Bo & Hope #4 April 2 - May 28, 1984: 8 hours

Dvd #4A 4/2 Bo and Eugene meet up with Marlena and Mrs. H at Shenanigan's. Bo thanks Mrs. H for covering for them when she caught them coming in from the balcony at the DiMeras. Bo tells them about his plans to break into Tony's safe. Eugene and Bo search Marlena's for more bugging devices. Eugene has tracked the source to Tony DiMeras building though Marlena still doesn't believe that Tony is behind this. Bo tells Marlena that he can't tell Hope the truth, as it will put her into too much danger. Marlena is upset about Bo not being able to be with Hope and vows that she isn't going to let him lose his girl!

Hope dreams of kissing Larry, then hears Bo's voice telling her that he will always love her and the she dreams of making love to him, then she hears Larry's voice calling her back to him. A sad (and shirtless!) Bo, lays thinking of Hope. Diane tries to snuggle up to him but he pushes her away. She doesn't understand why he broke up with Hope when he still has feelings for her? He avoids answering the question, he warns Diane not to think about him, to avoid him as he is nothing but trouble and pretty much lets her know that nothing romantic is going to happen between them. He asks Diane about her future plans, getting a job, getting her own place? She wants to know if he is kicking her out?  He says no but he tells her can't sleep on the floor forever. She invites him to share her bed, but he isn't interested. She reminds him that Hope is gone, out of his life!

Hope is nursing a hangover the next morning. Larry shows up and asks her if she has any regrets? She says no that it was a perfect night. He tells her that she surprised him last night, that she is one passionate woman as he leans into kiss her. Later, Hope goes downstairs and runs into Bo. He holds onto her and they look longingly into each other's eyes. He reluctantly pulls away from her; Danny asks Hope if she loves Bo? She says it doesn't matter. Danny refuses to believe it as he saw how Bo held onto her, and reports that Bo only has eyes for her. Hope reminds him that Diane might be pregnant; Danny doesn't seem to believe that story. After Hope goes back upstairs, Larry immediately sends Diane up to create a scene with Hope.

Diane arrives at Hope's door and demands she stay away from Bo. Hope yells at her to get out and leave her alone. Larry arrives and stands up for Hope. After Diane leaves, Hope tells Larry that he is the only man in her life. Hope asks if he loves her? He doesn't give her an answer, she tells him that she knows what she wants now and kisses him. They start making out but Larry pulls away, tells her he cares too much for her to be a substitute for Bo. He tells her he knows she still has feelings for Bo.

A depressed Bo goes back to his room with a six-pack of beer. Diane comes out of the shower, dressed only in a towel. She lies on the bed next to him and grabs a beer. She comments that he looks like he lost his last friend in the world. She tries to get him to get out and go see a movie and get a pizza. He doesn't feel like going out. She starts playing with his hair. He asks her to go put some clothes on. She wants to know what is wrong, doesn't he like her in her towel? He says no, he doesn't. So she stands up and removes her towel and then tries to seduce him. He starts to kiss her back, they make out until "Celebrate My Love" comes on the radio and Bo pulls away and says this isn't going to work. He tells her he doesn't want to hurt her.

Bo has flashbacks to many moments in his relationship with Hope (a nice montage of classic B&H scenes). He runs into Hope again on her way out on a date with Larry (he eats his heart out as she is looking quite gorgeous in her fur and cocktail dress).

Later that night, Larry sees Hope home but refuses to stay saying that it is too dangerous to be alone with her. He invites her to breakfast, then leaves suddenly without kissing Hope goodnight. Hope looks disappointed, and Larry smirks to himself, as he feels increasingly successful in playing Hope.

Howie arrives with the tools that Bo needs to break into the safe at the Venerables (the apartment across the hall from Tony DiMeras). Eugene cuts the power, and they use that as an excuse to enter the Venerables. They don't find anything but Bo is intrigued by a unique chess set as he recalls that Eugene that Stefano was a big chess fan and had a one of a kind set. Bo steals a chess piece and they have it analyzed and find a fresh fingerprint belonging to Stefano! Stefano listens in with his bugging devices as a shocked Roman reveals the news to Bo and Eugene. Roman realizes that Stefano set him up as a killer. An observant Bo points out that it was too easy to steal the chess piece, almost like Stefano wanted them to know he was alive.

Chris asks Hope what is going on with Bo? She says nothing is going on with him, that Bo dumped her! (She says this loud enough for Bo to overhear). She tells Chris she has to get ready for her date with Larry; he doesn't treat her like a kid with no brains. Hope comes downstairs, decked out once again, and Howie comments on how gorgeous she looks, "check out Cinderella". Bo stops her and tells her she looks fantastic, she looks all grown up and in her proper element, which is not on the back of his motorcycle. She tells him she is with people she likes, and they are very nice people. He says maybe, except for Larry Welch. Hope gets feisty and defends Larry as being the best man she has ever known and informs Bo that her and Larry are "going together".

Bo and Eugene break into Tony's and Tony gets into the safe but they are held hostage by his new attack dogs, They are finally able to get away when Eugene distracts them with his robot and they make a run for it. They speed away, they meet up with Roman and Bo shows him the Bacca that he found in Tony's safe. Roman doesn't understand why Tony would be working with Stefano as Tony hated Stefano. Meanwhile, Larry and Hope joke around after the party they attended. Larry says he keeps getting asked when he and Hope are getting engaged. Hope jokes about it, and Larry gets all sincere and tells her not to joke about it acting slightly wounded. He cons her into acting as his social secretary when he has multiple invitations and can't keep them all straight, including one with the mayor.

Danny questions Diane about her pregnancy, and she admits that not only has she not scene a doctor but she may have been mistaken. Hope finds Bo in the park, she is worried about him as he looks so sad. Hope tells Bo that Diane has gotten a job at Shenanigan's and she will try to get along with Diane. Bo tells her how nice it is to just talk to her without fighting. Hope admits it has been a long time, she suddenly says she has to get back to work. Bo meets Eugene and tells him he is sure there is something fishy going on at the DiMera's, that he feels it. Eugene teases that Bo is getting vibes now?

Hope talks to Melissa about Bo and Larry. She admits that she doesn't love Larry, her eyes shimmer with tears as she thinks about her love for Bo. Melissa comments that in about 20 years from now they can look back on this as just a memory (okay eerie to think that it has been 22 years since this originally aired, how is that possible!). Hope agrees that by then she will most likely have teenagers of her own! Bo waits on the pier and he imagines telling Hope the truth about how he had to help his brother and it was too dangerous to be with her.

Hope has her own fantasy, of Bo in a tux and Bo whisking her off to the party as he drapes her fur around her shoulders and kisses her. Larry interrupts her thoughts as he arrives to pick her up. Larry continues his seduction as he tells Hope he loves her, but she can't reciprocate. He makes a fake phone call that he is rescheduling a meeting with the Governor in order to spend the day with Hope. He then suggests that Liz hire Hope to work at Blondie's (most likely to get her away from seeing Bo at Shenanigan's).

Larry isn't happy to find a picture of Bo & Hope stashed away in her kitchen cupboard. He calls Diane and orders a complete report on Bo. Diane tightens up when Larry comes into Shenanigan's. Bo notices her reaction and he tells Larry to leave her alone that Diane is his woman and if he gives her trouble that Bo will give Larry even bigger trouble. Diane gives Larry her report on Bo's background. He isn't satisfied with her listing of his past school activities, he wants the dirt on Bo Brady, his weaknesses that he can exploit! Diane says that Bo has always been really nice to her and she doesn't have any dirt on him. She later tells him about Megan Hathaway, Bo's high school girlfriend. Larry questions her and she divulges that Megan and Bo were crazy about each other and their relationship ended badly as suddenly Megan took off for Europe and Bo joined the Merchant Marines.

Bo and Hope run into each other again at Liz and Neil's wedding. Hope catches the bouquet and glances shyly at Bo. He can't take his eyes off of her. Roman follows a lead to a warehouse near the concert hall, his suspicions are correct as he finds Stefano and is taken captive. Bo and Eugene arrive at the warehouse just after Stefano has taken off. Roman tells the boys about the clues Stefano has dropped about his big plan. Larry and Hope arrive back at Shenanigan's after their evening out. Hope wants to order more champagne, but Bo enters and stops her saying that she had enough champagne earlier at the wedding reception. Larry blusters that Hope is an adult and can make her own choices. Bo calls him a scum realizing how much Hope is drinking when she is with Larry, with the accusation that Larry is using alcohol to try to take advantage of Hope. Bo realizes he doesn't have the right to tell her what to do and leaves in disgust. Later that night, Hope lays in bed and as she looks at her bouquet she imagines she is marrying Bo.

Diane's pimp, Nick, has found her and shows up at the door and slaps her around. She swears that she will get Larry for telling Nick where she is. Larry doesn't know anything about Larry but starts to question her about the DA and what he wants from her. Nick tells her that Larry didn't tell him where she was, one of his girls did. He tells her that Larry is after something big from Hope and Nick is going to figure out what it is and he warns Diane not to say anything to either Larry or Bo. Bo comes home and finds Diane crying and her face bruised. Bo wants to know who did this to her, she lies and says it was one of her old tricks. He feels terrible and wants to go find the guy, she refuses and hysterically begs him to stay with her.

The next day, Diane asks Hope to cover for her. Hope is snarky with her and Bo asks Hope to give her a break as Diane isn't feeling well. Hope just rolls her eyes and suggests soda crackers. Bo is clueless and Hope informs him that will help the morning sickness and walks away. Bo tells Diane that she is going to have to explain that one. Eugene calls Hope over to him and tries to encourage her to not give up on Bo that he sees a future for them and his visions are never wrong. Hope doesn't want to hear it and tells Eugene that she has moved onto another man.

Diane assures Bo that she isn't pregnant, that she only thought she was. Bo tells her that if she is he won't leave her out in the cold. She can't believe what a great guy he is that he would stand by her. He realizes that Hope thinks he is the father of the baby but says that will be sorted out later (once he can tell Hope the truth). Diane brings up Megan and tries to get Bo to talk about her. He says the last he heard that Megan was in New Orleans, and with more leading questions that her father had a couple of banks in Salem.

After Diane leaves, Bo turns on the radio and of course once again "Celebrate My Love" is playing on the radio again and he starts to think of Hope! (This is one of the only songs that play on Salem's radio). Hope comes down to see Bo and apologizes for saying anything about Diane's morning sickness that it wasn’t her place. He tells her that Diane isn't pregnant. They stand and stare at each other until Bo asks her if there is anything else. She says no and leaves and after she closes the door she leans up against it and sighs, "Oh Bo!" He opens the door and she almost falls into his arms. They are very close to each other and he leans in towards her, almost kissing her. She tells him that Eugene told her that her and Bo weren't over. She asks him that they are over, aren't they? He puts his hand up to the side of her face, almost out of his control but before he can go further, Eugene comes up.

Hope runs straight to Larry for comfort and runs into his arms. Larry realizes that she must have seen Bo and he is tired of her getting into a fight with Bo and then turning to him. He tells her he wants to be more to her than just an escape from Bo. He tells her that sooner or later she will have to choose between him and Bo. She tells him that he is the man she wants. He urges her to quit her job at Shenanigan's and get away from there. She decides to do it! He tells her how much he loves her and he is going to make her forget all about Bo Brady!

Larry's sleazy reporter contact calls and tells him that the story about Megan Hathaway will be in today's paper! An excited Melissa shows Bo the paper with her name mentioned as performing at the benefit concert. Just below that article is another about Maxwell Hathaway’s businesses in Salem being in trouble and Maxwell is returning to town (Larry has had the article planted to force the Hathaway's return). An upset Bo runs into Howie and shows him the article. He fumes about Roman's interference in his love life (Roman had something to do with Bo breaking up with Megan in high school). Howie realizes this is really about Hope and encourages Bo to tell her that he wants and needs her. He actually agrees to and runs off to find her.

Bo shows up at her door and finds her packing to move. She gives him back the book of poetry that he gave her for her 18th birthday since his father had given it to him. She tells him she is moving away from him, that she realizes she is dangerous to him that she is always getting him in trouble.  She says it is so hard for her to give him up, that if she thought she had any chance she would be camping out on his doorstep. She tells him that she is moving back home and he won't have to worry about her again. He tells her he has always worried about her safety and does seem relieved to here her talk about being out of danger and being safe away from him. He takes the book, and once outside her door he stops and pauses. She leans up against the other side of the door and sobs, his heart breaks as he knows he is the cause of her pain.

Howie questions Bo if he told Hope the truth about how he feels about her. He says no that if he did, she would be camped out on his doorstep and she would be back in danger and he can't take that risk. Larry fills her new place with flowers, and tells her that this is a beautiful home, the kind of home he has always wanted. He tells her that he loves her and wants to protect her. Hope questions him about his intentions towards her. She tells Larry that she likes being with a man she can trust, with Bo she always felt like she was in a storm at sea never knowing when she would be washed overboard. Reporter guy calls to tell him that Maxwell Hathaway is on his way to town with his daughter!

The piano player tinkles out,  "Celebrate My Love" and Larry asks Hope to dance. He asks if wasn't this her song with Bo. She says yes it was but it’s no longer important. Back at her place, she admits that she hasn't completely gotten Bo out of her head but moving out of Shenanigan's and putting some distance between them shows that she is trying. She wants to know where she stands with him, where they are headed? He tells her that is up to her that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Hope once again tries to seduce him, he makes an excuse that he feels too much for her and takes her up to the restaurant. They walk out and find Bo there with Howie waiting for a phone call from a contact.

Al Jarreau is in town for the benefit concert, and listens as Liz sings, Bo and Hope also once again yearn for each other. Hope is disappointed when Larry tells her he can't take her to the concert as he will be in Las Vegas for a national convention. Larry continues to play Hope, asking her about Megan and Bo's past. She determinedly says that she deserves to be with someone who loves her and only her and she won't be part of Bo's harem! That night she dreams of Bo again. She wakes up and calls Larry in a panic, the thought of him going away worries her as she has been spending so much time with him. She asks him again if he has to go to Vegas?

Mrs. H is not happy when Hope tells her that she is going to surprise Larry and joins him on his trip to Las Vegas.

Dvd #4B 5/4 Larry pretends surprise and pleasure when he finds Hope waiting for him on the plane. Once in Vegas, Larry arrives in her hotel room with yet another bottle of champagne. Mrs. H reluctantly tells Bo about Hope's trip, but Bo realizes there is nothing he can do about it now and best she is out of danger during the concert. Nick has followed Bo & Hope to Vegas. He strikes up a conversation with Hope while she is playing the slot machines but makes himself scare when Larry comes along. Nick calls Diane and tells her to find out why Larry is supposed to be in Vegas as there is something about his friends that stink.

Roman confronts Stefano again at the concert hall and is once again taken hostage. Stefano's goons plant explosives in the concert hall. Bo and Eugene search the concert hall but don't find Stefano's hiding spot. Andre calls Bo, impersonating Roman, and asks Bo to come pick him up outside of the city. Bo later arrives at the concert hall and tells Howie that he never found Roman. Howie observes that something fishy is going on. The real Tony DiMera (being held captive) is able to send Eugene a computer message that Stefano plans on killing Marlena at the concert. Fake Tony (Andre) has a knife and is ready to attack. I included a bit of the concert as Al Jarreau and Liz perform as Hope and Larry watch it on TV in their hotel room.

Larry and Hope first enjoy a candlelit dinner, and then they head out to the desert and star gaze. Larry plays the guitar and serenades Hope and does a lot of fake cowboy accent. Hope seems completely charmed, then they are back to a restaurant on the Vegas strip. Nick approaches Hope again and questions her about her trip, she informs him that she is there for a political convention. Larry springs an engagement ring on Hope but tells her that he doesn't want an answer tonight that he wants her to think about it and be sure. They both drink a lot of champagne once again, and he tells her how much he loves her. After he leaves, he looks anything but a happy prospective bridegroom more like he has just completed a trip to the dentist. Hope lays in bed, looking at the ring and imagines being Mrs. Larry Welch.

Meanwhile, Fake Roman attacks Marlena on stage (it is Andre in a Roman mask) and tries to stab her. Roman has escaped Stefano and headed back to the concert hall, he fights Stefano's goons outside. Bo rides up on his motorcycle in the nick of time and comes to Roman's aide. Marlena has been taken hostage by Stefano and locked in a storage room. Neil arrives and Stefano has him knocked out. Stefano and his goons take off, leaving Marlena and Neil behind. Roman, and Bo find and release Marlena. She tells them about the explosives planted in the basement, they tell her they know about the bomb and Eugene is searching for it. She reports that it can only be diffused with the Bacca which Stefano has in his possession, and that he is in disguise as the conductor. Bo and Roman race off after Stefan, Bo is shot as he tries to stop Stefano from driving off. Eugene tells Roman that he made a copy of the Bacca and they are off to try to disarm the bomb.

Roman and Abe commandeer a news helicopter and take off after Stefano's car, great aerial shots as they head off in pursuit. Stefano's car careens off the bridge into the river below. Eugene and Marlena find the bomb and he uses the Bacca to diffuse it at the last moment. Bo is rushed by ambulance to the hospital, Bo has lost a lot of blood and is rushed to emergency surgery. After the surgery, Roman and Marlena are told that Bo's condition is more serious than they originally thought. When Bo wakes up, his first question is did they get Stefano? Roman says no that he got away but there is no more hiding. Roman thanks Bo for saving not only his life, but Marlena's and her babies and he will never forget what Bo has done for him. After they leave, Bo moans for Hope and starts to convulse as his heart rate becomes erratic and they rush him back to surgery.

Hope turns on the TV and is shocked to hear that not only Roman but Stefano is also alive! She runs to Larry to tell him the news and they immediately start packing to head home to Salem. Larry sees the article of Bo being shot and hides it from Hope. They talk about Roman being cleared of all charges, and that it was Andre who had attacked Hope. Hope is happy that everything has worked out for Roman and Marlena and they got their happy ending until she realizes that Marlena married Eugene, does that mean she has two husbands? Then it occurs to Hope that maybe Marlena knew that Roman was alive. Larry spins a web to convince Hope not to read the paper, watch the news, or call Marlena as he doesn't want her to know about Bo being shot. Larry asks where the ring is? Hope shows him she has it in her hand. He is optimistic that she will agree to marry him that is all he thinks about the day she marries him. He says he will do anything to have her marry him, then softly says, "You would be surprised."

At the hospital, Neil asks Abe to find Hope. He tells him that Bo is still bleeding and in a dangerously weakened condition, he wants to find Hope to give Bo something to hold onto. The hospital calls the hotel looking for Hope, Larry takes the call but of course doesn't give Hope the message. Back at the hospital, Bo is paralyzed and he tells Bo that he is suffering from spinal shock. Neil tells him that he doesn't know how long it will be before he has use of his legs again or even if he will walk again. Bo demands that Neil promises to not tell anyone about his condition, especially not Hope! He doesn't want her to even see him like he is now.

Bo has a dream that he is dancing with Hope, in a very intimate setting (he is shirtless, her in a negligee, in a candlelit bedroom) but he falls suddenly paralyzed. He tells her he can't help her, to stay away. He wakes up yelling, "Everyone stay away". Melissa comes running in and he orders her to keep everyone away from him. He hits his legs in frustration as Melissa runs out to get Neil. Bo tells Neil that he still can't feel anything in his legs and asks for his test results. Neil doesn't have any answers for him and tells him it will be at least a week before he has any answers for Bo and they can begin to determine whether the damage is more permanent. Neil wants Bo to tell his parents, but Bo refuses saying that he doesn't want to worry them as they have been through enough the past few months with Roman. He doesn't want to see them or anyone else. Melissa tells Bo that Hope and Larry had separate rooms in Las Vegas. Bo tells him it is not his business as Hope has made her choice, he has been in the hospital for two days and no word from Hope.

Hope has moved on from champagne to Martinis and gets plastered on the plane ride home. Larry takes her back to her old apartment, figuring no one will look for her there. He suggests she take a nap (sleep off the Martinis). Larry gets his office manager to go over to baby-sit Hope. He orders her to keep Hope away from the news, he doesn't want her to know about Bo. He gives her some pills and tells her when Hope wakes up to give her one of the pills and that will knock her out again. Hope sleeps in till the next morning and is shocked when she wakes up to learn that she has been asleep since yesterday afternoon. Larry's assistant lies and tells her she doesn't have any news about the Stefano and Roman situation, then tells her that the phone was disconnected after Hope moved out and the TV isn't working either.

Larry gets a visit from one of his campaign organizers, they aren't happy with him being so wrong about Roman's guilt and Stefano's death and threaten to pull their support. Roman calls Larry looking for Hope but he denies knowing where she is, though Roman doesn't believe him. Hope gets out the radio and hears a news report that Bo was hurt and is in the hospital. Sneaky woman gives Hope the pill saying it is an aspirin for her hangover. She then hides Hopes purse so that she can't leave, but suddenly finds it when Larry shows up. Hope asks Danny if she can borrow his car, he tells her that she is in no condition to drive but he offers to take her to the hospital. Larry tries to stop her, but Danny is more than happy to help her out. Hope tells Larry that she is sorry but she has to see Bo. After she leaves, Larry tells Diane to get over to the hospital and make up some story to keep Hope away from Bo that Megan is the woman he wants.

Neil tries to stop Sean Brady (Bo's father) from visiting but he bursts in, Bo says it is okay. Roman and Marlena also arrive and they don't understand why they can't see Bo? Neil tells him that he is honoring Bo's wishes, that he doesn't want to see anyone. Sean though takes the opportunity to tell Bo how proud of him he is. Hope arrives at the hospital, Diane gets there just in time to cause more trouble. Diane tells Hope that  Bo doesn't want to see anyone except for Megan. Hope is shocked that he hasn't asked for her. Diane tells her again, that Bo doesn't want to see Hope or Diane, that he only wants to see Megan who has suddenly appeared back in town. Hope tells Melissa that she has to go see Larry and tell him something, she realizes how much Larry loves her and rushes out.

Hope arrives at Larry's office, she tells him that she has been a fool but won't be one any longer. She gives him the engagement ring and asks him to put it on her finger. She wants to elope with him! A relieved Larry takes her in his arms, thrilled. Hope wants to elope that night, and Larry gets out of it by saying he has already called a press conference to answer questions about the Stefano and Roman situation. They decide on a big splashy wedding in two weeks. At the press conference, Larry suddenly is a big Roman supporter and believed in him all along and reports that he will honor Roman with the medal of honor for his heroic deeds.  Larry announces their engagement to the press, then apologizes later and hopes he didn't catch her by surprise. Bo is watching from his hospital room and this news puts him in a foul mood. One of the reporters suggests that marrying Hope will be quite the feather in his political cap. Larry, lying through his teeth, declares how much he loves Hope.

Bo recalls a series of classic Bo and Hope moments in a great flashback montage. Hope stands at her window, thinking of Larry, declaring her love for Larry but then suddenly Bo is there in her fantasy telling her how much he loves her. Larry and Hope run into Abe and Roman in the park, they tell them about their engagement. Roman is shocked and asks if Bo knows about this?

Hope tells Roman that he was right that she is no good for Bo, but she is good for Larry. Roman immediately heads to the hospital and confronts Bo. He yells at him and pushes him about Hope marrying Larry. He demands that he try to get her back, that all he has to do is to tell Hope that he loves her and she will drop Larry. Roman is sure that Hope is still in love with Bo. Bo loses his temper and tells Roman that he doesn't want Hope's pity that he is paralyzed and can't move his legs. Roman is shocked speechless! Bo warns him that if Roman tells anyone that he will be dead to him.

Roman asks Neil about Bo's prognosis, he is relieved when Neil explains that the paralysis is not necessarily permanent and that when the swelling goes down that he may very well walk again. Neil assures Roman he has told Bo all of this but Bo remains fixated on being paralyzed. Roman heads back into Bo's room and tells him if he has what god gave him that makes him a man (is this a way of saying balls and getting it past the NBC censors? <grn>) that he will get out of that bed, find her and tell her that he loves her.  Roman slams out of the room, Bo yells back at him that he would if he could.

A broken hearted Bo lays in his bed and cries that Hope can’t marry Larry. Hope is obviously also having doubts as she wakes up saying she can’t marry Larry. Melissa asks her what has changed and she reports she just had a bad dream. In her dream, she was walking with Larry and he kept pulling her down the road farther and farther away from her friends and family. She goes on that Larry wouldn’t look at her, didn’t seem to even know she was there. She then shakes it off as just a dream but obviously somewhere she is aware that Larry isn’t really in love with her.

An excited Hope tells Melissa about Larry arranging for a famous designer to create her wedding dress, involving a trip to New York. Maggie comes in and tells Hope that Doug has been hospitalized in Switzerland. Hope worries that maybe she should go to Europe but Maggie assures her that Julie would tell her if she was needed and Hope arriving might upset Doug. Maggie has been asked to stand in for her parents and make sure that Hope is making the right decision in marrying Larry.

Maggie questions whether Hope loves Larry, she avoids answering that question and instead says she is ready to spend the rest of her life with Larry. Maggie asks, “What about Bo?” Hope says that is in the past and refuses to admit her feelings for him and insists that Larry loves her very much. When Maggie asks her point blank whether Hope loves Larry, she says she respects him and likes him very much. Maggie urges her to postpone the wedding until she can figure out her feelings until she is sure she loves Larry. Maggie gives up this fight far too easily.

Hope continues to daydream about Bo. This time she is wearing her wedding nightgown, but the man in her dreams is Bo. Roman comes back to see Bo and tells him its time they have a talk with the family. Roman insists they have a right to know what is going on. Bo refuses and Roman calls him a coward. Bo doesn’t want any part of people pitying him. Roman assures him that there are people who will stand by him no matter what. Roman tells him he is selfish in addition to being a coward. He reminds Bo that he loves Hope and that it won’t make a difference to her if Bo was paralyzed. Roman insists that Neil thinks Bo’s condition is only temporary. Roman is angry at Bo for giving up, and he promises he will push Bo until he walks out of the hospital! After everything Bo did for Roman, he is determined to help Bo.

Hope turns on the radio and hears their song (I’m telling you this is the ONLY song played on Salem’s radio station! LOL!). She reaches for the phone and calls Bo at the hospital. When Bo finally answers, Hope hangs up without saying anything. She complains to herself that she doesn’t know what she is doing. Larry shows up and as he kisses her, she imagines that she is kissing Bo. She starts hinting around that her friends and family suggest that they slow down and postpone the wedding. He asks if she has seen Bo? She says no. He acts the sad puppy and says he couldn’t stand it if she left him. She puts on her happy bride to be face and insists everything is fine.

Bo daydreams that he  bursts into Hope’s, grabs Larry, punches him and throws him out of the apartment. He goes on to pull Hope into his arms, telling her how much he loves her, has always loved her, and begins kissing her. Back in reality, Bo picks up the phone (obviously thinking about calling Hope) but remembering his paralysis he puts the phone back.

Roman returns, promising not to yell at Bo but he has made a decision about a few things. Roman tells Bo that Hope deserves an explanation about everything that has happened. He points out that Hope was hurt and Bo owes it to her to tell her what really happened and why he wouldn’t be with her. He tells Bo that Hope needs to know everything before she marries Larry. When Bo refuses, but Roman tells him that he is going to go find Hope and tell her everything! Bo points out that Hope doesn’t care, that if she did she would have shown up to visit him in the hospital. Roman insists and as he is leaving the room, Bo reaches for him desperate to stop him. They are both estatic when they realize that Bo has moved his toes! Bo finally realizes he has to find Hope immediately. Roman tells him that Hope has gone to Washington with Hope, but pulls out the hotel phone number.

Hope and Larry have gone to Washington DC, they arrive at the hotel and start drinking more champagne. When the phone rings, Larry rushes Hope out of the room and pays the bellman to say they have already checked out. The next morning, Bo is frustrated at his lack of progress as he isn’t able to move his feet. He does respond to the pin prick in his legs and wants to know when he can leave the hospital and wants to know when he can walk! Marlena calls Maggie and asks about Hope, Marlena tells her that Bo wants to talk to Hope and Maggie promises to give her the message when she talks to her.

Bo smiles as he has a fantasy of finding Hope, telling her nothing matters without her, and grabs her and starts kissing her. Larry calls Diane and wants an update on Bo. He demands that she go to Bo’s room and make sure that he knows that Hope is madly in love with Larry. When Diane says she doesn’t think she can do that, Bo isn’t the kind of guy she can fool. He threatens that if she doesn’t she will find two police officers on her doorstep with a warrant for her arrest! His bluff scares her and she agrees to cooperate.

Larry lies and says he talked to Maggie and she says to just have a good time, and everything is fine at home. Hope starts to giggle, obviously feeling the effects of all the champagne. Diane shows up to visit Bo, relieved that he is feeling better. She admits to going to church to pray for Bo’s recovery. He tells her that it must have worked! She asks if he has heard about Hope, he admits that yes he had. Diane says she is sorry about everything. Bo says it is okay that he is going to find Hope and explain everything to her, how he was only trying to keep her out of danger. Diane hints that Hope must really have feelings for Larry, he is always taking her to parties and trips and her name in the society pages. She tries to instill doubt in Bo about Hope’s feelings. He is very determined and says while sometimes he is afraid that he did lose her to Larry, there are times when he can tell by the look in her eyes that she still has feelings for him. He says he thinks she is just with Larry to try to hurt him. He asks Diane for her help in finding out where Hope is.

Marlena comes in and tells Bo that Larry’s secretary also doesn’t seem to know where Larry is. When the doctor comes in to check on Bo’s mobility, they are all thrilled when Bo can move his feet! Maggie comes into visit Hope with a platter of Mrs. H’s donuts. She asks him if he has heard about Hope’s wedding? Maggie thinks the wedding is happening too fast. She asks Bo if he still cares about Hope? He says he is going to find Hope and explain everything to her. Maggie warns Bo that she thinks that Hope has made up her mind to marry Larry. Bo wants to know if Hope is in love with Larry and Maggie says no she doesn’t think so. Bo is relieved and says then he still has a chance!

Hope has slept in again and determines she won’t drink anymore champagne till after the wedding! Larry is now whisking her off to New York. The doctor comes back in and gets Bo on his very shaky feet but he is able to stand with assistance. Diane comes back and tells Bo that she has learned Hope is in Chicago. Bo insists that he leave immediately to find Hope and as he tries to get out of bed and stand on his feet, he falls on the floor. Bo is desperate to get to Hope, to stop her from marrying Larry!

Diane calls Larry and tells him that Bo wants to find Hope! She tells him about her ruse that she is in Chicago. He says then let Bo go to Chicago to look for Hope. Diane isn’t happy about lying to Bo about this, Larry could care less. Diane tells him that she wishes she had never met him! Roman is upset that Bo wants to go to Chicago without even knowing where Hope is staying. He insists on helping and determines he will find out where Hope is staying in Chicago! Roman plans on starting with Larry’s secretary. Diane overhears and comes in and tells Bo that she got no information from Larry’s secretary that he was in such a rush that he neglected to leave his itinerary with her.

The doctors insist that Bo not leave the hospital as it is too dangerous so soon after the shooting. Roman asks Diane to stay at the hospital and look after Bo and make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish like try to leave the hospital. A grateful Roman kisses her on the cheek and tells her she is “good people”.

Bo dreams that Larry has been elected president and Hope is standing at his side as his wife and is pregnant. Bo yells that it should be his baby and punches Larry out. He wakes up and says he can’t let it get that far! He gets up and tells Diane he needs her help and insists on getting dressed. He tells her he couldn’t have gotten through a lot of these bad times without her. He asks her if she will stick through this with him? She promises him she will.

Danny comes in and finds Bo is gone and alerts Marlena. In NY, Hope picks up the phone to call Maggie as Larry struggles for a reason to delay her call. Unfortunately, Maggie isn’t home (ah life before cell phones!). Next, Hope wants to call Melissa and Larry suggest she wait till after dinner but Hope won’t be put off. She calls Shenanigan’s and leaves a message with Danny updating Melissa with the name of the NY hotel she is staying at.  When Bo comes downstairs, Diane drops a tray to distract Bo so he can’t overhear the conversation.

Larry calls Diane for an update. She tells him that Bo is out of the hospital and he is crazy to find Hope. Larry insists that she go with Bo to Chicago and keep him away from Hope. Diane worries about Bo having a relapse and doesn’t want to continue to help Larry. He threatens her that her brother, recently released from prison, might get arrested on drug charges. Diane reluctantly agrees to help Larry to protect her brother.

Larry is turning on the charm with Hope, taking her to a candlelit dinner and then presenting her with gifts of jewelry. He tells her they have another stop for an important political appearence before they go home. Hope begs off as she has to get home to get to the wedding plans. She tells him he can go without her. He says it is an important event and he needs the fundraising capital for his campaign and his supporters really want to meet Hope and will be disappointed if she doesn’t attend. She feels guilty for leaving all of the wedding preparations up to Maggie and Melissa. He assures her he will have his assistant help handle any arrangements. After dinner, they return back to the hotel room and he has more chilled champagne waiting for her.

Joey, the Shenanigan’s bartender, overhears Bo talking to Howie about his search for Hope. He tells them that Hope called and she is in a hotel in New York. Bo is off and running to get to NY as soon as possible. Bo tries to call Hope at the hotel but Larry has taken the phone off the hook. When his flight is called, he hangs up before he can reach her. On the plane, Bo's shoulder is still causing him pain, and his wound opens up and starts bleeding again. They arrive in a hotel in NY and Bo continues to try to call Hope but the phone remains busy.

Hope and Larry are making out, and he asks her if she is ready to make love? She says yes, she wants him. However, as Larry is kissing her she is thinking of Bo and when Larry starts telling her how much he loves her the sound of his voice brings her back to reality that she is in bed with Larry not Bo. She pulls away and says no. Larry plays the part of the lovesick suitor who desperately wants her. She admits to him that she has never slept with anyone before and she is nervous and doesn't know if the time is right. Larry says he understands and doesn't want to pressure her, he only wants her to be happy. He then pours her some more champagne.

She comments how out of touch she feels with home, then notices the phone is off the hook and puts it back on the hook. He continues to tell her how desirable she is, how much he wants her. She suggests that maybe she wants to wait till after they are married. He encourages her to follow through with how she feels in her heart and gets her to admit she wants him as well. He says that is all he needs to hear and leans over and takes the phone off the hook, and pours her some more champagne. When Larry leaves her alone for a moment, Hope imagines she is marrying Larry and Bo bursts in and stops the wedding. He begins kissing her and telling her how much he loves her and takes her away. Larry returns and interrupts her thoughts and asks her what is wrong. She says she isn't ready and wants to wait till her wedding night (obviously hoping that her wedding night won’t be with Larry).

**The End**

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