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Kasey Sanders

Name: Kasey Sanders
Nickname: None
Marital Status: Single and loving it
Age: 28
Height: 5.4'
Weight: 110
Body: Toned
Physical Condition: Fit and agile
Eyes: Green
Hair Colour & Style: Dark brown and very short
Hands: has two :-)
Distinguishing Feature: Her eyes and tatoo on right upper arm
Characteristic Gestures: None
Race: Australian
Religion: None
Background: Born and raised in Australia. Moved to Denver when she was 18 to join the FBI academy, failed so she tried the CIA, failed that so she tried the Police force, failed. Now she's trying the ATF.
Schooling: Finished high school, tried to get into university, failed
Areas of Expertise: Computers
Occupation: She has made it her carreer to try and get in some sort of law enforcement
Short Term Goals: To be accepted into the ATF
Long Term Goals: To become an undercover agent or get a team of her own.
Short Term Needs: Needs to learn how to shoot, write reports and to question people with confidence. Also needs to learn how to drive.
Long Term Needs: Needs to get confidence in her abilities. To succeed in law enforcement. It's her life time dream
Extrovert/Introvert: Extrovert - talks too much
Eccentricities: Believes in aliens, and the paranormal, talks about them all the time.
Favourite Sayings: 'What ever'
IQ: High also not tested
Temperament: Calm, slow to loose her temper
Methods of Handling Anger/Rage: Doens't get angry, not really capable.
Admirable Traits: Can hack into computer systems, her only trait
Negative Traits: Just about everything about her.
Bad Habits/Vices: Can't stand still unless she's sitting in front of a computer.
Prejudices: Hates arrogant people and bad guys
Pet Peeves: Sniffing, whistling
Things that make her uncomfortable: Men, especially good looking ones
Most Painful Thing in Life: Having to leave her family when she moved to America
Ever Been Arrested: Um, no
Sense of Humour: Thinks she has
Fears: Physical confrontations
Hobbies/Interests: Computers
Attributes about character that Turn on the Opposite Sex:
Sexual Turn Ons: Loose fitting jeans and not a lot of muscle tone. Nice butts
Turn Offs: Hairy chests and backs, DP's
Trauma/Physiological Scars: Failing to get into FBI, CIA, police force
Clothing Style: Casual Formal: dresses
Everyday: Jeans, t-shirts, shirts, crop tops, dresses
Most Crucial Experience: Was a hostage in a bank hold up once
Favourite Music: Leningrad Cowboys
Favourite Movie: Evil Dead trilogy
Favourite Food: Pasta
Favourite Drink: Diet Coke
Favourite Relaxation: Lying in the sun
Idea of a Good Date: Dinner then relaxing on the beach or in a park
Vehicle Driven: Doesn't have one, she can't drive very well
Ever Been injured in the line of Duty: Fell off the obstical course at the Police Force Academy and broke her arm
Pets: A Golden Retriever
Best Friend/Confidant: Her dog

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