Bo & Hope #42 November 11 - December 30, 1999: 8 hour original edit
DVD #42A 11/11 When Hope asks what is going on? Kurt tells her that she's with him. Hope asks him why? Kurt tells her that he will take care of her and as long as she's with him she will be safe. Hope asks who she will be safe from? Kurt tells her that she is ill and may have an infection from when she fell into the river. Hope doesn't remember anything about herself or him.
11/12 On the basketball courts, John, Eric, Bo, and Shawn are playing a little basketball when a group of girls shows up. They challenge them to a game, but the guys turn them down. Shawn and Bo once again get into the argument about how he doesn't think his mom will want to marry his dad again. They start arguing about how serious Hope's problems are, but their love with pull her through this. Shawn mouths off about love and his parents. When Bo says your first love never leaves you, Eric hopes that isn't true.
Bo apologizes to Eric, but he says it is okay. John asks Eric if he's getting past Nicole? Eric says he's working on it. John and Bo both tell Eric that when it comes to love, if it is right then you'll know it. John tells Eric that he thinks everything with him and Greta will work out. Eric says Greta is an amazing girl, but she's not like Nicole. He says that he feels like he has to protect and take care of Greta when he's with her. John says that sounds like the right thing. Eric says that maybe it is. They then return to playing basketball.
In Marlena's office, Gina, who is supposed to be under hypnosis, tells Marlena that she sees herself in her car driving to meet John outside of Salem on his wedding day. Marlena asks why she is meeting outside of Salem? Gina claims that John suggested it. However, she says she was wrong, she suggested they meet there. Suddenly, Gina panics because Bo is chasing her in his car. She tells Marlena that she has to get away from Bo for some reason, she senses danger to her and John.
The Princess Gina reflection in the mirror applauds Gina's performance and tells her to raise the stake. Gina says that the real danger to her and John is Stefano, she doesn't want him to know she is meeting John. Marlena doesn't understand why Stefano would care that she is giving John a wedding present, unless she is meeting it for some other reason. Gina says she only wanted to meet him to give him the gift. Marlena asks why Stefano would care? Gina tells her that she was working for Stefano at the time, and he didn't want her talking to John.
Gina tells Marlena that she gave John her gift, and gave him information on Stefano. When Marlena says it is was a lovely gift, the Princess Gina reflection warns her not to give herself away! Gina tells Marlena that back on the mountain, she was telling John that he better get to the wedding or he'll be late. Marlena asks if John left after that? Gina says no, that he didn't want to go. She then begins to giggle and say "Oh John!" She says what John is doing feels so good, but he is getting married today.
She continues to giggle and tells John, playfully, to stop it. Marlena asks "Hope" what is going on? Gina tells her that everything is a blank now and she starts moaning that she has to get her memory back. Marlena decides to stop her and counts to three to bring her back. MArlena asks her how she feels? Gina says she feels good, and asks Marlena if she remembered anything to put Stefano behind bars. Marlena says she didn't. Gina asks if she had any memories of her time as Gina? Marlena tells her she had a few, so Gina asks her to tell her what they were. Marlena tells her that she doesn't want to lead her memories.
Gina tells her that she knows what's best, she is the doc. Gina tells Marlena that she hopes they can do this again soon, but Marlena thinks it is best they stick with her current anxieties. However, Gina thinks if they continue with hypnosis it could bring back all her memories. Marlena tells her that they will talk about it during her next session. Gina thanks her for everything and calls her her salvation, the key to her happiness. Marlena writes Gina a prescription for an anti-depressant, and Gina leaves. Gina's reflection in the door window tells her that it went much better than she expected. Back in her office, Marlena can't stop thinking about what "Hope" told her.
11/15 John is walking home via the docks when he runs into "Hope." Gina asks him what he's doing here? John tells her that he, Eric, Bo and Shawn were playing a little basketball. He asks "Hope" how her session went? Gina tells him that she thinks it went well. John tells her that Doc can help her rebuild the life she once had. Gina tells John that she wants him to help her. John asks how? She tells him by example of course. She tells John that she admires that he was able to put his life back together after Stefano tore it apart. John tells her that she can do that by remaining in therapy, she can find happiness again.
Gina asks him if he is really happy? John says of course he is, and asks her why? Gina tells him that she doesn't have many memories of him from the old days, but he was a real jet setter, a real James Bond. John says he doesn't remember that man, and he doesn't want to. He tells her that he has settled down and is a family man now. Gina finally gets the gist, yesterday is gone and it is gone forever. John says he has to go, and tells her to take care. Gina walks along the pier sulking because she has no one. She spots Greta and says she should tell her who she really is.
11/16 Gina asks Greta if something is wrong, has someone hurt her? Greta tells "Hope" about Eric and his latest photo shoot with Nicole. Gina tells her that is work, not personal. However, Greta says Nicole was wearing a see through negligee and she is so comfortable with her body. Gina tells her that Nicole is pathetic, she's throwing herself at a man who no longer wants her. Greta isn't so sure about that, and she tells her that Eric wouldn't want Nicole when he has her.
When Greta says she left them alone, Gina thinks that was a bad mistake. Gina tells Greta that the idea of one man and one woman isn't always true, and she thinks that is so with Eric. However, she tells her not to worry, she is young and has time. Still, Greta says she's never had these feelings for anyone, and she thought that's how she (Hope) knew she and Bo belonged together. Gina tells her that she and Bo are soulmates.
Greta thinks it is the same way with John and Marlena. She says that she knows her mother loved John, but the love John has for Marlena is so powerful and she can't imagine them not being together forever. Marlena and John walk by. They say good night to both "Hope" and Greta and go home to get into bed. Greta tells Gina that she wants that kind of love. Gina responds "yeah." Greta tells her that she wishes she could be more like her mother. She tells "Hope" that she remembers watching her mother get ready to go out for the evening.
Gina smiles as Greta describes her. When Greta says that she always knew she was nothing like her mother, Gina tells her that she wishes she could see her as she does, beautiful, radiant. Greta thanks "Hope" and tells her that whenever she is with her she feels near her mother. Gina smiles at Greta and tells her that her mother is alive.
11/17 Hope is better and walks downstairs shouting out "hello, is anybody here?" In walks Kurt, who has been out chopping wood. He asks her what she is doing out of bed? Hope tells him that she's feeling better, but she still doesn't remember who she is. Kurt tells her to sit down on the couch, and he sits next to her. Kurt tells her that he stayed up all night praying for her recovery, and luckily the fever broke. He says that Claude and Theresa have left for the day and will be gone until this evening. A kettle in the kitchen begins to whistle, so Kurt excuses himself to make tea. He returns and Hope tells him that he's treating her like a princess. Kurt tells her that she is a princess to him.
Kurt sees she is upset, so he tells her that the past isn't important, what is important is that they still have a future. Hope says they can't have a future if she can't remember who he is. He tells her that they had a wonderful life together and tells her that they used to take long walks to a special hilltop each night. Hope remembers being with Bo on a hilltop, but she's unable to see Bo's face. Kurt is shocked when Hope says that she remembers the hilltop. Kurt tells her that she must be remembering the night he proposed to her. She asks if the moon was out that night? He says it was and every star was shining down upon them.
He tells her that he still wants to take care of her and that she has to trust in their love. Hope tells him that she can't give herself to a man she doesn't remember, and she can't trust in a love she doesn't remember. Kurt says he understands and when he sees she is cold, he decides to throw some more wood on the fire. Hope puts her robe on , and then she and notices the picture of GIna in the newspaper sitting on top of the chest.
Gina is sleeping on a couch saying "don't cry baby" in her sleep. We see a hand caressing her cheek. She wakes up and finds Bo standing over her. She sits up and displays her new chin-length very red hair-do. When she asks how he got in, Bo says the door was unlocked and she wasn't answering. He tells her that she sounded like she was having a nightmare, she kept saying something about a baby. Gina tells him that she had a nightmare about Shawn crying out to her as a baby, but she couldn't be there for him, just like she can't now. Bo thinks they can solve that problem by walking down the aisle together. He sees her new hair-do and tells her that he likes it.
Bo admits that he almost did something very stupid out of anger, he was going to have her sign a document of crimes DiMera committed and testify to it in court. He says that DiMera just drove him crazy, but Abe, Mrs. H, and Shawn all reminded him that this is about love, not revenge. Bo tells her that he will give her the life he always promised her. He assures her that he will be very patient with her while she explores her past. Gina seems to become weak, and Bo catches her before she falls. He tells her that he loves her, he always has and always will. As they move in to kiss, Gina quickly turns it into a hug. Gina tells Bo that it has been so long since she's felt such passion.
11/18 Bo and Gina kiss passionately. Gina is moved by the kiss and realizes that Bo loves Hope as much as John loved her. Bo realizes that something was different about the kiss, "Hope" isn't herself yet. Bo asks her if she is okay? Gina says she is, she just felt like a teenager after her first kiss. Gina realizes she has a session with Marlena and has to leave. Bo asks her if she thinks she's making any progress? She says she is.
As Gina is leaving, she runs into Shawn, who came to see her. She tells Shawn that she can't talk right now, she has an appointment, but she'll see him later. Shawn tells his dad that he got the feeling his mom didn't have a whole lot of time for him. Bo tells him to come in and sit down so they can have a talk about his mom. Shawn thinks this is just going to be a waste of time. Bo tells him that his mom is trying to be the woman they know and love, but Shawn says he can't fool him.
Bo tells Shawn that his mom had to leave for therapy, which is helping her. He tells Shawn that if he loves his mom unconditionally, she will love him back. Shawn says that all this love will make everything all right stuff is a bunch of crap! Bo thinks that Shawn doesn't want his mom to come back to them. Shawn says that's not true, he just doesn't want his hopes shot down again. Bo tells him that he has to be tough and make her see how important she is to him. Shawn says he will try to help mom any way he can.
Gina goes to Marlena's office and waits for Marlena to show up. The Princess Gina reflection tells Gina not to let Bo's love distract her from her goal, Bo will never compare to John. She tells her that Marlena only wants to take everything from her. Marlena shows up and asks "Hope" if she's ready to begin? Gina says she is, and she thinks they will have a breakthrough today!
They start the session, and Gina says she sees herself on a boat. Marlena asks if she is on the Fancy Face with Bo? Gina says no, she's someplace else, and she's with John. She starts laughing once again and tells John that she can't believe she's gotten away from his wife on his honeymoon! She calls him a naughty naughty boy. Marlena decides to bring "Hope" back. Gina sits up and asks what she said? Marlena says she talked about Gina, but wasn't clear.
She asks "Hope" how she feels about Gina? Gina says she doesn't her very much, but she knows she loved her daughter and John very much. Marlena asks why Gina would expose her daughter to Stefano if she loved her? Or a man like John, who was a mercenary for Stefano. Gina tells Marlena that she is wrong, she did everything she possible could to protect her daughter! Marlena asks, "Your daughter, who are you?"
Gina pretends to be shaken up and can't believe she referred to Greta as her daughter. She hopes Gina is not possessing her again. Marlena tells her that her mind has been toyed with by a madman, she is bound to have some residual affect. Marlena assures her that she won't give up on her. Gina tells MArlena she is the only one she can trust, and gives her a hug.
In France, Kurt is tending the fire and Hope sees the newspaper with the photo of her in it. Kurt asks her if something is wrong? Before she can answer, Claude and Theresa walk in with groceries. They are glad to see that Hope is all right. Claude picks up the paper and decides to go and read it outside. As Hope looks at Kurt tending the fire, she begins to have memory flashes of Bo doing the same, but she still can't see his face.
In the kitchen, Hope remembers helping Alice make donuts. Theresa tells her that American's love donuts, and her accent is American as well. Hope wonders how she got here in France? Theresa tells her to speak to her husband about her past. Hope doesn't know because she doesn't know if she can trust him.
At the lab, Stefano, who is still bandaged, is reading the paper with the article about Gina. The Harriman's have discovered their painting is a forgery, and they've reported it to the authorities. Rolfe tells Stefano not to worry, the only one who can connect him to the theft is Hope, and she doesn't remember anything. Stefano says only if the transformation was successful. Stefano says they don't know that, and that Gina's body was never found.
He says that there are too many loose ends. Rolfe is positive that the transformation took place, and the real Gina died. Still, Stefano says his men has not found Gina's body. He says that Gina was an accomplished diver and excellent swimmer. He says if Gina survived, she will wish she was dead. The same goes for Hope if she remembers any part of her life as Gina. Later, Stefano receives a call from Bart. Bart tells Stefano that he found her. Stefano asks who, Hope or Princess Gina?
11/19 In France, Stefano asks Bart where he is and who he's found? Bart says he's in Salem, and "Hope" is here. Stefano asks is she really Hope? Bart says he will find out as much as he can. Stefano thinks he's in the clear because Hope may not have any memories to implicate him. However, he is troubled to learn that Hope is not living on the boat, she is living in the Salem Inn. Stefano tells Rolfe that they must go back to Salem immediately.
At the cabin, Theresa asks Kurt and Claude if there is a problem? Claude shows her the paper, and Theresa exclaims "Monde Deu this is your wife!" Kurt says that is not his wife, but Claude says she is the princess. Hope walks in and wonders what they are talking about. She asks if she may see the paper. When she looks at it, Hope asks Kurt if she is a princess? Kurt tells her no, that woman just looks like her. Hope reads the story and when the oven timer goes off, she remembers the time she made donuts and shouted to her Gran that they were ready. Kurt tells Hope that they should leave for home, because only then will her memory return. Hope cries and asks God to give her back her memory.
Rolfe and Stefano board his jet and fly back to Salem. Stefano is upset about Hope, but Rolfe says she's probably just recovering from her trauma because she has lost another year of her life. Stefano hopes he is right, but if there are any remaining memories of Princess Gina left in Hope, then she will disappear for good.
In Salem, John runs into Bo at Salem place and shows him one of his international newspapers, it is the one with Gina/Hope on the cover with the headline "Princess Gina Von Amburg sought for questioning in art theft." Bo is shocked and says that Hope didn't steal the painting, DiMera must have stolen it somehow. John tells Bo that Hope could have lied to him. Bo begins to worry, but John tells him that Hope can't be responsible for anything she did as Gina. He also says that the ISA will be working on this investigation and probably won't find anything.
In Marlena's office, Gina thinks she is a burden on Marlena, but Marlena assures her that she's not. Marlena tells her that she'll get over her insecurities in time. Gina tells Marlena that she wants to focus on the man she loves and her child, even though she's not a child anymore. Marlena points out she's not a girl either, and asks who she's talking about? Gina once again pretends like she is upset that she's not making any progress. Marlena tells her that recognizing her fears is progress, and she shouldn't be so tough on herself.
GIna has to go, but they have another session planned for tomorrow. The reflection of Princess Gina in Marlena's door's window tells Gina not to panic and that John's love will pull her through this. Gina tells her reflection that there is one problem, John wants nothing to do with her. The Princess tells her that will change once she makes him want to know his past. She also tells Gina to continue making Doc doubt John's love. Back inside, Marlena continues to worry about John. She tries to convince herself that she is being silly because John wouldn't betray her.
Gina walks through Salem Place and runs into John. Her Princess Gina reflection tells her to use this opportunity to place some doubts in John's mind. Gina ask John how he was able to put his past behind him? John says he just accepted that he was a creation of Stefano's and therefore that part of his life over. Gina tells John how he doesn't know that Princess Gina isn't the woman he's truly destined to love? John tells her that he knows what she's doing, she's questioning where she belongs in this world.
John tells her that he realized he belonged with Marlena, and she will realizes she is destined to live with Bo. They talk about Princess Gina, and John says she must have had some good in her otherwise Greta wouldn't have loved her, and he wouldn't have loved her. However, he thinks he would have turned away from Gina in the end because of her dark side. He tells her that she is not like Gina, that is why she was able to defeat Gina's dark side. He tells her to forget about the past because the farther away from his past he is, the happier he is.
John tells her to trust in Bo's love, it will give her the strength she needs. John has to run, but tells her that they'll talk later. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and takes off. Gina sits down and begins smoking a cigarette as she cries. She realizes that she's lost John for good. She looks in her compact, and the Princess Gina reflection tells her that she cannot give up on John! Gina tells her that she's lost John to Marlena, and she knows what she has to do now.
Bo shows up at Marlena's office and gives her the paper that John gave him. He asks Marlena if she thinks "Hope" could handle being questioned by the ISA? Marlena tells him not now because "Hope" is pretty fragile right now. Bo decides to call Shane to see if he can protect "Hope." Marlena asks him how he and "Hope" are doing. Bo remembers kissing her earlier and tells Marlena that he gets the feeling she's not really Hope. Marlena asks Bo to be more specific?
Bo sits down and tells Marlena that he just gets the feeling that nothing will be same between them again. Marlena says that things will get better, they'll learn what is really important. She tells him that her and John fighting for their lives together mades it more valuable. Bo tells her that is easy for her to say, they don't have anything in their past causing them problems. Marlena remembers what Gina told her, and Bo asks if she is okay? She doesn't have any ghosts in her past haunting her does she? Marlena tells Bo that she and John have a love so strong that can overcome anything. Bo says he wants his happy ending with Hope.
11/22 At the Salem Inn, Gina shows up to visit with Lily. Gina tells Lily that she has something of the utmost important to discuss with her. Gina tells her that from now on there is no Princess Gina, the Princess is dead! Gina tells Lily that from now on she will be Hope Williams Brady. She says that she's killed the scheming Gina inside of her which was constantly babbling lunacy. Gina thinks that Hope's identity is a much happier one, and after all Hope did the same to her. Lily tells Gina that one just can't stop being who they are. Gina asks why not, Hope did? Lily says Hope was forced to do it by Stefano.
Gina says she will use willpower to force herself, there is nothing left for Princess GIna. Lily asks "What about John, is he not the great love of your life?" Gina says of course he is, but she is not the great love of his life. She realizes that Marlena is the love of John's life, a life he chose over his old life. Gina tells Lily that she's realized she can have a happy life, even without John. When Lily tells her that it won't really be her life, Gina tells her that she will make it her life! Lily doesn't like the sound of this at all.
Gina tells Lily that she finally has a chance at love, and she doesn't want to pass it up. She also says that Greta is part of her plan, she is family. Lily tells Gina that she wants her to be happy, but Bo loves Hope, not her. Gina says she knows that, but as of this moment she is Hope. Gina tells Lily that she has suffered so much, so she deserves to be loved. Lily asks Gina if she will lie to her daughter about who she is? Gina tells her that Greta needs love and nurturing, and the truth would be far to damaging for her right now.
Lily asks Gina if she really thinks she can fool her own daughter? Gina says she has no choice for now, but when the time is right, she will tell her the truth. She then makes Lily swear not to give her secret away to Greta. She also makes Lily promise to call her Hope from now on. Gina has to go, and after she leaves Lily receives one of her European newspapers.
There is a knock at her door, and when she answers it she finds Stefano standing there. She is startled by his appearance and drops her paper. She asks him what? Stefano asks if she is scared to see him, or horrified at the site of his face? She says a little of both. She asks him what he's doing here? Stefano says he's looking for her friend Hope, or should he say Princess Gina? He tells her that he knocked on her door, but nobody answered, so he thought she might be here.
Lily tells Stefano that she's not here, and that Hope's days as Princess GIna are over. Stefano asks why she's living here then? Lily says that she has a lot of things to sort out thanks to what he put her through. She says she doesn't want to answer anymore of his questions and asks him to leave. He does, but tells her to pass on a message to Hope, he's back in town and is here to stay. Lily finally looks at the paper and learns that Princess Gina is wanted for questioning for the theft of a Renet painting. She is devastated by the news. Stefano goes back home and tells Rolf about his visit with Lily. Stefano if more convinced than ever that something went wrong with the transformation.
Bo asks Shawn to go get him some polish and new rags as an excuse for him and Abe to have a minute alone. Abe gives Bo some papers and tells him that the ISA have implicated Gina in the theft of the Harriman's Renet. Bo knows all about it and shows him the European newspaper with the story. Bo says that "Hope" told him she couldn't steal the painting, even though he wanted her to, so either she lied to him or Stefano stole it.
Bo tells Abe that he doesn't want the ISA pressuring "Hope" right now, so he's going to call Shane for a favor. Abe has to leave, and Shawn and Bo continue working on the boat. Bo asks Shawn if he's looking forward to the school dance? Shawn says he doesn't know he's not much of a dancer. Bo tells him to have his mom teach him how to dance, but Shawn says that they are into rap and hip hop, not the type of dancing the Princess did in Europe.
They end up talking about love and relationships, and Bo says he always knew Hope was the one for him. However, Bo wants to talk about Shawn and his date Mimi. Shawn says that Mimi is just a friend, nothing more. "Hope" shows up and Bo pulls her onboard. She asks her sailor man how he is? Shawn says that he's not five years old anymore. Gina apologizes and says she wishes she could get those lost years back.
Shawn asks his mom what is wrong with her? She says that she loves him and hugs him. Shawn gets weirder out by his mom and decides to take off. Bo thanks "Hope" for trying with their son. Gina tells Bo that she wants to make things right, she wants her family back. She tells him that this time they will be together forever. Bo and "Hope" start working on the boat, and Bo realizes that something is different with "Hope." "Hope" tells Bo that she wants to move back onto the boat and live the future they always dreamed of. Bo wants the same and tells her that he'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
11/23 Bo and "Hope" go down below on the boat, and Gina says she always forgets how cozy, warm, and masculine the boat is. Bo tells her that it could use a feminine touch, but he's not pressuring her. Bo tells her about the high school dance and suggests that they chaperone it. Gina tells him that she'd love to go to the dance with him.
Shawn walks in and says "Princess Gina goes to Salem High? I don't think so!" Bo tells him that is no way to talk to his mother. Shawn doesn't want them to crash his dance. Bo tells him that this isn't about him, it's about his mother having a fun time with them. Gina tells him that his father thought this would have been a good way to bring them closer. Shawn says, "can't wait!" Gina doesn't want to go if Shawn doesn't want her to go, but Bo says he does, and asks Shawn "isn't that right?"
Shawn tells them to do what they want, it's not like what he cares matters. Shawn leaves, and Bo assures Gina that Shawn will be happy to see them together tonight because it will make him see that they are serious about getting back together. Gina leaves to find something to wear, and Bo lectures Shawn about his attitude. Shawn says he is trying, but every time he's around his mom he gets weird vibes.
A fax from Abe comes through the machine and it says that the search for Princess Gina is heating up. Bo crumples it up, and Shawn asks him what in the heck he's doing? Bo tells him to forget about him, he'll handle it. Shawn says he can't just ignore this and go out and play. Shawn knows his mom isn't the same anymore.
Bo tells him that she needs time to come back to them, but Shawn tells Bo that the re-wiring job changing his mom back got messed up. Bo says he feels the same thing, but she is trying to return to her old life. He says that she's really excited about this dance and to give her some more time. Shawn says he can't, he sees the truth here and what is really going on.
Gina goes to see Lily and tells her that she can't take anymore bad news today. Lily asks if her plan to be Hope is going well? Gina says it is. Lily doesn't want to rain on her parade, but she tells her that Stefano is back in town and is looking for her. Gina says she won't let Stefano ruin one more moment of her life. As Gina tries to decide what to wear, Lily looks at the article in her paper about Gina. Bo shows up to pick up "Hope" for the dance. He's wearing some gray shiny polyester like outfit.
Lilly greets him and tells him that "Hope" asked her to help her get ready for the prom. Bo tells her that it's not the prom, it's a mixer. When she sees he has brought a corsage she says "How retro!" Bo tells her that they are still the in thing. "Hope" shows up in her sequin dress and asks Bo what he thinks? He tells her "wow!" Lily wants to take a picture of them, so they pose for her. Lily leaves and tells them to have fun. Bo puts his corsage on her, and they kiss. Bo remembers their first kiss, but unbeknownst to him, Gina doesn't have a clue. Across the hall, the ISA shows up to ask Lily some questions about Gina Von Amberg's whereabouts.
11/24 The ISA shows up to question Lily about Princess Gina. They ask her to tell them were Princess Gina is. Across the hall, Bo and "Hope" are preparing to leave for the dance, unaware that the ISA are in the hall right outside! Luckily, Lily invites the agents into her suite so they can talk privately. Before stepping out into the hall, Bo and Gina share another kiss.
In her suite, Lily asks the agents why they are looking for Princess Gina? They say that a very valuable painting was stolen in Paris and she is a suspect. Lily tells them that she can't really help them, she doesn't know where Gina is or anyone who might be able to help them find her. They thank her and decide to leave.
On their way out, one of the agents sees the polaroid Lily took of Gina and Bo only moments ago. He asks her if the woman in this photo is Princess Gina? Lily tells them no, that woman is Hope Williams, a native of Salem and a former police officer. The agents find her resemblance to Gina amazing. Lily says she befriended Hope because of her resemblance to Gina. When they ask where they can find Hope, she tells them that they can't and to stay away from her! She quickly explains that Hope has been ill lately. She begs them not to bother her right now.
Bo and Gina share a dance at Shawn’s school dance. A boy interrupts and tells Bo that some guys are looking for him out in the hall. Bo leaves Gina and goes out into the hall and meets up with the ISA agents. They tell him they want to question "Hope" about her connection to a suspected art thief Princess Gina Von Amberg.
11/25 no show aired due to Thanksgiving
11/26 Out in the hall, the ISA agents tells Bo that they need to question his ex-wife about her connection to Princess Gina. Bo tells them that is not going to happen. He tells them to contact Shane about this, but they say that Shane is on assignment and can't be reached. The agents know that "Hope" was in Europe recently, and they refuse to leave until they question her. Gina finds Bo with the agents and asks him who these people are and what do they want? Bo whispers to her that they are ISA agents and want to question her about Gina, so she should say as little as possible.
The ISA agents ask her if she went to the Harriman's party disguised as Gina to steal their priceless Rennet? Gina faints, so Marlena and John show up to help. Marlena brings her back around with some smelling salts, and then she tells the ISA that she doesn't want them questioning her patient. They say that they have to question her, but Marlena and John both vouch that "Hope" is not who they are looking for.
The agents say they will back off for now, but "Hope" shouldn't leave town. After they leave, Gina says that she can't take this anymore and has to get away. Bo asks what she means? Gina says she wants to go back to the dance, she won't let of Princess Gina ruining their evening. They all go back into the dance and decide to have a good time. The DJ announces to everyone to grab their partner because they have a special surprise. Out jumps Shawn dressed up like John Travolta, and he exclaims "Let's dance!"
11/29 At the school dance, cute moment as Shawn invites Belle to dance to a Saturday Night Live number (him in a white suit) to a Bee Gees song.
As Bo and Gina dance, she is distracted and makes an excuse to go outside. Bo follows Gina outside and asks what the cigarettes are all about. He asks if it is a hold over from Gina and she agrees and says it is a nasty habit. He offers to help her with that. He puts his jacket around her and mentions that it is her moon.Of course Gina has no clue what he is talking about. He asks her if she doesn’t remember the night he gave her the moon? She says of course she remembers, and then says she especially remembers the kiss as he looks at her with an odd look on his face.
11/30 Lily comes to visit Gina in her room at the Inn. She is blasting some dance music similar to the songs she and Bo danced to last night. Gina says that Bo loves her so much, but Lily says that Bo loves Hope, not her. Lily warns Gina that she is playing a very serious game and could find herself locked up in a federal prison for a very serious crime for a long time. Gina says that this is not a game she is playing, she is taking back the years Stefano stole from her.
Lily tells Gina that Bo has loved Hope all his life, he will know she's not Hope, especially once they become intimate. Gina says that she knows Hope as well as she knows herself, and she is most certain that Bo will never know the difference. There is a knock at the door, it is Greta coming to see "Hope." Gina, who was smoking, makes Lily hold her cigarette and pretend she was the one who was smoking. Lily leaves, and Gina asks Greta what has brought her here? Greta tells "Hope" that she needs her help with something. Greta asks her to teach her to be sexy and alluring.
Gina tells her that she is a beautiful young woman, both inside and outside. Greta tells "Hope" that she when she compares herself to her mother she comes up short, and she thinks she'd be a disappointment to her mother. Gina tells her that is not true, her mother loved her very much. Greta says during the last years of her life they didn't communicate very much because of her depressions. Gina tells her to focus on her earlier memories of her mother, like the time she was invited out on her first date.
Greta remembers that she was invited to a school dance by Nathan. The two flashback and remember how upset Greta was about going on a date. She didn't think she was enough like her mother, but Gina told her that she should be herself, not an imitation of her. Gina told her that she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Greta tells "Hope" that she's right, her mother was always there for her. Gina tells Greta that her mother loved her with all of her heart, she has no doubt about that. Greta asks "Hope" how she knew about her first official date?
Gina says that all girls share the news of their first date with their mother, so she just assumed. Greta remembers another situation from her past when she had a bad day at school and her mother comforted her. Greta told her mom that the teacher asked everyone what they wanted to be when they grew up, and when she said happy, everyone laughed at her. Gina told her that was a wonderful thing to wish for. She told her daughter that she will be happy when she grows up and will find a man who is right for her.
Gina asks Greta if Eric is the right man for her? Greta says maybe, but she has insecurities about his feelings for Nicole and whether he'll ever get over her. She says that she saw what happened to her mother after she lost John, she never got over him and died of a broken heart. Gina blurts out "that is not true!" She quickly changes the topic and tells her that this talk is upsetting her.
Gina tells Greta to go see Eric and talk to him and make him see that he is the man for her. Greta thanks "Hope" for making her feel better. "Hope" suggests they both go on a shopping spree, and Greta accepts this invitation. Greta has to leave to get a few things, and Gina picks up the phone to make a call.
Kurt and Claude return from a fishing trip, and Kurt decides to check on Hope. Once he leaves the room, Claude tells Theresa that Kurt is lying about himself and Hope, he's sure of it. Kurt plans to go to the neighbors to call the police. In her room, Hope wakes up and tells Kurt that her memory is coming back! Kurt asks Hope what she remembers? Hope tells him that she remembers giving birth to a baby boy. Kurt says they had a girl, so she obviously had a dream.
Hope says it was very real, and frightening. She says that her husband was in the delivery room with her, and it wasn't him! Hope asks Kurt why he wasn't her husband, and why he wasn't there for the birth of their child? Kurt tells Hope that it was just a dream. Kurt lies down on the bed next to her and tells her that as soon as they return home her memory will return. Kurt and Hope go out and have dinner with Claude and Theresa, and afterwards Kurt suggests that he and his wife head home.
Claude and Theresa ask them to wait until tomorrow to leave, and Hope says she would like to get a good night sleep. Kurt says if that is what she wishes. Kurt leaves to get some firewood, and Hope thanks them for everything and goes off to bed. Kurt returns with some wood and decides to go check on his "wife." He goes into her room to find her in bed. He tells her that she looks so pale and asks if she is okay? Hope says she is tired and needs to rest here a day or two more. Kurt refuses and says that he thinks Claude is causing trouble for them. Kurt then tells her not to worry and to just trust in him, once they arrive home everything will be fine.
Suddenly, Gina calls Kurt to see if everything is fine? Kurt says it will be soon, he will be back on the estate tomorrow. Gina asks him where he and Hope are? Kurt says he is fine, and Hope is fine, and hangs up. Hope asks who he was just talking to? Kurt says it was his boss, he was very concerned about the both of them. He tells her to just try to get some sleep. Out in the other room, the police show up, and Claude tells them to follow him. In the bedroom, Hope hears voices in the other room, so she peaks her head out to see who it is.
12/1 Marlena and then both arrive at the hospital to visit Victor, both shocked to learn that Victor is there. Victor tells them that he was being over-medicated at the nursing home and is expected to make a full recovery! They are both thrilled.
Bo talks with Marlena in her office about Hope. He tells Marlena that he's been getting strange vibes from Hope, the same ones Shawn has been getting. He tells her that he's so afraid that what Stefano did to her has scared her deeper than anyone realized, and he fears he has lost the woman he loved so deeply.
Marlena tells Bo that he just needs to give Hope some time, she's sure that the magic will return. He then tells Marlena that something else has been on his mind, he and Hope haven't been intimate for a long time, and he doesn't know how she feels about that. Marlena tells Bo that there is only one way to find out.
"Hope" and Greta stop at the Java Cafe for some coffee after their shopping spree. Gina decides that today will be the day she will tell Greta the truth about her. Greta begins to get weird vibes from "Hope." Gina had been mentioning things all day that only Greta's mother knew. Greta asks "Hope" if she's having left over memories of her mother? Gina asks Greta if it would not be wonderful if she could have her mother back?
Greta asks "Hope" how she could be so cruel to her? She says that getting over her mother's death was the hardest thing she had to do, and having her mother back in her life is the last thing she needs right now. A hurt Gina tells Greta that she's right, she has to keep the past in the past. They switch the subject to love, and Greta mentions that she doesn't know if she believes in love.
Gina tells her never to say that, love is the most important thing in life. She tells Greta that she is living, breathing proof that love lasts. Greta recalls those were the exact words her mother wrote her in a letter, and tells "Hope" that this is more than a coincidence. Gina says it is, and as she is about to tell her the truth, Bo shows up and prevents her. Greta leaves to give them some time alone, and Bo gives Gina a kiss.
The police show up at the cabin to question Hope about her connection to Gina and the stolen painting. The bang on the door to the bedroom where Hope and Kurt are and demand that they open up. Hope has a memory flash of herself as a cop and thinks they should open the door because they can trust the police. Kurt eventually opens the door, and the police tell Hope that they need to question her about Princess Gina and the theft of the painting.
Hope says she is not that woman, and Kurt says this is just a case of mistaken identity. They insist she come with them to the station, so Kurt asks them to give her a few minutes to change into some clothes. Hope changes, but Kurt wants to run. Hope refuses because she doesn't know if she can trust him, she doesn't even remember anything about their past or him. Kurt tells her that if he comes with her everything will be right, but she asks for proof. He calls her his Fancy Face, and Hope remembers the name. The two then take off on Claude's motorcycle.
12/3 Bo, Shawn, Roman, and Eric stop by the Brady Pub for family night. Phillip (Bo’s half brother) pulls Bo aside to talk to his half brother about borrowing $500 for a science project. Bo knows he's being conned and tells Phillip that he's more like Victor than he thought. Bo tells Phillip that he's not getting anything from him.
Bo tells Phillip that their dad is out of the nursing home, so he should talk to his dad about his problem. Phillip is shocked to learn that his dad is at the hospital.
Alice arrives, she looks around and doesn't see “Hope”. She asks Bo to go get her and drag her out of that hotel! Bo says that "Hope" is dead tired and needs to sleep. Later, Alice, Caroline, Shawn, and Bo sit down to play poker with Alice, who is sporting a green poker visor. Bo gets a feeling that something is wrong with Hope. Bo gives "Hope" a call, and she insists that everything is fine.
In France, Gina calls Kurt in order to get some more information on Hope, but Kurt tells her that now is not a good time. Kurt and Hope are hiding out in the woods from the police. Hope doesn't understand why the police are chasing them, she is not that Princess. Kurt tells her that she's safe with him.
Hope knows she was running before, but she doesn't know from whom. Kurt's phone rings again, and it is Gina. She is furious with Kurt for hanging up on her and she knows something is wrong with Hope. Kurt tells her that Hope is secure, just a little difficult to manage. Gina tells Kurt that he better keep Hope in that castle because from this day forward her identity belongs to her! Kurt understands his orders, and Gina hangs up on him.
Hope asks Kurt if that was his boss again? Kurt says it doesn't matter, but Hope says it matters to her. She says she has had it with him keeping things from her, she wants to know what is going on, why are the police chasing them. Hope begs Kurt to help her. Suddenly, Hope remembers running through the same swamp earlier from Kurt, and having him grab her viscously.
She looks at Kurt and tells him that she was ruining from him! Kurt says she did run from him, but it was after they lost their daughter and she was very upset. Hope remembers that it was more than running, she was hiding from both Kurt and the police. She tells Kurt that something more happened, she was trying to escape from someone. Suddenly, Hope bolts. Kurt grabs her and tells her to stop fighting her because the police are after her.
Hope says it is for something she didn't do, but Kurt says they can't prove that to the police right now. He tells her that he is all she has, so she has to stay with him. Hope thinks that perhaps her mind is playing tricks on her, and she believes that he is all she has. She asks him to hold her, so he does. He tells her that he'll always be here for her, her past doesn't matter because he can give her a whole new life with him.
Back at the Salem Inn, Gina is sitting on her couch reading her copy of Hope's life, the manuscript version. There is a knock at the door, so she hides the book and blows some air freshener around to cover up the smoke. When she answers the door, Greta tells her mother that the game is over! The package she received earlier where chocolates from Paris, the type her mother sent to her, and she knows "Hope" sent them to her.
Greta tells "Hope" that she doesn't need her pretending to be her mother and using Gina comments to make her feel better about herself. Greta accuses "Hope" of holding onto her mother's memories and using them to mess with her mind. Gina tells Greta that she's only trying to help her and fill the void in her life. Greta tells "Hope" that she can't fill it, but Gina says she is wrong and that there is something she's been trying to tell her for a long time. Greta doesn't want to hear anything "Hope" has to say to her. Gina tells Greta to trust her, she wants to help her.
Greta tells "Hope" that right now she feels alone, scared, aching for her mother. Greta tells "Hope" that she used to remember sitting in the dark praying her mom would come to her in the Bayou, but she never did. However, she says her mother did come to her in France, but it was just a dream. Gina tells Greta that her dream is about to come true. Greta asks "Hope" what she is saying? Gina tells Greta that her dream of her mother's return is no longer a dream, her mother has come back to her.
Greta tells "Hope" that she is not her mother, she may have her mother's thoughts and memories, but not her heart and soul. Gina tells Greta a story about when they first moved to France and how she had such a hard time adjusting. Greta says this is just another story, so Gina asks Greta to look inside of her and see who she is. Gina tells her that all she ever meant to do is love her, not hurt her. Gina's phone rings, so she answers it. It is Bo calling to make sure his “Fancy Face" is okay. Gina tells him that she's fine, she was just sleeping when the phone rang. He tells her to go back to bed and that he loves her.
Greta asks "Hope" why she lied to Bo? Gina tells her that she didn't want him calling back and disturbing them, because tonight will be the night that changes both of their lives forever. Greta asks how their lives will change? Gina tells her that she knows, she's just to afraid to accept it. Greta says this isn't possible, but Gina says it is, and calls her "Mon petit choux." Greta cries, and Gina tells her that she never stopped loving her. Greta cries out "Mother?" Gina nods and wipes away Greta's tears.
12/6 Greta tells "Hope" that this is impossible, she can't be her mother. Greta asks "Hope" why she's doing this to her? Gina tells her that she loves her and wants her in her life again. Greta tells "Hope" that her mother is dead, she had her body exhumed and the dental records proved her identity. Greta tells "Hope" that she has just been programmed to be her mother. Gina tells Greta that there is one thing Stefano could not have given Hope that will prove she is her mother. Greta asks what?
Gina produces something from her purse and says "this!" It is a flower preserved in plastic, and Gina asks Greta if she remembers it? Flashback to the past when Greta was young. Greta brought her mom a flower she found in the forest, and Gina suggested that they press the flower to dry it so she can keep it forever. Greta remembers the flower and is moved to tears. Gina tells her that Hope could have known about the memory, but there is no way she could have this flower.
Greta realizes "Hope" really is her mother, and the two hug. Greta thinks this is a dream, but Gina tells her it is real. There is a knock at the door and Lily identifies herself. Gina lets her in and Lily thinks she's interrupting. Gina tells her it is okay, she's told Greta the truth. Lily is thrilled and tells Greta that she knows the truth, her mother told her recently. Lily tells Greta that her mother loves her very much and wouldn't do anything to hurt her. Lily gives them some time alone, and Greta asks her mom where Hope is?
12/7 Bo continues to worry about "Hope." Shawn and Alice make a bet on the next round, if Alice wins she will make him a weeks worth of donuts, but if she wins he has to play a tune on the piano for him. Shawn doesn't think so, but agrees when his family begins to make chicken noises at him. Shawn looks at his hand and thinks he can win, so he ups the ante. He tells her that if he wins she makes him donuts for a month, but if she wins he'll play the piano and sing.
Unfortunately for Shawn, Alice beats him. Alice asks everyone for their attention because her great-grandson has a surprise for them all. Shawn tells them that he's lost a bet, so this is his payoff. Shawn sits down at the piano and begins to play and sing "Jailhouse Rock." Bo and his mom dance as everyone claps and sings along with Shawn. Belle watches Shawn with a big smile on her face.
Greta asks her mother where Hope is? Gina tells her that Hope is gone, she's dead. Greta tears up, and Gina tells her that she's so sorry. Greta asks Gina how she knows what happened? Gina doesn't know where to start. Gina tells her that she and Hope came face to face in Paris on a bridge, and both of them were shocked because they did not know the other existed. Gina says that she figured out everything on her own, that Stefano stole her memories from her and gave them to Hope at Maison Blanche.
Gina tells Greta that Stefano's manipulation of Hope destroyed her mind. Gina claims that she tried to reach out to Hope, but Hope would not have it and was terrified of her. Gina tells Greta that Hope tried to get away from her, and ended up jumping to her death from the bridge. Greta wonders if Hope may still be alive, but Gina says her body was never found, it is probably at the bottom of the river and her soul is in heaven. Greta asks her mother why she did not tell anyone, and why did she come her pretending to be Hope? Gina tells her that she did it to be with her.
Greta tells her mom that Bo has to know the truth, so she's going to call him and tell him the truth. She picks up the phone to call him, but Gina hangs it up and says she cannot do that. Gina explains that as long as she pretends to be Hope she is sparing Bo and his family the pain of knowing that Hope is gone. Greta thinks it is wrong because she is not Hope, but Gina thinks she can be Hope and she can make Bo happy.
Gina asks Greta is she does not deserve to be happy after all the pain she's endured over the years? She tells Greta that she didn't think it would be possible to fall in love again after John, but Bo is such a wonderful, kind, and gracious man. Greta asks her mother if she is in love with Bo? Gina simply says that Bo loves her, and the more he does the more she shall become Hope in every way. Greta doesn't know about this, so Gina tells Greta that if the authorities find out who she is then she will go to prison for her crimes. Greta says they can explain to the police that she was forced by Stefano to steal.
However, Gina says she was Stefano's willing accomplice, Hope was the one who was forced to follow Stefano. She assures Greta that if the truth comes out she will be sent to prison, and Greta will lose her mother again. Gina asks Greta to keep her secret for her, but Greta says she doesn't know because it is all to much. Gina tells her not to make a decision right now. Greta decides to go home to rest, but Gina asks her to spend the night here with her, so Greta agrees.
Hope and Kurt are hiding out in a cave from the police. Hope tells Kurt that she doesn't want to hide from the police anymore, she wants to turn herself in. Kurt tells her that she can't do that because they think she's an art thief and will throw her in jail. Hope tells him that he can prove she's not because she's his wife, can't he? When Kurt says no, Hope asks if he's saying he's not her husband? Kurt says of course he's her husband, but they don't have any ID on them.
Hope asks him if they are married, then why don't they have any wedding bands? Kurt tells her that she must have lost hers when she fell in the river, and he took his off to do chores and must have forgotten to put it back on. Kurt tells her once they get back home they will have all the proof they need to prove to the police that she is his wife and not this Princess Gina person. Hope agrees to stay here with him for the night, so he goes to sleep. After Kurt falls asleep, Hope looks through his wallet and finds out that Kurt is single, he's been lying to her.
12/8 Shawn, Bo and Caroline are sitting at a booth at the pub, having a nice BIG breakfast. While Bo is still concerned about his son, Shawn and Caroline both feel he's coming around. Caroline tells Bo that Shawn was going to share his winnings (donuts) with them, had he won. They talk about how Bo and Hope are doing now. He admits Hope is "different" now and he doesn't know what to do about it. He has no idea how to reconnect with her. Pop does. He tells them he and Hope were trying a little too hard at the high school dance.
Pop tells him nature will sweep things along and to take her out on the Fancy Face II for a little trip. They always were happiest on the boat. Bo agrees and tells Caroline she's married to a genius. She smiles and says no regrets, it's true. Alice arrives and when Shawn reminds her there are only thirteen shopping days left until Christmas, Alice smiles and tells them she's almost finished with her shopping.
Greta was suppose to go shopping with them and Alice tells them she called last night and was spending the night with a friend. Caroline and Alice both express their hopes that Eric and Greta will get together. Pop comments he's with the two most romantic women in the world, bless their hearts. He has an idea to help the Eric/Greta romance along too, just like he did Bo and Hope's earlier.
Gina awakens her daughter who's sleeping on the couch. She wants Greta to keep her secret as to her true identity. Greta is torn and really doesn't want to lie about it. Gina brings a platter of pastries to Greta, who squeals with excitement. They're the same pastry they shared every Sunday at 4 pm in France. Gina gave the recipe to the Inn chef and he whipped up a batch with the currants Gina had flown in from France. There's a knock on the door, and it's Bo. She kisses him and he notices Greta. She apologizes, but has a million things to do and rushes off.
After Greta leaves, he asks "Hope" to go for an overnight trip on the Fancy Face II and she readily agrees and even leaps in his arms. Bo asks her where she would like to go. She suggested they go to Smith Island to her grandparent's cabin. He's surprised at that suggestion after the time she found him with Billie there on their wedding day. Oops.. that thought slipped out of her mind.
He decides to drop the subject as she watches him. She tells him the past is over, let's make a fresh start. But, if he thinks it's a bad idea....no, he agrees and leaves to get the FFII ready. He'll be back to pick her up and chart their course for the future. Alone, she realizes it's going to be difficult to keep everything straight, but it will be well worth it to have a future with Bo Brady.
12/9 On the Fancy Face, Bo tells Shawn that he and his mom are going up to the Horton Cabin for the night. Shawn doesn't understand why mom would want to go back to the cabin, the place she found him with Billie on their wedding day. Bo says that his mom wants to get past what happened there. Shawn doesn't think this is normal and asks if Bo has to go? Bo says of course he does, and he wants to go.
Bo thinks this is the first step to getting back what they once had, but Shawn's not sure about that. Shawn doesn’t think this is going to work, pretending everything is fine. Shawn misses his mother a lot and wishes she was like she used to be. He declares that mom doesn’t deserve games nor lies, and neither does Shawn or Bo.
At the Salem Inn, Greta asks Gina where she is going? Gina tells Greta that she and Bo are taking a sailing trip to a remote island where they shall recapture every glorious moment of their past. Greta tells her that she's not Hope, but Gina says she will be everything Hope was and more. Greta asks her mom if she plans on sleeping with Bo? Gina says of course she plans on sleeping with him, she has to in order to take over every aspect of Hope's life.
She wants to fall asleep in Bo’s arms and be safe and loved. Gina assures her daughter that she's not doing this for herself, Bo wants and needs her. She also says she's doing this for her (Greta) too, she must secure a place in Bo's life so nobody can separate them again. Gina assures Greta that they will never be separated again. Greta hopes that is true, but if she sleeps with Bo then he will know she is not Hope.
Dvd #42B Shawn doesn't think that his mother is inside that woman, and no matter how hard his dad looks, he won't find her. Belle shows up at this point and asks "The King" if he's going to take his act on the road? Shawn says no and brushes Belle off by claiming he has more important things to worry about. Bo leaves to pick up “Hope”.
Gina tells Greta that she is so innocent, but Greta says she has read books and seen movies. Gina tells her that she and Bo are working towards a lifetime commitment to one another, and she must do this in order to secure all their futures. Gina tells Greta not to worry, when she kissed Bo she knew she and Bo shared true and lasting passions which comes from the heart.
Gina smiles and tells Greta not to worry because it will be all right. Greta knows her mom is only trying to help her and Bo, but she doesn't like deceiving people and wonders what will happen when people find out the truth? Gina says she is not trying to hurt people, she is trying to help everyone. Bo shows up and is surprised to see Greta here, but is happy that she and "Hope" are getting closer. Bo and "Hope" leave for their trip, and Greta worries about her mother.
12/10 Aboard the Fancy Face II, Gina tucks her bag away and asks Bo and Shawn if there is anything she can do to help out? He tells her no, and that they are about to set sail in a few minutes. Shawn is distant, so Gina asks Bo to give her a moment alone with him. Bo goes down below and Gina asks Shawn what his problem with her is because she'd like to fix it. Shawn tells her that something is wrong, she isn't the same mom he knew, and he doesn't want his dad to get hurt. Greta shows up and tells Shawn that she knows why he feels that way.
Greta tells Shawn that she understands what he went through being separated from his mother, she felt the same way as he does now. Shawn goes below deck, and Gina thanks Greta for not giving her away. Greta tells her mom that it is only a matter of time before they both learn the truth. When Gina asks her daughter what she is supposed to do, Greta suggests they both go back to her Chateau in France.
Gina is touched that Greta would leave Salem for her, but she says she is a wanted art thief in Europe and would just go to prison. She tells Greta that her best chance at a happy life is with Bo. Greta tells her mom that this is a big mistake and she doesn't know why she can't see that. Gina tells Greta that she knows she can make this work, and it is what she wants and needs. Greta says fine and hopes this trip is everything she hopes it will be.
Down below, Shawn sees all the candles and jokes with his dad about the romantic setting. Bo asks him to give him a break, he and his mom deserve a chance to be happy. Shawn feels like he and his mom are trying to get back together because of him, and he wants his dad to know that the two of them (Bo and Shawn) will still have a good relationship if he doesn't marry his mom. Bo asks Shawn why he wouldn't want to marry his mom? He knows she's not totally herself yet, and that is the purpose of this trip, to get her back to her old self. Shawn just says if it's not meant to happen, oh well. Bo is touched that his son cares about him, but tells him that he will be just find.
Bo and Shawn come above deck and find Greta and "Hope" hugging. Shawn can't believe his mom is getting so emotional over Greta. Gina says she was just saying how she'd miss her, and she also hugs Shawn and tells her "Sailor Boy" that she'll miss him to. Shawn is startled that she got his nickname wrong, but doesn't correct her. Bo was busy working and didn't hear "Hope's" slip-up. Shawn and Greta leave the boat, and Bo and Gina set sail.
Bo and Gina arrive at the cabin and Gina thought the sailing trip was exhilarating. Bo asks "Hope" if she's okay being back here? Gina says she is and it is the first step in getting over the past. Gina tells Bo that he looks tired and maybe he should lie down, but when she gets closer to him she suggests he shower first. Bo says he will get out of his sweaty sweater, and Gina promises not to look while he takes it off. Bo decides to start a fire, and Gina is very turned on by Bo.
Gina slips into a sexy black dress later which impresses Bo. He tells her she looks beautiful, but asks if she's going to cook in that? Gina says she wasn't planning on cooking, she thought they'd have something delivered. Bo says there is nothing on the island to be delivered. Gina asks him if he's lost his sense of humor, she knows that.
Gina says she wanted this to be special, so she dressed up a little. Bo tells her that when he looks at her, he sees Princess Gina. Gina tells him that she treated her like a Princess in Paris, and he apologizes for mentioning it. She tells him that he showed her what true love really is, and she wants them to be together always. Gina grabs Bo and begins kissing him.
In France, Hope continues to have conflicting memories about Kurt and who he is. Hope smacks Kurt until he wakes up and demands to know who he is because she knows he's not her husband. Kurt claims his driver license was renewed before they were married, but Hope doesn't believe him. She tells him that she doesn't know why she should believe anything he tells her. Kurt claims he is only trying to protect her and once they get home it will all come together.
The question on Hope's mind is where home is. Suddenly, Hope has a memory flash of the Fancy Face as she thinks about home. Hope asks Kurt if the name Fancy Face has another meaning? Kurt says it's just his pet name for her because she's so beautiful. Hope them asks him if he knows anything about sailing, but he doesn't answer. Hope realizes that Kurt is not her husband, but she doesn't know who he is. Hope asks him once again if he knows anything about boats? He says of course he does, they have a boat which he named after her, the Fancy Face.
Hope asks him if they have one or two boats? Kurt dodges the question and tells her that they enjoy a lot of things and are happily married. Hope says she better start remembering soon or something terrible might happen. Kurt says they should go home now, and he says they live on an estate outside of Paris. Hope thinks that if she could get to the American Embassy in Paris she could find out who she is, so she tells Kurt to lead on.
12/13 At the Horton Cabin, Gina and Bo are busy kissing. Bo pulls away and tells her that he wants to make love to her. She grabs him and begins kissing him more fiercely than ever. She eventually backs away and tells Bo that she's a little nervous because this feels like it is there first date. Bo tells her the dance was their first date, and tonight will be wonderful. Gina tells him that she just wants to be honest with him from now on, and it makes Bo feel a little guilty. He tells her that he wants to be honest with her too. He tells her that lately he's been feeling she's not 100% back with him, and he hates feeling this way.
Gina tells him that it is all right, she'd much rather he says it than keep it inside. She also tells him that he has a right to have doubts about her because she's not Hope, exactly. She tells him that she's not complete yet, she's not whole yet because there is still so much of herself that she hasn't found. Bo asks her what she is getting at? Gina tells him that when Stefano altered her mind she thought she'd never get her life back together, but his love gave her the hope and strength to do so.
Gina tells Bo that if he makes love to her, than she will be whole again. Bo tells "Hope" how beautiful she is, both inside and out. He promises her that she will be complete again, she will be his FancyFace. Bo picks "Hope" up and carries her to bed. As they roll around in bed, Bo flashes back to how it was with the old Hope. After the deed is done, a tear rolls down Bo's cheek and he tells himself that it wasn't the same, where is his Hope?
Kurt and Hope arrive at the Chateau, but Hope says this place has never been home to her. Kurt says that this has been her home for years, but Hope says it does not match her memories. Hope tells him that this place brings up feelings of fear for her. Hope want to leave, but Kurt grabs her and tells her to stop this!
Hope tells Kurt to let go of her because he's hurting her. Kurt says he can't do that because she will run. Hope says she won't, and she asks him to take her to Paris to the American embassy so she can speak to someone. When he refuses, she says she'll go herself and tries to leave. Kurt grabs her and sternly tells her that she's not going anywhere! Hope asks him if she is his prisoner? Kurt tells her yes she is.
Hope struggles to break free, but she can't escape from him. Hope tells Kurt that she knows they aren't married and she wants answers, is she his prisoner, or his boss' prisoner? Kurt tells her that he's not telling her anything and orders her inside. Hope knees Kurt in his groin and makes a break for it. She hops on the motorcycle, and suddenly hears Bo telling her that he loves her. Kurt picks Hope up and carries her inside. Hope begs him not to do this, but he throws her into the turret despite her begging him not to.
Hope says this place feels like a dungeon and asks Kurt what he wants from her? He tells her that it doesn't matter, she'll have everything she needs and he'll bring her food just like before. Hope asks him what he means, was she here before? Kurt ignores her and leaves, locking her behind in the turret. Hope bangs on the door and demands to be let out, but Kurt is long gone. Hope falls to the floor and asks whoever the voice in her head is to please save her. Suddenly, Hope hears Bo's voice asking her where she is? Hope tells Bo that she's here, she's here.
12/14 Gina and Bo are resting in bed after making love. Bo realizes something is very wrong, and wonders where Hope is? Gina tells Bo that being with him was better than she ever could have dreamed. When Bo says nothing, she looks at him and asks him what is wrong? Gina tells Bo that she knows something was very off just now, and she doesn't want him to lie to spare her feelings.
Bo tells Gina that he thought in time they would get back the magic they once had, but they don't have it back yet, and he knows why. Bo tells her that when they were in Paris he thought he had reached her, but he guess he didn't after all. Bo suggests that perhaps she is just trying to hard to connect to him, to please him. He tells her that perhaps they are moving too fast, perhaps they both need breathing room. Gina tells Bo that he's never run away from anything in his entire life and she's not about to let him run away from her now!
Bo says he's not running from anything, they both just need some time to get their lives back together. Gina tells Bo that they will do it together, and they will get back the magic they once shared. She then tells Bo that there might be a way to get the magic back sooner than they might think. Gina tells Bo that John is the one person who knows exactly what they are going through and he told her that his problems with Marlena were solved after they got married. Gina tells Bo that perhaps they should get married again!
Hope is on the floor crying and calling out Bo's name. She begins to remember her wedding, Shawn D's birth, and Santa Rosa. Hope smiles and picks herself off the floor. She remembers that she is Hope Williams and that she loves Bo Brady. She screams out "I love you Brady!" Hope remembers her wedding night, and how her dad told her how much he loved her before her wedding. Hope then senses that Bo is in danger. Hope realizes she has to get out of here, and she wonders why Kurt has brought her here.
She forces herself to think back, and she remembers her accident a year ago which caused her to lose her memory. She then finds her old escape route behind the curtains, and Gina's warning that her enemies would die. She wonders why she can remember her life with Bo in Salem, but why can't she remember anything about this place?
Kurt returns, and Hope demands that he tell her the truth about everything. Kurt tries to feed her lies about how she is sick and doesn't remember him, but this is her home. However, Hope informs Kurt that she does remember, she is Hope Williams and she belongs in Salem with Bo. She begs Kurt to help her get home to Bo and her son.
12/15 Bo and Gina return to Salem on the FancyFace II, and both Bo and Gina are being very quiet. Gina tells Bo that it is probably a good thing they came back now instead of spending the night at the cabin. Bo tells her that Christmas is right around the corner and they both have huge to-do lists. Gina tells Bo that spending Christmas with him and their son is going to be so wonderful and that they both will have the happiness they deserve.
Bo couldn't agree more and kisses Gina. Gina tells him that she knows she has a way to go before she is whole again, but Bo tells her that they will get their soon. Gina tells Brady that she loves him so much, and the two hug. She says that she wants to be herself again, the woman who will love him for an eternity. Bo tells her that she will be, which makes her smile. He tells her that this will be the best Christmas ever.
Gina tells Bo that she has to get going back to the hotel, but insists on driving herself because she has to prepare special surprise for him and Shawn. Bo kisses her and tells her that he loves her, and then she takes off. After Gina leaves, Bo thinks that Hope will come back to him soon, and perhaps if they were to get married it would speed up her return to him. He thinks that she is right and says the sooner she becomes Mrs. Bo Brady the better.
Hope begs Kurt to let her go home to Salem. Kurt tells her that this is her home now. Hope calls him a monster, but he says he is no monster. She tells him to prove it by letting her out. Kurt tells her that she has no right to make demands after what she did to Princess Gina. Hope says that the woman is dead, and when Kurt doesn't respond, she asks him if Gina is dead?
Kurt tells her that all she needs to know is she is staying in this room and she won't be hurt as long as she behaves. Hope tells him that he can't do this to her, but he asks her how he will stop him? Hope tells Kurt that she is beginning to remember everything, including the storm when she had her accident and her car went off the road. She wonders how long ago that happened and asks Kurt what month and year it is? When he tells her it is December 99, Hope realizes that she's lost a year of her life.
Hope asks Kurt if he knows what has happened to her this past year, and who brought her here and why would they want to punish her? Kurt refuses to answer any of her questions because this is the way it has to be, be says it doesn't have to be that way. When she says he can't keep her locked up here forever her that she's not calling the shots. Hope says that Bo will come looking for her he will pay for what he's done. Kurt laughs and tells her that Bo isn't even looking for her! Hope says the only reason Bo would stop looking for her is if he thought she was dead.
Kurt tells her that there is nothing she can do, and she might as well accept her fate. Hope tells him "Never!" Hope says that she needs answers. She asks him what his relationship was with Gina, and did she know him when she thought he was Gina? Kurt says that he took care of Gina during the last years of her life, but refuses to share any more information with her.
Hope knows that Kurt can't be behind this, and she wants to know who is. Kurt says he doesn't have the answers, and he will come back later when she has calmed down. Hope thinks that Stefano is doing this to her and she begs him to tell her why. He refuses to answer her, and instead walks out. Hope damns Stefano and hopes he will die for what he's done to her and her family.
Back in Salem, Gina returns to the Salem Inn and thinks her plan is working perfectly. She tells herself that soon she will have Bo, Greta, and the son she never thought she'd have, Shawn. However, she realizes that Stefano could interfere with her plans, so she must find a way to stop him. She opens up a drawer and pulls out a gun and tells herself that if she has to kill him, then so be it.
12/16 Salemites gather at the site of the town Christmas tree for the lighting ceremony. Shawn looks at the tree and remembers his mom telling him that the star on top of the Christmas tree would be their special star. After the tree has been lit, everyone sings "Joy to the World." Everyone that is but Shawn. Alice tells Shawn that she wishes she was here too.
At the DiMera mansion, Bart is busy giving Stefano a full report on everything "Hope" has been doing. Bart tells Stefano that "Hope" is back to normal, and she is boring as ever. He asks if he has to keep tailing her? Stefano tells Bart that something is not normal. Stefano says that something is still off, neither of the Brady brothers have sought revenge on him yet, and he doesn't feel that he can let his guard down for one minute.
Gina is in her car driving to see Stefano and take care of him once and for all. She plans to convince Stefano that she truly is Hope, and then she will get him out of the picture for good! Gina rings the doorbell to the DiMera mansion, and when Bart tells Stefano who is at the door, Stefano tells him to get rid of her! Bart tries to tell her that Stefano isn't taking any visitors, but Gina barges in and demands to see Stefano. She is shocked to see him with a beard, but he is shocked that she barged into his home like this.
Gina tells Stefano that she didn't know who else to go to because he is the only person who can help her. Stefano dismisses Bart and asks "Hope" what she is so afraid of? Gina tells him that the ISA has been hounding her about a painting they think she stole, and she wants him to tell them that the painting was burned. Stefano asks her what she knows about the painting being burned? Gina tells him that she was the one who lit the match, Steffie!
Stefano looks at her and says "No!" Gina tells him yes, and asks if he has forgotten the moment he screamed in agony? Gina tells Stefano to say hello to Princess Gina, and then she takes her bow. Gina lights up a cigarette, and Stefano says he saw her fall off the bridge! Gina tells Stefano that he's forgotten how good she is at fooling people. Stefano says she can't want to go on impersonating Hope forever, but Gina says that she wants to spend the rest of her days impersonating Hope Williams.
Stefano throws his head back and rolls his eyes. Gina tells him that his plastic surgery is looking good and took years off his life, just like hers did the same for her. Stefano tells her "Like you care, you set me on fire you maniac!" Gina tells him that she set the painting on fire and it is not her fault that it meant more to him than his own life. Gina turns her back to fix herself a martini, and as Stefano was about to make Gina pay, she turns around and pulls a gun on him!
Gina fires the gun, and shoots the vase behind him. She tells him that the next one will go right through his head. Stefano asks her what she wants? She says that if he leaves the country she will take pity on him, and give him the Rennet. He asks her how she will do that, she burned it? Gina tells him that it was a copy and asks if he thinks she was that stupid? Stefano knows he can't trust her, so she says she will prove to him that he can trust her. She offers him her gun as proof. Stefano takes the gun, and tells her that if good, but not good enough. He grabs Gina's neck and tells her that she has gone too far this time!
12/17 Stefano has his hands firmly around Princess Gina's neck until she reminds him that he would lose his precious freedom and go to jail if he kills her. She proposes a deal to Stefano. She offers to give him the Renet if he will leave the country for good. She says she wants an uncomplicated life with Bo in Salem posing as Hope. When Stefano asks her if she killed Hope she dodges his questions. "Steffi" offers to turn John back into "the Pawn" for Princess Gina but she refuses saying that this would not be possible because they would have to remain on the run away from Salem for the rest of their lives. Next, Stefan and Gina are on the jet heading to France.
Rolf frets to Bart that Y2k could have a direct effect on John's memory. Rolf says it is possible that John could regain his memory of his time aboard the submarine with Gina at midnight on December 31st.
12/21 Bart and Rolf go to the hospital to spy on John Black. Bart finds some Christmas costumes and suggests to Rolf that they disguise themselves, and then take advantage of the hospital setting by performing some brain surgery. Rolf and Bart change into their Christmas elf costumes and plan to adjust John's microchip.
Alice is disappointed to learn from Bo that "Hope" won't be at the hospital Christmas party. She tells him that "Hope" has been missing a lot of family engagements lately and she wonders if she's missing them on purpose. Bo tells Alice that "Hope" isn't avoiding the family, she's just exhausted after their long day at the cabin. Grandpa Shawn and Caroline show up, still in costume, and Bo shows them what he got "Hope." Bo produces a wooden music box which plays their love song.
Kurt bounds and gags poor Hope to a chair in the parlor. He tells her That she must be wondering why he has brought her here. He tells her that it is because she is about to receive a very special Christmas present. Kurt tells Hope that he's sorry it has come to this. He claims that he did feel pity for her once, but then he remembered what she did to Princess Gina.
Hope remembers when Bo rescued her from Jude St. Clair and how she told Bo that his love was her strength. Hope spots a glass vase on the table and hops towards it once Kurt leaves the room. She manages to knock it off the table with her feet, and then tips her chair over so she can retrieve a piece of the broken glass to cut her way to freedom. She finally frees herself, and makes a run for it.
Gina and Stefano arrive at the Chateau where Gina has led Stefano to believe the painting is hidden. Stefano tells himself that once he has his Rennet he will make sure Princess Gina is locked back up in the turret where she belongs. Gina and Stefano go up to the turret and Gina reveals that the painting was hidden behind one of her many portraits of John in her wardrobe.
Gina notices the look in Stefano's eyes and says he had the same look when he told her about his master plan to own all the Renets in the world. Gina starts tossing the painting around and asks how grateful Stefano is to her for getting him all the Renets? Stefano tells her that he will not interfere with her plans to live in Salem as Hope and he promises they will never meet again. Gina tosses him the painting, which he kisses, and then she tries to head for the door.
However, Stefano grabs her from behind and tells her that he's changed his mind about her freedom, she will never be free again! Gina tells him that they had an agreement, but Stefano tells her that he'd never negotiate with a maniac like her. Luckily for Gina, Kurt shows up and knocks Stefano out from behind.
Gina goes to check on Hope, who smashes a vase over her head. When Hope gets a look at Gina's face she freaks out. Unfortunately, Kurt grabs Hope, and Gina comes to. Gina tells Hope that she has hurt her for the last time! Hope can't believe she is Princess Gina, and she is alive. However, Gina tells her that she is no longer Princess Gina, she is now Hope Williams, soon to be Hope Brady!
Hope tells her that she can't do this, Bo won't believe her! Gina tells her that he already has, and she should accept her fate! Kurt locks Hope back up in the turret, and Gina instructs Kurt to have all her money and jewels sent to Salem. She also tells him that they both must get to the airport. Back in the turret, Hope finds Stefano knocked out on the floor.
12/22 Shawn runs into his dad in Salem Place. Shawn is busy shopping for Christmas Gifts, and when Bo asks him what he was planning on getting his mom, Shawn jokes "A tiara." Bo doesn't find his joke funny at all. Shawn says he wants his mom back as much as he does, but she treats him like a stranger. Bo tells Shawn that it will just take her some time to get back to normal. Later, Bo remembers his past Christmas days with Hope.
Gina returns to Salem and tells Lily that she's taken care of Stefano once and for all. Lily thinks she killed him, but Gina says she's just made sure he's punished for a very long time. Gina changes the subject and tells Lily about her wonderful trip with Bo. She also tells Lily that she bought Bo a wonderful gift, a model boat which is exactly like the Fancy Face II. Lily tells Gina that she seems very happy. Gina says she is, which is why she is going to ask Bo to marry her. Lily asks Gina if she has thought this through?
Gina says she has, because once you have made love to Mr. Bo Brady you cannot imagine life without him. Lily tells Gina that someone will learn the truth eventually, and it will probably be Shawn. Gina thinks that once Shawn sees how happy she and his father are, he will drop his suspicions. Gina tells Lily that she spent her trip home going over Hope's memories via the CD-Rom she stole from Stefano, and she learned about the Horton's ornament hanging tradition. She informs Lily that this year she will hang Hope's ornament next to Bo's, and they will remain together for the rest of their lives!
Bo runs into "Hope" in Salem Place and is glad to see her. She tells him that she was looking for an extra-special gift for Gran. Bo wants to know what she got him, but she refuses to give him a hint unless he tells her what he got her. Bo gives her a hint, and she realizes that she is getting a "Bo" for Christmas, which she says is what she wanted.
Later, Shawn runs into his mom and dad, and "Hope" receives a phone call from Marlena. Marlena tells "Hope" that she missed her appointment yesterday. "Hope" says it slipped her mind, but suggests they make-up the appointment today. Marlena tells "Hope" to meet her in her office in one hour.
Stefano comes to and finds himself locked up in the turret with Hope, who he thinks is Gina at first. He grabs her and tells her that if she doesn't open the door and let him out then he will break her neck! Hope swears to Stefano that she is not Princess Gina, and he eventually lets her go when he realizes she is Hope. Hope asks Stefano why Gina has done this to the both of them? Stefano says he doesn't know, she came to him pretending she was her. Stefano tries to break out, but Hope tells him this place is sound and escape proof.
Stefano realizes she is right, and then he finds the food and water Gina and Kurt left. He tells Hope that it appears that no one intends to come back for them. Hope says that someone will come for them, but Stefano doubts that. Hope asks Stefano why Princess Gina is doing this to them and what did she mean about taking over her life? Stefano says he doesn't have the answers to her questions, and then tells her to shut up and let him think.
Hope notices the Renet, and Stefano asks her what she knows about that painting? Hope says she just remembers being fascinated by his work, and asks Stefano if it means anything to Gina? Stefano says he has no idea, and that they should focus on trying to get out of here. Hope thinks that Bo will come and save her, and together they will discover the truth about the real Princess Gina and whatever he did to her.
12/23 Everyone is gathered at Brady's Pub. They are decorating and stuffing stockings to give to the sick kids at the hospital. Caroline asks Bo where Hope is? He tells her that she is at the Salem Inn but will be coming later. Bo then has a conversation with Marlena. He asks her about a session that she and Hope are supposed to have today. He asks Marlena if she thinks that Hope still needs therapy. She says yes.
Dr. Rolf and Bart worry about the computer chip in John's brain. They are worried that at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve his memory may return. They wonder if he will remember the time he spent on submarine in Hawaii with Princess Gina.
Back in Salem, Princess Gina is continues to pretend to be Hope. She believes that she has everything under control. All se has to do is take care of Marlena. She will do that at their session this afternoon. At the session, Marlena tells "Hope" that Bo will be upset once he learns that he slept with the wrong person at the cabin. Marlena also wants to know why she lied about where she was last night. "Hope" tells Marlena, "I can't tell everyone everything about what I do."
John goes to Stefano's looking for him. The maid says he is out. Bart tells Rolf that now is his chance to go and get John. Rolf tells him not to mess anything up. Before John leaves Stefano's Bart sticks John's tire with an ice pick. It flattens once John is out in the country. Bart and Rolf follow him. As he changes the tire. Bart knocks him out with a tree branch.
Bo tells Caroline that Hope is really trying to get back to her old self. Caroline hopes everything works out for them. Shawn tells Bo that he is really trying to make an effort to put their family back together again. Bo says he knows. He says they all have been trying.
During "Hope" and Marlena's session she asks Marlena to hypnotize her to see if Princess Gina is still there. "Hope" tells her that the closer she and Bo get the further she pushes Princess Gina away. Marlena asks her how long that will last. "You are playing a dangerous game." she tells "Hope."
Rolf and Bart are hovering over John. He hasn't woke up. Rolf tries to erase John's memory with his special device but is interrupted by barking dogs. Bart tells Rolf to finish him off. Instead they take his wallet and his personals to make it look like he was robbed. They leave him laying in the snow.
Marlena hypnotizes "Hope." She then asks if Gina is there. "Hope" says yes. Marlena asks Gina if Hope will defeat her. She says yes again. Marlena thinks that it is odd that Gina would say that. Marlena says, "It's odd that you would say that as I have not brought you out of hypnosis yet Hope."
"Hope" gets up. Marlena tells her that she has a split personality and should be in a hospital. "Hope" tells Marlena that she isn't going to let her tell her family anything and that she will be any personality she chooses to be. "Hope" tells Marlena that she is going to ask Bo to marry her. Marlena tells her not to do that. "Hope" says she is and their is nothing that Marlena can do about it as their sessions are confidential. Marlena realizes that "Hope" is really Princess Gina when the Princess says, "I lost John to you. I will not lose Bo."
Back in Europe, the real Hope realizes that she has lost another year of her life since she doesn't remember anything after her car went off the road as she was driving in a storm last winter. Stefano tells her that it is Christmas Eve. She believes that Princess Gina is back in Salem pretending to be her. She tells Stefano that they are going home for Christmas and that he is going to help them get there. He tells her there is nothing he can do as nobody knows where he is except for Princess Gina and she certainly isn't going to help them.
12/24 All the Hortons show up for the annual hospital party, and Gina learns that Alice is preparing a special surprise for her. Alice shows up and Gina asks her what this talk of a surprise is about? Suddenly, Doug and Julie spring out of a room and surprise Gina, who seems to have no clue who they are. Doug asks his Princess if she is not glad to see them? Bo is glad to see them and hugs them, and Gina apologizes to her dad and says she's just completely shocked, its been such a long time since she saw them.
Julie says they just saw one another in Paris? Gina says what she meant to say was that its been so long since they've been in Salem. Doug says hello to Shawn Douglas, who tells his grandpa that it is just Shawn now. Gina thanks Alice and tells her that this is exactly what she needed. Santa, aka Grandpa Shawn Brady, shows up to hand out the presents to the kids, and then asks them what they think Christmas is about? One little girl says love, and Shawn tells her that is a very good answer.
Santa then asks Alice to tell them about the first Christmas? Alice tells the children that something happened 2000 years ago that was so special that history was divided into two parts, before and after it happened. She tells them that what happened was a baby was born, and it changed the world forever. Alice reads the story of Christmas to the children from the Horton Bible.
At the Horton house, the Hortons are preparing to hang their balls on the Christmas tree. Shawn has not arrived yet as he is standing outside peering in the window. He knows Gina is not his mom, wipes the tears from his eyes, and goes inside. Gina goes first and hangs Hope's ornament on the tree, and Bo hangs his next to hers.
Doug and Julie both think that their daughter's problems are over. Shawn hangs his ornament on the tree, but far away from his parents ornaments. One by one, the rest of the Horton's hang their ornaments. Gina has the "honor" of hanging her mother, Addie's, ornament. Finally, Alice hangs the final ornament, Tom's.
Later, Doug and Julie question Alice about "Hope" because he noticed she was acting odd at the hospital earlier. Alice tells them that "Hope" is still adjusting, but she's sure Bo's love will make everything all right.
When Gina overhears Bo telling Shawn that everything will be all right, Gina realizes it is now or never. She asks everyone for their attention as she has an announcement to make. Julie tells "Hope" not to keep them in suspense? Gina tells them that she wants this Christmas to be special, and the millennium to be a new beginning. Gina asks Bo to marry her before the end of the year!
In France, Hope and Stefano are still trying to find a way out of the turret. As they are searching, Hope comes across some Christmas decorations. She realizes how much she misses her family. Hope finds a pen and decides to label her family members' names on the balls so she can take part in the annual Horton ceremony. Hope knows in her heart that her family misses her and will realize something isn't right with Gina. Later, Hope says a prayer to Jesus, and Stefano kneels down behind her and prays in his own way.
12/27 "Hope" proposed marriage to Bo and stunned the whole Horton clan. She then made a speech saying that she knew she was not 100% back to her old self, but she was trying. She said that she wanted to be Shawn's mother, Gran's great-granddaughter, Julie's stepsister, Doug's daughter, and Bo's wife.
Bo accepted "Hope's" proposal and almost everyone clapped. Alice was troubled, and Shawn was downright annoyed. However, Shawn did tell his "mom" that he was willing to try to work on their relationship, which pleased her. Greta, who was there with Eric, also told her mom that she really was happy for her. The Bradys ended up leaving for Christmas Mass, and the remaining Hortons toasted to Bo and Hope.
The Bradys went to midnight Mass, and Bo and "Hope" announced their engagement. Everyone was thrilled, except Shawn and Marlena. Marlena took "Hope" aside and told her that she was not ready for that. Gina told Marlena that she would marry Bo on New Year's Eve, and there was "not a damn thing" Marlena could do about it. Marlena demanded "Hope" go see her for a session the following day, which was Christmas in Salem, so she agreed.
Hope and Stefano continued to search for a way to escape.
12/28 Lily told everyone that her friend, a famous French designer, had agreed to make "Hope's" wedding dress. As the designer took "Hope's" measurements, Lily told the Hortons about all the wedding preparations she had made. Doug and Julie did not like that Mrs. Faversham was taking over "Hope's" wedding.
Doug, Julie, and Alice all confronted "Hope" about why Lily was planning the wedding and not them. "Hope" told them that the wedding was very last-minute, and Lily could pull some strings they couldn't to get things done. Doug asked if he could at least coordinate the music so he knew what to sing. "Hope" told him that of course he could.
Gina then found Greta and said that she had a job for her; she wanted her to be her maid of honor. Greta happily accepted. When someone rang the doorbell, Gina ran to answer it, only to find out it was Marlena. Marlena told "Hope" that canceling her session with Marlena that morning was a mistake. "Hope" apologized and said she was very busy planning her wedding. Marlena insisted they talk in private, so Alice told them to use the kitchen. They went into the kitchen and argued about who she was.
"Hope" said she was not Gina anymore, she was going to marry Bo, and she wouldn't let anyone stand in her way. "Hope" then stormed out of the kitchen. Later, "Hope" received a package of truffles, which Lily had flown in for the reception. "Hope" dug in, and Doug said the look on her face was exactly the same one she'd had when they'd stopped in at the Black Cat the previous summer in Paris. Lily piped up, "It was always your favorite place, Gina." "Hope" asked everyone to excuse Lily, who got a little confused sometimes. Lily told everyone she was sorry for the mix-up because she knew it was Hope.
Marlena told "Hope" that they still had things to talk about before she could leave, so they excused themselves again. In the kitchen, Marlena told "Hope" that she was in denial about her problem. "Hope" asked who Marlena thought she was, trying to run her life for her. "Hope" insisted that she would not let Marlena take Bo away from her. She said after being a prisoner for nine years, she had the chance to be happy. Marlena asked her what she was talking about; she hadn't been a prisoner for nine years.
"Hope" told Marlena nine, ninety, it was all the same. She warned Marlena not to interfere with her plans because John had disappeared once, and he could disappear again. Marlena asked her what she knew about John's disappearance, so "Hope" decided to enlighten Marlena with what she knew. She stopped herself before she said anything and said that she would not allow Marlena to play mind games with her. Marlena told "Hope" that she didn't even sound like Hope anymore. "Hope," speaking in her Gina accent, told Marlena that if she broke her confidentially oath, "Hope" would make sure she paid.
Marlena told "Hope" that she was going to refer her to another doctor, but "Hope" refused to see another shrink and told Marlena to leave her alone. In the other room, Doug, Alice, and Julie were horrified to hear "Hope" yelling at Marlena. They all realized that "Hope" didn't even sound like Hope. Marlena agreed to leave, but she said she wouldn't let "Hope" marry Bo. After Marlena left, Gina pulled out her gun and said she'd made Stefano disappear, so she could make Marlena disappear too.
Bo, Shawn, and Roman were eating breakfast. Shawn said he was not hungry, so he excused himself. Bo talked to Roman about his problems with Shawn, and Roman told him he understood because he'd had similar problems with Sami. Bo asked Roman to be his best man, and Roman accepted. Grandpa Shawn and Caroline asked Shawn if he was excited about his folks getting married? Shawn said he would be if his mom weren't missing.
Later, Grandpa Shawn told Bo that his son was just like he had been at that age. Bo thought that marrying "Hope" would make things right for Shawn, and Grandpa Shawn and Caroline agreed. Roman asked Bo if he was having any doubts about the wedding, but Bo was confident that he was doing the right thing.
In the lab, Rolf and Bart both wondered where Stefano could be. They watched the monitor and saw John show up to see if Stefano was home yet, but he was not. Lexie and Celeste confronted John and told him that they needed to talk. Lexie and Celeste told John that neither of them had heard from Stefano, and they were very worried about him. Celeste told John that she'd been getting very disturbing vibrations, she sensed that Stefano was unable to control his destiny.
John couldn't believe Stefano being in a situation where he had no control. Lexie noticed John's neck and told him that it looked like an incision made with a surgical instrument. John said the nurse at the OR had said the same thing, and it almost felt like something was in there. The camera showed a virtual trip inside the cut and revealed a microchip inside John. Lexie decided to take a closer look at the cut and told him if it didn't heal, he should go to the hospital. Rolf panicked and told Bart that John could not learn about that microchip, or he would remember everything with Gina that had happened on the sub.
Stefano found a radio he had given Gina, but he forgot it was permanently set to a 24-hour classical music station. Hope overheard him talking about the radio and thought it proved that he'd imprisoned Gina there, and they were never going to get out. Stefano told Hope that he'd get them out of there, even if it killed him. Hope started to throw a temper tantrum, and Stefano yelled at her to stop it so he could think. When she stopped making a ruckus, Stefano went to work trying to fix the radio.
As Stefano worked on the radio, Hope found a record player and put on some music. As she listened, she remembered moments from her past with Bo, such as Bo kidnapping her to keep her from marrying Larry Welch, and her own wedding to Bo. Stefano grabbed Hope's record player and told her that he needed it. Hope asked him what he was doing, so he told her that he was trying to get them out of there.
12/29 Alice was working on Bo and Shawn's tuxedos for the wedding. Shawn was furious to learn that he was part of the wedding party. Shawn told his dad that he was not going to have anything to do with the wedding. Shawn said he couldn't shake the feeling that the woman Bo was marrying wasn't his mom, and he would not stand at that altar with Bo and watch him make that mistake. Bo told him to do "whatever the hell" he pleased because Bo gave up.
Bo stormed out of the house, and Shawn apologized to Alice. Alice told him not to be sorry. Shawn asked her if she was on his side. Alice said there were no sides. Shawn asked Alice if she agreed with him that something was different about his mom. Alice said she hadn't spent much time with her, which Shawn found odd. Shawn said that his "mom" was trying too hard to pretend to be close with everyone, but he feared that his real mom was dead and was not returning.
Shawn told Alice a story about how when he had been a kid and had been unable to sleep, he would close his eyes, and he had been able to feel Hope's presence, which would help him fall asleep. He said he still felt that same vibe when he closed his eyes, so Alice told him to find his mom.
Marlena approached "Hope" and Greta at the Java Cafe. Marlena asked to talk with "Hope" alone, but "Hope" refused and told her to speak in front of her friend. Marlena was hoping she would reconsider therapy, but "Hope" told Marlena that she didn't need therapy; she needed Marlena to leave her alone.
Marlena was shocked when Greta told Dr. Evans to back off. Marlena told Greta it did not concern her, but Greta said it did. Bo showed up to talk with "Hope," so Greta decided to leave them. Marlena refused to leave, so "Hope" told Bo that Marlena was angry that she'd called off their therapy session. "Hope" told Bo that marrying him was the only therapy she needed.
Marlena told "Hope" that the best therapy she needed was being honest with Bo, and Marlena walked off. Bo asked "Hope" what she hadn't been honest about. "Hope" told Bo that Marlena did not want her to marry him because she couldn't help but think she was still Princess Gina. Bo told her that Marlena was wrong, and they would get married. "Hope" hugged Bo, who then gave "Hope" a forget-me-not necklace as a pre-wedding gift.
Marlena went after Greta and asked her what was going on between her and "Hope." Greta said nothing was going on between them, but Marlena saw how close they were and was confused by it. She asked Greta why "Hope" would ask her to be her maid of honor. Marlena begged Greta to trust her and tell her what was going on. Greta eventually blew up and told Marlena to leave her and "Hope" alone. Greta ran off, and Marlena knew Greta is protecting "Hope," but she didn't know why.
12/30 In Europe, Hope awoke, sneaked over to where Stefano was sleeping, and took a sharp instrument from his hand. He awoke, grabbed her hand, and asked if she was planning on killing him before breakfast. She told him no; she just worried about him having sharp objects. He was trying to fix an old phonograph so that they could use it to escape. Hope told him that she would not let Princess Gina take her life and Bo away from her. She felt that the bond between her and Bo would get them through it. She felt their connection was strong enough to get them through anything.
John realized he was being followed and took Bart and Rolf on a high-speed chase.
Shawn D told his dad that he didn't think Bo should go through with the wedding. Bo told him about a dream he'd had the night before about Hope and that he believed the wedding would be a leap of faith for them. Shawn D finally agreed to stand up for Bo at the wedding. Shawn D then told Belle that he was going to the wedding and would see her there.
Greta went to her mother and told her to call off the wedding. She feared that everyone would figure out who she really was. She said they had to leave the country that day. Greta worried that Dr. Evans would expose her mother if she went through with the wedding. Princess Gina would take care of Marlena, she assured her daughter.
After Greta left, Princess Gina called Marlena to remind her about the big event at the stroke of midnight. She said that would be when Bo became the loving husband of Princess Gina. She told Marlena that right after the wedding, they would be moving to Paris. She would put Shawn D in another boarding school then she and Bo would be free to live happily ever after.
Marlena told Princess Gina that she would break doctor/patient confidentiality if Princess Gina didn't call things off. Princess Gina told her that she would be over to discuss things. When Princess Gina arrived, Marlena said that she needed to be hospitalized. Princess Gina asked Marlena why she was trying to ruin her life. Bo walked in on their conversation and told Marlena to leave Hope alone.
Princess Gina smiled smugly at Marlena then coyly wrapped her arms around Bo. Bo told Marlena that Hope no longer needed therapy. Bo thought that once they got married, everything would be just fine. He said if she still needed therapy after the wedding, then they would find a new doctor. Marlena told Bo to find a new doctor right away and postpone the wedding. That was not going to happen, he told her. Princess Gina told Marlena that she still wanted her to attend the wedding. She said there were no hard feelings.
Stefano asked Hope to give him her bracelet. He wanted to use it to fix the phonograph. She refused. She said that Bo had given it to her, and it was her only connection to him at that moment. Stefano told her that Princess Gina had caused the connection between her and Bo to be broken. She responded by smacking him across the face.
Princess Gina met up with everyone at Salem Place. Julie caught her in the bathroom, smoking and talking to herself. She was talking about how annoying Doug and Julie were and said that her next project would be to get rid of them. Julie let herself be known, and Princess Gina explained that Julie had misunderstood what she'd heard. She said she was just nervous about her upcoming wedding.
Bo told Doug that he had many mixed emotions about the wedding. Julie and Princess Gina rejoined them. As the princess and Bo were kissing, he pulled away from her because of some connection he felt for the real Hope. Greta told Bo that she was happy that Hope had decided to stop her therapy because all Hope really needed was Bo in order to be happy. Eric toasted the happy couple.
As Princess Gina got ready to leave, she asked Bo what he was thinking. He told her, "It's snowing." She said, "No it isn't. It's a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky."
Back in Europe, Hope stood at the window, thinking of Bo while watching the snow fall.
**The End**