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If She Only Knew

If She Only Knew
By: Smilee Ara
This is yet another brilliant shuis
fanfic by Smilee. I love her stories
because they are so heartfelt and
Sheridan and Luis' emotions really
emerge! So go ahead and read this!
E-mail Smilee at:

Luis and Sheridan were developing something. something real and they both new it was true. sheridan, with all her luck in men, the wrong men, whom only wanted her for her name and money, knew luis was a different person. she knew that luis was the man of her dreams. but she wasn't sure if luis felt the same way. she had to know.

she went to the youth center to find luis. only to find him busy with some little kids who wanted to know how to play basketball. sheridan thought of this sence as 'cute'. "he is so good with kids. i wonder how he'll be with our kids. whoa! sheridan, you don't even know if the man likes you or not. but of course he likes you. but does he love you? i have to find out. tonight, before father makes me leave for paris." she thought to herself. as she looked at luis trying to teach the kids how to shoot the ball, she remembered the time she beat luis in basketball and he gave her a trophy, her first trophy. and then she just started to think back at all the memories they had. their first tango, the first time they met, New Mexico, New Year's Eve, their first date. . . and all the other sweet memories they shared.

"a penny for your thoughts?" luis interrupted her "huh? what? oh, luis! hey, um, did you want something?" "actually, i was going to ask you that same question, along with, what are you thinking about? you seemed really into your thoughts." "oh, um, i was just thinking about how i'm going to miss this place very much. i loved it here. i'm going to miss all the kids, and the dances." "so why don't you go back deep into thought and try to find a way to crash into my police car and make the judge sentence you to hours here at the youth center?" luis joked. sheridan slapped him on the arm "luis, you joker!" and they both just started to laugh. "well, actually, i came here to see you."

"me? why?" "well, i wanted to ask you out tonight, you know, for dinner." she asked uneasingly "why?" luis asked with a big smile on his face. ''um, well, just for being a good friend. and i may not see you again after tonight." ''why? where are you going?" ''i may have to go to paris. depending on some things.'' ''depending on what?'' ''um, it's my father's decision, so what do you say? yes?" "um, sure, of course i'd love to. anything for you.''

that night sheridan went crazy looking for the right outfit to wear. she wanted to take luis' breath away. she decided on a baby blue japanese print tube top with a matching long skirt with slits a little bit above her knees on both sides. this was sure to take luis' breath away. she fixed her and put on her perfume after her make up. then all of a sudden, her doorbell rang. it was luis for sure. she didn't want to rush so it wouldn't look like she really wanted to see him. she walked closer to the door and took a deep breath and opened the door "wow!" was all that luis could say. he was surprised to see her like that. um, um, you look- um, uh, these are for you... wow you look great!'' luis stuttered as he handed sheridan some roses. ''thanks, so do you. you look good, too. um, why don't you come in while I put these in some water and grab my purse.'' ''sure. whenever your ready.''

sooner or later they left sheridan's cottage.

they went to the seascape restaurant and everyone was staring at sheridan, which drove luis crazy, but he knew that she was with HIM, and not them. he calmed down a bit. he helped sheridan with her seat and then sat himself down.

"so, where would you like to start off this evening?'' asked the waiter ''um, how about some champane and then we'll order.'' sheridan replied ''okay, let me get you our special for the evening and then i'll return for your orders.'' the waiter smiled and left luis and sheridan to their menus. ''well, let's see what looks good tonight.'' sheridan said while reading her menu. luis just stared at her in amaze. ''sheridan?" ''yes?'' she asked as she saw luis' face ''what? is there something on my face?'' she quickly grabbed her purse and took out a silver compact. she then let out a sigh as she looked at her reflection. ''luis, there's nothing there.'' she saw luis with a weird look on his face. ''what? why are you looking at me like that?"

"well, for one, you don't have anything on your face, you look lovely. second, i was just amazed at how your taking over in this date, the champane and everything, i thought i was suppose to do that, considering that i am the guy. and third, wow, you still have the compact i gave you for christmas. i thought you'd thrown it away or just left it somewhere with the rest of your many other accessories and totally forgot about it or something.''

sheridan just laughed at his statement. ''well, thank you. and if you do see something on my face that doesn't belong there, make sure you tell me. i asked you out on this date, so i'm taking over. . . hey, it's the new millennium. and yes, i still do have the compact you gave me. you thought i threw it away the other time, and you found out that i still had it. don't you think that would mean something?''

''well, i don't know.'' ''well, i take this where ever i go. its very lovely and i like it. it was thoughtful of you to get me this.'' ''the pleasure's all mine, ms. crane.'' with this they just laughed and laughed until the waiter interrupted them with a polite ''uh-hmm, are you ready to order?'' ''um, yes. luis, would you like some salad?'' ''anything you want, you said you were going to take over, remember?" sheridan just smiled ''we'll have the shirmp on ice to start for appietizer, then we'll have a lite green salad, can you have the dressing on the side? okay, then for the main course i'd like to have the oyster rockafellar with mahi mahi and scallops. and i'd like rice to go with that. luis?''

''wow, seafood. maybe i'll have some seafood too. um, what do you suggest?'' he asked the waiter. ''well, how about our seafood special tonight? roasted lobster drizzled with the chef's special sauce, and mussles with potatoes around.'' ''that sounds great, it settled. i'll have that.'' ''alright, i'll be back with your appietizers and here is your champane. enjoy.'' ''thank you'' sheridan said as the waiter left. ''here you go sheridan.'' luis said as he handed her a glass of champane. ''thank you, luis. so, what should we toast to?'' ''um, how about to you?'' ''me?'' she asked confused

''yeah, to you. to you and your future, what ever may become of it. i mean if your leaving for paris, i wish you the best and hope everything you ever wanted will come to you.'' luis did't want to say those things. inside he was hurting to know that sheridan might be leaving harmony for good and he would never be able to she her. ''um, well, thank you.'' god, sheidan, he doesn't even want you to stay. he's giving you a sign that you should leave. urgh, how could you be so stupid, he's not going to like you the way you want him to. sheridan thought to herself as she smiled at luis.

god, why did i say that? she must think i really want her to leave. . . oh, sheridan, only if you knew. oh, snap out of it luis, she doesn't feel the way you do. luis thought to himself after sheridan smiled at him. ''well, speaking of that. i'm leaving for paris tomorrow.'' ''you are? bu-but why too soon?'' ''i really have to get out of here. someone's driving me crazy.'' she was talking about luis, but in a good way. ''you mean Julian?'' luis asked. ''huh? who?''

''your brother... he is the one driving you crazy, right? or is it a different kind of crazy?'' ''oh, no, yes, i mean, yes, my brother is driving me crazy. i can't stand that guy, ever since i was little.'' then the waiter came in with their shrimp. ''enjoy'' ''thank you'' throught the rest of the night they just talked about how everything was going and their families, and whatever interests them both.

when the dinner came, sheridan remembered when they went to the lobster shack for their first date... she ordered the lobster and fed luis. she wondered if the tables would turn and luis would be the one to feed her. then she scolded herself once again for thinking about luis in that way. then sheridan took a bite out of her food and found that luis was just watching her. ''what?" ''nothing, but are you going to eat all that?'' ''yeah, and do you have a problem with that? why do you look so stunned? what, you've never seen me eat?"

''it's not that, just, just, um, never mind.'' ''no, not nevermind, just tell me luis.'' she said with a big smile on her face. ''forget it sheridan.'' ''fine, whatever, just make sure you know that i just let that one slide, the next one, you're not getting away with it.'' ''so, how's your oysters?'' ''they're good. even the fish. how about your lobster?'' ''i don't know, i haven't tried it yet.'' ''ugh, well, go on and try it, silly.'' ''yes, mommy.'' luis said jokingly. ''so?'' ''mm, it's good.''

''okay, now, be a good little boy, and finish your food so you can grow up to be big and strong, and maybe even a sexy cop!" luis stared at her with a big smile on his face. sheridan just sat there amazed at what she just blurred out. she was blushing big time. ''i- i- i'm sorry.'' she said still blushing. ''it's okay. i'm glad you find me appealing. i do too.''

''ugh!'' sheridan threw him her napkin at his face '' you are so concited, who would've guessed you as pilar's son? i feel sorry for her and theresa and miguel. they have to put up with you everyday! i'm just glad i'm leaving for paris. you are so full of it!'' she said in between laughs.

''well, thank you ms. crane.'' luis said laughing at her comment as he handed her her napkin back. ''you know, this lobster is actually good, wanna try?'' ''sure,'' sheridan then took her fork and sticked it in luis' plate... ''um, sheridan, here, allow me.'' her took his fork and presented it to her mouth. ''only fair for me to feed you lobster since you did it the last time.'' ''you remembered.''

''of course i remembered, it was our first date. i don't think i ever forgot any my first dates.'' ''so, does that mean you still remember your first date with beth?'' she said disappointed. ''yeah, um, i think we went to the movies. then we went out to eat at one of the local restaurants that were still up in those days.'' luis saw the disappointment in sheridan's face, ''but you know, i think i liked ours the best. it was fun.'' he smiled at her as she did him.

all that evening they talked about everything and anything. neither of them wanted the night to end. they were having the time of their lives and thought that they should, considering it was sheridan's last night in harmony. most of the time they were sending each other mixed signals, so neither of them knew what the other truly wanted, whether it was a relationship or just flirting time.

luis took sheridan home and gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her that he had a wonderful time with her, not just tonight but since the time they first met, even though they started off on bad terms. he wished her farewell and bon voyage. sheridan said the same thing but she wished it was a little bit more different. luis asked in what way, but sheridan told him it was getting late and she had to catch an early flight tomorrow morning so she has to hit the sack early. luis said he understood and gave her one last kiss on the cheek and left.

sheridan went inside her cottage, took one look at it and went to bed. she dreamt that night that things were different between her and luis. that they were together and they made a family and lived happy together forever. she dreamt that luis loved her as much as she loved him. she woke up the next morning sobbing as she got ready to leave harmony, and luis.

luis dreamt that night about sheridan. he didn't know what it meant, but he knew he had to see her one last time to see what she really means to him. because he knew that sheridan felt the same way he did, only he wasn't really sure because she kept sending mixed signals. he went down stairs and found theresa.

''theresa, shouldn't you be in school?'' ''um, it's lunch time luis, and i have the afternoon off on wednesdays, remember?'' ''what?'' luis almost choked on his orange juice ''lunch time? what time is it?'' ''um, 11:30?'' ''ele- eleven thirty? are you sure?" ''yes, luis what's wrong?" ''oh, man, sheridan!'' ''luis, what? sheridan, what?'' luis stormed out of the house ''LUIS! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? LUIS?'' theresa yelled. she was confused, what was this talk about sheridan? she left this morning. then it hit her, she knew it, luis was in love with her.

''no, no, this can't be, she better have not left already. she can't! i need to see her.'' he said peering though her cottage windows. it was empty. "NO!'' ''um? officer lopez-fitgerald? hi, i'm...'' ''gwen, gwen hotchkiss, your ethan's fiancee, aren't you?'' ''yes i am. um, are you alright? you're looking for her aren't you?'' ''yes, sheridan, do you know if she left already?'' ''um, yes, she did. around nine o'clock this morning. ethan and i dropped her at the airport.''

''this, this can't be.'' he said as he sat on the porch. he buried his head in his hands. gwen felt so sorry for him. he knew what was wrong. he likes sheridan, no, he loves her. ''luis?'' luis looked up. ''luis, look. i know how devasted you are that sheridan's gone...'' ''devastated? more like torn apart. man, why didn't i just tell her how i felt?'' ''how do you feel?'' gwen asked although she already knew the answer. ''i know that you and sheridan are really good friends, but please don't tell her, i want her to know from me. if i ever see her.'' ''you may never know, you just might.'' ''gwen, i can call you gwen right?'' ''of course you can.'' gwen smiled.

''i love her. i love her so much. and it hurts. what am i going to do, now she's gone and i won't be able to see her again. what am i going to do?'' gwen comforted him as he cried on her shoulder. soon, ethan showed up and looked at gwen, luis was turned away so he didn't notice him there. ''what's wrong?'' ethan mouthed ''sheridan'' gwen mouthed back. ''look gwen, thanks, but i mean, we don't really know each other and...'' luis noticed ethan staring at him ''ethan! um, look it's nothing...'' ''i know, she was comforting you... about my aunt. you really love her, don't you?'' ''it doesn't matter anymore, she won't know.'' luis said standing up.

''but it does, luis, it really does. and she has to know. look, i'll pay for your trip to paris to see her if you want.'' ''wha-what are you talking about? why do you want to do that for me? you don't even know me.'' ''all i want is for my aunt to be happy.'' ''do you know how she feels about me?'' ''no, you have to ask her for yourself.'' ''no, it's alright ethan. keep your money, i don't want it. i guess i'll have to live without knowing.'' ''but, luis, i'm trying to help you out here, please, let me pay for your ticket.'' ''but it will take me a long time just to pay you back.'' ''i don't want you to pay me back, i want you to go and get sheridan back.''

''ethan forget it. i'd just be wasting my time and your money if it just turns out the opposite.'' with that, luis left. gwen and ethan just stood there stunned. he really didn't want their money and they knew that it was killing him inside by not taking it and seeing sheridan and telling her how he feels. they finally realized that he would be the one for sheridan, who loved her for her and not for her money and Crane name.

that night, luis took a walk out on the pier. and he thought about sheridan and all their good and wonderful memories together that they both shared. and he regreted not telling sheridan about his feelings for her. and he also regreted not taking the offer ethan proposed to him to pay for his ticket to paris to get sheridan back. then he heard a song:

if she only knew, what i feel here in my heart, she'd know it was real, pure and true right from the start. But i'm just a man who didn't understand, what she was going through, but she's gone away, maybe she'd stay, if she only knew.

And how, how could i let her let get away, 'cause love, love is so easy to feel, but the hardest thing to say.

if she could just see what i see when i close my eyes, all that i dream surely she would realize. But like a fool i waited much too long, to let her know the truth, she's gone away, maybe she'd stay, if she only knew.

tell me, tell me how, how did i let her get away, 'cause i guess that love, love is so easy to feel, but the hardest thing to say.

if she only knew, what i know but could not say, if she could just see, the part of me that i hid away. if i could just hold her in my arms again, and just say i love you, she's gone away, maybe she'd stay. if she only knew, if she only knew.

tears fell from luis' eyes as he heard this song playing. he couldn't believe that he let sheridan leave without knowing how he felt about her. how could he not let her know. even though she wouldn't except it, he still would've wanted her to know about it. just to let all his feelings open up. ''god, sheridan, why did i let you go? why?''

''i'd like to know the answer to that question myself.'' she smiled as she looked at luis' stunned face. ''she-sheridan? what ar- what- what are you doing here? aren't you suppose to be in paris?'' ''ethan, he- um, he sorta convinced me to come back.'' ''oh,'' ''oh? what? i don't get a hug?'' ''come here...'' they hugged for a really long time. and sheridan felt right to be in luis' arms, so did luis, he knew that that's where she belongs... in his arms. ''so, are you going to tell me the answer to your question?''

''what question?'' luis asked pulling away. ''why did you let me go? what is that all about?" "oh, yeah. you heard that didn't you?'' ''yes i did. now i want to know what you're talking about." ''you heard right. sheridan, there's something i've been meaning to tell you for a long time.'' ''well?'' ''well? let me finish before you say anything, okay?'' ''okay, continue...'' ''sheridan, what i wanted to tell you for the longest time was... that i... that i...'' ''love me?'' she was practically smiling and blushing ''ho- how did you know?'' ''nevermind that... but, do you? do you really?'' ''what do you think?'' ''i don't know what to think." she said turning around.

''i do. i love you, sheridan. and i always will." sheridan turned around with a smile so big that luis knew how she felt about him. and luis hugged her tightly and then let go to look into her eyes, deeply and passionately into her eyes and then pulled her in for a long, soft passionate kiss. ''wow!'' ''sheridan?'' ''yeah?'' ''how did you know how i felt? and how did ethan convince you to come back?''

''well, he flew to paris with gwen, i was so surprised to them. you know considering that i was only gone for a couple of hours. then when i asked them why they were here, they said they needed to talk, talk about you. and they told me what happened when i left. and what you were doing snopping around my cottage. and ethan told me how you looked when gwen comforted you. and how you refused to take ethan's proposal, the one about him paying for the fare for you to come to paris and tell me how you feel? and then my heart just froze. i was so touched, luis. why didn't you tell me exactly how you felt?''

''i didn't know how you felt. i was scared that maybe you may not feel the same way that i do. and i was really confused with my feelings.'' ''oh, luis, come here.'' she gave luis a really, really intense passionate kiss ''i love you so much'' ''and i love you, too sheridan crane.'' "always?'' ''you know it.'' ''i love you, luis'' ''i love you, too sheridan.''


*the song in this song is called "if she only knew" by 98 degrees*