

I picked this artical up on an angelfire website. I thought it was a pretty good read, and decided to share is with HP members and guest.
Preview:   Wrestling... it's fake and stupid, right?
That's about what you'll hear from most people that aren't wrestling fans themselves. Bring up the subject that you watch wrestling, and it won't be long before the subject of wrestling's being "fake" comes up.
My most common response to this is, "So?" in which case the accuser has, on numerous occasions, resorted to the, "So it's stupid!" attack. Good one...

Tonight on Confidential WWE will once again reach into it's vast vault of classic matches, and pull out one of the all time best. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart. If you haven't seen this match yet, it is a must see! So tune into Confidential tonight at 11:45/10:45 PM and check the match out. This way you can skip all of the WWE's "Behind The Scenes/Shoot" fluff!

Well This weeks big topic is the WWE's blotched Kane Angle. Seems like most, if not all WWE fans were upset when they saw exactly what the WWEs new direction for Kane would be. Many think that Monday, June 23rd was the day that Kane died, and soon, very soon in fact, that Kane will have to be taken off of TV, and repackaged before this ruins his career beyond repair. We are very inteested in what you think though, so if you have any thoughts on the Kane demasking angle, then head over to the Wrestling discussion board and give us your opinion!

Also This weeks Smackdown! marks the return of the Ultimo Dragon, stop by and let us know what you think about the return of WCWs best and most under raited Crusies Weight!

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