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Magdelyn Ferral

Name: Magdelyn Ferral

Nickname: Maggs, Maggie, Mag, Red

Marital Status: Single

Age: 33

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140

Body: solid; not overly thin. She is curvy in the hips with a modest bosom, but she often wears loose plain clothes that do not draw attention to her appearance.

Physical Condition: She is relatively fit. She likes to take long walks, and plays volleyball

Eyes: green

Hair Colour & Style: Firey red; thick, straight and long, reaching to the middle of her back.

Hands: small and strong; nails kept short and neat

Distinguishing Feature: Her hair; she has been told that when the sunlight hits it, it actually looks like fire. She also has a small 3 inch scar on the right side of her forehead

Characteristic Gestures: Maggie is quiet, blending in with others around her quite effectively. She smiles a lot and keeps her hands folded neatly in her lap.

Race: Caucasion

Religion: Strong catholic upbringing


Schooling: Maggie graduated from college at the University of New York, with a bachelors in Political Science. She attended to years of police academy before being recruited into the FBI. She was assigned to the special services unit, providing protection for public officials.

Areas of Expertise: Magdelyn is a sharpshooter. Her skill is extraordinaire, never missing a target, even at 200 yards away.

Occupation: Double life.....Special Servies Unit for the FBI; Secretly, an assassin for the Saladonio Crime family, carefully placed within Team Seven to assasinate ATF Agent Chris Larabee.

Short Term Goals: To gather information from Team Seven about a case the team is working on involving the Saladonio Crime Family and other members of their syndicate. After assessing the current level of knowledge, she is to carry out the contract on Agent Larabee's head.

Long Term Goals: To buy a boat and sail off into the sunset, leaving both her conflicting worlds behind.

Short Term Needs: Magdelyn is detached from her work life. She has been an assassin since she was 16 due to her exceptional shooting ability. Her short term needs are only to complete her assignment and collect the substantial bounty on his head.

Long Term Needs: Secretly, Maggie longs to have a normal life....the small white house with a white picket fence, 2.5 children, and a husband that doesn't carry a gun to work everyday.

Extrovert/Introvert: Magdelyn is both. She is quiet, not wanting to draw attention to herself considering her line of work, but is not shy at all. She is talkative with her friends, but doesn't like to have the focus of a large group.


Favourite Sayings: "If you say so"

IQ: 133

Temperament: Very cool tempered; rarely ever gets mad about anything anyone says or does. She is so far removed from her assignments that she doesn't let anything get to her.

Methods of Handling Anger/Rage: She likes to take her aggressions out, when she does get angry, by playing a rough game of volleyball. She also likes to run.

Admirable Traits: She is strong willed and has great determination. Everything that she sets her mind to, she does. She is also loyal to her family.

Negative Traits: Her most crucial negative trait is her ability to kill for money.

Bad Habits/Vices: She bites the inside of her jaw when she is nervous. She likes to eat fried foods, although they don't affect her figure much, and she cusses like a sailor when pushed to the absolute limit.

Prejudices: She does not like anyone to interfere with her family's business. Other than that, no prejudices. She is an equal opportunity assassin.

Pet Peeves: She hates "fake" people and gossip. She also does not like men that come on too strong or that try to force her to be involved in group activities or conversations.

Things that make her uncomfortable: When she encounters people, during a contract kill, that want to be friends with her. She is extremely conscious of her personal space and wants others to observe it as well.

Most Painful Thing in Life: A miscarriage at the age of 19 that resulted from a momentary weakness when she was contracted to kill the father of her baby. An off-balance stance resulted in her falling down three slights of stairs, killing her baby instantly, and nearly killing herself. The experience made her the ultimate assassin, removing all of her personal feelings from an assignment.

Ever Been Arrested: No

Sense of Humour: Maggie has a dark sense of humor, though she forces herself to laugh to prevent attention from being drawn to her.

Fears: That she will grow cold and emotionless like her adopted older brother, who at age 46, is so hardened and alone that he will never be able to have a decent relationship.

Hobbies/Interests: She likes to write, go for walks, read, communing with nature

Attributes about character that Turn on the Opposite Sex: Her firey red hair and her quiet demeanor.

Sexual Turn Ons: She is attracted to someone that is opposite of the harsh world that she lives in. She craves kindness, and someone that doesn't always expect something from her.

Turn Offs: Arrogance, large egos, pushiness

Trauma/Physiological Scars: Killing the father of her child, a man that betrayed the Saladonia family, only to loss her child in a fall.

Clothing Style: Formal: Maggie always dresses to blend in, never wanting to draw too much attention. Mostly she wears black, simple knee length cocktail dresses.

Everyday: Jeans and waist length sweaters or t-shirts, men's work shorts, sneakers or sandels.

Most Crucial Experience: Magdelyn was abandoned as a child, taken in by Marianne Saladonia, at the age of 2. Despite her insecurieties growing up as an outsider, Maggie was treated as one of the family. She learned to love the close knit relationship that the family shares, despite her role as an assassin which she views simply as her "job".

Favourite Music: Italian operettas, light jazz, classical - mostly Bach and Chopin

Favourite Movie: Doesn't like to go to movies

Favourite Food: Having grown up eating it everyday, she loves any kind of italian and is an excellent cook.

Favourite Drink: Merlot

Favourite Relaxation: Soak in a bubble bath with Chopin playing softly in the background, sitting on the beach watching the waves roll in

Idea of a Good Date: an evening at the theater, drinks at a jazz club

Vehicle Driven: Mitsubishi Diamonte, forest green

Ever Been injured in the line of Duty: No

Pets: A parrot named Sinbad that likes to sing

Best Friend/Confidant: None, can't afford friends. Has several family members that she confides somethings in, but she never tells anyone everything that is on her mind.

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