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Name- Kelly Allen
Sex- Female
Age- 28
Marital Status- Single
Children: Yes/No- Yes/No -none of her own.Has temporary custody of her niece.
Physical description:
Hair- Black,wavy to the middle of her back
Eyes- Green
Weight- 130 lb
Height- 5’7”
Special Body Markings(tattoos,peircings,ect.)- Small horse shoe tattoo on her stomach.
Education/Military Background- College at UT bachlors in criminology /assc. in psychology
Special Interests- horses
Type Of Vehicle Owns- 98 Black jeep wrangler
Brief Description Of Characters Lifestyle- Kelly is a very down to earth woman.She enjoyes the quiet time she spends off duty at her modest ranch.On duty at the APD her duty becomes her single minded focus.After her sister's conviction for trafficking of a controlled substance Kelly agreed to take custody of her young niece.Her decision had been a choice between her niece and her fiancee.
Profession- Law Enforcement; Hostage negotiations
Law Enforcement Characters:
Other Names Used- none,
Enforcement Division Assigned To- Austin Police Department/S.W.A.T
Title/If Any- Agent
Weapons Carried- Beretta .40 cal
Current Assignment/Case- None
Ever Injured In The Line Of Duty- No
Paried with:Buck