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Tatem MicKay Hicks

Name: Tatem MicKay Hicks
Nickname: Mic
Marital Status: Single
Age: 22
Height: 5.8'
Weight: 110
Body: long legs, slender and average of everything inbetween
Physical Condition: Fit and agile
Eyes: Smokey Grey
Hair Colour & Style: jet black with 2 bold red streakskind of shaggy and to her chin. at nights itlooks messy during the day it's straight
Hands: real little hands. slender fingers, wears rings on every finger mostof thetime
Distinguishing Feature: her eyes. they change from smokey to silver to steel depending on her moods
Characteristic Gestures: she's reallycalmbut when she gets mad her hands clench into fists
Race: English
Religion: None, believes in God
Background: born and raised ina small town inCO. Her dad died when she was7 and her momremarried. Her stepfatherabused her and when she could take no more she ranaway when she was 16 to denver whereshefinished schooling and worked her waythroughschool
Schooling: finished college and went on to become a FBI agent
Areas of Expertise: Negotiating
Occupation: FBI Agent
Short Term Goals: has none
Long Term Goals: Has none
Short Term Needs: To Learn to control her temper
Long Term Needs: To control her temper
Extrovert/Introvert: Extrovert
Eccentricities: she has a hidden passion for singing but rarely does. She can do almost any kindof dance
Favourite Sayings: “Shit Happens”
IQ: High also not tested
Temperament: very, very, very short
Methods of Handling Anger/Rage: fighting or arguing depending on who she's arguing with
Admirable Traits: her negotiating-communicating skills
Negative Traits: her fighting.
Bad Habits/Vices: fighting and staying out all night
Prejudices: none really
Pet Peeves: smiking and drugs, both drive her crazy
Things that make her uncomfortable: people questioning her and analyzing her and thinking that she's a bad ass girlwhen she's really not.
Most Painful Thing in Life: her father dying and then her mother not believing thather step father abusedher
Ever Been Arrested: once for fighting
Sense of Humour: Usually sarcastic and dry
Fears: snakes! She can't stand them. She can take anything else but she cannot abide snakes!
Hobbies/Interests: range shootingand dancing and hanging out with her friends and relaxing at homewith a good book
Attributes about character that Turn on the Opposite Sex: her eyes and her body
Sexual Turn Ons: sexy guys and their bodys and muscles
Turn Offs: smoking
Trauma/Physiological Scars: when she lost her dad and began being abused by her stepfather
Clothing Style: Casual Formal: Anything black and sexy
Everyday: anything comfortable. baggy pants and tight shirts that reveal her stomach.
Most Crucial Experience: Running Away
Favourite Music: everything. mostly new age stuff
Favourite Movie: Aliens. The second one not the first one
Favourite Food: Italian
Favourite Drink: Spring Water and Red Wine
Favourite Relaxation: getting into a hot bathe with tons of bubbles and bath salts and candleseverywhere and reading
Idea of a Good Date: good meal, great atmosphere, great setting, and then dancing...oh and he has tobe a very good lookin guy
Vehicle Driven: Black 2000 BMW and a 87 Davidson Motorbike
Ever Been injured in the line of Duty: shot once in the shoulder
Pets: a german sheppard named Dev and a lab named Reb
Best Friend/Confidant: Ezra

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