JustTV: Fall TV Preview 2002
Fall TV Coverage 2002


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Enterprise (UPN, Wednesday 8pm. Premieres September 18th)

What's Happening: As the history is rewritten, the "Federation" comes into being, and new species are met.

Where It's Been:  It rocketed out of the gate, but settled into ordinary numbers as the season progressed.

Last Season's High: 12.5mil (September 26, 2001)

Premiere Prediction: 7.6mil

The Reason:  The show will premiere big, but settle down into ordinary numbers as the seaosn wears on, as always.

The Twilight Zone (UPN, Wednesday 9pm. Premieres September 18th)

What It's About:  A remake of the classic anthology series.

Who's Behind It: T

Unfair Grade Even Before Watching: B+

Premiere Prediction: 4.9mil

The Reason: A sci fi show after "Enterprise" ? It'll never work...