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Arianna Griggs

Name: Ariana Griggs
Nickname: Ari (name derivative)
Marital Status: Single
Age: 29
Height: 4’9”
Weight: 175lbs
Body: Curvy, but not overly so. Because of her height, she seems sort of chunky
Physical Condition: In good physical
Eyes: Pale Green
Hair Colour & Style: Shoulder length chestnut hair, usually worn in a bun at the base of her neck with a few wispy curls around her face or a braid.
Hands: Small
Distinguishing Feature: Nose (slightly crooked because it was broken once)
Characteristic Gestures: Chews the corner of her lip when nervous
Race: Caucasioan
Religion: Baptist/Christian
Background: Raised on a small ranch in Montana until she graduated high school and went to college.
Schooling: High school diploma; flunked out of nursing school twice (not cuz of academic problems), Assoc. Degree in General Studies.
Areas of Expertise: Self defense (hey, she's short, she's gotta be good! :)
Occupation: Self Defense instructor and trainer out of Langley
Short Term Goals: Understand computers
Long Term Goals: Graduate from nursing school
Short Term Needs:
Short Term Needs:
Long Term Needs: Emotional support
Extrovert/Introvert: INtrovert
Eccentricities: . Likes Broadway musicals; sings in the office; doesn't wear matching socks (I'll explain later! LOL)
Favourite Sayings: "Ah...aha!" "PRSQ!" (Her fav. four letter word ;)
IQ: A little above average, untested
Temperament: Has great levels of patience and a calm attitude; when she gets mad, however, it's worse than burned mule
Methods of Handling Anger/Rage: Run through a kata or a workout routine
Admirable Traits: Very understanding of people and doesn't condemn them quickly
Negative Traits: Forgives almost anything; allows people to take advantage of her
Bad Habits/Vices: Drinks, but not to drunkeness; doesn't smoke; no drugs; Only vice might be a craving for chocolate ;)
Prejudices: None
Pet Peeves: Little cars at parking lots that you can't see until you're almost on top of them; people that can't put things away where they found them; people that think just cuz she's short, she's an easy mark
Things that make her uncomfortable: Talking about her parents; being treated like a lady
Most Painful Thing in Life: : After flunking nursing school for the 2nd time, her father called her a "fat, stupid cow that couldn't have come from his loins!"
Ever Been Arrested: Once, at a demonstration where an American flag was burned in protest
Sense of Humour: Very subtle and quiet; if you don't pay attention to her, you miss it.
Fears: Proving her father right; failure; not fitting in
Hobbies/Interests: Reading/writing poetry; historical research; astronomy
Attributes about character that Turn on the Opposite Sex: Her quick wit
Sexual Turn Ons: A gentle, quiet man
Turn Offs: Boisterous, loud, shows off, forceful
Trauma/Physiological Scars: Her father's emotional abuse
Clothing Style: Formal: Long, flowing gowns (normally in dark colors)
Everyday: training) sweats/shorts and t-shirt; (office/off) jeans & button down
Most Crucial Experience: When she defended herself against a would be rapist; when, as a young child, she saved her grandfather's life because she had learned CPR in the classroom
Favourite Music: Broadway tunes; (work out) Metallica, Twisted Sister (hard rock w/a beat)
Favourite Movie: "West Side Story"; "Kansas"
Favourite Food: Double-Cheeseburger Pizza (dinner & breakfast in one buy, what more could ya want? ;)
Favourite Drink: Dt. Coke; Brandy Alexander; (straight up)Bourbon
Favourite Relaxation: Katas; reading
Idea of a Good Date: Coffee &/or a movie
Vehicle Driven: beat up 1979 white Dodge Ram
Ever Been injured in the line of Duty: Yes; while training with an agent she tried to stop a man from running from the scene. He grabbed her arm and broke it as she grabbed his jacket. (He was later caught and charged with assaulting an officer) & Later, when she was training classes, a student caught her off- guard and broke her nose.
Pets: One goldfish: Murry
Best Friend/Confidant: Murry & Ms. Gartwilm, the lady over her aparment building

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