In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb

In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb
By: Amy Baird
This is yet another fabulous shuis
fanfic by Amy. This fanfic has Ivy
trying to bust Julian and prove to
Sheridan he hired an imposter to
impersonate Luis! Will Ivy succeed? Find out!
E-mail Amy at:

Chapter 1:

Introduction:This is a fan fic on Sheridan,Luis,and Other people involved with them (Julian and Ivy) In My FanFic Sheridan never Left Harmony and never will go to Paris. This takes place in Harmony at Sheridan's condo.

As Sheridan slips into her silky pjs she Makes sure all the doors are locked,the front lights are on,and that her alarm clock is set for 5 to get up to go jogging. As she still lays there totally thoughtless she starts thinking about Luis and the time when she over heard him talking on his cell bad mouthing her and talking about how he planed to use her. ウOh Luis,I though you were the one... I donケt know if there's hope anymore,イ Sheridan says to herself outloud with her eyes full of tears. Time goes on and Sheridan is fast asleep like a dunk who had to many shots at the bar. She is awaken by a knock at the door. She get up and looks through the peephole, and sees Ivy. She opens the door. ウIvy, What could this possibly be!!! Itケs quarter to one!イ Sheridan whispers loudly hugging herself to keep warm from the cold.

ウSheridan, I have good news about Luis. It wasnケt him you heard talking.イIvy stumbled with excitement on her face. *Yeah!, you expect me to believe that!ケイ yelled Sheridan *Seriously,I was about to walk into Julianケs office and heard him talking to Alister on the speaker phone. Alister asked if the Luis imposture worked and if it was driving you away. I walked in and told him that I heard. He threatened to take away my Crane name!* exclaimed Ivy with a remote shock on her face.

ウSeriously, Ivy?? Whereケs the Proof??イ questioned Sheridan. ウThat's where you and I come in. I have a plan, I walk in and I do my thing while you hide behind the door. When Julian starts following me like a puppy dog . You go into his desk and look all over the place!!!イexplains Ivy. ウAre you sure this is going to work, I donケt know. I guess its the only thing to explain things..イ Sheridan questions herself ウIケll do it!イ Sheridan says without a doubt. ウok, Come to the house and Iケll work things from there!イIvy Remarks. ウOk, I better get some SLEEP!! Thanks a lot Ivy even if we donケt find the ウMaskイ, says Sheridan thanking Ivy. *Iケll see you tomorrowイ,says Ivy ウByeイsays Sheridan purposely scooting Ivy so she can get some SLEEP! Morning comes and its time to see if she can bust Julian........but will she?????????

Could This be a NEW beginning or another end???

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2:

As Sheridan slips into the house she shuts the door as quiet as a rain drop Ivy quietly whispers ウfollow meイ. Sheridan takes off her high heels so Julian canケt here clicking across the tiled floor. Ivy walks into Julians office while Sheridan slips behind the door and hides behind the plant. ウJulian, Eve is here to see you. She acts like itケs REALLY importantイIvy whispers with a guilty smile. Julian gets up walks to the front entrance.

ウOh, by the way she said she will meet you outside. Sheケs probably hidingイ,Ivy manages to say without laughter. Julian struts out the door while Ivy closes it and locks it. Meanwhile, Sheridan darts to Julians desk in a rush to find the so called mask. She stumbles across something rubber. She takes it out and the mask is complete with all of Luisケs facial characteristics. She shakes in fear and the mask plops down to the floor as Julian walks in and his jaw drops. Sheridan looks up and sees Julian.

Sheridan yells with shame on her face ウNever in my life have I met someone so disgusting!!! You sit there and treat Luis and I like we are victims in a love war. Here I slapped Luis and treated him like a criminal,and the whole time the WHOLE time he was the most honest,sensitive,and caring person I have ever met. ウShut up, I donケt even care or even want to hear what you have to say. Right now Iケm gonna find Luis and explain to him why Iケve been pig headed. Sheridan picks up the mask and stomps out of the house.

Afterwards, Sheridan is looking all over for Luis. She finally decides to stop at his house. She knocks on his door as Luis answers. *What could the Miss Sheridan want now?イLuis remarks rudely. ウLuis Iケm here to apologize. Can we go some where to talk about it??イSheridan questions. ウYes, but Iケm not saying that because I want to go I said yes because I will never give up on you.イLuis says romantically Luis and Sheridan go to the Lobster shack where they once sat and enjoyed lobster. They finally get a table and Sheridan starts to explain herself.

Sheridan apologizes ウIケm gonna say before I say anything that I am so sorry for the way that I have been treating you!イ ウLast night, Ivy came to my house and told me that my thoughtless brother Julian had hired an impostor for you to convince me that you were all in it for the money and to use me.So Ivy made a plan for me to go into Julians office and snatch the mask out of his desk. I found the mask and now Iケm here with you where I should be,イexplained Sheridan with a grin on her face.

ウWow, I don't know how exactly how to react to this, That explains why I got snubbed by you, イsays Luis with a confused look on his face. ウI guess that's not important now, the thing that's important is that Iケm here with you and you aren't mad at me anymore,イLuis says with a smile covering his whole face. ウWell, since weケre here lets eat, イSheridan says as if nothing ever happened. Well you can all guess how it ends. Sheridan and Luis have a superb dinner and Luis ends up staying at Sheridan's for the night and watch a movie and fall asleep in each others arms and like all fairy tails they lived happily ever after.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3:

Recap: I left off last time at Sheridanケs condo. Luis and Sheridan were lying in each others arms.


Sheridan wakes up to smelling perfect ground coffee and fresh orange juice. Sheridan, didn't know that you where awake. It ruined the surprise breakfast in bed, says Luis with a smile on his face. Oh! Iケm sorry sir but my family told me to never waste food so I guess thereケs enough for the two of us, Sheridan says to Luis grinning with romance wrote all over her face. Well everything did go as Sheridan planned they each fed each other breakfast like a newly-wed couple when eating their wedding cake.

Meanwhile at the Crane Mansion.......

Father I didnケt en tend for her to come barging in and getting away with the mask, julian says trying to cover himself up. Julian, I told you to keep the mask where no one would dare to look. You have lost tons of things, including the bird statue, Remarks Allistar Father how do you know where the bird statue is? How come you always seem to know everything? questions Julian I have my connections you know that, says Alistair also trying to cover his butt.

Back at the condo

After cleaning up Sheridan and Luis decide to take a trip out of town with Ethan and Theresa (since Gwen isn't there and she said she trusted Theresa) They call up Ethan and He said he can take a few days off of work to have a good time since he didn't want to have Theresa bored out of her mind so Theresa decides to take a few days off of school. (Even know she seems like a 0 absence/ 0 tardy person) Great then we will see you then Ethan!, Says Sheridan still talking on the phone about their trip.

At Theresaケs house-

Whitney, I wont be seeing you for a couple of days this week. Ethan invited me to come with him, Sheridan, and Luis to go somewhere out of town. says Theresa waiting for Whitney to blow any minute. Umm...NO you should stay as far away from Ethan Crane as you can. shouts Whitney. This time Iケm sorry Whit but Iケm not listening to you, says Theresa being proud of herself.

At the condo

Luis shouldnケt you go home and pack and also tell your mom? asks Sheridan. Oh yeah, I probably should. I guess Iケll see you later then. says Luis Kissing Sheridan on the cheek. Ok bye then see ya, says Sheridan. Everyone starts packing! The Next day Sheridan, Luis, Ethan, and Theresa Take off to go to Jamaca.

To Be Continued...

Theresa gets a shake of deaths handWhat happens between Theresa and EthanWhat happens with Luis. Where is he? Will Alistar Hire somone to finish Luis? Who is Held at gun point? Whoケs pregnet now? Whoケs sorry! Will Alistar show himself or will he show his whole arm this time!!!!?

Chapter 4:

Meanwhile at Harmony Charity leaves for a while to go visit other relatives. Kay decides to get Miguel, and Simone to go to Jamaica not knowing that Sheridan, Luis,Ethan,and Theresa are there. Common Miguel it will be fun and It will help take your mind off Charity, says Kay trying to convince him I don稚 know Kay, I mean I wanna go have fun with my friends but I wanna wait till Charity comes home, says Miguel like he's worried about her. Charity isn稚 gonna be home for 3 weeks! yelled Kay. Once you said 3 weeks I guess I could use a vacation. says Miguel laughing.

Kay, Miguel ,and Simone start packing and drive to the air port. In Jamaica Sheridan and the gang decide to go to the beach. Man does Sheridan look good in a bikini! Luis says to himself. I wonder what Luis would look like in a speedo or a thong?? Sheridan questions herself smiling. What's so humorous Sheridan??? quizzed Luis. OH nothing I was just thinking how wonderful the buns I mean beach looks, she says knowing her mouth and her head didn't want to cooperate. Luis smiles and Laughs, Yeah your mangoes aren't to bad either. No!!, Luis I didn't mean that, says Sheridan trying to convince herself that she's not lying.

Rrrriigghtttt........, says Luis laughing so much it brought tears to his eyes. Meanwhile Ethan and Theresa are taking a swim in the ocean. OUCH! I think I stepped on something I cant walk,says Theresa almost crying. Theresa are you ok, questions Ethan? No I don't think so I cant walk,cries Theresa Ethan lifts Theresa up into his arms and sets her on shore. The Life Guards take a look at her foot.....Its only minor, All you値l need is for me to bandage it, said the Life Guard. That's ok, I値l do it, said Ethan smiling at Theresa. Luis lifts Sheridan over his shoulder and throws her into the ocean.....

Sheridan screams, Oh your in for it !!! She hops onto his back and forces him down into the water. After the sissy fight they dry off and Sheridan lays out for a tan. Luis sees Sheridan struggling to get the lotion on her back so he squirts some on his own hands and rubs it on her back. This event continues for 20 minutes. Luis I think I値l be free from the sun for a year now, says Sheridan laughing Oh!, Sorry I must haven't been paying attention I was watching umm the birds, says Luis covering for himself. For at least 5 minutes they sit and look at each other, Both looking deep into each others eyes, falling closer and closer and WHACK!!! Sheridan gets hit in the head with a frisbee. All Luis can do is sit there and laugh and laugh and laugh.

Shut up It wasn't funny, I値l punch you, says Sheridan laughing too. Do you wanna take off where we left off?? questioned Luis. Sure, says Sheridan immediately, You all know what happens they sit there and romantically kiss. After that they pack up they all go to their hotel. Sheridan thinks no ones around and she cant find her towel so she runs naked across the room to get her out fit out of her closet only to find Luis naked to trying to get his clothes too they both jump and get something to cover themselves both embarrassed and they smile and walk away. Sheridan talks to herself, Why did I do that!! Anyway she gets over embarrassment and they get ready to go to dinner at Pizza and Kareoke restaurant.

They get seated and...Luis says, I値l be right back. 5 minutes later a guy walks on the stage and says, Next up Luis Lopez Fitzgerald with the Bad Touch by The Bloodhound Gang. Luis comes out with a grass skirt and a coconut bra on. Before you knew it the song was over and Sheridan was laughing and smiling. Luis returns to the table and Sheridan says, I thought you looked sexy in a coconut bra. They both laugh then eat their pizza and go back to the hotel. They rent House on Haunted Hill and stay up late watching it. They fall asleep on the bed. Luis is awaken by Sheridan talking in her sleep. Luis looks at her to see if she's awake and Sheridan grabs him and wont let him go. Luis knows Sheridan is sleeping and tries to get free but she wont let go.

So he just stays the way she痴 hugging him witch is almost on top of her, She finally lets go and Luis falls back asleep. When Sheridan wakes up Luis says laughing, Man you have different sleeping habits, You grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I知 lucky you didn't brake my ribs!!Sheridan complains, Well I didn't mean to!! Right, you were probably awake saying oh yeah! Jokes Luis. You wish!! said Sheridan The bickering goes on all morning....

Meanwhile Kay talks to Simone...
This is my final chance Charity isn稚 gonna be here to ruin it. I知 doing something new I値l accidentally leave the door open when I see Miguel coming and take my clothes off. If I see him looking then I値l know that he loves me like I love him. Simone rolls her eyes, Kay he's not a pervert he wouldn't do that!! Kay yells, No your right Simone he isn't a pervert but do you want me to help you with chat or not! Sorry, Simone apologizes quickly. Kay gets ready for Miguel. She looks around the corner and sees him coming. So she whips off her clothes and Miguel walks in and doesn稚 talk or move. He just sits there looking at Kay. Kay smiles and says oh my gosh trying to act like it wasn't planed. Kay, I知 sorry, Miguel says still standing there when Kay is naked still Miguel leaves still in shock but yet with a smile on his face. Does this mean he likes Kay?

To Be Continued...