I Never Saw Blue Like That

I Never Saw Blue Like That
By: Juli LF
Juli has done it again with a short yet
amazing shuis story. Its a sweet
tale of our favourite duo that will leave
you smiling. So go ahead and read
it now!
E-mail Juli at:

~*~DISCLAIMER: Don’t own them, never will, don’t sue because you won’t even get pocket lint…ENJOY~*~

Starring out at the ocean like I have done countless times before I saw her eyes. Those soulful mesmerizing eyes that I for one cannot understand that no one loved or not want to love. She deserved love, the kind for which no one takes advantage of. The kind I know I want to give. But she doesn’t want me, I could never make her happy, I am not rich, on the right social track, a local as others would say, I am just the maids son who has fallen in love with her. I think I fell so hard, so fast, and deep that it took me so long to realize it. I feel a connection that goes on before we even met. I must be crazy now saying this, and I scold Theresa for believing in the nonsense of fate, true love, and falling for a Crane. Where am I when I need a good lecturing? I here sitting on the beach thinking about the one thing I really need to live and beating myself up for it.

He’s looking at me as if I am a figment not really here. He’s thinking to hard about something I, him, we, have taken so long to realize. I don’t care what the hell my father thinks or anyone else for that matter. I love him. I love the maid’s son. A local as my father would say. He doesn’t want me for anything else but me. Why hasn’t anyone else ever realized this. Noooo I was looking too hard for someone to love me. Then I fall for the one person I can’t stand….hate….no, love, honest from the front, no hidden ambitions.

“You know what I think we need to talk” Luis said in an asking tone. “Well you know everytime we talk one of us always has to win” Sheridan replied with a small smile playing on her lips. “I think this time maybe we’ll both win for once.” He replied with the smile always made her heart skip a couple of beats. “For us that’ll definitely be a first.” She said as she turned to him looking him square in the eye. “but hopefully not a last” again stating in what seemed to be an asking tone. “Luis what’s wrong, I always thought we got along better than we led everyone else on to believe” she asked with this worrying look in those eyes as if she was going to lose something very dear to her.

“You’ve been around the world, to a lot of places right?” he asked “Sure, but this is where I belong or at least I hope so” she replied “How many colors have you seen?” he asked bewildering her. “Why? What does that have to do with anything?” she disclosed “just answer” he pleaded “I don’t know, probably lots what are you getting at?” she acknowledged with even more bafflement.

“I have lived in Harmony my entire life, really never traveled anywhere else, and I have seen the skies and the ocean here in Harmony, seen them in all shades of blue. I have seen blue I think a million different ways. But when I saw your eyes I could honestly say I never saw blue like that before” he expressed while still looking at those eyes of wonder. “and I think I have fallen in love with them….” He established awaiting what the next words would be coming from those lips that matched her so perfectly. “I know I have fallen in love with brown puppy eyes of yours.” She said matching him. “See I told you we would both win” he told her as they finished talking and started something that was there before them, and would continue for eternity.