Rogue's Fan Haven

Come in. Sit down. Help yourself to anything that I have. My site is your site. Thanks for visiting. Hope you like what you see. Just remember that I am still working on this site, be kind. I know it's still a mess. Heehee :)

Alright, let's get down to business, shall we, is everyone comfy? This site is mostly an Adventures of Sinbad place but I do have other stuff here too. Hmmm, let's see what do I have here at my site, well, there's fanfiction, Pics, games(cool stuff), and so on and so on.

I would love feed back on any and all works posted here. And I would also like to post any kind of fanfiction. All I ask is that you rate it. Ya'know, G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17. Hey, I'm not shy. I'll post it.

If you have comments or want to post a fic feel free to email me.

)O( Rogue )O(


This site was born: July 2000

Disclaimers: I am not making any money off this site...though I wish I were...Heehee :). The AoS and other shows written about here do not belong to me or to anyone here at the Fan Haven. I/we am/are just borrowing the characters for awhile. I/We will return them unharmed when I'm/We're done with them.

)O( Rogue )O(