Bo & Hope #62 April 14 - September 5, 2005: 8 hour original edit
DVD #62A 4/14 Hope is devastated after seeing Bo holding Billie. She goes back to Jennifer's to confide her upset and says she doesn't trust Billie with her husband. Maybe it is time for Hope to draw a line in the sand.
Bo is with Billie and it is very difficult for him: he has to ask Billie to move out. Billie surprises Bo when she says she has come to the same conclusion. Billie made arrangements to move into Sami's old apartment and have Lucas vouch for her with the judge. Billie says an emotional goodbye and hugs Bo just as Hope walks in. Hope is furious until Billie comes downstairs with her bags packed. Bo explains he asked Billie to leave and she is moving out.
Patrick and Billie stop for a car accident on the side of the road. Lying on the roadside was a bloody and unconscious Abby, Chelsea, and Chelsea's parents. Billie attempted to call 911 but a riot at a basketball game had the police tied up. She then attempted to call Bo but got Hope instead. Hope, in disbelief that Billie had barely left the house and was now calling Bo telling him she needs him. Hope declare it has only been five hours since she left. Billie calls her an idiot and hangs up just as Billie is telling her Abby was in an accident.
Bo and Hope rekindled their love life at home. After hanging up on Billie, Hope had a brief conversation with Jennifer about Billie and Abby's party. When Bo returned, Hope didn't tell him about Billie's phone call.
4/20 It is touch and go at the hospital for Abby and Chelsea at the hospital. Patrick is there to support Jennifer and Bo is there to support Billie much to Hope's displeasure. Lexie lets them all know that Chelsea's parents have died and Billie steps up as medical guardian; she gives the hospital permission for a life-saving operation. Billie rails at Hope, telling her that if she had let her speak to Bo when she called, all of this could have been prevented.
4/21 At the trauma center, Bo is shocked to hear that Billie called him for help and Hope hung up on her. If Billie had gotten through, Chelsea's parents might still be alive and Chelsea might not be in danger of dying. Hopes tries to defend herself but knows what she did was wrong. Jennifer learns what happened and also blows up at Hope. A nurse tells Bo and Billie that Chelsea's surgery is over and Billie fears that she is dead.
4/22 Billie and Bo are still angry at Hope for hanging up when she called. Hope blames herself but Patrick comes to her defense further inciting Bo. A fistfight almost breaks out and Patrick escorts Hope out of there; he thinks Bo and Billie need time to cool down. Alone, Bo gets a call from Shawn letting his dad know he is okay, saying goodbye without telling his father where he is going.
Lexie tells Bo and Billie that Chelsea has survived surgery but her recovery will be very difficult. Losing both her parents won't help. Billie is emotional and compares Chelsea's plight to her own daughter's. Billie receives a duffel bag with a sweater in it labeled Georgia. When Billie examines the garment she sees it is covered with dried blood!
4/25 At Salem Hospital, Bo and Billie discovered a luggage tag with a nearby address in Ogden. Billie immediately wanted to rush off and follow the lead, but Bo demanded they wait for the DNA test results on the bloody Georgia sweater.
When the tech came back with a DNA match, Bo agreed to check out the address with Billie. Bo attempted to contact Hope, but Jennifer stopped by with Hope's forgotten cell phone. Jennifer tried to stop them from running off, but an angry Billie said after what Hope did that night, she didn't deserve to know. Bo and Billie left a speechless Jennifer behind.
4/26 Bo and Billie search for Georgia but Bo is worried how Hope will react. Angry Billie lays into him and he agrees to continue on their latest mission despite Hope's warning.
4/28 Hope and Patrick return to the hospital. Hope is looking for Bo but she can't find him anywhere. Jennifer finally comes out of Abby's room and tells Hope that Bo took off with Billie again. As Jennifer is about to tell Hope about Bo and Billie, Jack, furious, comes bursting out of Abby's room and physically attacks Patrick.
4/29 Hope and Jennifer stop Jack from attacking Patrick. Jack is convinced Patrick is still working for the DiMeras. He tells them about his earlier escape, faux Jennifer and being re-captured by Tony and Bart. He is convinced Patrick had to be part of the set-up but Patrick denies.
Hope and Jennifer believe him; Jack has no proof and is forced to back off. Jack does not trust Patrick. Hope learns about the bloody sweater and that Bo and Billie have taken off again to an undisclosed location. She is determined to find them and vows that if anything happens to Bo, Billie will pay!
Billie comes to in the pit and Bo is determined to rescue her. He constructs a makeshift rope and as he's pulling her up to safety, a second trap door opens and he too, falls into the pit.
5/2 At Salem Hospital, Hope told Patrick to give Jack time to come around and see that Patrick is a good guy. Patrick and Hope both admired Jennifer and Abby's faith, and Hope wished she could have as much faith in Bo and Billie. Patrick said she couldn't blame them for looking, and Hope agreed but worried they would fall into another trap with no one knowing where they ran off to.
Hope confided that Billie and Hope relationship had always been based on Bo rescuing Billie, but Patrick said he was confidant their relationship now was only about Georgia. With no word from the police on Bo's car, Hope called the one person who might know where Bo and Billie went.
In the pit, Billie tried to rouse Bo from unconsciousness before the trap doors overhead closed. Too late, Billie looked closer at Bo and realized he was no longer breathing. Billie performed CPR and when Bo finally came to, Billie gave him a big kiss. The two tried to reach the doors overhead, but they were unsuccessful. With no signals on their cell phones, things began to look bleak and got worse when they realized gas was leaking into the room.
5/3 Billie and Bo are trapped in the sealed pit with lethal gas hissing in; they don't have long to live. Bo makes one last ditch effort to get them out but falls and hits his head again. Billie is frantic to revive him and when he opens his eyes, Bo sees Hope instead of Billie. Hallucinating, Bo tells Hope he loves her, putting Billie is in an awkward position. Billie chooses not to correct him and they kiss. Desperate to be intimate with Bo one last time she allows him to make love to her, thinking she is his wife.
Hope calls Shawn to see if he has heard from his father. She reaches Belle with Mimi at Shawn's loft and is blindsided to hear that Shawn is off on this dangerous mission. Hope swears her marriage is over if anything happens to Shawn while Bo is with Billie. Hope gets a clue to where Bo and Billie may be and she heads out with Patrick.
5/4 Tony is with Bart on the yacht, having escaped the castle explosion; they are Victor and Caroline’s captors again. Victor and Caroline are in the ship's brig, glad their fellow captives got away and get a second chance with their loved ones.
Patrick and Hope drive to find Bo and Billie. Hope is furious at Bo for running off with his ex-wife while his son Shawn's life is in danger. In counterpoint, Bo is very groggy as he makes love with Billie, thinking she is Hope.
Patrick and Hope arrive at the house and see Bo's car parked outside but the house is deserted. They are about to leave when Hope hears Bo moaning. Patrick finds and opens the trapdoor in the closet and they stare in horrified shock at Bo making love to Billie!
5/5 Hope and Patrick have discovered Bo and Billie making love in the pit. Hope feels betrayed, hurt and angry, wants to leave them there. Hope and Patrick are unaware that Bo and Billie have been drugged. Bo continues to think Billie is Hope as they get dressed. Before Patrick attempts to rescue them, the couple in the pit passes out. Hope is suddenly very concerned and Patrick smells the gas. They realize what has been happening but it looks like it may be too late and Bo and Billie could be dead.
5/6 Patrick and Hope work to rescue Bo and Billie from the deadly gas that is still being pumped into the pit. Taking advantage of the makeshift rope Bo made, Patrick manages to plug the jet and gets Bo and Billie up to safety. They both revive but are weak and disoriented. Bo sees Hope and thanks God she's safe. Hope realizes Bo thought he was making love to her and that Billie knew! Hope, furious, hauls off and punches Billie in the jaw.
5/9 At the gas laden trap, Hope reproached Billie for taking advantage of Bo when he thought he was making love to Hope. A defensive Billie claimed that she also had hit her head and was overwhelmed by the gas but Hope wasn't buying it. Hope begged Billie to take responsibility for her actions for once, but Billie continued to insist that Bo accompanied her of his own free will and was trying to save her when he hit his head.
A disgusted Hope continued to vilify Billie's behavior, going so far as to say that it proved what she knew all along, "that you're a whore." Billie attempted to smack Hope, but Hope deftly stopped her hand and swore that if she ever tried that again, she would kill her.
Patrick tried to cool tempers, and Billie admitted she should have been stronger and resisted. Bo began to rouse from unconsciousness, and vaguely remembered the events of the evening, excluding the sex with Billie. While Patrick helped Bo out to the car, Hope warned Billie that until Georgia was actually found, she better stay away from her family.
After Bo and Hope left, Patrick tried to comfort Billie by saying, unless she realized what was happening, Hope would come around. With a guilty look affixed to her face, Patrick realized Billie knew what she was doing. A tearful Billie exclaimed, "I could have stopped but God help me, I needed him!"
5/10 Hope breaks the news to Bo that he made love to Billie. Bo can't believe it; he thought he was making love to Hope. Hope tells him that Shawn is in trouble and she is angry that he chose to be with Billie again. Bo worries about his son as well as for his marriage. Hope warns him if they lose Shawn that she will never forgive Bo for choosing Billie and Georgia once again over their own son, and their relationship will never be the same if something happens to Shawn. Hope realizes Bo is still not well and privately, she vows not to let Billie win.
5/18 Bo is at the police station searching for word on missing Shawn. Billie arrives to see if there's news. Bo rips into her for allowing him to believe she was Hope when they made love in the pit. Billie can't defend what she did except to say that she still loves Bo. Emotional, Billie admits she's given up on ever finding their missing daughter, Georgia. Bo stuns her, telling Billie they can't give up on getting their little girl back.
Belle visits Hope to tell her that Shawn called. Hope is furious at Bo for ignoring his own son while he was off searching for his daughter. Arriving at the police station, Hope is livid when she finds Bo with Billie. Bo tries to explain, but Hope warns: if anything happens to Shawn because Bo was preoccupied with Billie, Bo and Hope's marriage will be over!
5/20 Bo is called to the station and is told that there is a new boss. He learns Roman is alive and they reunite. Bo is upset by the information that Caroline and Victor most likely perished in the castle fire and that he might have been able to save them when he was at the castle searching for Georgia. Bo calls Hope to tell her about Roman being alive but gets her voice mail.
5/23 In the police station hallway, Kate ran into Hope. Kate blamed the disappearance of the boys on Shawn's selfish behavior while Hope thought the acts of the boys were brave and noble. When a sarcastic Kate asked whether it was noble to come between Philip and his wife, a smirking Hope called her a hypocrite considering she was engineering Hope and Bo's break up via Billie.
In the police station commander's office, Bo and Roman checked on the ISA information about the boys being in Marine custody. A sniping Kate and Hope entered the office at the same time and an ecstatic Hope welcomed Roman home. Hope gave Roman her condolences to Roman about Caroline while Bo tried to remember when Hope heard the news. Bo informed the mothers that their sons were in marine custody but that there was no news of Philip yet.
Roman and Bo went out into the hallway where Bo updated Roman on the recent gas mishap and accidental foggy sex with Billie. Feeling like bonding, Roman confessed to Bo that he made love to Marlena back at the castle but that they did not want to tell their spouses. Uneasy, Bo cautioned that their spouses would understand unless they heard the news from someone else. Roman refused causing Bo to ask, "Did you fall in love again? Are you afraid that will come out?"
John continued to monitor ISA resources for information on the boys. John informed them he had new information on the boys. John showed them satellite video of the boys being captured after falling into the trap of a fourth person. John then identified him as Stan, but told the group he knew him as a local punk. Kate told Roman it was all Shawn's fault which caused Hope to yell at Kate, but then turn her wrath on Bo.
Billie stood up for Bo which led to Hope wheeling around and yelling at Billie for distracting Bo in the first place. Kate posited that Bo knew who he was sexing up and that he wanted to sleep with Billie. With the whole living room in turmoil, roman calmed everyone down by asking that they set aside their differences until they could get the boys home.
5/27 Hope and Bo arrive at Jack and Jennifer's house to inform them about Tony being alive and the one responsible for holding the men hostage. Billie arrives there to see if there is any news and Hope yells at Billie and tells her that she does not belong there because it is her fault. Hope blames Billie for the men being in danger because she drug Bo with her to look for Georgia. Jennifer asks Billie to leave but Jack steps in and defends Billie and points out that she has three brothers out there and is just as concerned.
5/30 In the Deveraux living room, Bo told Jennifer and Hope that the boys were going to be airlifted that night and would return home. Delighted by the prospect of having her son home again, Hope eagerly accepted Bo's assurance that they were going to be a family again.
Excited that Tony was in custody, Billie ran inside to tell Bo that they were finally going to find Georgia and be a family again. Jennifer, Bo, Hope, and Billie celebrated out in the living room.
5/31 Hope and Jennifer discuss the bright future that they all have now that that everyone they love is on their way home. Jennifer is convinced that everything will be alright from now on. Hope and Jennifer plan a family trip to the Horton cabin once the boys return from overseas.
Bo and Billie are discussing the possibility that they may be able to get information about Georgia's whereabouts from Tony, now that he's been captured. Billie is still discouraged that she may never find Georgia, and goes outside to clear her head. Bo follows her, ready to reassure her once again. Billie claims that Georgia is all she has, and if she loses her, she doesn't know what she'll do. Bo is confident that they will find Georgia eventually. Hope appears outside and states that she hopes that Bo and Billie do find their daughter someday soon.
A scream comes from the kitchen. Bo, Hope and Billie rush inside the house to find Jennifer helping Jack, who has a nasty cut on his head. Jack states that he just tripped and fell, and that he is fine. Billie then tells everyone that Jack passed out when they were outside the first time. Jenn, Billie and Jack head for the hospital, while Bo and Hope stay with Jack Jr.
While they wait, Hope tells Bo about the Horton cabin idea, and even invites Bo to bring Georgia along if they find her in the near future. Bo thinks it is an awesome idea, though she makes it clear that Billie is NOT invited. She points out that Billie has a problem respecting boundaries. He picks flowers from Jennifer’s garden to show Hope how much he loves her. She tells him there are other ways to show her that and pulls him in for a kiss.
6/7 Bo and Hope reunited with Shawn. They were grateful their son was okay, but they worried about Philip and what his injuries would mean to Shawn's future with Belle. Bo and Roman wondered if Victor and Caroline could still be alive. They wouldn't get answers until they could capture and question Tony. Grandpa Shawn was excited about the possibility of Caroline returning home to him. Bo whisked Hope away for a romantic surprise.
6/8 Bo surprised Hope with a romantic picnic at the lake. Since Shawn was home safely, Bo promised Hope they would have the happy future they'd always dreamed about. Bo vowed he would not let Billie get between them. Hope asked if, on some level, Bo might have known he had been making love with Billie. Bo promised Hope was the only woman for him. He wanted to prove it to her, so they made passionate love.
6/9 Bo and Hope were still sitting on the blanket, talking. Hope was optimistic about things going back to normal, but Bo was not that sure. Bo explained that he was concerned with Billie's involvement with Chelsea, but Hope tried to make Bo feel better about it and told him to look on the bright side. Bo mentioned that he was also worried about Shawn and his situation with Belle, and they argued over Shawn's motives for rescuing Philip.
6/10 Bo and Hope were still cozy up on their blanket. They discussed Philip and how he probably couldn't wait to return home to Belle. Bo stated that Shawn should be prepared to live his life without Belle, despite the fact that they loved each other. Bo continued that it would be wrong of Shawn to break up Belle and Philip's marriage.
Bo and Hope started to argue about Shawn being with Belle, and Hope thought that they should be together. Bo was convinced that Belle needed to stay true to her vows and gave examples of people who loved each other and couldn't be together. Hope added the example of Bo and Billie. Hope and Bo continued to disagree, and Hope asked Bo if he wanted to see Shawn with the woman that he loved. Bo asked her, "No matter who gets hurt?" but Hope did not answer.
Bo told Hope that she was encouraging Shawn to break up Belle and Philip's marriage, but Hope said that she was encouraging him to be happy. Billie was again mentioned as an example of Hope's flawed thinking. Bo and Hope disagreed but finally decided that it was Belle's choice, and they should stay out of it.
6/13 At the Deverauxes', Jenn, Abby and Chelsea are all getting the cake ready for Jack's birthday celebration. Bo and Hope enter and Jennifer invites them to join in on Jack's birthday plans. They fill Jennifer in on Philip's condition and tell her that Belle has gone to be with Philip during his ordeal. Billie then enters the kitchen and agrees that that is exactly where Belle should be - by Philip's side.
Abby has the cake ready to go and is standing by the kitchen door when Jack comes through the door, knocking the cake from Abby's hands onto the floor. Jack jokes and says that he'll even eat the cake off the floor. Bo's cell phone rings, and he excuses himself to take the call. Hope approaches Billie and expresses her concern for Philip.
Billie and Hope discuss Philip's situation further in the living room. Hope believes that Belle being there for Philip may only make matters worse. Billie thinks that Belle will choose Philip because he is a war hero. Bo returns from his phone call and tries to make peace. Billie says that Hope is a hypocrite for believing that Billie is always trying to break up her marriage, when she is encouraging Shawn to do the same thing.
Billie returns to the kitchen, where the cake is done and the candles are lit. Jack wishes for Philip to return safely and they all blow out the candles.
6/17 Bo receives a letter for Shawn from Salem Superior Court. Hope looks at the envelope and wonder what the letter could be. Bo opens the letter and it is worse then he thought. Shawn is facing serious charges for crashing his bike into the church and the court date has been moved up. They realize that if he is convicted that he could go to prison.
Just as Hope and Bo are going to call Shawn, he shows up and asks to borrow money to go to Germany to be with Belle. Bo refuses and tells Shawn that he has no right to go over there and tells him that he cannot go. He gives Shawn the letter from the court and tells him that his court date was moved up but Shawn tries to blow it off and say it is not a big deal.
Bo explains that Shawn would be violating the conditions of his bail if he left however Shawn thinks he could make it back before anyone realized he was gone. Bo decides to call Mickey to try to talk to Shawn. Alone Shawn begs Hope for money and Hope gives him her debit card and password.
6/20 At the Brady house, a frustrated Bo told Hope she was as delusional as Shawn for giving him money to go to Germany. "Belle and Philip are married. Or have you and your son forgotten that?" he said. Not fazed, Hope told him that nothing was more sacred than true love and the reason Bo couldn't stop Shawn from flying to Germany is because he would have done the same for true love. Bo countered by asking whether wedding vows were just as sacred.
When Hope questioned whether he wanted to see his son happy, Bo agreed he wanted that, but not at the expense of a marriage. "Sometimes true love doesn't work out," said Bo. Hope pleaded with Bo to see how much better behaved Shawn was around Belle, but Bo didn't buy it and said Shawn's attitude was just as belligerent as ever. When Hope tried to bring up the mistake the marriage was, Bo interrupted to say that Belle needed to focus on her husband because three people in a marriage were a disaster.
To drive home the point, Billie rang the doorbell. A far cry from being happy to see her, a seething Hope grudgingly let Billie inside. Billie showed Bo some information on a website for teens looking for their natural parents and asked for his signature to join the site. While Bo signed the form, Shawn called and Billie learned Shawn was in Germany.
An indignant Billie yelled at Hope for giving him money to chase after Belle, but Hope said she was too hypocritical to listen to. When Billie realized Bo agreed with her about Shawn breaking up a marriage, a triumphant Billie took off, leaving a stewing Hope to say that for Billie to hurt Shawn she would have to go through her.
6/29 Bo and Hope are spending a family night at home with Zack. They argue briefly about Shawn going to Germany. Bo tells Hope he has a surprise for her; he tells her to get ready to go out.
Dvd #62B Bo returns with blue paint splatters drawing Hope’s curiosity.
7/4 Bo surprised Hope with a new boat, the "Fancy Face III." Hope was pleased to see that Bo pulled all the furnishings from the old boat out of storage and decorated it.
While Bo worried Shawn's future might be behind bars, Hope prayed for true love to find its way. Hope also blamed Kate for Shawn's arrest, and though Bo agreed, he also felt Shawn should take responsibility for his own actions. When Bo promised not to turn his back on his son, an eavesdropping Billie asked him if he would turn his back on their daughter too.
Bo hugged Hope and promised that no one would get between them while elsewhere in the restaurant, Billie received a PDA message with the sign of the Phoenix. The message said that if she solved the puzzle, she would get her daughter.
7/19 Philip hopes Bo and the police find Victor and Caroline soon. Bo vows to do all he can. Billie gets another clue from Tony DiMera about Georgia. Bo will investigate the clue, but he's not going to let DiMera draw them into a trap again. Hope is glad to hear this because she doubts the puzzle clue is legit, but if they solve it, Hope promises to search with them. Bo is moved; he still wants to take a sailing trip with Hope. They'll bring the clue along and keep trying to solve the puzzle.
7/20 Bo and Hope are preparing to sail off for a romantic getaway on the Fancy Face III. Billie stops them, wanting to pursue the new clue from Tony concerning Georgia. Bo promises they will if the clue turns out to be real, but refuses to run off on another wild goose chase. Bo is also driven to look for his mother and father. Bo realizes they've been going about this all wrong. The key to finding Georgia, Victor and Caroline is finding Tony DiMera!
7/21 Bo and Hope prepare for their trip. Hope looks at the message that Tony sent and tells Bo now that they are working together that she thinks that they can figure it out. Just then Jack and Jennifer walk up and Jack tells them not to count on it. Jack tells them that nobody ever wins against Tony and both Jack and Jennifer express deep concern for Bo and Hope and the possibility of losing them.
Bo explains that they have to go after Tony or else they will forever be sitting ducks waiting for Tony to come after them. He continues on to ask Jennifer how she would feel if Tony took Jack again which upsets Jennifer. Jack tells Jennifer that Tony is not going to take him away from his family. Bo asks Jack to give him a hand on the deck while the women talk. Hope tells Jennifer that they will beat Tony. Jack offers to help Bo go after Tony but Bo tells him that he can't do that to Jen because she would worry too much and she needs him. Jack winces in pain and Bo asks him if he is ok but Jack says that it's just the disk in his back.
Inside, Hope asks Jennifer that if something happens to them if they would raise Zack as their own and Jennifer agrees. The men go back inside but they all soon hear a loud noise outside that makes Bo get his gun and check it out. It is a delivery person with a gift for Bo. Inside is an expensive bottle of champagne and a note that says "Bon Voyage and happy hunting" with no name signed. The four know it's from Tony. Jennifer looks at the bottle and tries to convince everyone that it may not be from Tony but Jack and Bo say they won't drink it and Bo throws it into the trash. As soon as the four start to go inside the trash can blows up.
7/28 Bo and Hope make love on the boat. They start to reminisce about traveling on the Fancy Face and the subject moves to ports. Bo apologizes that their romantic getaway got changed into something else. Bo says the next port they go to might not be safe. They talk about solving the riddle and bringing Tony to justice. While they are inside the compass on the boat starts to show a change in direction. Later Bo wakes up to find Hope missing from bed.
Bo finds Hope on deck. She is concerned that they are off course. Bo finds it strange because their equipment is new but chalks it up to there being no wind and a strong current. He tells Hope that they will be fine once the wind returns. Soon the winds come and Bo locks the wheel and Bo and Hope head back to bed.
While Bo and Hope make love again, the boat navigation warns of an approaching vessel.
A man dressed in white on the approaching boat talks to some one on the phone. He informs them that the Brady Boat was able to correct its heading and the wheel is locked. He tells them that he will engage a cloak device and follow and watch them. Soon the Fancy Face III navigation system warning of an approaching vessel disappears from the screen. Hope wakes up feeling like they are being watched.
8/1 Out in the ocean, Bo brought a freshly caught fish in boat's cabin for Hope to cook. Bo checked his PDA for information on the encrypted message he hoped would lead to Tony. After talking to Maggie on the phone, Hope broke all the news about Marlena to Bo. Steeling herself, Hope sighed and told Bo that she also learned that Belle was pregnant with Philip's child. Hope worried that Shawn was devastated but Bo thought it might be the perfect wake up call to Shawn so that he would realize Belle was married now and to move on.
Later, after making love, Bo's PDA went off with a message from Tek. After checking on the boat navigation and seeing that it had veered off course again, Bo and Hope reviewed the mathematical numbers in the PDA and determined that they were headed toward a specific latitude and longitude. Bo hoped it would lead him to Victor, Caroline, and news on Georgia.
8/2 Bo and Hope are on the boat and a storm is approaching. Bo is driven to find Tony, Caroline and Victor and learn the truth about his daughter. Hope warns this could be another trap. Bo promises he'll proceed with caution but they have to check out this lead. Hope finally convinces Bo to take a mild sleeping pill and get some sleep. A mysterious man is watching them and when Hope goes up on deck is grabbed and carried overboard, dropping her charm bracelet on the deck.
8/5 Bo awakens to find Hope missing from the boat. He calls for her but there is no answer. Bo finds Hope's bracelet and looks out at the water and continues to yell for Hope. He drops the anchor and jumps into the water fearing that she was knocked overboard. Bo comes back on board out of breath and radios the Coast Guard for help. They ask about the coordinates of where it happened but Bo can't give them because they are way off course.
The Coast Guard says they can't attempt a rescue in the storm when they don't know where to look. Bo manages to get some coordinates from his fried G.P.S. system and the Coast Guard said they will give it their best shot and search the area. Bo goes inside to hear his PDA going off because there is a message. The message says, "Bo I need you Love, Hope." He says to himself that he knew she was alive and swears to find her.
Tony watches the radar and makes a comment about Bo being the one to be without the love of his life. Bart with a steak on his eye suddenly comes in and Tony asks about their lovely guest and Bart tells him how she punched him in the eye. Tony says that Hope must know her fate is sealed. Tony says to himself that he will have his revenge on Bo and Hope Brady.
Later, Bart enters again with his shirt and arm burnt. Apparently, Hope had gotten a hold of a book of matches and set fire to her cell but he was able to stop the fire. He asks if he wouldn't put him up against Hope again because of his eye and burn. Tony says not to worry that Bo will not have a shred of manhood left when he gets done with him.
8/10 On the Fancy Face III, Bo back-traces the message Hope sent to his PDA. His wife is about 30 miles inland. He calls in a favor, then shuts off his GPS transmitter and navigates old-school: by the stars. Bo's delighted when he arrives at Tony's lighthouse.
When Bo calls Billie, she realizes they may find Georgia. Bo wants her to stay in Salem so Georgia can't lose both her parents. Billie agrees; she'll just arrange for delivery of supplies and ground transportation. But she removes her gun from its lockbox and fails to dissuade Patrick from accompanying her.
Bart complains to Tony that feisty Hope threw her dinner at him. Ever calm, Tony relishes that Bo is headed into their trap. They share a chuckle when Bart says Bo and Hope can check out any time, but can never leave.
Caroline offers herself and Victor in exchange for Hope's freedom, but Hope is bait. Victor is aghast because Tony is still avenging Kristin. This is nothing alongside the news that Tony and Bart used "love gas" to get Bo to sleep with Billie. Tony wants to destroy the love that unites both the Brady and Horton clans. His surefire plan, their love will die with them. He'll shoot Hope to death and watch Bo die of grief. Tony reconsiders and puts his gun away. Bart must tell the men to greet Bo with a bullet, shoot to kill!
8/12 Bo arrives on Tony's island, shocked to find Billie is there with ISA supplies for him. Bo's upset grows when he learns that Billie brought Patrick with her. Bo still doesn't trust him. Patrick swears he's there to help rescue Hope, but Bo won't let Lockhart take part in the mission. Patrick lets Billie go off to do reconnaissance. Alone with Bo, Patrick knocks him out.
Tony warns Hope that Bo is about to fall into his trap. While they wait for Bo to be captured, Tony lets Hope visit Victor and Caroline. An emotional reunion, as they all fret about Bo. Victor hopes Bo brought backup with him because he is going to need it. Hope is shocked as Patrick enters the compound and says he's working for Tony. To prove it, he produces a handcuffed and unconscious Bo!
8/15 Over in the DiMera compound, Billie found a flashlight on the ground but could not find Bo or Patrick. As she called out to them, someone grabbed her from behind, it turns out to be Bo.
Patrick told Tony he would prove his loyalty with a gift. Some henchmen brought in an unconscious Bo while Hope struggled against Bart to get to her husband. Hope broke free just as Bo came two and swore Tony and Patrick would both die for what they had done. Tony told the group to prepare for hell on earth and the revenge he prepared for each of the Brady and Horton families. In particular, his remote control influence over Marlena.
Patrick asked for a job and Tony told him he must prove himself as a foot soldier and tell him whether anyone else had come along on the rescue mission. Before Patrick could answer, Bart dragged in a screaming Billie who was disgusted that she ever let Patrick touch her.
Next, Tony brought in Caroline and Victor to reunite with Bo. When Caroline begged for the life of Bo and Hope in exchange for her own, Tony laughed and pulled out a gun with a single bullet. Grinning, Tony informed them that in order to destroy the two families, he would destroy the marriage that joined a Horton with a Brady, Bo and Hope. He gave the two the choice of who would die quickly by the bullet and who would suffer the torture of watching their spouse die.
When no one spoke up, Tony said he would decide for them and pointed the gun at Hope. Bo stepped in front of Hope. Not quite ready to give up his control, Tony ordered Bart to take them to their cells. Bart began to comply, but Billie demanded to know where Georgia was. Tony snickered as he got close to Billie's face and told her how satisfying it was to know that Billie traveled the world looking for Georgia but never looked in Salem. Shocked, Billie asked who it was and Tony responded, "It is a familiar name to all."
8/16 Tony taunts Bo, Billie, Hope, Victor and Caroline without revealing Georgia's real identity. A distant explosion goes off. Billie is furious because it stops Tony from telling them the truth about Georgia. More explosions go off and Bo and Hope overpower the guards. Tony and Bart flee and Patrick takes off after them. Billie goes after them, followed by Bo, after he's gotten out of his handcuffs. Hope, Victor, Caroline wait, tense and worried. Billie returns having captured Tony but Bart has gotten away. Bo then appears with Patrick.
8/17 Bo binds and gags Patrick, but Billie can prove he saved them all. Patrick warned her via PDA that he rigged Tony's boat with explosives and knocked out Bo. It was their way into the compound. He acted alone because they wouldn't have cooperated. Hope pulls the bandanna out of Patrick's mouth. He confirms Billie's story. Bo whips out a switchblade. He wants confirmation from Tony, who's handcuffed to the next armchair. Tony laughs. Patrick told him all about Bo and Hope's sailing search.
When Patrick confesses, Billie powerfully slaps his face. How could he? She trusted him! He claims he was a double agent. He knew Tony planned to kill either Bo or Hope. Bo doesn't buy it. Billie worries that Bo agrees with Tony, but is glad Hope agrees with her for once. Hope even thanks Patrick. Billie demands to know Georgia's alias, then threatens to cure Tony's "laryngitis" by shooting him to death. She appeals to his vanity. Tony directs her to his computer database.
Against counsel, Billie types in the password: CG9135B. This launches a file uplink via satellite to a secure mainframe. Simultaneously, the files are deleted from Tony's hard drive. Once finished, the computer will self-destruct. Billie fires! Tony is unharmed, but Bo disarms Billie. No data means they need Patrick alive.
Hope releases Patrick even though Bo wants him held for the ISA. The couple has a tender reunion. Billie leaves with two male agents and Tony. She will press him for details on Georgia. Caroline and Victor are relived to be free and headed home. Hope asks Bo whether the DiMera reign is really over. Bo can't say they're safe now. There's always someone to replace the DiMeras of the world.
8/18 Bo and Hope leave messages for family and friends to meet at Brady's pub. Celeste has vibes about evil returning to Salem. Bo and Hope bring Tony back to Salem and run into a worried Sami outside the Brady Pub. Sami asks why Tony is there and Bo and Hope explain that he was transferred there to face the charges. Tony tells Sami everyone will learn that he had lots of help. Bo and Hope then escort Tony inside the Pub.
Inside the pub, everyone is shocked to see Tony. He announces the phoenix has risen again. John confronts Tony and attacks him causing the police to pull John off. Bo tells Shawn Sr. and Roman that he has a surprise for them and Caroline and Victor enter the room. The family has a tearful reunion.
8/19 Patrick asks what if Chelsea is really Georgia? He points out Tony gloating about her being right under Billie’s noise and they all would know her name.
8/24 Billie and Bo ask Lexie to compare their DNA to Chelsea's. Billie is so excited, she wants to wait for the results. Bo reminds her there's no record of an adoption. Billie accuses him of fearing Chelsea will complicate his life. Otherwise, why hasn't he told Hope the good news? Bo leaves a voicemail for his wife, then defends her to Billie. If Chelsea is Georgia, he'll move her out of the Lockharts' to avoid another lip lock, or worse, with Patrick. Billie reveals she is dating Bo's enemy.
8/25 As Bo and Billie wait for the confirmation that Chelsea is actually their daughter, Hope arrives and doesn't have nice things to say about Chelsea. Billie and Bo defend Chelsea and Billie tells Hope that she believes that Chelsea is nothing more than a troubled girl who needs a friend. Hope finds it hard to agree and later, Billie lets it slip that she and Bo believe that Chelsea is their daughter. Hope is stunned and the DNA results come in.
8/26 Bo and Billie get the results that Chelsea is their daughter! The duo head out to find her. Hope meets up with Patrick and they look for Chelsea. Hope reveals that Chelsea is Bo and Billie's daughter. When Bo and Billie learn that Hope spilled the beans they are angry and worried that Patrick may be a tool of Stefano's and might do something to Chelsea.
8/29 Bo and Billie are on fire to find Chelsea. They want to break the news to her that she's their daughter. Bo confides in Hope about his feelings for Chelsea. He feels guilty it took him this long to find her. Hope eases his pain but warns Bo and Billie that it's not going to be easy. Max arrives and Bo gives his little brother the third degree. Max tells them he was at the beach with Chelsea. Concerned Bo thinks Lockhart may be there with her. Everyone rushes to find Chelsea in Patrick's arms. Bo goes nuts and attacks him.
8/30 At the beach, Bo continued to pummel Patrick before Hope intervened and tore them apart. After noting Chelsea was smiling, a suspicious Hope demanded the truth from Chelsea who then explained that Max spilled cider on her and went to get a sweatshirt. A huffy Patrick interrupted to say he thought that Max attacked Chelsea but she was forced to admit she never said anything like that.
Patrick admitted he jumped to conclusions just as Bo did the same, blaming Patrick for hitting on Chelsea. Grudgingly, Chelsea explained that she was the one who hugged Patrick and that he did not touch her because he was only trying to help. Hope suggested that Chelsea apologize and a furious Chelsea said she did not give a crap about what Bo and Hope thought before running off, Billie in tow.
Hope dragged Bo aside to warn him that Chelsea was smiling during the whole fight and that she was clearly manipulating everyone. Bo continued to blame Patrick but Hope insisted she trusted Patrick with her life. Frustrated, Bo said Hope was too busy judging Chelsea and ignoring the fact that she was family.
Chelsea ran down to the docks, talking skyward at her parents, wondering why they left her with Billie because she hated her. Billie arrived on the scene and said she never meant to cause Chelsea any pain. An angry Chelsea lashed out at Billie telling her that she probably lied about her mother's dying words and was using her to get back together with Bo or snag Patrick.
When Bo arrived, Chelsea continued her tirade, telling Billie she was desperate and pathetic. Billie told Chelsea she was pushing away the people that loved her but Chelsea scoffed at the thought. Bo tried to calm Chelsea down but she continued to say nasty things to Billie. Finally, a tearful Billie told Chelsea that she cared because she was their missing daughter. In disbelief, Chelsea slapped Billie and yelled, "You bitch!"
8/31 Chelsea can't believe she's Georgia. She assumes she's the result of an affair. She wants nothing to do with her parents. Max claims Patrick's jealous. Chelsea stops them from fighting over her. She asks Max to take her for a ride. She dismisses Patrick's warning, so he tells on her. Crying, Chelsea asks Max to hold her. She doesn't want to be alone, much less go "home."
Max defends his brother Bo, which Chelsea considers a betrayal. Max could never be against her. He has the perfect private place. When he takes off the blindfold, Chelsea says the motel is perfect. She thanks and then kisses him.
Hope stops Billie from chasing Chelsea; they've done enough damage for one night. Bo hugs Billie and won't let Patrick run off with her. Bo goes himself, and Hope tells Patrick she trusts her husband with Billie. Patrick thinks Chelsea's looking for love in all the wrong places. This shock could push her over the edge. Bo comforts and holds Billie. Chelsea will come around and they will be a family.
9/1 Bo leaves Hope a message using Jack and Jennifer's phone letting her know they have not found Chelsea. Jennifer lets Billie know that Abby tried to call all of Chelsea's friends and has had no luck. Bo has the police force keep a watch out for her at the bus stations but Billie is concerned that Chelsea could be anyway by car by now.
Frankie states that he has a way to find Max and Chelsea if she is with him. Frankie is Max's business manager and has his power of attorney and calls the credit card company to see if Max made any recent charges. Frankie gets a call that Max used his card last night at a cheap motel. Bo and Billie quickly leave to go there.
Patrick takes a early swim in the pool and gets a visit from Hope who is concerned because Bo did not return home or call last night. Patrick informs Hope that Chelsea did not come home either and threatens Max if he touched Chelsea. Hope and Patrick discuss Chelsea leaving with Max and Hope tells Patrick that Chelsea is a master manipulator but Patrick believes she is just a kid and is going through a lot. Patrick tries to talk Hope into going for a swim to relax and to borrow one of Billie's swim suits. Hope reluctantly goes inside.
Patrick daydreams of Hope coming out and saying that she doesn't need a bathing suit and starts to strip. Hope soon returns out with Jennifer's swim suit on. Suddenly, Jack, Jennifer, and Frankie arrive to tell Hope that Bo and Billie are on their way to the motel where Max and Chelsea are. Jennifer tries to get Hope to go too but Hope insists on not going. Hope and Jennifer discuss Frankie being there.
After Chelsea goes into the shower Bo and Billie arrive and Bo seeing the messy bed thinks that Max took advantage of Chelsea and starts to attack him. Max insists that he did not take advantage of Chelsea and shows the blanket and pillow on the floor where he slept. He goes on to tell Bo and Billie that Chelsea is angry with them and does not want to accept them as her biological parents. She feels that her parents were the Benson's.
He explains that Chelsea is having a difficult time because she hates Billie more than anyone in the world and now to learn that she is her mother makes her upset. Bo asks Max to let him and Billie talk to Chelsea alone and Max agrees but tells them good luck as they wait for her to come out of the shower. Chelsea is upset when she finds Bo and Billie in the motel room and tells them that she wants nothing to do with them and doesn't want to see them.
9/2 Jack asks what Frankie has on Patrick? Jack determines that Patrick is a two bit hood and he wants to call the police and have Patrick arrested. Frankie tells him not yet and doesn't divulge any information. Hope and Jennifer interrupt because they think there is a problem between the men but they all cover. Jennifer talks to Hope about going to the motel. Hope continues to not want to interfere with Bo and Billie trying to reach out to their daughter. The women leave to get ready and pick up Gram for the double wedding shower of Sami and Chloe.
Hope and Jennifer are at Gram's and they are folding baby clothes that Hope is giving to Jen for Jack Jr. They start to discuss sex but the subject changes to Bo and concern over Chelsea making a impact on their marriage. Hope and Jennifer discuss and get ready for Sami's and Chloe's wedding shower.
Chelsea locks herself in the bathroom and doesn't want to talk to Bo or Billie. Chelsea tells them that they are lying about being her parents and says that Billie's motivation for saying she is her mother is to tear Bo and Hope apart. Bo and Billie try to reach out to Chelsea but she opens the window to leave but the window slams shut. Bo tells her that she can leave by the door and they won't stop her but wants to show her the proof they have. Chelsea finally comes out and asks to see the proof. Billie gives Chelsea the file of the lab report but Chelsea thinks it's a fake created by Billie.
Chelsea finally looks at the paper and finally believes it and has questions as to how and why it happened. She asks for time to be by herself. Abby arrives and hugs Chelsea and tells her that she is happy for her and that she will not be alone again. Chelsea wants to leave with Abby and asks Billie and Bo if they understand that she needs time to wrap her head around it. Bo and Billie tell her that they understand. Abby talks to Chelsea alone and tells her that she hopes that she gives Bo and Billie a chance. Chelsea is unsure and says all she knows is that her life has been turned upside down and someone will pay for it.
9/5 At their home, Bo told Hope that Chelsea believed she was Bo and Billie's daughter, but she still hated them. Hope told Bo to be careful of Billie, but Bo told Hope to give Billie a break. Hope apologized but said she could not forget the gas incident. Bo said that Hope did not need to trust Billie but just needed to trust him.
Hope worried that Bo was blind to his daughter's faults and warned him that Chelsea was smart and manipulative, and Jennifer agreed with her assessment. Bo disagreed and insisted she was having a hard time adjusting to everything that was going on and that she was acting out.
**The End**