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By: Elizabeth
Here is an amazing story by Beth.
Her writing will you glued to the
screen. Find out what happens
when Sheridan is kidnapped. Will Luis
come to her rescue? Find out...
E-mail Elizabeth at:

Her mouth was a like desert. As she coughed trying to clear it she became aware of the gag. Then she opened her eyes to the darkness. She coughed again wanting desperately to shake the buzz out of her mind but couldn't. She tried to open her eyes again but the blackness continued to surround her. And she could barely move. She was lying on something, bound hand and foot. Then she remembered. Last night on the docks she'd been walking with Luis. He'd been called away - not unusual for a cop but this time it was as the Director of Harmony Youth Centre. They'd agreed to meet back at her cottage in an hour. She remembered being back at the cottage, having a warm bath, lighting some candles, slipping into a silk negligee... then the handkerchief over her mouth...a sticky sweet smell and the blackness.

"Here, sip this," a vaguely familiar voice said as the gag was pulled out of her mouth and cool water brought to her lips. "Where am..." she tried to talk but her captor replaced the gag and moved to check the bonds at her wrists and feet - they were secure. The terror returned. She tried to scream and struggle but it was no use. "Well, is that out of your system now, mademoiselle?" He spoke again. "My God, it's Pierre!" She renewed her struggle as the realization dawned. The French drug cartel had found her after all these months. They'd vowed to kill her but shed dared to hope that the nightmare was over. The FBI had relieved Luis as her body guard only a week before. Their lives had returned to the old routine except now, they were lovers.

They worked together at the Youth Centre when his shifts at the Police Department allowed. "Luis, Luis will find me. He'll come, he always comes." "It is such a shame to kill so beautiful a woman," Pierre said stroking her face appreciatively. She recoiled as his hand moved to her breast. "I wanted to do it slowly, to enjoy you first, but, Roger, well Roger decided to get it done personally. He made a special trip just for you, all the way from Paris Mademoiselle Crane, just to see you die. After all, you have caused us so much and that damn gens d'armes of yours."

"You talk to much Pierre." Roger snapped entering the room. "I'm sorry you're uncomfortable Sheridan," he said sarcastically as he walked towards the bed. Roger reached down and lifted the blindfold enjoying the power he had over her. "I see no need to keep you in the dark." At first she blinked against the bright light but then she looked up at him defiantly. Suddenly she knew where she was..she and Luis had stayed here on their one and only night together. When he removed the gag she spit at him.

Roger slapped her and replaced the gag. "I have wanted to do that for a long time Sheridan..a very long time. You have been, how do you say, a thorn in our sides. But no more. But Pierre is right, when Luis comes for you, and we will make sure he does, it will be the last thing he ever does." Sheridan felt herself tremble involuntarily. "Pierre, the bomb, you have it ready." "Oui," he replied. "All we need now is the photograph. I waited for you." He pulled a digital camera from a case beside the bed. "The ransom note is prepared and all we need to do is attach the photo and email it. But, don't you think the police in the squad room would appreciate a nude shot more?" He began to reach for her robe.

Sheridan screamed against her gag. Pierre had threatened to rape her once before and she'd fought him off. Now, there was no escape. Pierre grinned at her fear. "No." Roger's response relieved and surprised her. He grabbed the camera and snapped the photo. "Go, finish this while I rig the bomb." Pierre looked like he was about to object but after a look from Roger grudgingly left the room. "You see Sheridan I should hate you but I don't. I have come to respect you. But this business, I just can't afford to keep you alive. We have demanded a substantial ransom for your safe return. Of course Officer Lopez Fitzgerald will make the delivery and learn where you are being held. We will make it difficult enough that he won't suspect a thing.

"I have rigged this bomb to explode by timer in 2 hours after the drop and a default device will go off if you are removed from this bed. You see, I intend to take him out with you." He moved to replace the blindfold and then stopped. "No, I want the last thing you see to be your lover's death." Sheridan fought not to burst into tears. No, Sheridan calm down, she repeated to herself over and over. Roger smiled at her almost tenderly. "Such dignity, if only Jean Luc hadn't been such a fool. He could have had it all had been more careful. You, your money and a if he'd been careful a variety of ladies on the side. But had I been smart I would have taken you away from him when we met in Paris, before you fell for Luis eh?.. Oh well que sera sera. Every condemned is allowed a final word." He removed the gag.

"Please just kill me now. Go back to Paris. Leave Luis out of this. He doesn't deserve to die..." "Jamais. Never. He would search for me with his dying breath to avenge you. It must be this way. At least, you die together. Kinder that way, don't you think?" A tear appeared in her eye. He brushed it away. He rose to leave and paused to give her one more sip of water and replace the gag. "Au revoir Mademoiselle Sheridan. Oh, I guess it is not. This really is good bye." He laughed and left her struggling on the bed.

Meanwhile at her cottage the police worked frantically to find clues to help them find her. Sam and Luis worked side by side for the first time since Hank's death. Ethan burst in. "Luis, Chief, this just came for me. He handed them the print out of the email. Luis felt his rage build when he recognized the decor. The bastards were holding her in the same rented cabins he and Sheridan had taken off to after the averted mine disaster. Pierre probably thought it was poetic to rape Sheridan on the same bed she'd shared with Luis just a few days ago. He blamed himself. But at least she was alive when the picture was taken less than 5 minutes ago according to the stamp in the corner. "How soon till the proof of the wired money is ready."

"I have someone working on it now. It won't be long. Certainly possible in the time frame indicated. I'm going with you Luis, in spite of what the note says, you'll need back up." "No Ethan, this is a police matter." Sam's tone of voice brooked no argument. Ethan didn't care. "Chief Bennet, if the Harmony Police did their job, I wouldn't have to take steps personally to protect my aunt now, would I? But no despite my grandfather's objections you pulled Luis from Sheridan's case." "I didn't pull him - the FBI did. Look Crane, I don't have time to...Luis didn't have time for the this. He was mad. For Christ Sake would you two shut up. Ethan, Sam, you two can have your pissing match later, right now all that matters is Sheridan. It says me alone and that's how it's going to be. Ethan, I need you more to handle the press - the leaks have to be plugged. The more they know the more danger Sheridan's in. Pierre and Roger could get jumpy. Keep the vultures away from all of this. I swear, I'll bring Sheridan back. For everyone's sake." "Luis, I want you to know," Ethan looked into his former nemisis eyes, "she loves you Luis. Very much. She also trusts you. If that's enough for Sheridan, it's enough for me. You two have an ally now." "Thanks."

Theresa entered the room and overheard this exchange. She ran to them. "Ethan, this came for you, I knew you needed it right away so.." Ethan took the bank codes and hugged her tight. "Thanks Theresa." "Be careful Luis, this could be..." Theresa was fighting not to cry. "I will be kiddo. Take care of Mama for me okay. Don't let her worry. Tell her I'll be home with Sheridan in time for dinner okay? We'll both be hungry." Luis tried to keep it light. His sister smiled at still fighting the tears. Ethan, I'm also trusting the rest of my family to you. Don't let me down." He extended his hand to Ethan who took it. "I promised Sheridan at the Youth Center today that the four of us would sit down and talk - find some common ground. We'll do that as soon as she and I get back okay?"

"It's a date, Theresa replied for herself and Ethan. Luis left the cottage, his mind focussed on one thing - reaching Sheridan. He hated to see her as helpless as shed looked in that damn photograph. He could feel her struggling to remain calm. He could feel her terror that something would separate them forever. He wasn't about to let that happen. "You're really going to let him do this alone aren't you Chief, Ethan was furious. "Of course not Ethan...but I am going to let it appear that he's alone. There is an FBI team behind him on the ground and I'm hooking up with the helicopter squad which should be..." the Chief's voice was interrupted by the noise of the chopper..."here now."

"I'm coming with you, I can't just stand by and let Luis risk his life for her again." "Fine, that's the way you want it Ethan, you're with me. But you have to promise to stay back and wear this." Sam handed him a bullet proof vest. "What the hell is he doing, that's not the way to the drop point." Sam had expected Luis to follow the instructions to the letter and head for a secluded part of the old Harmony settlement. "Unit two," he spoke into the radio, "head for the drop site, we'll stay with Luis." "I hope you know what you're doing ole buddy." Ethan's cell phone rang. It was Luis." Tell Sam I spotted you. I couldn't let it be overheard..She's in one of a set of cabins on the Castleton road. Don't ask how I know, I just do. Ethan, stay with Sam. Sheridan would kill me if anything happens to you."

"I know the places and, we're right behind you. He says the cabins on Castleton Road. That's where she is. He's skipping the drop site and going straight there." "Luis suspected that somebody on the force was playing both sides in all this. You see Ethan there's more to this than you see." Sam stepped on the gas - he intended to be a second more. A few miles ahead, Luis burst into the room with his gun drawn praying she was still alive. He ran to the bed to free her. "I'll get you out love, hold still." "Trap," she whispered as he removed the gag. "Bomb, wired to me and timer." Her voice was raspy but he understood immediately. "Sam, in here." He yelled frantically looking for the device. He found it and his eyes widened. Sam appeared in the doorway with Ethan. Luis struggled to remain calm and nodded toward the device the timer registering less than two minutes. As Sam inspected the device, Ethan went to cut the ropes at her hands and feet. Luis' voice was steely calm.

"What took you guys so long?" Then he whispered to Sheridan, "You've got to lie still, love. I'll have you in my arms in a second. Trust me?" "Always. Please hurry..." She replied lying perfectly still. Her arms remained above her head and her feet at the corners of the bed. "It's doubled wired all right," Sam said. The three men looked at one another. They had a minute to pull this off or all four of them would be dead. Luis handed Ethan a set of wire cutters and Sam pulled his from his back pocket. "Ethan, you and l have to cut the wires simultaneously while Luis lifts Sheridan from the bed. On three: One, Two, Three!" The digital display froze at four seconds as Luis reached over and swung Sheridan into his arms to carry her from the room. She curled up with her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. She started to cry softly. "Good work Ethan." Sam tried to congratulate the young man. "Yeah, she's safe - no thanks to you." He stormed out of the cabin to see Sheridan and Luis share a very tender moment. "I knew you'd come," she whispered. Luis pulled her closer caressing her cheeks. "Thank god you're safe now. Are you all right." She kissed him in response. She shivered and they both saw Ethan at the same time. "Ethan there's a blanket in the squad car." "Got it." Ethan sprinted off.

"Luis, ...Roger and Pierre? Tell me they're in custody." "There's another team at the ransom drop now. But when I recognized the cabin all I could think of was you. You needed me, Sam and I came straight here." "Luis, you should have explained. Could you be in trouble for this?" "To hell with my needed me. I couldn't risk your safety. Someone else can get those two. I decided to come straight here to you rather than play another round of cat and mouse with them. Did they hurt you?" An emergency team including Eve Russel pulled at the scene. "Chief Bennet finally sent for back, I see, better late than never, I guess.." "Shut up Ethan," Luis said. "This is my fault not Sam's. I didn't want to spook the cartel. Just drop it...What matters is Sheridan is safe."

"Stay with me," Sheridan whispered as Luis wrapped her in the blanket Ethan presented and set her tenderly on the stretcher. He took her hand in his. "Sheridan, where does it hurt? Can you tell me what happened?" Eve nodded toward the ambulance personnel. "I'll examine her on the way." "No, Eve, just, please, just so weak. They didn't hurt me. A slap on the face when I tried to fight back that's all.. Please., I just want to go home." She sounded so fragile. Luis squeezed her hand. "Sheridan, let Eve do her job." He placed a butterfly kiss on the back of the hand he held. "I want you to go to the hospital with Eve, for a little while, to make sure you're all right okay? For me?" She nodded yes. "I'll give you a police escort and then I'll be right outside the exam room door. Ethan, get to the mansion and tell the family she's okay. Say nothing to the reporters except that you're sure the police have the situation well in hand. Oh, ask Mama to grab some clothes from the cottage and meet us at the hospital."

Ethan nodded. He leaned over to hug Sheridan. "I'm glad you're okay. Promise, you'll let Luis take care of you?"

A short time later...

"Well Eve?" Luis asked as the doctor left the examining room. "The IV I set up was just for fluids, she was dehydrated which after all she's been through isn't a surprise. Aside from some pretty mean bruises on her wrists from the cord and on her face where Roger slapped her she's just tired.. Why don't you go in, she'll feel better when she sees you, she's been asking for you." "When can I take her home?" "Anytime now. She's a tough lady Luis," Eve smiled at him and gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder as he walked by. "Thanks Eve," Luis said but all he could think of was being with Sheridan. She was resting in the hospital bed but held her arms outstretched when he entered the room. He took her gently into his arms and held her securely, relishing the feel of her against him. He could hold her forever. "Roger and Pierre?" she whispered.

"Both dead, at the ransom site. They fired at the officer posing as me making the phony drop and two sharp shooters took them out." he replied. "The officer?" Sheridan couldn't bear to think that someone had been hurt on her account. "He's fine. That's why we have to wear flack jackets right?" "Then it's really over? Oh Luis, is it all really over now?" She cuddled into his embrace "Shh, god Sheridan when I saw that picture...I was afraid I'd lose you." He stroked her hair as she clung to him. "I knew if I could hang on long enough you'd come. You always come." He answered with a kiss. "I always will. Eve says I can take you home. Ethan talked to Mama and asked her to pick you up some things from the cottage. She'll be here soon. Sam is going to want to ask you some questions as soon as you're up to it but it can wait till morning." He leaned in for another kiss.

"Stay with me tonight.." she whispered as he tenderly kissed her cheeks and neck. "I'm not going anywhere," he pulled back slightly to look into her eyes. "Ever. I love you Sheridan." "I love you too, Luis," she smiled and placed a hand on the side of his face. Their foreheads touched and their eyes were full of the shared love. Both Sheridan and Luis were oblivious to the two figures who stood at the doorway. The woman placed a hand on the man's shoulder and they backed away. She walked away from him towards the chairs at the end of the hall to wait a few minutes. Pilar knew that the lovers needed to be alone. There could be more trouble ahead.

If Alistair Crane, himself, came to the hospital, he was up to something. "A word, Pillar." Alistair Crane's voice was full of emotion. Pilar turned and nodded to him. "I hadn't actually seen Sheridan in so long...The older she got the more difficult it became. I couldn't stand to look at her, seeing her was like looking at her mother. All it did was bring back the pain of Jena's death," he paused to gather his thoughts. "But seeing her now, the way she looked at your son...Jena used to look at me like that. Eyes so full of love, of trust. Hope." He turned his back to Pilar as he fought for control over his emotions. "I'd almost forgotten. I'd tried to forget so it wouldn't seem so empty without her." "I remember Mr Crane. Your wife looked so much like Sheridan. The same smile, the eyes, the laugh, but most of all the same gentle spirit. She was a beautiful woman. You're right, they're very much alike."

"In spite of everything, she really loves HIM doesn't she?" "More likely, BECAUSE of everything...THEY love ONE ANOTHER. Luis is devoted to her. He adores her. She treasures him, cherishes him. I doubt even you could break them up now...But I pray, for both their sakes, you've decided to stop trying." "If I consent will he drop his quest for the truth about Martin's disappearance?" "Never," Pilar shook her head. "Nor will she ask him to. And nor will he give up Sheridan to find Martin. They'll find a way together to make things work because they want it badly enough. I know my son. He'll fight for the people he loves. And I believe Sheridan will too. She has her mother's spirit but her father's strength. Sheridan has the best of you and your late wife in her. If you got to know her, to really know her, you'd see what an exceptional young woman your daughter is. Thanks to Luis, you still have that chance. But if you force her to choose between the Cranes and a life with Luis - I doubt you'd like the outcome.

You have a chance to end this now, let go of your hate and let your daughter have the joy you and your wife had for only a very short time. As I recall, her father didn't think much of you." "He forbid her to marry me. Said I'd never love her as she deserved to be loved. That I'd tire of her, that she'd become second to the money and the power. I swore he was wrong. When he found out we'd eloped, he never spoke to her again." "And do you remember the anguish it caused her? He wouldn't even come when she was dying. He never saw his grand daughter. Do you want that for Sheridan? Go to them Mr. Crane. Ask them to forgive you. It will take time, but if you put all the effort you put into breaking them up into lifting them up, you'll never regret it." Pilar handed him the overnight bag shed brought from the cottage. "And do it now." Alistair Crane looked at his housekeeper. "You're a wise woman Pilar. I wish I could make up to you what I stole.."

"Maybe not to me, for myself. But you can through Luis.." "Will you come with me to see them?" He asked. Pilar nodded and they entered Sheridan's room. Luis had climbed up on the hospital bed with her and they were cuddled close. Luis got up when Alistair and Pilar came in. He took a protective stance beside her bed. "Mr. Crane.." Alistair walked to face Luis. He extended his hand. Luis took it. Their eyes met. "I," Alistair began to speak and the words choked in his throat. "I owe you both an apology," Luis tried to hide his shock. "...I hope in time you and Luis will forgive me, Sheridan. Begging wasn't a word in my vocabulary...until now. I almost lost you Sheridan, dear. Luis, thank you, for saving my daughters life, yet again. I just hope you'll both let me stay a part of it."

"Father," Sheridan had begun to cry, "I'm so glad you're here." Luis stepped aside to let her hug her father. "Sheridan, I'm making you a promise. I know I haven't been there for you in the past but now, if you'll let me, I'd like to try to be. I'd like to start by letting you and Luis know you have, my, unconditional support. Always." He looked to Luis. "Both of you will." Luis was suspicious. Pilar nodded her head. "I believe him mija. I believe him." Two hours Sheridan and Luis were at Grace's B & B curled up together in front of a fire with large cups of hot chocolate. Sheridan spoke softly, her voice still a bit hoarse but otherwise none the worse for wear. "It was so sweet of Grace to let us stay here so we could be together, but tell me the truth, is the cottage really that bad?"

"They tossed it over pretty good when they grabbed you. But don't worry, Alistair said he'd have it cleaned up tomorrow morning. He'll probably have people working all night - fresh coat of paint, everything - just like new. You sure you want to go back there? Grace said, you can stay here as long as you like." "After I get a job, maybe. It's not fair to just sponge off her generosity. I don't want the Crane money either. I want to stand on my own two feet. I have to.." "What about the Youth Centre Director? You'd be perfect." "You know I love the Center but how can I steal one of your jobs? No thanks I'll find something." "Steal away - that way we might actually have some time off together and I know the Center is getting a great director. Doesn't pay a lot but I think you can live on it. But this isn't about what I want it's about you. What do want to do?" "I love working with the kids. You know that. But I must be employable. I have a degree from one of the finest Universities in Europe. Maybe I could get a job teaching, who knows?" "You'd be great. How about taking the Director's job short term though..till you find your something permanent."

"Luis, your family needs the money. We have Theresa and Miguel's college tuition to think about still." "We?" " Oops, I guess..." she looked away from him. He caught her chin and gently turned her to face him. "I like the sounds of that "we." I like it a lot." She smiled at her full of love. She blushed and leaned in for a kiss. "But back to the original conversation. Do what you think is best for you, Sheridan. We are going to make this work. I PROMISE". He kissed her gently. "How about that bath now. Are your muscles still sore." "A little." She admitted. "Luis, are you sure about the Youth Centre job?" "Positive." He took her hands and pulled her to stand. "I'll run the taps while you get ready for your bath, okay." Sheridan relaxed in the claw foot tub in the room's private bath. She loved the bubbles and the deep water. The day's events were catching up to her and she had begun to feel sleepy. "Luis," she called out and smiled as he appeared in the doorway, "do you think you could wash my back for me?" she whispered sexily. Luis was dressed only in his boxers.

"I think I can handle that." He reached for the sponge and began caressing her back with long soft strokes. He planted butterfly kisses on the back of her neck as he continued to gently rub her. "Better?" he asked lovingly. "Much," she sighed softly, "I'm beginning to feel like a prune though. Pass me a towel?" He held one up for her and helped her out of the tub. She wrapped herself in it and he pulled her into the circle of his arms for a tender hug. "Come on," he whispered softly, taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom. It was lit by candle light, the soft glow added warmth to the beautiful room. "Lie down," he gestured to the bed, "on your tummy. Let me massage out the last sign of those sore muscles." Sheridan did as she was told. Luis poured a small amount of rose scented oil into his palm and began rubbing her shoulders. "MMM," she whispered, "that feels heavenly."

"Yea," he said softly "you do. Shh, just let me take care of you." He continued rubbing her back, her arms her shoulders and planting the occasional kiss along her back. "You have incredible hands, Luis." she whispered. Now his touch became more playful and more erotic. She rolled onto her back exposing her breasts. He couldn't resist. He added more oil and began to massage and caress them. He leaned in for a deep sensual kiss. He hadn't planned on making love to her tonight but he couldn't seem to help himself. She seemed to have the same thing in mind. She smiled up at him. "We still haven't solved my money problems, yet. Is the Youth Centre Director's job enough to cover living expenses. Honestly?"

"Well, maybe you should get a room mate to help cover expenses?" Luis leaned in for a hot kiss. His hands continued to drive her crazy caressing her breasts. She spread her fingers across his chest and he leaned back allowing her free access to his amazing body. She began kissing him, pressing her tongue into his mouth. He was on fire for her. "You know anybody who might like to apply." she whispered seductively when they came up for air. "After all, a girl has to be careful these days." "Yeah, I think I know a guy." He placed a kiss on her forehead. "He has a steady job." The next kiss landed on the tip of her nose. "He's a cop..just got a good raise too, made detective today." He kissed her again full on the lips.

"Sounds reliable anyway - that's a good thing. Is he tidy?" She nibbled at the base of his ear. "His mama can vouch for him." He kissed her again. "Can't beat his references. What else is he good at?" She began to nibble on his nipple making Luis' pulse race. Her hand strayed to his swollen erection and he groaned. He wanted her so much. "He's a great cook." He returned the caress and lapped gently at her breast. She grabbed his hair and held him to it. He began to suck gently. "This is a B & B - no kitchen. But maybe he can heat things up in the bedroom instead?" "Guaranteed." To prove that he began to place butterfly kisses along her neck and throat. He returned to her mouth for another passionate kiss. "When can I see this paragon of virtue?" She smiled as she worked the boxer shorts off and they fell to the floor.. "I think you can see him immediately. But the, interview process, it may take a while.." "Looking forward to it." Luis kissed her and she placed a hand on his cheek. He caught the rope burn in the corner of his eye. He kissed one wrist then other ever so gently. "If anything had happened to you.." his voice caught. He kissed a path from her wrist up her arm to her neck. "It didn't...Luis, make love to me. I want you so me tonight." "Tonight, and every night. For the rest of my life, Sheridan, for the rest of our lives. "