JustTV Fall Coverage:  ABC Monday

Fall TV Coverage 2002


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The Drew Carey Show (ABC, Monday 8pm. Premieres September 9th)

What's Happening: Alot of changes abound as this show enters it's 8th season. First off, Cristina Miller will be married off by the second episode, to leave the show for good. This sends Drew on a mission to find his soulmate by the end of the season. Also, Winfred Louder is gone, to be replaced with something that resembles a dot com. The new workers are "young and hip," or so says Mr. Drew Carey.

Where It's Been: A loser in its first season, it roared in its season, becoming ABC's premiere hit sitcom. Ratings have slid since then, and in the spring of 2001, it took a huge hit, failing to break 9.0mil many weeks. This season, that's just about what it averaged, a horrible 9.2mil. With two years on contract left to go and it getting dumped on Monday, will ABC just swallow the pill for the last, 9th season? Drew Carey says her could do more. LOL

Last Season's High: 11.5mil (October 24, 2002)

Premiere Prediction: 8.2mil

The Reason:  That premiere prediction could be a season high, too. Nothing that ABC has aired Monday's at 8pm in a long time has worked, and this won't either. Thanks to airing at 8pm (before football) on the east coast, 8 or 9pm (after football) in the west, and getting preempted everywhere in between, this show is cooked. ABC says it draws men, and it says football does too. And? Even men have standards.

Whose Line Is It Anyway? (ABC, Monday 8:30pm. Premieres September 9th)

What's Happening:  The same old stuff. Improvised skits, Drew's unfunny remarks, ect

Where It's Been: Never really a hit, the show was a solid alternative to NBC Thursdays at 8pm. That was, of course, until two seasons ago when "Survivor" came along.

Last Season's High: 8.0mil (October 25, 2001)

Premiere Prediction: 7.3mil

The Reason: See "The Drew Carey Show." As much as I hate to see this show fail (despite being a kicking bag, it's still consistantly hilarious), it probably will here.