Brenda's return #6 October 28, 2002 - January 2, 2003: 8 hour original edit

Brenda visits Jax at the hospital to break her marriage news to him. He becomes furious. Brenda tries to convince Jax that they have no future together. The Quartermaine’s are both shocked and happy over Brenda's announcement. Then Brenda is off to the Q's to share her news with them. Edward is not happy that Jason and Brenda are married, and will not be leaving this alone. Brenda lies and says that Jason proposed to her, not the other way around.

Brenda claims that she and Jason have always loved each other. In reality, when Brenda proposed, Jason asked why in the hell he would want to marry her. Brenda relayed to Jason that she intended to break up Sonny and Carly, and that's why Jason married her. Brenda goes on to fabricate the appearance of her and Jason having a relationship, and tells Lila that she's happy. Monica says she wished they could have given her a big wedding. Brenda says they got married in Vegas in a wedding chapel.

Brenda starts remembering that she hated the chapel, as it is gaudy and cheap. The chapel staff offers them various specials, but Jason and Brenda just want to get it over with. The whole scene is cheesy. Brenda lies and says the wedding in Vegas was romantic. Alan asks "In Vegas?" Brenda remembers the scene with the staff trying to put a wedding veil on her head. Jason balks at a blue tuxedo and top hat. The wedding was complete with accordion music. Brenda lies and says she never saw Jason so happy. Edward remarks he hasn't seen Jason happy since the accident. In the flashback, gold-digging Brenda only promised to love Jason "for richer". They didn't even have wedding rings.

At the conclusion of the wedding, the official asks if there's any chance the groom would be kissing the bride, to which Jason responded "no way". Edward questions where Jason is now, and Brenda claws for an excuse, saying their wedding night was so wonderful that she doesn't need a honeymoon. In reality, we see a scene where Jason pushed Brenda off an elevator after she tried to flirt with 2 unknown men. We then see them in a tacky honeymoon suite complete with disco ball and disco music. Jason tosses a box at her and tells her to pick out whatever ring she wants. Courtney admires Jason's plain gold band. Jason says Brenda picked it out, and Courtney says it must have taken her a long time to do it. It's a plain, gold band. Jason then reveals that Brenda is dying.

Meanwhile over at Kelly's, Jason tries to explain to Courtney his marriage to Brenda. Jason tells Courtney that it was Brenda's idea to get married, she asked and Jason accepted. Courtney wants to know if Brenda and Jason are in love - no, they aren't. Jason remembers that Brenda was blackmailing him into marriage to keep Sonny's marriage intact. Jason tells Courtney that they eloped to Vegas, and Courtney says she can't imagine him in a tacky chapel. She asks about wedding pictures and Jason tells her a video is coming.

Jason keeps sidestepping the question "Do you love her?" Courtney continues to over romantacize Jason and Brenda's wedding. Courtney tells Jason how lucky Brenda is to have him. Flashback to the rings, when Jason and Brenda argue about what rings to wear. Brenda starts an argument about who is going to sleep on the heart-shaped bed, but Jason tells Brenda to shut up and go to bed. Jason sleeps on the sofa in the living room. Brenda continues to lie to the Quartermaine’s saying her wedding night was wonderful.

Next, Sonny visits Jax in the hospital. Jax tells Sonny that no one will stand in his way of being with Brenda. Sonny questions "even your wife? Jax claims he loves Skye entirely and he has enough love in him to take care of Brenda too. Sonny tells Jax he loves Carly, and Brenda has nothing to do with anything (Carly overhears). Sonny tells Jax that Brenda married Jason to get away from Jax.

The next morning, Brenda wakes up bright and early to greet Jax at the hospital. The moment flat lines when Skye who is sleeping at Jax’s side, pulls down the sheet to greet her. In a catty tone, Skye congratulates Brenda on her marriage to Jason and jokes that they are sister-in-laws. Taking a stab, Skye commends Brenda for moving on with her life in the face of the unknown. Brenda remains composed and says she’ll let them know what happens at trial, but Skye tells her not to bother. Taking the conversation into the hall, Skye says their arrangement is off, to back off, and that she will be taking care of Jax now. Hurt, Brenda asked why she was so insecure. Skye is aware that Brenda does not have a fatal illness, but keeps it to herself since she is unsure if Brenda was lied to, or is in fact the liar.

Carly and Jason think they are talking in private down the hallway of the court building, but Sonny is eavesdropping around the corner. Jason informs Carly that Brenda moved into his penthouse. While Carly says she is grateful they’re married because she doesn’t have to consider Brenda a threat anymore, she tells Jason that Brenda will only make him miserable. Rolling her eyes she asks if they consummated the marriage. Sonny interrupts before Jason answers telling Carly in a joking manner to back off. Soon after, Alcazar tells Jason he should have killed him when he had the chance. Brenda and Sonny walk in and Alcazar warns the trio that he’ll be set free. Monica congratulates Jason and invites him and Brenda to dinner.

After she leaves, Jason says no way, and Brenda says, fine, but he’ll have to be the one to call Lila and cancel. Jason gives a look of defeat. Skye enters, pushing Jax in his wheelchair who impressed everyone by walking to Alcazar to say “you risked everything and lost everything.” Monica, Felicia, Officer Taggert (who said the person who set off the bomb did it knowing Kristina would die), Alexis, Zander and Brenda all gave strong testimony. Brenda stated, on the stand, that Alcazar was a murderer and she hoped that someone would murder him. While naming the numerous charges against Alcazar Scotty is interrupted and lead into the hallway where a government official hands him an envelope.

Upon reentering the courtroom, Sonny comments that it looks like Alcazar called in a favor. Scotty tells the judge he must drop all charges. Furious, Judge Ratcliffe demands just cause and after showing him the government documents he was presented, the Judge dismissed the case. The courtroom is stunned, but none more than Brenda who has a look of fear on her very thin face. The ever-expressionless Jason is expressionless. Sonny locks a stare on Alcazar and never lets go. The always-cool Jax is in disbelief, and Skye looks sad but scheming. While walking out, Alcazar approaches Brenda who lunges towards him and grabs his suit coat in anger until Jason peels her off. Alcazar is handed a letter with cut up letters that reads, “You are dead.” Perhaps as more of a taunt than a need, Alcazar shows the letter to Scotty and demands a police escort, which he receives. Everyone stands in the hallway looking at Alcazar with a mixture of shock, fear, and rage.

At a charity Halloween party (great costumes) at Carly's club. Edward is Ben Franklin, Carly as a witch, Skye is Cinderella, Scott is a Canadian Mount (they always get their man). Skye is approached by a masked guest. He takes off his phantom of the opera mask and it is Alcazar. He makes her listen to him while he asks her how her trip to Switzerland went and tells her she knows the same thing he does now, Brenda is going to die from her mother's disease.

Skye listens to him and tells him she plans to tell Brenda about what she found out. Alcazar tells her that he came back to kill Sonny and Jax to keep them away from Brenda. He calls Skye's bluff about telling Brenda and Jax about her not dying. He tells her to think about that since if Brenda finds out she isn't dying, she will run straight back to Jax, who may want her. He suggests that she let him take Brenda back to Europe, where a letter will be sent to Jax, reporting her death a few months from now, and that she can be there to comfort him in his grief. Skye realizes that she could possibly lose Jax if he knew Brenda wasn't dying. She talks to A.J. who advises her to take what she can and to fight for what she has and not let anyone get in her way. The Quartermaine’s harp on Scott for letting Alcazar go free and question his future as a D.A.

Back at the penthouse, Brenda searches for Jason's gun so she can go after Alcazar and kill him herself. Jason catches her trying to break into gun case. He stops her from getting it. Sonny and Carly (dressed as a witch) came over with Michael (dressed as a fireman) to get candy from Jason. They walk into find Jason's arms around Brenda (he had been trying to get the gun case away from her unbeknownst to them).

Later, Brenda tells Jason that it doesn't matter if she kills Alcazar since she is dying soon anyway. They are again distracted by the door knock of more trick-or-treaters. Jason gets a frantic call from Courtney who asks him to come over right away. Jason tells Brenda he has to leave and to be careful about opening the door to trick-or-treaters. Back at the Halloween party, Alcazar taunts the other guests he knows. He dances with Maxie while wearing his mask until he greets Felicia and takes his mask off to scare her about Maxie. Felicia tells him to stay away from her girls or she will do anything to stop him from going near them again.

Sonny and Carly show up at the party. Alcazar takes his mask off and smirks at Sonny. Sonny approaches him and threatens him. Later, Monica and Alan ask Sonny if he had anything or knew about Alcazar's acquittal ahead of time or had anything to do with it. Sonny evades their questions when he sees a man that looks like Alcazar in a phantom mask dancing with Carly. He grabs the guy and tells him to stay away from his family and that he will kill him if he goes near them. He grabs the mask off and realizes it isn't Alcazar. Sonny concludes that Alcazar left the party and is headed for Brenda. Sonny orders a guard to check on Brenda at Jason's Penthouse apartment.

While this is going on, Brenda is giving candy to the trick-or-treaters and then mistakenly opens the door to find Alcazar. He grabs for her and tries to barge his way inside. Alcazar pushes his way in and reminds Brenda that she wanted to spare her loved ones the pain of watching her die from her mother's disease. When Sonny's guard arrives, Brenda tells him that she is fine and does not expose that Alcazar is there with her. Carly tells Sonny that she knows he is concerned about Brenda and Carly insists that Sonny return to the Penthouse to check on Brenda himself. He thanks her knowing how much it took for her to make that offer.

As Alcazar tells Brenda that he will still take care of her, with no strings attached, Sonny barges in with two of his men and orders them: "Take him out! Kill him!' Brenda orders Sonny to not kill anyone for her! Brenda tells Sonny that she wants no more violence and insists that Sonny should either call the police or let Alcazar go. After Max and Marco take Alcazar away, Brenda warns Sonny to never barge into her apartment again and order someone killed in front of her! Brenda and Sonny are still arguing by the time that Skye arrives at the penthouse and Skye overhears Brenda tell Sonny that Brenda plans to rescue Jax from that lying idiot that Jax married. Skye angrily confronts Brenda at the penthouse and informs Brenda that Skye and Jax are back in bed together and that Skye is confident that the promises Jax made to Skye at their wedding are a sacred trust with Jax.

Alcazar approaches Carly outside Club101 and suggests that Alcazar could solve all of Carly's problems with Carly's husband's returned ex if Carly would just help the arms dealer out a little bit. Next, Alcazar arrives at Jax's Hospital room and attempts to convince Jax that the only right thing for Jax to do for Brenda is to let her go away with Alcazar to live out the remainder of her life and spare Jax's new bride from any more pain. Instead, Jax threatens to kill Alcazar as soon as Jax gets out of the Hospital, and then Jax grabs Alcazar in a choke hold. A nurse breaks them up and Alcazar leaves.

Brenda returns to visit Jax. He wakes realizing that Brenda was in his room all night. She tries to rekindle Jax's memories of their life together by reminding him of New Orleans and that today was supposed to be their wedding day six years ago. Brenda helps herself to Jax's breakfast. They reminisce about past events that have come to naught. While they are holding hands, Skye enters the room and notes the activity and Jax's lack of respect for their marriage. Jax wants to know if Skye is accusing him of being unfaithful. Skye tells Jax that Brenda told her Brenda could get him into bed anytime she wanted.

Brenda backtracks. Jax accuses Skye of having overactive jealousy. Skye tells Jax that both he and Brenda are responsible for her problems. Skye and Brenda have a verbal confrontation, with Brenda tap-dancing about claiming she could bed Jax anytime she wants. Brenda leaps towards Skye but Jason intervenes. Jason tells Brenda to distance herself from Jax and he wants to know why Brenda opened the penthouse door for Alcazar. Skye calls Alcazar and tells him they need to meet as soon as possible. Skye tells Alcazar that he isn't moving fast enough to get rid of Brenda. Skye tells Alcazar that if he doesn't get her out of town now, Skye will force her out of town. Alcazar wants Skye to set up a private meeting with Brenda so he has access to her.

Jason reads Brenda the riot act about her behaving stupidly. Brenda claims she needs a little time to herself because of her brain disease and that she'll be monitored 24/7 when the disease progresses. Jason leaves and Brenda receives a call from Skye. Skye pretends to apologize and offers to meet her to clear the air. Skye turns to Alcazar and says Brenda's on her way and to make it count. Jax calls home and leaves an apology on their answering machine claiming to love her.

Brenda shows up and sees Luis. Two of Alcazar's men grab Brenda and forcibly remove her from the club while Skye looks on disturbed. Skye (in a crisis of conscience) beats on Jason's door, urgently calling to him that Alcazar has kidnapped Brenda. When Carly steps out into the hall to shut Skye up, Skye runs to Sonny to tell Sonny that Brenda has been kidnapped. Carly tells Sonny that maybe Alcazar would be headed to Paris since Alcazar had told Carly that he had a private jet waiting to take Brenda to Paris if Carly would cooperate in helping Alcazar to convince Brenda to leave with him. Sonny leaves right away for the airport to prevent Alcazar's jet from taking off. Carly accuses Skye of trying to shove Brenda into Sonny's arms so Skye can hang on to Jax. At the hospital, Skye tells Jax that Brenda left with Alcazar and Sonny followed to stop Brenda from leaving (conveniently leaving out the fact she set up Brenda who has been kidnapped).

On board Alcazar's private jet, Brenda pretends to come on to Alcazar to distract him. Sonny arrives at the airport, pushes past the guard and boards Alcazar's plane, just as Alcazar slaps handcuffs onto Brenda. Alcazar's plane takes off with Alcazar in the cockpit and Sonny slips out of hiding to let Brenda know that he is aboard, but did not bring his gun with him. As Sonny gets Brenda's handcuffs loose, Alcazar re-emerges from the cockpit and announces that the plane is on auto-pilot and Brenda and Sonny will need Alcazar to land.

Alcazar threatens to kill Sonny and Sonny challenges Alcazar to land the plane and go at each other, one-on-one. But the plane suddenly hits unexpected turbulence and Alcazar rushes back to the cockpit. When Alcazar is gone, Sonny informs Brenda that he believes Alcazar took off before the plane had finished refueling. At that moment, the plane begins to rock and Alcazar orders Brenda to put on her seat belt.

Jason finds out from Carly that Brenda was kidnapped by Alcazar at Club 101 and that Sonny went to go rescue her by finding Alcazar's private jet and trying to get aboard it. Jason gets Sonny's men on it to investigate. He finds out that Alcazar is piloting his own plane and that Sonny managed to get on board the plane and that it took off and that they are headed to Venezuela. Carly thinks the worse and lets her insecurities about Brenda resurface.

Jason plans to head on a private plane to follow them there and that Sonny's contacts and men in South America will be waiting to help if necessary. Carly insists on going with him but he tells her to stay. She sneaks aboard the plane Jason charted. Jason isn't too happy with her but realizes it is too late to stop her from accompanying him. She tells him that she is afraid that Brenda is going to take Sonny away from her with her damsel in distress routine again. Jason tries to reassure her that Sonny doesn't love Brenda anymore and that what he has with Carly is the right thing and he won't give it up for Brenda.

Carly and Jason arrive in Venezuela and, when Jason makes contact with an associate, Jason is surprised to learn that Alcazar's plane went off the radar somewhere in the Caribbean. As Carly and Jason try to get a fix on where Alcazar's plane might have landed if it was in trouble, they are surprised when they are suddenly arrested by the local police. When Jason and Carly arrive at prison, they are shocked to learn that the reason why they have been arrested is because they are regarded as enemies of Alcazar who has a alot of influence in that area. Jason promises Carly that he will get her out of their predicament but he does not know how - yet! A guard arrives and informs Jason and Carly that they are going to be executed. When Carly offers a bigger bribe, the warden informs his prisoners that Alcazar is too powerful for him to even consider crossing the arms dealer.

Sonny regains consciousness in Alcazar's crashed plane, and tries to revive Brenda. When Sonny finally revives Brenda, she demands that he get her medication for her from the plane to help get rid of her headache. Sonny leaves Brenda alone and returns to the plane. Sonny soon returns with some food from the downed plane to snack on and Brenda insists that she knows how to start a fire. As Brenda and Sonny discuss measures they might take in order to survive their crash, they also begin to discuss their past together and begin to take steps to mend their friendship. Sonny and Brenda start to become comfortable for the night, Alcazar watches them from a distance and communicates with an associate that Alcazar's plan is for Sonny to die on the island! Alcazar communicates with some of his men to pick him and Brenda up and get rid of Sonny, Sonny slugs Alcazar from behind. After Sonny slugs Alcazar and ties him up, Sonny uses Alcazar's phone to try to call for help, but the battery goes dead before Sonny can complete his message.

Jax returns to the Hospital to meet with Dr. Reimer and asks him about Brenda's case. Faced with a choice between a donation for his clinic from Jax or being prosecuted for fraud and malpractice, Dr. Reimar finally admits that Brenda is not ill but that Alcazar probably kept her in the dark about her diagnosis. Jax quizzes Dr. Reimar and learns that Alcazar threatened Reimar and that was the reason that Reimar let Brenda continue to believe that she had inherited her mother's fatal brain disease. Jax learns from Dr. Reimar that he caught Skye at his files but believes that she had NOT had time to learn anything about Brenda's case by the time Dr. Reimar had Security escort her away. Jax demands that Dr. Reimar give Jax certified copies of accurate reports about Brenda's tests. Jax blasts Skye for withholding the truth about Brenda's condition from Brenda, Skye defends herself by suggesting that maybe Brenda always knew the truth about her illness and withheld the information herself in order to get sympathy. Jax stuns Skye when Jax replies: "Brenda did not need my sympathy! She had my heart!'

Sonny tries to get Brenda to leave Sonny alone with Alcazar and Alcazar informs Brenda that that is because Sonny plans to execute Alcazar in the crazy hope that Alcazar's men will not carry out Alcazar's orders once they learn that their boss is dead. As Alcazar reminds Brenda of his love for her, Brenda surprises Sonny when she suddenly grabs the gun. Brenda threatens to kill Alcazar herself, but can't bring herself to pull the trigger. When Alcazar sees Brenda wavering, Alcazar urges Brenda to toss the gun into the jungle, implying that she is not acting like herself and that it is probably just her disease that is talking. Brenda fires into the air, then runs away, still clutching the gun. Sonny runs after her.

As the Venezuelan police drive Jason and Carly to a deserted spot in a Jeep to execute them, Jason surprises one of the guards when he hits him and Carly suddenly grabs a crowbar from under the seat and slugs the other guard. Jason and Carly make a getaway in the police Jeep. Jason and Carly fly to Tortola to get a boat to search the surrounding islands for Sonny and Brenda. Carly wonders if Brenda would finally be happy if Sonny ends up dead from Brenda's latest escapade. Jason assures Carly that they will find Sonny, that he will be fine and will be returning home no matter what Brenda might do to wind Sonny around her little finger while they are alone in the jungle. Meanwhile, Sonny catches up to Brenda and convinces her that she is not going crazy and that Alcazar is just preying on her fears.

Still holding the gun, Brenda admits that she has hurt everyone she ever loved. Brenda suddenly points the gun at herself and suggests that she could end it all right there. Sonny distracts Brenda with a kiss and takes the gun away from her as Brenda relaxes in his arms. Sonny and Brenda break away from their kiss and Sonny tells her that she does indeed have things to live for. Brenda and Sonny walk away from the blaze and realize that the fire may alert someone to their whereabouts. Alcazar comes up from behind Brenda and grabs her, holding the flare gun to her, demanding that Sonny drop his gun or she's dead. Alcazar continues threatening Brenda, obviously not thinking too much of the love that the two had once shared. Sonny is forced into dropping the gun, and Brenda manages to break away from him. While Sonny and Alcazar wrestle over the gun, Brenda hears the sound of the boat coming toward them and she runs toward the shore, only to encounter...quicksand.

Jax gets a phone call informing him that Brenda's plane has gone missing. He rushes out to see if he can try and find her, leaving Skye in tears. Jason and Carly are on their way to the island Sonny and Brenda are stranded by. Carly insists to Jason that she will continue to fight for Sonny. Now on a boat, Jason and Carly are searching. Jason spots the fire from the plane. Sonny and Alcazar confront each other in front of the burning plane, Sonny challenges Alcazar to go ahead and kill Sonny. However, Jason appears and informs Alcazar that the arms dealer now has two adversaries to contend with. Sonny and Jason quickly subdue Alcazar.

Meanwhile, Brenda struggles in the quicksand and begins to call for help. Brenda is disappointed when it turns out to be Carly who comes to her rescue! While Carly and Brenda scream insults at one another, Carly tries to hand a branch to Brenda. But, when Brenda grabs the branch, she pulls Carly into the quicksand with her! Carly and Brenda struggle together in the quicksand, hurling insults at each other. Sonny and Jason arrive and rescue their respective wives. After Jason and Sonny rescue Brenda and Carly. As Sonny, Brenda, Carly and Jason fly Alcazar back to the mainland, Brenda thanks Carly for saving her life. As Alcazar begins to needle Carly about her husband running off to rescue another woman, Jason gets up and puts some duct tape over Alcazar's mouth.

Brenda asks Jason to bring her back to Europe after she starts to get some really bad headaches. She tells him that the doctor said that these bad headaches are a symptom of her disease and that eventually she will start getting seizures. Jason becomes concerned about her and makes her lay down on the couch while he calls for help. He calls the Quartermaine residence. Alan answers the phone. Jason asks for Monica. Alan informs him that she is in surgery. He asks Jason if he is okay. Jason tells him about Brenda's headaches. Alan offers to come over to the penthouse and take a look at her for him. Jason accepts his offer.

Alan shows up and examines Brenda. They fill him in on the plane crash in South America and that Sonny told him that Brenda was unconscious for awhile after the crash. Alan seems to think that she could be suffering from a concussion and with flying and everything that happened, it could explain the bad headaches. He recommends that she go see a neurologist at G.H. for a more accurate reading on her headaches because of her disease. Brenda agrees to go see someone if they get worse. Jason thanks Alan for coming over and helping them. Jason asks her to listen to him this time and stay home and rest. Brenda reluctantly agrees even though she is preoccupied with getting Alcazar out of her life for good. Jason promises that he will take her some place where Alcazar won't find her. Jason leaves to go make travel arrangements for them.

Brenda waits until he leaves the penthouse. She goes into the closet and gets his gun case and breaks into it. She steals Jason's gun to use on Alcazar and leaves. She runs into Sonny on the docks. Sonny tells Brenda to let Jason help her when she tells him that her symptoms are getting worse and wants to go back to Europe now. Sonny is disappointed to see her leave again. They reminisce about when they first met, which is in the same place they are talking on the docks. Brenda tells him she is sorry for everything she did to hurt him and forgives him for whatever he has done to her in the past. She tells him to "stay happy, and be blessed." Sonny gives her a hug goodbye.

A maid at the Port Charles Hotel finds Alcazar tied up in a chair in his hotel room. She screams and calls the police when she sees him there all bruised up with tape on his mouth. She calls the police who rush over to investigate. Alcazar refuses to press charges against anyone and they let it go and leave. Skye shows up to see him. He accuses her of telling Sonny where he went with Brenda and ruining the plans they made. Skye tells him that she also told Jax that Brenda isn't really dying after all and that Jax will probably tell her and rush into her arms as well. Alcazar disagrees with her and tells her that Brenda seemed more interested in Sonny when they crashed in the plane and that she really doesn't have anything to worry about with Jax. Alcazar tells her she needs to come up with a way to bring Brenda back to Sonny if she plans to get Jax back.

Alcazar goes to GH and runs into Alexis who tries to avoid him. He picks up her glove, she dropped on the floor and hands it to her. She snaps it away from him and tells him it is her sister's glove. Alcazar stops her from getting on the elevator and tells her that he was not convicted of killing Kristina and she better have real evidence if she ever thinks she can convict him of it. Alexis informs him that she will do everything in her power to make him pay for killing her sister even if it means killing him herself. He tells her that her sister's death is of no consequence to him now or even then. Jason comes off the elevator and throws Alcazar against the wall, demanding to know where he took Brenda now.

Skye pays Sonny and Carly a visit and informs them that Alcazar bribed the doctors in Switzerland to lie to Brenda about her illness and that Brenda isn't really dying after all. Skye tells Carly and Sonny that Brenda is NOT dying! When Sonny tells Skye that Brenda still has headaches and nightmares, Skye agrees that Brenda may very well be crazy but Brenda does not suffer from her mother's inherited mental illness. Brenda visits Lily's grave and tells her about her illness and what is going on in her life.

Jax finds her there and thinks she went there to kill herself. Jax had arrived at Jason's place earlier after returning from the plane crash site himself. He knocked on the door for Brenda to answer. Jason had shown up and told him to stop knocking and waking up Brenda. They go inside and find a note from Brenda telling them she is going after Alcazar herself. Jason gets a bad feeling about this and looks in his gun case to find his gun missing. Jax tells her not to do it. Brenda tells him that she isn't going to do anything and that she doesn't want to die. Jax tells her she won't be and that she isn't going to die. Brenda looks at him quizzically. Jax informs an incredulous Brenda that she is NOT dying. Jax tells Brenda that she can now plan the rest of her life. Jax then tells Brenda that he will take her any place in the world that she wants to go, and Brenda says that what she really wants is to go home.

Jason finds Alcazar and demands to know where Brenda is but Alcazar pleads ignorance. Alexis pulls Jason away from Alcazar. Jason calls Sonny to report to Sonny that Brenda is with Jax at Lily's grave and that Brenda is not dying. Sonny confirms that Sonny and Carly have already learned that Alcazar bribed Brenda's doctors to lie about her illness. Sonny agrees to meet Jason on the Docks. After Sonny leaves to meet Jason, Carly tells Skye point blank that Carly is wise to Skye's plan to save Skye's marriage to Jax by pitching Brenda into Sonny's lap. When Sonny meets with Jason, Jason reports that Brenda had apparently learned that she was not really ill when she was with Jax. After Sonny leaves Jason, Sonny goes to Lily's grave, where Sonny apologizes to Lily for not bringing any flowers lately and Sonny remembers that loving Brenda nearly destroyed his life once. Sonny vows that he will not make that same mistake twice.

Jax takes Brenda back to her cottage, which Jax has had redecorated for her. Brenda and Jax begin to kiss and Jax surprises Brenda with a romantic dinner of champagne and 'smores beside the roaring fire of the cottage. As Jax and Brenda begin to make out in front of the roaring fire at the cottage, Skye arrives on the porch and sees them embracing. Brenda and Jax kiss. Skye looks in from the window, but leaves before her husband and his ex get even hotter and heavier. They undress and fall to the couch in each other’s embrace. Sting sings in the background. After making love, Brenda talks about how she forgot what it’s like to be happy and how great it is to be with him. They sit in front of the fire talking about miracles. Jax says he will never let her go again, ever. When Brenda comments that the nightmare is over, Jax adds an “almost.” Brenda presses him to explain what he means and he finally points out that Alcazar is still alive for now. She wonders what he means by that and asks him if he would ever kill someone. Jax doesn’t answer.

At the Corinthos penthouse, Carly is surprised Sonny is there, with her. She expected him to be with Brenda. He says he wanted to be home with her. She admits she is happy he is home, but wonders why. Sonny says he went to Lily’s grave to find Brenda, but she was gone already. He admits to Carly that although he knew where Brenda would be, he didn’t go after her and instead reflected on what his life used to be compared to what it is now, with her. His life used to be silent, dark, alone, full of memories. With her in his life, she made his penthouse into a home and made him happy.

When Jax finally makes it back home, Skye is drunk on the couch. He announces he is moving out. She pours herself another drink and offers him one, suggesting he toast to his newfound happiness. He wants her to stop making it worse. Skye thinks she made it too easy on him, no one to rescue, no white horse for him to ride in on. He reminds her that her lying is what did them in. Skye isn’t hearing any of it and reminds him that he lied himself. Then she continues with her “Jax needs excitement” theory, pointing out that she had no fatal disease, no men following her around carrying guns, no rival for her love. Jax is sick of hearing this, thinks it is a waste of time. He admits he lied and says they both sabotaged their marriage. Now she isn’t interested in hearing his honesty. Skye points out that they are still married and he says she can handle this however she wants. He offers money and any settlement she might want. Skye is adamant: “ No divorce. No damn way!”

On the Elm Street Pier, Sonny runs into Brenda. He asks if she has a minute and she laughs, “Actually I do.” He tells her how great it is that she is going to live. He wonders if she is going to stay in Port Charles, but she hasn’t made any decisions yet. She thinks about it for a second and says she thinks she will be staying there. He asks if she will be picking up where she left off. Brenda admits she doesn’t know what her plans are, but she just wants to be happy and build a home somewhere. He wishes her luck and they say good-bye. As she is leaving, Sonny stops her and says he has some words for her as a friend: “It’s never going to work out. You’re never going to be happy with Jax.”

Skye promises Jax that she will never give him a divorce no matter how much money he offers her. Jax tells Skye that she broke their vows and she's the reason for all the trouble that was caused between the two of them. Brenda lurks in the background, listening in on their heated conversation. Skye tells Jax that for as long as she's drawing breath, she'll never give him happiness with Brenda. Jax tells Skye that he did love her but for the wrong reasons. He loved her for the woman that he thought she could become. He says that he's sorry but she made this happen herself. Jax leaves and as soon as he's out of sight, Brenda comes waltzing in to confront a seething Skye. Brenda starts to explain to a stubborn Skye that she truly didn't know that she wasn't sick these past years. Brenda gets fed up with Skye's drunken pouting, so she taunts her with another drink. Skye smacks her hand away and swears that she's gonna make her life hell. Brenda tells her to bring it on, she won't be beaten.

On the docks, Sonny and Alcazar some face to face. Sonny tells him that he's gonna take him out. Maybe not him personally, but he's gonna have it done sooner or later. The longer he stays in town, the more his days are numbered. Taggert barges in on Sonny and Alcazar's meeting. Jax shows up and tells Taggert that he wants Alcazar to be arrested for kidnapping Brenda. Taggert explains to Jax that those charges would most likely not stick, since it wasn't really kidnapping. Taggert then escorts Alcazar away. Sonny tells Jax that he heard the good news about Brenda from none other than Brenda herself. Sonny and Jax argue over Brenda. He taunts him about leaving his wife and that whole situation.

Brenda arrives to find that Jason is hovering over her packed bags outside the door...ready to leave...Carly comes out with the last bag urging Brenda to 'go away' in that sarcastic/friendly tone. Jason takes his gun back from Brenda and asks her how she wants to go about ending their marriage. She sincerely thanks him for keeping his promise to take care of her and take her away.. but "I still don't like you" Jason responds "That's good." Brenda is looking frantically through her bags for something as Jax walks in. Brenda reveals Jax's wedding ring from their marriage, the one he tossed when he married Skye. They kiss.

Jason and Carly are having a drink when Sonny comes back and politely tells Carly that he needs to talk business with Jason...her cue to leave the room. He tells Jason that he had a run in with Alcazar and Taggert. He tells Jason that Taggert threatened Sonny with being the first person they arrest if Alcazar turns up dead. Jason and Sonny begin to contemplate other ways to get rid of Alcazar.

Taggert and Jax arrive at Alcazar's Penthouse Suite with a restraining order, directing Alcazar to keep 500 feet away from Brenda. Jax warns Alcazar that Alcazar's contacts in high places will soon grow tired of covering up for Alcazar's crimes, so Alcazar's days are numbered. When Alcazar tells Jax and Taggert that their piece of paper means nothing to him, Taggert warns Alcazar against goading Sonny or Jax into going after him and Taggert strongly suggests that Alcazar leave town. When Alcazar leaves his Penthouse, Jason lets himself in and begins photographing the Penthouse from every angle. While Jason is photographing Alcazar's Penthouse, Jason notices the way the open French doors lead out onto the balcony.

At GH, Alcazar hints to Jax that Skye lured Brenda into a position to be kidnapped by him. Skye blurts out that she didn't know that he intended on kidnapping Brenda! Then she tires to cover her tracks by asserting that no one can believe anything Alcazar says. Skye is dismayed to realize that Jax is prepared to believe even Alcazar over her! Before leaving the Hospital, Alcazar runs into Jax again and Alcazar warns Jax that, if Alcazar can no have Brenda no one will!

Brenda dresses up for her surprise from Jax. They share an intimate moment that is ruined when Skye shows up at Brenda's cottage. She informs Jax that she has contacted her lawyer and that she is refusing to grant him a divorce and if he tries to force her to divorce him she will prolong it as long as possible. She calls Brenda a slut among other names and tells Jax that she will not allow her to be happy with Jax as long as she is around to stop the divorce. She threatens to smear Brenda's name in the press and in court if necessary. Jax tells her to leave Brenda alone but Skye tells him she won't. Brenda is hurt by her words even though she acts like she is dismissing Skye. After Skye storms out of the cottage, Jax comforts her. Brenda tells him that part of her understands how Skye feels since she used to be just like her once. Jax tells her not to blame herself for what happened. Jax takes Brenda to her surprise.

At the Q's, they hear noise coming from the front of the mansion near the front door. They all hurry into the foyer to surprise Brenda when she comes in. They are surprised themselves when Skye comes in the door and sarcastically thanks them for their warm welcome. She makes remarks about Brenda and Jax being behind them and on their way. Brenda is surprised by the party but is quickly dismayed when she sees Skye and then Alcazar comes in through the kitchen entrance. He tells her that he still plans to leave Port Charles with her. She gets in his face and tells him that despite the fact that he still thinks he can get away with doing what he wants without being sent away, she won't hesitate to come after him herself. Alcazar is visibly upset and tears fall down his face. He refuses to leave right away. Monica orders him out of her house immediately. Mac tells him to leave quietly now or he will arrest him on trespassing charges. Alcazar leaves.

Meanwhile, Sonny had informed Jason that Alcazar may show up to Brenda's party considering how obsessed he is in getting Brenda back. He gives Jason orders to follow Alcazar to the party and make his move. Jason shows up and throws something at Alcazar's limo to get the driver's attention. The driver comes out of the limo to investigate one of the front tires. Jason comes up from behind him and uses chloroform to knock him out. He drags his unconscious body to the bushes and steals his hat to wear. He gets inside the limo to disguise himself as the driver and wait for Alcazar. Alcazar shows up outside and gets into the limo. He orders Jason to take him back to his hotel immediately. Skye gets into the back of the limo and tells Alcazar she is coming with him to the hotel. Alcazar doesn't stop her and tells Jason to take them both to the hotel. Jason realizes who is in the limo and curses but does what he says, with his gun next to him. As they drive off, A.J. watches the limo take off with a curious look on his face.

Brenda apologizes to Ned because of the way that Alcazar ruined the party, but Ned assures Brenda and Jax that Alcazar will eventually pay for his crimes. Jax and Brenda return to the Cottage and go to bed. Meanwhile, Skye and Alcazar return to his Penthouse suite on the fourteenth floor of the Port Charles Hotel for a nightcap. As Skye and Alcazar talk on the Terrace, Alcazar assures Skye that Brenda will not be with Jax for very long. As Alcazar suddenly kisses Skye, she lets go of her liquor glass and the glass falls fourteen floors and shatters on the pavement below. Skye and Alcazar go to bed together while Jason silently slips unnoticed in to the command center for the surveillance cameras of the Hotel. He chloroforms the night watchman and shuts off the video camera trained on Alcazar's floor. Brenda leaves Jax sleeping in bed and slips out of the Cottage alone. Jax awakens at the Cottage and realizes that Brenda is missing.

As Jason prepares to leave the Port Charles Hotel, he glances up and notices that, on one of the monitors, Jason can see Brenda headed toward Alcazar's suite. Jason starts up the stairway to intercept Brenda. Meanwhile, the Skye's liquor glass, now covered by snow. While Jason races up the stairs to try to prevent Brenda from entering Alcazar's Penthouse, Jax enters the building through the Lobby when a celebrating couple leaves for a party. Brenda's loud knocking on Alcazar's door wakes Alcazar but not Skye. Luis opens the door of his hotel room to find Brenda there. He thinks she has come to her senses. She seems visibly distraught and tells him the only thing he’s ever done for her is to save her life and because of that, she owes him. She tries to return the favor and informs Luis that Sonny is going to kill him so he should leave town. Luis says he isn’t worried about Sonny and claims she is there because they belong together. He says she will never be happy without him, that he won’t let her be happy with anyone else. Skye, who is still in Luis’ bed, is awoken by their voices.

Back in the living room, Brenda tries to get past Luis to get out of there but he won’t let her. He grabs her and forcibly kisses her. She pulls away in tears and wrenches away from his grasp. Her bracelet unknowingly falls to the floor in her struggle to get out. She turns around and runs out of the room. As she races down the hall, she hits a room service table and knocks a knife to the ground. She picks up the knife and stares at it. Skye is wakened by the sound of Luis and Brenda arguing in the next room, and woozily tries to get out of bed and struggles toward the door.

Back in Luis’ bedroom, Skye wakes up and holds her head and looks at the closed bedroom door. Meanwhile, Jax is in the elevator. As it hits the14th floor, he gets out and stares down the hall. Jason, at the same time, is running up the stairwell. He arrives on the 14th floor, opens the door and looks down the hall. Luis has gone outside to the balcony, agonizing over Brenda. He is near tears. Someone is in his room and walks to the balcony. Luis turns around and faces the person and asks, “Now what?” Suddenly, Luis comes flailing down 14 floors, seemingly thrown off the balcony. He lands – SMACK- on a car’s windshield. The car alarm blares.

We see Luis’ hotel room door wide open, the bedroom door closed. Brenda is leaning against a wall breathing deeply. Jason comes up from behind and grabs her with a gloved hand. She starts screaming but he stifles her screaming. She whirls around and tells Jason that Luis grabbed her and she hurt him. Jason asks if he is dead. She just repeats that she hurt him. They hear a noise and go running back into the stairwell. A maid pushes a housekeeping cart down the hall. Jax is standing on the balcony of Luis’ room, staring down at the body. He carefully goes to leave the room and steps on Brenda’s bracelet. He notices it, bends down, picks it up, inspects it and runs to the hallway to look out. He doesn’t see anyone and takes off running.

Outside, Rick is right next to Alcazar’s body and the car. He checks out the scene. Skye comes out of the bedroom and gathers her clothes. She seems freaked out, looks around the room one final time and races out the open door down the hall. Outside Kelly’s, Carly has come outside to look for her husband. Sonny points out that Jason was supposed to meet him there, but he’s late. Sonny deduces something happened. Carly wonders if Jason is hurt or in trouble. Suddenly, Sonny’s cell phone rings. Jason is on the other end and says, “There were complications. We are headed home.” Sonny wonders who the “we” is, but announces he’ll head home, too. Sonny and Carly head out.

Brenda visits Jax at the at Harborview Towers, Sonny and Carly arrive home and turn on the news to watch the story about Alcazar. After he’s heard enough, Sonny turns off the TV. Carly is freaked out and worried about Jason. Sonny tells her to stay there and don’t talk to anyone. Carly doesn’t seem to want to follow directions. Finally, she agrees to stay there and keep her mouth shut.

Sonny leaves and goes across the hall to Jason’s place. Jason has just ushered Brenda inside his place and demands to know every move that Brenda made that night at the Port Charles Hotel and more specifically, in Alcazar’s hotel room. She wants to get back before Jax wakes up. Finally, she agrees to talk and says she tried to kill Luis. She says he grabbed her and she tried to kill him. Sonny comes in and wants to know what happened. Jason fills him in but Brenda continues to be vague and worries about getting back to Jax. Jason demands to know the details. Finally, Brenda admits she stabbed Luis. She recounts how he grabbed her, kissed her, she got away, ran into a room service cart, took the knife and intended to go back to Luis’ room and kill him. Sonny asks if she did kill him. Brenda says she wanted to, but she didn’t. She says she stabbed him in his hand, maybe his shoulder, too.

Sonny asks where the knife was; she claims she threw it down. Sonny asks if she was wearing gloves. She is surprised at the question, since she didn’t go there to kill him and he was alive when she left. She asks Sonny and Jason if they think she is lying. Sonny says he believes her but just wants all the details. She is fed up and wants to go to Jax. Jason finally loses his patience and informs her that Alcazar is indeed dead and they need to cover up what happened. They decide Brenda should go back to Jax for now, though. As Brenda and Jason head to the elevator, Sonny tells Brenda to keep it quiet that she was at Jason’s place and talked to Sonny. She promises not to tell anyone, even Jax. Carly hears the voices in the hallway and opens the door. When she sees Brenda involved, she just shakes her head in disgust and goes back inside.

At Brenda’s cottage, Jax is checking each room of the cottage. No signs of Brenda. He thinks he hears a noise outside but doesn’t seem to see anyone. He turns on the TV to hear the news. They are reporting that Alcazar’s death does not seem to be a suicide. As he continues to watch the news, there is urgent knocking on the door. It is Skye and she wants to see Brenda. Jax informs Skye that Brenda is asleep and then brushes her aside. Er, rather, tries to brush her aside. Skye makes a snide comment about murdering a man and going right to bed. Then, she walks in and starts screaming for Brenda. She realizes Brenda isn’t there. Jax says Brenda didn’t have anything to do with Alcazar’s death. “Believe me,” he asserts. Skye cannot believe that Jax is covering for Brenda after she killed a man. Jax can’t believe Skye is acting this way and wonders why she is refusing to let go. He says he is starting to feel sorry for her. Before leaving, Skye says she will return the favor when Brenda is behind bars and he’s left alone.

After Skye leaves, Jax looks at the bracelet he found at Luis’ room. Later, Brenda sneaks inside quietly, trying not to wake up Jax. He is in bed, pretending to sleep. As soon as she manages to sneak into bed, Jax opens up his eyes. They kiss. Brenda tells Jax that she feels safe with him. Jax claims that Brenda is his life and that he forced himself to feel happy without her. He announces that he is going to take her to Fiji tonight but Brenda doesn't want to go. She questions that he wants to run away and asks him if he knows that Alcazar is dead. Jax confronts Brenda with her bracelet that he found at the murder scene. Brenda makes excuses about warning Alcazar that he would die. Jax wants to know if she hurt him. She says "no" although she told Sonny "yes" yesterday. Jax makes arrangements for them to run away. Brenda questions why Jax was at Alcazar's room, and Jax questions Brenda's involvement in Alcazar's death. Nobody trusts anyone else here in this newly former adulterous relationship. Brenda says running away will make them look guilty, but Jax wants to run away citing that Brenda did live with Alcazar for four years, but she agrees to go anyway.

Luis’s room is cordoned off with yellow police tape. Scott is barking “don’t-mess-this-up” orders to the policemen. AJ is there with relevant information for Scott. Scott warns him to stay clear of the crime scene so his DNA doesn’t taint that of his brother’s. AJ announces how he saw Jason driving Alcazar’s limo at the Quartermaine house. Taggert wants corroboration from someone. Over at Kelly’s, AJ returns again and asks if Courtney heard the news about Alcazar. She suggests he probably killed Alcazar himself just so he could pin it on Jason. Jason shows up. AJ wants Courtney to ask Jason where he was. He starts to mouth off to Jason. Courtney interjects to shut AJ up and asks Jason point blank if he killed Alcazar. Before he can answer, Scott and Taggert show up and say they had the very same question. Meanwhile, Skye looks in through the window. Taggert and Scott effect an arrest of Jason, with Courtney questioning "why?". Jason will not say he didn't kill Alcazar. Jason says he isn't going to say anything without a lawyer. Taggert claims to have the evidence to put Jason away. Jason is taken away.

Carly doesn't want Sonny involved in Alcazar's murder just to help Brenda. Carly has deduced that Brenda was at the murder scene and Jason brought her home. Sonny confirms this and wants to know if Brenda killed Alcazar. Sonny says that Brenda couldn't have physically thrown Alcazar over the balcony, but Carly disagrees. Sonny claims "to know" based on nothing. Carly is irritated that Sonny is coming to Brenda's defense again, and she wants the facts. Sonny claims he doesn't know who killed Alcazar, and Carly asks "who" since Brenda was the only one there. Jason calls Sonny to tell him he's at the PCPD, and Sonny says he's on his way. Carly finds out and tells Sonny she doesn't want to hear that Jason is going to take the fall for Brenda.

Scott tells Jason he's about to star in his own lineup. Alcazar's chauffeur (who was chloroformed) is asked to identify Jason out of a lineup. The hotel guard is asked the same question, but he says he was hit from behind and saw nothing. Scott brings in a maid from the hotel who was on the 14th floor and questions her. She tells him she can't remember who she saw on the 14th floor, there are so many people in the hotel. She then points to #3 (Jason) and says she's certain she saw him go out through the stairs. Scott claims victory while Taggert says they don't have a witness that says Jason did anything.

Sonny and Carly arrive at PCPD, and Scott does his blowhard routine about sending Jason to prison. Skye arrives and tells Taggert that she was in Alcazar's bedroom the night he was murdered. Skye says she knows who the murdered is. Scott tells Sonny that Jason is going to jail for a crime Sonny ordered, and Sonny tells Scott Jason is going nowhere. Carly begs Jason to not take the rap for Brenda. Mac comes in and makes Carly leave. Carly asks how far he's going to go to protect Brenda. Taggert tells Scott that Skye witnessed the murder. Scott says "you saw Jason Morgan do it", and Skye says Jason's wife (Brenda) did it, not Jason.

As Jax and Brenda get ready to go to Fiji, Jax announces that he has to swing past his broker's office first so they will have money to take on their trip. After Jax leaves, Brenda gets a look at the morning newspaper and realizes that Jason has been arrested for Alcazar's murder. Meanwhile, at the Port Charles Police Department, Scott and Taggert tell Jason that Skye was at Alcazar's Penthouse the evening of the murder and she heard Brenda and Alcazar arguing in the next room. Scott and Taggert theorize that Sonny ordered a hit on Alcazar and Jason went to carry out Sonny's orders. Jason chloroformed Alcazar's chauffeur and planned to drive Alcazar to a lonely place, kill him and dump the body. Then Skye jumped into the limousine with Alcazar, so Jason shifted to Plan B.

After driving Skye and Alcazar to the Port Charles Hotel, Jason gave them a few minutes to get upstairs, then Jason chloroformed the PC Hotel's Night Watchman and disabled the surveillance cameras. But, when Jason got to Alcazar's Penthouse, Brenda had already killed Alcazar and Jason hustled Brenda out of the Penthouse. But, when Jason went back to cover his tracks, he was spotted by the maid and Alcazar's body had already been discovered, so Jason split. Jason refuses to answer any of Scott's speculations. As Taggert goes to check on the forensics report on the knife found at Alcazar's Penthouse, Scott suggests that Jason cop a plea and save his wife from a prison sentence. Scott informs Jason that Scott would be willing to consider it a crime of passion and let Jason and/or Brenda plead self defense. But Jason remains mum. Taggert informs Scott that the forensics report has matched the fingerprints on the knife and that there is only one set of fingerprints on the knife. They belong to Brenda!

Brenda arrives at the Penthouse and demands to know why Jason is being charged with Alcazar's murder. Carly angrily informs Brenda that it is because Sonny is going to let Jason take the fall for Brenda's crime. As Brenda and Carly argue about Alcazar's murder, Carly asks if Brenda or Jax killed Alcazar. Then Carly implores Brenda to tell the police what Brenda knows about Alcazar's death in order to free Jason. As Brenda tries to storm out of the room, Carly tries to stop Brenda from leaving and Brenda pushes Carly away. Carly points out that Brenda is strong enough to be the one who pushed Alcazar over the balcony and to his death.

As Sonny waits at the Hospital for news about Benny's heart condition, Brenda finds Sonny there and the two of them slip away to the Chapel for a quiet talk. Sonny assures Brenda that there is nothing to worry about, because Jason was never inside Alcazar's Penthouse and forensics will find no evidence and they will have to release Jason. Sonny is shocked when Brenda informs Sonny that she and Jax were on their way to Fiji. As Sonny suspiciously questions Brenda, Brenda admits that it was JAX'S idea for them to leave the country and Sonny suggests that it was Jax who killed Alcazar! But Brenda insists that she is positive that Jax did not kill Alcazar. Then Brenda bluntly asks Sonny if Sonny had ordered Jason to kill Alcazar. Taggert and Scott announce to Jason that he is being released, and Taggert heads out to locate Brenda. Taggert finds Brenda in the Hospital chapel as she is speaking to Sonny. Taggert announces that Brenda is under arrest for the murder of Luis Alcazar.

At the PCPD, Scott and Taggert produce the steak knife found in Alcazar's penthouse and ask Brenda if she has ever seen that knife before. Then Taggert and Scott inform Brenda that they have an eye witness, putting Brenda at the scene of the crime just moments before Alcazar took a flying leap. Scott tells Brenda that she can plead self defense if she will just say that, after Brenda killed Alcazar, Jason arrived on the scene and would not let her call 9 11! Scott badgers Brenda about her hatred of Alcazar, Brenda reacts violently and almost attacks Scott. Scott points out that Brenda's reaction is proof enough that Brenda had the strength to send Alcazar hurtling to his death.

As Jax waits impatiently at the airport for Brenda, a uniformed police officer arrives and informs Jax that he is wanted at the District Attorney's office for questioning about the death of Luis Alcazar. Jason receives a call from Sonny, who informs Jason that Brenda has been arrested and that Sonny wants to stay clear of the Police. So Jason heads to the PCPD to help extricate Jason's wife from Police clutches. Scott finally takes time to see Jax. Jax informs Baldwin that Jax was with Brenda at the cottage all night the night of Alcazar's death. But Scott informs Jax that both forensics and an eye-witness can put Brenda inside Alcazar's Penthouse on the night of the arms dealer's death. Jax is shocked to learn that Skye is Scott's eye-witness!

Taggert plays 'good cop' with Brenda and tries to convince Brenda that there are judges and juries who would sympathize with her if she pleads self defense. But Jason bursts in and accuses Taggert of violating Brenda's rights because Brenda asked to see a lawyer but the Police had not yet allowed Brenda to try to find an attorney. Jason accuses Taggert of trying to railroad Brenda and announces that Jason will not allow that to happen. Taggert informs Jason that they have Brenda's fingerprints on the murder weapon. Taggert informs Jason that it looks like Jason arrived at the Port Charles Hotel, intending to kill Alcazar, but Brenda beat Jason to it and Jason removed Brenda from the scene. When Jason demands to speak to Brenda alone, Taggert warns Jason that Brenda is not a professional and does not kill people for a living the way that Jason does. So, Taggert prophesies, if Brenda did kill Alcazar, the guilt will soon eat her up.

When they are alone, Brenda confides to Jason that she has told the police nothing and Jason advises Brenda to continue to refuse to speak to the police. Jason tries to convince Brenda that they both need to trust each other enough to tell the other the truth. Jason admits to Brenda that Jason was at the Port Charles Hotel with the specific intent of killing Alcazar. Brenda finally admits to Jason that Jax was at the Penthouse. When Brenda admits that Jax was at the Penthouse and removed Brenda's bracelet in order to protect Brenda, Jason suggests that it was Jax who killed Alcazar and that is the reason that Jax was so eager to leave the country with Brenda. Brenda informs her husband that Brenda will confess to Alcazar's murder and claim that Jason helped her rather than let Jax take the rap. Jason suddenly announces to Brenda that Jason knows who DID kill Alcazar.

Jax gets a call from Brenda, who wants him to promise her he won't come to the PCPD. Brenda has to remind Jax that they're both married to other people. Jax tells her that Skye is the one who told the police Brenda killed Alcazar. Brenda is upset to find out that Skye was in Al's room and heard everything that went on that night. Jason is still coaching Brenda not to say anything to anyone. Scott goes into the room to talk to Brenda. He whips up a "self-defense" motive to loosen Brenda up. He wants Brenda to testify against Sonny/ Jax. If she does, he'll make sure all she gets is community service and involuntary manslaughter. Brenda claims to Scott that she only cut Alcazar, but didn't kill him. Scott tells her that she just confessed to killing Alcazar.

Brenda, now in the habit of throwing fits, throws the chair across the Questioning Room. Sonny arrives and Brenda tells him that Scott tried to get her to testify against her, and that she told Scott everything and he got it on tape. Jason tells Scott that Skye is a liar and that she has a grudge against Brenda. Scott dismisses it as a failed murder attempt by Jason with Brenda being in the way. Taggert tells Scott that they don't have one credible witness against Brenda, and aside from the prints on the knife, not one piece of forensic evidence.

Carly arrives at the PCPD and sees Sonny and Brenda in the questioning room together. Scott goads Carly about them being together. Sonny still doesn't believe Brenda killed Alcazar. He thinks the police believe Brenda killed Alcazar and that Jason was an accomplice. Carly wants to know why, when Jason was arrested, he was on his own, but now that Brenda is arrested, Jason and Sonny are leaping to her defense. Jason shows up and Carly tells him she doesn't want him to take the rap for Brenda. Sonny wants Jason to tell him exactly what happened that night. Jason recounts the events. Jason says that Brenda told him Jax was at Alcazar's that night and that he picked up the bracelet that Brenda dropped. Sonny tells Jason to try to calm Carly down that Carly is convinced that Sonny is going to order Jason to take the fall for Brenda.

Sonny assures Brenda that he will get her off the hook but she needs to stay strong. Brenda admits to Sonny that she TRIED to set Scott straight about what really happened the night that Luis Alcazar died, and that Scott taped Brenda's statement and is probably planning to twist the information to convict Brenda, Jason and Sonny. Sonny again reassures Brenda not to worry. Scott makes sure that Carly sees Brenda and Sonny with their heads together and urges Carly to get Brenda out of Carly's marriage by confiding to Scott whatever dirt Carly knows about Brenda. Pretending to be about to divulge a hot, inside tip, Carly whispers that Sonny and Jason know for a fact that Brenda did not kill Alcazar. Scott suggests that, if Sonny and Jason are that positive that Brenda did not kill Alcazar, perhaps it is because Sonny and Jason already know who did kill Alcazar. Carly whispers that Sonny and Jason believe that Scott killed Alcazar because Alcazar humiliated Scott in court!

Jason arrives at the Lake House and informs Skye that Jason believes that it was Skye who killed Alcazar. If Skye had just said nothing then no one would have had to take the fall for Alcazar's death. When Skye refuses to change the testimony she has given to the police, Jason reminds Skye that Sonny has the resources to manufacture any kind of evidence Sonny wants including evidence that would implicate Skye. Reminding his sister that she means nothing to him, Jason warns Skye that Sonny could even produce eye-witnesses who would swear that they saw Skye shove Alcazar off the balcony.

Sonny and Jason meet On the Docks and Sonny informs Jason that Scott has already tricked Brenda into making an unofficial statement, which Scott taped. Jason warns Sonny to stay away from Brenda, because the police are keeping a record of Brenda's visitors. As Brenda's husband, Jason is an acceptable visitor but too many visits from Sonny could enable the prosecution to claim that Sonny, Jason and Brenda conspired together to kill Alcazar. As Skye leaves the PCPD, she runs in to Brenda in prison denim and headed to lock-up. Skye smugly informs Brenda that Brenda will be going to prison for life. But, after Skye leaves, Brenda says: "I'll see about that!'

Sonny has a run-in with Jax on the docks. They play the blame game concerning Brenda's arrest. Jax tells him that it is because of him and Jason that Scott is going after Brenda so he can charge them with conspiracy to commit murder. Sonny blames Jax for Brenda's predicament since he broke his wedding vows and Skye decided to get revenge on Brenda and him because of it. Jax shows up at PCPD. Brenda asks him not to do anything and let Jason handle this since he is good at it. Jax talks to the lawyer he hired for Brenda. The lawyer feels that they should plea bargain the case since all the evidence points to Brenda. Jax refuses to let him do that. Jax goes to Scott and confesses to killing Alcazar himself after Scott insists on using Skye's false statement against Brenda.

Scott is annoyed when Jax suddenly confesses that he is the one who killed Alcazar and Taggert reports to Scott that the police forensics team found Jax's fingerprints on the balcony railing of Alcazar's Penthouse suite. Jax tells Scott that Jax confronted Alcazar and Alcazar gloated that Alcazar would have Brenda back and would amuse himself with Jax's wife in the meantime. Jax also tells Scott that Alcazar told Jax that Jax's wife was in the next room and that they had just hit the sheets together. Jax says that he and Alcazar fought and Alcazar fell over the railing, then Jax left.

Scott suspiciously asks why Jax did not get his wife out of there if Jax knew that Skye was in the arms dealer's bedroom and that Alcazar had just died. But Jax merely shrugs and admits that it was not one of his finer moments. Skye sees that Jax is being locked up, she bursts out of Mac's Office and, when Skye learns that Jax has confessed to Alcazar's murder, Skye tearfully announces to Scott that Jax is lying to protect Brenda. Skye begs Jax to change his statement and save himself from a life in prison and Skye begs Scott NOT to believe a word of Jax's 'confession.' Scott assures Skye that Scott KNOWS that Jax is lying, but Skye continues to go to pieces.

Jax informs Brenda that she is being released because Jax has confessed to killing Alcazar, Scott is listening in, hoping that Jax will confide to his wife that he did not kill Alcazar but invented the story in order to have Brenda released. Even as Taggert voices his disapproval of the fact that Scott is illegally listening in to Brenda and Jax's conversation, Scott is disappointed when Jax tells Brenda that Jax did kill Alcazar, just as Brenda had suspected earlier. Scott goes ahead and orders Taggert to read Jax his rights and have Jax arrested for Alcazar's murder. Brenda calls Sonny and asks him to come to the PCPD right away because there is an emergency. Sonny lies to Carly and tells his wife that he is going out to meet Ric, who has dug up some information Ric believes will be helpful to Sonny. Scott tells Sonny that Scott has met Sonny's newest goon who offered his services to Scott as a double agent!

When Sonny and Brenda meet, Scott tries to listen in, but discovers that his bug has been removed. Mac spots Scott vainly trying to listen in and Mac informs Scott that Mac will not allow any more illegal eavesdropping to take place at the PCPD. Brenda informs Sonny that Jax confessed, so Brenda plans to confess. Sonny orders Brenda to sit tight and let Sonny handle things. Sonny promises that he will get all three of them off the hook for Alcazar's murder. Brenda promises that she will not confess. Sonny tells Scott to release Brenda and Mac agrees that Brenda will be released, but not until the next morning.

After Sonny leaves the PCPD, Scott pops in to speak to Brenda and tells Brenda that Jax is going to get the death penalty for a crime that Brenda committed and Brenda will be released into Sonny's loving arms. Then Scott goes into morbid detail as he paints a gruesome picture for Brenda of the details of Jax's death in a death penalty state because Jax will not be able to claim self-defense, the way Brenda would be able to do. Jason receives a call from Sonny saying that Brenda's going to be released. Jason says he'll go get her. Jax is put in the room with Brenda who hasn't been released yet. Jax is adamant that he's going to claim liability for the murder. Brenda tells Jax he's ruining everything by confessing. Jax insists that they do things "his way" no matter what Brenda thinks.

She walks out of the questioning room and over to Jason. She starts to interrogate him. Jason and Brenda have to stay married until the Alcazar fiasco is over so that they can't testify against each other. Scott approaches them and does his usual "everyone is going to jail" speech. As Jason and Brenda leave the hospital, reporters accost them. A reporter asks Brenda if she can ever be faithful to one man. Jason tells Brenda, in no uncertain words, that she's staying at his penthouse because she's supposed to be his wife. Sonny appears. Again, he says he's working on getting Jax off. Brenda says if something doesn't happen soon, she'll have to do something desperate. Brenda finally gets the picture that she needs to choose between covering for Jax, and taking Sonny and Jason down with her confession. Brenda says that Scott said Sonny wants Jax to go to jail so Sonny can have her all to himself.

At Jason's Penthouse, Brenda asks Sonny what he would do if Brenda had killed Alcazar. Sonny tells Brenda that he only wants to see her happy and then Sonny assures Brenda that Sonny knows that Brenda did not kill Alcazar. When Sonny wonders out loud if Brenda is playing Sonny against Jax, Brenda denies it. Back home, Sonny confides to Carly that Sonny is still not sure if Ric is trustworthy. But, after Carly insists, Sonny does look at the tape and both Carly and Sonny realize that the tape confirms that Jax was at the Port Charles Hotel close to the time that Alcazar died. Sonny decides the tape IS an important piece of evidence that could put Jason and Sonny in the clear and Sonny heads down to the PCPD to bail Ric out.

Sonny announces to Scott that Sonny was planning to hire Ric as an attorney. Scott releases Ric with a warning. Outside the PCPD, Ric tells Sonny that Ric believes that the tape was evidence that Scott was suppressing and that if Scott gets the tape back Scott will destroy the tape because Scott does not want Jax to be guilty of Alcazar's murder. Sonny compliments Ric for a job well-done! As Brenda listens to the latest news accounts about Jax's arrest, Brenda decides to go down to the PCPD and confess. But Carly spots Brenda on the way to the elevator and tries to stop her. As Brenda and Carly argue in the hallway, Jason returns and Carly immediately reports to Jason that Brenda was headed down to the PCPD to confess to Alcazar's murder. Jason takes Brenda home and angrily asks his wife: 'How many lives are you willing to destroy to save Jax?' Brenda: "As many as it takes!'

Sonny calls Brenda on his cell phone and leaves a message on her machine to call him as soon as she gets his message. He tells her that it concerns what happens to Jax at his hearing today. Taggert shows up at his penthouse at his request. Sonny gives him a video-tape of Jax and tells Taggert that it shows Jax at the hotel around the time of the murder on a hotel surveillance tape. Taggert reluctantly takes it but asks him where he got it. Sonny doesn't tell him who gave it to him but tells him that it helps prove Jax is telling the truth about committing the murder.

In court, Alexis presents her case to why Jax should be given bail. Scott doesn't object to bail and the judge asks Jax to promise not to leave town on his own jet. Taggert barges into the courtroom and interrupts the ceremony. He tells the judge that he just got in his possession a video surveillance tape showing Jax at the hotel around the time of the murder. The judge questions where the tape came from and why it wasn't in evidence sooner.

Taggert and Scott do a lot of backpedaling without placing blame or naming Sonny as the source. The judge doesn't like what they have been up to and warns them not to do this again. He denies bail to Jax because of it. At the penthouse later, Sonny calls Brenda's number again and gets her answering service. Brenda shows up and asks him why he gave the police the tape of Jax. Sonny tells her that he didn't give the police the tape to hurt her in any way and that he did it so that Scott would be stopped from being able to set up her and Jason for the murder now that a tape and Jax's confession seems more airtight. Brenda doesn't know whether to believe him or not but reluctantly listens to him.

At Sonny's Penthouse, Brenda accuses Sonny of giving the tape of Jax entering the hotel the night that Luis was murdered to the court because Sonny hates Jax and is eager to pin Alcazar's murder on Jax so that Sonny and Jason can be in the clear. But Sonny insists that what handing the tape over did was slow down Scott's investigation. Sonny claims that Jax is stalling and Sonny is merely helping Jax do that. As long as Jax has confessed and the District Attorney has Jax's fingerprints on the balcony, plus Jax's confession, plus the tape, the D.A. must consider Jax as the primary suspect. Sonny further explains that, since Scott is desperate to pin Alcazar's murder on Jason or Sonny, no one will work more diligently to prove that Jax is innocent than Scott, so Brenda has nothing to fear.

When Jason arrives, Brenda angrily leaves to go to the Port Charles Police Department to visit Jax. Once at the PCPD, Brenda insists in sitting in on Jax's lie detector testing. Scott asks Jax if he loves Brenda more than anyone else in his life and Jax truthfully answers yes. However, as Brenda, Alexis and Scott look on in horror, the lie detector also indicates that Jax is telling the truth when Jax reaffirms his statement that he did kill Luis Alcazar.

When Jason returns to Sonny's Penthouse, Sonny tells Jason it is time for Jason to take his new bride on a nice, long honeymoon out of the country. Sonny is surprised when Jason appears to be reluctant to take Brenda out of the country and spend time alone with her on one of Sonny's private islands. Sonny suspiciously asks if Jason has another reason why Jason does not want to leave Port Charles just now -but Jason just states that spending time alone with Brenda on an island somewhere is his idea of hell.

Back at the PCPD, Jax, Brenda and Alexis are surprised when Scott announces that he is taking them on a little field trip. They are even more surprised when Scott takes them to Alcazar's Penthouse, where Mac is waiting with a film crew. Scott informs his 'guests' that they are going to re-enact everything that happened the night that Alcazar fell to his death. Even though Alexis again objects, Jax agrees to go along with Scott's re-enactment. But, first, Scott asks Brenda to show Scott how she slashed Alcazar's hand, with Scott playing the part of Alcazar. So Brenda goes through the motions and shows Scott how she cut Alcazar's hand with the knife. When Mac asks Brenda when she and Alcazar went out on the balcony, Brenda denies that she went out on the balcony - that she merely threw the knife down and ran away again.

As Scott questions why Brenda would be willing to just run away if she hated Alcazar so much a few minutes before that she had just tried to stab him, Skye suddenly bursts out of the bedroom and calls Brenda a liar, and reminding Brenda that Skye was there and saw 'everything!' Jax insists that he was the one who shoved Alcazar off the balcony. So Scott asks Jax to show Scott how Jax and Alcazar struggled, with Scott again playing the part of Alcazar. But, as Jax shows Scott how he struggled with Alcazar and then threw the arms dealer off the balcony, Scott shows Jax a splotch of blood on Jax's shirt and confides to his guests that Scott had Taggert pick up some movie blood, which Scott put on his hand when Brenda showed Scott how Brenda cut Alcazar's hand.

Scott points out that if Jax really had struggled with Alcazar in the way that Jax demonstrated to Scott and the assembled camera crew, then Jax would have had blood on his clothes the night that Alcazar died. But, since the police found no blood on any of Jax's clothes when they searched the Cottage, Jax could not have struggled with Alcazar the way that Jax just claimed he had! Brenda is shocked when Scott orders Jax arrested again this time for obstruction of justice.

Sonny tracks Brenda down at the cottage and tries to warn her that the investigation will swing back to her, but Brenda appears unconcerned. When Brenda asks Sonny why Sonny did not kill Alcazar on the island when he had the chance, Sonny admits that he did not want Brenda to have to deal with the memory of Alcazar's death. Sonny admits that he feels responsible for the current situation because he did not rub Alcazar out when he had the chance.

Sonny tells Brenda that he is glad that she is not dying. But, as Sonny and Brenda begin to talk about old times, they soon end up arguing and Sonny leaves. Sonny tells Jason to go see Brenda and try to convince her that the Alcazar things is not going to go away just because Brenda is thinking good thoughts. Jason assures Sonny that Jason will be able to convince Brenda to listen to him. Music montage of scenes - Alexis & Cameron, Jason & Courtney, Sonny & Carly, Jax returns to the cottage and is thrilled to see Brenda waiting there for him, Skye sits alone in the courtroom and cries.

Jax and Brenda share a kiss, and Brenda tells Jax that she isn't helpless. Brenda claims she doesn't want Jax's help and she wants to be independent. Jason bursts through the door and announces he needs to talk to his wife alone. Jax wants Jason the drop the "wife" thing, but Jason reminds Jax it was Brenda's idea, and anything that Brenda says to Jax could be made public under legal remedies. Jason tells Brenda to start thinking about where she wants to go, because she's leaving the country. Brenda talks him into waiting until after Christmas. Jax comes back and says, if Brenda leaves with Jason, he'll skip bail and he doesn't care what happens after that.

Lila graciously invites Brenda and Jax to the mansion for the Quartermaine’s annual tree-trimming party but Alan can't resist taking a few verbal swipes at his estranged son-in- law (Jax). Felicia brings Ida (an eye witness to the murder) back to PC to identify the woman she says she saw kill Alcazar. Ida describes for Alexis how she watched Brenda kill Alcazar. Next at the PCPD, Ida informs Scott that she saw Brenda and Alcazar struggling on the balcony of the arms dealer's Penthouse apartment at the Port Charles Hotel, and then Alcazar fell to his death. Alexis meets Sonny on the docks and accuses Sonny of having paid off a witness who would tie Brenda to Alcazar's murder. Sonny denies that Sonny would believe there was any need to be paying anyone off to keep quiet about Brenda since Sonny believes that Brenda is innocent. Sonny suggests that Alexis would be better off, directing her angry questions toward Jax.

Sonny informs Jason that a new witness has identified Brenda as Alcazar's killer. When Sonny asks if Jason knew about the other witness, Jason informs him that if Jason had known about another witness, Jason would have discussed it with Sonny before taking any kind of action. Sonny tells Jason that he believes that Jason should take Brenda away that evening. Jason tells Sonny that Brenda is at the Quartermaine’s and that Jason will go there to pick her up.

Over at the Quartermaine Mansion, Brenda and Jax arrive and Skye bitterly pours herself another drink. Alexis informs Jax that she found Ida but Jax denies knowing anything about a woman named Ida. When Alexis tells Jax that Ida is a new witness who has reported seeing Brenda struggling with Alcazar just moments before Alcazar fell to his death. Jax points out that paying a witness to leave town is the kind of action that a crime lord like Sonny would take routinely that Jax simply does not operate that way.

Jax suggests that Alexis would be better off to questioning Sonny. Alexis assures Jax that Sonny has already denied knowing anything at all about this new witness. Alexis warns Jax that she is obligated to report her witness to the Police. When Alexis announces that she will defend Brenda, Jax tells Alexis that it looks to Jax like the trail is leading right to Sonny and that if Alexis represents Brenda Alexis must promise Jax that Alexis will defend just Brenda and not Sonny! Alexis insists that Jax inform Brenda right away about the new witness. Jax steals a moment alone with Brenda to let her know about the new witness and tells her that he will soon have his jet ready to fly her to safety.

Ida identifies Jason as the man with the cold eyes who gave a bag of money to Ida and told her to leave town. Scott orders warrants for the immediate arrest of Jason, Sonny and Brenda. Jax and Brenda make plans for a quick getaway, Jason suddenly arrives and demands to speak with his wife. But Monica interrupts, insisting that Jason take time to greet his grandmother. When the tree is lighted, a short causes the electricity go off. Just at that moment, Mac arrives with a squad of uniformed police officers and announces that he is there to arrest Brenda for murder. But Brenda and Jax slip away in the dark. Brenda and Jax run through the grounds, but Jason suddenly appears and hits Jax on the head, grabs Brenda and takes off with her.

Before Jax can recover, a police officer spots Jax and begins quizzing him about Brenda. But Jax insists he has not seen either Jason OR Brenda. When the police officer leaves, Jax heads back to the main house. Jason drags a protesting Brenda to her cottage and demands that she pack and get ready to leave immediately. But when Jason enters the darkened cottage, Jax steps out of the shadows and hits Jason over the head. Even though Brenda insists they should make sure Jason is okay and maybe even take him to the hospital, Jax refuses and insists that they tie Jason up and leave him there. Jason regains consciousness in the darkened cottage and works at freeing himself, but by the time that Jason is free, the police have arrived with spotlights glaring and sirens blaring and announce that the cottage is surrounded and that Jason needs to surrender.

Sonny goes to decorate the tree with Michael but Taggert suddenly barges in and formally arrests Sonny for obstruction of justice. When Taggert demands to know where Morgan is, Courtney angrily informs the police officer that Jason is not at Sonny's Penthouse. Sonny angrily denounces Taggert for arresting him in his own home so close to the holidays, but Taggert reminds Sonny that that is just one of the hazards of Sonny's chosen 'profession.' As Michael clings to Sonny, Taggert tries to reassure Michael that he does not plan to hurt Sonny. Coleman reminds AJ and Skye that it was Coleman who found the witness and it was he who paid her to identify Brenda and Jason. Skye reminds her co-conspirators that she is convinced that it was Brenda who killed Alcazar and their plan is merely helping the police along. Coleman reminds Skye and A.J. that they are all partners now and they need Coleman now, more than ever!

As Brenda and Jax arrive aboard Jax's jet and make plans to fly to the Caribbean, Jason arrives at the Port Charles Police Department under arrest and is angry at Carly for dragging Courtney down to the PCPD with her. Then Courtney rages at Taggert that the arrests are not fair. Taggert, "Fair? You want to know what is not fair, Ms. Matthews? Try three failed indictments against your brother for Rico violations. Try years of failed investigations because he made a deal with the FBI, and they sealed his records. Try people that have disappeared or met with accidents or ended up dead in an alley, courtesy of Mr. Morgan. The law is fair. And it has finally come back to bite both of you!'

Sonny protests that he and Jason are innocent and Taggert agrees that Taggert is beginning to believe that Brenda really did kill Alcazar! Carly later accidentally overhears Sonny fill Jason in on what Felicia told him about her theories on who set Jason and Brenda up. Jason agrees that he wouldn't be surprised that A.J. would set him up as revenge and help Skye get revenge as well. Carly gets upset when she realizes that A.J. is possibly setting up Jason. She asks Sonny to get A.J. and put him back in a meat locker and get him to confess to setting Jason and Brenda up.

Jax flies Brenda to a Caribbean island, where he reminds her they have some decisions to make about their future. Brenda is miffed to realize that Jax has doubts about her innocence. Brenda and Jax theorize that Skye paid Ida off to lie. Jax and Brenda return to their hotel from enjoying themselves on the beach in some warm climate. Their fun is interrupted when a magistrate shows up with documents that Jax requested from a judge to expedite for them. He tells Jax that he has some divorce papers for him to sign and annulment papers for her to sign to end her marriage quickly to Jason. Brenda looks at the papers and almost signs them but then changes her mind and tells Jax she can't sign them. Jax looks up from signing his papers and looks at her quizzically. Jax is stunned when Brenda tells him that she can not annul her marriage to Jason just yet.

When the lawyer with the annulment papers leaves, Jax asks Brenda if it is about Sonny and Brenda agrees that it isabout Sonny. When Jax asks how it is about Sonny, Brenda reminds Jax that even Jax knows that Scott wants to pin Alcazar's murder on Sonny and that Brenda need to stay married to Jason because Jason did help Brenda escape from the Port Charles Hotel on the night that Alcazar was murdered, and the marriage protects both Brenda and Jason so they could never be forced to testify against each other. Sonny becomes involved because he now has a family and should not have to spend time in jail for a crime he did not commit! Brenda dreams that Taggert discovers Brenda and arrests her. When Jax tries to save Brenda, Taggert shoots. Jax wakes her up with news of a special romantic evening he has planned.

While Brenda waits for Jax to return with the special romantic surprise that Jax has planned, she calls Taggert at the and asks him how the investigation is going. When Taggert tells Brenda that Jason and Sonny have been arrested for conspiracy, Brenda suddenly hangs up. Taggert's fellow officer informs Taggert that Brenda hung up too soon for the call to be traced, Taggert expresses his confidence that Brenda heard enough to head back to Port Charles to clear Sonny. When Jax returns to his hotel suite with special flowers for Brenda, he finds her gone. Brenda is on a plane, en route to Port Charles! In the air.

Jax is on an airplane headed back to Port Charles. Having arrived at the PCPD, Brenda says she is there to turn herself in. Scott thinks she made the right move and Brenda wonders if that was a smart move on his part to arrest Sonny and Jason so she would come back. Just then, Jax shows up at the police station. Scott tells someone to take Brenda into the interrogation room to take her confession. Brenda says she isn’t confessing, she is only there because she heard what happened and came to clear things up. Alone, Brenda apologizes to Jax. He accepts and offers 100% support.

At Coleman’s office, Ida recognizes Skye from Alcazar’s terrace. Skye is not happy that Ida recognizes her and warns her not to change her story. Ida confesses how scared she is of Sonny and how he wants her dead. She wants out and warns Skye that she could go to the cops and tell the truth about having seen her on the terrace the night he was murdered. When Skye asks more questions about what Ida really did see that night, Ida soon realizes that Skye doesn’t even remember what happened. Eventually, Ida reveals via black and white flashbacks that she saw Skye and Alcazar kiss and Skye dropping her drink.

At the PD, Sonny arrives and he and Jax have some words. Both want to help Brenda and don’t want the other to help. Sonny tells Jax it is his fault Brenda is there – that he took her out of the country and made her a fugitive and then couldn’t follow through. Brenda overhears the last part of the conversation and tells Sonny he is wrong, that it was her decision to come back. Brenda is taken away to get processed. Jason shows up, wondering where Brenda is. Scott mocks him as the “concerned little husband.” Alone, Jason and Sonny wonder who paid Ida off if it wasn’t AJ.

Just then, who shows up at the police station but Ida. She sees Sonny grinning at her and gets spooked. Sonny says hello to her and suggests she has some misunderstanding regarding him. He tells her he hopes she is able to clarify her witness statement. Before Scott can drag her away to check out the lineup, Sonny notices her diamond bracelet. Jason astutely tells Sonny that he thinks Ida is lying. Sonny thinks Ida showing off the bracelet means she is for sale to the highest bidder. They think if not AJ, then perhaps Skye is paying her off and they think all they have to do is pay a higher amount. In the lineup, Ida easily identifies Brenda. Brenda is taken away and wonders where her lawyer is.

Sonny heads out to go see Jason across the hall before the arraignment hearing. He sees Brenda and Jax get off the elevator holding hands. He informs them that it isn't a good idea that they be seen in public holding hands. Brenda tells Sonny that she came back to change her clothes and head over to the courthouse with Jasonso they could look like a real married couple. Jax leaves. Sonny waits until Jax leaves and goes into Jason's place to talk to Brenda. He explains why it is important that she be seen with Jason only and that she can't come across as a adulterous wife to the public or it could hurt her in court. Brenda wonders where Jason is since he was suppose to meet her at the apartment.

**The End**

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