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Welcome to THE ANTI-ANTI MEL FOUNDATION, the Definitive Place for Pro-Mel Frasier Fans. Created in friendly answer to The Anti-Mel Site, THE FOUNDATION is the answer to Non Niles and Daphne Shippers. We are a small group granted, who allthough in our heart of hearts we want Niles and Daphne to get together, We support the secondary characters. So without further adu, I give you the information on the hightly admirable MEL

(Click On the Images above to view in full)

Melinda Karnovsky (Or Mel as she is called) is a predominant plasic surgeon, who just happens to be Nile's girlfriend. (They have been together since the 8th episode of this year "The Late Dr. Crane) Mel is slight, adorable, extreamly sophisticated and stuffy to perfection. She is greatly disliked for being somewhat Maris-like, very sharp of tounge and dominearing at times (Did i mention she's MARIS'S plastic sergoen? Ouch...) The greatest reason that people dislike Mel is simply put: SHE'S NOT DAPHNE. Mel poses a very real threat to the Happyness of Niles and Daphne, but is an Admirable character nevertheless.

Click on the icon above to view more pictures of Mel

As hard as it is for some to admit, Mel has been good for Niles. After his ordeal with Maris and Daphne's upcoming nuptuals.... Mel gives hims a sence of self, of assurance that he so desperatly needs. She tells him he's wonderful, gorgous and perfect. Mel tell's Niles she loves him and lord KNOWS it's been a while since he's heard that from a woman. Contrary to popular beliefe, Mel has no agenda for Niles, she doesn't need him as a social ladder *Who is it that got great dinner seats because she knew the owner?* Mel has been critisized for being prigish, and upity, but Nile's obviously appreciates that in her.. she compliments him very well. For the first time in a long time he seems happy!

Click on the icon above to see pictures of Niles and Mel together.

As hard as it is for people to admit, There ARE Mel supporters out there. How does one know if they support Mel? WELL, you MIGHT be a Mel supporter If...............

*your boyfriend comes to you for plastic surgery twice before getting the courage to ask you out
*you believe in the importance of the "party face"
*You go into histerics everytime you see a swenson hepafilter
*You keep Several changes of clothes at work incase one gets dirty
*You know the importance of getting in with the top restaurant owners to get the best tables
*Your patients give you bottles of rare Cheval Blanc '61 as a thank you gift.
*You feel that Sunday Brunch is too early in the day for hard liquor.
*After years of practising plastic surgery, you can look at anyone who is fully clothed and know what they look like naked - just like x-ray vision
*You prefer Puccini to pooches
*You can't resist centring the dishes on the party table.
*You carry that all essential packet of Wipe Ups.
*Your Only son is often times mistaken for your husband

Do you Support Mel? Do you believe that secondary characters should be given more of a chance, and more credit? Proclaim it by putting the following icons on your site!


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times since April 2000
