
By Dreamweaver

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the idea as well as the characters (Buffy, Angel, Oz, Willow, Cordelia, Xander, 

Giles, Drusilla & Spike belong to Joss Whedon (who also crated them), The WB Television Network and Mutant Enemy. I am just 

borrowing them and adding a few of my own.  Just in case I'm forgetting anything please don't sue me! :o)  Hope you enjoy it!  

and lets get on with the show.  

Part One

Long Island, present time

"Mother!! Mother!!!…"

"I'm in the kitchen Stace!"

"Mom I had that dream again.  I was back in time she and I were dancing and singing… like we used to…"  - 

"I remember sweetie…" Elizabeth said under her breath- " We were laughing and giggling and then he comes out 

to the patio … I look over to where he is standing … he is smiling at me, that devious smile that I loved so much, 

and then … everything turns dark and all I hear is my twin's laughter and then he appears and says to me -never more-" 

-"What do you think it means Stace?" Elizabeth asked, "I don't know… I don't know… Oh, well just another nightmare, 

but geez that guy… the one standing, he was HOT!"

Elizabeth was now looking at her daughter wondering if she remembered everything that had happened so long ago.  

Wondering if her spell had been for good … or if maybe they should have just died in the arms of her son.  Her thoughts 

were broken by her daughter's giggles. Looking at her daughter and wondering what had caused this, she smiled knowing deep 

down inside that she had done what was right.

"Mom I'm off to school!! And by the way I'm taking the Jeep!"

8th period at St. Joseph's Academy

"Girls!! Girls!!" 

The bell had rung and Ms. Waldo was trying to get her students' attention.

"Mel, I tell you it was the weirdest dream ever. And what's even worst lately I've been having it more and more sporadically…"

"Anastasia White!!!" Ms. Waldo had just noticed the murmurs coming from the back of the classroom.


"Miss White, what can you tell us about 18th century literature?"

"It was quite elaborate…" -"And boring!" Someone added from the other side of the room.

"Well, girls it might appear so to you, but…"

"No" Stacy interrupted 

"Beg your pardon!" Ms Waldo was looking annoyed with the sudden outburst.

"I' m sorry Ms W, but what I was trying to say was that 18th century lit isn't really that boring … As matter of fact I 

remember that my older brother used to read me some of the works written by Barret Browning."  

Twenty heads of astonished girls turned towards Stacy.  All of them wondering how could the shopping queen of the class 

know about poetry, let alone read it.

< Where did that come from? > Stacy wondered

The class continued and Stacy decided that staying quiet was her best weapon against the overflow of knowledge that her

outburst had brought. Usually she would have laughed at the end of an expression like the one she had just pulled or simply 

said her usual sarcastic "Not!" at the end of it.  But, weird enough what she had said was true. < Oh, great! Deep thoughts 

and Senior English.  I wanna go home!!! >

Ring, Ring! 

"Hey Stace! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!"  Mel snapped her fingers and Stacy just blinked and looked at her

"Sorry, I was kinda outie!" 

"Ok! So what's this deal of a big brother?" Mel had gotten curious. Like always boys were her reason for living

"What?!?!  Meeel … you've known me since 1st grade, you've been to my house, have you ever ever ever seen another kid in it 

besides Natalie and me????" Stacy was shocked.

"But… you said that your big brother used to read to you!… Great now I'm confused!"

< I said that!!! … Oh, yeah, I did… I wanna go home!!! >

"Well, clearly it was just a fib… a white lie.  Common Mel, if I had a big brother where would we keep him…. In the 

basement???" Stacy giggled and rolled her eyes

"Cheap shot! Stacy, you shouldn't do this to me. The Prom is less than 8 months away, I still don't have a clue as in who to 

take.  You know how picky I am! He has to be gorgeous! And judging from you father, a brother of yours … would be perfectly yummy!"

"Eeew, Mel! His my dad!" 

"Common Stace!! You know its true!"

"Ok, Mel, you're right, he would be cute.  But back to reality… I DON'T HAVE A BIG BROTHER or any sort of brother, as far as I 

know." Deep down inside Stacy heard a soft voice say 

"So Stace, let's go this classroom is depressing me!"

"Where to? I got the Jeep!"



"Hmmm…"  Mel started thinking.. when Stacy remembered…

"Wait! Daddy is staying at the Plaza this weekend … some meeting or something.  Maybe you could come with us.  You know 

shopping… mom, you, me, my dad's Visa…"

"Sure. But I've got to ask…. So no shopping today?"

"No shopping today, but tomorrow we hit Bloomingdale's!!!"

Half and hour later 

Stacy had just dropped Mel and was heading home.  When suddenly thoughts of a distant past started to comeback to her.  

She was sitting on a bench in her mother's rose garden.  She was five, a little boy with the same shade of hair as she,

and the same big brown bewitching eyes of her sister, was walking into the garden and towards her.  He was also five… 

"Ana!" The boy said "Mommy, just set the dinner and she wants you to come inside"  As the boy continued his voice got 

deeper and the garden started turning into a room, al library… She was no longer five… she was now fifteen "Ana, I promise 

we will finish this later.  Father is home, and his hungry."  She just got up and followed him knowing that she loved her 

twin dearly.  Then, he turned around… he looked like a monster "Never more Ana, never more!"

"Noooo!" Stacy screamed, but it was too late  she had just crashed the Jeep into a huge tree.

Almost midnight at the General Hospital

"Mom! Mom!" Oh my God where am I "MOM!!!" Stacy had just woken up and could only see white walls and machines that looked 

like if they where meant to torture 

"I'm here sweetie. Calm down, calm down!" Her mother looked concerned.  After all the Jeep had been a total loss and Stacy's 

head had broken the window.

Stacy looked up at her mom, who was standing beside her and holding her hand.

"Mom, he never finished the story…"  Suddenly, Stacy knew her life wasn't just that of a seventeen year old

 Elizabeth thought

Part 2

A week had passed since the accident.  Stacy was back home and her nightmares had once again ceased.  Still Elizabeth wondered 

if maybe they should tell her, after all she did have a right to know.

The front door of the old Victorian style mansion opened.

"Honey, sweetie, I'm home!!!"

"Daddy!!!"  Stacy came running down the stairs and practically tumbled over her father. "I've missed you so much!  What 

did you bring me?"

"Hello sweetie! Where's your mother?"

"She's in the backyard with her roses… but, what did you bring me?"

"It's in the car's trunk."

"Keys!?!?" Mr. W handed Stacy the car keys and went outside to greet his wife.

"Hello, darling!  How have things been at the old White household?"

"Well, as you can see your precious daughter is feeling better. She still doesn't want to drive, but well I figure 

she'll get over it soon…" Elizabeth took her husband's arm and started walking towards the house "So how was your 

trip? Did you bring me anything?"  Mr. W laughed "Like mother, like daughter… Stacy's outside getting my bag." Elizabeth 

stopped walking just inches away from the sliding door.

"Thomas," she said to her husband "I think we should tell her."  

"But, Elizabeth! We agreed, this time she wouldn't be told."

"I think she all ready knows.  She just hasn't acknowledged it yet.  It's just a matter of time."

"Ok.  I will call the council tonight, and have whoever is in charge call me."

Meanwhile inside the house

Ring ring!

"Somebody get the phone!!!"

Ring ring!

"Mom!! … Dad!!"

< Great I now have to do everything around here! > Stacy ran into the study and picked up the phone. "Hello! White 

residence… NATALIE!!! … she's out back with daddy … sure … so, daddy called you… no nothing weird has happened … very funny 

< geez! you crash one car and suddenly everyone's a comedian > … Look Nat I'm fine, I'll live… so you coming home?… Next week, cool!"

Just then Thomas and Elizabeth entered.  "Who are you talking to Stace?"  "It's Nat mom, she wants to talk to you."  With that 

Stacy said good bye to her sister, handed the phone to her mother and went over to where her father was now standing by himself.

"So Dad how was the Plaza?"

Thomas looked at his daughter a thousand thoughts ran through his mind  "You would have loved it, 

Stace, you sure would have."  And with that he kissed his daughter's forehead and retired to his room to make that fateful phone call.

That night, around midnight

Stacy was back in an old house.  She had dreamed of it before.  Its walls were white and high, it looked like an abandoned mansion.  

A fight or struggle had taken place there, she could see the broken glass scattered through the floor. She made her way towards the chimney, 

when a voice startled her. "You came…" "Who are you?" She turned around and asked, frightened of what the stranger might respond.  "You don't 

remember me pet?!?"  Whoever he was, it was clear that he knew her…

A loud bell sounded in the background and

Stacy jumped from her bed, completely disoriented.    Stacy got her robe and started walking towards her parents bedroom 

when she heard a noise coming from her father's study.    Changing her course she started descending trough the 

main staircase and walking towards her father's study.

Once there

"I know Vlad… still, Elizabeth thinks, it's necessary… Well … still, if it is meant to stop our life pattern… I know… but, Vlad he was 

our son, we miss him" < So I do have a brother! I haven't been going nuts here… Wait 'til Mel hears this she'll die!  What is he like? Will 

he like me?  Will I like him? > A loud click broke Stacy's thoughts.  "Thomas, we're doing what's right.  After all 

what harm can one call bring?"  < Hmm??? > 

The next morning

Ring ring!

"I'll get it!!! Hello White residence!… Just a minute.  MOM PHONE!!!"

Elizabeth walked into the spacious living room and took the phone "Good morning! Who is this???… Excuse me a moment" Elizabeth turned to 

her daughter "Stacy please turn the tv down… thank you" and once more turned her attention to the caller speaking soft enough so that her 

daughter wouldn't hear "Yes this is she… Oh! Hello Mr Giles!  Yes they said you would call us … Oh my! That's great … Does anyone know? … 

Better that way … Thank you, thank you a thousand times thank you! … Yes I will talk to Thomas and we all will be out to the coast as soon 

as we can get a flight … Ok … I'll call her… J-O-Y-C-E … her phone number…ok..ok.. Have it… Thank  you once more Mr Giles and I do sincerely 

hope to see you soon."

Elizabeth sat down on the couch.

"You ok mom?"  Stacy had stopped paying attention to the TV and was now looking at her mother  with deep concern

"Yes sweetie, I've never been happier!"


Natalie got home that night, her ride had been awful.  Her legs hurt, her arms hurt … and she had had to listen to her sister's pathetic 

excuse for a boyfriend talk about politics all the way from Ontario to Long Island.  All she wanted was to get home and relax in a 

warm bath of bubbles.  Unfortunately, her father had wanted to go to La Guarida, a seafood restaurant, right after picking her up.

"So Nat… how's college life?"  Her little sister Stacy was asking with a look of pure delight and envy mixed in one.

"It's great Stace… lots of work, but great"

"Yeah, not to mention parties…" Added Stacy's boyfriend "Oh, Will, you're such a comedian" Stacy responded and gave him a quick kiss

 Natalie thought

Like if they had heard her Mr and Mrs W appeared "Ok kids! Let's go in."  said Thomas, then turning to his wife he softly added 

"and you want our dear Anastasia to change this truly magnificent guy for another?" His wife just smile "I know Elizabeth I like

the other one better too"  

With out much more talk they all went inside and enjoyed their meal.

Later at the White residence

"Look Stace, I know you love him… but admit it he is obnoxious, self centred and shallow…" Stacy was looking at her sister furiously 

"Take it back Natalie Lauren White! Take it back!" "Why should I?… Oh, wait his just like you!"


"Yes father!" They both said

"Now, please come into the study.  Your mom and I have news for you."

The door locked, and several minutes later

"No way! Father I agreed to come down here because you said you had something important to tell us. But, I did not agree to 

travel all the way to California, and let alone stay a week or more!"

Natalie was furious, she couldn't believe her parents nerve.  Asking her to drop everything and go on a family vacation to 

some little town in California.

"I agree with Natalie!… Except if it's only a week," Stacy added

Thomas looked at both of his daughters; he hoped and prayed to God that Elizabeth had been right

"Well then… you two leave me no choice. I'll call Chancellor Dumpier and Principal Tweet and tell them that you are both 

transferring to the Sunnydale."  Thomas concluded firmly

"WHAT???" Two shocked and not necessarily amused faces looked towards their father

Stacy was the first one to break from her shock. "But, Daddy, its senior year!  Grad… Prom… Friends.  I can't just go…"

"I don't want to hear a word… End of discussion.  Both of you are leaving tomorrow with your mother.  I will meet you there on Sunday."

Part Three

The next day 

< God! I can't believe this… > "Hi Mrs. H!  Is Mel home?…I'll wait…" < How am I going to explain this … Hi! Mel, remember 

that trip to the movies?  Well… unless my parents just managed to have bought the Concord we wont be able to go… > -"Hello, Stace! What's 

keeping you?" - "Hi!  Well… I'm stock somewhere else … somewhere not in Long Island"  -"WHAT?" -"Well, Mel… I'm in California…" there was a 

silence "Oh Stace! I ENVY YOU! When? Why?" - "Don't envy me Mel.  Mom and Dad decided…We arrived today…" -"Cool! Take lots an lots of picture 

and bring me something cute"- "Mel!" Stacy interrupted "I'm not going back… Dad made me transfer" -"WHAT!?!?!? … He can't it's senior year, grad, 

prom…"-"I know Mel, I told him, but he went 'No and that's my final word' I hate it here" - "It can't be that bad" - "Mel I'm in stupid Sunnydale, 

I mean have you ever heard of this place?" - "No. Mel give me a sec … look mom needs the phone.  I'm going to talk to dad he has a trip scheduled 

for LA in a couple of weeks… maybe I could go visit you. Ok?" - "That would be great!" -"Talk to you later?"-"Sure… bye Mel!"- "Bye Stace!"


Elizabeth opened Stacy's door slightly "Stacy sweetie, get dressed we're leaving in half an hour.  Remember you have an interview at Sunnydale High"  

"Great" Stacy rolled her eyes < I'd rather be dead >

Two hours later

"Well Miss White I believe you will be quite happy here." Principal Snyder had just finished talking to Stacy and her Mother and was about to 

call his secretary when a someone knocked on his door ""Excuse me… Come in" 

A red head popped from behind the door "Excuse me. Principal Snyder Mrs Lawrence wanted to know if you had the forms for the fieldtrip"  

"Oh, let me check" Principal Snyder opened his top drawer and handed the girl some papers "Miss Rosenberg, this is Mrs Elizabeth White and 

her daughter Miss Anastasia White, she will be joining us tomorrow"

Willow looked at the couple and smiled "Hello! I'm Willow Rosenberg."

"Miss Rosenberg would you mind giving them a tour of our school?" - "No, I wouldn't mind" 

Principal Snyder turned his attention back to his guest "Mrs. White Willow here is one of our best students.  She is now a senior and I 

believe Stacy and her will have a lot in common"

< Goody I feel like fish in a fish-market.  'Here I believe this sauce will go great with that'  Hello!! I'm still here >

Mrs. White and her daughter thanked Principal Snyder for his time and followed Willow through the main hall.

"So where are you from?" Willow asked

"We're from Long Island."  Stacy replied

beep beep "Oh that's my pager… sweetie I left the phone in the car and I have to call your father.  Why don't you continue 

your tour and I'll meet you at the entrance?" Elizabeth looked at her daughter pleading that she wouldn't be a brat about this. "Sure Mom!"

Elizabeth left for the car 

"So what do you think of Sunnydale so far?" Willow asked

"Well, honestly… comparing it to Long Island… it's kind of boring… no offence. Maybe it picks up at night, after all I've only 

been here some hours"

< If she only knew what goes on at night! > Willow thought

That night

< I can't believe it!  My first day here and I'm already being dragged to a boring Benefit Buffet at the local Country Club.  

Just leave it to Mom, Ms Society & Class >

"Stacey, why don't you go see if you know someone, sweetie?"

"Sure Mom!"

< Know someone! Here of all places! > At that same moment someone patted Stacey's back.

"Stacey? Stacey White?" Stacey turned around

"CORDELIA!!.. Oh my God!  You live here?"


The girls chatted and decided to meet the next day at school.

 Part Four

Lunch time At SHS

"Hi!" Willow said.

Stacey turned around and smiled "Oh! Hi!"

"So… First day ok?"

"So, far.  Luckily I found a friend of mine from summer camp, she goes here too"

"That's nice. Who is she?  I mean maybe I know her?"


Willow looked stunned.

"Cordelia Chase.  You know her?"

"Yes.  She… well… she… she's nice." 

"I know." < Guess Willow doesn't like her.  Oh, well! >   "Look Willow, I have to go I promised Cordy and some of her 

friends that I'd meet the for lunch and well … they're here."

At that moment Cordy walked up to where they were talking "Ready Stace?" She then noticed Willow "Hi!"  She said 

with a half smile.

< Something happened here.  Definitely! >

The Library

Willow bursted through the double door of the library "Ugh!  Sorry Giles I know am late.  Got held up.  Everything ok?"

"Well… Willow, as matter of fact, I had quite a disturbing call."

"Wha … what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing.  I hope.  The council just called, said someone who knew something quite precarious to our cause would be 

meeting us tonight.  Here at the library."


"Hey!  G-man!  Anything dead walking!"  Xander entered the library with a box of doughnuts and regretting the moment the 

Giles would say…

"Research tonight."

"Giles, tonight is Bronze night.  You know party, P-A-R-T-Y."

"What party?"  Buffy just walked in.  "Giles I'm getting worried about the patrolling. Last night I met Spike and he 

didn't attack us.  He just came up to Angel and said … 'Ana' then walked away.  Who the heck is Ana?"

"I don't know Buffy.  I'll do some research.  Meanwhile you all should go home.  But be back around 7, we have a guest.  

Oh and Buffy… make sure Angel comes."


End Part Four

More soon to come!!!!

Comments, well nice ones, pleeeease!!!!