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Background Patterns

Here are many Simpson background patterns that i have collected over the years.
They are good for your webpages or even your computer desktop! If you have
some that I dont please email me

A good purple Apu BG
An ok Barney BG
A Bart BG
Grey Bartman BG
A much more realistic Bartman BG
Little Bart Heads BG
Duff BG
Grey Simpsons Logo BG
Grey Willie BG
A good Sideshow Bob BG
Homer Choking Bart
Grandpa BG
Grey Homer 3D
Donuts BG
Blue Homer Heads
Krusty Brand Seal Of Approval
Lisa BG
Ned or Reverend Lovejoy BG
Ned or Reverend Lovejoy BG
Marge BG
Mayor Quimby BG
Moe Bg
Patty or Selma BG>
Light Simpsons Logo
Random Simpsons Characters
5 Main Simpsons
Police BG

Many more coming soon so check back in!!

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