Bo & Hope #69 June 12 - September 28, 2007: 12 hour original edit
DVD #69A 6/12 The DNA test on Willow's baby reveals Shawn wasn't the father. Shawn tells Bo he wants to pay for the funerals for Willow and the baby anyway.
6/13 At Doug's abandoned club, Doug, Julie, Bo and Hope work on getting down into the boarded up cellar and tunnel to look for clues on the origins of the DiMera/Brady feud. Doug and Julie reminisce about their old life. Bo finally finds a narrow shaft in the wall so they can climb down into the tunnel. Bo and Hope bicker about who should go down. Then they hear a strange shriek coming up from the tunnel, followed by a cough and they realize someone is down there!
6/14 At Doug's Place, Bo, Hope, Doug and Julie react to hearing a hoarse voice calling up from the tunnel. Bo calls down into the shaft for the person to identify themselves, but gets no answer. Doug finds a rope, and Bo climbs down into the darkness. Bo reaches the bottom and the terrible howl is heard again. A panicked Hope calls out to Bo, but is met with silence. As she prepares to lower herself down the shaft, the rope goes taut and they realize someone is climbing up but the person who emerges isn't Bo, it's someone dressed in black gloves and a ski mask.
Hope reaches to pull off the ski mask, but the person attacks her and starts to choke the life out of her! Doug manages to pull the mystery person off Hope, and he and his daughter corner the assailant. Hope rips off the mask and reveals... Lexie Carver! Lexie is crazed and wild-eyed. Hope calms her down and reminds her they are friends. Hope asks Lexie what happened to Bo and Lexie reports that he's dead!
6/15 Lexie confesses to Hope, Doug and Julie that she clocked Bo with a wooden board and fears she killed him. Hope climbs into the shaft and down into the tunnel. She finds Bo unconscious, but he eventually comes to and learns from Hope that Lexie was the one who whacked him. He and Hope wonder who held Lexie captive. They then hear the strains of "Ride of the Valkyries" coming from the end of the tunnel that leads to the DiMera mansion. They quickly suspect Stefano had a hand in this.
Subsequently, they search the tunnel for any evidence pertaining to the cause of the DiMera vendetta against the Bradys. Hope finds a photo album with a picture of Colleen, whom they discover is a Brady. Eerily enough, she looks almost exactly like Sami! Behind the snapshot is an old key, and Bo locates the music box it opens. He lifts the lid, and a shrieking beep goes off. Bo and Hope realize it's a bomb!
6/18 In the tunnel, Bo and Hope stared in horror as the bomb they had uncovered counted down. Bo struggled to defuse the bomb while up above in Doug's Place, John and Marlena arrived to help. Doug and Julie filled them in on what was happening, and John descended into the tunnel. Bo cut one of the wires, and the countdown stopped. John congratulated Bo, but the bomb "reactivated" and detonated.
As Marlena, Doug, and Julie worried that their loved ones had been killed in the explosion, Bo, Hope, and John regained consciousness after having been knocked out. John helped lift a heavy wooden shelf off Bo's leg. With Bo unable to hoist himself up out of the tunnel, John climbed up for help. Bo told Hope he suspected the bomb hadn't been meant to kill them, it had been a warning to stop asking questions about Colleen. Bo resolved to continue searching for answers, before the warnings started turning into funerals.
6/19 Bo, Hope, John, and Marlena compared notes at Doug's Place, as Bo's injured leg was tended to. Marlena learned Sami looked just like her great-aunt Colleen, and John suggested they call a Brady family meeting to figure out their next move. John and Marlena arrived at the Brady Pub and informed Grandpa Shawn about what they were doing, but Grandpa Shawn lost his temper and asked why they couldn't just leave it alone. Later, Grandpa Shawn apologized and said they could gather at the pub, but he wanted nothing to do with it.
6/21 The Brady clan gathered at the pub to discuss the latest threats from the newly returned DiMeras. Bo asked Caroline where Grandpa Shawn was, and she reported he wanted no part of the meeting; he had gone fishing instead. A breathless Sami arrived and said she had found someone who might be able to shed some light on the Colleen Brady mystery, someone who was familiar to almost everyone in the room, especially Roman. She called out to Lucas, who took in the mystery woman from the docks. The woman lifted her veil, revealing herself to be Anna DiMera, Roman and Tony's ex-wife.
Anna explained she had anonymously contacted Sami when she heard the DiMeras were back in town and that people were asking about Colleen Brady. Anna remembered she had some letters Tony had left behind that had been written, in Italian, from Colleen to Santo. Anna offered to try to read the letters using her limited Italian. She reported that Colleen and Santo had met in a romantic way when Santo had been injured near a church. Colleen had nursed him back to health. That was all Anna could glean from the first letter, so Hope arranged to have a professor at the university translate all the letters word for word.
The group realized in order to get the full story, they also needed Santo's letters to Colleen, but someone had to be close enough to Tony and Stefano to get inside the mansion. Bo and John invited Anna to help in their quest. Anna agreed as long as there was something in it for her. When Grandpa Shawn returned, Bo pressed his father to talk about his sister. Grandpa Shawn blurted out that the DiMeras were responsible for her murder. He then clammed up, saying he didn't know more.
Meanwhile, the DiMeras had their own dysfunctional family meeting at the mansion. Stefano, holding a packet of letters, confessed the feud had started with a tragic death. Colleen had been murdered at the hands of the Bradys. Realizing he wouldn't live much longer, Stefano needed to decide whether the feud should continue or if he should call it off. Later, Stefano confided to E.J. that they were both on the same page about the vendetta and only E.J. could end it. Stefano showed E.J. a photo of his father, Santo, and E.J. was a dead ringer for his grandfather.
6/22 After some arguing, it was decided that Anna would go to the DiMera mansion and keep Tony and Stefano occupied while Hope, wearing a wire, would look for the letters Santo DiMera had written to Colleen Brady. Steve arrived and offered his help, but Bo and company weren't ready to trust him. He left, disappointed and ticked.
E.J. showed up, under orders from Stefano, to spy on Anna and the Bradys. Instead, he revealed his purpose for being there and offered to tell his father that Anna was just in Salem to visit old friends. He explained he would be willing to do that because he wanted peace among the families.
Steve turned up at the mansion. He claimed he was there to make up for failing the DiMeras and to prove he was sincere, he informed them that Anna was with the Bradys, concocting a plan to get into the mansion to search for the letters Santo had written to Colleen. Following that, Stefano received a call from E.J., telling him that Anna was on the level, and they had nothing to worry about from her. Stefano hung up, distraught, knowing E.J. couldn't be trusted.
6/27 Bo wires Hope so she can infiltrate the DiMera Mansion and find Santo's letters to Colleen. They wait outside the mansion as Anna arrives to distract Tony. Before sneaking into the house, Hope makes a bet with Bo that Roman is once again romantically interested in Anna.
Steve startles Bo outside, revealing that he drugged the dinner wine. Hope quietly enters the room and finds Tony, Anna, and Bart all passed out. She searches for and finds the letters. She snaps pictures with her cell phone. As she prepares to leave, Stefano catches her and demands an explanation!
6/28 Stefano corners Hope in his living room as Bo and Steve listen in from outside. Stefano realizes Tony, Anna and Bart have been drugged and he demands to know what Hope is doing there. Steve races into the house, claiming to have summoned Hope. He makes up a story that he and Hope are having an affair, and to prove it to Stefano, he kisses her full-force on the lips. Stefano seemingly buys it and expresses his wish to see Hope around the mansion more often. Steve gets Hope out of there.
Stefano is furious with Tony for allowing himself to be drugged. Tony blames Steve, accusing him of drugging the wine and then switching the bottles. Tony believes he is working for the Bradys. Steve admits he made up the story about him and Hope, he just didn't want her to get hurt. He wins back Stefano's confidence by revealing Hope took pictures of Santo's letters. Stefano tells Tony to let the Bradys find out who killed Colleen, the truth will devastate them.
Doug and Julie are relieved when Hope and Bo return home safely with the pictures of Santo's letters to Colleen. Bo prints them out and they make plans to have them translated. Anna arrives, looking for Roman. She asks him to take her home, and Roman reluctantly gives in. Their bet on the line, Bo and Hope wonder if Roman's doing it out of obligation, or because he wants to go home with his ex-wife.
6/29 Shawn confides to Hope that he's hurt over Claire thinking Philip is her father and recounts how she ran into Philip's arms at the hotel. Shawn thinks he's losing both Claire and Belle to Philip because Philip provides a security that Shawn can't. Bo and Hope suggest Shawn move back into their home with Belle and the baby. Bo advises his son to have a talk with Philip about giving Shawn's family some breathing room.
Roman stops by Bo and Hope's place. He confides to Bo that he's in trouble. He shares that he and Anna had a huge fight last night while rehashing the past. But Roman thinks he sent Anna the wrong signal, by sleeping with her! Both Hope and Bo are speechless.
7/2 After learning Roman and Anna slept together, Hope quizzes him about his feelings for his ex-wife. He admits his ex-wife drives him crazy, but he is attracted to her. Anna arrives to talk to Roman. After they leave, Hope claims since Roman is, indeed, interested in Anna, she wins the bet she made with Bo. Bo's consequence for losing is diaper duty until Christmas.
7/3 At the pub, a suspicious Bo gets Philip to admit he pulled strings to get Shawn an interview with the auto parts company in Cleveland. When Bo returns home, he tells Shawn that Philip was behind the interview. Shawn suspects his former best friend is trying to hook him up with a job that will keep him on the road for weeks at a time so Philip can move in on Belle. Bo convinces Shawn to go ahead with the interview anyway.
7/4 The Bradys and the Hortons gather at Bo and Hope's house for a Fourth of July celebration. Nice to see them working together to host the
Bo and Hope urge Lexie to visit Abe, especially now that he has his sight back. Lexie is afraid of hurting Abe again, and she flees before Abe's nephew, Jett, spots her. Max brings expensive gifts for Ciara, prompting Bo to question where he got the money. Max reluctantly tells his brother about his side business with Jeremy, and Bo reminds him it's illegal. Max insists he'll bail if it starts to get too risky.
At the family BBQ, Kayla returns to town from her medical conference and learns Grandpa Shawn isn't attending the party to avoid questions about Colleen, but she soon returns with her father in tow. Steve quietly shares with Roman that Stefano trusts him. Cute scenes as Bo brings baby Ciara to hang with her great grandma once Alice arrives. John and Marlena arrive and the gang is all there with Stephanie, Chelsea, Shawn, Belle well everyone except for Roman. The Bradys, Hortons and all of their friends pose for a family photo.
7/9 As they are cleaning up after the Brady BBQ, Bo and Hope exclaim what a great party it was. Doug and Julie show up and tell them that they have received the first translated letters. John and Marlena show up as Doug asks Bo if Shawn shed any more light on the story. Bo tells him that Shawn's not talking.
As they read the letters the flashbacks being in a church back in Ireland, Sister Colleen, who looks exactly like Sami, is praying. Two men bring in a wounded man. The man is Santo, who resembles E.J. with a mustache, Stefano's father.
Back at Bo and Hope's, Marlena claims it's hard to imagine, Colleen Brady, a nun. To which John reports that she hasn't taken her final vows. Bo says he now knows why his family wants it all to be kept secret. An Irish-Catholic family considers it a blessing to have a daughter join a convent. But to renounce vows because of romance is shameful, Marlena points out. John thinks they are getting ahead of themselves. Doug says that all we really know is Santo had a head injury. Hope and Julie point out there is much more to the story. It is a love story that Julie begins to read. She documents the joy Colleen felt when when Santo opened his eyes and spoke.
Santo tells Colleen he travels selling things his wife makes. He tells his wife is in Toscano with his son, Stefano. Colleen asks Santo how his head is and he tells her she is his savior and is a blessing. He tells her she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and that God has brought him here to her. Later the priest tells her to try to get Santo to make a donation after all the medical treatment he has received for his head. Colleen doesn't like what she hears and tells Santo he needs to leave while he still has a chance.
After he is gone, she realizes he left a silk handkerchief that his wife had made. The priest takes it from her and tells her not to worry about it. After the priest left, she finds the paperwork on Santo. She writes to him to request another handkerchief, wanting to see him again.
Later, Julie and Marlena point out that it is a wonderful love story but Hope reminds them that it will not have a happy ending.
7/10 Bo, Hope, Marlena, John, Doug and Julie read the letters in Bo and Hope's backyard as we see the history via flashbacks. In the flashbacks, Santo enters the church looking for Colleen. Father Mallory tells him she isn't available. Santo asks the priest to give her a silk handkerchief. Father Mallory explains novices can't accept gifts, but Santo says she ordered it for her father. A man overhears this and tells Santo he is Pete Brady, Colleen's da. He accuses Santo of lying, as his daughter would never give him such a useless, expensive gift.
As the tension escalates, a young Grandpa Shawn slips away and retrieves Colleen in time to prevent their dad from punching Santo. Colleen verifies she did order the handkerchief for Pete.
In private, Santo asks Colleen to meet him for a picnic the next day. Colleen points out she's about to take one kind of vow and he's already taken another. Santo insists he just wants to thank her for mending his head. Colleen is non-committal, but later asks Father Mallory for the next afternoon off. The letter ends, leaving everyone anxious to read the next set of letters once they're translated. Looking at an old photograph of Colleen, a tormented Grandpa Shawn decides to go to Ireland and face the past. He writes a note for Caroline and takes off into the night.
7/11 At the Pub, Bo and Hope rush in to find a worried Caroline. Bo reads a letter Shawn left. Caroline wonders where he could have gone all alone. As Hope tries to comfort Caroline, Caroline tells her that it must be about his sister. Ever since Colleen's name came up, he hasn't been the same. She claims she tried to get him to talk and blame herself saying she "chased him away." Just then Bo comes in saying he knows where Shawn disappeared to. He explains that Shawn got on a plane to Ireland. He tells a crying Caroline that he will go to Ireland to get him. Roman and Anna walk in and hear the news. A very insensitive Anna insists on eating as Roman and Bo remind her that the kitchen is closed.
Anna heads to the donut shop and Bo tells Roman to work on E.J. Roman asks Bo how he would feel if E.J. had raped his daughter. Bo says that is a good point but E.J. is the most understanding of the DiMeras because of his feelings for Sami. Roman agrees to talk to E.J., but he's not holding his breath. Even if E.J. is on board, Stefano and Tony won't be. Before Bo and Hope leave, Bo asks Roman how things are going with Anna. He tells him that dealing with the DiMeras will be "a nice break."
In Ireland, Shawn prays to tell Colleen how sorry he is. He begins to have a flashback as Colleen comforts him before his first communion. Shawn smiles at the pleasant memory. Then he remembers Santo showing up. He tells a young Shawn that his son Stefano would like to play with him. Shawn mutters to himself that he and Stefano should never have met. Shawn remembers that he and Stefano met on good terms but remembers being worried as Colleen chats with Santo, knowing she would break her promise to God.
Dvd #69B Bo and Hope return home and fill Chelsea in on grandpa Shawn going to Ireland and they are headed to Galway after him.
7/12 Bo and Hope track down Grandpa Shawn at the church in Ireland. Hope tries to reach him emotionally by recounting how she lost someone early in life, too (her mother). Shawn responds that at least she didn't kill her loved one. He refuses to explain further but agrees to return to Salem with Bo and Hope.
7/16 At the Brady Pub, Bo, Hope, John and Marlena pondered the possibility of Tony not being the actual Tony. Marlena made the point that Tony was romantic and never wanted to be Stefano. he couldn't stand him all those years ago. Marlena says he doesn't even sound like Tony. They think he might be Andre DiMera, Tony's cousin, a.k.a The Salem Slasher. Stefano would have been fed up with Tony so he sent him off somewhere and Andre could have had plastic surgery and taken Tony's place as "the perfect son."
Steve has popped into Stefano and Andre’s car, and informs them that the Brady's have a theory that Tony is not who he says he is. He said if he is not Anthony DiMera then who would he be? Steve tells him they said the name “Andre." Stefano turns to look at Andre suspiciously.
John keeps reiterating that Andre is dead. Roman pulls up a timeline on the computer. Andre faked his death twice. Hope remembers a plane she and Anna were on that Andre hijacked. John asked about his mother, Daphne who was on the plane. They continued to piece it together about Tony's history. They are now starting to believe it was Andre all along. If that's the case, where's Tony??
Just then, Anna walks in and affirms that that man is not her Tony. She shared a bed with him and that is not her Tony. Anna explained that the man that she kissed out there was a cold fish. When Tony used to kiss her, she would get "swept away." The real Tony was the best kisser and a hopeless romantic.
Roman stops her reminiscing and asked if she brought what he had requested. She pulled envelopes from Tony's love letters. Roman explained that he was going to try to get Tony's DNA off the envelopes. Steve is supposed to get "Tony's" (Andre) DNA. Anna claimed that Tony vanished and didn't contact her that she wants desperately to find the love of her life.
Then Steve walks in and gives Roman the DNA sample. He says not to fool with DNA because that dude is not Tony DiMera. He explained how he asked those trivia questions and one of the answers was Tony DiMera and he didn't know!! John muttered to himself that they just might have the tool that will take the DiMeras down for good.
7/17 E.J. helps Bo set a trap for "Tony" by asking him to meet on a rooftop. Bo goes in his place to arrest "Tony" for attempted murder and for his involvement in the real Tony's disappearance. "Tony" finally admits he is Andre, but demands total immunity in exchange for information on the real Tony's whereabouts. Bo rejects his offer. Andre accidentally falls off the roof, but manages to cling to the edge. Bo get Andre to confess that Tony is being kept prisoner on a remote island and that there's a map. Bo asks where the map is when Bart returns to the roof, having left his boss earlier. Andre shouts, "Bart's back!" before he slips from Bo's grasp and falls.
Bo returns to the pub and tells everyone Andre is in the hospital and probably won't survive. Bo reports that he didn't get the location of the map, but when relating Andre's last words, E.J. realizes his cousin meant the map is on Bart's back!
7/18 Bo recounts to John and E.J. how Andre fell off the roof and is now in ICU. E.J. is sure Andre's parting words, "Bart's back," were meant to indicate that the map to Tony's whereabouts is actually on Bart's back. E.J. insists his father couldn't have known that Andre has been masquerading as Tony, but John points out Stefano has a history of tormenting his children. Roman arrives with Bart and they rip off his shirt, revealing a map tattooed on his back! John volunteers to travel to the South Pacific to see if the map leads them to the real Tony, whom they hope can help end the vendetta.
Sami reads another translated letter to Marlena and Hope. It picks up with Santo waiting with a picnic basket on an Irish shore. His hopes for a romantic lunch with Colleen are dashed when she arrives with a chaperone, Sister Rose. Santo is clearly disappointed, but puts up a good front. Santo tells Colleen his son, Stefano, has come to stay with him in Galway because his wife is on her deathbed. He asks if they could arrange a playdate for Stefano and Colleen's brother, Shawn. Santo whispers to Colleen not to come with a chaperone next time. With import, Colleen tells him she cannot give him what he wants. However, Santo is confidant they will soon see each other again.
Back in the present day, Roman arrives with shocking news. While picking Bart up at the DiMera Mansion, he found a photo of Santo DiMera and reports that he is the spitting image of E.J. Wells.
Philip tells Bo he wants the cops to find out who's been leaving him strange phone messages. Philip plays Bo a message where a baby cries and an electronically altered voice asks, "Why did you abandon me, Daddy?" Bo asks Philip if it's possible he has a kid out there, but Philip assures him he's always been responsible. Bo says the cops can't help since the messages aren't threatening; he recommends Philip hire a private investigator.
7/19 Bo summons Stefano to the pub and tries again to get to the bottom of the DiMera vendetta against the Bradys. Stefano doesn't cooperate and won't admit he knew all along that Andre stole Tony's identity. Shawn Senior is stunned to find his arch-enemy on Brady turf. Stefano encourages Shawn to tell Bo how he murdered his own sister! Shawn spits on Stefano and leaves. While Bo is conferring with Roman, Stefano tells Dr. Rolf to start making some calls. They're going after the Brady family full-force; he's going to end the vendetta his way, once and for all.
7/23 At The Brady Pub, Hope tried to make Bo understand that being a nun was not right for Colleen. It may have been at one time but once Santo came along, the plans went out the window, so to speak. Bo argued that she was a nun and Hope made the comparison of how their relationship was in the beginning compared to Santo and Colleen. Bo was a bad boy on a motorcycle and hope was a good girl from a rich family. To make Bo understand the attraction Colleen had for Santo, she used the analogy of Santo riding up on a motorcycle, just like Bo used to do.
The flashback continues: Santo and Colleen went for their picnic and let Shawn and Stefano play. Colleen was very worried about getting caught without a chaperone. Santo kept trying to dismiss it and Colleen basically told him that she is on to him as to why he wants to spend time with her.
Bo says that he doesn't like being compared to Santo. Hope says that she wonders if Colleen wanted Santo the way Hope wanted Bo back then. Bo says he doubts it because she made a promise to God. Hope points out that Colleen was a novice nun and still a woman. They decided to keep reading the letter.
More flashback: Santo assured her that he just wants the pleasure of her company. Santo questions why she chose to be a nun. Colleen tells him that a lot of the women become nuns and that it is an honor to do so. Santo protests that she is too beautiful. She tells him that it is only outer beauty that he speaks of. Santo says that it is beauty given to her by the Lord. She tells him that she wanted to be a nun since she was a little girl. Santo tells her that it is "a pity" not to experience life. That makes Colleen mad.
Hope continued to explain to Bo her analogy. That if you hop on the back of the motorcycle you hold on to that temptation that only comes around once in a lifetime and you never want to let it go. Poor Colleen, she says, never stood a chance.
Flashback: Colleen continued to protest and defend "her calling." Santo promises that as a gentleman, he will respect her calling, on one condition. He wants to see her in a beautiful simple dress. Colleen gets mad and calls Shawn to leave. He tells her to meet him tomorrow and she says that it is a sin. He asks her what she is thinking and she is thinking. She says that she is thinking that she cannot let him shame her or her family. And then she left.
Bo tells Hope he thinks Santo crossed the line and Hope pointed out that Bo has crossed the line himself a few.
Flashback: Colleen showed up to meet Santo in her dress without her habit. She tells him that God sent him to her to prove she can stand up to temptation. She tells her she wants to be free from him. He tells her that no matter how far he goes, he could never be free of her. Colleen asks him what it is like out there in the world. He tells her he has been to New York. He tells her what it is like and tempts her with love, passion and freedom.
He pleads with her to let him show her what it is like. She says that will never happen. He doesn't believe her. He confesses that he wants more from her and draws her in for a gentle kiss. Colleen pulls away and protests that she has made her choice about her life and Santo insists that he has made his too. He pulls her in for another kiss. Just then, little Shawn walks up and sees them kissing.
7/24 At Brady's Pub, Anna arrives and happily tells Bo and Hope that Tony is alive and raves about how wonderful he is. Soon Anna returns with the real Tony as everyone welcomes him home. Roman spies Tony and Anna kissing. Bo and Hope make a bet: if Roman cares that Anna is breaking up with him, then Bo has to run around the parking lot naked. When Anna tries to end things with Roman, he makes a quick getaway.
Later, Roman returns with news that Andre and Stefano have escaped and catches Bo streaking through the parking lot! Jeremy talks to Bo, Hope and Maggie, telling them that Nick showed up in Vegas and promises that he will watch out for him.
7/25 At the hospital, Bo informs Shawn of Andre pretending to be paralyzed and then escaping. Then Shawn drops the ball about wanting to ask Belle to marry him. Shawn voices his insecurities about his financial situation. He thinks Belle would say no because Philip has more money than him. Bo tells him that Philip has money but not Belle's heart, like he does. Bo tells him that there are plenty of reasons to marry Belle but playing keep away from Philip is not one of them. He advises for Shawn to get a place of their own, then propose to Belle. Just the Roman walks up to talk to Bo so Shawn heads to the Brady Pub.
Roman, with Bo, tell E.J. that it was Andre and that they had numbed his muscles and fooled everyone into thinking that he was paralyzed when he wasn't. They informed them that Stefano is in on Sami's kidnapping as well. An upset Lucas tells Roman that they are going to kill the babies just to add a few years to Stefano's worthless life.
Roman grabs Lucas and tells him it won't help to panic and do something stupid. E.J. agrees with Lucas that Stefano will hurt anyone in order to live. Bo tells Lucas that they have to be smart about this. Roman wants Lucas and E.J. to stay in the apartment in case Sami calls. Lucas protests but finally gives in and Roman and Bo leave.
7/27 Bo snuck Lexie in the police station. She covered her head with a black hoodie, afraid that Abe would see her. She claimed Abe was better off without her but Bo disagreed. John walks in and says that she is perfect to use as bait against Andre. Bo is against the idea but Lexie insists she wants to help. John pulled a cell phone out of his pocket that has the same number as Stefano's phone. He plans on text messaging Andre to arrange to meet Lexie, but Andre will think that it's Stefano's orders. Bo asks John if Andre will take the bait. John asks if he has a better idea. Then the phone rings with a message. Andre bought it! As Bo and Lexie prepare to leave, he tells her he is proud of her and Abe would be too.
7/30 Bo and Lexie calmed their nerves as they waited for Andre to meet them. It is a trap they set for him, claiming to be Stefano that he is supposed to meet. Bo found his hiding place while Lexie nervously waits. Andre shows up and looks pleasantly surprise to see Lexie. Lexie starts talking but her eyes dart around as she anxiously waits for Bo to rescue her. Andre is on to her and intimidates her. Finally, Bo pops out and has him arrested as he swears he is really Tony. He says he thought Lexie was setting him up, though working for Stefano.
Tony pleads with Bo and recounts a story of an opera that only he would know about, not Andre. Bo still has him arrested, not wanting to take any chances but wonders how Andre could ever know that story. Lexie asks him, if that was Tony, where's Andre?? Bo tells a reluctant Lexie that he is taking her back to Celeste's house. He figures that he ought to clue Roman in on the fact that Andre might still be out there.
Roman takes the call from Bo as Andre pulls a knife on unsuspecting Roman. Bo explains about the trap landing Tony, not Andre. After the phone call, Roman turns around to confront Andre as Andre stabs Roman in the gut! Bo is desperately looking for Andre on the dock. A police officer runs up to Bo to inform him that Roman was stabbed by Andre at the PD.
7/31 Bo runs into Roman’s office and has to fight his way through a throng of press. The ambulance Roman is rushed to the hospital after Andre's attack. Bo runs interference demanding the press move out of the way. Next Bo arrives at the pub and Steve meets him outside. Bo gives Steve the news about the attack on Roman, as well as the background check on Jeremy (he is dating Stephanie). Bo warns him that Jeremy is bad news. Steve learns Jeremy has a criminal background. Kayla comes out to join the guys and Bo tells her Roman has been stabbed and offers to rush her to the hospital to see her brother.
8/3 The Brady family convenes at the pub as Doug and Julie arrive with the latest batch of translated letters. In the past, Colleen meets Santo once again. Santo surprises her with the revelation that his wife has died, and Colleen can't help feeling guilty. Santo pulls her into another soul-scorching kiss but she insists she feels nothing. She tries to hide her feelings by making a quick exit, but Santo holds up her scarf, taunting her to come get it from him. Santo makes another move on her and Colleen socks him, sending him spiraling over the cliff. She's able to pull him up, and Santo apologizes; he should have let her walk away and now he will.
8/6 Back in Ireland, Colleen tends to Santo's wound and the sexual tension leads to a kiss. Colleen pulls away and Santo implores her to give in to her desires. Colleen asks him to drop his showy declarations and reveal his true feelings. In Italian, Santo says he loves her. Colleen denies she feels the same, but her trembling hands give her away. Santo begs Colleen to meet him at an inn to spend more time together; she is non-committal.
In the present day, the group at Brady's Pub debate Colleen's situation. Sami declares Colleen had no choice; fate is controlling her destiny. Lucas muses that maybe Sami and E.J. are fated to be together since they bear a striking resemblance to their ancestors. Sami vehemently declares she and Lucas are meant to be.
Tony arrives and tells the Bradys that Bart swallowed the all important key to ending the DiMera vendetta. Tony, Bo and John head over to the mansion and have the coroner cut the key out of Bart.
8/9 Bo, Hope, Marlena and John learn Stefano's key unlocks a tabernacle in Ireland. Hoping the tabernacle is located in Colleen's church, Bo and Hope decide to fly to Galway. Everyone prays whatever is in the locked box will put an end to the DiMera vendetta.
8/13 Bo and Hope arrive at the Irish church with the key Tony got from Stefano. Disguised as a nun, Andre quietly spies on them. Since they can't find a priest to open the tabernacle, Hope convinces Bo to try opening the box on his own. Before Bo can get the key to work, a young boy comes in to report the priest is on his way. The boy leaves a backpack behind, so Bo and Hope open it to look for his name and find a toy truck inside. Bo realizes the truck is ticking.
8/14 Bo and Hope enter the church and are about to open the tabernacle when a little boy leaves a backpack with a toy truck in it. Bo is about to take the truck to him and realizes that it is a bomb. He runs out of the church and throws it into a garbage can and ducks. The bomb doesn't explode, and Bo wonders what is going on. Hope, inside the church, decides to open the tabernacle and finds a leather portfolio. Andre, who had followed Hope, attacks her from behind, but Hope kicks him and throws the portfolio to Bo. Andre pulls a knife on Hope and demands it back or he would kill her.
Bo throws the portfolio to Andre and he eventually lets her go and escapes the church. Bo goes outside to search the grounds and Andre attacks, cutting Bo with the knife, allowing him to escape. Bo returns inside to Hope where they decide they have to find Andre before he gets to Stefano and destroys the portfolio.
8/20 Bo and Hope arrive at the hospital to pick up Roman. Hope excuses herself and Bo and Roman discuss the previous days' visit from Anna and Tony. Roman tells Bo that he reacted like a teenager in high school wanting to get rid of Tony, but that he's happy enough to be a bachelor. Kayla comes in to sign his discharge papers but tells Roman that she won't sign his papers to go back to work. Roman protests loudly that Andre DiMera is on the loose and he had to get to work finding him. Kayla offers a deal to sign them if he takes desk duty for two weeks.
Roman tries to negotiate one week, but gives in after Kayla threatens to tell their mother he wasn't cooperating. Bo interrupts to ask where the baby is and Kayla says that Hope's watching him. Both Roman and Bo laugh and say it's a good thing she didn't leave him with Steve if the baby wanted to see his first birthday. Kayla defends Steve and says he will be a great father and then leaves quickly. After another doctor comes in and Roman convinces him to sign all of the paperwork, Bo and Hope take Roman home.
8/22 Bo and Hope, John and Marlena, and Doug and Julie gather to read a new batch of translated letters between Santo and Colleen. In private, Bo tells John they've got Stefano under surveillance, in hopes of arresting Andre when he tries to bring Stefano the leather folio from Ireland.
In flashback, Colleen asks little Shawn to lie for her. She wants him to tell Father Mallory and Sister Mary Anne she's caring for their sick aunt, while she's actually going to see Santo. Little Shawn is reluctant. Colleen says she has to meet with Santo to decide whether or not to take her vows. She leaves for Santo's room at the inn, where they nearly make love. They are interrupted when Sister Mary Anne comes knocking on the door.
8/23 Doug, Julie, Hope, Bo, Marlena and John are reading more letters at the pub. Flashback to Colleen and Santo who are in Santo's room where Sister Mary Ann is banging on the door trying to get in much to their dismay. Colleen hides behind the curtain and E.J. answers. She shoves her way in. Sister is looking for money for the orphans. Sister notices Colleen's scarf on the bed. E.J. gives her money and scoots her out the door but she asks if he has seen Colleen before leaving. She was supposed to go door to door with Sister. E.J. denies seeing her. Colleen knows Sister is suspicious and worries about becoming the scandal of the town.
Colleen suspects the sister saw her hiding and discusses the intuitive powers of Sister Mary Ann. Colleen believes she has brought shame to herself and her family. Santo tries to convince her that Sister Mary Ann knew nothing of her being there and being together is just how it should be as they lock in a kiss. E.J. carries Colleen to the bed but Colleen sees her scarf on the bed and realized Sister must have seen it. She thinks Sister is back at the church telling Father.
She says this is wrong and she wasn't meant for it and believes she has sinned. She wonders why she is there and why she lied. She feels she has betrayed everyone. Santo tries to convince her that she is beautiful on the inside and out and says God would not have created such beauty to watch it waste away. Colleen, very upset says he is nothing but trouble and storms out. Back in her nun garb in the church, she sees Father and Sister Mary Ann. Father asks if Colleen needs to tell him anything. Sister Mary Ann says that she has plenty to say and admits she saw Colleen's toes under the drapes and scarf on the bed. Father asks if it's true.
Present day, they discuss fate but know Colleen's and Santo's relationship is doomed. They continue to discuss what started the vendetta.
Bo gets a call and is notified of Stefano being transported to the hospital. Around the table they discuss the decisions and morality of Colleen's and Santo's relationship. John believes that Colleen and Santo were destined to be together. Bo is convinced Santo would have said anything to get Colleen in his bed.
Julie thinks it's sad that Colleen doesn't get to spend a night with Santo. John reminds her that this may not be her last chance. They contemplate Stefano dying and wonder why and how he has escaped death so many times before. They wonder how Colleen dies and continue reading the letters of Colleen's deep feelings for Santo. They know the news is out about the relationship but there are no more letters. They have to wait for the next batch from the professor after being translated.
8/24 Nick asks Hope for child-rearing advice. He is upset when Chelsea breezes in with Jett, her beach date.
Dvd #69C 8/27 Roman goes over to Bo's to discuss the next move to try to catch Andre. Bo thinks that Stefano's dying would be very bad for the Brady's because the vendetta would never end and no one would be able to control Andre. Roman receives a call notifying him that E.J. is at the hospital ready to donate a part of his liver to save Stefano’s life. They devise a plan to arrest E.J. Then Stefano will have no choice but to end the vendetta and to give up Andre if he wants to live.
Bo and Roman arrive at the hospital just in time to arrest E.J. for supposed parking violations. Bo confronts Stefano and takes pleasure in telling Stefano that there will not be any surgery today as EJ has been arrested and is off to jail. Rolf interrupts to declare they can’t do that as Stefano will die without the transplant, though Bo seems rather unconcerned. He says, “oh well”.
Stefano asks Bo what he wants? Bo says Stefano can end this ridiculous vendetta against the Bradys and he demands Stefano hand over Andre or Stefano can “cash in his chips”. E.J. injects Roman with a sedative and makes his escape. EJ runs straight to Stefano’s room, and Bo arrests him!
8/28 E.J. rushes to his father's bedside, where he pleads with Stefano to drop the vendetta and tell Bo and Roman where to find Andre. If he doesn't, the Brady boys will cart him off to jail and Stefano won't get the liver transplant he so desperately needs. Stefano finally gives in and admits Andre is at the health club. Sami calls Bo for help as Andre has kidnapped Lucas. While Bo is on the phone, E.J. sneaks out as Stefano chortles with laughter. Bo goes down to the gym and finds out that Sami left with EJ. Lucas calls Bo and he heads out to help him.
As Stefano continues to languish in his hospital room, he receives a ghostly visit from his father, who tells him it isn't time for him to die yet.
Steve and Kayla are visiting Hope when Benjy shows up. He's terrified his family will come after him since he turned his back on Stefano. Steve promises to protect him. Hope cordially allows Benjy to hide his car in her garage.
Benjy goes outside to park his car, giving Hope a chance to ask Steve what he really thinks about having a baby. Steve admits he loves kids, but doesn't want to mess up another one. Steve, Kayla and Hope realize Benjy never returned. When Steve goes outside to check on him, he only finds Benjy's cap and suitcase.
8/29 Outside the gym, Bo and Roman help a bloody Lucas escape from the car where he had been imprisoned. A health club employee reports that she saw Sami leave with E.J., so the guys take off.
Stefano sees a vision of Santo again and tells him off for his vendetta that ruined the DiMera family, all because of a woman.
Meanwhile, Kayla, Steve and Hope try to find out what happened to Benjy. Steve blames himself and goes out to look, returning with Benjy's blood-soaked shirt. Bo gets a call that Benjy has been found in a dumpster, barely alive. He and Steve leave. Kayla confides in Hope that she doesn't know what she'll do if Steve loses his grip on sanity again.
In the alley, Roman joins Bo and they deduce from the deep cut in Benjy's side that this is where Stefano's donor liver came from! They go to the hospital, where Stefano is being wheeled into surgery. An apoplectic Steve grabs the cooler containing the liver section and spits that he won't allow Stefano to get it.
8/30 Steve refuses to hand over Benjy's liver section, preventing Stefano from going into the O.R. for the transplant. He threatens to pour bleach on it, but Bo knocks him down. Stefano and the liver are wheeled off into surgery. Steve blasts Bo for playing by the rules while the DiMeras get away with hurting their families.
After Dr. Rolf snidely informs them the surgery was a success, Bo comes up with a plan to catch Andre. He wants to stage Stefano's death and hold a funeral, knowing Andre will show up to exact revenge and unwittingly walk right into their trap!
8/31 Shawn tells Hope he'll soon be out of a job. He's been thinking about a new career, as a cop. Hope doesn't like the idea, fearing she may lose another son. Shawn points out the many reasons the job would be a good idea, and Hope grudgingly accepts it. She advises Shawn to share all of this with Belle as soon as possible. He resolves to do it tonight.
Steve calls Hope when he is unable to soothe the baby. She arrives and helps him see that Pocket is just hungry. Steve feeds him, and the baby turns into an angel. The incident, however, freaks Steve out.
9/4 Bo reveals to Tony his plan to lure Andre out of hiding by staging Stefano's murder. Tony says he's in, but advises Bo to choose Steve to serve as the faux assassin. Andre wouldn't believe for a minute a Brady could murder Stefano in cold blood. Bo talks to Steve, who is concerned how Kayla will react. Tony later tells Bo everything's in place for them to fake Stefano's death.
9/5 In the flashbacks of the next series of letters, Sister Mary Anne tells Father Mallory she saw Colleen's scarf in Santo's hotel room. They confront Colleen, who lies and says she was never there. Sister Mary Anne knows she's lying, and demands Father Mallory kick her out of the order. But Santo comes in with Mrs. Fitzpatrick, the woman who looks after his son, and she is wearing the scarf in question. They lie and say Mrs. Fitzpatrick was in the room when the sister came over. Father Mallory forces Sister Mary Anne to apologize. Mrs. Fitzpatrick then asks the priest if Colleen can help her take care of the neighborhood children. Colleen realizes it was engineered by Santo so she would be at his hotel on a regular basis.
9/6 As the letters continue, Santo and Colleen make love for the first time.
9/7 Bo and Roman show up to escort Stefano home from the hospital, claiming Stefano needs protection. As they wheel Stefano out, Steve arrives. He swears he just wants to make amends with Stefano, but then whips out a knife and repeatedly stabs DiMera. Taking advantage of the chaos, Tony discreetly jabs a needle into Stefano's arm, knocking him out. Roman and Bo pull Steve away but not before Stefano is declared "dead."
9/10 As Bo reviewed the hospital crime scene, Shawn arrived to ask for his help. Shawn wanted Bo to put in a good word from him at the academy. Bo tried to talk Shawn out of police work, reminding him how dangerous it was. Bo asked Shawn if he had talked it over with Belle yet, but Shawn didn't want to disappoint Belle again and wanted to wait to say anything until it was a done deal. Shawn was upset because he believed that Bo didn't want to give him a recommendation because he didn't think Shawn could do a good job.
Bo told Shawn he just wanted him to be safe and for him to want to become a cop for the right reasons. Shawn explained that he didn't just want a job and paycheck, but he also wanted a career that he could be proud of and one that Belle and Claire could be proud of too. Bo finally agreed to put a word in for him. Just as Shawn was about to leave, Bo received a phone call from Chelsea letting him know that Jett had been shot and that it was very serious.
9/11 Bo and Kayla arrived in Las Vegas and informed Chelsea that Jett was doing just fine at the hospital. Chelsea reported that she hadn't heard from Max or Stephanie, who had last been seen heading for the plane. After conferring with the FBI, Bo returned with sobering news. The Touch the Sky plane had landed in Mexico, but Max and Stephanie hadn't been on it. Rawlings had escaped, but the foreign girls had confessed that he'd thrown Max and Stephanie off the plane. Bo and Kayla took off to join the search and rescue team.
9/12 At the cave, Max and Stephanie were starting to make love when Kayla and Bo arrived to rescue them.
9/13 Bo, Roman, Hope, and Tony prepared to trap Andre at Stefano's fake funeral and they all met at the pub. Roman headed over to the funeral parlor. As Stefano lay "dead" in the coffin, Roman considered killing him for real but couldn't do it.
A funeral wreath of flowers showed up for Roman, not Stefano and he looks at them oddly. When Tony, Anna, Bo, and Hope arrived, they discovered the card contained a death threat from Andre.
Sami and E.J. read more Colleen/Santo letters as Santo proposed to Colleen. Colleen was still torn between Santo and the church, but he pressured her for an answer. Santo wanted Colleen to be his wife, but she was still torn between him and the church. She asked for one more day to make her decision, and Santo agreed.
Shawn filled Hope in on what had happened in Tulsa. She told Shawn he needed to get over it before he lost his family.
9/14 Andre forced his way into the closed Brady Pub and told a frightened Kate she was going to help him lure Roman into a trap. Shawn exited the kitchen, saw Andre, and went on the attack. Andre knocked Shawn out and dragged him, unconscious, to the back. When Belle arrives and spots Andre, she frantically dialed Bo at the funeral parlor, but Andre took the phone from her. He warned Bo not to alert anyone to the call, or he'd kill Shawn and Belle. Andre gave Bo a cryptic message, hinting that E.J. was involved in their kidnapping.
Guests arrived for Stefano's fake funeral, and the cops prepared for Andre to strike. Per Andre's orders, Bo left the church without telling anyone about the call, but a suspicious Hope followed him. Bo barged in and grabbed E.J., demanding to know where Belle and Shawn were. E.J. swore he had been with Sami the whole evening and suggested Andre's call had been meant to create a distraction for Bo. Bo realized he'd been had. On his way out, he ran into Hope and admitted that the kids were in trouble, but he had no idea where they were.
9/17 After receiving Kate's urgent call, Roman arrived at the pub and found her tied up. She tried to warn him it was a trap, but Andre knocked him out.
Later, Bo and Hope entered the pub, but no one was there. As they searched for Shawn and Belle, an explosion went off in the back. In an attempt to escape the locked cooler, Shawn had set off a Molotov cocktail, but it had only caused a fire; the door was still in place. Luckily, Bo and Hope rescued him and Belle. The kids filled them in about Andre. Shawn was taken to the hospital to be treated for burns.
At Stefano's fake funeral, the hearse driver had been knocked out, and Andre had secretly taken his place.
At the cemetery, Bo showed up and reported that Roman and Kate were missing. They wondered where Andre could have taken Roman, as the gravedigger shoveled dirt onto Stefano's coffin.
Grandpa Shawn privately remembered learning from a young Stefano that his mother wasn't dead; Santo had still been married while courting Colleen.
9/18 Bo warned Grandpa Shawn he was going to have to break his silence about how the vendetta had started, or they might not be able to rescue Roman. Bo also met with Steve to devise a plan to find Roman, who, unbeknownst to them, had been buried alive. Bo is shocked when Steve brings Pocket to their meeting. Steve groans that Kayla had to work.
9/21 Steve showed Bo the chalk markings Rolf had left on the funeral parlor as a message for Andre. They hid and waited for Andre to show up for the coded message. They hoped he'd lead them to Roman and the leather folio. Andre arrived, read the markings and entered the parlor to retrieve a hidden piece of paper. Bo tried to read the paper from his hiding spot but couldn't, so Steve confronted Andre.
Steve tried to play like he was on the DiMeras' side, but Andre saw through his act and stabbed him in the gut. After Andre ran off, Bo attended to Steve, who'd managed to get the note, which warned Andre that he might have been compromised. Steve urged Bo to follow Andre, and Bo reluctantly left an injured Steve behind.
9/24 Bo tracks Andre to his hideout, a "condemned" warehouse. As Bo waits for Abe's backup, Lucas and E.J. wander by with the fliers. Bo tries to warn them to leave, but Andre manages to take the two guys hostage. To ensure Bo doesn't follow, Andre throws a grenade into the warehouse and claims Roman is inside. The place explodes and Bo rushes in. When Abe arrives, Bo reveals Roman wasn't inside, but he did get his hands on the all-important leather folio.
9/25 Sami rushes to keep her appointment with Andre but she's waylaid by Bo. He gives her the leather folio he found in the warehouse and she learns the terms for ending the feud. She ditches Bo and runs out.
Meanwhile, Doug and Julie bring the last of the translated letters to the pub. Bo tells them to read the letters with Hope, Marlena and John while he finds Grandpa Shawn. They have to find a way to stop the vendetta before Roman is killed.
9/26 At the cemetery, someone digs up Roman's coffin.
Hope, Marlena, John, Doug and Julie read Colleen and Santo's last letters, wondering what led to her death. In the past, Colleen finally gives Santo an answer to his proposal; yes, she will marry him! Colleen then meets with Father Mallory, her father and Shawn, and reveals her plans to leave the Church and marry Santo. Young Shawn is crushed, and Pete and the priest try to talk her out of it, but she won't change her mind.
9/27 Steve and Bo are talking about the vendetta against the Bradys. Bo announced that he is going to find his pop and find out what happened as Lucas walks in looking for Sami. Bo asks Lucas about his leg but Lucas thinks Bo is avoiding something. Bo says that the folio contained information, rings and a marriage license and a letter from Santo that says when he and Colleen's souls are united then peace will finally come to the Brady family. Lucas says Sami won't marry E.J. and refuses to believe it but Bo says she is considering it. Lucas vows to stop it. Bo receives a call and has to go to the cemetery to see Shawn. Steve agrees to wait for Abe to bring evidence.
E.J. asks Sami how she found out how to end the vendetta. Sami says she got the folio but it's not good news. She hands the folio to E.J. and he finds rings. The rings were Colleens and Santos and there is also a marriage license from 50 years ago. They read the letter and realize that E.J. and Sami must be married so Santo's soul can be in peace. Sami realizes that there is no other way and agrees to marry E.J.
Hope, John, Marlena, Doug and Julie are finishing the letters. The letter begins with a mention of a rocky cliff and regret. Father Mallory will not let Santo near Colleen. Gossip has spread through the town and no one will help Santo find Colleen. He decided to find the one person that could help but this is the one that also drove them apart.
Santo is at a cliff with young Shawn and says Stefano had told him that Shawn is like a brother he never had. Santo tells him about how he'd like to be a family and travel the world together. He entices him with dreams of travel but Shawn is not interested until Santo brings up the west and the cowboys and Indians. He promises to take Shawn to America but first he needs Shawn's help to get Colleen to agree to see Santo again. He wants him to talk to Colleen then he will show him the world. Hope can't believe that Santo would drag a child into this.
Santo gives Shawn his gold watch for helping. Shawn says he wants Santo to leave them alone and runs off. John suspects that Santo kills Colleen. Colleen's last letter is declaring despair at leaving the church and for Santo hurting her. Colleen writes, "Thank God for little Shawn for telling me before making the biggest mistake of my life."
Father Mallory in a flashback asks Colleen if the church is truly where she wants to be as Colleen agrees. Colleen regrets failing God. Colleen wants to take her vows with God again and prays for forgiveness. In the letter, she insists Santo stays away from them forever. Shawn and Bo walk into the pub and he agrees to tell them all the truth about the night he killed his sister.
Shawn is walking through a graveyard and Stefano finds him there on a foggy night. Stefano reminds Shawn of when they met and realizes that the Brady's are now strong and his own family is falling apart. Stefano says that they could help each other. Stefano says that just a few words changed their families forever.
They flash to the past where a young Stefano and Shawn are playing. Stefano says his mother is alive and happy, not sick or dead. Stefano didn't realize he was supposed to lie. Stefano says if he had lied they could have been raised as brothers. Stefano says that Santo was never the same after Shawn refused to help.
Santo cursed the Brady's everyday after that. He says that when Colleen died, he died, too and left Stefano bitter with the loveless marriage of his mother and father. Shawn thinks it's an excuse for all the pain Stefano has caused the Brady's and accuses Stefano of murdering his sister. This angers Stefano and blames Shawn for keeping them apart when he should have kept his mouth shut. Bo arrives and attacks Stefano. Shawn tells him to let Stefano go. Stefano says he wants to make peace.
9/28 Grandpa Shawn tells Bo, Hope, Marlena, John, Doug and Julie the end of Colleen's tragic tale. In flashback, young Shawn secretly watches Santo telling Colleen they will be married tonight and leave for New York in the morning. She has doubts about leaving her family behind, but Santo comforts her. Young Shawn sneaks off and brings his father back with him. Shawn has told Pete the truth about Santo's very-much-alive wife, and an outraged Pete exposes Santo's deception to Colleen. Colleen is horrified that Santo is still married. He begs her to forgive him, but she ends their relationship, declaring she never wants to see him again.
She returns to the Church, ready to take her vows to become a nun. Santo drops by as she's taking her vows, but leaves when it looks like she has rejected him once again. Colleen has a change of heart and tries to run out after him, but Pete stops her. She finally escapes and Pete, Shawn and Father Mallory give chase. They follow her to the cliffs, but they are too late. They find her habit near the edge of the rocks and realize she has committed suicide.
Back in the present, Grandpa Shawn finishes his sad story and insists he is to blame for her death.
**The End**