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Let It Rest (pt3)
By: Crystal and Marie

Linkin Park: In The End Midi
Length: 3minutes and 35 seconds

Starting Point:

The Hospital: Outside Lucy's Room

Angel is sitting in a chair. With a bandaged Wrist.

Lindsay: Oh god, Angel are you okay. Lucy's awake.

Angel enters Lucy's room tries to hide her bandged wrist

Angel: Lucy! I'm so glad your awake. You were laying there dead. I thought you were gone and it was all my fault.

Lucy: Angel?

Angel: It's because of me, you were hit by a car and in a coma.

Lucy: What? No, it isn't! Well, yes it is!

Angel: I'm sorry! A lot has happened to me this week.

Angel moves her wrist

Lucy: What? What is god's green blazes did you do to yourself?

Angel: Nothing.

Lucy: That doesn't look like nothing. What happened? Please don't tell me.....I wake up and this is what I get.

Angel: I said I'm sorry and it isn't that bad.

Lucy: Angel. When will you grow up? Have I ever mentioned how stupid you look when acting like this?

Angel: No! Are you supposed too?

Lucy: Not a moment's peace.

Angel: Okay, I'm sorry. Look it hasn't been that easy for me. I thought I killed you. You don't know how much pain I went through. Guess they're right, you never know how much you love 'em until you lose 'em.

Lucy: Angel, you will never lose me. Your my sister. Please stop acting like a two yer old, cause it is totally uncool.

Angel: I love my street punk clothes.

Lucy: I'm not talking about the clothes, I'm talking about your attitude!

Angel: Oh!

Nurse: Ms. Hatcher?

Angel: Yeah, what's it to you?

Nurse: You need to come and have stiches put in now.

Dr. Stone: Hi, Lucy. You look much better. In fact good news you can go home.

Lucy: (While Angel is leaving) Hope they hurt!

Angel: It already hurts!

(Hospital Enterance)

Angel: Come on, Lucy! I want to get out of here.

Lucy: Why?

Angel: These people have no style or sense of tastebuds you should really try the food. It matches your personality.

Lucy: (finishing up some forms) Let's go!

James comes walking through the doors

Lucy: Wait! I know him. Jamie? Jamie!? Oh my god. It's so good to see you.

Jamie: Lucy? Wow! How long's it been? What are you doing here?

Lucy: Eleven years, that's how long ago mom's funeral was.

Angel: Who is he?

Lucy: Oh yeah. Sorry. Angel this here is Jamie, your brother.

Angel: Brot...

Lucy: You don't know about him, cause he was sent away to a private school.

James: A yeah, that's right. Private school.

Angel: Right?!

Lucy: Why don't you come over later and we can get reaquinated.

James: Sure, by the way these are for you.

Lucy: Oh, thank you! I love 'em.

Exit Hospital

At D.Y.D.F

Ellenor: (coming from the doors) Great news, Lucy and Angel are both out of the hospital.

Rebecca: Speaking of Angel she's supposed to be in court, in an hour.

Jimmy: She should be here with Lucy soon.

Ellenor: don't count on it. Lucy's going home and taking today off.

Jimmy: I'll go get her then.

Jimmy Leaves

:Commercial Break:


Ellenor: Michael, you've been a friend of the defendant for a long time, right?

Michael: It depends.

Angel: You jerk.

Michael: Hey, it wasn't that good.

Ellenor: Michael, Did you rape Angel Hatcher? You stole the bracelet and you raped her didn't you?

Michael: I plead to fifth, I'm not stupid.

Ellenor: Your a known liar and theif.

Michael: So is Angel.

Angel: At least I don't rape people.

Michael:What's that got to do with this.

Helen: Your Honor, Objection, Badgery.

Ellenor: No farther question, your honor.

Back at The D.A's Office

Helen: (Storming throug the doors) I can't believe it. Ellenor, just exposed Michael for what or I should say who, he really is.

Alan: What are you talking about?

Helen: Michael was up on the stands. It was found out awhile back that Michael looks exactly like Thomas a known criminal and he's portraying Michael's spot on the stand. The judge now knows what's going on. Thanks to that fat rat, purjury is now on my records. I'll show her, I'll go to court tomorrow and show Ellenor. Angel will never see green grass again.

Alan: I see. The wools been pulled over your eye's again.

Helen: What wool? I haven't even had that since I put Angel on the stands. I hate that girl. You know my whole life, I've taken everything people have thrown at me, and now I'm sick of it. I won't take anymore.

Alan: And how do you suppose you'll do that?.

Helen: I'll find a way, there's gotta be something that slipped. Just wasn't caught yet.

Helen Storms Out

Alan: You're taking this too personaly

Lucy's apartment

Lucy: Angel, your back early. Can I talk to you. Earlier I talked to, James and there's something you should know about our family.

Angel: Something?

Lucy: This isn't easy for me, but after a long discussion with, James, I think I'm ready to tell you and your old enough to know. Why I left, why you don't know James, why mom died.

Angel: Tell me what?

Lucy: Take a seat. First off James is my full brother, your my half sister. My dad and our mom were married for along time. Then mom married your dad and you were born. Before you were born your dad treated me like I was his own. Then when you came along he started to do things that aren't very pleasant. Also, he killed mom, by stabbing her. They got into a fight and it was all downhill from there.

Angel: Your joking right, ha ha!

Lucy: Angel, I'm not kidding. This is for real. okay, maybe I went a little too fast why don't I explain it to you more slowly. I really am not joking. Wish I could say "Gotta Ya!" but that isn't the case.

Angel: Oh god.

Lucy: let me take this one at a time.

(fading out as Lucy talks)

(Commerical Break)

(Lucy's Apartment: Fade In to Lucy and Angel)

Angel: Lucy, wow, I can't believe all of this. so, I really am your half sister? I can't believe my dad could hurt you like that. I'm sorry. Is that how James knew where to find you? You lived with him, after running away? Guess if I was in your shoes, I'd run too. Wish you had taken me with you.

Lucy: It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for. Well, you do, but not this. I couldn't take you with me. I wanted too, don't think I didn't. Yeah, James has been in close contact with me for awhile, he helped me get my hairstyling job, and technically he told me about the job I have now too.

Angel: Wish you had kept in contact with me, I found you through a friend.

Lucy: I know, if I could go back in time. Things would have been different, believe me. You have to promise me, that you'll behave. You don't have to be a jerk to get my attention. It only makes me mad.

Angel: Alright, but that won't stop me from turning your shower water green.

Lucy: Well, I've got to get to work.

Angel: They're making you go to work? after all that's happened and now all this.

Lucy: Welcome to the adult world, kid! Come on, Ellenor wants to see you.

Lucy heads for her room

Angel: What did I do?

Lucy: (shouting from her room) Angel! Where are my house keys?

Angel: I have them.

Lucy: (comming out of her room and heading for the door) Give them to me.

Angel: If you can reach high enough.

Lucy: Angel, now. (Almost stepping on her foot)

Angel: Okay., sheez, I can drive.

Lucy: Yeah, right!

Angel: Learned on a bumper car.

Lucy: Not cool.

Lucy turns off the light and leaves the apartment

Back At D.Y.D.F

Bobby: Ellenor, this is weird. You and Jimmy may win the case. Helen has been caught in Pergry

Ellenor: We knew that.

Jimmy: What does this mean?

Bobby: Well, the judge wasn't too impress......

Ent: Helen Gamble walking through the office doors

Helen: I can't believe you. Why didn't you just come to me and say that, Micheal was really this criminal, Thomas.

Ellenor: I did! You wouldn't listen, or you would have taken him off the stands.

Bobby: Okay, both of you quiet!

(Angel and Lucy come walking in)

Angel: Wow, what's all the screaming?

Helen: I'm gonna get you.

Lucy: Don't you talk like that to my sister.

Helen: Angel is costing me my job.

Ellenor: It's not like we didn't tell you, Helen. You didn't have to put, Angel on the stands.

Angel: Yeah.

Eugene: Hey! Everyone!

Lucy: Look Helen, Angel has had her fair share to do with this, but no one told you to commit pergry.

Ellenor: We did warn you.

Helen: You know, everytime there's a case and I'm the ADA. You always find a way to out do me. You can get your clients that are the scum of the earth off, I can't save the innocent. Now, Angel, comes along, and everyone feels sorry for her, or sticks up for her. What about the people she's hurt.

Lucy: First off, Angel hasn't gotten much sympathy around here, trust me. Second of all, you don't know what we have all been through. What She and I went through as kids. If you did know, you wouldn't be acting like this.

Ellenor: Look Helen, guess we know how to do our homework, cause if you did yours, you wouldn't be here right now.

Helen: This isn't over!

Leaves the Firm

Ellenor: What's up with her lately. She's worst then Angel.

Lucy: That's strange.

Angel: Do you think, she got picked on, by a kid who was alot like me. Now she thinks if she can put me away, she'll have gotten her revenge out. Just a thought!

Eugene: That's possible.

Jimmy: Oh wow, look at the time, we've got to get to court.

Bobby: After that.

Rebecca: After everything that's gone on?

Ellenor: Angel, let's go.

Jimmy Angel, and Ellenor leave

Lucy: Angel...

Angel: (Angel pops her head out) What?

Lucy: just remember.

Angel: Got ya.

Ext: Angel

Scene: The Courtroom

Balif: All rise!

Ent: Judge Swackheim

Balif: Please sit!

Judge Swackheim: After some deep thinking. Hearing both sides to this. Also, Angel's outburst on the stands. I've decided, in all my years of being a jugde, there has never been a case like this one. Ms. Gamble commits pergry, by introducing a lookalike to the stands. Angel, you certaintly know how to stir up the court of law, that's for sure. In all my years....I'm gonna decide to rule in favor of the Defentant, that item was returned. Ms. Hatcher was raped, by most likely the guy who took the bracelet.

Helen: That's not right, she admitted to taking it.

Judge Swackheim: Sit down, Ms. Gamble. After meeting with her in person, also talking with her sister Lucy. I see a troubled kid not a criminal. I honestly don't think, Ms. Hatcher would learn anything in a juvinile corrections center. Angel, your part you must get counsling. Also, I better never see you in this courtroom again. If I do, you'll be in big trouble. Do we understand eachother.

Angel: Yes your honor!

Judge Swackheim: Good! Court is ajourned. The Defentant is free to go.

Helen: This is not over. This is just the beginng.

Jugde Swackheim: Ms. Gamble, your in contempt. Balif.

Helen: What?

Action: Helen is being hauled away by the guards and Angel is free to go. Ellenor and Angel head towards Lucy who was in the back of the room.

Ellenor: You and Angel take care, okay. Angel stay ot of trouble.

Angel: I will.

(Fade out)