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Maka'alohi Hu

Name: Maka'alohi Hu
Nickname: Mac, Lohi
Marital Status: extremely single
Age: 28
Height: 5.’11”
Weight: 150
Body: lithe and athletic
Physical Condition: peak condition; both a necessity and a vanity
Eyes: obsidian, framed in coal lashes
Hair Colour & Style: black, worn straight and to her mid-back
Hands: calloused from constant handling weapons
Distinguishing Feature: her eyes
Characteristic Gestures: touches the amber warding pendant at her throat for luck and comfort.
Race: Polynesian
Religion: Eclectic
Background: Her parents were largely nomadic during her formative years. Her father is a doctor and her mother a teacher. Both are involved in humanitarian efforts in third world countries. Mac spent her childhood in various nameless villages. She lived through war, famine, drought and uprisings. . . and to her it was one adventure after another. By the time she was twelve, she had mastered the mid-night flight for safety.
Schooling: Mac's mother was a college professor before they began traveling. She took care of the formal portion of Mac's education. The rest she picked up along the trail. Folklore, bush medicine, practical knowledge - all learned from people she encountered.
Areas of Expertise: Armaments (explosives, guns, vehicles); language (several major, and multiple tribal dialects); forgeries; avoiding authority notice. If there's a back way out, she can find it
Occupation: Arms procurer, currently representing Kazakian rebels.
Short Term Goals: hasn't really counted on living long enough to have long term goals. Just stays in the moment.
Long Term Goals: a diversion while waiting for the deal to take place
Short Term Needs: Needs to learn how to shoot, write reports and to question people with confidence. Also needs to learn how to drive.
Short Term Needs: a diversion while waiting for the deal to take place
Long Term Needs: a cause of her own, rather than the usual adopted ones
Extrovert/Introvert: extrovert
Eccentricities: adrenaline nut - loves the rush that comes with narrow escapes; fairly muddled religious beliefs.
Favourite Sayings:
IQ: extremely bright, never had call to be tested
Temperament: Very passionate about everything she does (fighting, love-making, rallying support for a cause, everything), very cool during deals
Methods of Handling Anger/Rage: blow something up (You can tell how mad she was by the size of the crator.)
Admirable Traits: quick-witted; lives deeply
Negative Traits: occasionally arrogant; flexible moral code; temper; gun-runner
Bad Habits/Vices: tends to be a little too free with her charms
Prejudices: Opressive/neglegent governments
Pet Peeves: being told what to do; blatant stupidity/incompetence
Things that make her uncomfortable: hand-cuffs and old flames nursing grudges. (particularly when the two are combined.)
Most Painful Thing in Life: : being shot certainly stung; seeing children hurt through adult stupidity
Ever Been Arrested: A couple of times outside the US. Was able to escape or bribe her way free each time. Never arrested legally in the US, though was taken into protective custody after a deal went south. The officer who captured her got. . . 'lost' on the way back to the others. Her fingerprints are not on file.
Sense of Humour: sarcastic
Fears: ending up in a rocking chair on a porch in some anonymous Midwestern town.
Hobbies/Interests: Loves folklore and oral histories
Attributes about character that Turn on the Opposite Sex: element of danger, lives deeply, physical attributes
Sexual Turn Ons: danger, sense of humor, intense eyes
Turn Offs: possessiveness
Trauma/Physiological Scars: Once supplied weapons to a man who went on to set himself up as a dictator. The guilt was almost enough to drive her to leave the business.
Clothing Style: Casual Formal: Three words - 'Little_Black_Dress.' Also has a red silk sheath dress that she favors (mandarin neck, slit to her thigh)
Everyday: Blue jeans, hiking boots, and form fitting tops. Does adapt her wardrobe to the setting. Values the ability to meld into a crowd and can go low key quite easily.
Most Crucial Experience: Being caught on the wrong side of the border during an uprising when Mac was in her late teens. Her parents escaped weeks later, believing Mac died in the first outbreak of violence. She was taken in by the rebelling forces who respected her parents. Believing herself to be an orphan, Mac willingly joined the fight, if for no other reason than companionship. During her stay with them, she met Rafe who was riding shotgun for an arms broker. They hit it off, and later partnered up.
Favourite Music: Anything she can dance to. From tribal vocalizing and drums, to rock or country
Favourite Movie: Can count the movies she's seen on one hand. Prefers real life. Partial to Casablanca of the ones she has seen.
Favourite Food: Fresh fruit and bread. Rarely gets either when outside of the states or western Europe.
Favourite Drink: Mixed drinks, will do straight shots, not a big drinker. Doesn't like to dull her reactions
Favourite Relaxation: plays a ceramic flute, watching the sun rise/set over the ocean
Idea of a Good Date: doesn't matter what they do so long as there are no strings attached.
Vehicle Driven: Depends on which continent she's on. Currently drives a Porsche
Ever Been injured in the line of Duty: Has three scars under her left collarbone, courtesy of a zealous general who mistook her for an encyclopedia set. (She later mistook him for a hand-gun target.) Scar from a bullet wound, lower right rib-cage. The exit wound is mid-back, same side
Pets: Can't even keep a house-plant alive
Best Friend/Confidant: Rafe. He runs her operation from Amsterdam. Taking assignments, and arranging finances and shipments, while Mac handles the fieldwork. Mac is also very close to Rafe's long time SO, Franco. When she's on The Continent, she crashes on their couch rather than have a flat of her own.

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