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Ras Al Ghul

Ra's Al Ghul's name means "the demon's head". Some say he is Batman's "most diabotical and intelligent foe." I don't know if I would go so far as to say that, but he's definately interesting.

Ra's was once a doctor in North Africa. He offended the son of an important Sultan by saving the life of a man he intended to kill. As a result, Ra's and the man were buried alive and Ra's wife was killed. Although I don't know this for a fact, it seems I heard somewhere that this was his first encounter with the Lazarus Pit.

The Lazarus Pit is a substance of unknown elements that acts similar to the legendary Fountain of Youth. Although it is uncertain when he was born, Ra's claims to have been alive for 600 years as a result of this substance. His addiction to it for such a long period of time has destroyed morals and, in a way, sanity that this man once posessed. He sees himself as being above laws and human government and leads a cult-like organization that "make their own rules".

Ra's first encountered the Batman when his daughter was rescued by him from the League of Assassins which, unbeknownst to Batman, was headed by Ra's himself. During this time, Talia fell in love with Batman (hence her nickname for him- Beloved). Ra's discovered Batman's identity and decided to test his strength, mind, ect. by kidnapping Dick Grayson. He claimed that his daughter had also been taken. When both of them were restored, Ra's was convinced of his worth. He decided that Batman should be his heir. (Side note: Talia was also "betrothed" to Bane and Azrael at different times.)

Batman, of course, refused the offer. From that point on (as opposed to a previous cautious partnership) the two were enemies.

One other note: BTAS SHOWDOWN revealed another one of Ra's children, a man named Arkayde Duvall (not spelled right). Though Ra's hoped to hand over his legacy to this son, Duvall proved himself too harsh and foolish to succeed his father.

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