at 30 years old. He wishes he could turn back the clock. The next morning he wakes up 16 again. He relives some things, tries to fix some things... then wakes up 30 again. His life is even worse than before. Then he wakes up 16 again....

Who's Behind It:  Nobody you've even heard of.

Unfair Grade Even Before Watching: D

Premiere Predicition: 7.5mil

The Reason: Sadly, given it's lead in of "Funniest Videos," it could do even better than this. But the series premise sounds so thin that it could be hard to follow. I mean, how many times can he wake up 16 again? 7 seasons? And given ABC's Friday track record, this could be another lamb to the slaughter.