It's done, but it's ever-growing!
A few things you MUST KNOW about this web site.
1. Feel free to prove me wrong at any time (e-mail or post it on the messageboard). A lot of this was new to me and some of it was rumored stuff. So if I didn't quite get it right, let me know. PLEASE!!!
2. Symbols (I'm lazy): BB=Batman Beyond (Cartoon) BTAS=Batman the Animated Series (Cartoon) BTAN= Batman the Animated Newsletter (Free newsletter by Tim "TWO-FACE" Leighton and Dick Grayson. Check the section for details. It's a great newsletter!)
3. For those of you who care, I'm not distinguishing between BTAS and TNBA. Yes, I know there's a difference, but I don't personally think it's important enough to worry about.
4. I don't own Batman or any other character here. I'm pretty sure everything belongs to DC comics. This site is unofficial and non-profit and the views expressed here (unless otherwise noted) are solely mine.
*****In the Lists, Notes, and Quotes section, there is a very controversial statement given by Adam West that I would like some input on. CHECK IT OUT!!!*****
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Batman-past and present
All the Robins
The Joker
Batman: The Animated Newsletter
Lists, Notes, and Quotes
Concerning Joe Chill...
Ra's Al Ghul