JustTV Fall Coverage: Fox Friday

Fall TV Coverage 2002


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Firefly (Fox, Friday 9pm. Premieres September 20th)

What It's About:  The crew is "The Serenity." The year is 2802. The show is about their struggle to survive, taking on any job that comes.

Who's Behind It:  John Whedon ("Buffy," "Angel, "Toy Story")

Unfair Grace Even Before Watching: D

Premiere Prediction:  5.5mil

The Reason:  Since it's a Whedon show, some viewers will show up for the premiere. But it's on Fox, on Friday, and it's sci fi. The last show like this it's had work here was "The X-Files."

John Doe (Fox, Friday 9pm. Premieres September 20th)

What It's About:  A man drops into town as a "John Doe," with no recollection fo anything. But he is extremely smart, however.

Who's Behind It:  

Unfair Grace Even Before Watching: B+

Premiere Prediction:  4.7mill

The Reason:  The one looks kind of interesting, but it won't survive here, guaranteed.