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Felicity Danzinger

Name: Felicity DanZinger

Nickname: Flick, Dancy, Zing

Marital Status: Divorced

Age: 28

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 110lb

Body: lean,

Physical Condition: fit, but still womanly

Eyes: brown

Hair Colour & Style: brown, shoulder length and straight

Hands: long agile fingers but delicate hands

Distinguishing Feature: her warm brown eyes

Characteristic Gestures: she tends to cross her arms over her chest when nervous or confused

Race: caucasian

Religion: none to speak of

Background: was raised by a selection of foster families, thought she had found a family of her own when she married but it wasn’t to be now her work is her family

Schooling: university degree in Criminal Psychology

Areas of Expertise: excellent undercover agent

Occupation: undercover operative for ATF Team 3

Short Term Goals: to become the leader of team 3

Long Term Goals: to be the best agent she can be

Short Term Needs: to find someone to care for her

Long Term Needs: to find someone to spend her life with

Extrovert/Introvert: Extrovert

Eccentricities: She has a knack for knowing what people are going to do bfore they do it

Favourite Sayings: Life Sucks!

IQ: High IQ but never seriously tested

Temperament: gentle temper

Methods of Handling Anger/Rage: doesn’t usually show it but tends to yell

Admirable Traits: patience and caring

Negative Traits: tends to think she’s invincible

Bad Habits/Vices: chews her nails and eats licorice

Prejudices: people who mistreat children

Pet Peeves: bad drivers

Things that make her uncomfortable: being caught out by the bad guys

Most Painful Thing in Life: not having anyone

Ever Been Arrested: never

Sense of Humour: gently sarcastic

Fears: dying alone

Hobbies/Interests photography and shooting

Attributes about character that Turn on the Opposite Sex: her eyes and her smile

Sexual Turn Ons: a strong man who treats her as his equal

Turn Offs: a man who treats her like a possession

Trauma/Physiological Scars: being held hostage by a perp on her first case

Clothing Style: Formal: gently old world elegant

Everyday: jeans and tee shirts, slacks and twin sets

Most Crucial Experience: her hostage experiences which gave her the compassion she feels for victims

Favourite Music: gentle pop and ballads

Favourite Movie: Universal Soldier

Favourite Food: Italian

Favourite Drink: Pina Colada

Favourite Relaxation: meditation

Idea of a Good Date: being able to spend quiet time with a good man

Vehicle Driven: Harley

Ever Been injured in the line of Duty: Shot several times, only one life threatening

Pets: two caged birds

Best Friend/Confidant: Romeo and Juliet her birds

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