Just To See You Smile

Just To See You Smile
By: Deanna
This is yet another classic fanfic
by Deanna. She is an amazing writer
and she'll keep you on the edge of
your seat, as you read her riveting
E-mail Deanna at:

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, JER & Passions do, I'm just borrowing them for awhile!

Rating: PG-13

Important Note: This story starts off at the end of Thursday's (August 3rd, 2000) episode where Luis and Les are in the warehouse and Les has his gun pointed at Luis' back.

Chapter 1:

Luis heard the familiar sound of a gun being cocked and cursed inwardly. He hadn't checked behind him. A damn rookie's mistake, he thought in disgust. The kind of stupid idiotic mistake got you killed. The fact that this could very well be one of those times didn't go unnoticed by him either. "Prepare to meet your maker cop." The voice said from behind him. He swallowed hard, hating the fear that momentarily clutched his heart. Luis knew at any moment the guy would pull the trigger and he resented the hell out of the fact that he'd let the bastard get the drop on him.

"Luis?" A voice laced with fear and uncertainty called out. Sheridan. What the hell was she doing here? Didn't she realize how much danger she was in? Of course not, he thought his hand tightening on the gun in his hand, she didn't think she was in any danger whatsoever. He turned his head slightly toward the man behind him and when he saw him shift the gun toward the direction Sheridan's voice had called out from, he used the distraction to dive for cover. "Sheridan!" he yelled as he ducked behind one of the huge wooden crates on the floor of the warehouse. "Get the hell out of here! You're going to get yourself killed!"

Somehow even as he said the words, he knew she wouldn't go. He shook his head as he saw her step further inside the warehouse. Damn, he had to get to her before the bastard behind him did. He moved toward her as quickly as possible making sure he stayed behind the crates and machines that was scattered across the floor. The last thing he needed was to get himself killed before he could get her out of here. He darted across the warehouse and managed to get behind her. He covered her mouth with his hand before she could call out again then dragged her behind one of the crates. She struggled against him, but as soon as he got her behind the crate and turned her to face him, she stopped. "What are you doing, Luis!" Sheridan hissed a little too loudly. "You scared me!"

He shook his head wishing he could actually scare some sense into her. How the woman could still think she was invincible was beyond him. He'd saved her life more times than he could count and she still continued to believe she wasn't in any danger. Tonight should prove to her that she was. After all, his best friend had gotten shot while saving her life. Maybe now she would see the severity in her situation. Something told him it would take a lot more than Hank getting shot to make her see that though. "Be quiet, Sheridan!" He said in a low voice filled with frustration and anger. "For once just be quiet and listen to me!" She blinked and started to say something, but he interrupted her before she could. "You need to get out of here. Now. Don't argue with me on this. Just do as I say and get the hell out of here. If that gunman sees you he's going to shoot. You can't tell me he wasn't after you, Sheridan. We both know he was. Hank got shot saving your life. Don't make it be in vain. Get out of here and I'll cover you."

"Luis, I'm not leaving you! This is all my fault and I won't let you get hurt because of me." "Dammit Sheridan!" She flinched at the anger in his tone and he softened his voice immediately. "This is what I'm trained for. You're not. This guy is here to kill you and if he sees you that is exactly what he's going to do. Now get out of here before he gets the chance!" "No." She said raising her chin in that stubborn way she had. "I won't leave you here alone." Of all the stubborn pig headed - "Hey, Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald," the gunmen said interrupting his thoughts. "Why are you risking your life for a Crane? I know how much you hate them. Why do you care whether one of them dies? I mean what the hell does she matter to you?" Luis looked at Sheridan and saw the fear in her eyes. She was scared to death and yet she refused to leave. He shook his head. "It's my job to protect her."

"Yeah, well I know some people that will pay you a lot of money to quit your job and let me kill her." "This has nothing to do with money." He said not taking his eyes off Sheridan's. "This is personal." "Personal? Don't tell me you've fallen for a Crane?" The gunmen said his voice filled with icy laughter. "That's just too rich. You were hired to protect her and you fell in love instead. Bad mistake, Luis. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not smart to mix business with pleasure? Then again, with the body she's got I can't say I really blame you. I'd be tempted to partake in that delicious package too" Sheridan shivered at the gunman's words and Luis felt the anger rise within him. It took everything he had in him not to act on that anger. He had to get Sheridan out of here before things got worse. "Sheridan." He whispered. "I'm going to go get the drop on him and when I do I want you to make a run for it. Do you hear me? No matter what happens I want you to get the hell out of here."

She swallowed hard then glanced down at the ground. He thought she would refuse again, but instead she nodded. "Okay but please be careful, if anything happened to you…" "Hey," He said placing a hand under her chin and forcing her to look at him. He was surprised to find tears silently falling down her cheeks. His heart constricted with emotion because he knew those tears were for him. He could see it. "Don't worry about me, Sheridan. I'll be fine. You just make sure you get out of here." When she nodded, he dropped his hands and backed slowly away from her. He hated to leave her, but he had no choice. He had to get this guy and she had to get out of here. "As soon as I have the guy I want you to get out of here and don't look back. No matter what happens you don't look back. Promise me, Sheridan."

"I promise." She whispered looking into his eyes. He nodded then turned and made his way to the other side of the crate. He slowly made his way toward where he knew the gunmen was and then once he saw him and was in position, he jumped him. Both their guns when scattering across the floor as Luis tackled him to the ground. The guy lunged for his gun that landed a foot away, but Luis stopped him from getting it with a quick fist to his side. The guy lunged again and this time he caught hold of the gun. Luis managed to grab it from him, but he couldn't get a good enough hold on it. The guy elbowed him in the ribs and Luis suddenly lost his hold on the gun. A second later, the guy was on his feet with the gun once again pointed at him. "Say goodbye, Officer." His finger started to press the trigger, but before he could press it all the way, the sound of a gun being cocked pierced the air. He looked up and saw Sheridan holding his revolver. Her hands were shaking, but otherwise she looked as if she knew how to use it. "Drop the gun." She said her voice filled with authority. "Don't make me shoot."

Luis saw the determination and fear in her eyes and knew she would shoot if she had to. But he also knew if she did, she would never forgive herself. He couldn't let her do that. "Sheridan, he can't shoot both of us. Just drop the gun and go. Just do it Sheridan. Now." "Luis." the gunman said shaking his head. "You know how she hates to be told what to do." Luis glared at the man and started to say something, but Sheridan's voice interrupted him before he could. "I said drop the gun. I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to." "No, you won't. Because unless you drop your gun, your bodyguard here will be going home in a body bag."

Fear lit Sheridan's eyes, but when she spoke her voice held no trace of it. In fact, she spoke with more calm than he could have managed. "If you shoot him, I guarantee you'll be in a bag all of your own." The gunman laughed and Luis knew there was no way he was going to back down. "Wow, you're taking an awfully big chance with Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald's life, aren't you? I tell you what you drop that gun and come over here and I'll let Luis here go. You're the one I'm after anyway." Luis watched as the gunman turned his head slightly to the left to look at Sheridan and he took a chance and lunged for the gun. They started to struggle and Luis yelled for Sheridan to get the hell out of there. He continued to try and wrestle the gun away from the guy and just as he got a good grip on it the gun went off. The bullet hit him in the chest and the force caused him to stumble backwards. He heard another gunshot and then heard Sheridan scream. He looked up and saw the gunmen's body fall. Then he saw Sheridan drop the gun and run toward him. He collapsed to the floor a second before she reached him. He knew it was bad. The pain in his chest told him it was bad. He heard Sheridan talking to him, telling him to hold on, but she sounded as if she were a miles away.

"Luis, don't you dare leave me! Don't you dare leave me now. I'll never forgive you if you do. Do you hear me, Luis? I'll never forgive you if you leave me. I can't live without you. I love you, Luis. I love you with all of my heart and I can't live without you. Just hold on, Luis. Please baby, just hold on. Don't give up. Please don't give up. I can't bare to lose you, Luis. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you, Luis." Luis closed his eyes, but the moment he heard her voice he forced them open again. He tried to smile, but wasn't sure he pulled it off. Either she just said loved him or he was losing his hearing as well as his blood. He heard her say it again and he knew he wasn't just hearing things. She really said she loved him. Maybe it was finally okay for him to tell her how he really felt about her. He felt her take his hand and he squeezed it in response, then just before his eyelids started to drift down again, he managed to look into her eyes and tell her what was in his heart. "I... I love you too, Sheridan.

Sheridan paced the hospital waiting room floor, praying Eve would come out and tell her how Luis was. She knew it was serious. She knew he lost a lot of blood. He had been unconscious almost the whole ambulance ride to the hospital. He'd kept pulling off his oxygen mask telling her he loved her. She knew he meant it. She knew it as sure as she knew she loved him too. His trying to protect her had never just been about his job. Deep down, she had always know that but whenever she started to let herself believe it, the things he said that night at the wharf would start playing in her head and then she would once again refuse to trust what her heart was telling her. Somehow she knew there was an explanation for what Luis said. She knew he was never using her. He wouldn't do that to her. She didn't know why she ever let Julian and Alistair make her think he had. She knew Luis. She knew his heart and she knew without a doubt in her mind that he would never hurt her that way.

She walked toward the big glass window where the doctors had taken Luis just moments before and watched as numerous doctors and nurses worked on him. She couldn't help but think about the fact that it should be her lying in that hospital bed fighting for her life. The only thing Luis ever did was try to protect her, try to keep her safe, and she gave him such a hard time about it that now he was fighting for his life. Why didn't she just listen to him when he said to stay home? Why did she let her stubborn streak get the best of her? She, of course, knew the reason she wanted to go out tonight. She had thought the fresh air would help her forget that kiss she and Luis had shared. It hadn't. The only thing it had done was almost get Hank and Luis killed. This was all her fault, she thought tears welling in her eyes, if Luis died it would be all her fault. How could she ever face Pilar or any of Luis family again? She would never forgive herself for putting Luis in this position. If only she had listened to him, she thought raising her hand to wipe away her tears, if only she hadn't been so damn stubborn. "It's all my fault." She whispered as the tears continued to slide down her cheeks. "It's all my fault."

Someone laid a hand on her shoulder and she turned to find Sam standing there with a concerned look on his face. "He'll be okay, Sheridan. Luis is a fighter. You should know that by now. He's going to fight with everything he has in him. He'll be okay." Sheridan started to say something, but before she could utter a word, chaos broke out in Luis' room. She turned and saw them place two paddles against his chest. His body jumped once, but the monitor by his bedside still showed a flat line. Oh god, she thought as her own heart stopped beating, he was dying. Luis was dying. Her legs suddenly went numb and just before the darkness swallowed her, she heard a voice come over the intercom. "Code blue in trauma room one. Code blue in trauma room one."

Where was he? Nothing looked familiar. He turned, looking in all directions, hoping to see something he recognized, but he didn't. The only thing he saw was the same bright lights that had appeared a few moments before. But then suddenly, as if by magic, a door opened in front of him and someone walked out. As they got closer, he recognized it to be a little girl. He shook his head sure that he was dreaming, but as the little girl came closer he knew he wasn't. He wasn't dreaming. The little girl really did have wings. An angel, he thought in surprise. He was seeing an honest to goodness angel. A second later, he realized it could only mean one thing he was dead.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 2:

Luis stood frozen in place still not quite believing he was really seeing an angel. He had to be dead. It was the only possible explanation for what he was seeing. "Not the only one." The little girl replied. "Not the only one at all." He swallowed hard. "Am I dead?" "No." The little girl replied shaking her head. "You are in a deep sleep." "So I can wake up then?" "Yes," The little girl replied her eyes serene and peaceful. "But waking up will require a lot of strength. Strength your body lacks right now. You will have to take it easy and let your body heal first. Only then will you be able to fight your way back."

Fight his way back? "Where am I?" "You are in between heaven and earth." Luis took a deep breath then lowered his head to look at the ground. A second later, he saw the ground disappear beneath his feet, but he wasn't falling. He was standing, as if on a cloud of air, and underneath him was the view of his hospital room. The doctors were working furiously on him. He could see the worry on Dr. Russell's face and knew his condition was critical. The scene beneath him changed to another room in the hospital. This time he saw his family. Mama was sitting in a chair her hands clasped together praying. Theresa was in Ethan Crane's arms. He felt the anger start to rise but then he noticed the way Ethan was holding Theresa, as if she was the most important person in the world to him, and his anger vanished. He loved her, Luis thought in surprise. Ethan Crane was in love with Theresa.

A person would have to be blind not to see it. It was clearly written all over his face. He knew Theresa still loved Ethan and he made a promise to himself that when he woke up, he wasn't going to stand in their way. He was going to give them his blessing. All he wanted was for Theresa to find someone who loved her and Ethan Crane obviously did. He may not like the fact that he was a Crane, but he wasn't going to hold it against him any longer. He was going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sheridan always said Ethan was nothing like his father and grandfather and from what he could tell, she was right. He'd better not tell Sheridan that though. She'd never let him live it down. Where was Sheridan? He didn't see her anywhere. Luis turned his head to the right and saw Miguel holding Kay's hand. He saw Miguel turn toward her and then he saw the look that passed on Kay's face, he knew that was another thing he'd never noticed. Kay was in love with Miguel and no one had a clue. It must kill her to see him with Charity.

But then again, Charity wasn't there right now Kay was and from what he could see, Miguel seemed to like having Kay there with him. There was something in his eyes when he looked at her. Could his little brother be just as in love with Kay as she was with him? When he woke up, he was going to ask his brother about that. Luis turned his attention to the other people in the room, but he the only people he saw were Hank, TC, Whitney, and Chad. Sheridan wasn't there. "Where is Sheridan?" He asked raising his eyes to the little angel girl. "Why isn't she there?" He'd heard her voice after the shooting telling him to hold on and that she loved him. He knew she hadn't been hurt, but if she was okay then why wasn't she there? "She is there." The little girl replied. "But you cannot see her yet. You are not ready to see her yet."

Not ready to see her? Of course he was ready to see her. He loved Sheridan and he needed to see her. "You will see her soon." The little girl replied as the hospital scenes beneath his feet disappeared. "You will see her after you've rested. You were just given a small glimpse into some of the things you have been missing. You must give your mind time to digest them before you see anymore. After you have gained more strength you will see Sheridan. I promise." He nodded his head fully aware that he had no choice but to wait… wait and hope that Sheridan really was okay.

Sheridan opened her eyes and blinked in confusion. Where was she? She struggled to sit up only to jump back in surprise when a firm hand reached out to help her. She looked up to see Sam staring at her in concern. "Easy Sheridan. You don't want to sit up too quickly. We don't want you fainting again." She'd fainted? Why? Then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit her and she bolted upright then tried to get out of the bed. "Luis! Oh God Luis!" "Calm down." Sam said taking her gently by the arms and helping her to stand. "They managed to stabilize him."

"I have to see him!" She yelled struggling against Sam's hold on her arms. He didn't release her. "Let me go, Sam. I have to see him!" "You can't Sheridan. They took him into the operating room a few minutes ago." She stopped struggling at that. They were operating on Luis? Oh god. "Why? What's wrong? What do the doctors say? Is he going to be okay?" Sam shook his head. "We don't know. He's lost a lot of blood and the bullet hit one of his lungs. They are going to try and repair that. Eve said she won't have the whole picture until they go in and see the extent of the damage." "Oh dear god." Sheridan said her hand flying to her mouth. "I can't lose him, Sam. I can't lose him."

"Hey, " Sam said wrapping his arms around her in a comforting hug. "You're not going to lose him. Luis is fighter. He'll pull through this." Sam was right, she thought stepping out of his embrace, Luis was a fighter and he was way too stubborn to give up. He would be okay. He had to be okay, because there just was no way she could live without him. Luis was her heart… her soul… he was everything to her and there was no way she would survive without him. No way at all.

Luis opened his eyes and found that bright lights once again surrounded him. He looked at the ground but found it to be as white as the rest of what he saw. He looked back up just as the little girl emerged from the door in the lights. Was she going to take him to see Sheridan now? "Yes." The little girl replied nodding her head. "I will take you to see Sheridan now, but I must make sure that you are truly ready for what you will see and hear. You will not be able to talk with her or touch her. All you will be able to do is watch and listen. Some of what you will hear may be painful to you so you must make sure you are strong enough to handle it." Luis shook his head in confusion. Painful to him? Why would watching and listening to Sheridan be painful to him? Unless… "Is Sheridan hurt? Is that what will be painful to me?"

The little girl shook her head. "She is not physically hurt. I cannot tell you anymore. The rest you must see for yourself." Luis nodded then met the little girls' eyes with his own. "I'm ready." As if that was all she was waiting to hear, she held out her hand and waved it once through the air. Like magic the bright lights disappeared and he found himself in what looked like a chapel. He heard a noise behind him and turned to see Sheridan kneeling in front of a large cross with her hands clasped together in prayer. But what got him the most were the heartbreaking sobs coming from her throat. "Listen and you shall learn all you need to know." Luis wanted to turn and ask the little girl what she meant but he couldn't seem to tear his gaze away from Sheridan. Listen and you shall learn all you need to know. What did she mean? What would he learn? What did he need to know? He watched as Sheridan raised her head toward the ceiling. "I'll do anything God, anything you want. I'll give away all my money, I'll give away everything I own, just please don't take away the man I love. Please don't take Luis away from me."

Luis clutched his chest as the pain in her voice hit him full force. He couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand to see her in so much pain. He'd give anything to be able to take her in his arms and make all that pains go away. "But you can't" the little girl whispered behind him. "You can't help her now. You can only listen and there is more, more that you need to hear." More? How could he possibly stand there and listen to more? Sheridan's heart was breaking. Her heart was breaking because of him and he was supposed to stand there and listen as she poured her heart out to God? He prided himself on being a strong man but Sheridan was in pain and he felt…helpless. He felt completely and utterly helpless. He couldn't take it. He couldn't take seeing her in so much pain. He tried to take a step toward her but a small hand stopped him.

"You mustn't go to her." The little girl whispered. "It will only cause her more pain." More pain? He didn't want to cause her more pain. He wanted to get rid of her pain. "To get rid of her pain you must listen. You must listen with your heart, Luis. Only then will you learn what you need to know." Luis opened his mouth to ask her to explain but before he could Sheridan started speaking and drew his attention away from the little girl and her cryptic statements. "Please don't take him from me God. I need him. I need him so much. I can't bare to live without him. He's my whole world. I wasted so much time believing he hurt me that I never stopped to see that he was the one that made me whole again. All my life I've believed I didn't deserve someone's love that I wasn't good enough for someone to love me. Then I met Luis and he challenged my belief in just about everything.

He challenged who I thought I was and who I thought I wanted to be. The truth is without him I wouldn't be here today. It's not because my life was and still is physically in danger. No it was the emotional danger that would have killed me a long time ago. The truth is I wouldn't be alive inside if it wasn't for Luis. He woke something inside me that died when I was a little girl and I didn't think I would ever get it back. He woke my heart, my soul, he woke me. He opened my eyes to what had always been missing in my life. He woke me up to what real love was." "I didn't know that what I was feeling for him was love because I had never been shown what love was. Outside of Pilar and Ethan, no one in my life had given me even a tiny glimpse of what real love was so I didn't recognize it even though it had been staring me in the face for so many months. But I know it's there now. I know it is and I'm not ready to lose it. Please God I can't lose him. I can't lose Luis. There is still so much I have to tell him. Still so much I have to say."

Tears burned his eyes as he listened to the pain Sheridan had kept hidden for almost all of her life. The pain of feeling unworthy of love. How could he have been so blind? All these months, how could he have been so blind? Sheridan had been acting the way she had toward him because she was scared. She'd been scared of her feelings because she hadn't known how he felt about her. She hadn't known he loved her because the only people that had ever showed her love was her nephew and his mother, a woman that treated her like a daughter. He shook his head as the pain in his chest got tighter. He was sure any minute now his heart was going to explode from all the pain that was coursing through it right now, but he would gladly let it happen if it meant it would ease Sheridan's burden even for a minute. He raised a hand to wipe his eyes but then he heard Sheridan start to speak again and his hand stopped in midair.

"I never told Luis why I pulled away from him… why I slapped him that day at the youth center. But I need to God. I need him to know the truth. Please don't let him die without knowing that I'm sorry that I was wrong. I believed he wanted to hurt me when it wasn't true. Hearing him say he was using me was like a knife in my heart." She stopped and shook her head then continued on unaware that he was listening. "He'd never given me any indication before or after that one moment in time to make me think that what was between us was nothing more than his way to get back at my family for all the wrongs he thinks they did to him. I never would have believed he was using me had I not seen and heard him with my own eyes and ears. It never made sense to me though. It was like he was two different people, but now I know that whoever he was at the wharf that night is not the Luis I know and love. If Julian and Alistair hadn't had me so convinced that he could never love me, I would have confronted him about it months ago. But instead I let my foolish pride stand in the way and now I may never get the chance to find out the truth."

Luis stumbled back a step unable to believe what he'd just heard. Sheridan had believed he was using her? She'd seen and heard him say it? How was that possible? He'd never said those things about her. He never ever could. He loved her. Even then he had loved her. He had denied it, even to himself, but it was true. What he was feeling toward Sheridan had always been love. She had stolen his heart long before he knew it was missing. He shook his head as her words echoed in his ears. Like he was two different people. Julian and Alistair had me so convinced Like he was two different people.

Luis froze as he realized the impact of those two statements. It was like he was two different people because he had been two different people. He wasn't sure how what she had seen and heard was possible but he knew it was real. She had been way too angry and way too certain for it to have just been a case of mistaken identity. Someone down at the wharf that night had made her think it was him. He didn't know who, but he knew Julian and Alistair Crane was behind it. They were the only people that didn't want him and Sheridan together. Julian had tried to bribe him and when that didn't work he and Alistair must have cooked this up. When he'd made that deal with Julian he had been making a deal with the devil.

"No, not the devil." The little girl answered. "Just someone who takes pleasure in other people's pain." Pleasure in other people's pain. This time they had caused Sheridan pain. They had caused her both of them so much pain and heartache. All because they wanted to keep them apart. Why? Why were they so afraid of him and Sheridan being together? What harm could it possible do? Sheridan started speaking again and he once again focused all his attention on her. He hated to see her in so much pain, especially since he could do nothing to alleviate it. At least not right now anyway. Right now all he could do was watch and listen to her speaking straight from her heart.

"Luis and I have lost so much time. So much precious time. But if you give me another chance if you give us another chance, I promise you it won't go to waste. I love him with all of my heart and all of my soul just as I know he loves me with all of his heart and all of his soul. We were both too proud to admit it until it was almost too late. Please don't let it be too late, God. Please give us another chance. Please don't let Luis die. I don't know what I would do without him. He has been there for me even when I made it almost impossible for him to be. He has more strength and more courage than anyone I know."

She stopped talking and reached up to wipe away the tears travelling down her cheeks. The pain in his chest grew even more intense so intense it took his breath away. "He's a strong man, but right now he needs your help. Help him fight his way back to me, God. Help him fight his way back to the people that love him." Heart wrenching sobs tore from her throat and caused his heart to stop beating. He wanted to hold her to comfort her. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and tell her how much he loved her. "But you can't. Not right now." The little girl's voice once again whispered. "Right now you can only listen to her. Right now you are supposed to listen to her."

He wasn't sure how much more he could take. Listening to her pain and anguish was breaking his heart. He knew he had never felt this much pain before. It had a life of its own and right now it was tearing him apart inside. "I want to help her." "You are." The little girl whispered. "You are helping her by listening." "This is all my fault!" Sheridan suddenly cried out. "If Luis dies it will be all my fault. Another death -" She broke off and looked down at her hands as if she were looking at something on her hands. "Another person's blood will be on my hands only this time it will be the blood of the man I love the man I can't live without. Oh god, please don't let him die. If this is because of what I did as a little girl I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to kill the man. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to."

Sheridan was rocking herself back and forth holding her hands to her chest, letting her tears flow down her cheeks. As if in slow motion, Sheridan stopped moving all together and got to her feet. Luis watched as she started walking closer to the cross. She laid her hand against it and all of the sudden a bright light shot through the room. It was so bright he had to close his eyes. When he opened them again, he saw Sheridan standing in a corner of the Crane living room. She was holding a letter opener in her hand. She looked as if she were terrified. Why? He didn't understand. Then he heard a gruff male voice call out. "Where are you? You can't hide from me forever you know! You shouldn't have gone snooping. I told you not to and you did it anyway. Now you have to pay the consequences."

Suddenly an image before Sheridan and grabbed her by the arms. The man was angry and he held something in his hands. It looked like a gun. Oh god, Sheridan was in trouble. Luis rushed forward to help her, but he stopped cold when he saw Sheridan raise her hand and stab the man with the letter opener right where his heart should have been. The man fell back in surprise and just looked at Sheridan. Then in the space of a heartbeat, a little blond haired girl with curls past her shoulders replaced Sheridan. Somehow he knew the little girl was Sheridan Sheridan as a child. He wasn't sure how he knew but he knew. Another voice called out and this time he recognized it. Julian Crane.

"Father," He yelled walking into the living room. "I heard voices in the -" "Dear god." He said as he noticed the body on the floor. "Julian have you found -" Alistair Crane loomed in the doorway and when he saw the scene before him... he became enraged. "What have you done, Sheridan, what have you done." "I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to do it." "Yes, you did Sheridan, yes you did." Alistair walked toward her and she backed away in fear. Julian covered the body with a sheet and Sheridan glanced down at it just as the blood started to seep through. She started in horror then fell to her knees and held out her hand to the blood on the sheet. When she touched it, she pulled back her hands in shock. She looked down at the blood then let out a bloodcurdling scream. In the next instant, she fainted and Julian picked her up then glanced at Alistair as if asking him what to do next."

"Take her upstairs, Julian and make sure no one sees her. I'm going to call the doctor and then I'm going to ready the Crane jet. We have to get her out of here immediately. No one can know what happened here tonight. No one can know what she found out. It could destroy us. It could bring down our entire family. She must not tell what she knows. We must make sure she never tells." "Father, surely you don't mean -" "No, of course not. Sheridan is my daughter after all. We'll send her to Paris to see some psychiatrists. They can help us make her forget all about what happened tonight." "Yes father. That would be for the best."

Julian walked out of the living room and up the stairs with Sheridan in his arms. Alistair grabbed the phone off the desk and punched in a serious of numbers. "Yes, this is Alistair Crane. I need the jet fueled and ready. There will be four passengers… Julian, Sheridan, Martin Fitzgerald, and myself. Destination is Paris." Luis froze at the sound of his father's name. Paris? His father went to Paris with Sheridan? Why? Alistair started to say something else but all of the sudden a scream pierced the air. Sheridan. She was screaming again. Alistair's face held no trace of emotion as Sheridan's screams continued to sound throughout the house. The man was as cold as ice and Luis knew he was also just as lethal. How could a father do what he had done to Sheridan?

Luis shook his head and just like that the scene before him vanished and he was once again surrounded by nothing but bright lights. Luis turned around and found himself face to face with the little angel girl. "Where is Sheridan? Why did you bring me back here? I thought I was supposed to listen to her!" "You did listen, Luis. You did listen to her and now you must find the strength to help her. Now it is time for you to make your decision." "To make my decision?" He asked raising a brow. "What decision? What are you talking about?" "You will know when you are ready, Luis. You will know when the time is right."

Luis started to ask her what she meant, but the moment he opened his mouth to speak she was gone. How could he make a decision when he didn't even know what his choices were? He shook his head. He'd think about it later. He'd think about all of it later. Right now, he wanted to see Sheridan. "Please," he whispered looking toward where the little girl had been standing just moments before. "I need to see Sheridan. I need to make sure she's all right." Just like that the lights disappeared and a tunnel appeared before him a very long tunnel, but at it's end was Sheridan, he thought in surprise. Sheridan stood at the end of the tunnel. It took Luis all of two seconds to decide what he was going to do. He took a deep breath then took off running... he took off running toward Sheridan. As he started into the tunnel, he heard a voice whisper, "Finally, what is meant to be will be."

To Be Continued...

Chapter 3:

Sheridan rubbed her hand over Luis hoping to warm it back up. It was entirely too cold. She'd been setting by his side for the last two hours now and he still hadn't moved. Dr. Russell said his surgery had been successful, but they wouldn't know for sure until Luis woke up. If he woke up No, she thought shaking her head, Luis was going to wake up. He wouldn't leave her alone. "Luis." She whispered leaning closer to him. "Please wake up. I need you. I need you so much." A song suddenly floated into her thoughts and without realizing what she was doing, she softly began to sing, all the while holding Luis hand in hers.

I don't need a lot of things
I can get by with nothing
Of all the blessings life can bring
I've always needed something
But I've got all I want
When it comes to loving you
You're my only reason
You're my only truth

Memories came rushing back to her as she looked at Luis face. Memories from the first time they met to the first dance they shared to their first kiss. Memories that filled her heart with love and made her realize just how big of a role Luis had played in her life over the past year. They had bickered like two children, but underneath it all was the love they refused to admit to. Tears silently rolled down her cheeks as she continued to get lost in the song and her memories of Luis and all that he had brought into her life.

I need you like water
Like breath, Like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you

He'd saved her life so many times and yet she'd never really thanked him. Not once had she thanked him and she should have. She should have done a lot of things, she thought. She should have told him how she felt about him a long time ago. Maybe if she had he wouldn't be laying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. Maybe if they had both admitted their feelings, she wouldn't have gone to the wharf and Luis wouldn't have gotten shot.

You're the hope that moves me
To courage again
You're the love that rescues me
When the cold winds rage
And it's so amazing
Cause that's just how you are
And I can't turn back now
Cause you've brought me too far

I need you like water
Like breath, Like rain
I need you like mercy
From heaven's gate
There's a freedom in your arms
That carries me through
I need you

Sheridan finished the song then leaned her head onto the bed and cried. She cried for all the misunderstandings and all the lost time. She cried for the way she treated Luis and for all the trouble she'd caused him. But most of all she cried for the man she loved. She cried and prayed he would find the strength to come back to her. That was the one thing she wanted more than anything in this world for Luis to open his eyes and look at her. For him to open his eyes and tell her he loved her and that everything was going to be all right. "Luis," she whispered as she raised her head to look at him. She raised a shaky hand to touch his cheek and wished her touch would… could wake him up. "Please wake up. Please come back to me." She heard the door open behind her and wondered which of Luis family members had come into the room. She turned to see Father Lonigan standing in the doorway. "Father?" She asked in a strangled voice.

"Who is that speaking?" "Sheridan Crane Father." Had he come to pray for Luis? She hoped so. Maybe then her own prayers would have a better chance of being answered. "Sheridan, how is Luis? Has he woken yet?" "No, Father." She said shaking her head, forgetting momentarily that he couldn't see the movement. "He hasn't." "He will." Father Lonigan said with quiet confidence. "He will wake soon. It isn't his time yet. He has many things left to do yet. He will wake and he will be happy to see you, Sheridan. " Sheridan looked at the priest and wondered if the man knew for a fact that Luis would wake soon. Something told her he did. Something in his voice told her he knew Luis would wake soon. "I hope you're right Father. I don't know what I'll do if he -"

"There there child." Father Lonigan said walking toward her and placing his hand on her shoulder. The moment he touched her she felt his confidence and all the fear left her body in that one moment. "He will wake. I know he will. He will not leave you. He is fighting a battle right now, but he is a strong man, much like his father is, and he will wake up. And when he does, you must believe what he tells you, for he has learned many things in his slumber. He has seen many things that will be hard for you to understand, but he will speak the truth Sheridan. He will tell you the truth." She started to ask him what he meant, but then she heard a scratchy voice whisper her name and her head whipped around to the man in laying in the bed beside her. She let out a gleeful squeal when she saw him open his eyes. "Luis! Oh my god, Luis, you're awake!"

"She...Sheridan?" He asked blinking rapidly before finally managing to focus his eyes. His voice was hoarse and it was hard for her to understand him, but she managed to hear some of what he was saying. "I love you. not your.. fault that night.. not your fault." Not her fault? That night? Her hand flew to her mouth and she turned to ask Father Lonigan if this is what he meant, but she found him gone. Hard for you to understand, but he will speak the truth he will tell you the truth. She turned back to Luis and wondered what had happened to him while he was sleeping. What had he seen? What had he learned? He gave her a half smile and she suddenly lost all train of thought. She didn't think she had ever seen anything more beautiful than that smile. She felt as if she had been waiting a lifetime to see him smile again.

"I...I love you." He said raising a hand toward her face. Sheridan gave him a smile straight from her heart. "I love you too, Luis. More than anything else in this world." "I know." He whispered. "I heard you. I heard you in the chapel." Sheridan sucked in a deep breath as the priest's words mingled with Luis' echoed in her head. He will speak the truth, Sheridan I heard you in the chapel... Not your fault... that night...not your... fault. He will tell you the truth. Oh god, she thought staring into Luis' dark brown eyes, he knew. He knew about her past. He knew what she had done. Dear god, he knew.

After Dr. Russell examined him and his family came and saw him, he was finally able to tell Sheridan what he had seen and heard while he had been sleeping. For the most part, she had been shocked, but he knew a small part of her had been relieved. There was still a lot of questions that they needed answers to but he knew they would find them together. Sheridan still didn't remember what happened that night, but he knew she would someday soon. He knew he would find the answers to the questions that had haunted them both. He knew that together, he and Sheridan would solve the mystery of the past and his family would be reunited, but he also knew that in doing so her family would be destroyed.

"Sheridan," he said gently tugging her hand and pulling her onto the bed beside him. "I know this is a lot to take in and I know that what I said is a little hard to take, but I also know that what I saw and heard in the chapel is the truth. Do you believe me?" He didn't realize how afraid he was that she wouldn't, until she shook her head yes. "I believe you, Luis. I don't know how or why you were given this glimpse into the past or future, but I know what you saw was true. I did say those things in the chapel. I don't remember anything after I touched the cross, but I do remember seeing blood on my hands and thinking it was yours."

He pulled her closer to him then raised a hand to wipe the tendrils of hair back away from her face. "What happened to me was not your fault. What happened the night my father disappeared was not your fault. Do you hear me? It wasn't your fault. You were a little girl and that man was trying to hurt you. You protect yourself plain and simple. The only ones at fault that night were Julian, your father, and the man under that sheet. They were the ones that did something wrong they were the ones that should have been sent away not you. Not you." Tears pooled in her eyes and slipped down her cheeks. He used to his thumb to wipe them away. "Don't' cry, baby. I can't stand to see you cry. My heart literally broke in two when I saw you in the chapel and I found I couldn't go to you. It felt like I was being ripped in half."

"I'm sorry." She whispered locking her blue eyes onto his. "I was so afraid and I just lost it, Luis. I was so scared I was going to lose you and I don't know what I would have done if I had." "Hey," he said framing her face in his hands. "You don't have to apologize for crying. You can't keep things like that bottled up inside. Everyone looses it once in awhile just please don't make a habit of it. I don't think I can take seeing you in so much pain and not being able to help you." "But you did help me." She said placing her hands on the back of his head and pulling him closer, until their lips were just an inch apart. "You listened and you came back to me." "I'll always come back to you." He said leaning forward to touch her lips with his. "Always."


Two days after, Luis was released from the hospital he and Sheridan began their journey toward the truth. It took them less than two months to learn everything. What they found through Sheridan's hypnotist sessions and Hal's FBI investigation into the Crane family, brought the Crane's to their knees and his own family back together again. Alistair and Julian Crane along with Ted Jenkins (the man Sheridan had killed) had made the Crane fortune by forging paintings and selling them as the original artifact. His father had found out about their little operation and had threatened to blow the lid off of the prestigious Crane name.

Because of that, they had him kidnapped and sent to a Paris psychiatric hospital claiming he was schizophrenic and believed everyone was trying to kill him. Sheridan had played a role because she had caught Ted painting in the Crane attic. She had no clue what he was doing, but she had told him she was going to tell her father what she saw. According to Julian, who had turned on Alistair in favor of a lighter sentence, Ted had panicked because Alistair had told him never to paint in the house and because he was afraid of what the older man would do to him, he had threatened Sheridan. She was scared so she ran from him. That was what brought her into the Crane living room that night and that was what had prompted her to grab the letter opener off her father's desk.

Julian had also told them what happened to his brother. Antonio had learned where their father was but before he could do anything about it, Alistair had him kidnapped. During his capture, he had suffered a blow to the head and as a result could no longer remember who he was or where he came from. Alistair took great liberty in ensuring he never remembered and they had been so careful to keep an eye on him that they had employed him to work in one of their business overseas in Japan. Apparently, his brother had quite a head for business because he had made some very lucrative deals and was now quite rich. Due to the fact that the Crane's lost all of their businesses and Antonio was now back in Harmony and getting to know the family he didn't remember.

His father and mother were making up for all the time they had lost together.. They had just left for a trip to Spain… the trip he had promised to take her on years ago. His father still couldn't remember some things about the past, but he had never forgot his family or the love he held for them. Now that Julian and Alistair had been taken down, Ivy had finally confessed that Ethan was Sam's son. The two were still in the process of getting to know one another. Ethan had started his own law practice and was doing quite well from what Theresa and Sheridan said. Ethan and Theresa had married a few months ago, much to the dismay of Gwen Hotchkiss. Of course, she had considered herself lucky after the truth about the Crane's and Ethan's paternity had come out.

Sheridan had finally laid her past to rest and was now, with Theresa's help, planning their wedding, which would take place in the fall. The whole mess with the drug cartel had been cleared up around the same time the Crane secrets started to emerge so they now had nothing keeping them apart. The whole imposter thing had come out when the FBI had searched the Crane mansion. Julian and Alistair were now behind bars where they belonged as were Roger and Pierre. Nothing stood in their way now and Luis couldn't be happier.

Less than two months ago, his whole life had changed - for the better. All thanks to the little angel girl in his dreams. He still saw her occasionally, but it was only in passing. She always gave him an angelic smile then disappeared before he had the chance to say thank you. But of course, he knew she heard him he felt it every time he went to church and said his thanks to God and to her. He and Sheridan both did. They knew how lucky they were and they never missed the chance to thank God and the little angel girl for helping them find their way back to each other. And every time they said their thanks, he would hear a voice whisper "Finally, what is meant to be will be."