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I'll Love You For Always

I'll Love You For Always
By: Margarita
This is a great Shuis fanfic by
Margarita, which will keep you glued
to the screen! This mesmerizing fanfic
takes place in the future after Luis
and Sheridan have gotten engaged.
E-mail Margarita at:

Here's whats going on in Harmony 1 year from today:
*Luis and Sheridan are engaged, and living together in her cottage
*Sheridan has inherited all of her family's money
*Sheridan invited the Lopez-Fitzgerald Family to move into the mansion
*Sheridan is just found out that she is pregnant, but hasn't told Luis yet
*Luis has just made detective*Sheridan is now the director of the Youth Center
*Because I hate them all; Julian, Alistair, Hank and Beth have all been killed off (I'm sorry, but they were too annoying)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, I just use them because I can't think of any this wonderful on my own. Please don't steal any of this, although I don't know why you would want to!

Chapter 1:

Sheridan is sitting at her desk doing paperwork. She can't really concentrate because she is too excited about telling Luis that she is pregnant at their dinner tonight. All of a sudden, the phone on her desk rang. "Hello, this is the Youth Center." "Hey sweetie," Luis said through the other end. Sheridan smiled. "Hi honey." "So whatcha' doin'?" Luis asked, sounding like a little boy. Sheridan giggled. "Nothing much, just some paperwork." "Ooh…sounds like fun." "Oh yeah, it's a blast," Sheridan answered sarcastically. There was a long pause on the phone. "So?" Sheridan asked. "So what?" Luis asked back.

"So why are you calling?" "What? I can't just call the woman I love for no reason?" Luis said trying to sound innocent. "No. No you can't." Luis laughed. "That hurts." "Oh please. So what did you want?" Sheridan said, laughing back. Luis paused. "You're not going to like it," he finally said. "Oh no Luis, not again." Sheridan said, moaning. "I'm sorry Sheridan, but…" Luis started. "But you've worked late every night this week!" Sheridan said, interrupting him.

"I know baby, but it's my job. Detective is a lot more work." "But we were going to go to dinner," Sheridan whined. "I know, but can't we just go tomorrow?" Sheridan sighed. "Yeah, I guess so," Sheridan said, disappointed she wasn't going to be able to tell Luis the big news. "Well I should go, I have a lot of paperwork to do. I don't know what time I'll be home so…" "So don't wait up. Yeah, yeah, I know," Sheridan said, finishing Luis' sentence for him. Luis laughed. "Okay. I'll give you a kiss when I get home." "Alright." "I love you." Sheridan smiled. "I love you too Luis." Sheridan hung up the phone and sighed. "Great, now I have to wait until tomorrow to tell him," she thought to herself. A voice from behind scared her.

"Tell who what?" Sheridan looked up. "Oh, Theresa, you scared me." "Sorry Sheridan." "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Sheridan asked, getting up from her desk. "Nope, we had a half day today." "Oh. So what are you doing here?" "Well I was going to get some coffee at the Book Café and I thought that you would want to join me." "That sounds like a great idea. The kids won't be here for another few hours, and I could use a break," Sheridan said grabbing her coat. "Good," Theresa said. They both walked over to the Book Café and went in. They went up to the counter. "Hey Chad," Theresa said. "Oh, hey Theresa. What can I get for you fine ladies today?" "Just a coffee for me and…" Theresa said, looking at Sheridan. "One for me too," Sheridan said. "Okay, two coffees coming up," Chad said, turning around and pouring their drinks. "Here you go," he said, handing them their coffees. They paid and then sat down at a table.

"So, tell who what?" Theresa asked again. "What?" Sheridan asked, puzzled. "When I came in the Youth Center you said you had to wait to tell someone something," Theresa said, taking a sip of her coffee. "Oh, that. I just had something to tell Luis tonight, but he has to work late; again," Sheridan said. "Wow. He's been working late a lot, hasn't he?" Theresa asked. Sheridan sighed. "Yeah, but that's what comes from being a detective. And he loves his job so it's alright I guess." "So what did you have to tell him?" Sheridan looked up from her coffee. She just had to tell someone, but Ethan was out of town. "Can you keep a secret?" Sheridan asked, smiling. Theresa smiled back. "Yes, of course. What?" she said quickly. "Okay, I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone." Theresa got more excited. "Okay, I promise. Now what is it?"

"I'm pregnant," Sheridan said, not being able to stop smiling. "Really? Sheridan that's wonderful," Theresa said, giving Sheridan a hug. "I'm so happy for you!" "Yeah, it's great." "And Luis doesn't know yet?" "Nope. I was going to tell him tonight but like I said, he has to work." "So?" Theresa asked. "What do you mean?" Sheridan said. "So why don't you just go down to the police station and tell him?" "Well I'm sure he has a lot of work to do and I wouldn't want to bother him and…" Sheridan started as Theresa cut him off. "Telling him that he's going to be a father is not bothering him, believe me." Sheridan smiled.

"Do you really think so?" Sheridan asked. "Of course. You still have a few hours until the kids show up at the Youth Center, go ahead." Sheridan was beaming. "You're right. I'm going to go down there and tell him," Sheridan said as she got up and gave Theresa a quick hug. "Thanks Theresa." "Anytime Sheridan," Theresa answered. With that, Sheridan went outside and got in her car. She drove to the police station and went inside. She didn't see Luis, but she did see Sam. "Hey Sam," she said as she walked up to him. "Oh, hey Sheridan, how are you doing?" Sam said. "Great. What about you?" "Can't complain. Are you looking for Luis?" he asked. "Yes, do you know where he is?" "Yeah, he's in his office." "Okay, thanks Sam. Tell Grace I said hello." "Sure Sheridan. Do you want me to make sure no one bothers you?" Sam asked grinning.

"Yeah Sam, thanks again," Sheridan said grinning back, heading to Luis' office. She knocked on his door. "Come in." Sheridan went in and closed the door behind her softly. Luis was looking down at the work on his desk. He didn't look up. "Can I help you?" Sheridan smiled as she walked over to the back of his desk. She ran her hand through his hair. "I sure hope so." Luis looked up and flashed her one of those killer smiles of his. "Hey! What are you doing here?" he asked, wrapping his arms around Sheridan's waist. Sheridan sat down in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I just wanted to see you," she said sweetly. "Oh really?" "Yes really."

"Well that's fine with me," Luis said as he pulled Sheridan into a passionate kiss. They were still kissing when Sam came rushing in. They pulled away quickly when they heard him. "Sam!" they both said in unison. They both blushed. "I'm really sorry Sheridan, but I'm gonna have to take Luis away," Sam said sounding worried. "What is it Sam?" Luis asked.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2:

"I'm really sorry Sheridan, but I'm gonna have to take Luis away," Sam said sounding worried. "What is it Sam?" Luis asked. "That undercover job that we had to do later, the dealers are moving now, so we have to go now." "But the deal wasn't supposed to go down for another few hours," Luis said. "Well they must've gotten word we were on to them." Sheridan got off of Luis' lap and he jumped out of his chair. "I'm sorry honey, but I have to go now," Luis said as he grabbed his coat and put it on. "But…" Sheridan started, "alright."

"I'll see you later," he said as he kissed Sheridan on the cheek. "I love you." "I love you too, good luck," Sheridan said as she watched Luis and Sam run out the door and leave her alone. "Great, just wonderful," she said to herself as she went outside, got in her car and drove back to the Youth Center.

***3 hours later***

Sam and Luis, along with 7 other cops are waiting outside a warehouse on the docks. "You ready?" Sam whispered. "Yeah, let's go," Luis whispered back as he lifted his gun towards the door. Sam pushed the door open and they both slowly crept into the warehouse. Sam gave the motion for the other police officers to surround the warehouse. They could hear voices as they hid behind some wooden crates. "Well there it is, $2 million in unmarked, non-sequential bills," one of the voices said.

"It was very nice doing business with you, I hope we can do it again sometime," the other voice said. Sam gave the motion to move in. Every police officer jumped out from behind the crates. "Freeze!" Luis yelled, pointing his gun at the two men. "You are under arrest. Drop your weapons and put your hands up. The two men looked at Luis and Sam, then back to each other. All of a sudden one of the men pulled out a gun and fired two shots towards Luis. Sam fired at the men as soon as he saw the man pull them the trigger. Both men fell. Sam watched as Luis also fell to the ground.

"Luis!" he screamed as he fell down next to him. "Luis, can you hear me?" Blood started to seep out from under Luis. "Oh my God, Luis, answer me!" He looked up at another cop. "We have an officer and two suspects down, call for an ambulance!" The other policeman ran off. Luis opened his eyes and started to cough. He rolled over onto his side. "Yeah…I can…," Luis said, gasping for air. He ripped off his shirt and unuckled the bullet proof vest that was hidden underneath. He was still panting for air. "Can't…breath," Sam helped him take off the vest. "Are you alright Luis?" Sam asked.

"Yeah…I just…gotta…catch my…breath," Luis said, still laying on his side. "Let me help you up," Sam said as he took Luis' arm and helped him up. "If you got hit in the vest, where is all this blood coming from?" Luis looked at his sleeve which was soaked with blood. "The other bullet must've grazed my arm," Luis said, leaning against the wall. "Luis, let me get you to the hospital." They could hear the ambulance arriving.

"No Sam. I'll just keep the paramedics to wrap it up, it's just a little flesh-wound," Luis said as he winced in pain. "Yeah, well we'll let them see about that," he said to Luis as he led them to the back of the ambulance. The paramedics sat him on a chair and took care of his arm. They said he didn't have to go to the hospital, but to make sure that it stayed clean. "See? I'm fine," Luis said, putting his shirt back on, grimacing when he moved his arm.

"Yeah, fine," Sam answered sarcastically. "Well go home and get some rest, we have everything pretty much wrapped up here," Sam said as the ambulance pulled away with the two men inside. "No, I want to see…" Luis started. "No Luis, you either go home or go to the hospital, it's your choice," Sam said sternly. Luis smiled. "Alright, but I'll be in tomorrow, bright and early." "Yeah, I'm sure you will," Sam said with a laugh. "Do you need a ride?" "Nah, I'll just get a cab and pick my car up at the station tomorrow." "Okay, you take it easy tonight Luis." Luis smiled.

"You know I will Sam." Sam rolled his eyes at Luis as he walked away. He called a cab and went home to the cottage. When he got there he noticed all the lights were out. He paid the cab driver and went up to the door. He unlocked it, quietly walked in and lightly closed it behind him. He crept into the bedroom and saw Sheridan sleeping soundly. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He took off his blood-soaked shirt and threw it in the trash. Then he lay down next to her and stroked her hair. She started to stir and then she opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Luis said, still running his hand through her hair. "Well I'm glad you did," Sheridan said as she smiled and yawned. "What's on your arm?" Luis tried to hide the bandage. "It's nothing." "What is it? And your chest is all bruised, what happened?" Sheridan said, sounding worried. "I just got a little scrape." Sheridan took his arm. "This is more that just a little scrape. What happened, and tell me the truth." Luis saw how scared Sheridan looked.

"Look, it's nothing. We went to arrest some guys and one of them had a gun and got a few shots at me before we got him, but I'm fine." "Being shot is not fine Luis. And what would've happened if you hadn't been wearing the vest?" Luis paused, and then smiled a goofy grin. "Then I don't think I would be worrying about my arm so much." "That's not funny at all Luis. Coming home and telling me you've been shot is not funny," Sheridan said as she put Luis' arm down and frowned. Luis smiled, wrapped his good arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him.

"I'm fine Sheridan. A little tired, but fine. I'll be as good as normal in a week or two. I would be better if I could get a little kiss from you and I could go to sleep with you in my arms," Luis said flashing her one of those killer smiles of his. Sheridan smiled back at him. "Okay," she said as she kissed him. "But you have to remind me to yell at you in the morning for scaring me like that." Sheridan wrapped her arm around his bare chest and snuggled up closer to him. "Okay, I will," Luis said as he laughed. "I love you Sheridan." "I love you too Luis," Sheridan whispered as she closed her eyes.

***Next Morning***

Sheridan wakes up and sees Luis is still sleeping. She smiles because she remembers that she gets to tell Luis the new today at dinner. "I can't wait to tell you tonight at dinner, you're going to be so excited!" Sheridan whispered as she squeezed Luis. "Excited about what?" Luis said quietly, not opening his eyes. "Luis?" He opened his eyes and looked at Sheridan. "Good morning. Excited about what?" he asked smiling. "Eavesdropping are we?" Sheridan asked with a sly grin. "I don't think that counts as eavesdropping." "Well I think it does," Sheridan giggled, giving Luis a quick kiss and then getting out of bed. "So, once again, excited about what?"

"Just a surprise I have in store for you at dinner tonight," she said as she went into the bathroom. "A surprise, what kind of surprise?" Luis asked, sitting up. Sheridan came out of the bathroom with a little first aid kit. She sat down next to Luis and started to undo the bandage on his arm. "A good surprise," Sheridan said, looking down at his arm and tending to his wound. "A good surprise? What kind of clue is that?" Luis asked. "Who said it was a clue?" Sheridan said, putting a piece of tape on Luis' arm. "There, all done."

"Did I say I was going to give you a clue?" Luis smiled. "I bet I can get it out of you," Luis said, grinning. "I don't think so, my lips are sealed." Luis grabbed Sheridan with his arm and pulled her down on the bed next to him. "Luis, what are you doing?" "This!" Luis said as he started to tickle Sheridan. "Luis, stop!" Sheridan said, giggling. "Then tell me what the surprise is!" Luis said as he continued to tickle her. "Stop Luis, it's not funny!" Sheridan said through her tears, now streaming down her face.

"I think it is!" "Okay, okay, I'll tell you!" "Good." Luis stopped tickling Sheridan. "Now what is this 'good' surprise you have in store for me?" Sheridan jumped off the bed. "No, you don't get to know until dinner tonight," Sheridan said, going back into the bathroom. "Hey, that's not very fair! You said you would tell me!" "Well I lied then, didn't I?" Sheridan said from inside the bathroom. "Fine, be that way," Luis said as he got out of bed and put a shirt on.

Sheridan walked back out of the bathroom dressed. "Well I have to get to the Youth Center, I'm late because someone had to tickle me for 20 minutes. So I'll see you tonight at dinner," Sheridan said as she gave Luis a quick kiss and started to turn around. "Oh no, you don't get away that easy," Luis said, grabbing Sheridan by the waist and pulling her in close to him for a passionate kiss. Sheridan smiled when they pulled away.

"Well, that was a very good kiss if I do say so myself. I am late though," Sheridan said as she started to walk out. "Oh, that's not very nice, kissing me and then leaving," Luis said sarcastically. "Well maybe next time you won't tickle me and I'll have more time for other things…" she said as she left. Luis laughed and started to get dressed. He went down to the police station and saw Sam sitting at his desk.

"Hey Sam" Luis said as he walked into Sam's office. Sam looked up. "Oh, hey Luis. How are you feeling?" "Absolutely fine, never better in fact," he said as he sat down. "That's great Luis, I'm glad," Sam said softly. "Sam, is something wrong?" Luis asked, leaning forward in his chair. Sam looked up. "Yeah, Luis, there is a problem." "What? What is it?" Sam took a big sigh.

"One of the two men we arrested yesterday is in a coma. The other has escaped from police custody in the hospital." "What? How could that happen?" Luis asked, jumping out of his chair. "We don't know, but that's not the worst of it. We found this in his hospital bed." Sam handed Luis a small note. Luis read it aloud:

Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald,
You probably don't remember me, but I remember you. You crossed me once, and now you've done it again. And yes, I do know your name. That's not all I know. I know just about everything about you. I know who loves you, and who you love. I would watch them for a while Luis, you wouldn't want them to accidentally disappear on you, now would you? Well I should go; I don't want to out do my welcome.
An Old Friend

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3:

Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald,
You probably don't remember me, but I remember you. You crossed me once, and now you've done it again. And yes, I do know your name. That's not all I know. I know just about everything about you. I know who loves you, and who you love. I would watch them for a while Luis, you wouldn't want them to accidentally disappear on you, now would you? Well I should go; I don't want to out do my welcome.
An Old Friend

Luis stared blankly at the paper and then sat down slowly. "I don't understand Sam. Who is this guy? What does this mean? Why is he sending it to me?" Luis said, rapidly firing questions at Sam. "Whoa, calm down. Now do you remember a case we did; it was right when you joined the force actually, right outside of Harmony?" Luis had a puzzled look on his face. "No, not really."

"Well let me show you," Sam said as he sat down at his computer. Luis walked over behind Sam and looked at the screen. A grim face suddenly appeared. "Do you remember him?" Luis looked closer at the picture. "Tony Valentino," Luis said with a scowl. "Yeah, that's right. He was going to get away when you surprised him. You put him away for drugs and he got out four months ago." "Yeah, I remember. He was the one who shot me at the warehouse? "Yeah, that's him." Luis stared at the screen for another minute before sprinting into his office. He grabbed the phone off his desk and punched in the number for the Youth Center. Sam appeared in his doorway.

"Hello?" a voice said, sounding child-like. "Bobby, is that you?" Luis asked. "Oh hey Luis," the boy said, sounding excited. "I haven't seen you around here in a while, are you coming back?" "Yeah. Why don't you practice a little and I'll play you in some b-ball next weekend. But right now I have to talk to Sheridan, can you get her for me?" he asked.

"Ummm…I think she went outside to get some air, she wasn't feeling well. I haven't seen her come back in yet." "Can you go see if she's still outside Bobby? It's really important," Luis said, putting his forehead in his other hand.] "Sure Luis, one sec." Luis could hear him run off. "Is she there?" Sam whispered. Luis didn't look up. "He's going to look for her." "Oh." Silence filled the room for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Luis could hear someone through the phone. "Hello, Luis?" Sheridan said. Luis breathed a sigh of relief. Sam could see Sheridan was fine so he left quietly.

'Thank God she's alright' Luis thought to himself. "Luis, are you there?" Sheridan asked. Luis was so glad she was okay he forgot to say something. "Oh, yeah Sheridan, I'm here, sorry," he finally said. "Okay, what's wrong?" "Wrong, nothing's wrong. Why would you say that?" "Well Bobby said you had something important to tell me and I thought you were probably canceling on our dinner tonight." "Oh, no, nothing like that. I actually just wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight," Luis said, making an excuse to call her. "Oh good. Well I'll meet you there in about two and a half hours?" "Yeah…that sounds good."

"Okay. I can't wait to see you. I love you." "I love you too honey," Luis said. He hung up the phone, but then picked it up again. He dialed the number for the mansion. "Hello?" "Oh, hello Ethan, is mama there?" "Oh hey Luis. No, sorry, she just left for the store." "Oh. Is Theresa there?" "Nope, she's at Whitney's tennis match." "Oh." "Is there something I can help you with?" Ethan asked. "Uh, no. Can you just tell them I called and I'll try back tomorrow or something?" "Yeah Luis, sure." "Thanks Ethan." "Good bye." "Bye." Luis hung up the phone again. "I guess everyone is okay," he said to himself. He turned to his computer and started to work quickly.

{{QUICK AUTHOR'S NOTE: I didn't really want to get into it, but Miguel is in college; even though I've only seen him go to school for like two days!}}

Luis went back into Sam's office a few hours later. "So, what are we doing to find this guy?" Sam looked up and saw Luis standing in front of him with his arms crossed. "Well there's nothing that we can do." "WHAT? Sam, what do you mean? He was dealing drugs; he threatened my family, we have to find him!" Luis yelled. "I know Luis, but we have a problem." "Not another problem!" "Yeah, another problem." "What is it now?" Luis said, plopping down in the chair next to him. "It was empty." "What was empty?"

"The suitcase, the warehouse, everything," Sam said regretfully. "Are you kidding me?" Luis said, leaning forward in the chair. "I can't believe this. Do you mean we have no leads to where this scumbag is hiding?" "No. Everything in the warehouse was clean. His little friend that was with him is still in a coma at the hospital. I don't know where we can go next." Luis was quiet. "What about where we first arrested him?" "No, he would've thought of that." "Luis, I think we are just going to have to wait until he surfaces again." "But what about the threat?" Luis asked.

"We are just going to have to wait Luis, there's no where else to start. And don't worry, it was probably an empty threat." Luis glanced down at his watch. "I have to go meet Sheridan at the Seascape. I'll talk to you later Sam." "Yeah Luis, bye." Luis started to walk out of the room. "Luis?" He turned back around. "Yeah Sam?" "Be careful, just in case." "Okay Sam." Luis walked out of the office and went to go change. He didn't know how he was going to be able to keep cool during dinner.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 4

**Luis has arrived at the Seascape**

Luis looked around, but he didn't see Sheridan. He went up to the host. "Excuse me, but has a Miss Sheridan Crane arrived yet?" Luis asked. "Let me check sir," he said as he flipped through the reservation book. "Oh yes, here she is. She arrived about 15 minutes ago, would you like me to show you where she is seated?" "Yeah, thanks." Luis followed the host to an empty table.

"She must've gone to the ladies room. Would you like me to bring you anything?" Luis sat down. "No thanks." The host went to seat another couple. 'I wonder where Sheridan is, I hope she's all right' Luis thought to himself as he looked around. 'Luis, she's fine, stop being paranoid' Then he saw her come around the corner. It amazed him how she could still take his breath away every time he saw her. She was glowing with beauty. She was wearing a light blue tube top and ball skirt, which accented her eyes beautifully.

He stood up to greet her. "Hello Miss Crane, you are certainly looking gorgeous tonight", Luis said as he kissed her on the cheek. Sheridan smiled. "Thank you very much, you look quite nice yourself." Luis pulled out her chair for her and she sat down. He sat down next to her. A waiter came up the their table. "Hello, my name is Darren. May I start you out with some drinks tonight?" "Yes, I think a bottle of your best champagne please," Luis said. "No…" Sheridan started. "I don't really want any champagne."

She had to think of an excuse not to drink. "Why not?" Luis asked. " just not in the mood. I'll just have a glass of ice water." Luis gave her a strange look. "All right. We'll just have two ice waters." The waiter walked away. "Are you feeling okay honey?" "Of course I am. Why would you ask?" Sheridan asked. "Well you usually like champagne and when I called you today Bobby said you weren't feeling well." 'Well if I ever needed a cue, that would be it' Sheridan thought to herself.

"You know what?" "What?" Luis asked, smiling. "I think it's time for your surprise." "Oh, my surprise, I completely forgot about it," Luis exclaimed. "So what is it?" She smiled and gazed into Luis' eyes. "We are going to have a baby," she said. Luis' eyes widened. "Really?" he asked. "Really." He grabbed Sheridan and pulled her into a hug. "That's wonderful! I love you so much!" he whispered into her ear. "I'm so glad you are exited about this." Luis pulled away.

"Why wouldn't I be excited? The woman that I love with all of my heart and who I'm going to marry is going to have my child Life couldn't be better." Luis placed his hands on Sheridan's jaw and pulled her into a passionate kiss. They could've stayed like that for quite sometime, but they heard the waiter putting their glasses on the table. They both pulled away and blushed. Luis was beaming. "We're going to have a baby!" he said to the waiter. Sheridan laughed at Luis.

They ordered and ate their dinner. They talked about how they can't wait until they are a family. They thought this would be one of the best nights of their lives, but little did they know it would be one of the worst.

*** 1-½ hours later, Luis and Sheridan are leaving the Seascape**

Luis placed Sheridan's coat on her shoulders and kissed her on the neck. He had tried to forget about the threatening note all night, but it just wouldn't leave his mind. "I'll go get the car, you stay here," Luis said. "Why don't I just come with you?" Sheridan asked. Luis didn't want her to be in a dark parking lot; he'd rather she stay in front of the Seascape with other people. "No. Umm...I don't want you to have to walk that far," Luis stammered out. Sheridan raised her eyebrow. "All right. I'll stay here." Luis jogged off towards the parking lot.

He didn't want to leave Sheridan alone for too long. He found the car and started it up. He went back to the front of the Seascape, but Sheridan wasn't there. He parked the car and got out. "Sheridan? Sheridan, where are you?" Luis said, looking around. His heart raced. He jogged around to the side of the restaurant to look for her. He turned back around with a panicked look on his face. "Sheridan?" he yelled again. People were coming out of the restaurant. He jogged up to them.

"Hey, did you see a woman out here; she's got short blond and blue eyes, and…and…she was wearing a blue dress?" Luis said, not being able to speak clearly. "No, sorry," the couple answered. Luis didn't know what to do. He ran back inside the restaurant. He checked the bathroom, but she wasn't there. He ran back up to the host. "Hey, do you remember the woman I met here? Sheridan Crane?" Luis said, out of breath. "Umm…yes sir. Are you Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald?" he asked.

Luis gave him a weird look. "Yeah, why?" "I have a message here for you." The host handed Luis a note. He didn't want to open it. He slowly read it in horror. Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald, I warned you. I was going to get quite a pretty sum of money from that deal I was making then you had to go screw it up. Now your precious Sheridan will pay for your mistakes. She'll be fine as long as I get my money. Like you probably heard, I was going to get 2 million. I think I'll up that just a bit.

Let's make it 8 million, I think that's a fair sum for your pretty little fiancée. They need to be non-sequential, unmarked bills, and don't try anything stupid. I'll give you a call to give you more details. You Know Who P.S. Don't screw this one up, or it'll mean her neck.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 5:

**Luis has driven to the station; it's about 15 minutes after he found the note at the Seascape**

Luis ran into the Police Station. Tears are freely running down his face. "Sam! Sam, where are you?" he screamed. Sam came running from the back room. "Luis, Luis what's the matter?" Luis just fell to the ground on his knees and buried his head in his hands. "It's all my fault. I never should've left her alone, it's all my fault," Luis cried. Sam knelt down next to Luis. "Luis, tell me what happened. Did something happen to Sheridan?" Luis looked up through his wet red eyes. "He took her," Luis whispered. He handed Sam the note that Valentino had left for him.

**2 hours later at the cottage**

Probably 15 other cops surrounded Luis in the living room. They were all doing something different; tapping the phone, researching Valentino, things like that. Luis just looked around helplessly. He couldn't take this. He walked into their bedroom and closed the door behind him. He saw a picture on the nightstand of him and Sheridan when they went to Spain last summer. She was so happy in that picture, and now she was trapped somewhere, alone. He couldn't even stand to think about it. She was in trouble because of him.. Tears started to stream down his face once again.

He touched the picture longingly. He pulled away quickly when he heard the phone ring. There was a soft knock on the door, and then Sam walked in. "Luis, we think it's him. Are you ready?" Sam asked. Luis ran a hand across his wet eyes and cleared his throat. "Yeah Sam, I'm ready," he answered as he got up and went into the living room. He went over to the phone as everyone was watching him. Sam looked over at the cop with headphones on. "Is everything set?" he asked. "Yeah, the tracer's ready to go." The room went quiet as Luis picked up the phone. "Hello?" Luis answered.

"I believe that you've got mail, Officer," a raspy voice said through the other end. "What? What are you talking about?" Luis asked quickly. "Valentino, what the hell are you talking about?" All he heard was a dial tone. "Damn it!" Luis yelled as he slammed the phone down. Sam ran out the front door, but came back in a minute later. "There's nothing in your mailbox Luis," Sam said. Luis took a big breath. All of a sudden he ran into the den and got on the computer.

Sam followed him and kept the other officers back. 'You've got mail' boomed out of the speakers. Luis opened the mailbox and saw a message from an unknown server. As he clicked the button 'read', a black screen popped up on the screen. Then, a video started. It was Sheridan. She was handcuffed to a pipe in the corner of a small dark basement. She had duct tape over her mouth and eyes, but Luis could still see tears running down her cheeks. Her dress was torn, and she had dirt all over her. A small trickle of dried blood went down her forehead. Luis looked away with disgust.

He looked back when a voice started. "Oh, now isn't that just the saddest thing you've ever seen?" it said. "Well, let's get on with it." Luis just stared blankly at the screen. "8 million in large, non-sequential unmarked bills. I want it in two, clear plastic bags. The drop point is Main and Hollander Street; the trash can on the corner. Drop the cash in exactly one hour, and then leave." Luis glanced at his watch; it was already 11:45. I would tell you to come alone; but I know you won't.

You won't find me there; I'll send a man to make the pick-up. You touch him and she's dead. You mess with my money and she's dead. If you are late, she's dead. It's really quite simple; even you can't mess it up. Well I should go now, I'll call you when I get my money, and then I'll tell you where she is. Bye for now." The video ended, and all there was was a blank screen. Luis didn't move. Sam placed his hand on Luis' shoulder. "Luis, she's going to be fine. We'll get her back." Luis stood up quietly.

Out of nowhere he shoved the computer off of the table, shattering it into a million pieces. He looked up at Sam. "You're damn right we are. Nothing is going to stop me from…" he said as the ringing phone cut him off.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 6:

Luis grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. "Yeah?" he asked gruffly. "Did you get my message?" Luis' face went stern. "Yeah, I got your f***ing message. But it's no deal unless I speak to her" "Now I don't think that's a very good idea," Valentino said sarcastically. "Well too bad. Either I talk to her or you don't get your money." There was a pause on the phone. "Fine." Luis heard soft footsteps through the phone. "Here she is." Luis listened as hard as he could but didn't hear anything.

"Sheridan, are you there?" he asked desperately. There was another silence. "Lu…Luis? Is th...that you?" a weak voice mumbled. Luis had to keep himself from crying from the sound of pain in Sheridan's voice. "Yeah baby, it's me. Now don't you worry; I'm gonna get you out of there. You are so brave and I love you so much and…" he was cut off in mid sentence. "I think that's enough for now, don't you?" Valentino's said harshly.

"You put her back on the phone right this second Valenino or I swear to god I'll…" "No. You can talk to the little woman again when I get my money." "You son of a bitch! You put her back on right now!" Luis screamed. "You've got about 40 minutes left. I wouldn't waste them. I'll give you directions to the girl when I get the cash." "How do I know that you'll tell me where she is?" "Well I guess you'll just have to trust me, now won't you?" Valentino said, laughing evilly. Luis heard a dial tone.

"God damn it!" Luis said as he threw the phone down. Sam went to Luis' side. "Luis, calm down. We have to go make the drop now. You have to be strong…for Sheridan." Luis sighed and gave Sam a helpless look. "You're right, I have to keep myself together. Let's go it," Luis said, grabbing his coat and heading out the door.

**45 minutes later, Luis has made the drop and is back at the cottage while Sam has stayed and followed the pickup man**

Luis is pacing back and forth while a few other officers are watching him. "Why hasn't he called yet? He's got his money, why hasn't he called?" "Luis, don't worry. He'll call." Luis was startled as the phone rang. He ran to it and picked it up. "Hello?" he asked quickly. "Hello Luis." Luis sighed and shook his head to the other officers. "Oh, hi mama. It's so late, why are you calling?" "Well Ethan said that you had called and that you sounded worried." "No, everything's fine, I didn't mean to worry you."

"Mi hijo, I can hear it in your voice, what is the matter?" "Mama, I'll tell you when everything has settled down, just don't worry. I need to go now, please, I'll explain later." Pilar knew better than to argue with her son. "Alright. Por favor, be careful." "I will mama." "Goodbye." "Bye mama." As soon as Luis hung up the phone it rang again. He yanked it back up. "Hello?" "Well, I would have to say everything went off pretty well, wouldn't you?" Valentino said.

"Yeah, so where is she?" "Anxious to be reunited with you lost love?" "Just tell me where she is!" "Jeez…you can't even take a joke. Fine, because you did such a good job, I'll keep my end of the bargain. She's in an abandoned boat named Sharkspeed (name courtesy of the girl I'm babysitting) down at the docks. Tell her I said 'hi'." Luis had already run out the door and sped off in his car. To Be Continued...

Click here to read chapters 7 to 13