Ethereal Prey's Maeve and Sinbad Fan Fiction

pic by Ethereal Prey

Just a little note... I'm still working on this page so the links may not yet work. I'm getting to it though as fast as I can.
~~~ Rogue ~~~ :)

The Lust Spell

The Blanket


Card Fic not finished

Beastmaster X over Fic

Charmed X Over ... unfinshed

Senseless Steam

Must be over 17 for this one folks...

Sean and Marie (Sinbad and Maeve Present Day?)

Must be over 17 for this one too folks...

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Ehtereal Prey would love to hear from anyone reading these fics. Just email her. But please be kind. Constructive critism is great... but hurtful is mean. Thanks. :)

Ehtereal Prey