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By: Marie and Crystal

Linkin Park: Pushing Me Away
Length: 2minutes and 56seconds

(Opening Scene: Lucy being rolled into the E.R)

Doctor1: What do we have?

Paramedic: Female, early twenties. Sustained major head and internal injuries.

Angel: (running behind them) Lucy.....Lucy....

Nurse: Please come with me.

(Grabs Angel's arm)

Angel: Lucy, don't die. Lucy....

(Opening Credits)

(At DYD&F)

Bobby: Has anyone seen Lucy?

Eugene: No, thought she was at the funeral with Angel.

(phone rings)

Lindsay: Hello, Donn....Angel! What? Slow down... What do you mean you killed....Angel...Okay, just sit tight we'll be there. Yes, Angel, I said we'll be there. (Lindsay hangs up the phone) That's Angel. Lucy was hit by a car chasing after her. She's at saint Anne's hospital.

Ellenor: I'm gonna go down and ask the judge to pospone the hearing. Until we know what's going on.

Bobby: Someone has to stay here.

Rebecca: I'll stay. Let me know how things go.

(everyone leaves)

(At Saint Anne's Hospital)

Bobby: Excuse me, I'm here to see Lucy Hatcher.

Clerk: 1st floor room 184.

Bobby: Thank you!

(Bobby and the group see an opening elevator and get on)

(Ellenor enters Judge Swackheim's Chambers)

Ellenor: Your honor, My client won't be in court today.

Judge Swackheim: Why not?

Ellenor: It's an emergancy. Angel's sister was hit by a car and now is in the hospital, the girl is just going through so much. I don't think she could deal with being in court today.

Judge Swackheim: I don't care if she's in the hospital, you and your client will both be before me, at the scheduled court time.

Ellenor: Look Angel is a mess, this girl has already been through alot she needs a break.

Judge Swackeim: In my courtroom on time. If you dont show, you will be in contempt.

Ellenor: Your Honor....

Judge Swackheim: Failure to be in court, will gt you in contempt.

(Ellenor Exits Judge Swackheims Chambers)

(Back at Saint Anne's Hospital)

Bobby: Angel? Angel?

Angel: Bobby. Look I didn't know she'd come after me, she's dead. I didn't mean to kill her.

Lindsay: Angel, it's okay. Doctor, How's Lucy doing?

Doctor: Who are you?

Lindsay: We're friends of Lucy. All she has is, Angel. We need to know what's going on.

Doctor: (looking at Bobby and Angel) She's not doing well. We nearly lost her on the way over here. Lucy has major head injuries and internal bleeding. We're gonna operate on her to stop the bleeding. Her head is 2 twice it's normal size, chances are high she will be brain dead.

Eugene: What about her survival?

Doctor: I'd say a forty percent chance.

Angel: Noooooo! She's dead.

(Fade Out: Bobby hugs Angel)

(Ellenor re-enters Judge Swackheims Chambers)

Ellenor: Look, your honor, I would really like Angel to be with her family, by Lucy's bedside. She needs some time to work things out.

Judge Swackheim: Ms. Frutt! This girl is in trouble with the law, she didn't need a break to do the crime, so now she can do the time in court.

Ellenor: Look, Angel always thinks no one has or will ever love her. Lucy, is in the hospital. She has no one to turn to but us. We need to be there for her.

Judge Swackheim: Who's we. I want her in court.

Ellenor: We, as in my colleges and as Angel's only family.

Judge Swackheim: Alright, let me put it this way, you can take the day off. But if you do, you'll be in contempt, now get out of my office and don't come back.

(Ellenor glares at the judge and leaves)

(Back At Saint Anne's)

Ellenor: Hi, Lucy Hatcher!

Helen: (coming up behind Ellenor) Lucy Hatcher.

Clerk: I heard you the first time. 1st floor 184.

Ellenor: Thanks. What are you doing here?

Helen: Thought, I'd come down to see how Lucy is doing.

(They get on the elavator)

(In The Waiting Room)

(Helen and Ellenor get off the elavator and join the group)

Bobby: Helen?

Angel: What?

Helen: How's Lucy?

Bobby: Lucy, isn't doing to good. There's some fluids that are draining into her brain causing her head to swell twice it's normal size. The dotors said with surgry they can bring the swelling down. There's still a huge chance that Lucy will be brain damaged.

Angel: What the hell are you doing here? and what do you mean, brain dead. She is already dead.

Bobby: Angel! She's not dead.

Helen: Doesn't sound good. How did this happen?

Angel: Like I'd tell you.

Helen: Do you know how this happened? Did you cause this?

Bobby: Angel, stop it.

Angel: I know she's dead, she was just laying there, in the ambulance, unconsious with tubes.....

Helen: Angel? Can we talk? Just you an me?

Angel: Yeah, right, your a DA, Lucy told me never to trust DA's. Especially when their trying to put me behind bars. I'm not stupid!

Courtroom: (Major Legal Help)

Helen: Your honor, the charges are being up to attemped murder. Angel Hatcher purposely ran out into the streets fully knowing Lucy would go after her.

Angel: That's not true.

Jimmy and Ellenor: Quiet!

Helen: What a coinincdence that they were right in front of "Fulvio Fashions" When it happened.

Jimmy: That doesn't prove anything.

Judge Swackheim: Order! Order! Order! Order in the court.

Helen: I've also come to learn that Angel has been in trouble with the law, in two different states. I've also come to learn that her father died from a heart attack after an argument the two had. It was her adittude that killed her father. She wanted him dead, after he threated to turn her in for having a gun at school. She wanted Lucy dead. So she planned a morning where they'd be shopping at "Fulvio Fashions" of all places. Then after speaking to a witness there that day, the defendant and her sister had an argument. After Angel ran out into the street, her sister runs after her, when being hit by a car. She knew Lucy would chase after her, so she saw a car from a distanse and ran acrossed the streets knowing when Lucy would be in the middle of the road the car would be there. It wasn't just attempted murder, it was pre-meditated.

(Angel, Jimmy and Ellenor finish up a conversation)

Jimmy: Her father always had a heart problem. Angel didn't kill him. "Fulvio Fashions" wasn't pre-meditated. The lights were green when she ran into the road. She didn't know the lights would turn when Lucy was in the middle of the streets.

Out side courtroom

Action: Angel walks up to Helen and spits on her.

Helen: Angel, you are is so much trouble.

Ellenor: Angel, come on let's go.

Angel: I can't believe you would up the charges like that. What would make you think, I would ever want to kill my own sister. You are sick!

Ellenor: Helen, she's right. Attempted murder, Premeditated murder? What's going on with you?

Helen: Everyone knows she's a murdered. It's in her face and beaded eyes.

Angel: Why you...!

Jimmy: Angel....

Helen: You killed your father. You put him under so much stress he had a heart attack. You tried to kill Lucy too, didn't you?

Angel: I did not!!!

Helen: Yes you did! You want them dead. Your friends have said you wanted to kill your dad. You also aimed threats towards Lucy.

Angel: (spits on her again)

Helen: Guitly is written all over your face.

Jimmy: Angel....ingnore her.

Ellenor: Helen you've been acting like Richard Bey since we started this case.

Helen: With this little dust mop you have to be Richard Bey.

Angel: Oh, yeah, you want to take this back to the streets. Let's go come on you and me.

(The scene fades out with Angel being dragged away.)

A Conferance room

Ellenor: How much of what Helen just said was true!

Angel: Just a tiny bit of it. really?

Ellenor: How much?

Angel: I did have a gun, my dad and I fought, he had a heartattack, and I was upset Lucy abonndoned me. Nothing bad!

Ellenor: Angel this is serious. Why didn't you tell us before?

Angel: What? Why? Because, I was scared, I jsut lost my dad. My mom was killed! Lucy left! So I keep to myself. I don't tell anyone anything. Not even you jerks in the courtroom!

Ellenor: Angel, they know everything. If you don't want to end up in jail, we have to know everything.

Angel: I really don't care anymore! If they want me to go to jail for taking a gun away from someone, and everything else, including shoplifting. I didn't really take it. just said I did.

Ellenor: I'm sure you dont mean that.

Angel: Like hell, I'm going to jail anyway! You can't beat, that muskrat!

Ellenor: I can and I will if you let me!..... I need to know everything though. Lets start with the with now. why were you and Lucy fighting

Angel: Sure! Look my sister is in the hospital dying because of me. I just want to end it.

Angel: we fight all the time beacuase she doesn't like me. She's been treating me like pond scum since I got here.

Ellenor: Are you sure? I know Lucy cares about you.

Angel: She's got a darranged way of showing it.

Ellenor: Angel. I don't know why I'm even bothering with you.

Angel: Good! I don't need you! I need my sister and my family. Which I've lost. I want to join them.

Ellenor: Lucy's not dead.

Angel: She's good as dead! She's not awake! (Just gets up and runs out)

Jimmy: Why'd you go do that.

Ellenor: I don't know what to do.

(In the Hospital)

Angel: (At Lucy's beside, Lucy is unconsious) Lucy, Please wake up! Don't leave me! I know your probably already dead and it's too late, I'm sorry! I'll never forget about what happened to Mom. When she was in jsut so much pain. You told me it was for her own good, yet carried around the guilt.

(Bobby looks over and comes running in)

Bobby: Angel, What do you think you're doing?

Angel: I want to end it! Look at her she's a vegtable! She's not gonna make it!

Bobby: Can I talk to you?

Angel: Why? So you can be like everyone else, telling me she's not dead?

Bobby: No, because, I went through what you are going through, except it was with my mom. If you give me a chance I'll tell you about it. My mom really was dead and I pulled the plugs on her. A part of me feels responible. Angel?

(They Leave)

(At Donnell, Young, Dole, and Frutt)

Rebecca: Lindsay do you want some coffee?

Lindsay: Sure!

Rebecca: (while making 2 cups of coffee) So, I'm curious what do you think of Angel?

: Lindsay: She's definantly Lucy's sister?

(Lindsay and Rebecca start to drink their coffee)

Lindsay: (disgusted) Why does my coffee taste salty?

Rebecca: (disgusted) Mine too!

Lindsay: I'll give you one guess!

Lindsay, and Rebecca: (yell) ANGEL!!!

Eugene: Some one put sugar on my burger!

Lindsay: It's Angel! She switched the salt and sugar.

Eugene: (angry) I've had it! We've got to talk to Angel about this. She can't continue on like with a childish behavior.

Rebecca: Wait! It would be easy for us to get mad at her. Maybe we need to find out why she does these things first.

Lindsay: (angry) She's a pain in the ass that why she does them. She put a whoopie thing in my chair.

Rebecca: That's not it! We need to talk to, Angel! Set a few rules, let her know we care. Right now she's confused, hurt and afraid.

(Ellenor and Jimmy enter the firm)

Lindsay: Ellenor I wouldn't use that sugar if I were you.

Ellenor: Why?

Lindsay: If you want sugar go to the salt shaker. If you want salt go to the sugar bowl.

Ellenor: (confused) Why? That doesn't make any sense.

Rebecca: Angel switched the salt and sugar.

Ellenor: You guys don't like her do you.

(Engene, Lindsay, and Rebecca all talking at the same time)

Eugene: She is a pest.

Lindsay: Angel has a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Rebecca: Angel is just a child. She lost her father and Lucy isn't really making her at home.

Lindsay: Lucy doesn't like her immature attitude either I mean she's 16. Most kids her age are dating, going out. She's acting like an eight year old.

Rebecca: She is the youngest! She is also Lucy's sister. Now Lucy isn't always mature either.

Ellenor: (yelling over every ones loud comments) QUIET! Now would any one like a straight jacket and padded cell.

(Eugene, Linsday, and Rebecca all turn around and just stare at Ellenor)

(Commercial break)


Angel: It is all my fault though! If I hadn't run away she wouldn't have ran after me. I told her I hated her and she still ran after me.

Bobby: I understand how you feel and that's more the reason not to end it. You want to be able to tell her how you feel don't you?

Angel: I'm scared. Lucy's all I've got left and (sob) and I'm afraid she's going to leave me too. I don't want to be alone.

Bobby: Once you pull the plugs there's no turning back. That's even scarier. At least now she has a chance.

Angel: But

Bobby: Once she's gone, that's it! Lucy is a fighter, we both know it! Give her a chance!

Angel: Okay....I'll never forgive myself if...

Bobby: Alright. You would have a harder time forgiving yourself if you really did kill her for sure.

Bobby: (hugging Angel) Lucy, will make it.

(Fade out)


(The DA's Office)

Helen: (Storming through the doors) I hate that brat! I'm gonna get her! Would you believe she spat on me?

Alan: On you? Yes.

Helen: Oh why am I asking you? Look I have to win this case, The girl set Lucy up and killed her dad!

Alan: You don't have a case yet!

Helen: Yes, I do! She's on trial with shoplifting charges, now I wne to the judge to up those charges!

Alan: Yeah shoplifting. You can't go talking about her killer her dad or Lucy yet. Besides, this is not like you.

Helen: Don't you pay attention. She set Lucy up to be hit by a car. She put so much stress on her father inducing a heartattack, killing him! She's a mean yet clever girl! I will win this case, if it kills me!

Alan: Your insane and this case just might. You going to sue in your death?

Helen: I may be insane, not stupid! I now when someone tries to plot the perfect murder.

Alan: She was hit by a car!

Helen: Yes! Didn't you know! This is so hard and she's got Ellenor backing her up! Who am I kidding!

Alan: Who are you kidding? If you pull this off....

Helen: She knew Lucy would testify in court, Angel tried to kill her to prevent the past from comming back to haunt her. I got it! (Leaves reluctedly slamming the door)

Alan: Oh boy. (Thinking to himself) Did we switch places?!

(End scene)

(In Chanmbers)

Judge Swakheim: Hello, Angel! I would like to talk to you about the case. Is that alright?

Angel: Why you want to do that?

Judge Swackheim: just to help me with a descion in the courtroom. Look you are not a bad kid, just think you are. We can change that.

Angel: Whatever.

Judge Swackheim: Look, I'm trying to be nice. I need to know your relationships you had between Lucy and your dad.

Angel: Oh.

Judge Swackheim: Please, Angel, I need to know. What you say will remain between you and me.

Angel: I'm not that stupid.

Judge Swackheim: I know your not. Look, If you don't help me out here. This isn't really you, you just think it's you.

Angel: Okay then. My dad and I we got along okay. He was over protective so we fought a bit. I didn't hurt him and he didn't hurt me.

Judge Swackheim: Good, this is a start. I don't think you'd kill anyone. What about with Lucy? I hear you were always at eachothers throats. Just sibling stuff?

Angel: Yeah. Just sibling stuff.

Judge Swackheim: That's to be expected. My brother and I fought constantly. So where did you go to school? What kind of grades do you make?

Angel: What's school got to do with anything?

Judge Swackheim: Just go along with me. The more I can get to know you the better my descion will be. Grades is a big part of school life. I should know.

Angel: I get everything, F's, E's, D's, C's, B's.

Judge Swackheim: (taking notes) E's? No A's, huh? That's okay. What was your home life like? Was your mom at home when you came home from school? Were you a latch key kid?

Angel: My mom died when I was five.

Judge Swackheim: (taking more notes) Oh, I'm sorry. How's it been within the past year?

Angel: Dad started getting sick. Most of the time I was home by myself sometimes my setp-mom was there. It was typical.

Judge Swackheim: Yeah, I see that. What about your sister? Where was she?

Angel: At her place.

Judge Swackheim: (Finishing up his notes) At her place? I see. Well, it was nice talking with you, Angel. I'll see you in court tomorrow.

Angel: Yeah. See ya.

(End Scene)

(Commercial break)

(In The Courtroom)

Judge Swackheim: After talking with Angel personally in chambers, Ms. Gamble, your motion to up the charges has been denied. You don't have a pre-mediatied murderer. Angel Hatcher is a very young confused, hurt, abandonned sixteen year old who expresses herself through rage, anger, hatered. She lost the most important people in her life. We will continue with the shoplifting charges in 25 minutes.


Mr.Fulvio: It doesn't look good, Ms. Gamble! I wanted you to win this case from me.

Helen: How can I do that, with that "Angel" routine in chambers. I know what happened in there. Or something like that.

Mr. Fulvio: If you know what happend in there use it!

Angel: How! Angel has just charmed the jugde.

Mr.Fulvio: Thanks to you, I don't have a case. This girl has got the jugde turned agains us, so you un-turn him.

Balif: The judge is back!

(In the Courtroom)

Ms. Gamble: I'd like to call the defendant to the stands.

Ms. Frutt: Objection! Your Honor, my client does not need to take the stands.

Judge Swackheim: Over ruled!

Ms. Frutt: Your honor, Mr.Bey is prading my client up there to turn her into the pyschopatic killer he thinks her to be.

Judg Swackheim: You can always cross examine, Ms. Frutt.

Helen: Angel, you have been known for shoplifting in two different states and forty-five different stores to date, is that correct?

Angel: Where'd you get that from? A convict me, bullitent board.

Helen: (Very fast) I know you hang out with Trouble-making teens. You've threated your friends and family with guns. You've been in trouble with the law before, you do drugs, and you steal to pay for those drugs.

Ellenor: Badgery!

Helen: Overruled! Exactly how mauch do you intake a day. In fact you were rapped over drugs, stolen goods and then you try to deny it.

Ellenor: Badgery!

Judge Swackheim: Sustained! Ms. Gamble!

Angel: I never denied stealing, I would never ever go near a gun, my friend was shot to death by those stupid things. I would never do drugs, I have Asthma, those damn things would kill me. I would never ever hurt my family in that way. I love them, like every family we have our problems. I would never kill anyone, and to top it all off. I was not raped for drugs, I was raped cuz the guy you put on this stand got horny. I was the frist thing he saw and he attacked me.

(Angel Storms out of the courtroom)


(At Lucy's apartment)

Angel: (taking Lucy's house key out of her pocket) (Runs into the kictchen!) (starts opening all the draws.) Where does she keep them. Yes! (Pulls out a lager kichen knife and starts cutting her wrist) Oh fudd! (drops the knife)What have i done. Owww! It hurts.

(Back at the Firm)

Ellenor: She ran out, while onthe stands!

Jimmy: Ms. Gamble, put alot of pressure on her. She didn't know how to handle it.

Bobby: Okay, Where could she have gone?

Rebecca: The hospital? lucy's apartment? the streets? who knows.

Ellenor: Can you please get on it?

Rebecca: Already on it. Okay...(On the phone) okay! Thank you! I'll Hold!

Bobby: Jimmy you and I go look for her.

Ellenor: I'll go to Lucy's apartment.

Rebecca: Thank you! (hangs up) She's not at the hospital!

(They almost leave, when they see the green light on Lucy's answering machine.)

Ellenor: Wait. There's a message on Lucy's machine.

(Rebecca plays the message)

Angel's Voice: I cut my wrist, now I'm seriously bleeding to death here! Help Me!

Ellenor: What are we waiting for, let's go!

Rebecca: (On the phone) We need an abulance at 702 Com....


(Lucy's Apartment)

Jimmy; Angel, Angel, Oh my god!

Bobby: (Looking down at Angel) I'll get some towels!

(Jimmy takes off his belt, puts it around Angel's bicep and pulls extrmemely hard and tight to stop the bleeding)

Angel: I'....m so...rr...y! I wasn't thinking and I couldn't take the pressure anymore. I wanted to be with my family.

Ellenor: It's okay, Angel, just relax help is on the way.

Angel: Damn it hurts. (She goes Unconcsious)

(Angel goes unconsios, the scene fades out with them trying to save Angel until paramedics get there.)

Lucy is still unconsious and Angel has attempted Suicide, what else can go wrong.....Let It Rest pt3