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I'll Love You For Always

Chapter 14:

"Oh my God, we're starting, we're actually starting," Sheridan said excitedly. Sam came into the room. "Okay everyone, let's get going here. Gwen, you're the maid of honor so you are right up here with me. We go down first. Theresa and Ethan, you guys walk down together after us. And then its all you Sheridan," Sam said with authority. Everyone got into their places behind the door. Sheridan had butterflies in her stomach, but it was a good feeling. As the doors opened she squeezed her bouquet tightly.

She watched as Sam and Gwen went down the aisle, and then as Theresa and Ethan followed them. As the bride's march started she took a big breath and started down the aisle. She looked around and saw all her friends watching her as she glided down the aisle. As she looked forward she saw Luis standing at the end. She smiled brightly and strode towards him. She thought it was funny how he kept fidgeting. She knew he always fidgeted when he was nervous. She got to the end of the aisle just as the music stopped.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to join Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald and Sheridan Crane in holy matrimony." Luis and Sheridan were staring at each other. He was beaming just as much as she was. Luis mouthed 'You look beautiful' to Sheridan. She mouthed back 'Thank you. Stop fidgeting'. Luis suppressed a laugh. As Father Lonagon started to speak Luis and Sheridan didn't break their gaze. Throughout the ceremony they just stared at each other lovingly. "May I have the rings?" Father Lonagon asked.

Miguel handed Luis a small black box, and Theresa handed Sheridan an identical one. "Luis, do you take Sheridan for your lawfully wedded wife, for better or worse, for sickness and health and for richer or poorer, 'til death parts you?" Luis brought Sheridan's hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently; then he slipped the ring onto her finger. "I do." Tears formed in Sheridan's eyes. "And Sheridan, do you take Luis as your lawfully wedded husband, for better or worse, for sickness and health and for richer or poorer, 'til death parts you?" Sheridan put Luis' gold band on his finger and squeezed his hand.

"I do," she said quietly. They kept their hands together. "Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Luis didn't waste anytime. He pulled Sheridan into their first kiss as husband and wife. When they broke apart they looked over the crowd of cheering family and friends. They smiled at each other as they quickly went back down the aisle. As they left the church a white stretch limousine pulled up. Luis went up to it and opened the door. "I believe this is our ride, m' lady."

Sheridan smiled and got into the limousine and Luis followed her. As soon as Luis had closed the door Sheridan put her arms around his neck. She started to cry softly and kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much," she whispered through her tears. Luis smiled and clutched her back. "No Sheri, thank you. I love you so much and I am so proud to be your husband." Sheridan laid her head on his shoulder. After about 10 minutes of them just holding each other Sheridan pulled away.

"Where are we going?" she asked, looking out the window. Luis brought his hands up and wiped away the tears that still remained on her face. "Well let's see; we just had our wedding so I believe the reception would be next." "Reception? You arranged a reception too?" "Of course, my beautiful." Sheridan smiled as she pulled into one of the most passionate kisses they have ever shared. When she pulled away Luis had a goofy, smiling look on his face.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 15:

Sheridan smiled and looked out the window. The limousine pulled up to the Seascape Restaurant and stopped. Sheridan and Luis stepped out and entered through the front doors. When they stepped into the ballroom they were both amazed. It was decorated exactly like the church; it had white candles and roses everywhere. Everyone they knew was already there and Sam stepped out in front.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald." Everyone started clapping as Luis and Sheridan made their way to the wedding party table. "Now I think it's time for dessert," Sam said into the microphone as a huge 6-tiered wedding cake was rolled out. Sheridan and Luis smiled at each other, then made their way to the cake, hand-in-hand. Sheridan took the knife in her hand and Luis put his hand on top of hers. They cut two small pieces of cake.

Luis took one of them and fed it to Sheridan. Sheridan picked up the other piece and fed it to Luis; she squished it so it was all over his lips and mouth. Everyone started to laugh as Luis grabbed Sheridan by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss, causing her to get frosting over her mouth too. Sheridan pulled away and they both started laughing.

"Now that the bride and groom have shared a meal together, it's time for their first dance…as husband and wife." The music started and Luis stood up, holding his hand out to Sheridan. She smiles and took it. Luis led her out to the dance floor as "The Way You Look Tonight" by Tony Bennett started overhead; they swayed to the music. Sheridan had her hand on Luis' chest on his was on top of hers. "So, Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald, did you like your surprise?" Luis asked quietly. "I love it Luis it, I just can't believe you managed to pull all of this off."

"I can make anything happen if it's going to make you happy." Sheridan smiled and laid her head down on hi shoulder. "I love you so much Luis, you are so wonderful and I'm so glad that I'm the lucky one who gets to be your wife." "I think I'm the lucky one…" Luis kissed her forehead and went back to dancing with his beautiful new wife.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 16:

"Okay guys, it's time," Sheridan called out. Everyone started to buzz. Theresa, Whitney, Gwen, Kay, Jessica and Charity all got in a huddle a few yards away from Sheridan. They started to scream in delight as Sheridan threw the bouquet over her shoulder and into the group. When all the scrambling was over it was Theresa who was holding the bouquet. Sheridan noticed Ethan smiling at Theresa from the corner of the room. Luis came up next to Sheridan. "Okay, okay. Now it's time for the guys," he said to everyone. Sheridan sat down on a chair and Luis kneeled down next to her. Music started that sounded like it should be playing at a strip club started overhead. Sheridan blushed and giggled as Luis moved his hand up her leg slowly. She laughed, embarrassed, as Luis slid her garter down her leg slowly. He reached in for a quick kiss before taking it completely off.

He stood up and flung it into the crowd of waiting bachelors. Miguel, Chad, Ethan, Reese, and a few of Luis' police buddies all made a grab for it; Luis helped Sheridan back up and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She pressed her forehead against his cheek and smiled. Everyone cheered and laughed as Ethan came out holding the garter. As soon as Theresa saw who had gotten it she blushed. She walked over to him somewhat reluctantly. "All right Ethan, you know what to do…" Luis said as the strip club music started again. Theresa sat down in the chair and Ethan stooped down next to her. As he took off her shoe and started to touch her she tried not to look at him, but as he moved his hand up her leg she couldn't help it. She lost herself in his deep blue eyes. Whitney was across the room with Chad and saw exactly what was happening.

"Oh no…" she muttered. "What is it baby?" Chad asked. “Look at Theresa and Ethan. See that look on her face? She's still in love with him!" Chad looked at the giddy expression plastered on Theresa's face. "Yeah, it sure looks that way. Wow, she's got it bad." "I know…this can't be good." "Honey, why not? Why can't she still be in love with him? He's not with Gwen anymore," Chad said, wondering why Whitney was upset. "Chad, I know that, but that's not the reason. He hurt her so much before…if that happened to her again I just don't know what I would do; she was miserable last time." "Well that was last time Whit, maybe this time will be different. I mean look at him; the man wants it to, looks at how he's staring at her." Whitney looked at Ethan's face and definitely saw something that wasn't there before. The music stopped and Ethan helped Theresa up and they took a little bow.

Theresa headed towards Whitney with an excited expression on her face. Whitney sighed and walked up to her. "Did you see that Whit?" Did you?" "Yeah Theresa, I saw it. I don't know what to say…" "I know, neither do I! But there is one thing I know." "And what is that?" "That fate stepped in again." Whitney rolled her eyes "Oh come on Whit, just think about it. I got the bouquet and Ethan got the garter! Fate made me realize how much I still love him after all this time." Whitney just stared at Theresa with doubt in her eyes. "Oh come on Whit, don't tell me you didn't see him staring at me differently." "Okay, I admit that. He did seem a little…" " A little like he was in love? That's right." Whitney didn't say anything. "All right, look. You thought that something could never happen between you and Chad, you thought the mere idea was crazy, and now look at you two.

Now look at how much you love each other." Whitney glanced across the room and saw Chad talking to Ethan. He caught her glance and flashed her a smile. She smiled back at him. "Yeah, so, what does that have to do with you and Ethan?" "It means that the impossible happens." "So what's up with you and Theresa?" Chad asked Ethan. "What do you mean me and Theresa? There is no me and Theresa; we're just friends." "Oh come on, I saw how you two were looking at each other, especially you man." "I think you've had a little too much to drink tonight Chad," Ethan said with a laugh." "Oh come on Ethan, you telling me there is no chemistry between you two; that there's not something there?" "Well…I don't know. I mean…I used to like her Chad, I mean really like her, but I was with Gwen then. And now…well I just don't know."

"And now what?" "I…well…" Ethan had a slightly embarrassed look on his face. "Don't tell me you're afraid to ask her out!" Chad exclaimed. Ethan's face got a little redder. "You're telling me that Ethan Crane, the head of Crane Industries, one of the most powerful businesses in the world and so rich that he can't see straight is afraid to ask out a girl?" Chad said laughing. "Hey now, I'm not afraid…just cautious." "Well cautious isn't getting you far now is it?" Chad said as he raised an eyebrow and went back to Whitney. "Would you like to dance beautiful?" he asked. Whitney smiled sweetly at him. "I would love to honey," she said as she took his hand. She turned back to Theresa, "Just be careful, you know I just don't want to see you hurt again."

"I know Whit, and don't worry, I won't be." Whitney and Chad headed out to the dance floor. Miguel and Charity were already dancing, and so were Sheridan and Luis. Theresa watched the newly married couple talk and laugh with each other and play around. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around. "Oh, hi Ethan." "Hey Theresa." "They look great together don't they?" Theresa said, looking back to Sheridan and Luis who were holding each other. "Yeah, they make a wonderful couple." Ethan waited a minute before talking again. "Um…do you want to dance?" "That would be nice," Theresa answered. Ethan led her out to the dance floor and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her close. He could smell the strawberry scent of her hair. She rested her head on his shoulder and swayed to the music. "Theresa, can I…uh…ask you something?" Ethan asked nervously.

"Of course Ethan, what is it?" "Um…do you want to go out on Wednesday? With me? There's going to be a costume ball here and I thought that maybe we could go… together." Theresa pulled her head off his shoulder and looked at him. "Why Mr. Crane, are you asking me out on a date?" Ethan blushed and laughed a little. "Well that depends on your answer. If you say yes, then yes, I am asking you out." "Then I guess you are asking me out because I accept." "Really?" "Really." They both stopped dancing as they saw Luis pull Sheridan onstage. "Okay everybody, I know this has been full of surprised, especially for my beautiful wife," he said as he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "But there is just one more…" he said grinning.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 17:

"What?" Sheridan asked. "I said there is still one more surprise." Sheridan smiled. "I don't think I can take any more surprises today." Luis grinned back. "Well I'm sure that you can take this one." He turned back to the crowd. "Now we would love to stay here and have some more fun with everyone, but my wife and I have to get to our honeymoon in Bermuda, so we really should get going," Luis said as he headed off the stage. He stopped after a few steps and turned around to Sheridan, whose mouth was open. He grinned at this. "We…we're going to Bermuda?" she stuttered out. Luis smiled even wider and nodded his head. She ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck, screaming. He laughed and held her back. "I can't believe this; it's incredible!" Luis was smiling brightly. Sheridan took the microphone and turned towards to crowd. "I…um…really don't know what to say.

I never thought that I would get to have such an amazing life. I have the most wonderful husband that I could ever ask for and we're going to have a baby soon; life couldn't be better. I just…" Sheridan said, starting to tear up. Luis puts his hands around her waist and she smiled at him. "I just want to thank you all for coming, it means to so much to me…to both of us." Luis took the microphone. "Well I think that about does it… Now we really must go because we are going to Bermuda, and you're not." Everyone laughed and applauded as Luis and Sheridan made their way off stage. A crowd gathered around them as they left. Ethan came up to Sheridan and kissed her on the cheek. "Now you have a good time Sheridan." "I will Ethan, thank you. I love you." Luis stuck out his hand and shook hands with Ethan. "Thanks for all your help, I don't know how I can repay you." "You just take care of my favorite aunt, that's thanks enough." Luis nodded his head. "I think I can take care of that." Luis took Sheridan's hand and led her outside to the waiting limousine.

To Be Continued…