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I Need You

I Need You
By: Ashley Baird
This is yet another inspiring fanfic
by Ashley. Go ahead and read this
story, and let Ashley's tale take you
away to the world of Shuis in her
E-mail Ashley at:

Chapter 1:

It had only been 2 weeks since Sheridan had been home. She thinks she is perfectly safe in Harmony. Little does she know that Roger and Pierre hired Antoine to follow Sheridan and at some point get a wide on shot to killing her. Soon Antoine will get Sheridan, very soon. Luis, how many times to I need to tell you I donąt need a bodyguard, I am perfectly safe in Harmony. Sheridan said rolling her eyes at Luis. Actually Sheridan, you don't know if they are still out there, what we don't know is that they could be in Harmony as of now. Luis said starting to get angry at the fact she just wouldn't listen to him. I am not getting a bodyguard and that is final!˛ Sheridan yelled. Fine, be pigheaded and stubborn, just say I tried to warn you, I donąt want you to end up dead. Luis said

Meanwhile, while Sheridan and Luis are arguing, Antoine is around the corner hiding, and Sam walks in the Police Station. Luis, mind telling me what's going on? Sam asked I am trying to convince Miss Pigheaded here to get a bodyguard, but NO she refuses to. Luis said heated. Luis, you know you canąt force anyone to get a bodyguard if they think they donąt need one Sam told Luis HA! I told you Mr. Macho man! Sheridan shouted Actually Sheridan, in the case Luis is right, because of these Drug Lords on the loose we need to keep you protected. Sam told Sheridan. What! Sheridan yelled Miss Pigheaded needs to get a bodyguard. Luis said laughing. I will be right back you two, I am going to call one of the best bodyguards we have in Harmony. Sam said Sam walked and Sheridan began to yell at Luis again. Luis, do you have make everything worse!? Sheridan roared. Sheridan, all I am doing is trying to protect you that's all Luis said Sam came back after minutes of talking on the phone. Sheridan, I found one of the best bodyguards and he should be here any minute now said Same...Soon after Sam finished his sentence, Mike walked in the door. Mike, this is Sheridan Crane, the person you will be guarding Sam said introducing them. Good to meet you, Miss Crane Mike nicely Nice to meet you Mike, please call me Sheridan.˛ Sheridan told Mike as she turned and gave Luis a dirty look. I just have to have you sign these papers and your free to go Luis told Sheridan while handing her the papers.

Well, I guess this is it Luis, I wonąt have to see you ever again I hope Sheridan said with sadness Yeah, your right Luis pointed out. Mike, protect this lady, never leave her sight, I donąt want her dead so do your job. Luis directed Mike Alright Luis, you have my word Mike told Luis Sheridan quickly signed the papers. Her and Mike headed for the door. On their way out, Sheridan began to talk to Mike. Well, Mike, it looks like your gonna have a few days of Sheridan told Mike. What do you mean Miss Crane? Mike asked her with a puzzled looked. What I am going to do is go away to my family cabin, a have a few days off by myself Sheridan said. Miss Crane, I was directed to say by you at all times Mike argued. Well, I suggest you take a few days off or you can collect unemployment. Itąs your choice Sheridan said as she started to get angry. Well, I will take a few days off, but I will need to escort you to your car, then I will leave. Mike told Sheridan. Around the corner was Antoine hears this and says to himself. Sheridan, is going to die sooner than I thought. Mike escorted Sheridan to her car and he left. Sheridan decided to hit the road, not knowing there is trouble ahead of her....

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2:

Within an hour, Sheridan arrives at the Crane Cabin. Finally at last, some peace and quiet Sheridan hulled all her things in and then sat down. She began to think of all the good times she has had with Luis. She thought back to when they kissed on the wharf. That was the happiest moment of her life until she heard him on the phone later that night. Sheridan snapped back into reality, not wanting to remember everything that happened that night. Why can’t I stop thinking of you, Luis, am I in love with you? Sheridan said asking herself a question.

Sheridan decided to hop in the hot tub to relax. While she is in the hot tub, Antoine slowly approaches to the front door. He picks at the lock and opens the door. As he enters inside, he looks around to find a perfect hiding spot. Sheridan comes inside the house about 1/2 hour later.. As walks through the door she is grabbed by Antoine. Sheridan screams.... Scream all you want Sheridan, you are all alone here at the Cabin Antoine said whispering in her ear. Sheridan quickly turned around to see who it was. She was very shocked to find out who it was. Aren’t you that bodyguard they hired in Paris to protect me? Sheridan asked Antoine, at your service.

Antoine said. I am not here for that though. Then, what are you here for? Sheridan said as her voice began to shake. I am here to kill you, I was ordered by Roger and Pierre Antoine said answering her question. Sheridan was now terrified...What was she going to do do?? She should have listened to Luis, he was right the whole time. Meanwhile, back in Harmony, Ivy comes to the Police Station to talk to Sam. Sam was not there so she decided to say hi to Luis. Hello, Luis how are you doing today? Ivy asked. I am doing great, how’s Sheridan liking her new bodyguard? Luis asked with concern.

Actually, um...She told him to take a few days off. Ivy said quietly WHAT! She is supposed to have a guard at all times! Where is she? Luis asked. I am not sure, why donąt you give her a call her cell phone. Luis picked up the phone and began to dial it as quickly as he could. Meanwhile, back at the Cabin, Sheridan managed to grab the letter opener and stabbed Antoine… She made a run for it...She ran to the back bedroom and grabbed the gun that was in the dresser drawer. She quickly began to load it. Antoine was coming closer and closer. Drop the gun! Sheridan demanded He dropped the gun and began to walk closer and closer to her.

While he was moving, Sheridan’s cell phone rings Hello, Sheridan said will a panic in her voice. Sheridan, itąs me Luis, where are you? Luis asked I am at the Crane Cabin, I need your........before she could finish her sentence Antoineąs other gun went off and struck Sheridan..She fell to the ground...The phone fell out of her hands. By the sound of that Luis was now scared.... Sheridan are you there?˛ Luis yelled. No answer. Luis quickly hung up, called for back up and the FBI and got a helicopter to bring him to the Crane Cabin as fast as it could. As he flew, he began to think to himself. I can’t lose you now Sheridan, you donąt know how much you mean to me. Please don’t be the one shot.....

To Be Continued...