All At The Altar

All At The Altar
By: Passions Sweetie
Here is yet another short but sweet
fanfic. by Passions Sweetie. Sheridan
and Luis kiss, but what will it lead to?
Find out and then e-mail your comments
to Passions Sweetie...
E-mail Passions Sweetie at:

Sheridan Crane sat in Luis’s office staring across the desk top at him. It had been a long time since they’d fought and she knew she had feelings for him but she didn’t know he had feelings for her until about 5 minutes ago. But what can a girl do when the man she’s loved in secret loves her (finally) and she’s engaged. Yeah, engaged. He’d asked her a few weeks ago and she said yes, thinking it was someone else...Luis. But it had turned out to be Hank. Since they’d gotten engaged, she’d spent as much time as she could without getting sick with him. He really was annoying and the prospect of forever looked discouraging, until the words had slipped from Luis’s mouth.

They sat there in silence when Sheridan asked Luis why he’d called her in there. He was hesitant to tell her but he figured it may not hurt, now that she was ‘engaged’ to Hank. “Sheridan, Is it true? Did you say yes to Hank’s proposal?” he was sad. Why hadn’t he come clean with her when there was still time? “Yes, Luis. I didn’t think it was Hank and I did, and now there’s no way out. Here I am engaged to a man, and I love someone else.” She knew she’d said too much then. Luis arched his eyebrows. “Well, now it’s too late Sheridan, so I am going to tell you this. I don’t guess it really MATTERS now, but I love you. And before I heard about you and Hank I could see us forever.

That’s it. You can go now, just thought I’d tell you that.” he tried to play it cool but she could see it hurt him. “Oh. Wow. You did and I...” she whispered and then ran out of the room. She needed her sleep anyway. The practice wedding was the next morning. ~ The cool winds fluttered through Luis’s windows. He had to hurry and shower to go to the practice ceremony. He wasn’t sure if he could handle seeing her there, practicing to marry his best friend but he sucked it up and walked in the door. They hadn’t spoken since he’d confessed to loving her and he was pretty sure she was pissed. As soon as he entered the beautifully decorated church, Hank was all around him, making sure everything was perfect.

Hank wasn’t unlike himself. He was an annoying control freak and his possessiveness over Sheridan and her obvious discomfort were making Luis nauseous. He turned to leave, who needed a best man for the rehearsal anyway. Apparently Hank did. “Luis, buddy, hold up a second.” Hank was jogging toward him. ‘Ugh’ he thought. “Yeah, man. What?” he asked distractedly. “I need a favor and since you’re the Best Man I am begging you to do it for me.” “Aight. What is it?” “Ok. Here’s the deal. The man who is supposed to videotape the ceremony isn’t here today and I have to place his camera near the organ and I need You to play Me and run the wedding once as if it was your’s so we can get the angle right. Can you do that for me?” “Gee, are you sure? I mean yeah” Luis stammered.

The back doors opened and Sheridan sauntered in. He hips swaying ever so slightly she gasped when she saw who was at the altar waiting for her, obviously nervous as hell. She made her way down the aisle and stopped in front of him. Turning and facing the imaginary minister felt so natural and right to her, to be with him like that. Then they both zoomed in on Hank’s whiney voice telling Luis he could now kiss the “Bride”. What he didn’t expect was that Sheridan leaned in and kissed Luis softly on the lips. Then he kissed her back. Hank was stunned.

He watched through the viewfinder of the camera as Sheridan threw her arms around Luis and Luis planted his hands firmly on her hips, then around her. They were lost in the moment, reveling in the other worldly experience that came with the pressing of their lips. They finally let go after a 3 minute kiss. Neither said anything and Hank stood by helpless, looking at them, looking at each other and then kissing again. He let his temper get the better of him and yelled at her. She was terrified. “You! How could you do that to me? Bitch. This is so over. I should have known you’re like all the Cranes.” With that he stormed out. She looked at Luis, tears brimming in her eyes. “You aren’t Sheridan, you’re like all Lopez-Fitzgerald’s. Marry me?” “Luis, I’ve waited for that forever.”

~a month later~

The ceremony was beautiful. Sheridan wore a long but elegant white gown. It looked as if she were floating down the aisle. And after all they’d been through everyone agreed they deserved their happiness and happiness is what they got. They also ended up with a daughter, Jessica Corinne LF, and they all lived happily ever after! THE END!~