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The Case

JD Dunne sat at a table in the corner of the bar cradling a coke in his hands, his elbows pressed against the table, his eyes and attention focussed solely on the young lady on the stage. Two months ago if anyone had told him that he would be sitting in a jazz club, listening with rapt attention to the soulful voice and passion filled notes of sultry jazz tunes he would have called them a liar. In a Herculean effort to impress a date, he had succumbed to her wishes and brought her to Bassinger’s. He had heard of it before, it would be hard to live in this city and not know the name of reputedly the city’s best and most popular Jazz club. However, the moment the young woman on the stage had uttered her first notes, his companion was forgotten.

He had returned often over the last five weeks, whenever he could get away without the other team members questioning his disappearance. He couldn’t even begin to count the number of imaginary dates he had been on. Every time he announced he was going on a date, he held his breath waiting for Buck to announce that he wanted to make it a double date. He would never, ever live it down if the others found out about his obsession with the sultry beauty on the stage.

Every night, he sat here, soft drink in hand watching her from the edges of the crowd, listening to her sing her songs of broken dreams and lost loves, the depth of feelings in her voice and the expressions on her face, causing a hand to close around his heart and squeeze the breath from his lungs. He knew without a doubt that she had the voice of angel.

He wanted nothing more than to meet her, to talk to her, rather than sit here in rapt attention a nameless face in the crowd. At least once a night her eyes would meet his as she sang, the room receding around them as they became the only ones in the room in their own eyes. While meeting her was his hearts greatest desire, it was also his greatest fear. He wasn’t sure if he really wanted to live with knowing that he disappointed her or if his fragile emotions could handle her disappointing him. He seriously didn’t want to let her fall from the pedestal she had climbed onto.


Leilani stood on the stage, the band behind her in shadows, the spotlight on her alone as she poured her heart and soul into the words she sang. He was here again tonight. The young man she knew that somehow she had to warn. Each night she stood by the stage entrance, watching for his appearance, her night always more complete, her performance filled with more passion when he was there. She couldn’t help herself as she sang, her eyes would travel the crowd but inadvertently time and again they would return to the man with the too long tousled black locks and the earnest hazel gaze that held hers with a connection she had never felt with another.

More than she wanted to draw her next breath she wanted to speak to him, to tell him of what she knew, to save this man from what she knew was planned for him. But even the burning connection they shared could not help her to face the demons that burdened her in the form of a paralysing shyness. The only place she could truly fly, the only place she could even begin to show him the way that she felt was on stage. On stage she was not herself anymore, she was another person, a sultry woman that was afraid of nothing, not the frightened woman who barely spoke to another and was almost afraid of her own shadow. As her eyes locked with the gentle hazel of his, her words speaking to him of the depths of her feelings for a man she had never met, she realised that his time was running out. Tonight would be the night that she would try to confront her fears and explain to him her knowledge.

As her set closed she listened to the applause and took a final bow. It was nice to have so many people enjoying her singing but the only applause she felt in her heart was that of the young man whose face she remembered vividly in her mind. Stepping off the stage she skirted around the backstage entrance, now that her mind was made up, she hurried to fulfil her decision before her mind could take over. She moved quickly her long flowing dress swirling around her ankles, smoothing her shiny hair she stepped in the dim circle of light cast by the lamp on his table.

“Hello” she murmured , a hitch in the husky melodic tones of her voice, her shyness hitting her as he looked up at her.

“Hello” he spoke a slight stammer marking his surprise at her appearance by his side.

“I wanted to thank you for coming” she smiled trying not too sound like an egoistical primadonna

“It has been my pleasure” he smiled, trying to pull off the casual nonchalance he had seen Buck use in his approach to women, and almost succeeding.

“Do you mind if I sit down?” she asked softly her voice lilting softly

“Sure” JD nodded jumping to his feet and pulling the chair out for her, waiting for her to sit before he sank back into his own seat.

“I wonder if I could ask you a very forward question?” she asked softly her eyes meeting JD’s for a moment before she quickly flicked her gaze to the carpeted floor beside the table.

“Anything Songbird” JD winced at the eagerness in his voice

“Please call me Leilani” she smiled liking the way her hated stage name sounded from his lips

“What did you want to ask Leilani?” he smiled liking the way the name suited the woman who sat before him

Drawing on every ounce of her quickly unravelling courage she reached across the table and slipped her hand into his “I was wondering if you would be able to drive me home this evening” she smiled at him praying that he would agree. She was not however, prepared for the disappointment that crossed his handsome face.

“Sure” he shrugged, his face falling as he began to realise that she was just like every other girl he had ever met in a bar.

“I’ll meet you at the side entrance in about 15 minutes” she smiled at him as she stood, squeezing his hand gently, wanting nothing more than to put the happy spark back in his eyes again. Getting no reaction from him other than a nod of affirmation she turned and walked away.

Fifteen minutes later Leilani walked through the club, freshly showered, her face clear of the stage makeup she wore. The only embellishments to her radiant beauty a gentle application of eyeliner and a swipe of lip gloss. Dressed in a near floor length cobalt blue dress with long skin tight sleeves and bodice, the skirt flaring fully from her hips and molding to her legs as she walked.

Her eyes widened in confusion when JD met her at the entrance a motor cycle helmet in each hand.

“Sorry” he shrugged as he handed her a helmet “This is the way I came” he gestured towards his bike

“Its okay” she murmured wondering how on earth she was going to manage with her skirts, but she didn’t want to waste this opportunity, or for some bizarre reason, disappointt him agin.

He walked with her towards the bike and slipped his leg over the seat. Putting his helmet on the gas tank he extended one hand to her “You chariot Lani?” he spoke uncertainly

Leilani slipped the helmet onto her head and then bent, gathering her voluminous skirts into her hands, she lifted one now bare leg over the back of the bike, her skirts bundled between them.

She told him her address and placed a hand on his waist, feeling the heat of his body under her fingers.

“You’re gonna have to do better than that” JD smiled at her tentative touch.

Leilani’s golden skin flushed into a hot rosy glow as she felt JD’s hands on her arms, puling her tightly against him, wrapping her arms around his waist. His hands rubbing gently over hers as he lasd them on her arms. Leilani’s complete consciousness was consumed by the way her body was wrapped around JD’s. Her arms around his waist, her bare thighs framing his legs, her flushed face pressed against his back.

JD had never been more aware of a pillion in all his life he could feel ever soft and delicate inch of her body pressed against his, her arms burned into his rib cage, her bare legs molded along his. He wanted nothing more than to turn and kiss her with the carefree bravado that Buck would have, but his nature didn’t allow him to do that.

Starting the bike he rode quickly and efficiently to her house. Stopping the bike outside the house she indicated, he sat there for a moment before he swung his leg over the gas tank and climbed off the bike. Lifting off his helmet he shook his unruly bangs back and extended a hand to Leilani.

“Thank you” she smiled at him nervous fingers fumbling with the helmet strap at her chin. JD reached up and pushed her fingers away slipping the strap easily out of its fastenings before slipping his fingers under the edge of the helmet. Unable to resist the lure of her wide brown eyes that watched him guilelessly and her tongue moistening her lips he leaned forward an tentatively pressed his lips against hers. His tongue gently traced her lips as he pushed the helmet from her head. Her mouth opened and allowed him entrance. One hand dropped her helmet forgotten to the ground. Their kiss deepening more quickly than either of them were ready for, his head titled and he ran his hands down her body. His fingertips remembering every tiny undulation of hr body, every inch of skin they touched even through layers of clothing, imprinted on his memory. His hands moved to cup her buttocks and pull her closer to him, before she pushed him away. Not going further then arms length as she tried to catch her breath and erase the intoxicating taste of his kiss from her lips

“I didn’t ask you to drive me home for this” she spoke her tone hurt

“I’m sorry” JD stepped back from her, cursing his relative inexperience and lack of knowledge of how to react. He ended up doing the only thing he knew without fail, honesty “Why did you?”

“I have some information for you” she spoke softly Nervous at what his reaction would be “I know all about you John Dunne”

Even lost in the cloud of longing that he had become enshrouded in his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“What do you know about me?” he voice deepened threateningly, he dropped his hands from her arms and stepped back waiting for her explanation.

She sighed deeply as she saw the immediate distrust in his eyes and looked at the ground trying to hide her hurt from him

“I know you work for the ATF, I know you are part of the most celebrated ATF team in the country” she paused and looked up into his confused hazel eyes “and I know somebody is going to try to kill you team whatever way they can”

“How the hell do you know this?” he stood with his hands on his hips, pushing his jacket back with his fists as he confronted her

“I know this because I work for him” she spoke “and I really don’t want him to kill you”

“Yeah right” JD spat almost contemptuously shaking his head at the way he had been drawn in the this evil enchantress

“I care about you JD” she murmured “I cared long before I found out about his plot to kill you and your friends”

“can I come inside?” JD’s forceful question was more of an order. Leilani nodded wordlessly

“I’m going to call one of my friends Leilani” he spoke I want you to tell him everything you know” JD spoke as he took her by the arm and walked her up the pathway to her door, his cellphone already in his hand.

Nic's head dropped back, her eyes squeezed shut, a slight moan escaping her lips. Her shoulder length hair cascaded down her back like a silk scarf before she lifted her head and opened her eyes, bending over to kiss the man beneath her. Then her movements began anew, becoming faster and more urgent as the man's hands squeezed her butt or roamed up to caress her breast, his rough thumb teasing the already taut nipple.

The man's hips were moving beneath her, even as she moved against him. Very little noise came from the pair of lovers, their expressions and motions conveying the desire and excitement they both felt. Nic tossed her head back once more as fireworks went off in her head and between her legs, heat rising from her core and traveling through her entire body. The man continued to thrust several more times before his own orgasm over took him. Nic used her internal muscles to work him, then collapsed onto his sweaty chest, her own perspiration mixing with his. Her head lay on his chest, her fingers caressing the muscles in his upper arm as their breathing began to relax.

"That was." Nic said as her lips sought out his.

".incredible." Vin Tanner finished for her before taking her lower lip between his and sucking on it gently. His hands moved down her back and trailed over her rear before moving back up to take possession of her chin, kissing her the whole time. He was still inside her and never wanted to leave. Instead he rolled her over onto her back, thrusting his semi erect muscle deeper inside her.

"You know.I can't stay much.longer." Her voice came out deep and throaty as Vin ground his hips into her.

"Yeah.I." He arched his back and thrust, his hand dropping to the back of her knee and pulling it upward toward her chest before starting in on a steady rhythm. ".know." His actions were rewarded by a deep groan and a push of her hips as she drew him in even deeper. She encouraged him to increase his speed and the pair quickly dropped over the edge of the cliff together.

Nic lay in his arms for a half an hour of afterglow and sweet words before finally disengaging from his embrace and locating her clothes that had been tossed haphazardly around the room. Vin rolled over and watched her, the sight of his firm, round ass making it very hard for her to hold her resolve not to jump on him and ravage him once more. She had to leave. As much as she might like to, she could not take the chance on staying the night. If by some chance her boss would call during the night, she would have a hard time explaining why she didn't answer when the men that habitually followed her home knew she was there. It would be hard enough explaining just these few hours.

"The case going well?" Vin asked as he hugged a pillow to his chest, the down stuffed cotton a poor substitute for the warm body that it replaced.

"Not bad. I'm making progress." Vin had long ago accepted Nic's particular job with the ATF and while he may not like the long periods of time that they were apart, he certainly understood the need for them. They both lived for the few times a month that Nic managed to steal away for a few hours of companionship, understanding, and yes, sex.

Nic had found her blouse and jeans, and now stood before Vin, bent at the waist, stretching a red wig over her light brown hair. The disguise was a safety precaution. Going deep undercover, Nic found it best to use her natural hair instead of taking the risk of discovery by using a wig while on a case. So instead, when she wanted to meet up with Vin, or had a meeting with her superiors, then she would use the wigs to hide behind. She often felt that the precautions she was forced to take would have made a good B movie instead of her real life. But she took few chances when she was undercover and she figured the James Bond.or should it be Jean Bond?.moves were warranted.

She straightened to see Vin watching her. She playfully reached out and slapped his rear end then she buttoned her blouse.

"I have to go," she said as she sat on the edge of the bed to kiss him once more. When she went to pull away, his hand held her in place for a few seconds more as his tongue did a brief dance with hers.

"Think it will be much longer?" Vin knew not to ask many questions. Nic wouldn't answer them anyway. But she did drop small clues about time frames.

"Not much longer I think." Nic had moved to the door, her denim jacket slung over her shoulder. Casting one last look at Vin, she blew him a kiss then moved out of the room, finding her way through the darkened apartment like a cat and let herself out, checking to make sure the door was locked behind her. She made her way confidently to the beat up truck in the parking lot and drove off.

Nic parked the truck next to the black Beemer in her apartment complex and entered from the west door. Climbing up one flight of stairs, she let herself in to the apartment, re-activating the alarm once inside. She turned on a light briefly, checking the mail she had carried in with her before turning the light back off and making her way to the bedroom. She stood by the closet and quickly removed the jeans and blouse, tossing them both in a laundry basket in the closet and leaving her tennis shoes on the closet floor. The wig was placed on a styrofoam head and sat on a shelf.

Nude, she turned off the lights and entered the closet. Using her fingers she located the latch that silently opened a panel in the wall and stepped through into the closet of the adjoining apartment. A little something she had had installed and that would be sealed at the end of the case. She located her nightgown and slipped it over her head before stepping into the second bedroom and padding down the hall to the living room. Turning off the lights she had left burning, she checked the machine once more for messages, then returned to the bedroom to get some sleep, thinking once more that her actions belonged in a bad Saturday matinee.

Nic Roberts had entered the world of the ATF five years prior and had jumped feet first into deep undercover work. She had a natural knack for taking on different personalities, including accents, and managed to fit into just about any situation. Her job was to infiltrate and establish herself within various organizations. She was usually there for a long period of time, once as long as two years before they had enough proof for a bust.

She met Vin Tanner on her first bust. Somehow the two had connected and they had been together ever since. Their time together was limited by the cases she took. They had been so serious a few years prior that they had run off to Las Vegas, intending to have a quickie wedding, both changing their minds at the last minute. They would wait until the time was really right. When they could share the experience with friends and family. When they actually told anyone about their relationship.

Because at this point no one knew that they were a couple. There had been no opportunities to share the news with their friends. And the pair both seemed to enjoy the anonymity of their relationship.

Six hours later Nic rolled over and smacked her alarm clock, successfully shutting off the obnoxious noise.

After a brief pause to try and wake up, she rolled out of bed. Slipping on her robe, she made her way down the hallway, stopping in the kitchen to click on the coffeepot, before moving back down the hall to the bathroom and a luxurious shower.

Thirty minutes later, dressed in a conservative business suit, Nic poured her first cup of coffee, buttered two pieces of seven grain toast and sat down for the last unguarded moments of her day while putting herself in the right frame of mind for Nicole Robbins, accountant at Bassinger's, one of the most popular jazz clubs in the Denver area. Locking her door she made her way to the Beemer, resisting the urge to acknowledge the man parked across the street watching her. One of Bassinger's goons sent to make sure she didn't try anything foolish with the information she gained by keeping both sets books, the ones for the club, and most recently the ones for his side business of drug and gun running. It had taken her almost a year to get in good enough with Bassinger to have access to those books. And yet he still didn't trust her completely.

Smart man.

Climbing behind the wheel, Nic made her way to the club and another day of punching numbers and making mental notes. Another day of building a case against Bassinger that would put him away for life.

The silence of the office was something Josiah Sanchez was used to at the early morning hour. He always like to come in early to get work done; not that he couldn't work once the rest of the team arrived. But between JD and Buck's constant horseplay and the phones that always seemed to ring off the hook, concentration was a rare commodity in the Denver ATF office.

Sipping on the streaming cup of tea, Josiah felt that familiar settle of his stomach as the elevator settle on the ATF floor. The delicate honey flavor lingered on his lips as he savored the taste of the new brand of tea. "I'll have to buy this more often," he said to himself as he stepped from the elevator, greeted by the darkened floor.

"Do you always talk to yourself?"

The soft female voice was like a voice of an angel, but still so unexpected. Josiah's delicious cup of tea was reduced to a big puddle on the floor as he jumped nearly out of his skin. With his right hand gripping his chest, he instinctive went for his gun as his eyes scanned the darkened floor in search of the owner of the mysterious voice.

A gentle laugh like the wind dancing off of spring flowers filled the air. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to frighten you." Josiah narrowed his eyes until they landed on the stranger that kept in the shadows of the office. Tilting his head to one side, Josiah waited for the stranger to show herself, still uncertain of her true intentions.

Magdelyn could see the untrusting apprehension on the giant of a man's face. She knew who he was before he ever stepped off the elevator; it was her job to know. Josiah Sanchez was the "spiritual leader" of the group. She had seen him from afar on many occasions, but had never realized the true presence of his hulking form. Not wanting to make him anymore suspicious, Maggie stepped from the shadows, a step she always hated to take.

"You must be Josiah," she said, running a quick hand through her silky red mane of hair as she approached the still suspicious agent. "I'm Magdelyn Ferral. I was sent from the New York Special Units team. Please forgive me for startling you."

Josiah felt his breath hitch in his chest as the angel emerged from the darkened shadows, engulfed in light. Well, actually it was the desk light that JD had left on the previous evening. But for all Josiah could think, she might as well been sent from heaven above.

Thick red locks that hung down her back and rested comfortably on her shoulders. Green eyes that shown like emeralds taken from the ancient crypts of King Tut's tomb, a smile that would melt a thousand frozen nights......Josiah couldn't remember ever feeling so enchanted by woman that he had yet to meet. He looked down at her outstretched hand, marveling at the way her milky skin seemed to glow in the darkness of the office. It looked so delicate, so fragile. Josiah feared that he would break it simply by touching it. Little did he know just how deadly that small hand was.

"Mr. Sanchez? I hope you don't mind that I came in early. It's much better to work in the quiet of the early morning hours," Maggie said, watching with a curious eye at the unexpected reaction she had received from the large man. He seemed taken completely off guard. "Mr. Sanchez? Are you all right?"

Josiah slowly raised his head to meet her emerald eyes. Realizing what a fool he must have looked like with his mouth hanging open, he quickly gathered his wits about him, shaking off the spell that had somehow overtaken him. "Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't expected anyone in here this early. You just startled me," he said, gently taking the hand offered to him and squeezing it gently.

The smile that was fading from her angelic face quickly returned. "And I'm sorry about your beverage. I was just about to make some tea. Would like you like some? Or would you rather that I make some coffee?" she said, taking in every detail that she knew would come in handy later. She had become an expert at sizing people up, gathering only the necessary data that she would need to complete her assignment.

Josiah smiled so suddenly that is was Maggie that felt taken back by the peaceful nature of the giant man. "Tea would be great. Thank you." He watched as Maggie shook her head and started off toward the small kitchenette area.

"I have this great honey lemon blend. You'll love it," she called over her shoulder as she sashayed down the small hallway. "So when do the others get in here?" she asked, knowing full well the exact time that each member of the legendary Team 7 came and went from the government building, having studied them all for so long.

Josiah felt hypnotized, watching the sultry way that her shapely hips moved from side to side, clad nicely in tight blue jeans. "Um...Chris should be here in about 15 minutes. The others generally file in shortly after," he said, feeling guilty at his obviously oogling of the new agent.

Maggie stopped, the mere mention of the target's name bringing her back to full awareness of exactly what she had been hired to do. She thought of the arrogant blonde agent as he stood over her brother's body; the way the rest of Team 7 had patted him on the back for the ruthless slaughter of the youngest member of the Saladonia family.

No, it hadn't been hard for Maggie to accept the contract to kill Agent Chris Larabee. It fact, if she hadn't been offered the kill, she would have insisted that she be assigned. After all, she was the best assassin that the Saladonia family had.

Filling the coffee pot with cold water, a smile began to spread across her delicate features. "And judging from Mr. Sanchez's reaction, this may even be easier than I thought," she thought herself, her smile growing until it covered almost ear to ear.

That was one thing that she knew for sure from her months of studying Team 7. They certainly were the best at what they do, but they had weaknesses. And most of those weaknesses came in the form of women. "Well, whatever it takes," she said as she carried the steaming cups back toward the bull pen. "So Josiah......."

Ezra opened the door to his best friends office and let out a soft chuckle. Mic lay on her back wearing a pair of bold red baggy pants and a black halter top. A pair of leather knee high combat boots were kicked off at the end of the couch, a low table cluttered with rings, anklets, bracelets, and two leather chokers that she seemed to always wear at one time or nother. Her jet black hair was messy around her face.

"You gonna sit around and stare at me, my dear?" Mic asked, opening on sleepy silver to look at him.

Ignoring her little barb, Ezra grinned. "Late night, darlin?"

"I hate Chris Larabee with a bloody passion! He works me to death by keeping me up all night long. I was trailing that stupid man all night again! One more night of this and I swear to God that I am going to shoot him myself!" Mic snapped angrily, climbing to her feet and stripping down to her blue silk undies. "Grab those clothes in the bottom drawer, will ya please."

Ezra tore his gaze from his friends body and went in search of her change of clothes. A knock on the half open door raised his eyes.

"Yo Mic you up yet?" Buck Wilmington hollered. He poked his head slightly in the door and caught Ezra's angry gaze. With a slow movement of his head, he found Mic standing in her underwear, the blue silk barely covering her golden body. "Oops, didn't mean to interrupt...anything."

Mic glanced over at Ezra, her clothes dangling from his hand. "You mind forkin my clothes over pard? I don't want the whole building to know I'm sleeping in here now."

He tossed her clothes to her and watched as she pulled a slim black skirt up her legs and yanked on a yellow halter top. She reached around to tie the loose ends together but Ezra's skilled hands were already there.

"So why are you sleepin at the office Miss MicKay?" Buck asked, sauntering in and seating himself on the couch.

"Chris is makin me work nights tailin' Mr. Bassinger around. I can't sleep durin the day simply because I've got other cases to work on and my apartment is too far out of the way from where Bassinger is so...I opted to sleep here until all this is finished." Mic explained. She pulled the black combat boots on and set about lacing them tightly, defining her well toned legs.

"Which choker you wearin today darlin?" Ezra asked grinning at Buck. She wouldn't leave the office without one of them on, he had bet Buck earlier on in the week. And so far he was winning.

Mic contemplated on the two leather chokers that were as much a part of her as her body was. She finally picked up the longest one, black leather trailing down her neck, silver studs emphasizing her silver eyes.

"There. All ready for the new day!" Mic announced, getting to her feet. Although she was exhausted, she had a full day ahead of her, beginning with a report to Mr. Larabee himself. She grabbed a plastic bottle of Evian water and the file she needed and began prepping herself for the long and grueling interview with her boss.

Buck looked at Ezra and almost laughed. He had the look of a love sick calf, one such expression that Buck often wore. Hell, he had felt the same way at one time for the young agent but she didn't want anything from him except friendship.

"I think that Mr. Larabee is working Agent Hicks just a little too much. She won't last much longer if he keeps her up at this pace," Ezra said aloud, not really talking to anyone at all.

"Well, why not go talk to him. He might listen to ya, ya know. After all your the closet person around her. She still doesn't completely trust us." Buck lifted a pile of rings from the table and laughed. "No wonder she's so skinny. She wears so much jewelry it works off all the calories and energy for her!"

Ezra joined his fellow agent in amusement. He didn't know why he had taken to Mic so easily when she had first arrived. God knew she dressed like one of those crazy teenagers he always saw about. But she was still his, and his alone. He slapped Buck on the back and laughed harder. The thought of Mic belonging to him setting him to a bout of nervous laughter. His? he thought. Where the hell did that come from?

Later that night

Mic sat in her black car, well blending into the night. Bassinger had stopped to meet someone, she couldn't tell who. Quietly slipping from the car, she moved with the shadows. She was dressed in black from her head to her toes. Quickly and quietly she moved in on her prey.

"Everything is set then?" she heard a low voice ask.

"On time and on schedule," Bassinger replied.


There was more said, but everything was muffled. She couldn't make anything out so she moved back towards her car. She could see the shape of the car just ahead of her when something sharp and cool against her neck stilled her.

"Snooping are we?" a deep voice growled in her ear, his hand moving lower over her body.

She felt the trickle of something wet down her throat and knew that the knife had cut through her skin. "Go to hell!" she whispered. His hand was now under her shirt, bolding kneading her breast. His breath was warm on her neck, but nothing inside her stirred at his attack. With a sudden movement, she brought her elbow hard into his ribs and the heel of her boot into his groin. He doubled over in pain, cupping himself as he groaned and tossed about. She thought she heard him call her a bitch but she merely shrugged and knelt beside him to whisper, "Shit happens!"

Running the rest of the way to her vehicle she jumped in and sped off. When she felt she was far enough away, she pulled over and flipped on the interior lights to see how badly she had been cut. The left side of her neck had been cut, not deeply but enough for there to be a heavy blood flow and thinned down to a scratch just below her chin.

"Ahh hell," Mic groaned. She pushed a tissue against her neck and returned to the office where she hoped she would be able to get a good five or six hours of sleep.

Kasey Sanders stood in the elevator watching the numbers move slowly until number seventeen was finally lit up. The doors opened but she couldn't move. Her thin frame was filled with nervous energy. She played with her hair, her fingers and her clothes. This was her last chance, she had to make it here, if she didn't she would be returning home a failure. She took a deep breath and began to talk to herself. It was a common trait but she never realized that she did it. If someone told her she spoke to herself she would deny it with a passion. Gawd she hated this, hated the clothes, hated the first day, hated the first meeting. She reached out with her right hand and grabbed the door to stop it from closing, she also used the opportunity to get out of the confining space of the elevator.

"Shit! I hate this. Why does this always happen, can't I just get in there introduce myself and then get on with the job." Kasey took small steps as she moved down the corridor. "You can do this, you just need the confidence. Your not stupid, you just need confidence in your abilities. Your quite capable of kicking anyone's butt, you just don't know it yet." She jumped when a voice assaulted her. She looked up and saw a man and woman walking towards her, both were carrying what she assumed to be steaming cups of coffee. What I wouldn't do for a cup of tea right now.

"Looking for someone?" Josiah Sanchez smiled his best smile. Two beautiful women in one morning and Buck wasn't here to attach himself to them.

"Chris Larabee." Kasey stared at the large man before her. He was in no way fat, just tall and well built. "I'm Kasey Sanders, I have an appointment to see him at nine."

"Uh huh." Josiah nodded. "Josiah Sanchez."

Kasey shook the outstretched hand and grimaced in pain. The grip was strong. "Kasey Sanders."

"You said that already." Josiah continued to smile at her.

"Sorry I'm a little bit nervous, I hear Agent Larabee can be a nasty man."

"Only if you make him angry."

"Oh okay." Kasey began to fidget with her clothes again, she no longer knew what to say to the man. Her gaze shifted to the woman standing next to him.

"Magdelyn Ferral."

Kasey shook the woman's hand. "Nice to meet both of you. Are you members of Team 7?"

"He is, I'm not." Magdelyn smiled at her.

"Why don't I show you the way to Chris's office, he'll be here in about ten minutes." Josiah gently took her arm and began to lead her away from Magdelyn.

Kasey allowed Josiah Sanchez to lead her to the office of her new boss. She just hoped it lasted this time. Every other attempt to join a law enforcement agency failed. Not this time. She was determined to make it through her training. If not she'd shoot herself. They stopped outside of a large office and she was forced to sit in an uncomfortable chair. Why couldn't she wait in the office.

"Where the hell is everybody?!" An angry voice boomed through the seventeenth floor of the Denver ATF building.

"What's that?" Kasey looked up into Josiah's gentle blue grey eyes.

"That's Chris." Josiah chuckled. "Doesn't sound like he's in a good mood does he."

"Hell no." Kasey sank down into her chair. "This is not going to be a good day."

"Josiah! Where is everybody. We're supposed to having a meeting in five minutes." Chris Larabee rounded the corner that led to his office. His long strides that echoed confidence caught Kasey Sanders attention. Her intense green eyes then travelled upwards, settled on his crotch for a moment then continued on. "Core whallop." she whispered as her heart was gripped in a flurry of butterflies. When her eyes finally reached his face her mouth fell open. Now there is one hell of a good looking man. She stared up into his blue eyes as he looked down at her.

"Who the hell is this?" Chris growled at Josiah. He'd just come from a meeting with Judge Orrin Travis and he wasn't in the mood for pleasantries.

"I'm your nine o'clock meeting." Kasey decided to stand up for herself. She had to make a good start, she needed to make a good impression. She stood up and tripped over Josiah's large feet. "Just great."

"Just great." Chris muttered as he stepped over the woman who lay at his feet. "What a way to start a day." He ignored the young lady and moved into his office, he slammed the door shut behind him. But not before Kasey got a good view of his backside.

"He always like that?" Kasey asked Josiah.

"No, sometimes he's worse." Josiah pointed to the door and pushed her towards it.

"Can't you just kill me now." She didn't look at Josiah but instead stared at the door in front of her. Blue eyes, blond hair, rugged features, and a body to drool over was waiting behind that door. How was she supposed to do her job when HE was her boss. "Kasey just get you ass in there and get it over with. He's not going to kill you."

"Would you like me to call you an ambulance now?" Josiah asked her.

"Your joking," she saw the serious expression on the large man's face,


"Yeah, go in, he won't hurt you." Josiah turned away and walked down the corridor.

Kasey took another breath and realized she now had the hiccups. "Bloody hell." she knocked on the door.

"Get in here already!" Larabee's voice yelled at her.

Kasey opened the door and stepped into the lion's den. "Agent . . . hic . . . Lara . . . hic . . . bee."

"Sit down and tell me why your here?" Larabee lifted his head and glared at Kasey Sanders. Her dark brown hair was short, very short. The eyes that sat above a perfect complexion were as green as Ezra Standish's. Her pouting lips were asking to be kissed but all Chris wanted to do at that moment was hit someone, he couldn't hit a woman. She was thin under the baggy clothing she was wearing. But all in all she wasn't bad.

Where do I start.


"So, what do you think, Murry? The lime and the hot pink or the lavender and the gold?" Ariana Griggs held up the two mis-matched pairs of socks to the front of the small fishbowl. Murry continued to swim around his small domain, oblivious to the wild colored fabrics being presented for his opinion.

"My thoughts exactly." Ariana sat down on her bed and began to pull on the socks, making sure that her pants were cuffed just enough to let the lime and hot pink show out from under them. She muttered slightly to herself as she got down on the floor to peer under her bed, giving a cry of "Aha!" before triumphantly pulling a pair of worn penny-loafers. The small woman slipped them on and stood before the full length mirror that adorned her closet door. She smiled at her reflection as her attention was immediately drawn down to where her wild socks seemed to jump out at her.

Adjusting the sleeves on her white blouse, Ariana then moved from her bedroom into the bathroom, grabbing her brush from the counter. She hesitated for a moment before moving to quickly put her shoulder-length chestnut hair into a tight braid. After all, she would be working later on and it would save time to put it up now. Ariana glanced down at her make-up kit, trying to decide whether or not she should start off with that step or not. It was usually a tactic she used for the more experienced teams... The petite woman made a few quick selections and applied them, using a soft green to highlight her hazel eyes, along with a blush that seemed merely as if her own skin were glowing. The last touch was a deep shade of red lipstick that, while not being flashy, was not exactly something easily missed either.

Satisfied with her appearance, Ariana made a quick trip back to her bedroom to dump some food into Murry's bowl, pat it lovingly and head towards the front door. She was running right on schedule. In fact, she was about 10 minutes ahead. Grabbing her shades from the small kitchen table in her apartment, Ariana put them on, slung her heavy gym bag over her shoulder, and picked up her purse before striding confidently out the front door, hearing it click shut behind her.

"Good morning, Ms. Gartwilm!" the smaller woman called out as she exited her apartment building. Ms. Gartwilm, the landlady over the building, looked up and smiled. Ariana had only been there for about three weeks, but the older lady felt as if she had been there for years. The other woman seemed to always be smiling and so confident. The landlady almost felt as if a room became brighter because she walked in. Her gaze dropped as Ariana walked towards her and she frowned.

"Dear, your socks...." Ariana laughed and grabbed the small bundle of mail that the lady held out to her.

"I know. It's okay. I'm working today." Ariana moved away at a brisk walk, leaving Ms. Gartwilm standing at the door with a confused look on her face.


Ariana could see the top of her destination as she maneuvered the crowded Denver streets. The building was the home of the Denver-based ATF division. Her mind quickly fell into the now familiar pattern that it took just before she began a new job. Each team was different and there was a lot of research that took place before she allowed herself to go in. < After all, it's always good to know the level of your students,> she thought. For that was what she was going to do. Teach. At least some of them. For the others, it would be more of a refresher course.

For almost three years now, Ariana had been moving all around the country, giving tests, instruction, and any help that she could. Her job: making sure that each of the government's ATF teams were up to the physical requirements, mainly those used for hand-to-hand combat. Ariana had long lost count of the number of teams she had worked with. Certain faces stuck out in her memory of course, favorite students, class clowns, and, more often than not, the faces of those who thought themselves too good to follow directions from the 4'9" tall woman.

Ariana had to admit she loved those the most. Dragging them down until they were forced to be on her level... They presented the challenge for her, and she always accepted. She couldn't remember one yet that she hadn't won over, to a certain degree. They at least respected her when she left. They may have hated her guts, but they had respect for her and her abilities.

This assignment was one she had been looking forward to for quite some time now. Teams 7, 8, and 9.... All in the Denver office, and all three the best in the ATF. Each team had an uncanny number of successful busts, with Team 7 leading the group, having an almost non-existent turn-over rate. Ariana began to shift through the small bundle of mail she carried as she walked, her mind split into two different sections. One focused on her destination, and the task she had once there, and the other on what she recieved in the envelopes.

She calmly sorted each letter to a space between her fingers, jotting mental notes as she kept on her way. Stopping at a corner and unloading her finger-full of junk mail, Ariana came to her last piece of mail. The smile she had been wearing faded slowly into a frown, the lines on her face showing that this was an often-worn expression. Checking her time, she stepped away from the throng of people to read the letter she thought, from her mother.

It was short, direct, and cold... Ariana silently wondered how things had come to that small revelation. She had once had an enviable relationship with her parents, especially her father. She had always managed to make him proud... Until she had tried to attain her Nursing degree. The first time she tried, she was expelled two weeks before graduation because she failed to show up for their final examination. At least, that had been the official notice. The real reason had been a bit more complicated. At the time most were settling down, #2 pencils firmly in hand, Ariana had been doing her best to save the life of a small boy that she had just seen hit by a car while crossing the street. It had come as a double shock when she learned that, not only did the youth fail to survive, she had been failed herself.

Things at home had been strained for a few months after that. But her father was sure she would make it the second time. He'd been wrong. Only a week away this time, set to graduate at the top of her class, Ariana once again failed to make the final. There was no noble cause, this time, however. Instead of being absent for fighting for someone else's life, Ariana had been waging a war to keep her own after overdosing on a caffeine supplement she had become addicted to while studying late into the night. Of course, the full reason for absence had been on the notice sent to her parents that time. Ariana couldn't stop the small spring of tears to the corner of her eyes as she remembered her welcome home. Two garbage bags full of her belongings had been on the porch, with an envelope of $100.00. When she'd tried to explain... The harsh words her father had spoken were still with her to this day. < "...nothing but a fat, stupid cow... I can't believe you came from my loins...">

Ariana looked down as her tears fell to the ground, again feeling the sharp sting that one phrase had inflicted to her heart. That same statement that had made her wish, more than anything, that her overdose hadn't been caught in time. She'd taken her things and left, unknowing and un-caring as to her destination. Where she had ended up hadn't been the cream of the crop, but it had taught her several things about how to handle herself. she thought cynically. Ariana caught a glimpse of her watch as she wiped a fallen tear away from it.


"I'm sure Judge Travis warned you about the last team..." Ariana smiled slightly at the older man that led Team 8. Jacob Swithen was a good man, she could tell, if not a little on the portly side. she thought silently.

"Yes, he told me they might be a little... resistant, to this idea. I take it to mean that nothing has been said to them?" Swithen smiled as he escorted the short woman down to the elevator that would take her to her last stop. Ariana had practically had to run to the building after her short pity-party on the corner, barely making it to the Judge's office before her appointment time arrived. From there, after recieving her final briefing material, some words of encouragement , she'd proceeded down, floor by floor, from Team 9 to Team 8. The next floor was her last stop before going further down to the basement where the training facilities were. There would be where her day really started.

"Well, Larabee, the team leader, was told first thing this morning. If the slamming door I heard from below is any indication, a warm welcome might not be had." Ariana smiled as the elevator opened and she stepped inside, making sure to throw back her shoulders and express every inch of her short frame.

"That's okay, Agent Swithen... Those are the kind of welcomes I'm used to." The doors slowly closed and she began her descent.


Nathan Jackson looked up from his desk as the elevator chimed. So far, the day had been full of surprises, some pleasant, some... Well, he wasn't sure about the others. Chris had yet to come from his office where he had taken to hiding, along with a new recruit. Nathan hadn't caught her name, but she'd seemed sweet. Nervous, maybe, but sweet. Not to mention the enchantress that had latched herself to Josiah.

As the doors opened, Nathan thought for a moment that the button had been pushed by accident from someone who got off on another floor. Then, as he was lowering his gaze back to his paperwork, he saw the short woman move into the office. She walked with a purpose, a large gym bag slung over her shoulder. He couldn't resist taking in her whole frame, stopping short as he saw the mis-matched socks. Nathan didn't realize that she was standing directly in front of him until she cleared her thoat.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... it's just... your socks..." Nathan finally clamped his mouth shut as the mystery woman before him laughed.

"I know. They're distracting, aren't they?" She winked as he nodded. "Good, that's what they're supposed to do." Nathan was more confused than ever. He stood, smiling, almost embarrassed at how much his 6'4" frame dwarfed the young woman even further.

"Nathan Jackson." He held his hand out and was surprised at the strength of the grip that was returned.

"Ariana Griggs. I'm looking for an Agent Chris Larabee... Would he still be sulking about?" Nathan was taken aback at how suddenly, he added silently, this young woman seemed to take charge of her surroundings. He had a sudden sinking feeling that this new addition to the office just might be the reason for Chris' ‘cheerful' morning mood. He couldn't resist the chuckle.

"He's in that office right there, Miss Griggs. He's in a bit of a temper this morning. You wouldn't know anything about that, now would you?" Ariana just winked and moved towards the door, knocking forcefully once before going in at Chris' yell. Nathan sank back into his chair, thoughtfully lacing his fingers together.

The morning was shaping up to be very interesting indeed....

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The Men of Team 7
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