Original good quality AMC episodes are available from July, 1994 - January, 2012. Below you will find episode descriptions for AMC from July, 1994 - September, 1995.

There are episodes from 1986 - July, 1994 that still need to be described. You can email me at CurlyQgrL@aol.com for additional expanded descriptions for this time frame.

You can view complete AMC episode descriptions beginning with October, 1995 on soapcentral.com at http://www.soapcentral.com/amc/archives.php.

AMC Original 1994 Episode Descriptions

July 18 - 22, 1994: 7/18, 7/19, 7/20, 7/21, 7/22

July 18, 1994 Tad is working in his office, when Opal comes in and asks Tad for 200,000. Kendall recognizes a familiar voice at the dress shop and realizes it’s Janet Green and that she is in Pine Valley. Adam walks into the room where he finds Brooke, Gloria, Stewart, and Charlie talking. Gloria told Adam that she has a surprise for him and she gets him to leave. Once he leaves, Gloria tells Brooke and Charlie that she can’t believe that he betrayed her and that she ever loved him. Then Adam calls Stewart on the phone and asked him if he has turned against him. Kendall looks for Janet in the dressing rooms so that she can turn her in, but she doesn’t find her. Kendall ask Myrtle, Julia, and Anton if they just saw a women leave the store. Myrtle tells her that she left and that her name was “Jane.” She also told her that “Jane” and Trevor are dating.

“Jane” goes back to the office and hears Tad and Opal yelling. Opal is asking for the 200,000 to help her save her marriage by buying him a big present. Tad refuses to give Opal the money. “Jane” offered to help Opal, she suggested that Opal try to make Palmer jealous. Adam asks Stewart if he told Brooke and Charlie anything about his kidnapping, but Stewart wouldn’t tell him anything. Adam ask Haley “if Charlie doesn’t think that Alex was behind my kidnapping, then who does he suspect?” Gloria is angry that Adam made everyone grieve for him while in impersonated Stewart and framed Alex. Opal is talking to two business moguls and telling them that Erica really needs them. Haley tells Adam that she and Charlie are not really talking right now.

Gloria is still upset with Adam, but she doesn’t want to cancel their wedding renewal ceremony she said she has a surprise for him. Jane wants to try on the dress to get Tad’s opinion, so he goes outside so she can try it on and he sees Kendall waiting. Julia is trying on a dress at Myrtle’s dress shop and ask Anton to go to the party with her tonight. Opal tries to make Palmer jealous with the business mogul, Warren Buffet. When Palmer sees them he comes in with a gun telling him to get away from his wife. Palmer knows Mr. Buffet and wanted to talk business with him. Brooke and Charlie fill Derek in about Adam. Gloria goes to see Adam and he tells her that he fired Alex from Enchantment. Kendall tells Tad that she is on the wrong floor. Kendall finally see’s Jane and knows that it is really Janet. Kendall tells Anton that she changed her mind and she is going to the party. Derick is willing to let them go along with their plan for Adam at the party.

July 19, 1994 Palmar tells Opal that he doesn’t want to go to the Adam and Gloria’s wedding renewal party. Del stops by Opal’s house and Opal invites him to the party. Edmund and Maria are getting ready to go the party. Anton ask Kendall why she ran out of the store earlier. She says she has a secret and Dmitri comes in and asks Kendall what’s she is hiding. “Jane” comes downstairs ready for the party where Tad, Dixie, Trevor, and Myrtle are waiting. Adam is getting the room ready for the party and tells Haley that this is a whole new start to their family. Stewart sneaks in to Gloria’s room and tells her not to go through with their plan because it could ruin all of their lives.

Charlie showed up early to the party and they tell Charlie that Adam fried Alex and that she is the new CEO of Enchantment. Trevor tells “Jane” how beautiful she looks. Kendall lies about her secret. Julia shows up to Maria’s house and tells her that she and Del are friends again. Maria is concerned with Julia and Del being friends. Palmer tells Del to leave and then Opal storms out with Del. Haley is upset with Charlie and tells him that he better not have anything planned to ruin her father’s night. Stewart tells Gloria that he cannot stay and watch her plan. Adam comes in with a gift for Gloria and he goes to give it to her, it was a necklace. Trevor says hello to Laurel.

Kendall gets to the party and sees “Jane.” Gloria tells Charlie that it is way too late to change their plans. Gloria calls Alex. Gloria tries to invite Alex to the party, but he thinks it’s a setup. Del ask to speak to Dixie alone. Del ask Dixie if she talked to Maria. Haley ask why Laurel is at the party since her and Adam are not good friends. She said that Gloria called her and wanted her to come. Taylor goes to Derek and checks in with him to see if everything is still a go. Adam raises a toast to Gloria and then he asked her to dance. Palmer is still mad that Opal left with Del. Del thanked Maria for not telling Dixie about his condition. Jack sees Laurel and goes and talks to her and asks her to dance. Trevor looks jealous that they are dancing. Tad ask to dance with “Jane.” Janet sees Kendall. Palmar decides to go to the party and sees Del dancing with Opal. He goes and ask another women to dance. Alex shows up to the party. Adam walks in the room and sees Gloria and Alex talking. Kendall confronts Janet.

July 20, 1994 Haley ask Charlie what’s going on. Tad suspects that something is up and asks Charlie what is going on. Adam tells Alex to leave his party. Gloria tells Adam that she invited him. Trevor tells Jack that he can’t stand by and watch him hurt Laurel and Jack tells him to mind his own business. Kendall tells “Jane” that she knows she is really Janet and then Laurel walks in. Laurel feels like Kendall and “Jane” know each other. Kendall says, “How could I forget, I have met “Jane” before.” Charlie tells Alex that he needs to stay and that he needs to trust him. Charlie tells him that he knows who really kidnapped Adam and that the identity will be revealed tonight. Gloria tries to make Adam feel guilty about him being kidnapped. Kendall tells Laurel that they met at an art supplies store. Janet thanks Kendall for not telling Laurel the truth. Jack realizes that Trevor is in love with Laurel and Trevor admits it and tells him that he wants him to let her go. Trevor tells Jack that he told Laurel that he loved her and that she shot him down. Trevor tells Jack that he just wants to see Laurel happy.

Dimitri asks Laurel to dance and she tells him that she found Kendall and “Jane” talking. Laurel ask Dimitri if he can find out what’s going on. Janet tells Kendall that she tried to tell the truth to Trevor but she just couldn’t. Janet warns Kendall to not say anything to Trevor, just then Trevor walks in. Trevor is getting confused by what is going on between “Jane” and Kendall. Alex figures out that Adam staged his own kidnapping. Jack tells Laurel that he would like to talk later. Stewart shows up at the party and ask Gloria if she is still going through with it and he tells her that he is there for her. Charlie fills Alex in on the plan. Haley walks in to Charlie and Alex conversation and wants to know what they are talking about. Brooke walks in and Haley is still confused on what is going on. Alex is surprised that Haley is not in on it. Adam is ready to make a speech.

July 21, 1994 Kendall taunts Janet about who she really is. Adam is excited to say their vows. Haley tells Brooke that she and Charlie better not do anything to wreck Adam’s happiness. Everyone gathers around for Adam and Gloria to renew vows. Alex tells Adam that he is not leaving and Adam tells him that he can stay and watch true happiness. The ceremony begins and Adam proclaims his love to Gloria. When the minister asked Gloria, “If she would have Adam for better or worse,” she said, “No.” Adam is in shock.

Gloria tells Adam that he doesn’t trust her because she slept with Alex. She tells everyone in the room that Adam faked his own kidnapping. Haley tries to tell Gloria that she is wrong. Stewart tells everyone that it is true and that Adam was pretending to be Stewart. Adam wants to talk to Gloria privately and she says no and breaks his necklace. Haley demands the truth from Adam. He finally admits the truth. Haley picks up a glass of alcohol and says, “to you dad.” Adam begs her not to drink it. Haley tells Adam how he hurt her and she takes a drink and tells him she doesn’t have a father anymore. Adam tells everyone to go, but Gloria tells everyone to stay. Charlie goes to check on Haley and she is upset with him. Trevor is upset at Adam for hurting Haley. Palmer tells him he doesn’t deserve part custody of JR. Derek and Taylor arrests Adam. Adam begs Gloria to talk to him and she says no. Kendall tells Janet imagine what everyone will think when they learn the truth about her. Dimitri and Dixie try to get Gloria to go lay down, but she still wants to dance at the party. She dances with Alex and then she falls down. Brooke ask Stewart if he wants to talk. Stewart is feeling guilty. Trevor wonders what Kendall and “Jane” are talking about.

Then Kendall tells the whole party that she has an announcement to make. She tells the whole room that there is a serve storm watch and maybe even a tornado. Palmer tells Opal that they should leave before the storm and she tells him she will only leave with her escort Del. Adam is booked and put in jail. Gloria says that she thought that she would feel better but she doesn’t. She tells Maria and Dixie that she might be pregnant. Haley goes to a bar and thinks about Adam (she has flashbacks about the times he has hurt her). Gloria is in her room and Alex comes in. Anton and Kendall are talking outside he wonders what she knows. Janet tells Kendall they are going to put an end to things right now and she pulls her away to talk.

7/22 Need Description

July 25 - 28, 1994: 7/25 TORNADO, 7/26, 7/27 Noah arrives, 7/28

7/25/94 Tad, Brooke, Edmund, and Dimitri are at the party talking about Adam and Gloria and the weather. Alex goes to check on Gloria and then Gloria kisses him. Haley is sitting at a bar with a drink in front of her and Charlie goes into the bar. Janet drags Kendall into the boathouse and threatens Kendall. Gloria tries throwing herself at Alex. Opal tells Palmer that she is sorry for trying to make him jealous. Dixie and Maria are taking about Gloria and Maria keeps looking at Del. Jack goes to Laurel so that they could finally talk. Anton is looking for Kendall. Janet tells Kendall that she has done bad things in the past and could do it again. Kendall tries to leave and Janet grabs hers and pulls her back. She picks up a big piece of wood and threatens her. Kendall is able to talk Janet down. Jack asks Laurel for a divorce while Trevor is listening. Alex tells Gloria that sleeping together would only make things worse. Maria goes to comfort Gloria. Tad takes Joe and Ruth home. Alex tells Tom and Livia that all the charges are dropped and that he will fight for his parental rights. Janet starts crying and tells Kendall that she will lose Amanda for good. Charlie starts drinking and then Haley says we should get some coffee instead. Laurel begs Jack to not divorce her. Trevor tells Laurel that it was good that Jack made up his mind. She figures out that Trevor talked to Jack and he tells her that he loves her and that he told Jack to let her go. Then she slaps him. Ruth is worried about the tornado. Janet begs Kendall to promise that she will keep her secret and not tell anyone who she is. Edmund learned from Dixie that Maria and had went to talk to Del the other day. The tornado hits. The door blows off on the boat house and knocks Kendall and Janet down. Laurel refuses to go inside so Trevor picks her up. The tornado hits the party and the windows break and debris is flying all around.

7/26/94 The tornado hits Pine Valley and Charlie and Haley are in a car. He tells her to get out of the car. The door on the boathouse hits Kendall and Janet. Kendall is knocked out. Tad goes to the front door and the door flies off and knocks him out. The tornado hits the party and the windows break and debris is flying all around. Everyone is down on the floor and lots of people are hurt. Maria goes to start checking on people. Alex is looking for Gloria. Maria is standing under the chandelier when it starts to break and Julia goes to get her out of the way. Julia starts to scream and she is holding her face. Charlie and Haley tries to go back in the car and they realize there is a live wire over on their car. Janet thinks about leaving Kendall knocked out in the boathouse, but decides to help her. Adam is talking to Taylor trying to post bail to get out of jail. Kendall begs Janet to get help. Myrtle’s arm is hurt and Brooke is helping her. Dixie is worried about Tad. Joe goes to look for Tad. Julia is injured and needs to get to the doctor before she bleeds to death. All the roads are close and Edmund tells Maria that she has to treat Julia herself. She doesn’t want to but she has no choice. Maria starts working on Julia’s face. The ambulance finally come and take Julia and other hurt people. Brooke and Dixie decide to try to walk to wear their boys are since the roads are closed, Del goes with them. Joe and Ruth’s home is destroyed. Ruth finds Tad unconscious. Joe cannot move the door off of Tad. Tad opens his eyes. Dixie learns that Tad never made it home and Del offers to drive her on a motorcycle to Joe’s house. Janet tells Kendall she will help her. Kendall promises not to tell anyone Janet’s secret. Dimitri finds Janet and Kendall and helps Janet move the debris off of her. Dixie and Del show up at Joe’s house. Haley ask Charlie to forgive her and he tells her that he still loves her. Tad closes his eyes and Joe says we are losing him.

7/27/94 Noah first episode? Julia is brought to the hospital. The plastic surgeon goes to see Julia. Maria feels really bad about the bad job she did on Julia’s face. Julia wants Maria to tell her wants going on. Maria tells Julia that she did the best that she could but that there is going to be a scar. Taylor is sent to stop looters at a store. Taylor tells one of the looters to lay on the ground. She sees Noah and he tells her he is not stealing. Then the guy on the floor tries to shoot Taylor and Noah gets her out of the way. Terrance tells Taylor that he knows Noah and that he is not a good guy. Everyone is trying to get Tad to wake up. He starts to go towards the light were he sees his family trying to help him. Del, Dixie, and Joe are finally able to get the beam off of Tad. Tad see Jenny. Anton tells Kendall that he is worried about Julia. Trevor takes Laurel home and she tells him to leave. Jenny tells Tad that he shouldn’t be here let that it’s not him time he needs to go home. Tad is so excited to see her and wants to talk to Jenny. Tad sees Ray and he taunts him. Tad’s heart stops. Then Tad sees Jesse. Tad tells Ray that he is going home to then his heart starts. Del is trying to cut the branches in front of the house. Anton comes in and ask her what’s wrong and she tells him that she is going to be ugly because of her scar. Laurel is mad that Trevor didn’t leave and she feels like he pushed Jack into wanting a divorce. She tells Trevor he needs to leave now. They finally get Tad to the hospital.

7/28/94 It is the next morning after the tornado and Gloria is looking at all the damage. Then Adam walks in the door. Charlie and Haley are still in the car and the firemen are finally able to get the power turned off. Ruth is worried about Tad. Dixie is worried that Tad is dead. Palmer tells Opal that he is going out of town for business and she told him he’s not leaving. Adam tells Gloria that he posted bail. Adam tells Gloria that he’s sorry that he didn’t believe that she loved him and she tells him it is too late. Adams tells Gloria that if we are finished it’s your fault. He told her he needed to test her because she cheated on him. Tad goes into surgery. Charlie and Haley go to the hospital to check on Tad. Dixie tells Maria that she really wanted to have a baby with Tad. Palmer leaves to go on business. Ruth calls Opal to tell her that Tad is in the hospital. Opal rushes to the hospital. Dixie realizes that Del has a bandage on his arm. Adam tells Gloria to not walk away from him and he grabs her arms and then Alex walks in. Ruth tells Opal what happens. The doctor comes in and tells them that Tad is alive, but the next hours are critical. Dixie goes to see Tad. Maria tells Del not to tell Dixie about his liver. Maria tells Del that if Dixie donates her kidney that Dixie can’t have a baby. Adam tells Alex to get out and then Haley comes in. Haley tells Adam that she should have listen to everyone. Gloria tells Adam it is over. Dixie begs Tad to wake up and come back to her. Tad squeezes Dixie’s hand. Haley tells Adam that they have a few things they need to get straight.

July 29 - August 4, 1994: 7/29, 8/1 Noah & Julia meet, 8/2, 8/3, 8/4

7-29-94 Del, Edmund, Maria, Julia, Hailey, Adam, Alex, Olivia, Tom, Anton, Kendell, Brooke, Jamal, Charlie. Julia is in the hospital getting treatment for her scarred facial injuries. She is horrified when she sees herself in a mirror. Adam tells Hayley he is her natural father she does not believe him. Maria blames herself for Julia’s injuries. She tries to reassure Julia by saying her face can be repaired. Julia is in a zombielike state now. She does not want anyone to see her like this. Kendell tries to get Del to help her get revenge on her birth family for rejecting her. Adam goes to see Brooke and lays into her, finally she slaps him hard across his face. Hayley, Alex, Olivia, Tom, Anton?

8-1-94 Tim, Stuart, Laurel, Trevor, Tad, Dixie, Jane, Kendell, Julia, Anton, Del, Corvina, Maria, Edmund, Opal. Tad wakes up in the hospital with Dixie by his side. Kendall tries to sneak away to meet Del. Julia sneaks out of the hospital. Del visits Tad at the hospital. Julia ends up in an abandoned house. Jane is afraid Kendall might expose her as a fraud. Trevor’s son Tim is trying to play matchmaker with him and Laurel. Trevor’s mother in law from hell comes to visit him. Del wants no part of Kendall’s revenge plans but he is in serious hospital debt so Kendall is able to wear him down to agree to her plans. Julia sees a stranger coming towards her in the abandoned house. Stuart, Tad & Dixie?, Anton, Corvina?

8-2-94 Noah, Raul, Taylor, Terrence, Kendell, Harold the dog, Maria, Anton, Corvina, Edmund, Trevor, Jane, Wilma. Isabella. Julia tells the stranger she is not afraid to die so do what he will. In a strange twist, Trevor’s mother in law who is also Jane Cox’s mother does not recognize her but Jane surely recognizes her own mother. Maria finally calls her parents to let them know she is all right after the tornado storm and that Julia is missing. The stranger Julia meets is a young man named Noah. He assumes she is there to do a drug buy. She keeps asking Noah to kill her so she does not have to live with her scarred face. Noah tells Julia scars give you character, it says you are a fighter. Turns out Noah is a police informant. He takes Julia to his house to heal. Raul, Taylor, Terrance, Kendell, Anton, Corvina

8-3-94 Hailey, Adam, Kendell, Jane, Alex, Jamal, Trevor, Olivia. Tom, Terrence, Stuart. Jane can only discuss her situation with Kendall the only person who knows the truth. The court case where Jamal petitions the court to sever his ties to his biological father so that he can be adopted by the Cudahys is underway. Jamal testifies passionately to stay with the Cudahys because he does not know or like his biological father. Adam’s lawyer wants him to discredit Stuart by portraying him as a simpleton. Adam would rather not do that so he tries to get Stuart to lie on the stand. Stuart refuses so Adam makes plans to have him committed. Hailey? Alex? Trevor? Olivia? Tom? Terrence?

8-4-94 Erica, Alex, Jackson, Jamal, Maria, Julia, Edmund, Isabella, Raul, Noah. Erica arrives home. Jack meets her at the airport. Paddy McIntyre who is Alex’s father blows him out the water on the witness stand and pretty much destroys any chance he has to get custody of his son. Julia wakes up at Noah’s house in a panic. Noah gives her no sympathy at all. He tells her people who dies young would gladly trade places with her to live another day. Noah carries Julia to a clinic when she becomes feverish. While they wait for a doctor, Noah “borrows” some free samples of medication. The doctor suspects Noah hit her and gave her that scar. The Doctor couldn’t be more wrong. He cleans Julia’s face wound and gives her medication to fight the infection. Jamal, Maria, Edmund, Isabella, Raul - ?

August 5 - 10, 1994: 8/5, 8/8 Day of Mona’s funeral, 8/9, 8/10

8-5-94 Edmund, Del, Maria, Julia, Noah, Brooke, Adam, Charlie, Hailey, Erica, Stuart, Kendell. Stuart shows up to testify and runs straight into Adam. Maria is about to see Julia at the clinic where she volunteers. Julia begs Noah to take her away quickly before Maria can see her. Noah takes Julia to his apartment. He begins to question her as to why they had to leave the clinic so suddenly. Erica comes home from her trip to Seattle to find her mother Mona has passed away. Stuart is stunned and shocked to overhear Adam telling lawyers about his mental state and a bunch of lies. There is an outpouring of support for Erica in her grief. She tries her best to be strong but somehow no tears will flow from her eyes. Julia realizes Noah thinks she is a prostitute however he does not treat her like she is trash. No info on Edmund, Del, Brooke, Charlie, Hailey, Kendell

8-8-94 Charlie, Hailey, Erica, Brooke, Stuart, Adam, Anton, Edmund, Kendall. Funeral arrangements for Mona are being made. Kendall is told her grandmother has passed away. She breaks down and cries with heaving sobs. Erica can’t cry and she confides in Adam of all people. Stuart wants to leave town not wanting to be around Adam anymore. Erica tells her daughter Bianca about Mona’s passing. People come into town to pay their respects to Mona at her wake and funeral. After hearing Erica say since losing her mother she no longer has anyone who will or can love her unconditionally in spite of her faults. Adam goes to apologize to Stuart and take his punishment which is 30 days in jail and paying a fine for staging his own kidnapping. As always Stuart forgives and embraces Adam. No info on Charlie, Hailey, Brooke, Adam, Anton, Edmund, Kendall

8-9-94 Trevor, Wilma, Janet, Tad, Dixie, Erica, Kendell, Jackson, Phoebe, Mark, Del, Laurel. Dixie tells Tad about Mona’s passing. Kendall pays her respects to Mona at her wake. Erica asks Kendall to leave. Kendall makes quite a scene and asks Erica if she has cried yet. She also refuses to leave. Even Bianca asks Kendall to leave. Kendall knocks over a picture of Mona as Jackson grabs her to escort her out. Phoebe pays her respects to Mona. Kendall is ready to make plans for revenge on Erica for making her leave the wake. Wilma and Laurel get together to complain about Jane/Janet because they both know she is not good for Trevor and his kids.

8-10-94 Maria, Edmund, Julia, Noah, Terrence, Taylor, Trevor, Jane, Wilma, Tim. Julia wakes up on Noah’s coach. She is scared when she hears someone at the front door. It’s Noah bringing home some groceries. Julia asks his why he is helping her. He says maybe he appreciates having company. He accuses Julia of having a problem with him because he is African American. Then he asks why doesn’t she go home. Julia tells Noah her parents don’t understand her and every man she knows only likes her because of her looks. There is a knock on Noah’s door. It’s the police. They show him a missing person flyer with Julia’s picture on it. Of course he recognizes her. He asks if there is a reward. He is very angry Julia deceived him. Julia tries to explain but he just gets more angry and raises his hand to hit her. Trevor and Jane’s relationship is moving along very fast. Too fast for Tim, Wilma and Laurel because Jane gives all three of them a creepy feeling they can’t explain. Edmund and Maria believe it’s time to think about adding children to make their family complete. Terrence, Taylor?

August 11 - 16, 1994: 8/11, 8/12, 8/15, 8/16

8-11-94 Terrence, Taylor, Kendall, Anton, Noah, Julia, Jack, Erica, Nick, Dimitri Terrence tells Taylor he loves her. Julia is scared of Noah. Jack offers to comfort Erica. Noah kicks Julia out. Kendall lets out her anger over Mona’s death on Anton who is worried about Julia. Taylor tells Terrence she is still a virgin. Jack is scared Erica is wound too tight. After Jack leaves Nick gives Erica advice. Dimitri fires Kendall after learning she went to Mona’s visitation. Noah comes Julia’s rescue just in time. Julia runs after Noah. Anton comes across the man Noah fought off who tells him a black knight took her away. Kendall wants to know why Dimitri is so loyal to Erica. Dimitri tells Kendall she will have nothing if she goes to the funeral. Terrence and Taylor prepare to make love. Kendall tells Dimitri she won’t go to the funeral.

8-12-94 Erica, Nick, Ruth, Joe, (Charles, Mona- included in Flashbacks) Derek, Bianca, Kendall, Myrtle, Trevor, Tad, Dixie, Laurel, Mark, Opal, Charlie, Janet, Tim, Dimitri, Livia, Hayley, Taylor, Enid, Tom, Terrence, Jack, Winifred, Travis. Pine Valley gathers for Mona’s funeral which includes plenty of flashbacks. Ruth, Joe, Phoebe, Charlie, Myrtle, Nick, Bianca, Jack (reading for Erica) speak. Dimitri is angered to find Kendall at Mona’s grave. Dimitri stands in the background at Mona’s burial. Erica throws herself on Mona’s coffin.

8-15-84 Tad, Nurse Harris, Edmund, Kendall, Del, Erica, Jack, Janet, Dimitri, Trevor, Laurel, Travis, Phoebe, Langley, Mark, Nick, Livia, Tom, Ruth, Joe, Bianca, Hayley, Charlie, Tim. Tad, who is back in the hospital after Mona’s funeral gets into with one of the nurses. Erica is hysterical at Mona’s burial. Dimitri comforts a frightened Bianca. Kendall tells Edmund what happens at the funeral home and at Mona’s grave. Kendall tells Edmund Dimitri is still in love with Erica. Del’s doctor tells him the new donor isn’t a match. Tad pays and reads Del’s hospital bill. Jack comforts Erica. Erica reassures Bianca. Dixie and Opal visits Will’s grave. Dimitri tells Edmund he can’t get over Erica sleeping with Jack. Del’s doctor tells Tad Dixie may be Dell’s only hope. Edmund tells Dimitri Kendall is having an affair with Del.

8-16-94 Ruth, Joe, Dixie, Gloria, Edmund, Dimitri, Tad, Dell, Opal, Kendall. Opal comforts the Martin who return to the site of their home that was destroyed by the Tornado. Dimitri doesn’t believe it when Edmund tells him Kendall and Del are having an affair. Tad attacks Del. Dixie is surprised to learn Gloria was in Baltimore. Gloria tells Dixie she’s pregnant. Tad offers to pay all of Del’s medical bills if he leaves town.

August 17 - 22, 1994: 8/17, 8/18, 8/19, 8/22

8-17-94 Noah, Julia, Edmund, Dimitri, Kendall, Del, Dixie, Maria, Tad, Anton, Terrence, Louie. Noah says Julia should stay in for now and proposes they get to know each other. Julia talks to Noah about her family problems. Dimitri and Edmund are on Del and Edmund’s trail. Del and Kendall meet with a publisher in NYC. Dixie wants to know what Tad and Del were fighting about. Maria changes her tune on Del. Dixie is still in the dark with Del’s health. Tad is angry with Maria for not sharing the reason Del came to town. Terrence comes to see Anton about Julia. Kendall and Del celebrate in the same bar Dimitri and Edmund have stopped in. Noah goes to Wild Wind. Dixie tells Opal and Joe having a baby is her and Tad’s number one priority. Edmund goes to the publisher’s office. Louie thinks Julia is a prostitute and offers her drugs. Terrence doesn’t believe Noah. Edmund brings Dimitri proof.

8-18-94 Jack, Trevor, Jamal, Livia, Tom, Alec, Tim, Brooke, Anton, Kendall, Dimitri, Edmund, Gloria, Maria, Corvina, Peggy, Hayley, Charlie. Jamal’s custody hearing between Livia and Tom and Alec continues. Dimitri tells Edmund it is Kendall’s last day at Wild Wind. Anton comforts Kendall. Dimitri invites Kendal and Anton for breakfast. Dimitri and Edmund expose Kendall at breakfast. Brooke, Hayley and Charlie speculate as to why Gloria has returned. Alec ask Gloria to let him love her.

8-19-94 Jack, Trevor, Jamal, Livia, Tom, Alec, Brooke, Anton, Kendall, Dimitri, Edmund, Gloria, Maria, Corvina, Peggy, Hayley, Charlie, Noah, Julia, Terrence. Jamal’s custody hearing continues. After returning from Wild Wind Noah tells Julia she was right about her family and friends. Dimitri reads Kendall and Del’s book to everyone at Wild Wind. Kendall blames Del and the publisher. Anton is furious at Kendall’s betrayal. Julia tells Noah she could be a prostitute. Del comes to see Dimitri at Wild Wind. Anton starts to back Kendall’s bags.

8-22-94 Jack, Trevor, Jamal, Livia, Tom, Alec, Brooke, Anton, Kendall, Dimitri, Edmund, Gloria, Maria, Terrence, Hayley, Charlie, Tad, Nurse Harris, Del, Tim. Jamal’s custody hearing continues with Alec testifying. Jamal’s custody case ends with closing arguments. Dixie wants to know what’s eating Tad. Tad is frustrated being in the hospital. Kendall pleads her case to Anton. Tad tells Joe about Del. Dimitri buys Del off. Tad and Dixie make out in his hospital room. Kendall and Anton interrupt the toast to Kendall’s demise at Wildwind.

August 23 - 26, 1994: 8/23, 8/24, 8/25, 8/26

8-23-94 Amanda, Jane (Janet), Trevor, Tim, Wilma, Laurel, Lily, Jack, Bianca, Erica, Kendal, Anton, Dimitri, Maria, Edmund, Corvina, Opal. Jane tells Amanda a story about when she was a little girl when Wilma comes in. Wilma comes in and takes away Amanda’s chocolate easter bunny which triggers Janet. Laurel says goodbye to Lily before she goes away to school and Eric says goodbye to Bianca, who leaves for riding school. Dimitri reveals Corvina and him were lovers but Kendall insists there’s more. Laurel tells Jack she won’t fight the divorce. Jane has a flashback of her childhood. Trevor and Tim walk in on Jane letting loose on Wilma. Harold is on a farm and drops an empty pill bottle before he is shot by an angry farmer. Anton gives Kendall another chance. Jack checks on Erica. Opal visits Erica. Erica writes Dimitri a letter.

8-24-94 Trevor, Laurel, Dimitri, Kendall, Wilma, Jane. Trevor is mad Laurel shared her opinion of Jane (Janet) with Wilma. He is also upset when Laurel compares her with Janet. Dimitri tells Kendall her book deal with Del is dead. Erica remembers Mona while she is having dinner with Opal and Jack. Jane tells Wilma about her baby died and her husband was cruel. Just when Jane thinks Wilma understands until Wilma tells Jane she spooks her and that Timmy thinks she killed Harold. Trevor defends Jane’s friendship with Kendall to Laurel and accuses her of wanting to get back at him for telling Jack to divorce her. Dimitri gets so angry with Kendall he puts his hands around her neck. Jack asks Erica to dance. Tim is angry when Jane tries to surprise him with a puppy. A farmer finds Harold with a gunshot wound, but still alive. Laurel resolves to find out what’s bugging her about Jane. Kendall intercepts a letter from Erica meant for Dimitri. Erica slams on the break driving home with Opal after she misses a stop sign.

8-25-94 Tom, Livia, Noah, Julia, Kendall, Anton, Opal, Erica, Dimitri, Jamal, Tad, Joe, Louie. Tom and Livia worry Alex has the judge’s ear in Jamal’s custody case. Kendall begs a hostile Anton to forgive her. Opal and Erica get in a minor car accident with- to both their surprise- Dimitri. Noah shoplifts a dress for Julia. Erica and Dimitri fight. Tad and Joe witness Dimitri carry Erica against her will into the hospital. Kendall and Anton reconcile. Joe examines Erica. Tad tells Dimitri to go for Erica. Erica feels like if he was interested Dimitri would have responded to her note. Julia has second thoughts about working when she and Noah go out. Kendall practices copying Erica’s handwriting. Jamal runs away, and shoes up looking to buy drugs from Louie, where Julia recognizes him.

8-26-94 Charlie, Hayley, Tom, Livia, Trevor, Jane (Janet), Myrtle, Alec. Tom and Livia have no idea Jamal has run away. Julia tries to stop Jamal from buying drugs but Noah interferes. Alec’s mind is on Jamal. Myrtle swears she heard a man’s voice in Jane’s room where she finds Trevor. Trevor and Jane kiss. Charlie wants Hayley to himself but she wants to work. Noah stops Julia from using the phone. Tom and Livia realize Jamal is missing. Jane talks to Janet in the mirror. Hayley, Trevor, and Charlie go looking for Jamal. Jane tells Alec Jamal is missing.

August 26 - 31, 1994: 8/26 duplicate epi, 8/29, 8/30, 8/31

8-29-94 Kendall, Anton, Erica, Opal, Trevor, Hayley, Charlie, Jane, Jamal, Louie, Alec, Terrence, Taylor, Dimitri, Edmund, Jack. Kendall forges a letter from Erica to Dimitri while Anton sleeps. Erica and Opal go to a country western bar after the ordeal with Dimitri. Jane and Alec listen to a message telling them where Jamal is and Alec runs to him. Terrence, Taylor, and Jack join the support for Livia and Tom. Jane tells Trevor who tells Livia and Tom where Jamal is. Trevor, Taylor, and Terrence go to find him. Dimitri tells Edmund he came close to Killing Kendall. Alec finds Jamal before he can take drugs from Louie and Terrence, Trevor, and Taylor arrive shortly after to take Jamal home. Edmund proposes Dimitri let Anton go to get rid of Kendall. Kendall lies to Anton to trick him into delivering her forged letter to Dimitri. Alec confronts the Cudahys. Erica tells Opal how good it felt to be back in Dimitri’s arms. Dimitri reads “Erica’s” letter. Hailey & Alex, Charlie, Louie.

8-30-94 Edmund, Maria, Corvina, Hayley, Charlie, Jack, Trevor, Alec, Tom, Livia, Jamal, Dixie, Del, Opal, Tad, Jane (Janet), Brooke. Maria and Edmund are excited Maria may be pregnant. It’s the morning after Jamal ran away and Alec demands to see his son at the Cudahys. Tad asks Jane for help. Opal interrupts Del when he is about to reveal his health problems to Dixie. Tom and Livia support Jamal but also confront him about almost using drugs. Del tells Dixie he is thinking about leaving town. The judge is ready to rule in Jamal’s case but Alec wants to speak first. He relinquishes his right to custody. Dixie asks Tad what’s going on. Edmund sees Del in Maria’s office. Tad tells Dixie he hates Del. Jane gives Tad big news. Hayley, Charlie, Jack, Trevor, Tom, Livvia, Brooke.

8-31-94 Dimitri, Kendall, Jack, Erica, Dixie, Tad, Jane, Edmund, Maria, Del. Dimitri reads “Erica’s” letter again. Erica opens her door to Jack wearing a neck brace. Tad covers with Dixie when Jane calls about the kidney. Erica highly exaggerates the details of the crash to Jack. Kendall apologizes and tells Dimitri she’s entering therapy. Erica tells Jack she is going to sue Dimitri for everything he has. Jack proves Erica is faking. Tad is more than pleased with Jane’s work. Edmund tells Dixie about Del and Kendall’s book and that Dimitri bought him off. Jack and Erica file an accident report when Dimitri shows up to do the same. Del tells Kendall to go to hell. Jane imagines Dixie dying and being there for Tad. Dimitri tells Erica he nothing more to say to her. Dixie tells Tad he was right about Del. The results of Maria’s pregnancy test are in.

September 1 - 6, 1994: 9/1 (slight jitter to epi), 9/2 (brief bad spot about :52 mins into, short glitch), 9/5, 9/6

9-1-1994 Dixie, Tad, Opal, Palmer, Laurel, Dimitri, Maria, Edmund, Jane (Janet), Wilma, Joe, Phoebe, Derek Laurel visits Dimitri, Edmund and Maria wait to get the pregnancy test results from her doctor. Maria is not pregnant after all. They are disappointed. Maria has a flashback.  Maria is angry with Del. Maria schedules a GYN exam. Dimitri nominates Edmund for political office. Phoebe also wants Edmund to run for office.  Dixie tells Tad about Kendall and Del’s book and the payoff and that Del still has not payed off his medical bills in Texas.  Dimitri pays off Del and Kendel to not publish their Erica Kane tell all book. Laurel tells Dimitri about her suspicions about Jane. Dimitri and Laurel try to figure out what’s going on with Kendall and Jane. Joe releases Tad.   Tim gets a call about Harold. A good Samaritan (the farm hand) removes bullets from Harold, Tim’s dog. Laurel visits Trevor’s house. Jane is there. Jane is surprised Trevor left the kids with Wilma.  Laurel needles Jane about her being friends with Kendel. Laurel asks Jane if she was ever at the Greenbrier Institute. Opal welcomes Palmer home. Palmer tells Opal Del is not welcome in his house. Opal is the only one excited to see Del when he arrives at Palmer’s.

9-2-1994 Dimitri, Edmund, Maria, Julia, Noah, Jane, Laurel, Del, Dixie, Opal, Palmer, Tad, Wilma. Julia is refusing to have her stitches taken out. Noah has to talk Julia into getting her stitches removed because he says looking at her stitches makes him itch. Julia calls Maria at home to make sure she is not at the clinic but doesn’t say anything. She hears Maria laughing and having a good time over the phone. She believes Maria no longer cares if she is found or not. Julia tells Noah that Maria is the one who put the stitches on her face. Julia tells Noah about Maria’s impromptu surgery on her face.  Maria thought the call may have been Julia. Noah tells Julia his own family turned on him too. Draco catches Julia alone at Noah’s house. Dimitri tells Edmund running for office is a great opportunity.  Edmund agrees to run for office. Maria worries she can’t have children. Surrounded by her family, Dixie confronts Del with his and Kendall’s book. Dixie reads the riot act to Del because she has the manuscript he and Kendel wrote about Erica. Dixie reads passages of this manuscript. Del is asked to leave Palmer’s homecoming party.Laurel continues to grille Jane. Jane keeps denying being at Greenbriar prison to Laurel. Jane is tempted to bash Wilma across the back of head with a telephone handset. She thinks better of it.

9-5-1994 Anton, Kendall, Tom, Livia, Alec, Terrence, Jamal, Derek, Noah, Julia, Louie, Corvina. Kendel forges Erica’s handwriting on a letter to Dimitri. Kendall has her first therapy session and talks to a therapist at Anton’s request about her relationship with Erica. Kendel refuses to talk to the therapist about her issues. Then she threatens to harm the therapist if she reports back to Anton. Anton defends Kendall to Corvina. Anton finds the original letter Kendall failed to destroy. Olivia and Tom talk to Jamal about his attempted drug use. Terrence is furious when Alec arrives at Tom and Livia’s. Alex gives Jamal a heartfelt apology and asks to be a part of his life. Jamal tells Alex as long as he is alive he will never be happy. Jamal’s outburst really stings Alex. Tom and Jamal talk about Alec’s motivations. Terrence and Taylor disagree over Julia.  Draco grabs Julia. Julia prays someone will come and help her. Julia tries to hold Draco off. Noah eavesdrops on Derek and Taylor. Noah and Taylor talk at a restaurant. Noah completely charms Taylor. Noah comes home just in time. Julia apologizes to Noah for bringing trouble to his house. She once again bemoans having a scarred face and not being able to earn her keep. Noah tells her she can stay as long as she need to.

9/6/94 Erica looks at pictures of her and her mother Mona. She listens to the music from a snow globe and puts on a robe her mother used to wear; it smells of potpourri She touches her mothers things and has happy memories. She misses her mother terribly. Edmund wonders if her will be a good father. Dimitri say he will make a great father. Anton finds a letter Kendell wrote in the fireplace. This letter is the letter that broke up Dimitri and Erica. Jackson tries to comfort Erica. Anton throws Kendell out of his house.

9-7-1994 Edmund, Dimitri, Erica, Jackson, Jane, Kendell, Tim, Laurel, Harold the Dog, Myrtle, Anton. Dimitri misses Erica meanwhile Jackson is at her side as she continues to grieve the loss of her mother. Jackson takes Erica out on the town. Kendall’s boyfriend, Anton, finally wises up and throws her out. She tries to stay with Jane at Myrtle’s house. Myrtle finds out tells them both to leave if Kendall insists on staying. Finally Kendall leaves and Jane gets to stay. Jackson pulls out all the stops to woo Erica. But she is thinking about Dimitri. They dance around the dance hall while an orchestra plays live music. Tim believes Jane got rid of his dog. Dimitri goes to Erica’s house to wait for her to come home. She comes home with Jackson. Dimitri sees Erica kissing Jackson passionately. Edmund? Anton.

9-8-1994 Dixie, Tad, Maria, Edmund, Kendell, Del, Dimitri, Jackson, Erica, Gloria, Ruth, Joe, Brooke. Erica invites Jackson in. Dimitri is still in the shadows stunned. He sees Erica and Jackson go upstairs and turn the lights off. He leaves without making a scene dejected. Kendell threatens to cry rape if Del does not let her stay the night since she has nowhere else to go. Del agrees to let her stay after she begs and begs him. She has to sleep on the floor though. Dimitri goes home and begins to drink heavily. Erica and Jackson sleep together. Dimitri bites Edmund’s head off not wanting to talk about what he saw at Erica’s house. Del tells Kendell he needs a kidney. Kendell tells Del to ask Dixie for a kidney because she is his half sister. Tad & Dixie? Maria? Gloria? Ruth, Joe, Brooke.

9-9-1994 Gloria, Maria, Derek, Laurel, Jane, Tad. Del, Dixie, Wilma. Palmer, Adam. Gloria is pregnant with Adam’s baby. Del tells Dixie he is sick enough to die. Dixie does not fall for it. She doesn’t believe he is sick at all. Gloria does not want Adam to know she is pregnant with his child. Palmer asks Tad what’s wrong with Del. Tad evades the question and leaves to go home. Del asks Dixie for a kidney just as Tad comes home. Maria? Derek? Laurel? Jane? Palmer?

9-12-1994 Kendell, Charlie, Gloria, Tom, Tad, Del, Dixie, Brooke, Alex, Hailey, Adam. Dixie is leaning toward giving Del a kidney. Gloria runs into Adam at the hospital. While yelling at Adam she passes out. Brooke pours her heart out to Tom believing she will die alone and unloved. Alex bemoans to Hailey about missing his son Jamal after signing the papers to let Tom and Olivia adopt him. He did it to allow Jamal to stay where he is most comfortable and to not disrupt his son’s life. Kendell pushes Del to push Dixie to give him a kidney. Del throws Kendell out of his room but she finds another room right next door to his room. Adam almost finds out Gloria is pregnant from her doctor. Dixie and Tad argue over whether she should give a kidney to Del. He does not want her to have this operation telling her she owes nothing to Del. But Dixie’s heart tells her she should because Del is family. Brooke? Charlie? Hailey?

September 13-16, 1994: 9/13, 9/14, 9/15, 9/16

9-13-94 Terrence, Derek, Taylor, Noah, Alec, Hayley, Brooke, Adam, Noah, Julia, Tom Terrence and Taylor tell Derek Jamal may have seen Julia. Hayley is upset Adam is getting out of jail. Adam’s first stop after he gets out of jail is to visit Brooke at Tempo- she realizes he bought back the magazine and suspect he is there to fire her. Alec asks Adam what she wants to do about Adam. Terrence tells Derek he is going to testify for Grace. Julia asks Noah if he does drugs and thanks Noah for looking out for her, but Noah is stand offish. Julia witnesses the realities of the area she is living in. Adam wants to make amends with Hayley. Taylor defends Noah to Terrence. Taylor is surprised when she runs a background check on Noah. Julia wants to help Noah through his pain. Brooke tells Tom about Adam. Brooke tells a surprised Adam she is staying at Tempo. Alec ages to help Hayley get revenge on Adam.

9-14-94 Noah, Taylor, Julia, Dixie, Tad, Del, Kendall, Dimitri, Anton, Maria, Edmund, Peggy, Corvina, Grace, Terrence, Brooke, Myrtle, Phoebe, Joe, Derek, Tom. Edmund officially launches his bid for Congress and the talk of family secrets nerve both Maria and Corvina. Tad and Dixie briefly talk about Del’s health and its effect on them. Grace has a hard time being back at McKay’s. Julia hides when Taylor comes to Noah’s to ask him about his rap sheet. Dimitri asks Anton to move back into the main house. Terrence finds Grace a place to stay. Edmund asks Phoebe to be his campaign manager. Maria has disturbing flashbacks when she spills red wine and causes a scene at Edmund’s event. Edmund sends a message to Julia. Tad and Dixie remember her pregnancy with Junior. Kendall tells Del the Marricks have not heard the last of her. Tad tells Dixie what she decides to do about Del is her decision. Noah comes to see Grace. Maria snaps at Brooke for answering her phone.

9-15-94 Del, Tad, Brooke, Edmund, Maria, Grace, Noah, Terrence, Julia, Louie. Tad wants to know why Del didn’t tell Dixie Tad knew about his condition. Edmund tells Brooke he and Maria might have a baby. Brooke defends her life’s lack of romance. Maria is very frustrated in her meeting with Dr. Clader. Things get heated with Grace and Noah. Tad threatens Del. Dr. Clader tells Maria she has severe scarring. Grace tells Terrence a little about Noah’s family. Maria lashes out at Del. Noah visits Tony’s memorial. Julia tries to fend off Louie but he breaks his way in.

9-16-94 Anton, Kendall, Maria, Del, Julia, Louie, Taylor, Noah, Derek, Anton thinks about Kendall just when she arrives. Maria tells Del she was pregnant in college. Kendall tells Anton she’s a whole new person after therapy. Noah talks to Taylor about Tony. Julia is devastated after Louie rapes her. Taylor tells Noah anyone can start over. Anton doesn’t believe Kendall when she claims she’s pregnant. Noah finds Julia. Noah attacks Louie when the police arrive. Kendall produces a pregnancy test but Anton still insists they go to the hospital.

September 19 - 22, 1994: 9/19, 9/20, 9/21, 9/22

9-19-94 Anton, Kendell, Noah, Taylor, Greco, Derek, Edmund, Dimitri, Corvina, Maria , Del, Julia. Kendell tells Anton she is pregnant. He takes her to an OB-GYN Dr. Clader to confirm it. Kendell is quickly exposed as a liar. For the umpteenth time Anton washes his hands of Kendall. Anton is truly done with Kendell. She can no longer manipulate him with her lies. Noah is on a rampage beating up Drago. The police are all around with guns drawn; Noah still beats the hell out of Drago. Derek arrests Noah.  Derek reluctantly releases Noah. Edmund is on the campaign trail. An obnoxious campaign manager descends on Edmund’s campaign. Liz tells Edmund what she thinks of his candidacy. Maria tell Del she was pregnant with his child 8 years ago and miscarried. Maria relives the miscarriage she had by herself in her parent’s bathroom. She hid the fetus from her parents and later buried the fetus with her crucifix cross and a prayer. Maria tells Del that miscarriage gave her a PID pelvic inflammatory disease and she cannot give her husband a child. She blames Del for this situation. Kendall disguises her voice and calls Edmund and tells him his wife and Del are together.  Taylor defends Noah to Derek. Julia is still in shock.  Anton apologizes to Dimitri about Kendall.  Edmund sees Maria and Del in an embrace. Julia is in shock after Drago raped her. Noah tells Taylor that Louie raped the woman he was keeping in his home. Noah goes home to Julia. She is very shaken up and does not want to be touched. He tries his best to comfort her. Julia feels dirty so Noah picks her up and carries her to the bathroom so she can take a bath. Noah stays with Julia as she bathes and even rubs her down with a washcloth.

9-20-1994 Brooke, Adam, Tad, Opal, Joe, Palmer, Gloria, Del, Dixie,Maria, Edmund. Edmund walks up on Del and Maria embracing in the park. Del apologizes over and over for not being there for Maria during her pregnancy. Tad tells Palmer, Opal, and Joe about Dixie thinking about giving Del a kidney. Palmer is okay with buying a black market kidney for Del to keep him away from Dixie. Edmund waits for Maria to come home and tell him what she was doing with Del in the park. Maria confesses everything. Brook, Adam. Gloria?

9-21-1994. Erica, Anton, Corvina, Adam,jr, Jamie, Del, Kendell, Dimitri, Jackson, Opal, Palmer, Dixie, Tad, Joe, Maria, Edmund. Dixie comes home to an intervention with everyone giving their opinion about what she should do about the kidney situation. Erica comes home from a business trip. There are several messages on her answering machine from Jackson. Anton rings her doorbell. He wants to talk to her about what Kendell and Dimitri. Jackson and Dimitri end up at the same restaurant. Dimitri ignores him. Jackson needles Dimitri about his divorce from Erica. Dimitri manages to keep his cool. Maria tells Edmund she went horseback riding hoping the horse would throw her to induce a miscarriage. But now she blames herself for the fact she and Edmund cannot have a child now. Anton tells Erica that Kendell is the cause for the misunderstanding between her and Dimitri. Palmer goes to see Del to give him a plane ticket and check to go to India to get a black market kidney so he can leave Dixie alone. Del refuses. Dixie wants to go to France to visit her sister for clear her mind without family distraction to make up her mind about donating her kidney to Del.

09-22-1994 Laurel, Amanda, Trevor, Maria, Edmund, Erica, Dimitri, Jane, Harold the Dog, Wilma, Brooke, Tim. Erica goes to see Dimitri. They talk. Laurel admits she and Wilma had a plan to keep Jane away from Tim and Amanda because they get a bad vibe from her. Edmund and Maria agree to try for a baby despite the odds against it. Trevor asks Laurel to leave just as Tim comes home with his grandma. He says he will not let his father ban Laurel from their home. Tim has never liked Jane and he believes she got rid of his dog. Tim’s dog, Harold, is trying his best to get back to Tim. Edmund visits the baby ward and daydreams about having a baby of his own. Erica is grazed by a car after she leaves Dimitri. He calls for an ambulance while Erica secretly smiles.

September 23 - 28, 1994: 9/23, 9/26, 9/27 (first 12 mins reduced quality), 9/28

9-23-1994 Trevor, Tim, Jane, Wilma, Jackson, Myrtle, Laurel, Dimitri, Erica, Harold the dog Tim tells Trevor how he feels about Jane. He threatens to go to court to divorce his father if he marries Jane. Jane can’t help but to gloat with glee because Wilma is getting kicked out. Wilma digs in her heels and refuses to leave. Dimitri realizes Erica isn’t badly hurt after all. She wants him to admit he still loves her. Dimitri tells Erica he saw her with Jackson. She has a tough time explaining that one. Jackson walks in as they talk. He offers to take her to lunch. Wilma falls down the stairs after she argues with Jane. When she comes to she accuses Jane of pushing her down the stairs.

9-26-1994 Derek, Anton, Terrence, Taylor, Jane (Janet), Wilma, Trevor, Tim, Kendall, Erica, Myrtle. Wilma accuses Jane of pushing her down the stairs but backtracks. Janet tells Jane she should kill Wilma. Taylor calls Noah to check up on Julia. Anton and Terrence look for Julia. Myrtle tries to get Erica to leave her dress shop before Kendell arrives. It doesn’t work because Erica and Kendell meet and it is very tense. Erica and Kendall have an ugly confrontation at Myrtle’s. Erica lays into Kendell. Kendell lashes out back. Kendell grabs Erica and they come to blows. Anton and Terrence stop Kendall from physically attacking Erica. She tries to get sympathy from Anton. He rejects her. Kendell threatens to kill herself if Anton won’t talk to her. Anton tells her to go ahead and kill herself. Erica visits Mona’s grave. 

Taylor tries to get Noah to get Julia to talk to somebody about the rape. Noah asks Julia what he can do to help her. She goes into his arms and embraces him he hugs her back. Noah is a very blunt person when he speaks. He tells Julia the straight up truth. She must talk to somebody to get past the rape. Julia calls herself a whore because she still feels dirty. Noah tells her to stop that because the whole thing was Draco’s fault not hers. She starts to wash her hands wildly again.

9-27-1994 (first :12 mins reduced quality) Tad, Adam, Noah, Taylor, Julia, Terrence, Anton, Kendell, Jamal, Tom, Gloria, Stuart. Adam goes to Tad’s house to see Gloria. Julia hangs around an upper story window thinking about killing herself. Anton tells Kendell to go ahead and take the pills she keeps threatening to kill herself with. Kendell is in shock. Noah goes to the police station to report Julia’s rape but he does not want to give the police her name. Gloria wants to hear what Adam has to say. Noah comes home to find Julia locked in the bathroom with a frying pan in her two hands. Adam soon leaves Tad’s home after he is unable to convince Gloria to give him another chance. He ends up going over to Stuart’s house to ask for advice. Stuart surprisingly gives him sage advice to just give up. Of course Adam can’t do that. Julia admits to Noah she thought about killing herself. Kendell daydreams about Anton being sorry she killed herself so she takes three pills and lays down. Noah tells Julia he buried 11 friends that year did she want to make it an even dozen. He also says people with a lot less to live for than her still want to live. Julia takes his words to heart.

9-28-1994 Laurel, Kendell, Jackson, Palmer, Lillie, Phoebe, Erica, Grace, Opal, Terrence, Anton, Greco, Dimitri, Joe, Derek Taylor. The police miss Kendell the first time they check the abandoned house. Erica is jealous Jackson is spending time with his estranged wife and daughter at a school play. Finally Kendell is discovered and taken to the hospital. The hospital votes whether to keep Grace Keefer as an employee or not. They decide to let her go. Anton sees Kendell at he hospital and feels bad he didn’t believe her. Laurel and Jackson end up in the same hotel room. Erica is told Kendell is at the hospital.

September 29 - October 4, 1994: 9/29, 9/30, 10/3, 10/4

9-29-94 Kendall, Del, Trevor, Myrtle, Laurel, Jack, Erica, Dimitri, Anton, Wilma, Anthony, Jane (Janet) Dimitri tells Erica Kendall tried to kill herself. Anton blamed Erica. Kendall tells Del she took the pills to get Anton’s attention. Jack and Laurel spend the night in the same hotel room. Jane and Trevor have a date. Erica promises to help Dimitri. Trevor keeps seeing Laurel, but proposes to Jane. Joe tells Erica and Dimitri Kendall’s life was never in danger. Erica reveals Kendall’s intentions to Anton. Again, Anton washes his hands of Kendall. Wilma figures out Jane stole her identity.

9-30-94 Jamal, Alec, Brooke, Gloria, Hayley, Charlie, Adam, Wilma, Trevor, Jane (Janet), Tad, Kendall, Derek. Jamal and Alec are having breakfast at McKay’s when Brooke and Gloria come in. Jane fantasizes about Tad asking her to marry him twice. Jane tells Tad Trevor proposed but she hasn’t said yes yet. Wilma remembers her suspicions of Jane. Jamal can tell Alec is still hung up on Gloria. Hayley threatens Adam with a loaded gun. Charlie is worried Hayley is determined to make Adam pay. Jane shares her fears with Kendall. Wilma finds out Janet was released and she had reconstructive surgery. Trevor finds out Derek did a background check on Jane at Laurel’s request. Hayley wants Alec to help her get revenge on Adam by getting together with Gloria. Adam tells Gloria he’s going to do everything to save their marriage. Janet’s doctor shows Wilma a picture of Jane. Charlie gets advice from Tad. Hayley finds out Gloria is pregnant. Jane says yes and Wilma is the first to know.

10-3-94 Maria, Phoebe, Edmund, Tad, Dimitri, Brooke, Adam, Noah, Julia, Laurel, Jack, Trevor, Jane, Wilma, Corvina, Opal, Tom, Terrence, Derek, Palmer, Grace. Adam crashes Edmund’s campaign event. Noah tries to help Julia but she tells him she can’t get over the rape. After Trevor leaves Jane admits she’s Janet. Jack and Laurel prepare to finalize their divorce. Trevor tells Laurel he’s marrying Jane. Palmer is upset about Opal’s campaign donation. Adam accuses Brooke still carrying a torch for Edmund. Noah questions Grace at the campaign event. Julia observes her family. Maria thinks seeing Julia was all in her head. Wilma tells Jane she has to stop her. Laurel believes Trevor is punishing her. Jane locks the door.

10-4-94 Noah, Grace, Julia, Jane (Janet), Trevor, Jack, Laurel, Dimitri. Jack defends Laurel to Trevor. Jane scares Wilma. Noah tells Grace Julia was raped. Dimitri also assumes Trevor is marrying Laurel. Wilma tells Jane some of her motivations in motherhood. Noah’s care for Julia is clear to Grace. Jack asks if Laurel is interested in Trevor. Jane tries to convince Wilma she owes her. Grace tries to help Julia. Laurel and Jackson finalize their divorce. Trevor interrupts Jane and Wilma.

October 5-10, 1994: 10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/10

10-5-94 Grace, Anton, Dimitri, Noah, Julia, Jane(Janet), Trevor, Jane, Wilma, Brooke, Adam, Kendall, Taylor, Terrence, Jamal, Livia, Tom. Grace tells Anton and Dimitri Julia thinks her family doesn’t want her back but gives them Noah’s address. Noah continues to comfort Julia. Wilma seems to cover for Jane even though she tells Trevor not to marry her. Adam hires Kendall as Brooke’s assistant as part of his plan to get Brooke to quit Tempo. Wilma tells Jane why she didn’t turn her in- survival. Noah makes Julia ‘Hollywood Eggs.’ Terrence, Taylor, and Anton find Julia at Noah’s. Wilma and Jane truce in front of Trevor. Jamal is worried for Terrence because of Noah. Janet brainstorms with Kendall. Anton asks Julia to come home with him.

10-6-94 Hayley, Alec, Gloria, Junior, Joe, Adam, Dimitri, Grace, Maria, Edmund, Taylor, Terrence, Noah, Julia, Anton, Charlie, Brooke. Junior won’t give Adam a hug and calls him a jailbird. Dimitri, Edmund and Maria want to know what Grace knows about Julia. Hayley tells Alec Gloria is pregnant. Adam tries to explain jail to Junior. Charlie tells Brooke all Hayley thinks about is revenge. Noah asks Julia to stay. Alec tells Gloria he could raise another man’s child. Adam blames Brooke for Junior turning against him. Hayley and Charlie share a romantic evening. Maria asks Julia to come home. Dixie calls Tad from Paris. Hayley fantasizes watching Gloria leave Adam for Alec. Julia decides to go back to Wildwind.

10-7-94 Taylor, Noah, Julia, Peggy, Corvina, Edmund, Maria, Dimitri, Opal, Del, Gloria, Tad, Dixie, Junior, Isabella, Hector, Grace, Palmer. The Wildwind gang and the Santos family welcomes Julia home. Opal overhears Del and his doctor at the hospital. Junior and Tad are happy to have Dixie home. Noah doesn’t want Taylor’s apology. Noah defends Julia’s honor to Taylor. Julia is upset to see Grace at Wildwind. Palmer is anxious to know Dixie’s decision. Palmer scares Junior. Opal and Del reconnect. Noah comes to see Julia at Wildwind. Some members of Julia’s family are uneasy about Noah. Palmer doesn’t care about Opal’s worry for Del. Julia invites Noah to go riding. Del arrives at the Martin’s just in time for Dixie to announce her decision.

10-10-94 Kendall, Jane (Janet), Laurel, Wilma, Trevor, Opal, Palmer, Dixie, Del, Tad, Jamie. Kendall complains to Jane about working for Brooke. Jane plans to send Wilma on a cruise. Wilma slips up in front of Trevor. Dixie tells Del she can’t give him a kidney. Palmer and Opal disagree on Del and Dixie. Dixie explains her decision to Del. Laurel congratulates Jane. Jane asks Laurel about her crimes. Wilma tries to convince Trevor she’s turning over a new leaf. Trevor tells Wilma if Janet ever came back he’d kill her with her bare hands. Laurel is surprised Wilma has changed her tune on Jane. Jane refuses to steal from Tad. Palmer offers to help Jane but it’s not what she needs. Opal interrupts Jane and Palmer. Trevor kicks Laurel out. Tad is proud of Dixie. Laurel looks into Jane’s past. Del tells Kendall he’s scared. Junior and Jamie plan for Halloween.

October 11-14, 1994: 10/11, 10/12, 10/13, 10/14

10-11-94 Jane, Tad, Del, Kendall, Maria, Edmund, Isabella, Corvina, Peggy, Anton, Hector, Noah, Grace, Dimitri, Grace. Tad surprised Jane with lunch at a French restaurant to thank her. With not a lot of hope- Del want to live big but Kendall manages to talk him out of it. The Santos’s attitude and Noah’s hostility causes plenty of uncomfortable moments during lunch at Wildwind. Edmund takes Maria to the hospital for her surgery. Tad offers to host Trevor and Jane’s wedding and

later Dixie interrupts their lunch. Jane imagines killing Dixie. Edmund is upset to see Del at the hospital.

10-12-94 Alec, Charlie, Hayley, Gloria, Del, Dimitri, Edmund, Adam, Brooke. Gloria is angry with Hayley for telling Alec she’s pregnant. Adam eavesdrops on a fight between Edmund and Del at the hospital. Adam calls multiple newsrooms and gives them the story. Alec is looking for Hayley. Adam overhears the tail end of Gloria and Hayley’s conversation. Gloria pretends the big news is that she’s going away. Adam tells Gloria they belong together. Del meets with his doctor. Dimitri tries to convince Edmund Maria’s condition isn’t Del’s fault. Maria turns to Gloria. Adam accuses Hayley of hiding something with Gloria. The press arrive at the hospital. Maria tells Edmund there chances of having a baby are slim. Gloria tells Hayley she doesn’t love Alec any more. Hayley promises Gloria her mouth is zipped and offers her help. Gloria’s doctor covers for her with Adam, but Adam is still concerned. Alec accused of Hayley of setting him up. Maria remembers a conversation with Brooke. Edmund and Del get in physical altercation.

10-13-94 Hayley, Charlie, Maria, Dixie, Tad, Del, Edmund, Dimitri, Adam, Gloria, Joe, Alec, Liz Charlie feels like he is loosing Hayley to her quest for revenge against Adam. Dixie visits Maria in the hospital and tells her she turned Del down. Edmund beats up Del in front of the press at the hospital. Tad tells Edmund about Del’s health. Adam tells Maria and Dixie about Edmund beating Del up. Gloria knows what Adam’s up to a the hospital. Del overhears that Gloria is pregnant. Edmund is upset Maria didn’t tell him about Del. Del asks Gloria to look after herself and Dixie. Alec accepts Hayley’s apology. Charlie remembers good times with Hayley. Dixie asks Tad about Del. Liz offers her support to Edmund. Del unknowingly reveals Gloria’s pregnancy to Adam.

10-14-94 Maria, Isabella, Edmund, Liz, Joe, Tad, Dixie, Adam, Gloria, Del, Palmer, Seabone, Ruth. Isabella visits Maria in the hospital. Edmund turns to Liz. Gloria comes in Del’s room and unknown to her her pregnancy has just been revealed to Adam. When Adam promises to leave Gloria alone she plays along. Gloria panics but Tad and Dixie calm her down. Adam creates a diversion so he can access Gloria’s file. Liz gives Edmund advice. Maria comes to see Del, and he tells her he’s leaving PV. Gloria almost discovers Adam in Clader’s office. Palmer and Opal go at it about Del again. Not knowing who he is, Opal talks to Seabone about Palmer. Isabella gets upset with Edmund. Gloria plans to go to Napa. Edmund discovers Maria gone from her hospital room. Adam is shown in a mysterious room lit only by candlelight. Dixie is stunned to see Seabone.

October 17 - 20, 1994: 10/17, 10/18, 10/19, 10/20

10-17-1994 Julia, Greco, Maria, Del, Edmund, Gloria. Adam, Seborne, Adam,Jr., Dixie, Tad, Anton, Joe, Ruth. Julia is still having nightmares about the rape. Dixie does not agree to give Del one of her kidneys. Marie goes to Del’s hospital room to apologize for all the awful things she said to him. Maria proposes she and Del and Edmund put the past in the past. Edmund walks in and overhears. He also apologizes to Del. After Edmund apologizes to Del he apologizes to Edmund for what happened 8 years ago and all three agree to leave that situation in the past. Liz comes to get Edmund at the hospital. Edmund won’t talk to the press. Dixie’s father arrives to beg her to give a kidney to Del. Del’s father visits him in the hospital. They talk. They have a strange conversation where Del’s father clearly states his preference for Del at the expense of Dixie. He says Del is his reward. Then he should not expect Dixie to help the son he abandoned her for. Del tells Seabone to leave Dixie alone. Adam finds out Gloria is pregnant with his child. Gloria tells Adam the baby is not his. Dixie’s estranged father shows up at her house. Adam says he knows in his heart this baby is his. Gloria begs Adam to leave her alone. Gloria blames Adam for her health conditionTad, Joe, Ruth and Dixie rush upstairs to get Adam away from Gloria. Gloria reaches her breaking point with Adam and the Martins rush to help her. Gloria passes out. Julia sees feet walking towards her she is relieved it is Anton who is letting her stay at his house. Anton and Julia talk. He lets her borrow a special necklace he has that he used as a child to ward off bad dreams. Corvina tells Julia about the pendant. Julia takes it and is finally able to sleep in peace for the first time in a long time.

10-18-1994 Erica, Kendell, Tad, Dixie, Adam, Gloria, Brooke, Jane, Trevor, Laurel, Wilma, Jackson, Tim. Erica visits Brooke to make a donation for charity. She finds out Kendell walks at Tempo magazine with Brooke. Trevor invites Jane over to his house. He gives her a ring. Trevor puts the ring on her finger and then he proposes. They kiss. She shows the ring on her finger to Wilma, who clearly is not happy about it. Adam is banned from seeing Gloria. Erica insists Kendell be fired. But only Adam is the only person with the authority to fire Kendell and he refuses to fire her. Erica visits Jackson and finds Laurel there; she is jealous. Adam finally leaves the hospital. Tim is not happy about his father’s engagement. Adam and Tad get into a tussle when he comes back to the hospital.

10-19-1994 Trevor, Wilma, Laurel. Adam, Kendell, Erica,. Jackson, Seborne, Del, Tad, Palmer, Opal. Erica asks Jackson to help her get Kendell fired from Tempo. Del is ready to leave the hospital with his father Seaborne. They run into Dixie and Tad. Kendell tries to get Adam to print an expose’ on Erica; he refuses. Dixie’s father tries once again to get her to give Del one of her kidneys by making her feel guilty. Palmer walks in on them. Palmer threatens to kill Seaborne. Dixie unloads her feelings on her father. She tells him she wishes he was dead instead of her mother. Jane wants Kendell to skim money off the books at Tempo so she pay off her mother Wilma to go away. Kendell turns her down but directs her to close to Palmer to get money from him. Palmer holds a gun on Seaborne. Trevor, Wilma, Laurel?

10-20-1994 Edmund, Maria, Brooke, Opal, Tad, Dixie, Palmer, Seborne, Del, Adam, Hailey, Adam,Jr, Phoebe, Dimitri. Edmund makes the papers after he punches Del. Del begs Palmer to give him the gun. Tad and Opal burst in just in time. The gun goes off. Fortunately no one is hit. They drag Palmer home. Tad takes away Palmers guns. Del heads over to Edmund’s press conference. The press conference begins. Edmund refuses to say why he hit Del. Hailey is babysitting Adam, Jr. . She was telling him it was okay to despise their mutual father. They are in an exclusive despise Adam club. Del shows up at the press conference saying he knows why Edmund hit him.

October 21-26, 1994: 10/21, 10/24, 10/25, 10/26

10-21-94 Tad, Dixie, Opal, Jane, Adam, Del, Phoebe, Liz, Myrtle, Phoebe, Edmund, Maria, Dimitri, Brooke, Seabone Opal comes to Tad and Dixie’s sobbing because Palmer left. Adam and Calloway are watching Edmund refuse to answer reporters on tv when Del shows up. Del lies about why Edmund beat him up to everyone’s surprise. Palmer tells Jane he’s through with Opal. Tad and Dixie try to have Opal see Palmer’s side. Janet tells Jane to blackmail Palmer. Brooke is suspicious of Adam. Liz and Edmund kiss. It is revealed Adam is paying Liz to seduce Edmund. Seabone approaches Opal. Palmer and Jane kiss.

10-24-94 Jack, Laurel, Erica, Dixie, Tad, Jane, Palmer, Trevor, Myrtle. Erica surprises Jack in his hotel room. Dixie tells Tad how Seabone makes her so angry. Palmer and Jane make love. Seabone looks for an ally in Opal. Myrtle tells Trevor Jane is working a late night for Palmer. Laurel is upset to find Erica in Jack’s room. Palmer has regrets. Opal arrives to find the office door locked. Trevor talks to Myrtle about Jane and Laurel. Jack and Erica end up fighting. Laurel continues to try to figure out the connection between Jane and Kendall.

10-25-94 Erica, Laurel, Lily, Dixie, Seabone, Palmer, Tim, Wilma, Jane, Trevor, Tom, Livia, Jamal, Myrtle Palmer apologizes to Opal and tells her he wants his family back. Jane tells the Dillons Wilma is leaving to travel the world. Wilma is curious as to how Jane got the money. Palmer promises to never go near Seabone again. Dixie and Seabone talk about Will at his grave. Laurel is upset Erica came to see Lily. Jamal prepares to testify against Louie. Jack is surprised to see Erica at the hospital. Jane comes to see Palmer. Myrtle takes back her advice to Trevor. Jane tells Palmer Wilma is blackmailing then.

10-26-94 Adam, Dixie, Tad, Joe, Gloria, Stuart, Trevor, Lily, Laurel, Seabone, Del, Wilma, Opal, Palmer, Jane, Wilma. Joe keeps Adam from seeing Gloria but thinks she would be happy to see Stuart. Trevor comes to see Lily. Palmer and Jane make up a story for Opal. Stuart, Tad and Dixie visit Gloria. Adam tries to get details from Stuart. Adam pretends to be Stuart with Gloria. Seabone pulls a guilt trip on Dixie. Tad tells Seabone to back off. Laurel and Trevor talk about Erica. Trevor is angry when he sees Laurel’s notepad. Gloria knows it’s Adam. Laurel tells Trevor Jane never met Janet. Opal runs into Seabone at the chapel. After Wilma gives Palmer a run for his money he agrees to pay. Dixie agrees to go on a vacation. Wilma leaves.

October 27 - November 1, 1994: 10/27, 10/28, 10/31 (beginning cut off), 11/1

10-27-94 Grace, Anton, Noah, Julia, Laurel, Jack, Kendall, Jane, Trevor. Anton asks Grace about Julia. Julia comes to see Noah. Laurel and Jack talk about Trevor and Jane. Trevor interupts Jane and Kendall. Jane comes up with a back up story about how she knows Janet Green after Trevor confronts her with the evidence Laurel gave him. Julia is worried to see Noah is stealing again. Kendal eavesdrops on Grace and Anton. Julia wonders what Kendall is doing at Wildwind. Anton is upset to see Kendall back at Wildwind and kisses Julia to make her jealous. In the mirror the old Janet tells Jane Laurel has got to go. Kendall shows up at Noah’s.

10–28-94 Jane, Kendall, Noah, Trevor, Laurel, Anton, Julia, Wilma. Jane struggles with what to do about Laurel. Laurel is upset Trevor is still marrying Jane after what she told him. Laurel doesn’t believe the story Jane spun to Trevor. Laurel tells Trevor Wilma is gone. Anton tells Julia he thinks he is in love with her and it wasn’t all a show for Kendall. Before Wilma boards her train, Harold shows up. Julia gets upset when she and Anton kiss again. Noah doesn’t believe Kendall. Noah picks Kendall up and puts her in the trash. Palmer tells Jane they should still be worried about Wilma. Trevor and Laurel kiss. Trevor puts the ball in Laurel’s court but she rejects him. Kendall tells Jane Noah tried to killed her. Jane asks Kendall to watch out for Amanda if she can’t be there for her. Noah tells Julia Kendall was looking for dirt on her. Noah is upset when Julia tells him about a job opening, but says for her he’ll do the interview. Laurel plans on visiting Greenbrier tomorrow. Laurel is surprised to see Jane in her garage.

10-31-94 Maria, Edmund, Tad, Trevor, Jane, Laurel, Liz, Phoebe, Brooke, Hayley, Alec, Charlie. Jane tells Laurel to stay out of her life. Tad tells Trevor about his offer to host the wedding. Maria worries she will never be able to have a baby. Liz and Adam clash over their deal. Phoebe is suspicious of Liz. Adam runs into Phoebe and Brooke. Hayley doesn’t have time for Charlie. Hayley and Alec discover Adam bought the Willow Lake development. Laurel is suspicious of Jane. The next day Edmund proposes a new youth program. A guilty Jane is overly anxious and almost faints in front of Tad and Trevor. Laurel finds Jane’s earring before she gets in her car. Charlie tells Hayley to forget it when she asks for his help looking into Adam’s landholdings. Brooke is suspicious of Adam and Liz. Phoebe asks Maria about her marriage. Laurel makes it to Greenbrier and finds out Janet was released. Hayley enlists Brooke’s help.

11-1-94 Erica, Olga, Jack, Jane, Trevor, Laurel, Noah, Julia, Dimitri, Grace. Trevor surprises Jane with a romantic evening at home. Laurel is upset to find out Janet’s sentence has been commuted and no one alerted Trevor. Erica is glad Jack surprised her for her fashion show. Jack tells Erica Laurel might be moving on with her life. Noah interviews for the job at Wildwind. Laurel figures out Jane is Janet. Noah’s attitude loses him the job. Grace asks Noah why he blows all his chances. Julia asks Dimitri to give Noah a chance. Erica is upset when Jack disappears in the middle of her show. Laurel finds out Jane is Janet. Laurel’s breaks fail on the way to tell Trevor and her car blows up. Jackson proposes to Erica.

November 2-7, 1994: 11/2, 11/3, 11/4, 11/7

11-2-94 Edmund, Maria, Joe, Brooke, Adam, Erica, Jackson, Laurel, Jane, Trevor, Michael, Derek, Burke, Dimitri, Del, Seabone, Taylor. Maria tells Edmund she won’t be able to conceive a baby naturally. Jack whisks Erica off her feet. Trevor feels somethings not right with Laurel. Brooke proposes a story about The Willow Lake property to Adam. A man named Michael calls the police to Laurel’s crash. Burke interviews Dimitri about Edmund and Maria. Maria wants to wait to start IVF. Del introduces Seabone to Maria. Taylor discovers Laurel still alive. Maria treats Laurel in the ER. Derek tells Trevor about the accident. Dimitri and Edmund are there when Brooke announced Adam is the new owner of the Willow Lake swamp and why. Jack reiterates his proposal to Erica. Trevor and Jane arrive at the hospital. Trevor feels like it is Natalie all over again. Dimitri finds out about Jack’s proposal. Jack gets the news about Laurel just after he and Erica make love. Edmund promises to protect Willow Lake. Del asks Maria to take care of herself. Burke photographs an “intimate” moment between Maria and Del. Joe tells Trevor Laurel is in a coma.

11-3-94 Del, Tad, Brooke, Edmund, Phoebe, Dimitri, Adam, Liz, Maria, Jane, Trevor, Jackson, Joe. Phoebe warns Liz is up to no good. Phoebe and Brooke tell Edmund and Dimitri they saw Liz with Adam. Adam wants Liz to try harder. Del brings a letter to say goodbye to Dixie. Jane asks about Laurel’s condition. Jackson tells Laurel he and Lily need her. Joe tells Maria she is getting too attached to Laurel’s case. Tad doubts Del’s story. Liz tries to seduce Edmund. Brooke hires Tad as a P.I. Maria comes to see Del. Jane worries Laurel will expose her if she wakes up. After Tad sees what Brooke has to put up with when it comes to Adam he agrees to take the job. Del and Maria reminisce.

11-4-94 Brooke, Adam, Tad, Julia, Noah, Anton, Maria, Del, Seabone, Edmund, Liz, Dimitri, Grace, Taylor, Hector, Isabella. Adam and Brooke exchange barbs at Tempo before the fundraiser. In disguise Tad investigates Willow Lake. Edmund is furious after he discovers Liz set him up. A photographer catches Maria and Del kissing goodbye. Brooke rejects Adam’s olive branch. Julia turns down Anton’s invitation. Noah tells Julia if she goes out the questions will stop. Liz warns Edmund, Adam’s plan isn’t over. Del fights with Seabone after Maria leaves. Julia is still traumatized. Anton misunderstands a situation between Julia and Noah. Edmund confronts Adam. Adam is delighted to see the pictures of Maria and Del. Edmund’s fundraiser begins. Tad reveals what he found at Willow Lake. Anton warns Noah. Del has regrets about Maria. Julia is upset to see Taylor at Wildwind. Copies of the PV Bulletin began circulating at Edmund’s event- with pictures of Maria and Del kissing.

11-7-94 Taylor, Noah, Julia, Brooke, Edmund, Tad, Dimitri, Maria, Isabella, Hector, Grace, Derek, Gloria, Adam Julia is devastate Taylor knows she was raped. Adam confronts Edmund with the PV Bulletin at his fundraiser. Gloria wins a huge sweepstakes prize. Edmund turns the tables on Adam and Liz backs him up. Edmund is cold to Maria. Taylor and Noah want to help Julia. Liz and Edmund reach an understanding. Edmund’s supporters threaten Adam. Julia tells Taylor and Noah she wants them gone. Maria explains her relationship with Del to her very upset parents- and Julia defends her. Noah thanks Taylor. Maria’s mother tells her she was always suspicious that time she came home from college. Gloria realizes she’s been had by Adam.

November 8 - 11, 1994: 11/8, 11/9 (first 27 mins only rest pre-empt), 11/10, 11/11

November 8th 1994 Hayley tells Charlie she’s been to an AA meeting, when he asks her if she wants dinner. Hayley is reeling from Charlie’s ultimatum earlier in the morning. Drop the vendetta against her father, or forget about their personal relationship. Charlie hasn’t changed his mind on things, and neither has Hayley. “No matter what you think Charlie, you leave me no choice.’ Hayley says. Joe tells Tad he’ll look in on Gloria. Moments later, Joe is alarmed Gloria is gone. Gloria is livid and yells at Adam accusing him of setting her up to win these baby gifts and toys and of kidnapping her against her will. Is he going to keep her locked up? Corvina tells Edmond the paper had no right to print a story about the kiss involving Maria and Del. Demitri tells Edmund to get some sleep, Edmund turns around to find Maria looking at him. Joe, Tad and the security guard, Auto assigned to protect Gloria muse about Gloria and her current whereabouts the guard says he went up to check on her just after she got a phone call. The call seemed normal, nothing odd, except Gloria had her suitcase open on the bed. They deduce Gloria snuck out the back way. Tad suspects Adam is involved in Gloria’s sudden disappearance, as there is no way she would endanger her baby. Adam says Gloria’s condition was invented to keep them apart, and the Martin’s have been telling her what to say.

Adam tells Gloria not to think of herself as a prisoner here with him. Gloria says Adam showed up to the hospital dressed as Stewart on the day she was filling out the forms for the contest. He used that against her and she’s angry. Adam says he’s done everything for her and their baby. She now has the nursery of her dreams. Gloria demands if Adam plans to keep her here until she gives birth? Adam says he will let her go in 48 hours, long enough to remind her how much he loves her, and they belong together. She agrees to stay provided he will let her go in 48 hours when nothing between them has changed. Hayley asks Charlie if he wants to break up? He says no, he doesn’t, but she can’t have it both ways either she is gunning for Adam, or she chooses their relationship. Charlie doesn’t want to fight anymore, if Hayley wants to go after Adam, she’ll need to do it alone. Hayley says Adam needs to get what he deserves. She agrees to begrudgingly pack her stuff the next day and leaves to spend the night at The Valley Inn. Maria tries to talk to Edmond and he says the camera’s will be at the house in the morning and they will need sleep in order to fake being a happy family. Maria tries to smooth things over and offers to help him go over his speech, but Edmond tells her to go to bed.

The next morning, Hayley is sleeping at the office when Alec walks in Hayley tells Alec she moved out of Charlie’s and slept at the office. She tells him she and Charlie are over and asks for his opinion on whether she did the right thing? Does Alec think she is right or Charlie? Adam serves Gloria breakfast in bed. Gloria doesn’t soften at Adam’s attempt to impress her with a walk down memory lane. Demitri scolds Lucy the maid for leaving the morning paper out and visible. Julia tells Anton not to be so nice to her, she nearly bit his head off yesterday. He says she was only nervous about being out in public for no reason. Julia says the family freak makes her TV debut today. Maria dodges questions when Edmond isn’t at breakfast. Brooke is upset when Tad and Charlie inform her that Gloria is missing. Charlie refuses Tad’s request to involve him in anything to do with Adam. Gloria’ is not impressed by Adam’s continued efforts to win her over. Edmond walks in to join Maria painting on the picture of a happy husband and wife handing Maria flowers. Hector and Isabella are visibly uncomfortable. Dimitri lightens the mood saying he would vote for his brother even if they weren’t related and he wasn’t giving him $10.00 If Edmond is elected Mara is willing to practice medicine in Washington.

Anton helps a nervous Julia by saying she is very serious about her career as a nurse. Hector and Isabella support Edmond’s career in politics as long as he and Mara are happy. Edmond admits they fight like any other family, but they always come together when it counts. Maria offers to set the record straight once and for all about the photo in the paper. Maria clarifies for the press that the photo was of two old friends saying goodbye, not two lovers in the throws of passion. After a loving declaration in front of the camera however, Edmond lets go of Maria’s hand and Maria’s heart sinks. Alec doesn't want to get in the middle of Charlie and Hayley’s business. Hayley wants to stop Adam before he strikes again. Adam brings Gloria a box of personal momentos she begins to seemingly soften. Tad and Brooke try to convince Charlie to help Gloria. Alec thinks Hayley is doing the right thing where Adam is concerned. Gloria tells Adam she loves the baby cradle and the crown for the baby. Maria is upset when Edmond leaves right after the TV interview in order to distance himself from her. Tad, Charlie and Brooke show up at Hayley’s office to tell Hayley and Alec that Gloria is missing and they think Adam is behind it. Adam asks Gloria if he can feel the baby kick. Maria explains to Demitri that she couldn’t explain about Del to Edmond because of how Edmond feels about him. Maria just wants Edmond to win the election so they can put all of it behind them. She asks if Demitri thinks Edmund Has a chance? Maria fears if Edmond loses the election, their relationship will be over.

November 9, 1994 Only :27 minutes. Alec questions Tad, Charlie and Brooke about Gloria. There were no signs of a struggle and Hayley suspects her father’s involvement Gloria and Adam share a close moment as the baby kicks. At the hospital, Erica tries to comfort Jack. Gloria removes Adam’s hand from her stomach Adam tries to convince Gloria how much he wants to be a father to their child despite everything Brooke has told her about him. Trevor causes a scene at the hospital as he is distraught over Laurel. Jack tells Erica he can only see Laurel once an hour. He tells Trevor to behave himself. At Laurel’s bedside, a tearful Jack apologizes for hurting Laurel. Trevor introduces Erica to his fiancee “Jane Cox.” Erica remembers her from the incident with Kendal at her mother’s funeral. Erica is upset that “Jane” defended Kendall. Demitra arrives and overhears Trevor telling Erica she isn’t allowed to jinx his wedding to Jane. Tensions still are evident between Charlie and Hayley. Adam goes over his checkered past with women, children and family with Gloria. He learned from his father to make money and provide financially not how to be a father. rica becomes irritated with Jane and tells her to go find Kendall. Jane tries to get Erica to see reason and think about Laurel. Fighting outside her room can’t be good. Erica says she’s here to support Jack not Laurel. Erica says Trevor seems more interested in Laurel than he is Jane. Erica says she needs to find Jack. Trevor is speaking with Jane when an ABC News Special Report interrupts the show.

November 10, 1994 The press asks Phoebe if she thinks Maria kissing another man will affect the election results? No. The kiss was a goodbye between two friends and a cheap trick won’t steal the election away. Julia and Anton are helping with the campaign, when Noah walks in and spots Julia. Noah stops Kendall from going over and interrupting Anton and Julia. Edmund asks Maria if she’s ready to face the press who are bound to ask questions about her kiss with Del. She says the best thing to do is stick to the truth, right? Reporters rush over and begin asking questions about the picture in the paper. Erica tells Opal she has not given Jack an answer to his marriage proposal. Erica says she decided to put things on hold when Laurel was hurt. Opal isn’t buying Erica’s story. Opals says Erica doesn’t want to marry Jack and that’s why she has not given him an answer. Jack defends Laurel to Trevor saying anything she might have done would be because she cares for him and his family. If Laurel found something out, Trevor must followup on it and find out what it is. Jane overhears Trevor’s plans to talk to Janet, and quickly calls him on the phone as Janet. Janet says her parole has been denied. Trevor questions Janet about her visit with Laurel. Janet says when Laurel wouldn’t believe her story about Jane Cox being “really nice” she made up something she thought Laurel would believe and told her she put a contact out to blow up Trevor’s house. When Laurel heard that she ran out scared.intending to warn Trevor, but Janet says she would never do anything that would harm Amanda and Laurel should know that. Tim overhears “Jane” on the phone and tells her she sounded just lie Janet.

Opal tells Erica she believes if she truly wanted to marry Jack, she wouldn’t let anything, let alone Laurel’s accident stop the wedding. Erica insists the wedding is only on hold until Laurel recovers. Later Erica is rattled by Opal’s accusations about her marriage to Jack. Pine Valley heads to the polls to vote and Edmund and Maria continue to insist that the kiss caught by the press was simply a compassionate goodbye to an old boyfriend who is Ill. Mrs Sloane tells the press she intends to vote for the best candidate for the job and thats Edmund. She says she’s not proud of what she did, but if nothing else her actions proved Edmund is an honest man, a public servant with values. Kendal tells Noah she isn’t there to cause trouble. Noah doesn’t buy it. He suspects Kendal want to make a move on Anton. Anton isn’t impressed to see Kendal. Kendal tells him Brooke gave her a Job at Tempo. Anton accuses her of sending in her article trashing Eric, but Kendal says she wrote about Mother Teresa and Brooke hired her as an editing assistant. Kendal insists she wants to help but Anton asks her to leave Noah is interrupted before he can escort Kendal out, Janet attempts to cover her tracks with Tim, but he doesn’t take the bait. Jack tells Trevor there are holes in the version of events Janet gave him on the phone, If Laurel knew there was a bomb she would have said something. Trevor tells Tim the doctors don’t know yet if Laurel will wake up. But this time is different than with Tim’s mother. Joe tells Tim Laurel is showing signs of improvement, Tim asks to see Laurel and Trevor tells Jane the two of them should see her alone, Jack tells Demitri he appreciates his concern about Laurel. A voter is impressed with how Maria handled the press regarding the kiss and says she will be voting for Edmund. Mrs Sloane stops to talk to Maria.

Demitri registers to vote and bumps into Erica Erica tries to stay composed but the chemistry between she and Demitri is obvious. Erica defends her choice to vote for Edmund to the press. She sidesteps answering any questions about marrying Jack, and Demitri calls after Erica. Maria is less than thrilled to be speaking with Mrs Sloane. She insults Maria and questions her motivation for visiting Del’s room while Adam paid her to try to seduce Edmund. She says Edmund deserves a woman devoted to him and only him, and insinuates Maria doesn’t love Edmund as much as she claims to. Aunt Grace defends Kendal’s offer to help. Kendal tells Grace she’s glad she’s working for Demitra and proceeds to tell her about her previous engagement with Anton. Grace listens as Kendal tells her how much she’d like another chance with him. Corvina intervenes and tells Grace Kendal is not to be trusted. Tim tells Laurel he loves her and pleads with Laurel to wake up. Trevor assures Laurel he and Tim are not in any danger, Demetri thanks Erica for her public support of Edmund. Corvina updates Grace on all of Kendal’s lies and schemes in the past. Grace urges Kendal to take responsibility for her actions and invites Noah to finish what he started earlier by throwing Kendal out. Edmund watches news footage of Maria explaining the kiss. Trevor is antsy, Jane/Janet convinces him to go home and rest but not before Trevor insists Jack keep him updated on Lauel. Laurel moves her thumb while Jack is at her bedside urging her to accept that Trevor is happy with Jane Kendal vows to win Anton back by revealing a family secret. Edmund and Maria await the election results.

November 11, 1994 Alec, Hayley, Charlie, Brooke and Tad continue the search for Gloria by trying to break into Adam’s computer for evidence. Adam watches as Gloria sleeps. She wakes with a start saying “Adam don’t leave me.” Pine Valley waits with anticipation as the election results are to be revealed. Early numbers show Edmond in the lead by a narrow margin. Adam is overjoyed Gloria has asked him not to leave and believes t means she feels they belong together. Gloria is quick to clarify she does not want to be alone in this prison he has set up, in reality she wants nothing to do with him. Gloria wants to be let go, Adam reminds her of the 48 hour agreements and he says he has a surprise for her. Gloria vows Adam will never have her or her baby. Phoebe defends Edmund and Maria’s marriage. Sloane arrives home ad calls for Alison. Alison asks “How does it feel to be front page news?” Edmonds family and friends want to begin celebrating his victory, Edmund wants to wait until all the numbers are in, Edmund distances himself from Maria when she tries to share in the pending celebration with him. Maria is affected by Edmund’s coldness toward her. Julia tells Anton she’s not happy about her face being in the papers due to the election coverage. Anton tries to reassure Julia of how beautiful she is. New election results indicate Edmond is only leading by 1% of the vote. Edmond is feeling the pressure and leaves. Maria attempts to go after him, but Demitri offers instead. Alison is upset about the article and wants her mother to tell her the report of her actions is not true. Sloane admits the article is true. Alison wants to know why her mother did these things and she says she did it for her. Everyone but Charlie is convinced Adam is behind Gloria’s disappearance.

Adam shocks them all when he walks into the office. Adam denies all allegations Gloria tries to find a way to escape. She becomes frustrated and yells for help and then complains of stomach pain. Isabella tells Maria she has noticed Edmund distancing from Maria. Maria explains she has tried to have an intimate conversation with him about the incident with Del, but that Edmund is so determined to win the election she hasn’t been able to get through to him. Edmund shares with Demitri his fears and concerns. Julia says more results are coming in. the news offers the educated prediction that Edmund has lost the race. Edmund accepts defeat despite being encouraged by friends and family that the mews was only stating the projected outcome. Sloane tells Alison she grew to admire Edmund and to hate the man who hired her to seduce him. Adam demands that someone find Gloria. Charlie and Hayley argue because Hayley still believes Adam has kidnaped Gloria Sloane explains that she did what she did to pay for Alison’s education. Edmund loses the election and Maria fears she has lost her husband. Tad suspects Adam either bribed Auto the security guard or impersonated Stewart. Alec encourages Hayley to let go of her fight with Charlie and they share a close moment of flirtation. Adam returns with Pizza for Gloria. She is in a bad mood and complains of not feeling well. Brooke tells Edmund she’s sorry about the election. Maria tells Edmund she wants to stay with him and asks him not to shut her out. She wants to talk and Edmund cryptically says “OK, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Tad accuses Auto the security guard of being involved in Gloria’s disappearance and demands answers. Hayley tries to remember the connection between mother goose, and the password to the file on Adam’s computer. Gloria tells Adam she is having labour pains and collapses.

November 14-17, 1994: 11/14, 11/15, 11/16, 11/17

November 14, 1994 Dixie is surprised to run into Del. Maria is determined not to let Edmund keep being cold with her and asks him to admit that he blames losing the election on her. The search for Gloria continues. Alec and Hayley work to hack Adam’s computer. Adam accuses Gloria of faking labour pains and says she’s stuck with him for the full 48 hours. They continue to ague back and forth and Gloria insists she must go to the hospital. Auto the security guard lets it slip to Tad that Gloria felt she won a contest before she disappeared. Charlie links Adam to the contest. Dixie accuses Del of following her and he swears he had no idea he would run into her, he left town to give her space. Edmund and Maria argue he says pretending is very dangerous and that adults pretending is what got them into this mess. It was a joke for him to pretend he could run for office and win. Maria pushes him to admit he blames her and Del for this and Edmund says he does blame Mara. He wants to know what she was doing kissing Del when his whole life was on the line? Tad tracks down an address by pretending he’s an employee of Adam’s. Del admits to Dixie he doesn’t have a kidney donor for his transplant. Gloria tells Adam her water broke. Tad, Charlie and Alec find Gloria. Maria tells Edmund that the kiss with Del did stir up old feelings, but reminds him it isn’t like that hasn’t happened to him before too like with Brooke. Maria says she does not love Del and will never see him again. Maria reminds Edmund of how he ran to Brooke on the night of their engagement dinner. Edmund says he never lied to her, and she says he flies off the handle too quickly and won’t listen to the truth. Edmund doesn’t trust Maria. Maria says the real problem is that he blames her for the fact that they can’t have children. A kiss he could get over but not that. It’s eating away at him. Hayley is livid and confronts Adam about kidnapping Gloria.

November 15 1994 Charlie walks into the hospital to find Alec comforting Hayley who is worrying about Gloria. Gloria is coached through labour by Brooke. Adam tells Stuart he’s worried this time his schemes may have killed his own child. Isabella comes to see Maria and she is worried when she finds Maria packing her things. Isabella says Edmund is only hurt and angry because he believes he has failed, but she believes he loves Maria. Edmund is upset when Liz Sloan tries to talk with him. Stuart is upset when he learns Adam took Gloria. Stuart tells Adam he’s thinking only of himself and is hiding from Gloria and the baby because he can’t face what he has done. Gloria’s baby is alive, a little girl. Isabella implores Maria not to give up on her marriage to Edmund, Edmund arrives home as Maria is walking toward the door with her packed suitcase. Hayley projects her anger about her father and Gloria on Charlie. Everyone rips into Adam when he arrives at the hospital to check on Gloria and the baby. Alec comforts Hayley at the hospital chapel. “Why does my father have to destroy everything Alec, why?” Liz Sloane apologizes to her daughter Alison again for the public humiliation of the scandal seducing Edmund. Alison drops a bombshell and insists to her mother that she isn’t going to college. Edmund tells Maria he loves her and they can work past their problems. Maria can’t forgive him for blaming her because they can’t have children, and that’s why she has to leave. Maria accuses Edmund of never really loving her and dropping her because she can’t give him children.and suggests the only fair thing to do is annul the marriage. The situation with Gloria causes Tad and Brooke to imagine what it would have been like if they had had another child. Hayley walks away from Adam refusing to speak to him. Edmund is hurt Maria suggested an annulment. She reminds him that she can’t have children, so he has grounds according to the Catholic church. He says if she wants to leave she should leave. Maria visibly shaken, walks out slamming the door. Gloria has a nightmare that her baby Anna dies. In the hospital chapel, Adam pleads that God spare the baby.

November 16, 1994 Brooke interrupts Adam praying at the chapel. Gloria prepares to visit her baby. Things are tense for the Santos family when Edmund and Maria are missing at breakfast. Edmund tells the family that Maria packed her stuff and left. Maria buries herself in paperwork at the hospital. Laurel is being moved from intensive care at the hospital. Brooke doesn’t by Adam’s remorse. She tells Adam Anna is still alive. Gloria struggles to hold it together and be strong for the baby. Hector is upset Maria has left her marriage. Edmund defends Maria to her father reminding him she’s a grown woman not a child and their marriage is private. Joe gives an update on Laurel’s condition. Dimitri tells Edmund he’s a fool if he gives up on his marriage to Maria over a misunderstanding. Maria is haunted by the fight she had with Edmund. Anton tells Julia he has faith in her She prepares for her surgical consult. Hector scolds Maria about her marriage. Janet tries to shift the focus from Laurel to the upcoming wedding. Dr. Warren recognizes Jane as Janet Green. Edmund questions his ability to trust Maria. Hector insists Maria’s place is with her husband. Julia defends Maria to her parents. Maria says her marriage is off limits. Dr. Warren wants Janet to help boost the confidence of his surgical consult (Julia). Janet tries to back out and then Trevor meets the doctor and begins asking questions about the kind of treatment the doctor gave “Jane.” Janet dodges the questions and Dr Warren promises to keep her secret. Adam asks Brooke to pray for Anna. Brooke lights a candle for Anna Gloria, Laura Adam, and the baby Brooke lost. Gloria talks with her baby and then lashes out at Adam Jack restrains Gloria. Adam begs to see his daughter. Brooke asks Joe to consider it. Trevor has Laurel on his mind. Janet talks to Laurel while she’s unconscious. She attempts to place a pillow over Laurel’s face, but Laurel opens her eyes. Julia is nervous about reconstructive surgery, when the doctor asks if there is a chance she could be pregnant, Julia omits the rape and says no. Brooke convinces Joe to let Adam see the baby. Adam implores his daughter to live and her distress monitor sounds. Trevor wrestles with his feelings for Laurel. Janet continues to hover over Laurel with a pillow, desperate because she could lose everything.

November 17, 1994 Gloria’s baby Anna is in distress after being born three months premature. Trevor must decide between Laurel and Jane. Jane picks up a pillow to smother Laurel in her hospital room. Tim comes in into Laurel’s room just in time. He does not realize Jane was just about to kill Laurel. Gloria signs the consent form to get surgery to repair her baby Anna’s heart. Erica goes to Tempo magazine to lodge a complaint about an article calling her a has been. She meets Kendell there. Of course there is a confrontation. Harold the dog is still trying to find his way home to Tim. Brooke asks Adam to go home and not upset Gloria. Erica shows up at the hospital and asks Adam to sell Tempo magazine to her so she can fire Kendell. Jackson visits his estranged wife Laurel at the hospital. Jane wants to elope as soon as possible. Trevor say not until Laurel recovers. Adam is in no mood to hear Erica and Kendell snipe at each other. Brooke fires Kendell. Kendell complains to Adam. Right now Adam does not want to hear this and agrees with Brooke’s decision. Anna survives the heart surgery. Jackson talks about better times with Laurel as she is sleeping. Laurel wakes up. Adam is glad Anna made it through the heart surgery.

November 17 - 22, 1994: 11/17 (dup episode), 11/18, 11/21, 11/22

11-17-1994 Erica, Kendell, Adam, Brooke, Jackson, Ruth, Joe, Gloria, Hailey, Alex, Trevor, Myrtle, Laurel, Jane, Tim, Harold the dog. Gloria’s baby Anna is in distress after being born three months premature. Trevor must decide between Laurel and Jane. Jane picks up a pillow to smother Laurel in her hospital room. Tim comes in into Laurel’s room just in time. He does not realize Jane was just about to kill Laurel. Gloria signs the consent form to get surgery to repair her baby Anna’s heart. Erica goes to Tempo magazine to lodge a complaint about an article calling her a has been. She meets Kendell there. Of course there is a confrontation. Harold the dog is still trying to find his way home to Tim. Brooke asks Adam to go home and not upset Gloria. Erica shows up at the hospital and asks Adam to sell Tempo magazine to her so she can fire Kendell. Jackson visits his estranged wife Laurel at the hospital. Jane wants to elope as soon as possible. Trevor say not until Laurel recovers. Adam is in no mood to hear Erica and Kendell snipe at each other. Brooke fires Kendell. Kendell complains to Adam. Right now Adam does not want to hear this and agrees with Brooke’s decision. Anna survives the heart surgery. Jackson talks about better times with Laurel as she is sleeping. Laurel wakes up. Adam is glad Anna made it through the heart surgery.

11-18-1994 Joe, Tad, Jaime, Adam,Jr, Dixie, Trevor, Ruth, Jane, Erica, Jackson. Erica sees Jackson after he leaves Laurel’s room. He decides to stay with Laurel in her time of need. I hope he knows Erica does not let grass grow under her feet when it comes to men and she will soon move on. Jane’s earring is found with Laurel’s personal effects. She has a tough time explaining that one. Dixie and Del are stuck in a cabin together. Del is going stir crazy. He needs to get to dialysis appointment. Laurel tries to tell Jackson and Trevor it was Jane who attacked her. Tad? Adam?

11-21-1994 Tad, Joe, Jamie, Adam,jr, Del, Dixie, Erica, Laurel, Jackson, Dimitri, Trevor, Jane, Amanda. Erica talks to her mother’s picture. Del is getting worse. Dixie does what she can to make him comfortable. Erica makes a presentation to Tad for a wine campaign. Dixie finds a two way radio at a ranger’s cabin. Laurel keeps trying to tell people who attacked her. Jane leaves the room. Dixie manages to get through to get help for Del. Del is hallucinating. Jane goes home to get Amanda and gets her ready to go to Mexico. Jackson tells Dimitri it’s over between him and Erica.

11-22-1994 Julia, Noah, Hailey, Alex, Gloria, Brooke, Adam, Del, Dixie, Tad, Ruth, Charlie. Gloria talks to her daughter Anna. A helicopter is coming to help Del and Dixie. Noah is wearing some athletic shorts that look good on him in this episode. Julia doesn’t want to testify against Louie. Noah tries to support her decision. Julie believes Louie might have gotten her pregnant when he raped her. So Noah asks Julia when she had her last period. She is of course embarrassed to answer. Adam tries to make a deal with God to save his new born daughter Anna. He promises to leave Gloria alone and to sign away his parental rights so she can have sole custody if he will let baby Anna live. Gloria is told by Dr. Joe Martin Anna is not getting any better. She is dying. Gloria is in total denial. Hailey accuses Adam of killing her baby sister Anna. Now Dixie will give Del one of her kidneys. Noah and Julia argue. Julia leaves. Gloria wants to hold her baby but she must sign a consent form first. Dixie tells Del she will give him a kidney. They embrace. Tad is not happy. Adam sees Gloria singing he’s got the whole world in his hands to baby Anna to send her off to heaven.

November 23 - 30, 1994: 11/23, (No show aired 11/24 &11/25 Thanksgiving), 11/28, 11/29, 11/30

11-23-1994 Julia, Noah, Raul, Isabella, Edmund, Dimitri, Anton, Corvina. Adam, Maria, Del, Gloria, Brooke, Stuart, Dixie, Harold the dog, Grace, Taylor. Julia is at a family dinner with Anton, Dimitri and her family. Del tells Maria Dixie will give him a kidney after all. Baby Anna has passed away. Hailey points a gun at Adam. Adam does not even blink or protest. Noah tells his aunt and Taylor Julia is pregnant by Greco. He asks for their help because he knows Julia is in serious denial about being pregnant by rape. Julia’s family wants her to have plastic surgery to fix her face. People come to the hospital to console Gloria. She requests a simple funeral for Anna. Noah asks Julia to come by the stables for a minute. Hailey blames Adam for everything and really wants to kill him but she can’t pull the trigger. Noah has staged an intervention for Julia to get her to take a home pregnancy test. She finally agrees to take the test. It turns out Julia is pregnant. She hugs Noah. Anton walks in sees the hug and walks back out. Gloria must fill out Anna’s birth certificate. She refuses to put Adam’s name on it. Hailey finally puts the gun down with Brooke’s encouragement.

11-28-1994 Palmer, Tad, Dixie, Jane, Trevor, Dimitri, Gloria, Opal, Erica, Hailey, Alex. Dixie and Tad go over to Palmer’s house to tell him Dixie will donate a kidney to Del after all. Hailey tells Alex she almost killed Adam. He tells her she must find a way to deal with her feelings toward Adam before they destroy her. Adam picks up the gun Hailey and seriously thinks about killing himself. Brooke tells Adam he needs to go to baby Anna’s funeral. The day for Anna’s funeral comes. Jane dresses as a nurse to kill Laurel. She pulls out an IV needle and inserts the contents into Laurels IV bag.

11-29-1994 Jane, Laurel, Stuart, Charlie, Trevor, Derek, Edmund, Terrence, Gloria, Tad, Dixie, Hailey, Alex, Brooke, Adam. Adam shows up at Anna’s funeral. The general mood is he is not welcome. Hailey goes off on him. Alex tells Adam to leave the funeral. Gloria allows him to stay. The Eric Clapton song Tears in heaven plays in the background. Stuart reads a bible passage to Anna. Adam is the last one to leave the gravesite. Maria tells Del she left Edmund. Laurel flatlines. Jackson and Trevor rush in. A pulse is found. Laurel recovers. Adam apologizes to Anna at her gravesite. Erica and Dimitri have a heart to heart talk. Tad & Dixie? Edmund? Brooke?

11-30-1994 Tad, Dixie, Edmund, Corvina, Maria, Jackson, Jane, Laurel, Erica, Dimitri, Trevor, Harold the dog, Julia ,Tim. Edmund finds out Maria is pregnant. Dimitri tells Erica he still loves her. Harold the dog is still making his way back to his owner Tim. Erica agrees to get back together with Dimitri. They Kiss. Maria is not pregnant. Julia is the one who is pregnant. Julia can’t talk to Anton about her situation. Dimitri and Erica make love. Maria tells Julia she knows she is pregnant. Noah says he is the father of Julia’s baby. Laurel wakes up and tries to talk to Jackson.

December 1 - 6, 1994: 12/1, 12/2, 12/5, 12/6

12-1-1994 Julia, Maria, Edmund, Noah, Tad, Derek, Trevor, Jane, Myrtle, Dixie, Charlie, Laurel, Jackson, Tim, Amanda, Erica, Kendell, Erica, Dimitri, Jamal, Tom, Harold the dog. Trevor is thinking about Laurel on his wedding day to Jane. Edmund goes after Noah who easily pushes him away. Maria asks Noah if he is going to marry Julia. Noah agrees to marry Julia. Dimitri and Erica announce they are back together. Kendell comes to the wedding. Tad tells her to behave or be history. She agrees to behave. Harold the dog makes it home and scratches and barks at the door but nobody is home. Jackson tells Laurel that Trevor is getting married today. Laurel reacts badly to the news in her hospital bed. Julia says no to marriage because she knows his heart is not in it. Maria suggest adoption. Edmund suggests termination of the pregnancy. Edmund and Julia begin to argue. Julia leaves. Noah follows. Julia asks Noah why he said the baby was his? He replies why does she think he said that.

12-2-1994 Laurel, Julia, Noah, Grace, Derek, Harold the dog, Maria, Edmund, Anton, Jamal, Tim, Jane, Trevor, Jackson. Anton hears Julia is pregnant. Harold the dog makes it to the wedding at Tad’s house and immediately attacks Jane. Laurel tries with all her might to tell Jackson Jane is Janet Green. Finally she succeeds. But Jackson does get it. Noah admits he cares for Julia. Anton walks in on them. Anton tells Julia he wishes she had just been honest with him and walks away. Noah offers to tell Anton the truth as long as Julia tells the truth to everybody about everything else. Trevor decides to go on with the wedding. Stupid is as stupid does. Then Jackson crashes the wedding demanding the wedding be stopped. Jackson tells Trevor Jane is Janet Green. Julia has a heart to heart talk with Noah’s aunt Grace. Grace suggests Julia end the pregnancy but the decision to do that must be her own. Trevor wants to Jackson out. Again stupid is as stupid does. Maria & Edmund?

12-5-1995 Gloria, Adam, Laurel, Janet, Trevor, Jackson, Dixie, Tim, Tad, Harold the dog. Gloria is looking at baby stuff that was ordered before baby Anna’s passing that was too late to cancel. Adam comes into her hospital room. Janet is busted at last when Jackson presents a fax with proof to Trevor. Trevor tries to choke Janet. Adam tells Gloria he will not interfere with the divorce anymore and he will leave her alone. Then a nurse brings a woman who just had a baby and is holding the baby in her arms into Gloria’s hospital room. Adam demands the woman be moved so Gloria won’t be reminded of the loss of her own baby. Gloria gives the woman a carousel for her baby. I think Gloria is about to go down a slippery slope. Janet still begs to stay with Trevor and to go on with the wedding. Tim brings Harold the dog to Laurel’s room to see her. Harold brings great comfort to Laurel as she strokes his fur. Tim has no problem understanding Laurel’s impaired speech. Trevor scoops up Amanda and leaves Janet at the wedding. Myrtle tells Janet to get her things and get out of her house. Immediately. Everyone at the wedding has a bad Janet story. Gloria and Adam have a talk. Dixie lays into Janet for killing her brother Will and she throws her out of her house. Kendell invites Janet to stay with her in her hotel room. Gloria says she will take Adam back.

12-6-1994 Julia, Raul, Isabella, Anton, Erica, Dimitri, Trevor, Laurel, Jackson, Jamie, Tad, Corvina, Maria, Edmund, Noah. Trevor goes to Laurel’s hospital room to apologize. He is very sorry he did not listen when she tried to warn him about Jane/Janet. Janet tries to go back to work like nothing ever happened. Tad listens as Janet rants and raves. At a family dinner, Dimitri announces he and Erica are back together. Dixie walks into Tad’s office sees Janet there and demands she leaves right now or she will call the police. Noah tells Julia parents she is pregnant and he is the father. Julia’s father goes after and curses at him in Spanish. Noah is not fazed and yells back at him in Spanish. Then he leaves. Julia does not want to testify against Greco now. Noah convinces her to testify saying he will be by her side all the way. Trevor has Janet served with a restraining order. Julia is left alone at the courthouse with Greco.

December 7 - 13, 1994: 12/7, 12/8, 12/9, 12/12, 12/13 so-so quality, no commercials or credits

12-7-1994 Noah, Taylor, Greco, Julia, Tad, Dixie, Hailey, Alex, Gloria, Adam, Brooke, Terrence, Olivia Jamal. Tom. Noah comes across Taylor at the courthouse. Greco tries to intimidate Julia so she won’t testify. Dixie is really angry as she walks away from Tad. But he follows her around saying they will settle this argument about whether he should fire Janet Green one way or another. Finally Dixie agrees with Tad it’s his choice to fire Janet and she should not have given him an ultimatum. Of course everyone is against Gloria moving back in with Adam. Adam gets a wheelchair for Gloria to take her home with him. Alex, Hailey, Brooke, Tad and Dixie try to talk Gloria out of going home with Adam. She goes home with Adam anyway. Noah and Taylor discuss Julia’s situation. When Noah goes back to where Julia should be the door is locked. The bailiff opens the door with his key and Noah bursts in and throws Greco on the floor and proceeds to beat him up. Greco is taken away by his lawyer. Noah apologizes to Julia for leaving her alone. Jamal testifies against Greco. Julia testifies against Greco. She is intimidated at the sight of Greco. She gains strength when she looks at Noah. Noah has an outburst in the courthouse when Julia is called a prostitute. Julia manages to get through her testimony. Julia decides to have an abortion to end her pregnancy. Alex invites Hailey to help him pick out a Christmas tree. Julia decides to have an abortion. Tom and Terrence talk about their beliefs against abortion. Tom and his church members hold peaceful demonstations outside an abortion clinic.

12-8-1994 Alex, Haley, Charlie, Erica, Dimitri, Maria, Hector, Isabella, Edmund, Corvina, Grace, Anton, Terrence, Taylor. Alex and Hailey decide to have a funday. Noah goes with Julia to tell her family her decision about the baby. She wants to terminate the pregnancy. Her mother bursts into tears. Her father quotes scriptures and tells her what she is thinking about doing is a mortal sin. Erica and Dimitri have lunch together. They are both giddy with happiness because they are getting married again. Terrence sees Taylor coming out of the abortion clinic with their pamphlets. He tells her he does not agree with abortion. Taylor says this information is for Julia so she can make an informed decision. She also tells Terrence Julia was raped . Charlie meets Cecily when he saves her after she fell through thin ice on the lake. Terrence still does not agree with Julia’s decision. He and Tom continue to picket the abortion clinic. Alex and Hailey kiss; now they must decide if they want to take their friendship to another level.

12-9-1994 Del, Seborne, Dixie, Palmer, Opal, Tad, Trevor, Jackson, Jane, Belinda,Derek. Seborne, Dixie’s estranged father, comes back to town to thank her for giving Del a kidney. Del tells his father is feels good to be loved by his sister Dixie now that they are finally getting along. Derek visits Laurel and updates her on the Trevor and Janet wedding that didn’t happen and what went on to make it not happen. He says Harold the dog and Jackson are to thank for it. Del begs Seborne not to go see Dixie because it will only upset her. Palmer suggests Tad may have a thing for Janet. Tad throws Palmer out. Trevor still refuses to let Janet see Amanda. Laurel recalls Janet being around her car before her car accident. Trevor and Jackson suspect Janet did something to Laurel’s car to cause an accident. So he tries his best to have Janet arrested. Of course you need evidence. But she has not done anything wrong they can pin on her. Janet has hired an lawyer named Belinda Keefer to represent her in a custody case. Seborne goes to Palmer’s house to visit Opal believing she is the reason Dixie changed her mind. Palmer comes home and throws him out.

12-12-94 Tad, Dixie, Cecily, Derek, Trevor, Janet, Laurel, Joe, Charlie. Tad and Dixie are still fighting about the Janet issue. So Tad leaves the house. Jackson, Trevor and Derek go to the garage to try to locate Laurel’s car. They are too late it has been crushed into a cube and all evidence is lost. Laurel wakes up to find Janet in her hospital room. Janet says she just wants to talk as she takes away Laurel’s call nurse button. Tad goes to the hospital to talk to Joe. Joe takes Dixie’s side in this matter. Laurel spars verbally with Janet in her weakened state unable to fight back physically. Cecily and Dixie talk. Cecily also thinks Tad has a thing for Janet. Trevor and Jackson burst in and throw Janet out of Laurel’s room. Janet goes back to Tad’s office. She and Dixie have words. Tad finally fires Janet. Janet fantasizes about killing Dixie with a crowbar the same way she killed Dixie’s brother Will.

12-13-94 Julia, Isabella, Hector, Maria, Kendell, Erica, Dimitri, Joe, Anton. Corvina, Edmund, Janet Julia wakes up to find Maria sitting next to her bed. Julia believes Maria is there to try to talk her out of the abortion. Maria offers to take Julia to the clinic for the procedure. Erica and Dimitri come to the hospital for their blood tests to get married again. Erica wants Bianca at their wedding. Kendell overhears and starts to make a scene; they ignore her. Janet arrives at the hospital and tries to get Joe to give her a recommendation so she can get a job. Joe says no of course. Dimitri says no too. Julia’s parents try one last time to get her to change her mind. She does not change her mind. Kendell goes crying to Del he tells her to get over it. She still tries to get him to help her destroy Erica and Dimitri. He tells her he is tired so she can leave now. Janet and Kendell are both having a miserable Christmas. Kendell asked Janet for ideas to ruin Erica. Janet suggests she tell Anton he is Dimitri’s father. It makes sense because in romance novels the master of the house sleeps with the maid and gets her pregnant maybe that happened with Dimitri and Corvina.

December 14 - 20, 1994: 12/14 (last 1/2 reduced quality), 12/15, 12/16, 12/19, 12/20

12-14-94 Dimitri, Corvina, Anton, Joe, Kendell, Noah, Julia, Maria, Terrence, Tom, Taylor, Erica, Gloria, Opal, Palmer, Charlie, Cecily. Phoebe. Anton announces he will be moving to California. When Julia, Maria, Noah and Taylor get to the clinic there is a more radical group of abortion protesters at the Clinic. Abortion protesters grab Julia. Noah pulls them away from her. Tom manages to calm the abortion protesters down before more violence can erupt. Kendell tells Anton Dimitri is his father. Noah gives Julia his special bracelet to wear during the surgery. She gives him a hug. Julia talks to another young lady who is also there for an abortion. The other young lady decides against getting an abortion. Julia receives counseling before the procedure. Julia does not change her mind and goes through with the procedure. Anton tells Corvina and Dimitri what Kendell told him. Now they must confirm or deny his parentage. Dimitri wants to tell Anton he is his father and Corvina is his mother so he won’t go to California to take an internship. Corvina asks him not to tell Anton because she knows he won’t take it well.

12-15-94 Seborne, Del, Dixie, Tad, Ada, Brooke, Gloria, Stuart, Hailey, Alex, Cecily. Seborne visits Del before his surgery. Dixie’s family visits her before the kidney surgery. Adam tells Brooke Gloria is acting strange. He asks Brooke what he can do to make Gloria feel better. She tells hm to leave her alone to grieve naturally in her own time.Stuart visits Gloria. He tells her she shouldn’t be there with Adam aand she should leave. He offers to help her in any way he can but her being there with Adam is strange. Adam is shocked his own brother is speaking against him. He asks Stuart to please stay on the sideline and not interfere with him and Gloria. Seborne goes to see Dixie. He brings her a gift and thanks her for having the surgery to save Del. Alex tells Hailey to leave Gloria alone because she made her choice to go back to Adam. Del and Dixie give each other a pep talk before the kidney surgery. Opal visits Del before the surgery. Alex tells Hailey she is beginning to act more and more like Adam. Seborne flirts with Opal. Cecily advises Dixie not to go through with the surgery because she remembers how much Dixie wants a child with Tad but now that she is having this kind of surgery that is no longer possible.

12-16-94 Seborne, Maria, Edmund, Anton, Del, Kendell, Dimitri, Erica, Dixie, Tad, Opal, Palmer, Ruth, Joe Erica and Dimitri make love. Anton visits Del before his surgery. He wishes him well. Tad visits Dixie before the kidney transplant surgery. He’s still scared something will go wrong. Maria and Edmund argue. He believes Del is the main problem in their marriage; Maria believes Brooke is the main problem in their marriage. Kendell visits Del before his surgery to try to get him to scheme with her one more time. Dixie admits to Tad she is scared to death. Tad gets into bed with her and holds her in his arms. Del ass Maria to please keep an eye on Dixie. Seborne offers to take Del fishing once he feels better after the surgery. Dixie and Tad kiss before the surgery. Edmund brings Dixie flowers. Del leaves a will just in case. Erica offers to tell Anton Dimitri is his father. She believes there will be a big blowout and Anton will get over it and everything will be alright. In the end Dimitri tells Anton he is his father. It does not go over well.

12-19-94 Edmund,Tad, Seborne, Opal, Janet, Dixie, Del, Maria, Corvina, Joe. Anton does not accept the fact that Dimitri is his father. Janet has the nerve to tell Tad she is concerned about Dixie. Then she confesses she is in love with Tad. Tad lets Janet down as gently as possible but at the same time he tells her he does not even want to be friends with her because Dixie comes first in his life. Anton pulls away from his mother Corvina and Dimitri because they lied to him all these years. Julia comforts Anton. Del and Dixie have their surgeries. Maria prays for both of them. Corvina blames Erica for Dimitri telling Anton he is his father. Erica accuses Corvina of being selfish for wanting to keep Anton parentage a secret. Corvina did not want to mark Anton as a bastard which is a great shame in the old country. She let her parents raise him. Opal tells Jane to leave the hospital because she is not wanted there. Seborne wants to get a look at Janet the woman who killed his son Will. Erica simply does not understand old world customs. In the old country Anton would ostracized as a bastard. Maria is by Del’s side after the surgery.

12-20-94. Brooke, Edmund, Del, Seborne, Maria, Kendell, Dimitri, Julia, Hector, Isabella, Erica. Del and Dixie wake up from their surgeries. Anton tells Julia Dimitri is his father. Then Anton goes to Kendell of all people. She tries to corrupt him and make him hate his father. Seborne is there as Del wakes up from his surgery. The first thing Del wants to know is how Dixie is doing. Corvina packs her suitcase to go bac to Hungary. Anton hugs Julia for comfort. She offers to what she can to ease his pain. Anton vents to Julia then he calls her a liar too because she lied to him about her relationship with Noah. Then he leaves. Liz applies to be a personal assistant for Brooke. Edmund wants to use Liz a former employee of Calloway the man who defeated him for office as a spy. Brooke is against it. Edmund agrees to hire Liz. Kendell listens to a cassette tape del made where she is truly happy laughing.

December 21 - 26 1994: 12/21, 12/22, 12/23, 12/26

12-21-1994 Hailey, Alex, Charlie, Brooke, Edmund, Erica, Bianca, Dimitri, Corvina,, Anton, Kendell, Joe, Cecily, Phoebe Anton slept with Kendell. She wants to believe they are back together. Erica and Bianca lay a Christmas wreath on Mona’s grave. Jackson also comes to lay flowers on Mona’s grave; he and Erica talk and from this talk he learns Erica is going to remarry Dimitri. Hailey and Alex decorate their office for Christmas. Alex holds up the mistletoe. He and Hailey kiss. Brooke and Edmund have a job for Charlie. Erica and Bianca decorate for Christmas. Dimitri calls around town looking for Anton. Corvina still blames him for Anton leaving in anger. Alex says if Hailey is no longer attached to Charlie they can start a relationship; if so they can just stay friends. Cecily wants Charlie to hide her from Phoebe. Erica and Bianca spend their first Christmas without Mona. Corvina vents her anger for Anton leaving on Erica. Dimitri tells her never to speak to Erica like that ever again. Phoebe threatens to cut Cecily off financially.Corvina wonders if Anton went back to Kendell. Brooke is still not convinced Liz can be a spy on Calloway for Tempo magazine. Hailey goes to Charlie to see if there is anything left between them. There isn’t. Liz get the job and becomes a spy for Tempo magazine.

12-22-1994 Janet, Belinda, Trevor, Laurel, Liilie, Adam, Hailey, Alex, Joe, Derek, Seaborne, Gloria, Dixie, Tad,Ruth,Del. Dixie wakes up from her surgery. She wants to see how Del is doing. Janet’s lawyer Belinda tells her she is barred from seeing Amanda even on Christmas. Janet begs Belinda to call Trevor to ask to see Amanda on Christmas; of course he refuses. Adam asks Hailey to come to his house for a tree trimming party to cheer up Gloria. She refuses. Alex manages to talk Hailey into going after all. Brooke advises Adam not to throw a sursprise party for Gloria. He plans and throws the party anyway. Why ask for advice if you are not going to use it. Del is having problems accepting Dixie’s kidney. At Adam’s party Gloria comes downstairs and angrily slaps Adam thinking he is no longer grieving for Anna. Lillie is an autistic child. She throws a fit when Laurel comes home from the hospital. She is having a hard time adjusting to change. And she doesn’t like seeing her mother in a wheelchair.

12-23-1994 Jackson, Tad, Dixie, Cecily, Maria, Erica, Bianca, Noah, Julia, Edmund, Corvina, Lillie, Tim, Adam, Gloria, Dimitri, Myrtle, Hailey, Alex, Trevor, Grace, Seborne, Del. Gloria lashes out at Adam and throws the present he got her on the floor. Brooke offers to go upstairs and talk to Gloria. Seborne meets Adam Jr. Dixie’s son who is also his grandson. Gloria comes downstairs and welcomes her guests. Grace asks Noah if he was talked to sister Belinda. He says no she has not spoken to him and if his aunt wants to know why she should ask Belinda. Del is feeling better. Anton comes back home. He brings his new wife Kendell home with him. Lillie runs away. People are out looking for her. At Dimiti’s house people are sniping and snapping each other. Stuart tells Adam he can see the hate in Gloria’s eyes. Adam says that can’t be because she agreed to come home to him. Grace offers to help trim the Christmas tree. She asks Noah to help her. Dixie wants to go outside the hospital for a minute with Tad. While she and Tad are out Seborne gets to meet his grandson Adam,Jr. Dixie comes back to her hospital room and finds Seborne there. She wants him to leave. He does so. Laurel prays for Lillie’s safety. Lillie is sitting with a man dressed like Santa Claus. Tim and Harold the dog find them. While Tim is talking to Lillie Harold starts barking he looks up; Santa Claus is gone. Seborne also meets Santa Claus. Santa Claus advises him to remember the good Christmases from the past and everything will be alright. So Seborne carves a puppet for Adam,Jr. Tim brings Lillie home. Del better and wheeled in to see Dixie. Dixie is so happy her brother is doing well she embraces him.

12-26-1994 Jamal, Tom, Derek, Corvina, Edmund, Maria, Grace, Alex, Hailey, Taylor, Terrence, Noah,Anton, Kendell,Trevor, Dimitri, Erica. Alex gives his son Jamal a computer game for Christmas. Kendell being there of course ruins Christmas for everyone at Dimitri’s house. Julia wishes them well; she is the only one there to do so. Corvina asks if Kendell got him drunk. Dimitri yells at Kendell. Anton tells Dimitri to apologize to Kendell. Of course he doesn’t. Jamal gives Alex a book to read for Christmas. It’s a book his mother used to read back in the day. Terrence earns a fellowship to study in South Africa. He wants Taylor to come with him. She refuses. Noah and Julia talk. He asks her if she likes Anton. Julia says she could have loved him. Anton asks Dimitri where he and his wife will be sleeping. Will it be the hunting lodge or a room in the main house. Anton he will leave forever if Kendell can’t stay there. Once again Noah speaks the truth to Julia. He tells her Anton brought Kendell there to bother and annoy his family. If she gave Anton half a chance he would be with her. Then Noah gets angry and tells Julia to stop feeling sorry for herself and fight back when life knock her down. He says he will leave because he does not want to keep watching her feeling sorry for herself. Julia asks him to stay because he is her only real friend. She finally agrees to get counseling to deal with her rape trauma for Noah’s sake.

December 27 - 30, 1994: 12/27, 12/28, 12/29, 12/30

12-27-94. Charlie, Cecily, Brooke, Liz, Maria, Edmund, Julia, Noah, Grace, Phoebe. Maria tells Edmund she found a new apartment. Julia asks them to please work out their differences. Maria tells Edmund Julia was raped. Julia attends her first rape counseling session. Maria and Edmund also agree to get counseling. As Maria and Edmund are having a serious talk Brooke calls Edmund to let him know they have a hot tip on Matthew Calloway. Maria thinks Brooke is trying to get Edmund back. Cecily is annoying Charlie while he is trying to do his job as a private investigator. Liz has a hot tip on Matthew Calloway. She wants to tell Edmund about it not Brooke. Brooke tells Phoebe Liz is working undercover at Matthew Calloway for Tempo Magazine. Noah’s aunt Grace can see he did a good job helping Julia get the help she needs. She asks when is he going to get his own life together. Cecily goes over to Matthew Calloway’s house and talks to his wife to get information. Charlie has to go get her before the wife calls the police.

12-28-94 Janet, Belinda, Laurel, Trevor, Adam,Gloria, Dimitri, Taylor, Derek, Erica. Noah, Anton, Kendell, Del, Joe. Trevor sent back the presents Janet sent to their daughter Amanda. Janet declares she will give pain back to Trevor. Laurel falls into Trevor’s arms when she gets up from her wheelchair and tries to stand up. Gloria and Adam have breakfast. Anton tells Kendell to get away from him. Dimitri is regretting kicking Anton and Kendell out of his house. It seems Trevor broke the cups Janet sent to Amanda before sending them back to Janet. Erica tells Dimitri they need to find a way to get Anton away from Kendell. Kendell tells Del she married Anton. Anton quits the medical profession. Joe calls Dimitri to let him know Anton no longer wants to be a doctor. Adam is not feeling well. Janet asks Adam to give her a high paying job. Del tells Kendell Anton only married her to stick it to his parents. He also tells her to enjoy her honeymoon because her marriage is only going to last a minute. Gloria asks what is Janet doing in their house. Anton is distracted. Kendell tries to get his attention back onto her. Trevor asks Taylor if she knows of anyone who can run a con on Janet so they can collect evidence against her. Taylor recommends Noah.

12-29-94 Noah, Taylor, Erica, Anton. Kendell, Derek, Jackson, Trevor, Laurel, Janet, Stuart, Gloria, Adam Taylor wants Noah to be an informant to help catch Janet. Noah is immediately suspicious to see so many people in law enforcement in one place. Ericia goes to Anton and Kendell’s hotel room to talk to him. Erica offers to cease all hostilities. Erica tries her best to bring Anton around. Kendell tells Anton Corvina never loved him. Anton does not believe that. Noah says no to Taylor’s proposal about being an informant. Janet is making a nuisance of herself at Adam’s house. Adam finally has enough when Janet says he killed his baby Anna. He grabs Janet and tosses her out of his house. Anton tells Erica to tell Dimitri he will pay back the money Dimitri spent on his education to become a doctor even if it takes him years. Noah finally agrees to be an informant after Trevor begs him to please help them keep Janet away from his children. So Noah makes a controlled call to Janet says he saw her when she messed up Laurel’s car. Of course Janet denies everything. Janet goes to see Kendell to try to come up with a plan. Anton is there so they can’t discuss her problem in detail. Kendell insists Janet leave. When she gets back home Janet can’t believe Kendell snagged a husband. Gloria lays into Stuart because he told Adam she hates him. Stuart holds his ground saying he knows she is not happy and that she hates Adam. Ericia postpones her and Dimitri’s big wedding. Adam falls down some stairs while suffering from stomach pains.

12-30-94 Hailey, Alex, Gloria, Adam, Joe, Tad, Dixie, Charlie, Ruth, Adam,Jr., Jamie, Bianca, Erica, Dimitri, Edmund, Alex, Hailey. Adam must go to the hospital. Tad brings Dixie home from the hospital. Erica tells Bianca the wedding is off. Alex and Hailey go to the beach on New Years Eve. Dimitri celebrates New Years with Erica. They have a small wedding ceremony with only Bianca and Edmund in attendance. Adam is grumpy and grouchy about spending New Years Day in the hospital. Alex and Hailey have a good time at the beach; Alex asks Hailey not be a downer on New Years Day; please don’t mention how much she hates her father Adam. Several couples give each other New Years kisses. Erica and Dimitri have a small honeymoon at his main house.

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