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Justin DiMatteo


Dr. Gero and Android 19 were powerful both at about 10 million. But they had Goku on their side…only he wasn’t by their side at the moment. “Well, I say we should get this over with,” Dr. Gero exclaimed. Out of nowhere Goku dropped in. “Daddy!” Gohan shouted. “So the great Son Goku finally shows himself,” No. 19 snickered. They rest of the Z Fighters left the work up to Goku. Before he began his confrontation, he had a little secret to show them. “Watch this,” he said tauntingly. His hair stood straight up and turned gold. Both android’s eyes widened. Dr. Gero was in deep thought. /We’ve been recording Goku’s data for years. This never showed up on the reading/ The fight started immediately. Android 19 and Goku were exchanging punches at first. Then Goku decided to surprise him with his kamehameha. “Ka…me…ha…” Goku suddenly stopped and fell on his knees breathing hard. No. 19 smiled and took the opportunity to beat down on Goku. “What’s wrong?” Yamcha asked. Gohan then remembered. “It’s his heart! He never took the medicine!” Just before the android dealt he final blow…BAM! A sharp kick to his neck sent him sprawling. It was Vegeta! “If anyone’s going to kill Kakarott it will be me!” With that his eyes and hair changed dramatically. He was now the man of gold: a Super Saiya-jin! Everyone watched in shock. Then he raised his hand and smirked. “Now, watch closely. I call this the Super Vegeta Big Bang Attack!” He lowered his hand and sent a giant amount of energy at No. 19. The whole world seemed to light up at that instant. Dust was left where the android once stood. But then Vegeta spotted him to his left with his pointy hat knocked off. His head now sported a clear dome that showed his brain. Vegeta had an idea. He just stood there as his beaten and bruised opponent grabbed his wrists. He started to absorb Vegeta and said, “I’ll never let go!” His captive simply smiled and placed his boots on 19’s chest. “Never?” Then he pushed with all his might and sent 19 flying, wrists detached and still clinging to Vegeta. He wiped off the hands and sent a blow to the remains of his body, decapitating the once mantled Android. Then he looked at Dr. Gero frozen with fear.

Elsewhere, a blinding flash appeared and was replaced with a machine: a Time machine, that is. Trunks stepped out and looked around. “Three years exactly.” He saw a mangled head to his right. As he drew nearer he saw transparent forehead and the brain inside it. “An Android? But how?” Then he understood. ‘I’ve altered the future more than I imagined. Their fighting the wrong Androids!” He immediately set off.

Back at the scene Dr. Gero was thinking of a plan. Surprisingly, Bulma came flying in with her son and Yajirobe in her plane. “There’s no way I can win against this guy!” Then he saw the perfect distraction. "ENJOY YOU'RE SHORT VICTORYU FOR SOON I WILL ACTIVATE ANDROIDS 17 AND 18! HAHAHA!!!" He fired a fireball straight at the aircraft sending it flying in pieces and its passengers falling. Trunks flew in and grabbed his mom, Yajirobe, and his baby self before they hit the ground. He then set them down. Dr. Gero took this diversion to fly away from the scene. Bulma’s eyes lit up. “Hey, I recognized that face! Android 20 is really Dr. Gero. He must’ve created no. 19 to turn himself into an Android.” Trunks shook his head and shouted to the others, “Either way, you’re fighting the wrong ones!" Vegeta looked back. "What are you talking about? You told us there would be two androids!" "He said something about androids 17 and 18. Are those the ones you've been fighting?" Piccolo asked. Trunks nodded. "I should probably tell you what they look like this time. Android 18 is a girl with blond hair and clothes like mine. Android 17 is a young man with a red scarf and long, black hair." Do the absorb energy through their hands?" asked Kuririn. "No," he answered," they don't need to. They have unlimited energy." Everyone was shocked from hearing this. Once again Trunks is the bearer of bad news from the future. "We’ve got to find his lab and destroy them!” Vegeta looked surprised. "Are you crazy? And miss out on a good fight? HA! Don't be rediculous! I want to see how powerful they are." With that he flew away. Trunks darted in front of him. "No! You must never underestimate these androids." Vegeta laughed. "Ha! The ones we fought were nothing so I doubt the ones you speak of are any different. Now, get out of my way!" He flew so fast only a trail of ki could be seen. Trunks flew after him, remembering how his mother told him how cruel his father was. "I won't let him die again!" Gohan carried Bulma and BabyTrunks while Yajirobe held on to his hand. They all flew away towards his house. While the others went to find the lab, the now rejuvenated Yamcha carried Goku to his house. “Common, Goku. We need you…”

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